MNN.  JAN. 26, 2013.  We are subduing the enemy without physically fighting them. Now he is ours. The bridge is there, but they will not be able to escape. Their only retreat is to jail or death.

Cul du sac!

Bankers’ cul du sac!


Our enemy is irritated because of their own arrogance, which is their greatest weakness. The paradigm is shifting.  Their “slaves” want to be free.  The path of their subjects leads to the Great White Roots of Peace. They are already coming to us to open their own minds. Once their minds awake to the truth, no one can put them back to sleep.  The peace will return to us and our Mother as our ancient teachings direct. This will be the end of the oligarchs here on Great Turtle Island.   

The pyramid will be taken apart from the inside. The bottom shall disassemble the top. The rest of the hierarchical system will collapse.  It is against the laws of nature.    

Row, row, corporate Indians!

Row, faster, corporate Indians!

Canada Prime Minister Harper’s main role is to ramp up resource extraction for their planet trashing plans. His corporate Indians [AFN, band councils] are all following the same business plan. The only time line that puppet Shawn Atleo is going to make is to get on the same boat as a galley slave with his masters and sail off to prison for the traitor that he is.  

Atleo wants to rejuvenate education [brainwashing] for the Indians, not himself. He knows the truth about the real brutal history of his corporate masters. His knowledge of the genocide and stolen trust fund will land him in a Nuremberg cell with his best friend, Herr Harper. He will say, “I was just following orders!”  But the orders did not come from the women of his nation. This is high treason against his own people.  All the other band councilors and the SS Indian Affairs system will be on the same big boat to Europe.  Since we won’t have prisons here, they will have to go home. They’ll be witnessing from afar the rebirth of our Mother Land, Great Turtle Island, from their jail cells in the Fatherland [Europe]. 

Iceland is now the only free country on earth because the bankers are all in jail and they’re printing their own money.  The banks collapsed because all the deficits owed to them were proven to be frauds. Private companies like airlines or other businesses fail when they are mismanaged or proven to be fraudulent. So they did.  Banks are high stakes companies, like casinos. They thought the house always wins.  Ordinary people should not have to pump up the banks through their taxes. The financial sector was huge and gobbling up all the professionals.  It is now the smallest, as it should be.  When financial sectors failed, other businesses blossom.  

Atleo wants to cooperate with economic growth, more trade with western countries to build weapons that continue the never ending war on terror throughout the planet. This goes against the supreme law of Great Turtle Island. He must go. 

Bankers & accomplices: You can't hide.

Bankers & accomplices: You can’t hide.


As Jimmie Rodgers wrote:  “Well, I Had a friend named Rambling Bob, who used to steal, gamble and rob.  He thought he was the smartest guy in town, but I found out last Monday that Bob got locked up Sunday. They got him in the jailhouse way downtown”. Original:Jimmie Rodgers: He’s in the jailhouse now

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




MNN. Nov. 13, 2008. The Canadian military planted a little notice in that corporate mouthpiece, the “Belleville Intelligencer”, on November 12th that they are going to do “battle simulation” at nearby Trenton Air Force Base from November 13 to 16. It’s a 20-minute drive from the Tyendinaga Mohawk community. “It’s Just an Exercise” write the “Belleville Dummies”. [See article at end].The Mohawks have ordered these aggressive thugs to back off Haudenosaunee air space!

Could this have anything to do with the Mohawks filing an injunction to stop the next attempt to deliver the “porta prison” some time this week? We were not consulted nor gave our consent according to the traditional decision-making system of our constitution, the Kaianerehkowa, Canadian and international laws.

Why “simulated emergency scenarios” right next to Tyendinaga? How do we know what’s real and not real here? ”Smoke and emergency vehicles”, OPP and military police are involved. Are these little boys playing war games and using us as targets! Is the media going to be imbedded in the army vehicles pretending to go off to war? The contact is Captain Mark “Smoke-and-Mirrors-Screener” Peebles, 8 Wing Public Affairs Officer at 613-392-2811, ext. 2041 or 613-243-6358 (mobile).

It is one of the biggest air force bases in Canada. What planes, helicopters and drones will be flying over us? Will they fly at night? How far from the base? Given the military record for environmental destruction, what toxins will be in the smoke? What weapons and live ammunition will be used? Will there be bloodied or dead-looking volunteers or bodies involved? Do these dead bodies get the boys all psyched up and stimulated, for what? To get their jollies by pretending to kill innocent babies, women and men?

At the time of both the 911 attacks and the London subway bombings, there were military exercises taking place nearby. Nobody knows for sure which is which and who is who? Such exercises confuse and scare people who could freak out, have a heart attack and even react as if it’s real. The public could think this is another “pretext event” like 911. Then what happens? Why here and why now?

Amnesty International just released an open letter to Rick Bartolucci, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. They condemn the OPP actions at Tyendinaga during recent protests. They again call upon the Ontario government to, “Publicly affirm its support for the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) “Framework for Police Preparedness for Aboriginal Critical Incidents” and commit to ensuring that officers are held accountable for any breaches of this Framework.”

Amnesty International describes how, “Julian Fantino said during cross-examination in a provincial court that the Framework is “not a firm and fixed mandated way of doing business.” How much “discretion” are cops taking? They point out that Fantino’s remarks threatening Shawn Brant’s safety and reputation were recorded, cannot be denied and are cause for serious concern.

Ongwehonweh, watch out! We have to protect ourselves from these provocative threats by the Canadian squatter state. Carry cameras to record incidents and avoid traveling alone. We should treat this as a critical situation until we know differently.

Iako’ha:kowa & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

To help, please contact the Rotiskenrakete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053, 613-827-4991, 613-391-5132, 613-848-6968, 613-813-1017, email Friends, allies and supporters: witnesses bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: Trans Canada Highway 401 to “Marysville Road” exit, south on #49 to #2, then turn right into the community.

Head colonial cheese at Tyendinaga: band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte 613-396-3424 reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; Band Council Chief R. Don “Fantasizes-himself-as-the-“warden”-of-Tyendinaga-guillotine-whips-and-all” Maracle, 613-396-3089, Cell 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106

Canada and their agents have to know that we want an: (1) immediate stop to their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on us; (2) to honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) to support our struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

Some contacts and provocateurs of our misery: Governor General GG Michaelle “Haitian-Against-the-Nation” Jean; Prime Minister Stephen “Corporate-Hatchet-Man” Harper, (613) 992-4211 Fax: (613) 941-6900,; Peter “Electro-Magnetic-Slime-Bucket-Bully” MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, (613) 992-6022 Fax: (613) 992-2337,, Constituency office (902) 863-7005 Fax: (902) 863-7006, (902) 752-0226 Fax: (902) 752-0284, (902) 885-3490 Fax: (902) 885-3179; Peter “Pumpkin-Eater-and-Trough-Licker” Van Loan, Minister of Public Safety, Constituency Office T 905-898-1600 or 1-877-738-3748, F 905-898-4600, or, Parliament Hill Office 613-996-7752 F 613-992-8351,; Mugger Chuckie “Wants-to-show-the-world-how-to-attack-Ongwehonwe-children-women-men” Strahl Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; Telephone: (613) 992-2940 Fax: (613) 944-9376;

The usual and other suspects: Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness who tell the Minister what to do and say and make the plans: Chantal “Dirty-Hands” Bernier, ADM, 613-993-4325; Linda “Mouthpiece” Clairmont, ADM, 613-991-2820; Richard “Smudged-Blouse-and-Scraped-Shoes” Wex, ADM, Policing, 613-990-2703; and Kristina “Dirty-Finger-On-the-Button” Namiesniowski, ADM, 613-949-6435. The Governor-General directed a concerned individual to: Don “Installs-porta-potties” Head, Commissioner Correctional Service of Canada, Tel: 613-992-5891 Fax: 613-943-1630, who wants to install the “porta-prison” at Tyendinaga.
Ontario politicians: Rick “Colonel-Klink-Flunkey” Bartolucci Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services; Dave “Wants-to-make-prisons-profitable-by-filling-them-with-Ongwehonwe” Levac Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services; Garfield Dunlop Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services ; Peter Kormos Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services ; Brad “Mr.-Apartheid-F.W.deKlerk” Duguid Minister of Aboriginal Affairs ; Jeff “I-beg-your-pardon” Leal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs ; Norm Miller Critic, Aboriginal Affairs ; Gilles Bisson Critic, Aboriginal Affairs ;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597
L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Peachey Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Eastern Region, Smiths Falls.
”It’s just an exercise” Posted By Intelligencer Staff [3:30pm Wednesday November 12]

TRENTON – 8 Wing will conduct an emergency response exercise from November 13th to November 16th. The training will test the Wing’s procedures in responding to a number of simulated emergency scenarios in order to maintain and improve its ability to respond to emergencies. It will involve civilian municipal and provincial organizations.

Residents in the Quinte West region may see smoke and emergency vehicles operating in the vicinity of the base at different times of day throughout the duration of the exercise. The training is forecast to have minimal impact on local residents.

For reasons of public safety, 8 Wing encourages local residents not to linger or loiter in the vicinity of the training scenarios. Ontario Provincial Police and Military Police will provide traffic control as needed. Contact Captain Mark Peebles, 8 Wing Public Affairs Officer at 613-392-2811, ext. 2041 or 613-243-6358 (mobile)

poster: katenies



BECAUSE IT WANTS US TO COLONIZE OURSELVES??MNN. Oct. 30, 2008. Nathan Wright of the Assembly of First Nations AFN is the liaison with the Ontario Provincial Police OPP. He was told about the unarmed peaceful opposition to this jail being built in Tyendinaga. The OPP were waiting nearby to be called in. “That’s news to me”, he said. He didn’t know the OPP had ”made themselves visible”. What did he mean by this? Who called in the invading “aboriginal” police from Moraviantown, Walpole Island, Akwesasne and elsewhere?

Tyendinaga Band Council Chief, R. Don Maracle, was at the demonstration until noon and then left for lunch, leaving the truckers behind. The multi-million dollar portable modular mega-prison was still on the trucks. Who needs a prison when many Mohawks have been waiting years for decent housing and clean water? They built a huge fire at the entrance to the site, cooked and served everybody some food, including the truckers. Then the truckers left.

Canada sent in what looked like a colonial invading army? If you blinked your eyes, you would have thought you were in the Middle East. The U.S. set up governments in Iraq similar to the “band” and “tribal” councils on Turtle Island whose goal is to “municipalize” and assimilate us. In Iraq they created local armies to protect these U.S. puppets. People were recruited and trained to terrorize their own communities. This is common totalitarian practice.

The RCMP and OPP have both indicated they do not have jurisdiction in at least two Mohawk communities, Akwesasne and Kahnawake. They operate behind a “smoke screen”. They use “aboriginal police” to do their dirty work. The aboriginal police have managed to sow seeds of suspicion and conflict in Ongwehonwe communities.

On October 23 2008 Prothonotary Mireille Tabib of the Federal Court of Canada ordered that Mohawk women, Kahentinetha and Katenies, who live in Kahnawake and Akwesasne, are not “Canadian residents”! Therefore, they must pay the crown’s expenses to defend itself from charges of assaulting and attempting to murder them at the Cornwall border check point on June 14, 2008.

We know that we Ongwehonwe are not Canadians or part of that foreign colony. They swear allegiance to THE QUEEN and came here to squat on our land. They have no jurisdiction over us, our possessions or our territories. They have no right to attack us, beat us up and try to kill us, not under our law which is the law of the land [Kaianereh’ko:wa], or under the international accords they have signed, or even under Canadian law.

If we are not careful Canada could try to turn Tabib’s Order calling us “non-residents” as a pretext to imprison us in our communities or expel us from our land to who knows where. They may want to illegally limit our country to our communities, rather than recognizing our title to the whole of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, which we never and cannot give up.

Canada and the establishment are always trying to create situations to attack us for resisting their colonial incursions. They have a whole bag of dirty tricks. One is to lay fake charges so they can impose conditions on us for years. When they have to prove their case, they drop the charges. Demonizing us in the media is part of it, calling us terrorists, smugglers and deviates. It’s meant to lull the public so they won’t object to the brutal, obscene and illegal attacks on us.

Where does the mid-community jail fit in? The risk is that Canada and the U.S. are setting up a Gitmo “no man’s land” jail system where Indigenous people will be taken to be jailed or tortured under no one’s scrutiny. The indigenous incarceration rate can be camouflaged by excluding the figures on those of us who are jailed on “reserves”. Is Canada going to pass martial law in Indian country? The scheme isn’t original. It’s already being done in Australia where some Aborigine communities are being run by the army.

Is there discussion going on right now about setting up “death squads”??? Don’t kid yourself. These armed groups kill civilians, mostly in secret, conduct extra judicial assassinations, killings and disappearances. They are associated with political repression, dictatorships and totalitarianism supported by colonial states. They could be “official” government units like the aboriginal police. Who are these non-natives in the aboriginal police forces? Squads may also be those organized vigilantes who are being sent into our communities.

On a “WATCH LIST” are youth, employment, social and community organizations which are infiltrated. Retired military officers, off duty police, strangers, “distant cousins” or imposters are sent in to exert influence.

The “SPOTTERS” are sent in as “subversives” who are fighting against drugs as a pretext, for example. They penetrate communities and assess the security needed to keep it under control. They collect names of those to be watched, imprisoned, tortured and executed such as traditionalists, political leaders, journalists or community workers. Traditionalists are called “extremists”.

Canada may be trying to set up these units within indigenous communities. Of course, the suckers who fall for this won’t be told what they’re doing. They’ll be manipulated into believing they are defending “law and order” and “protecting democracy”. Their extravagant pay is not guilt money .. they think they’re worth it! It’s a real trap for young, confused and weak-minded people.

As Secretary Rumsfeld said about U.S. trained Iraqi death squads, “The U.S. doesn’t have a responsibility to do anything about the crimes of the police forces it established and trained. Only to report it.”

Chief R. Don Maracle said that the prison is for “outsiders with criminal records”. This smacks of death squad mentality.

The state’s targets are predominantly young males, women and children. In Canada over 3000 young Ongwehonwe women have been “disappeared”.

We did not have police or jails. Social control is needed in all communities. When we were dependant on each other, elders and group opinions kept our communities in balance.

The settlers stole our hunting grounds, crowding us into small patches. Now they want this.

Settler societies need police to control the many deranged personalities without family and social ties that their society produces. The state has become the major instrument for assault, theft and murder of our people. Lest we forget, RCMP carried out the genocide, took our children to residential schools, protected the land grabbers and jailed our young men who tried to defend us. If they attack us, try to kill us and steal our children, they have a responsibility to investigate, charge, deter and protect us from them. They aren’t doing this. So what’s their purpose?

We are told the colonial ideal is that the police protect society. Some of the worst hoodlums we Ongwehonwe have to deal with are the cops themselves. It’s becoming harder to tell the difference between the cops and the thugs they are supposed to protect us from who are coming at us from every direction. Is this Berlin 1940?

It’s heavy. It’s no coincidence that the murder attempt on kahentinetha and katenies was by uniformed officers of the colonial state. It’s no coincidence that this story was not in the mainstream media. It’s no coincidence they want to build prisons in our communities.

Iako’ha:kowa & MNN Staff – Mohawk Nation News Eagle Watch, Sharbot Lake;

Somethings going on. The actions of the bureaucrats/agents need to be measured in public against the standards of legality that Canada has signed onto at the UN. Some of the players who need to be investigated and unmasked seem to be:
– High up – Chantal “Who-Has-a-Dirty-Hand-in-Everything” Bernier;
– Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Every-Last-Drop-of-Indian-Blood-Now-Wants-Her-Fangs-in-Tyendinaga-Mohawks” Bloodworth, “National Security Advisor” to Prime Minister,, 613-957-5466;
Indian Affairs sewer rats
– Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-Has-Been-Taken-Away” Walling,; Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau,;
– Andre “Turn” Cote,;
– Stuart “Swan-Song” Swanson,;
– Paul ”The-White-Man” Leblanc,;
– Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, Indian Affairs mouthpiece, 613-993-2596;
– Helene “Parrot” Philippe, another Indian Affairs mouthpiece,;
– David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hillman, DG Econ. Dev. 819-953-0517;
More Emergency Preparedness creeps
– Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand, 613-990-8470;
– Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron, 613-991-1694;
Other excreta of the crown
– Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for the Privy Council Office;
– Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, Aboriginal Policing, 613-990-2666;
– Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, 613-990-4353;
– “Slippery” Jim Beaver;
– Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC fax 613-991-0961;
– Louise “Who-Doesn’t-Know-the-Half-of-It” Savage;
– Sylvia “Ambulance Chaser” McKenzie, Justice Canada 613-998-3952;
– Annik “The-Squeak” Pelletier, Justice Canada;
– Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-on-a-Very-High-Chair” Guay, Justice,;
– Phil Fontaine AFN;
– Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister Aboriginal Affairs;
– Angus Toulouse AFN Ontario Region 807-626-9339 Fax 807-626-9404
Give a piece of your mind to: GG Michaelle jean; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Fax 613-941-6900; Chuckie “Baby” Strahl, Indian Affairs Minister, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, Federal Court of Canada 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; Chief R. Don “Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle Mohawks of Bay of Quinte 613-396-3424 extension 106, Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627, 613-396-3089, Cell 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG ; Superintendent & Commander, Smiths Falls, OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597, L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey;

To help, please contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
Friends, allies and supporters: Call 613-813-1017, email

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates; Sign Women Title Holders petition!
Note: These challenges of abuses at the border require support and money. Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal at, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much.

poster: katenies




October 29, 2008. Who brought in the Aboriginal goons to do Canada’s dirty work in Tyendinaga? Does the fact that they’re “aboriginal” from Walpole Island and Moraviantown make them legitimate? No. Some of the goons on the “aboriginal” police force are non-native! Who are they? JTF2 and RCMP in disguise?

The pre-fab, state-of-the-art, high tech prison has arrived. Canada wants to plant it in the middle of our community. The Mohawks are at the site to stop the multi-million dollar prison from going up. The people were asked if they wanted it. The majority said “no”. But here it is anyway. Going against the wishes of the people violates both democratic and Indigenous principles. It is not legal.

Band council chief R. Don Maracle said the community wanted this and that the building is needed specially for “outsiders” with “criminal records” and “the jail will be built today”! This goes beyond arrogance.

Normally the RCMP is not invited into a settler community unless the elected representatives invite them. This can only happen in an Indigeous community with the full and informed consent of the people who live there.

As in Kahnawake, Six Nations, Akwesasne and Kanehsatake, the band council is a creature of the Indian act which was imposed under foreign colonial laws. Until 1951 the Indian act defined a person as an ‘individual other than an Indian’. Nothing set up under those terms is legal – unless “might makes right” is the law, which is not.

We saw the same situation at Kanehsatake in 2004. The police commission was charged with running the security. Canada gave James Gabriel almost $1 million to do an end run around this arrangement and to set up and impose a different police force under his personal command. He brought in outside aboriginal goons to impose his will. This was illegal. Just because the guys he brought in were aboriginal did not make it legal. It violated the laws of Kanehsatake that had appointed their own Commission.

The Ontario Provincial Police OPP are waiting for the “aboriginal” goons to say they can’t handle the situation and then they will swoop down on Tyendinaga.

What questions does this situation raise?

First of all, does this mean that Canada is following through on Madame Mireille Tabib’s Order from the Federal Court of Canada, dated October 23, 2008 in “Kahentinetha & Katenies v. THE QUEEN”? Has Canada decided to stop living a lie and recognize that it has no jurisdiction over any indigenous people, our communities or our territories? Is this why the OPP didn’t accompany the prison? Or has colonial society recruited a lot of “hang around the fort Indians” to do their dirty work for them?

Colonization is not legal even when it is in aboriginal dress. The only position we can take is to stick to the truth, remain calm and peaceful and don’t get provoked. But we must stand our ground.

We smell some rats here. Do they work in Ottawa? Do some of them have names like “Chuck Strahl” and “Stockwell Day”?

It looks like this whole macabre fantasy has been engineered by the “Halloween Cabal” in Ottawa. They are a law onto themselves. They treat democracy as a joke and give a sweet s**t about treaties, indigenous rights or the Canadian obligations to respect us. They all work together to plan these attacks on us. Here they are, unmasked.

– High up – Chantal “Who-Has-a-Dirty-Hand-in-Everything” Bernier;
– Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Every-Last-Drop-of-Indian-Blood-Now-Wants-Her-Fangs-in-Tyendinaga-Mohawks” Bloodworth, “National Security Advisor” to Prime Minister,, 613-957-5466;
Indian Affairs sewer rats
– Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-Has-Been-Taken-Away” Walling,; Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau,;
– Andre “Turn” Cote,;
– Stuart “Swan-Song” Swanson,;
– Paul ”The-White-Man” Leblanc,;
– Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, Indian Affairs mouthpiece, 613-993-2596;
– Helene “Parrot” Philippe, another Indian Affairs mouthpiece,;
– David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hillman, DG Econ. Dev. 819-953-0517;
More Emergency Preparedness creeps
– Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand, 613-990-8470;
– Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron, 613-991-1694;
Other excreta agents of the crown
– Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for the Privy Council Office;
– Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, Aboriginal Policing, 613-990-2666;
– Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, 613-990-4353;
– “Slippery” Jim Beaver;
– Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC fax 613-991-0961;
– Louise “Who-Doesn’t-Know-the-Half-of-It” Savage;
– Sylvia “Ambulance Chaser” McKenzie, Justice Canada 613-998-3952;
– Annik “The-Squeak” Pelletier, Justice Canada;
– Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-on-a-Very-High-Chair” Guay, Justice,;
– Phil Fontaine AFN;
– Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister Aboriginal Affairs;
– Angus Toulouse AFN Ontario Region 807-626-9339 Fax 807-626-9404
Help! Give a piece of your mind to: GG Michaelle jean; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Fax 613-941-6900; Chuckie “Baby” Strahl, Indian Affairs Minister, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, Federal Court of Canada 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte Band TELEPHONE: 613-396-3424 Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597 L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Smiths Falls; MBQ R. Chief Don “The-Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle, 613-396-3089, CELL 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106

We need to tell Canada and their agents to: (1) immediately stop their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on the Mohawks; (2) to honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) to support the Mohawks struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

To help, please contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
Friends, allies and supporters: come immediately to be witnesses; bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: take the Trans Canada Highway 401 to the “Marysville” exit, head south on #49 all the way to #2 then turn right into the community. Call 613-813-1017, email

Posted by: MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies



BEWARE BEWARE OF COLONIAL PANICMNN. October 29, 2008. Who brought in the Aboriginal goons to do Canada’s dirty work in Tyendinaga? Does the fact that they’re “aboriginal” from Walpole Island and Moraviantown make them legitimate? No. Some of the goons on the “aboriginal” police force are non-native! Who are they? JTF2 and RCMP in disguise?

The pre-fab, state-of-the-art, high tech prison has arrived. Canada wants to plant it in the middle of our community. The Mohawks are at the site to stop the multi-million dollar prison from going up. The people were asked if they wanted it. The majority said “no”. But here it is anyway. Going against the wishes of the people violates both democratic and Indigenous principles. It is not legal.

Band council chief R. Don Maracle said the community wanted this and that the building is needed specially for “outsiders” with “criminal records” and “the jail will be built today”! This goes beyond arrogance.

Normally the RCMP is not invited into a settler community unless the elected representatives invite them. This can only happen in an Indigeous community with the full and informed consent of the people who live there.

As in Kahnawake, Six Nations, Akwesasne and Kanehsatake, the band council is a creature of the Indian act which was imposed under foreign colonial laws. Until 1951 the Indian act defined a person as an ‘individual other than an Indian’. Nothing set up under those terms is legal – unless “might makes right” is the law, which is not.

We saw the same situation at Kanehsatake in 2004. The police commission was charged with running the security. Canada gave James Gabriel almost $1 million to do an end run around this arrangement and to set up and impose a different police force under his personal command. He brought in outside aboriginal goons to impose his will. This was illegal. Just because the guys he brought in were aboriginal did not make it legal. It violated the laws of Kanehsatake that had appointed their own Commission.

The Ontario Provincial Police OPP are waiting for the “aboriginal” goons to say they can’t handle the situation and then they will swoop down on Tyendinaga.

What questions does this situation raise?

First of all, does this mean that Canada is following through on Madame Mireille Tabib’s Order from the Federal Court of Canada, dated October 23, 2008 in “Kahentinetha & Katenies v. THE QUEEN”? Has Canada decided to stop living a lie and recognize that it has no jurisdiction over any indigenous people, our communities or our territories? Is this why the OPP didn’t accompany the prison? Or has colonial society recruited a lot of “hang around the fort Indians” to do their dirty work for them?

Colonization is not legal even when it is in aboriginal dress. The only position we can take is to stick to the truth, remain calm and peaceful and don’t get provoked. But we must stand our ground.

We smell some rats here. Do they work in Ottawa? Do some of them have names like “Chuck Strahl” and “Stockwell Day”?

It looks like this whole macabre fantasy has been engineered by the “Halloween Cabal” in Ottawa. They are a law onto themselves. They treat democracy as a joke and give a sweet s**t about treaties, indigenous rights or the Canadian obligations to respect us. They all work together to plan these attacks on us. Here they are, unmasked.

– High up – Chantal “Who-Has-a-Dirty-Hand-in-Everything” Bernier;
– Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Every-Last-Drop-of-Indian-Blood-Now-Wants-Her-Fangs-in-Tyendinaga-Mohawks” Bloodworth, “National Security Advisor” to Prime Minister,, 613-957-5466;
Indian Affairs sewer rats
– Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-Has-Been-Taken-Away” Walling,; Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau,;
– Andre “Turn” Cote,;
– Stuart “Swan-Song” Swanson,;
– Paul ”The-White-Man” Leblanc,;
– Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, Indian Affairs mouthpiece, 613-993-2596;
– Helene “Parrot” Philippe, another Indian Affairs mouthpiece,;
– David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hillman, DG Econ. Dev. 819-953-0517;
More Emergency Preparedness creeps
– Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand, 613-990-8470;
– Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron, 613-991-1694;
Other excreta agents of the crown
– Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for the Privy Council Office;
– Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, Aboriginal Policing, 613-990-2666;
– Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, 613-990-4353;
– “Slippery” Jim Beaver;
– Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC fax 613-991-0961;
– Louise “Who-Doesn’t-Know-the-Half-of-It” Savage;
– Sylvia “Ambulance Chaser” McKenzie, Justice Canada 613-998-3952;
– Annik “The-Squeak” Pelletier, Justice Canada;
– Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-on-a-Very-High-Chair” Guay, Justice,;
– Phil Fontaine AFN;
– Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister Aboriginal Affairs;
– Angus Toulouse AFN Ontario Region 807-626-9339 Fax 807-626-9404
Help! Give a piece of your mind to: GG Michaelle jean; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Fax 613-941-6900; Chuckie “Baby” Strahl, Indian Affairs Minister, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, Federal Court of Canada 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte Band TELEPHONE: 613-396-3424 Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597 L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Smiths Falls; MBQ R. Chief Don “The-Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle, 613-396-3089, CELL 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106

We need to tell Canada and their agents to: (1) immediately stop their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on the Mohawks; (2) to honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) to support the Mohawks struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

To help, please contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
Friends, allies and supporters: come immediately to be witnesses; bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: take the Trans Canada Highway 401 to the “Marysville” exit, head south on #49 all the way to #2 then turn right into the community. Call 613-813-1017, email

Posted by: MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies



MNN. Oct. 28, 2008. Friends, allies and supporters are asked to come immediately to be witnesses of the attempted carnage of the Mohawks by the Tyendinaga Mohawk Police and the Ontario Provincial Police OPP. It is snowing. Bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. To get to the demonstration site, take the Trans Canada Highway 401 to the Marysville exit, head south on #49 all the way to #2 then turn right into the community. To help, call 613-813-1017, Email

The Mohawks of Tyendinaga are under siege right now. OPP Swat Team have been spotted in the area. Canada, Ontario and the band council want to set up a mega jail in the middle of the community. The Mohawks are adamantly against this. “There’s no need for it. We need fresh water, education and health facilities. And we want a peaceful resolution”, say the concerned Mohawks. Tyendinaga is a small community of several thousand. Some fear this may be more than just a “jail”. That jail can go anywhere in any community. It doesn’t have to go in the middle of ours. It is obviously being used as a tool of provocation.

Tensions are running high today as residents wait for the arrival of this “rogue” police station. Police Chief Ron Maracle has warned the people that he is prepared to use force to set up the multi million dollar high tech security jailhouse. He already threatened that if local residents keep complaining, they’ll be the first inmates.

The police building issue was hotly debated for sometime. The band council went around the community pretending to consult the people. Just about everybody said “no”. So the chief R. Don Maracle and the council of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte made a unilateral decision to bring it in anyway.

At the meeting update today the people vowed that the cop shop and construction equipment are not coming in. They are demanding that whatever equipment is already there be removed immediately.

The Tyendinaga Mohawk Police are threatening that if the pre fab jail is not allowed in and set up they will attack. Police Chief Ron Maracle has stated he will charge and arrest anybody who gets in his way. If he stirs it up enough, they can bring in the heavily equipped para-military forces of the OPP to really “give it to us”. Hundreds of OPP are dressing, gearing up and psyching themselves up at the parking lot in of the Napanee OPP Detachment looking for some ‘injuns’ they can beat up on. They did this on April 23, 2008 when the condo construction was stopped. Who knows where else other cops will be coming in from. The Trenton Army Base is nearby too.

The local corporate flyer known as the “Belleville Intelligencer” knew about the pending attack a day or so beforehand. They have been hanging around waiting for action.

The Mohawks have said over and over again they have no weapons and want a peaceful resolution.

To stop this madness and attempted bloodbath, call the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council Office to call off the hounds, TELEPHONE: 613-396-3424 Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627

Contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597
L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Eastern Region, Smiths Falls. It looks like now that the charges have been dropped from most of the Mohawks, the cops are looking for more bodies. So they are setting up this trap to grab more of our people for the “incarceration industry”. The cops are at the building site videotaping everybody and then telling them everyone filmed will be charged to “interfering with police business”. The OPP are meeting opposition from band office employees who are telling them to leave.

MBQ R. Chief Don “The-Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle, 613-396-3089, CELL 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106
And his master Stockwell “Little-Guy-Who-Thinks-He’s-Big-Time” Day, Minister of Emergency Preparedness. A lot of money is going being washed through this project. Answers are needed.

MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies




Mohawk Nation Meeting set for Sun. Nov. 9

MNN. Nov. 5th, 2008. Today army helicopters and fighter jets are flying over Tyendinaga. Troops or supplies are being dropped in nearby fields. Who gave the command? This is a public disturbance and it’s trespassing on Mohawk air space. Canada has no jurisdiction over us, on the ground or in the air. What makes a command legitimate? According to international law, it has to be rooted in institutions that respect the principle of human equality. The Mohawks of Tyendinaga did not call in those war planes. To make a commander’s order legal, it has to be authorized according to democratic laws passed by the people concerned. We know none of this happened.

The Mohawks are objecting to illegal actions that are being taken by colonial government agents. It is not legal for a military commander to use force to circumvent the law or the will of the people. Using war planes to create a disturbance in a civilian community is clearly illegal. The military is pitting adolescent adrenaline against innocent unarmed children, elders, women and men who just want to live quietly and decently.

We’ve seen this kind of deliberate skuzzy “black ops” attempt to harm family life. It was used at Kanehsatake and Kahnawake in 1990, Gustafsen Lake in 1995 and Burnt Church in the Nova Scotia fishing dispute. Has war been declared against us? Is there any legal justification for this deliberate assault on civilian life? It is a total disregard for the safety and protection of children.

Sending in colonized cops who happen to be “aboriginal” just doesn’t cut it either. Who are they taking their orders from? It’s not the people of Tyendinaga!

Canada is targeting us for opposing the misuse of public funds to build an expensive mega police station. The colonial Band Council put up half of our money ($1 million) for the unwanted cop shop without our consent. The Ministry of Public Safety and Security put up the other half. These millions are desperately needed to provide safe water, to address the toxic housing conditions and to stop the dangerous quarry operations. Inadequate construction caused houses to be abandoned because of mold. The water is undrinkable. It’s shocking to find these conditions in southern Ontario where settler communities enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. International standards on clean water, adequate housing, health care and safe communities is a fundamental right we are being deliberately deprived of.

“Build-All Contractors” quarry operations lacks rigorous environmental study and safety assessments that are standard features elsewhere. Nearby houses are having water problems and collapsed wells for the first time ever. 80 per cent of the community’s wells are contaminated. The nearby Quinte Mohawk School has to provide bottled water for students because the tap water is toxic. The kids can’t even wash their hands because they could get sick if they put their hands in their mouth. Build-All Quarry is owned by Police Chief Maracle’s brother, who is also trying to construct the new mega high tech jail.

Why is a second jail being build in the middle of Tyendinaga for jailing “outsiders”, as the chief said? It’s supposed to have a chopper pad on the roof! Who is this for?

On September 24th, 2008, the prefab mega jail was stopped after community members blocked it from its intended site. The people stopped another delivery attempt on Oct. 29th.

It appears that Tyendinaga Police Chief Ron Maracle is charging 30 men, women and youth who demonstrated against his super “police station” and his brother’s second dangerous quarry operation. He’s targeted Longhouse people who watch over corrupt Band Council operations and spending. Canada is trying to take out or neutralize anyone who defends the rights of the people.

Invitation wampums have been sent to every Mohawk community to come to Tyendinaga to take part in a council meeting on Sunday, November 9th at 10:00 am. Mediation strategies will be discussed to sit down with Canada peacefully, if possible.

As George Manual said, “I would rather leave my children with the legitimacy of the struggle than to leave them with a settlement they cannot live with”.

Karakwine & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

To help, please contact the Rotiskenrakete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053, 613-827-4991, 613-391-5132, 613-848-6968, 613-813-1017, email Friends, allies and supporters: witnesses bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: Trans Canada Highway 401 to “Marysville” exit, south on #49 to #2 then turn right into the community.

CONTACT: Peter Van Loan, Minister of Public Safety, Ottawa 613-944-4875 or 1-800-830-3118 fax: 613-954-5186;
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, 403-253-7990 fax: 613-941-6900; Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness cabal includes: Chantal “Dirty-Hands” Bernier, ADM, 613- 993-4325; J. Scott “Mouthpiece” Broughton, Sr. ADM, 613- 991-2820; Diane “Clean-Blouse-and-Polished-Shoes” MacLaren, ADM, Policing, 613-990-2703; and Kristina “Who’s-Got-Her-Dirty-Finger-On-the-Button” Namiesniowski, ADM, 613-949-6435. These bureaucrats tell the Minister what to do and say and make all the plans; GG Michaelle Jean; Prime Minister Stephen Harper Fax 613-941-6900 ; Chuckie Strahl, Indian Affairs Minister, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte 613-396-3424 reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597 L.G. Beechey, Smiths Falls Detachment; Band Council Chief Chief R. Don Maracle, 613-396-3089, Cell 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106

Some Ontario politicians.
Rick Bartolucci Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services; Dave Levac Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services; Garfield Dunlop Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services; Peter Kormos Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services; Brad Duguid Minister of Aboriginal Affairs; Jeff Leal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs; Norm Miller Critic, Aboriginal Affairs; Gilles Bisson Critic, Aboriginal Affairs;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We need to tell Canada and their agents to: (1) immediately stop their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on the Mohawks; (2) honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) support the Mohawks struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies



URGENT! COPS SURROUND 6 NATIONS PEOPLE FOR TRYING TO SHUT DOWN ILLEGAL DEVELOPMENT OF “KINGSPAN OF IRELAND” ON HAUDENOSAUNEE TERRITORYMNN. July 14, 2008. 10:40 a.m. This morning the Brantford City police arrested a Six Nations Indigenous person at the construction site at Fenn Ridge in Brantford. At the same time Ontario Provincial Police are gathering on Highway 403, making way for cement trucks to enter the illegal construction site. More cruisers are arriving on the scene. They have laid spike belts on the road to keep Indigenous people on the outside. Ambulances and paddy wagons are arriving. There are men, women and children inside the site gates. All the workers have left.

This land is part of the Haudenosaunee Territory which was never surrendered by the Indigenous owners. This Indigenous land is being illegally used as collateral to raise money from the public on the Irish and other stock exchanges and constitutes fraud.

Kingspan manufactures insulation and is building a $4 billion plant on Haudenosaunee territory without consultation with or permission from the land owners.

Gene Murtagh, CEO, Kingspan Group
PLC, Dublin Road, Kingscourt Co.,
Cavan, Ireland; +353 (0) 42 969 8000;

The Six Nations people had agreed to let the company remove all their equipment on this day. Instead the
trucks are being used to run our people down. The Indigenous people refuse to move from their land. More are gathering. Help is needed. Bring cameras and camcorders. Witnesses are needed. Come prepared to stay and make sure you are self-sufficient.

Haudenosaunee Contacts: 1-518-358-3660;
1-519-865-9872; 1-519-732-6679;

Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News
Posted July 14 2008 – 11:53pm EDT

poster: katenies


“I hear the train a coming”


MNN. Oct. 19, 2006. Howard Saper, the Ombudsman for Inmates, just came out with a report on the state of Indigenous prisoners. He said the incarceration rate for Indigenous people was nine times higher than for the Canadian population, even though we are 1.5 per cent of the population. The numbers are even worse for Indigenous women. One in three inmates in federally-run women’s prisons was Indigenous. Half are in maximum security institutions. One reason is because there was “routine over classification” of native prisoners. At least we’re higher class in something, eh!

So their family, community, friends and elders are robbed of their presence. They are sent more often into segregation and don’t get rehabilitative treatment so they can be released. Parole is not even a consideration.

Any lawyer will tell you that when someone looks native, they are more likely to be found guilty. Does that mean we have to powder our faces white when we go out in public?

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day rejected the report and said, “There is no evidence of systemic discrimination against native offenders in the prison system”. Is he telling us that he went to visit a jail one time and they didn’t complain to him? To him they all seem to be happy, like they never had it so good. A major problem with our people is that we don’t lie. We’re basically hospitable, honest and don’t B.S. our way out of the system. We have a hard time conning anybody. We even tell the truth on ourselves. We are apt to accept responsibility if we did a wrong. We are taken advantage of over what they think is our “character flaw”. Most of our people who go to jail are involved in bar fights and actions related to alcohol.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is introducing the “three strikes you’re out” and “you’re-going-to-jail-for-the-rest-of-your-life” legislation aimed at increasing the prison population. He says he wants to protect the “Canadian” way of life. Isn’t the Canadian way of life to be fair? Or is this a take on the old genocidal proclamations allowing British subjects in Nova Scotia to kill all Indian men, women, children and even babies? Let’s not forget that the first prisons were built in Prince Albert right after they hung Louis Riel for defending democracy. As far as we’re concerned it’s the same, old same old.

“If you do a serious crime, you’re going to do serious time”, Harper declared. He’s aiming at “violent offenders” like the Indigenous people. They want to go after spontaneous instinctive behavior which is done without premeditation. They are usually ashamed and do their time without complaint.

How about all those corrupt politicians? What about white collar criminals who steal millions and get away with it? Generally speaking it is considered worse if someone plans a crime. Slimy politicians, liars and deceivers who rob people of millions of dollars are not the targets of Harper’s law, even though they do more harm to society. What about contractors who skim on public works like overpasses that kill innocent people? A violent offense usually takes place between two individuals. In such cases the cops can easily set them up for two more charges and have them put away forever. What a weapon in the hands of the cops!

Imagine “super jails” run for profit by private companies eager to cash in on Harper’s plans to get tougher on crime.

Stockwell Day has made private security companies jump for joy. They are gloating over the “jackpot” they are going to hit by putting our people in jail. They just have to ask, “What’s your band number?” to get the payment from Indian Affairs. Harper is trying to convince Canadians that private prisons are cheaper so he can call on his private sector friends to build and operate them. This is part of the U.S. pro-privatization ideology adopted by the Conservative government. He will try wherever he can to turn over a growing range of public services to private operators, most of whom are his friends and backers.

It will be a for-profit business paid for by the tax payers. It looks like Indian Affairs can easily transfer $50,000 to $60,000 a head to these private prisons. Jailing Indians is big business. It’s a “cash cow” for the provinces which can get huge transfer payments from the federal government for every Indigenous inmate. They don’t get nothin’ for non-native inmates. That’s why it’s real attractive to keep us in jail.

At the same time the Conservative government has announced that Indian communities are going to be privatized. They want our communities to be run by corporations and trust companies for which the bottom line is profit. Band councils are now, for the most part, corporations which are being taken over by auditing firms such as PriceWaterhouse.

We’ve been giving the federal and provincial governments and corporations a hard time over theft of our lands and resources. They want to control us. They’ve figured out a way. They are going to privatize us and let the multinational corporations move in for a feast. We won’t know what’s going on with our money or anything. Corporations, of course, will want to cut costs so they can make a bigger profit. So our standard of living will go down, as if this is possible. If we don’t pay our mortgage or our taxes, the corporation will be able to seize our land and possessions.

Strange as it may seem, Canadians have never thought of registering mortgages against Newfoundland or British Columbia. So why do they think they can do this with with our land? The bluff and hypocrisy supporting this scheme is transparent. It’s meant to dispossess us.

It’s called the “Indian business”. In Kanehsatake PriceWaterhouse took over from James Gabriel who deliberately mismanaged the funds and affairs of the community. Every program and service was cut back. There was a lot “streamlining” or skimming off the top so there would be more for the corporation. $34 million is basically unaccounted for so far. Hey, Canada, did you ever wonder why your taxes are so high!

Trust companies will make money on privatizing our communities. The government will put up $50,000 a head and blow up the population figures to feed the corporate gluttons. They will do this in the jail system too. They want big jails full of Indians. We will be marketed on the stock exchange for the public to invest in our jails and our corporate controlled communities. The politicians will offer patronage plums to their friends to be trustees over Indigenous communities and jails. Why do they need to victimize us? Why don’t they just write checks to their friends? Do they think Canadians and Americans are so dumb they don’t know what’s going on?

The more they can cause mismanagement of band councils and criminalizing of Indians, the more justification there is for taking over Indigenous communities and putting us in jail. According to their business plan, warehousing Indians is a growth industry!

The United States corporations want to bring this system in. Is that the reason for that big agreement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico called “deep integration?” They’re streamlining everything economically under a central control of 130 CEO’s who will make all the decisions for Harper, Bush and Fox.

In all of this, they are violating international law. Our incarcerated Indigenous inmates are not even citizens of Canada or the United States. They are from their own nations. They come under their own laws. This is like Guantanamo Bay!

Let’s think of how much the trustees of the Six Nations of Grand River Corporation would get under such privatization – $1.1 billion per year. Just think of the salaries for the CEO’s! Of course, there might not be anything left for the people. But, hey, since when did we count?

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh



MNN. March 27, 2005. In the middle of my sleep Wednesday night, I got a call from Tiokasin of WBAI Radio, New York City. He wanted me to come on his show early the next morning. He was having a discussion on the Red Lake Reservation school shooting. Apparently I agreed to do it.When I woke up Thursday morning, I did not remember a thing about it. At 9:55 am. I received a call, “It’s WBAI Radio from New York. Are you ready to go on the air in 5 minutes”? They reminded me that I had agreed to go on. “What am I suppose to talk about”? I asked. He said, “About the Red Lake school shooting in Northern Minnesota”. I had to quickly gather my thoughts and went on the air.

The first question was who to blame for it. I answered, “George Bush!” I explained how our youth are being conditioned by video games and movies to kill people without thinking. Just like they see on TV in Iraq every day! “Isn’t that what George W. Bush and his team of megalomaniacs need so he can become king of the whole wide world and head honcho of the entire corporate-military-industrial complex? They need thoughtless killers and they’re creating them.”

My heart goes out to this child. He was slashing his wrists. So the authorities put him on Prozac. What did life have to offer him? His father had already
committed suicide and his mother is permanently hospitalized following a car accident. His culture is under constant attack. What choices did American
society offer him? He could be a vegetable or he could be a killer. I remember the last question I was asked was, “What do the Indians want?” I answered, “We want to be free like we once were before the first European put his foot on our continent”.

Then I had to head out to Concordia University in Montreal to teach my class on “History of Indigenous Women”. All the students are white, except for one

We were doing an exercise on how to resolve an issue using our Indigenous consensual decision making process. I divided the class into three clans, Wolf,
Turtle and Bear. I explained the basic criteria that must be followed: peace, righteousness and power. They were to be people of an Indian reservation where there had been a shooting at the school. Ten people were killed. This community was going to be besieged by the FBI, social workers, an army of media, grief counselors, helpers, curious people and authorities of all sorts. They needed time to get themselves together before the spotlight of the world was put on them.

The Wolf Clan deliberated first. After discussing the many facets of the horrendous event, they come up with three good ideas. The first was to ask neutral observers to deal with the outsiders. The second was to ask the American Indian Movement to be on the front lines to be a buffer for them. The third was for the clans to deal with the victims, families and community. They wanted peace.

Their decisions were passed over to the Turtle Clan who then discussed them. They agreed with the three ideas and expanded on the third one. Then it was passed over to the Bear Clan who had to discuss it and sanction the decisions of the other two clans.

One member of the Bear Clan was noticeably upset. She expressed how she could not put herself in the place of these native people. It was too painful. This was the first time in her life that she had heard of the oppression of Indigenous people. The other students understood her feelings.

I explained that I was teaching them another way of resolving issues, a traditional Indigenous way. It requires the full participation of each person. This way the level of knowledge of each is raised. A resolution is reached which is in the best interests of all. It is essential that they come to one mind.

Looking around the classroom, I noticed that some of the students were crying because they felt attacked and blamed. I apologized and told them this was not my intent. This structure of decision making came from our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law of Peace. We feel the whole world could benefit from
using this system. The U.S. Constitution was based on our philosophy of equality and our relationship to the natural world. However, the U.S. maintained their
hierarchical system within it. The Charter of the United Nations is based on the U.S. Constitution. From our philosophy came the Rule of Law and international law. The Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk feel that we must save the rule of law for our People and for the world.

When the class was over, I left. Many stayed behind. I could still hear some of them crying. It greatly upset me. The decision making process had given each of
them a voice, something they are not use to having. Even though they were role playing, they had little experience in having their thoughts and feelings validated. It touched a well of pent up emotions.

One of the students sent me an email that night. She said, “I do feel attacked in class, but not by you. I feel attacked by my own ignorance. I consider myself
smart and well-educated. But then why did I have all these preconceived ideas about Indigenous people? Why did I not realize what they had been subjected to? Naturally I have never been educated in indigenous history or even in the REAL history of Canada. I feel this is no longer an excuse. As I age I realize that it really is up to me to seek the truth in issues, not hope it is provided to me. Fortunately, on rare occasions, I meet someone like yourself who can provide it. Anyway, I think when most people say they feel attacked, they mean it the way I do, not in terms of you pointing a finger saying “this is your fault”. Realizing the depths of my non-knowing is the best thing about your class. Overwhelming sometimes, but necessary and welcome.”

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh