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MNN. 3 Apr. 2020. We onkwehonweh have experienced vile weapon attacks which killed over 90% of our people on turtle island since the day the settler colonists set foot here. Now we are all in solitary confinement being subjected to a virus and electro magnetic waves that the state is turning on right now.  

WATCH THIS VIDEO which reveals a way of looking at the true powers of the COVID19 FLU VIRUS: 



COMMENTARY: Soon the capitalist liars, deceivers and monsters will attempt to kill off 90% of the world’s people. Doctors and health care workers are getting sick and dying mostly in the hospitals, which are almost empty. All hospitals are equipped with 5G Radiation. Soon there won’t be enough people to take care of the victims of the meltdown of their lungs by this radiation. Military deployment has started. 

The video says when this current phase is over, another is scheduled to start in the fall of 2020. Revolutionaries are needed to get the genie out of the bottle. The settler colonists have always been conditioned to wait for somebody to tell them what to do. Now we have to get a permit from them for everything. When COVID19 virus arrived, they stood paralyzed. Then everybody was quickly brought under control. A few are questioning what’s going on.

Trillions of dollars is being spent on this experiment to depopulate the world according to UN Agendas 21 and 30. This phase is fine tuning the project.

A few mainstream media mouthpieces constantly remind us how to behave, like constantly washing our hands and not standing close to or touching anybody. Now we are being deliberately confused by ”experts” who purport that it can spread by talking and breathing! Next they’ll have us wearing a mask and rubber gloves when talking on the phone!.



They may eventually experience the deaths of 150 million like we did.

The leaders are busy thinking of ways to capitalize from this ‘virus’.  All western leaders are eugenicists.

Businesses are all shut down. Most small business will stay shut for good. The big capitalists will get back on their feet quickly with government help. 90% of the people in the US are now confined, as if in martial law. 

We onkwehonweh have always asserted our freedom, our jurisdiction over land and for the invaders to leave. The leaders are ready for the terror that lies ahead. They always use fear to control the populace. Everyone will do what they have to do to survive. 

In such a time the people have no place to turn. When there is violence, mutiny, strikes, revolts in the streets, starvation, they can only blame their leaders, many of whom knew the pandemic was coming. The anti-politician sentiment is brewing. They are waiting for their wizard to tell them what to do next.

We kanionkehaka, Mohawks, have the history, ideas, courage, and connection to the kasatstensera kowa sa oiera. The kaianerekowa, great peace, has influenced the world since 1710, when the ierakwa, Iroquois, sent our men to Queen Anne’s court  in Britain to teach the Europeans about the great peace. We found out their only goal was to set up a republic of war on our land and to conquer everyone else in the world through Admiralty Law by the courts that they own. 

Beware of being suddenly called to an empty hospital for an unnecessary procedure.  

The Tribe Called Red reminds us of what we’ve been through: “You have taken the land that is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes and reservations … We have decided to burn your village to the ground …”  


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0






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MNN. 30 Mar. 2020. Native holocaust and denial in the Western Hemisphere began before the arrival of Columbus in 1492 ]and continues to the present.* In the 1600s the Western Europeans claimed ownership over the resource rich lands inhabited by the onkwehonweh in North and South America. They organized mad scientists to develop ways to conduct the biggest holocaust in all humanity. 150 million onkwehonweh, 95% of the people of turtle island, were annihilated. Today these rulers don’t care about the bottomless rage they created in us. We are an angry disappointed people. 


The capitalists sucked the blood of the people and the land. The last chapter of capitalism has arrived. The bubble is so big, it needs to burst. 

It is our duty to alert our people to any dangers, like the eagle that sits atop of the tree of peace.

The settler colonists minds are weak. They have been conditioned for hundreds of years to obey their leaders. Their religions programmed them with codes which their leaders use when they want war, bloodshed or utter chaos. Today’s leaders are dictators, not the servants of the people.Prayer, faith and threats silence the people so they can cull us until we are at a manageable level. Their past and present horror can never be reconciled or forgotten. The final outcome will be determined by our mother earth. Not by the scientific and media manipulators of human behavior. We were deprived of 150 million onkwehonweh who were not born. Our ancestors told us about the genocide.

Today the smallpox blankets are replaced with the COVID19 virus. The vaccine is centralized so the capitalists/corporatists can enrich themselves.

Scientists put triggers in the minds of the people to commit atrocities upon command. For us mother earth creates the mind of which we are part of together.  She acts and lives within us and remembers how we always tried to help her. The settler colonists’ plans to kill and suppress us were kept in the darkness. Now we see it.

The COVID19 virus is dancing around the settler colonialists ready to provoke, torment and strike. They are terrified. What they did to us is now being played out upon them.

The genocide is known as AIONTATHENIENTHO’SHERON, the “continuous torture”. Psychopaths don’t panic. US President Trump has no empathy. He sees his people suffering, sick, hysterical and crazy as they die. The antibodies they have are for the viruses and diseases they brought here to annihilate us. They did not start the COVID19 virus so they have no antibodies. They still think they are stronger than nature. That’s their biggest mistake. Trump’s remarks are bravado and auto suggestions that the old people should volunteer to die to save the stock market, and others might commit suicide for the team.

The day our voice was taken was the day we supposedly died. They always kept count of how many of us died and how many still exist. We hid. They hid the truth. They still try to silence us. The pendulum is swinging away from them. They scream for us to listen to them. “Here’s some money for the arts, for films, for shows, for pow wows, for education, for books and so on. Tell us more about yourselves so we can plan the next phase of the genocide.” The rulers want to put us to sleep by throwing money and potions at us.  

Their band councils are whores. They are cana’jon, squatters. The great peace shall deal with our traitors. They will fall into their own traps that they set for us.

The truth is our major weapon. Their lies about us were drummed into our heads. Now they are experiencing their own false made-up memories. The rulers hypnotize the people using promises, money and the American Dream. Their hands are still bloody from the hacking of our people. They murdered us and gave us small pox infested blankets to kill us. Then they made laws to decriminalized their actions. It is still immoral, wrong and evil to depopulate people. They wanted free reign to rape and plunder our mother.

When will their thirst for our blood be quenched? They don’t want to see their true desires revealed in the light of day. Our existence disturbs them. They created psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, drugs and other diversions to cover and numb their hysteria.

The Minister of Indian Affairs was sent among us to mesmerized us. He hypnotized some with, “Follow me”. “Don’t be afraid”. “I will stop the madness. It will never happen again”. “Trust me”. The rulers want him to speak to us in Mohawk to pacify us so they can dissect us some more. Should they admit what they are doing, they would have hysterical seizures. They will run for their drugs and fire water to temporarily blind them. When it wears off, they get more. Liquor stores are not closed during this ongoing pandemic for a reason. Nothing makes them wake up and respect nature.



We were absolutely free as birds until the Western Europeans came. They could never imprison our minds. With the kaianerekowa, the great peace, we should be at the head of the table of nations, to teach them how to co-exist with mother earth and each other. Our mentor karonhiaktajeh said, “I’ve been waiting all my life for what they call civilization”. Til he died he never saw it.

Like charismatic Jim Jones who lead his followers to Guyana, Trump will tell his followers in effect “drink the kool aid’, or take the vaccine which might already exist.  

The settler colonists are conditioned to listen to post hypnotic suggestions or coded messages created by the Freud and Bernays influenced scientists who control all the propaganda, media and “education” systems. The public are pre-molded. Their mind control system tells them that what they think is their deepest desire. They don’t realize it is really the designed desire of the rulers that has been placed in their minds to control every aspect of their lives. This is all they are suppose to know. 

We want freedom for us and our mother earth. This is our gift from creation. The rulers with the artificial power are presently in charge, but not for long. Their system makes everybody submissive, lose their judgment and self-worth. The invaders are not a people of honor. They didn’t deal with us directly, except to shoot us in the back. They could not beat us in a fair direct confrontation.

The rulers cannot defeat the virus that has come for them. It has brought them to their knees. If they could, there would have been no more viruses. They are frustrated at their failures. They’ve stockpiled massive weapons of mass destruction on how to annihilate people, instead of using their energy to save people. Even life saving masks and ventiliators are withheld unless the capitalists get the right price. This is leading to mass hysteria.

The kaianerekowa, great peace, is to bring people together so we can share the burdens and success.

Canada’s ‘Framework Agreement’ is their “I-will-see-that-you-die” plan for us. Only karma will clear their conscience. 

The survivors will try to escape from turtle island. They locked us up like animals in their POW camps called “reservations”. They said we were being kept in ‘safe custody’! If we tried to escape we were classified as criminals and jailed, our families were destroyed or we were killed. This persecution continues. The invaders tried to destroy our soul, to put a darkness inside our minds. It worked on the band counsellors, the” hang-around-the-fort-Indians”.

The best weapon we have is to confront them with the truth. They don’t base any of their actions on natural law.

In the end they will kill and bury each other. They will leave turtle island never to be seen by the onkwehonweh again. We will be free of the red, white and black serpents.

onkwehonweh of turtle island will rise from the ashes and the world will be in a much better place because of it. The kaianerekowa will radiate throughout the world. A new era will begin. The invaders existence will recede into the darkness.

We will always be part of the natural world. Our consciousness is in us and connects us to the earth.

If the settler colonists don’t follow the kaianerekowa they cannot stay here. Everybody has a choice because they have the ability to reason. We need only ourselves to care for our mother.

World War I 1918 and its aftermath continues, the flu, Depression, the stock market crash in 1929, World War 2 and the continuation and celebration of war.

The natural force within has to be free to unleash the power of the great peace. This power was seen when we recently blocked the trains to support our family, the wetsuweten, who resisted the Coastal Gas Link which is now illegally completed. We the natural people are here to survive and coexist as brothers, sisters and with all life on this our mother earth.

The rulers of the settler colonists are shutting down freedom and knowledge. Their empire will be thrown over by a few.  Their stolen money is ineffective.

This is the chaos that begins the UN Agenda 21 Depopulation of the world, aka the New World Order.

Barry McGuire sings a perceptive anti-war song, “Eve of Destruction”: “The Eastern World it’s explodin’. Violence flarin’. Bullets loadin’. You’re old enough to kill but not to vote. You don’t believe in war but what is that gun you’re toten’.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


Edward L. Bernays on “Propaganda”, Nephew of Sigmund Freud. Relationship between human Psychology, Democracy and Corporations; the invisible government that manipulates propaganda in the service of capitalism.

Propaganda and p.r. bernays. How to manipulate the masses.























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MNN, Dec. 21, 2014. Why negotiation tables, war department of Indian Affairs and special military trained police and surveillance strategies? Why does the corporation of Canada have to pass illegal laws to take from and remove us? They, in effect, acknowledge that we are the sovereigns of Ono’ware:geh. To try to have control over us, take and have dominion over all of our land and possessions, they plan is to kill us off once and for all.

US $9 trillion cemetary fund!!

US $9 trillion cemetary fund!!


2014 is the 90th year of their “100-year plan” to complete their annihilation of Ongwe’ho:weh that was started in 1924. The illegal Indian lands acts were passed in every province. It is called the “final solution of the INDIAN problem” and put into effect by Duncan Campbell Scott. The Nazis turned our communities into POW camps. Our children were kidnapped and put into residential school death camps and murdered. They thought by now life would be so unlivable that we would go willingly to their slaughter houses. Stephen Harper of the Nazi faction of the Corporation of Canada is trying to carry out the final ten years of the final solution.

The corporate INDIANS [the band councils, provincial and territorial organizations, and those who vote for them] have willingly assimilated. Ongwe’ho:weh, the true natural people of the land, have not. We were forcibly labeled as INDIANS through illegal laws, coercion, starvation and death. We were placed on Ono’ware:geh since the beginning of time. Our Mother Earth always reminded us to exist according to the natural laws of the land.

The INDIANS, as part of the settler population, help CANADA commit the genocide and to illegally sign away our possessions and lands. The settler population have not stood with us against this planned serial killing of the Ongwe’ho:weh.

The Hague trial for these criminal acts is coming soon. We have a duty to create a future for the coming faces. We will resist at every turn. Nazi Canada will collapse! Deganawida told us that the black serpent would see us healing in the hilly country and say, “We don’t have any fight with you”. We will see true peace. As Pink Floyd states: “Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anybody home?”


Watch this video on the power of propaganda in Western society.


1924 announcement of the final solution.

1924 announcement of 100-year plan to implement the final solution.


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MNN. Apr. 22, 2013. Vigilantes take the law into their own hands, backed by militancy, bigotry and suspicion, without facts.  The mainstream media unleashes propaganda to empower the mob of vigilantes.

Vigilantes stone and kill an elder.

Vigilantes stone and kill an elder.


During the Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990, Canada and Quebec  directed vigilantism against the Mohawks. On August 28, 1990 a convoy of 75 cars carrying Mohawk mothers, children and elders left the Kahnawake community on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River across from Montreal. Many were the sick and elderly. They were being removed ahead of a forewarned Canadian Army attack on Kahnawake. 

Quebec Police, posing as part of the mob, forced the cars to remain on the bridge for 7 hours on one of the hottest days of the summer. On the other side of the Mercier Bridge a white crowd was being organized. Prejudice was spurred on by a local popular radio announcer, Gilles Proulx, urging people to kill “les sauvages”. 

Ambulances were let through after patients were examined by the crowd. A young woman in labor had her cervix examined by the mob. When the cars started to move, the crowd pelted the vehicles with rocks while the out-of-uniform Quebec Police directed or looked on.  One elderly man was killed. None were charged or went to trial.   

Vigilantism is psychological warfare designed to undermine the will to fight. We were “extremists” who had to be brought under control. The issues was our objection to the town of Oka expanding a golf course over our burial grounds and ceremonial market 

Stories of violence and chaos were churned out “The government keeps you safe”. “One global government is needed”, was repeatedly screamed. “Everybody wants peace, not bloodshed”. 

Real reason for false flags

We were dangerous. The kasastensera kowa sa oiera placed us on land to which we have natural ties. Our resources are needed by those trying to set up a one world government whose strength is declining. Their weakness is their dependence on the resources of the Indigenous which they have to steal.  The resistance to theft imperils their future. False flags are smoke screens. Harper’s vision

Police line at Caledonia 2006. Oka, Caledonia, now Boston.

Police line at Caledonia 2006. Oka, Caledonia, now Boston.

In 1990 brainwashing messages were sent out all hours of the day and night. Lies about the Mohawks and nationalism were spouted on the airwaves. The target and the public were beaten into submission. The Mohawks were being prepared for the massacre that was to follow. The army landed on an offshore island to go door to door into our houses. Thousands of unarmed Mohawks young and old, women and men, girls and boys, ran over the small bridge or swam to the island. They backed and disarmed the soldiers. The military had to send in a contingent to rescue them. 

Mohawks defend the land.

When army comes to your home, the men stand up to protect the women and children.

The 1990 crisis was a false flag, studied by the PTB and used in the business plan for Boston. As Sarah McLachlan sings: “You come out at night, that’s when the energy comes and the dark side’s light, the vampires roam. …you’re setting up your razor wire shrine!” Building a mystery

Boston false flag

Glenn Beck about Boston

Rocks at Whiskey trench

OPP raid Caledonia 2006

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 














MNN. June 14 2009. Fascism is when the oligarchs put together enough force to enslave society in the interests of a few. It starts with fervent nationalism. Scapegoats are picked. Genocide is planned. Properties, authority and resources are seized. Territory is expanded.THE LEADER is charismatic and backed by huge corporations. He’s an ideologue with an uncompromising belief system. He seizes power and directs the state to implement his ideas on how the world should operate. He becomes the supreme commander of the armed forces and the high court until a new election is called, if ever.

A strong central government is created under a hard line paternalistic leader. Appointees must submit to him. Rivals are silenced or eliminated through wild unfounded accusations and smear campaigns. Members of the government vote in favor of these measures in return for protection. Otherwise they could be barred from attending sessions.

The constitution is suspended by declaring emergencies. Checks and balances are removed. No questions can be asked. Power is exercised through emergency decrees blamed on an unworkable parliament or congress. Laws and decrees are passed to protect the dictator from criticism, corruption charges, criminal activities and abuse of power. His term becomes indefinite.

Other parties are banned or dissolved. State and provincial governments are abolished.

MILITARY AND PARA MILITARY power takes over the national police and military. Old army officers and reserves are called into service. Stockwell Day suggested that all agents and government employees wear uniforms.

SCAPEGOATS are created. Some are attacked and almost beaten to death. Public anger and frustration are focused on one target who have been labeled terrorists or insurgents to cause hysteria. The military takes them out of the civil court system, i.e. Guantanamo Bay. Their communities are boycotted. Agents are sent in to vandalize their properties and make them look bad. Strict penalties are set for anyone who conducts alleged phony “economic sabotage” such as protecting the environment, resources and territories.

PROPAGANDA is brainwashing to support the views of the fascists. The occult or forced conversion to one world religion causes confusion, conformist thinking and escapism. Non-followers can’t get jobs or food or services.

Media and access to information is controlled.

Small groups are infiltrated, especially the youth. Obama has created a youth corps to keep an eye on their parents and neighbors. A snitch line has been set up like the 911, Crime Stoppers and hot lines to spy on anyone anonymously.

Party supporters are sent out to distribute information and to recruit. Frequent meetings are held to feed into the frightened state of mind in troubled times.

Public meetings are stormed. Declarations are made. Destruction of opponents is demanded. Suggestions are made to set up or support a new strict government. Organizers cause dissention inside dissident groups.

Agents set up a coup-like atmosphere like marches and demonstrations. They wear out the people and give police and military practice in controlling and scaring the public.

The state makes decisions over peoples’ lives and gathers information from the cradle to the grave. Microchips from central data banks contain information on medical records, licenses, education, social services, travel, etc.

An ECONOMIC depression is created. If the head of Bank of Canada or Bank of America disagree with the emperor, they are replaced.

Local business interests are forced to cooperate with the fascists. Large multinational companies like Wal Mart are brought in to destroy small businesses.

Appeals are made to the working class, petit bourgeois like bank clerks, middle management and those who are ambitious. They see fascism as a way to rise up in the system and become heads in the new regime. Industrialists, monarchists and the monied class fanatically support fascism. Foreign collaborators, rich authoritarians, opportunists, media moguls and business men finance the party.

Labor unions are brought under control or wiped out.

Economic engineering includes debt flotation and military expansion. Financing is based on currency manipulation including credit debts. High unemployment is maintained. Arms production is accelerated. Built are dams, highways, railroads and civic works like prisons, labor camps and holding facilities for indefinite periods.

More cops are hired. Court workers and judicial officers are increased. Legal aid, social assistance, housing and other social services are cut. Child welfare agencies are given more power to seize children. Prison sentences are longer. Control mechanisms include more probation officers, judicial supervision, conditional sentences and supervisory court orders.

Women stay home. The state takes the kids. The Fuhrer becomes their father. The standard of living is kept down. Wages are reduced. People are told to make sacrifices for the mother land.

AGGRESSIVE LAW AND ORDER campaigns are started to keep the fascists in power. Periodic demonstrations like the Nuremberg rallies are set up so the head honcho can give long confusing public speeches.

HABEAS CORPUS is suspended. Freedom of speech and assembly are suppressed.

REVOLUTIONARY DEALS are kept secret. The people have to be kept asleep so they don’t ask questions.

PRETEXT EVENTS are staged like 911 to justify bringing in anti terrorism laws and repressive measures to take away liberty in the name of security.

FOOD RATIONING is established. Hydroponic centers chemically produce food to replace farmers.

EUGENICS – Get rid of “Useless eaters”, anyone who refuses to become part of the laboring or slave class is dispensed with. Pressure is put on people by limiting access to their needs.

WAR – Adjacent territories are taken over and become protectorates as part of empire building. Everybody becomes a citizen of the world under one global order. Cultures and languages are wiped out. Americans and their supporters declare themselves to be carrying out their manifest destiny.

Government must appear to be moderate. Everybody else is being stubborn. While they call for peace, these inhuman tyrants start small local conflicts before going into a large war. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, it’s already happening. Look for yourself!

Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News,; Sign Women Title Holders petition!

poster: katenies


“Into the West” another “dirty Indian” film.

Why North Americans need to create historical lies!MNN. June 21, 2005. RDT, one of the actors in the series of lies, known as ?Into
the West?, executive produced by Steven Spielberg, was asked by a non-Indian,
?What contributions have Native Americans made to the progress of America??

RDT answered, ?Are you out of your mind? America has been in a downward spiral since you whites got here! I refuse to promote this stupid film. Yep! This period piece has got to be the bottom of the barrel. Steven Spielberg had no passion, no imagination. The production of these lies about Indigenous people
cost $100 million. It is meant to attract an audience at the expense of our dignity?.

This is the most ever spent on a television episode. Whose fault is it? ?It?s
our fault for not making our own films, for not stopping this kind of skank, as a
?dirty film? is called. The average American gets off looking at those sick
little Indians. They have to portray us in a glass display case. We have to be
seen as having been whipped into submission, as degenerates. There is never a
portrayal of the fact that we developed the whole idea of democracy and equality.
They refuse to see us as doctors, lawyers, professors, professional and skilled
hard working people. That?s because they think there?s no ?savagery? involved in
these endeavors?.

The Blacks have Spike Lee who made the great film, ?Malcolm X?; John Singleton who
made ?Boys in the Hood?; Edward James Olmos who made ?American Me?; and the Maoris
have Lee Tamahoori who made ?Once were Warriors?. Indigenous people have good
directors. ?We?re worried that the next one about us by white interests will be
even worse than this one!?

?There isn?t one brilliant moment, not one redeeming gem in any frame of the film.
It has nothing to do with art, vision, historical accuracy or representing
Indigenous people in a positive light?.

Pierre George of Stoney Point agrees. He has been fighting against the releasing
of the film ?One Dead Indian?. This is another ritualistic sacrifice of ?Indians?
on the alter of the North American ego. It exploits the murder of his brother,
Dudley George, in 1995 in what is known as the ?Ipperwash? event. He is trying to
find a way to shut down the Commission of Inquiry into Dudley?s murder that?s
going on right now in Forest Ontario. He has good reasons for doing so.

The commission is an excuse to avoid the rule of law. It?s an old tactic, tried
and true. The Saskatchewan Commission on First Nations and Metis People and
Justice Reform was initiated to look into the murder of 17-year old Neil
Stonechild and other native youth by the Saskatoon Police. When the report was
released, the press conference focused on ?aboriginal crime?. Neil Stonechild had
not even been charged with a crime. So why did they murder him? No mention was
made of the serious problem of police committing crimes and murdering people.

?It?s all a big lie. The Ipperwash Inquiry is set up to look only into ?abuse? by
the police of the Ontario Police Act. The police had no right to be on the
territory in the first place! There was no surrender of our land. We are still
sovereign. There was no agreement with the Stony Point people to allow the police
of a foreign nation to operate here?. They were supposed to give the land back
after the war. Instead the Ontario government turned it into a park.

Pierre says, ?Both the film, ?One Dead Indian? and the inquiry are bought and paid
for by the criminals who are committing genocide and who stole our land and our
jurisdiction. It is illegal and obscene?.

Every time we try to bring up the constitutional question, they bring on inquiries
and make movies that revise history and the law. Answering the law involves
pointing the finger of genocide, the arch crime against humanity. It?s just

?Into the West?, ?One Dead Indian? and now the ?Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990? are all
part of the same crime. To date there have been no widely circulated accounts of
any of these events from an Indigenous point of view. Our experience and our
sensibilities are left completely out of an equation now thoroughly discredited
that European invaders were somehow more civilized than the people they invaded.

The Canadian and United States governments are spending big bucks to buy and
manufacture excuses in two coordinated moves. One is to bury the law, the
constitutional question. The second is to rewrite the factual history with these
movies. Why is our point of view left out? It?s meant to continue to advance the
big colonial lie. What really happened cannot be properly portrayed in movies
until the underlying constitutional question is acknowledged and addressed in
Canada and the United States.

As RDT said, ?They do it all the time. The colonists hope that if they drag
around a falsehood long enough, everybody will forget the real facts. They want
to divert attention away from their crimes and brutality by starting fires all
over the place. Eventually the truth disappears into the air like a mustard fart!
They wait it out like a bunch of buzzards flying around their predators?.

The movies and public inquiries are all part of the brainwashing procedure. This
is not a question of whites versus ?injuns?. The real issue is do all people have
a right to be treated equally? Does everyone have to obey the law, including the
constitutional law? Is it okay to keep trashing us? The only possible aim of
these films is to mislead the public and bury the question.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh