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MNN. Dec. 9, 2021. [Thahoketoteh of MNN on FCC v kahnistensera]. Arrangements were made with SQI lawyer, Alexandre Rouan Bazinet, last week to discuss transfer of all keys for the Royal Victoria Hospital to the kanistensera, to house the indigenous homeless. Notice of the meeting was sent to the SQI, City of Montreal, McGill University, Stantic Construction Company, the Montreal Police and McGill Security. Official kenienkehaka Mohawk Nation protocols were followed throughout.

A report is being carried to the men’s fires of Iroquoia. McGill and Quebec both deny ownership of Mount Royal as it was the Mohawk village of tekanontak. Bazinet is the lawyer for SQI in a Federal Court of Canada motion T-1696-21, filed by the kanistensera. At the Public Consultation Commission hearing on the Royal Vic Project, the SQI was declared to be “owners” of the property under Canadian corporate law. Both SQI and McGill are now denying being the owners of Mount Royal as they would be guilty of dealing with stolen kanienkehaka property under the kaianerekowa, great peace, and Canadian corporate law. Moreover they prepared their own militia to brutalize the elders and supporters. A full criminal investigation should be done with regard to this outrageous armed assault, abuse, threats and bullying so the public is aware.

Police brutality against mohawk mothers requesting the keys to the Royal Vic

And a text written by the Milton park allies below!

Yesterday, at 11.35, DEC. 8, 2021, the Milton Parc Citizens’ Committee organized a peaceful protest to stand with the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera [Mohawk Mothers]. 25 to 30 people of all ages were present to retrieve the keys to the Royal Vic, a subsidiary of McGill University. After speeches, elders and mothers of the Nation entered the SQI, Province of Quebec Department of Infrastructures, office building. A police officer standing outside, speaking to a liaison, threatened to declare the protest illegal, and to begin arrests of those who remained. Police alleged protest members were blocking the doors to the offices. This could not have been further from the truth: the protest was very remote from the door to the offices. The police then threatened, again, to declare the protest illegal this time unless the name of the event organizer was disclosed to them. There is no legal obligation to disclose such information to police officers. It is bizarre they made such an insistence, and it is certainly not grounds to declare a protest illegal.The right to silence protects privacy.

Inside the building, mothers and elders asked to speak to a member from the SQI who they had made an appointment with and who the mothers and elders informed that they would be coming. The mothers and elders were not aggressive or confrontational. However, the police, visibly permitted by the SQI, quickly escalated the situation. The police did not allow the mothers to wait in the waiting room until they could make contact with a representative. One officer clearly attempted to intimate and provoke an elder, just as 20-25 police officers rushed into the building, scaring the protesters outside who were unaware of the events taking place in the offices. All these events unrolled in a time period of roughly 20 minutes. One of the people assigned to accompany the elders was forced by police to turn off their camera, and a journalist from Le Metro had their camera punched by an officer, as assault. The journalist later said to an organizer that they had ‘never experienced such direct aggression from police, despite years of covering protests.’ The elders and mothers were then violently shoved out of the SQI offices.

As this scene became visible, the crowd outside was completely shocked and disgusted; turned on their cameras and quickly began admonishing the officers. It is a great shame that the police and the SQI allowed the situation to escalate, and for violence and threats to be delivered to citizens; as well as elders and mothers whose nations are traditional caretakers of this land. The SQI is directly responsible for this police response. The Royal Vic has turned into the subject of a serious land dispute. As such, this heavy, disproptionate response from the SQI and the police only perpetuates a harsh colonial legacy, shutting down attempts at dialogue and respect between members of different nations with the threat of armed force. No matter the resistance: we remain true to our struggle for human rights and justice.

Frank Smith dances to the double talk we constantly get: “To get on the double dutch bus you know you want to jump. So get on the double dutch bus. So take a ride, we’re waiting in the clutch. There’s a double dutch bus coming down the street. Moving pretty fast, so kind shuffle your feet. Get on the bus, and pay your fare. Tell the driver you’re going to a double dutch affair. Follow me. fe fi fo fum, fe fi fo fum”. [Double Dutch Bus]

Societe quebecoise des infrastructures, 445 Saint Gabriel Street, Montreal [Quebec] H2Y 3A2. 514-873-5485   / ; 

Milton Parc Citizen’s Committee

cc. McGill, Premier Province of Quebec, Stantec Construction, City of Montreal, Prime Minister Trudeau, Federal Court of Canada, International Criminal Court, United Nations, Canadian Civil Liberties Union, Wetsuweten Nation 



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MNN. Dec. 4, 2021. The supreme original laws of turtle island are the kaianerekowa, great peace, and other original natural laws that existed since time immemorial. The kaianerekowa recognizes only the kaianerekowa. All other laws are null and void. Section 35 [1] of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, “recognizes and affirms”  the “original laws and peoples of Canada”. Anyone recognizing all Canadian laws violats the teiohate, two row. Staying in our canoe and staying out of their ship.


Pre-colonial aboriginal rights existed on onowarekeh, turtle island, since time immemorial before the settler colonists arrived and illegally imposed themselves on our land. The colonial Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, was to solidify their theft of turtle island. The “existing aboriginal rights of the aboriginal peoples” are based on the kaianerekowa, the great peace, and other original laws which existed from the beginning of time, and have never nor will ever be amended, until the end of time, because they are based on nature. There has never been a surrender of land, people or anything on turtle island. Ever.

Section 35 [1] provides: “the existing [pre colonial] aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people of turtle island are hereby recognized and affirmed”.

Section 35[2] affirms the supremacy of the original people of turtle island. 95% of the survivors of the genocide are forced to live by the illegal Indian Act and all laws of the colony of Canada that go against the kaianerekowa. Section 35.(2) provides “aboriginal peoples of Canada” includes all the natural people of turtle island and the [corporate] Indian, Inuit and Metis which are created by Parliament. They  follow the laws of Canada [Indian Act] and are Canadians and not indigenous.  

Section 52 confirms that section 35 (1) is the supreme law of the colony of Canada [but not of turtle island]. It specifically “recognizes and affirms” the kaianerekowa and indigenous laws of “the aboriginal peoples of Canada.” 

Section 52 provides that the colony of Canada is subservient to the kaianerekowa and all indigenous laws. All laws of Canada which don’t acknowledge our supremacy are of no force or effect and go against the kaiainerekowa. their laws are for their subjects. we are not their subjects.  

Section 35 specifically recognizes only the “aboriginal peoples of Canada.” The kaianerekowa, and original indigenous laws, are ratified and legally binding on the colony of Canada according to section 35.(1). This section “recognizes and affirms” the supremacy of indigenous laws and the existence of the “original peoples of Canada”.


Section 52 [1] confirms that Section 35 is the supreme law of ‘Canada’. Therefore, all laws of Canada that are not recognized by the kananerekowa are of no force or effect. All Canadian laws have been genocided by the genociders. No weapons were used. Just words.

Because the kaianerekowa does not recognize any other laws, and, therefore, does not recognize any of Canada’s laws and constitutions, Sections 35 and 52 establish that the kaianerekowa and all indigenous laws are the ONLY laws in Canada.

Canada shot itself in the foot. The supreme laws of turtle island including Canada, are indigenous laws. As a result Canada is “of no force or effect” and cannot exist as it violates its own law.

The immortal Beatles, in their final recording, recognize that kaianerekowa is the answer, stated: “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”. . .




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MNN. DEC. 2, 2021. Black Friday, every Friday in Kahnawake is the illegal band council’s dream, to make us more spiritually and mentally dependent than we have ever been.


The illegal Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Mayor Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer has disgusted and shamed the kanienkehaka’onwe by welcoming a project to turn kahnawake into a shopping mecca to welcome foreigners into our community. We are being urged to speak French to accommodate shoppers. She scolds us for not being better friends with our non-native neighbors who want to economically screw us over, but who actually admire the way we do business. We don’t pay taxes and do what we want. She wants us to give this all up and be more accommodating for their economic development purposes to enrich them and their Quebec and Canada partners and investors.

“We have untapped potential,” she said. “The highways that run through the territory see a lot of traffic every day, so it could be home to businesses like a Target or an Amazon factory.” “Right now,” she added, “we really need big real estate projects in our community.” Where will we live? We need more land housing for our children. With the trillions in our Indian Trust Funds, which are illegally held by Canada without our permission, we could do anything we want. We are actually the wealthiest poor people on earth. We just need to get rid of the government’s POW camps called ‘reserves’ and their illegal band council system of traitors that run the genocide show for Canada. 


The band council is a departmwent of Indian Affairs which is a department of the army. We are in jail already. The offices for the grandiose franchises should not be here. 

They are already evicting  the complaining rabble rousers.



An Amazon factory in Kahnawake actually means that the Quebec and Canada decide what projects will be implanted to reimburse us for our stolen Indian Trust Funds and reparations for genocide. We are coerced capitalists who are preyed upon and threatened with extinction. We are extorted with our own funds that iare owed to us. How about the planned “Squatters Inn” hotel with Quebec taking the profits!

Her three-way project is a taxation coop for this area. Outsiders won’t be accepting our native tax cards, which has already started. All of turtle island is a tax free zone for us. Kahnawake will become a municipality and the band council businesses will be tax free for us so we will shop in their “Off Shore” stores. Just like the old trading posts that destroyed our way of life. The people will have to pay all municipal taxes to run the community, or get kicked out. Provincial and federal taxes will become applicable to every native. This is already in place in some places in the USA.

The business partners, the illegal band councils, provinces and federal governments will invest our Indian trust funds in shady businesses and we will never see the profits.

Useless hotels will bring white “tourists” to gawk at us! Investments will be made with ‘their’ interests in mind. The illegal band council will become the only voice in Kahnawake as they will control everything.

Tir investments are meant to collapse and the funds will disappear. Profits will be unseen, untraceable and in off shore private accounts, just like many political leaders of Quebec and Canada and their international partners. The $1.67 trillion GDP [gross domestic product, value of the corporation of Canada] is the ‘Indian Trust Fund’. They are in debt to us. We own them.

 A 10 foot high fence will surround kahnawake to keep from seeing us so as not to distract the high end shoppers. Those few sell-outs who want to be tourist attractions are welcome to leave to be “pseudo’ Indians. They will speak mohawk with a soft ‘l’ rather than the rolling ‘r’. They are anxious to forfeit their birthright to being natural kanienkehaka’onwe whose duty forever is to carry out the kaianerekowa and teiohateh.

Genocide at its highest! How does bringing in Amazon, Target, hotels, casinos, tourists and thousands of foreign workers to our land and community fulfill us as a proud sovereign We won’t be hired because we refuse to speak French.

We are trying to survive the way creation intended. Not as pop culturalists! Our ancestors and descendents will think we’d all become mindless traitor puppets just like the government’s illegal corporate band councillors! Over 99% of us do not want to betray our ancestors and unborn children for whom we are trying to set an example on how to be a kanienkehaka. We were not born to be slaves to the white man, such as cashiers, half naked waitresses serving drinks in the mall bars or victims of human trafficking. Capitalism on steroids! The continued murders and genocide of our minds and bodies is the road that the government, corporations and their illegal band council agents are paving for us, to get our land and become an actual country. Their vision is money and power for a few and disable and make the rest invisible.

kahnawake will be a municipality. Government and churches have taught us how to mistrust one another. So while we stop each other from succeeding, the Canadian government system is succeeding. Our taxes will pay for straight lined paved streets with curbs, pseudo Indian street signs and numbers on our houses so the repo man can easily find us.

Our ancestors were smarter. They built long houses that could be shared by families and dead end streets to keep strangers out so we would not lose our children.

Visitors had to come miles away and ask for permission to enter our settlement. They would only be allowed into a small fortified area as our guests. Our villages were protected from the eyes of the invaders so we could be safe and private. We’ll be back to selling trinkets by the roadside and in front of the church and doing some dances for them at the ‘endangered species’ get togethers . Longhouse festivals have always been private.


For instant money we could put tolls on all the roads, seaway, bridges, railways and other unpaid for intruding structures that are already here.

We need the kaianerekowa to protect us and everything about us.

Soon we will be living under the flashing neon lights of the Mercier Bridge. During rush hour we can make a few dollars from commuters on their way to work. 

Incorporation means it’s not owned by a person. It’s controlled by a foreign entity, run by the Vatican, who own all the corporations. 

The few corporate ‘mohawks’ might be so embarrassed about the presence of their poor resister families. They are trying to send us away to live on algonquin land up north to cut our ties altogether. We traditionals of course would not be identified as Mohawks or kanienkehaka. We’d be known as “Mohawk metis”.

Those running the malls will have corporate jets, fancy clothes, super shiny shoes and fancy carpetbagger friends. Their only job is to tell their handlers, “You want more of the land and resources of our distant onkwehonweh relatives? Gimmie that pen and I’ll sign that paper. And remember to fortify that fence around us to keep out those savage lawless rebels we kicked out a long time ago. They can’t come in without a pass unless they agree to grovel at our heels . We got them trained to stay quiet through threats like losing their jobs and kids”.

These puppet agents have business names and can say a few words of old onkwehonweh that are made up by their resident old-word vomitters. All their maids and workers are whites who have to speak a bit of newspeak Mohawk.

Queenie, come and pick up your kids, put them in your yacht and get them out of here! 

Bon Scott of ACDC says it perfectly, “We gotta get them outta here!”: “There was a friend of mine on murder. And the judge’s gavel fell. Jury found him guilty. Gave him 16 years in hell. He said, “I ain’t spending my life here. I ain’t living alone. ain’t breaking no rock on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home. Gonna make a jail break. I’m looking towards the sky. Gonna make a jail break. Man I wish i could fly. It’s all in the name of liberty. it was all in the name of liberty. Got to be free. Jail break. Had more than I can take. Jail break. 16 years. Jail break. You better get me out of here. He said he’d seen his woman being followed with by another man. She was down and he was up. He had a gun in his hand. And the bullets started flying everywhere. And people started to scream. There was a big man laying on the ground with a hole in his body, where his life had been. But it was all in the name of liberty. Yes it was all in the name of liberty. You just got to be free. Jail break. Jail break.”