This speech was delivered on Nov. 10th, 2002, to the YOU ARE ON NATIVE LAND Conference at McGill University | ||
please post & distribute. MNN. Feb. 9, 2021. HOW THE COLONISTS OF CANADA VIOLATED THE BNA ACT TO STEAL NATIVE LAND: THE FORGOTTEN ARGUMENTS OF DESKAHEH LEVI GENERAL AUDIO: 1.OPENING. Canada’s Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples now admits that the relationship between the indigenous people and the uninvited Europeans began with the teio’hateh, Two Row Wampum agreement. Two entities agree to live separately according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, or leave. We allowed them to live here temporarily – with us in our canoe and they in their ships. We would share only the river. The indigenous peoples and the newcomers belonged to different families with different languages, culture, laws and ways of life. Europe’s monarchs acknowledged we were not their subjects and they could not interfere with our laws and customs. As turtle island is all indigenous land, we provided to the European “social groups” the use of land the depth of a plow to grow food. They could never own it or form a political party. They needed our permission to do anything on our land. 2.FORGETTING TWO ROW. Then the colonizers began to see things their foreign way. They violated the Two Row and adopted a “geographic” description of themselves, that they were North Americans. The original inhabitants were clan based tied to the land. The colonizers fought with their European cousins over who could come here, which is our right. Then they started to impose their military laws and ways on everyone on turtle island based on the treaties the Europeans made to end their wars with each other in Europe. [Seven Years War and others]. They never consulted the onkwehonweh, the original peoples who had always respected the land since time immemorial. Instead of staying in their own ship they decided to take over the whole river. 3.DOMINION “CLAIMS’. Some of Britain’s North American colonies confederated in 1867 to form the colony of CANADA. The new political organization was a “dominion”, a colony, because the visitors decided they had a right to dominate the land and all the indigenous people on it. Instead of subjects of their king or queen, they began to base their identity on the indigenous land they were squatting on. They changed from accepting our generosity to trying to dominate us. 4.BRITISH SUBJECTS. There was no permission from us for this assertion of power. Canada was a British colony and Britain could not give her subjects here anymore than she had to give, which was nothing. The British subjects ignored the Two Row. Britain could not give their subjects on turtle island the right to make laws for the indigenous people because we were not British subjects. At that point they had to leave as they had become trespassers. 5.GEOGRAPHIC DEFINITION. Our ancestors were not consulted about these moves. They knew we could never change the terms of the Two Row. Our land belongs to the unborn. We are the caretakers of mother earth. She cannot be sold or conveyed to anyone and is governed by the kaianerekowa, the great peace. The land was provided by creation to our past present and future generations. Britain’s colonial subjects had no right to force Indigenous peoples into their European territorial concepts of nationality and property. They could not impose their new geographic definition of themselves on us. 6.INDIGENOUS FREEDOM. The colonists are still subjects of their kings. Indigenous are not, never were. and never will be. The life of being free and having a voice was a revelation to Europeans. We are all sovereign persons and part of our own nations and clans. We were each sovereign persons placed by creation in various areas of turtle island to carry out our duties to our mother earth and all life. 7.OUR VOICE. The colonists didn’t want to be subjects anymore. They changed their view of law and international relations. Today Europeans have formally embraced equality along with the rest of the world. Britain no longer has subject status. The colonists define “nationality” on usurp territorial terms rather than adhering to the kaianerekowa, the great peace. Without our knowledge or consent their citizenship became based on place of birth undermining the kaianerekowa. They still do not grasp the full meaning of equality. Their institutions don’t give their citizens a voice. Their First Nations Governance Act shows that they don’t respect the voice of the indigenous people who have had total jurisdiction of this land since time immemorial. This Act of 2002 was proposed to municipalize native land under private banks and extinguish the sovereign original people. [Today it is the proposed “Framework Agreement”.] They completely ignored their obligations under the Two Row Wampum. 8.REAL INDIGENOUS IDENTITY. The colonizers can change the way they think of themselves as long as they adhere completely to the great peace here. They cannot define our identity nor appropriate our land and resources. Since Confederation Britain’s colonial subjects have been violating Britain’s agreements with the Indigenous peoples. 9.CORPORATION CAN’T OWN THE LAND. Confederation and the British North America Act 1867 did not give Britain the right to let its colonists violate the Two Row Wampum. Britain knew that its people could only come onto our land as a separate “social group” that would share the river with us. But Britain’s subjects fell into the illusionary idea that they owned the land. This lie is taught in their indoctrination centres called the education system. 10.DESKAHEH & S.C.C. The iera’kwa, the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy knew this back in 1920. In desperation they sent Levi General Deskaheh to ask the Supreme Court of Canada to stop the Department of Indian Affairs from violating the British North America Act 1867. This Act only gave Canada the right to negotiate with us in place of Britain. the colonists cannot impose their Admiralty laws on indigenous people. But Canadian officials would not let Deskaheh have his day in court. 11.TROOPS ATTACK SIX NATIONS. If Deskaheh was allowed to prove that what they were doing was illegal, these bureaucrats would have been out of work. So they sent troops, the RCMP, to invade the part of Six Nations Grand River territory that remained after a century of theft and fraud. The military deposed the traditional government, the oldest governments in the world.l, installed their band council puppets and stole all our land and created the Indian reservation on October 25, 1924. [Indian Lands Act]. *Since then the colonists have refused to deal with the real traditional leaders, speaking only to their faux elected band councils they have imposed under colonial laws. 12.DESKAHEH & LEAGUE OF NATION. Six Nations diplomats had been honoured guests in Britain’s courts. By the 1920’s Britain was refusing to deal with the problems that had befallen their colony. The Iroquois Confederacy sent Deskaheh to the League of Nations to appeal for justice. The sovereign Six Nations, iera’kwah, were qualified to join and wanted membership in this new international organization so our arguments could be presented to protect our legal rights. The Netherlands, Persia, Estonia, Panama and Ireland all agreed that the Six Nations complaints should be examined by the international court. But Deskaheh was ambushed again by Canadian officials lead by D.C. Scott skulking behind the scenes to make sure the case never got a formal public hearing. They lied to the League saying there was no Two Row and no Great Peace. The Lands Act is part of the Indian Advancement Act 1924 that imposed the blood quantum legislation [apartheid]. It was the 100 year “business plan” to extinguish the native people, due for completion in 2024. 13.INDIGENOUS ARE ALLIES. Today, the colonists know we indigenous will always maintain our right to independence. We were allies, not subjects of Britain. We are not part of the Corporation of CANADA – the colony that became a corporate successor state. The colonists imposed foreign Admiralty laws on us in violation of both the Two Row and modern International law. The imposed their economic sanctions upon that have put us in a state of destitute poverty compared to all the colonists. As Deskaheh put it in his last address before he was assassinated in 1924, it’s as if Mexico tried to apply its laws in the United States. 14.MEANING OF EQUALITY. The problem is European colonists don’t understand the meaning of equality. They have changed how they define themselves. When we made the Two Row Treaty with France and then Britain a month later, we both defined ourselves in terms of ‘personal’ relationships. We are sovereign individuals who are part of our clans. European nations are based on subject status and their allegiance to their monarch. Their shift to a turtle island territorial definition of themselves has no legal basis. They have no right to impose themselves or their laws on us or to take our land and resources without our knowledge or consent. As a successor state, the colonists are still bound by Britain’s treaty obligations. The colonists are guests on our land. Instead they have presumed to take over our whole house. The colonists must work out fair and valid agreements with us, the original inhabitants of turtle island, to our satisfaction if they want to remain here. 15.CANADIANS ARE IMMIGRANTS. The colonizers celebrate “Canada Day” aware that CANADA is a corporation, not an independent nation. Canadian nationality does not exist. Nationality is tied to having clans, shared ancestry, native language not two foreign languages, a traditional culture and land. CANADA has none of these. The settlers and their ancestors have in common fleeing from oppressive regimes and immigrating onto someone else’s land and then oppressing them. We have no obligation to care for them. They never accepted the protection under the great peace, which alienated them. 16.DOMINION FEUDAL CUSTOM. Canada is a “dominion” that was produced by Britian’s will to dominate. “Dominion” is a feudal custom carried to Britain by foreign lords who conquered the land and the people on it. These deeply rooted cultural habits violate the egalitarian respect represented by the Two Row Wampum. 17.CANADA NON EXISTENT. Consequently, the whole existence of Canada as a legal country is is the biggest ruse played on the world. The colonist’s self-definition cannot appropriate our political identity, our resources and our land. This violates the initial treaties made by Britain with the Indigenous peoples. 18.CANADA VIOLATES NATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW. The colonists violate both the European version of international law and our Indigenous law. The colonists violate the principle of human equality, which they now recognized in a formal way in the mid-twentieth century – after the atrocities of World War II – when they signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Canada hesitates to ratify UNDRIP UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as it recognizes that Canada is not a country. The immigrants would have to vacate, CANADA would dissolve and the great peace would be the only law that would prevail. 19.MIGHT DOES NOT MAKE RIGHT. Deskaheh tried to present this argument in the 1920’s but the colonists didn’t want to hear us explain once again our demands for them to respect our jurisdiction over our land and our political and economic rights. We are sovereign and they are not! When Americans had their revolution they threw off their subject status. Then they went crazy, grabbing land, killing people and destroying resources. They called us the natural people, “Indians” and treated us as vermin. Canadians accepted the American policy that “might makes right” and that Europeans had a god-given right to grab lands, possessions, resources and lives. Canada bought into the sleazy American dream. This premise applies to all of the Americas, north and south. 20.INDIGENOUS HAVE EVERYTHING. What happened was sordid. In the subsequent treaties on the prairies there was no meeting of the minds with the native people there. Anglo-Canadians pretend those people agreed to give up everything they had! The indigenous are aware of the agreement to co-exist with them as social groups. In our case the Two Row created a real meeting of minds. The British recognized that we are nations that give permission for anybody to live here according to the great peace. It’s still in effect. 21.TERRITORIAL DEFINITION. The Anglo-Canadian one-sided decision to shift to a territorial definition of themselves gave them no right to take over our land and resources. They have no agreements with us the real indigenous. Their corporate Canadian band councils are on the enemies team. They need our consent to our full satisfaction to do anything on our land. We won’t succumb to their lust for our resources or to ransack our land. It’s all ours and they all know it. 22.WHERE’S RECEIPT FOR TURTLE ISLAND. The colonists purport that all people are equal, at the same time illegally imposes laws and beliefs on us. As a successor state Canada is still bound by the limitations of Britain’s treaty obligations which they must fulfill. They would have to leave, or leave us alone or abide by the great peace. Since whites don’t have clans, they are disqualified from living here. They can only live here as a separate social group under the authority of the clans established by the great peace. This is international law which Canada agreed to. The colonizers have no legal right to claim dominion over the inherent original people, or to take our lands and possessions. They have not worked out fair and valid agreements with us that consider the rights of our people now and into the future. We are the “people of the forever” placed by creation on mother earth. Canada’s current attempts to force us original people to prove in their foreign private courts that we have a claim to our own lands is ridiculous and unlawful by international law. They must show us their permits to be on our land, to ransack our resources and to leave a trail of blood and pollution behind. The colonists have no receipt for our land. What part of the “depth of a plow share” don’t these alien invaders understand? All these points apply equally to the United States. Only the foundation of the great peace and two row of equality, having a voice through concensus, justice and truth can eliminate the current pandemic of hatred, injustice and racism that is tearing up the world. The author is awaiting an invitation from McGill to deliver this speech again. As Thahoketoteh explains in his song, “The river of life has many falls, twists and turns and steep walls. We travel down it in our own way, The same has been from the very first day. I’ll stay in my canoe. You stay in your boat. I only hope you stay afloat. I’ll smile at you. You wave at me. We’ll continue on toward the sea.” MNN Mohawk Nation News thahoketoteh & For more news and to sign up for MNN More stories at MNN archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 The Indian Lands ACT. 1924. file:///Users/kahentinetha/Downloads/IndLanAct1924.pdf Six Nations Appeal to League of Nations 1922-31 | ||
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MNN. Feb. 6, 2021. Spying is one of the biggest industries in the world. The United States is the Republic of War. Spies help plan and set up wars. The “Economic Hit Men” are the spies who go into a country and bribe the headman to do business their way, or else. Then the spy goes in to set up the payoff or the war.
The intelligence agencies in each country recruit, train and run the spies. MI5 in London controlled by the bankers runs all the spying conducted by Western intelligence. The “Five Eyes” controls CIA, et al. agencies of he Western empire.
The United Nations is a private corporation owned by the Rockefellers. All countries are corporations that are signed on to the UN corporation. The Vatican is the CROWN, the world’s first corporation set up in 902 AD. the same year as Roman Catholicism was introduced. All the corporations are under the Admiralty system.
They all have corporate numbers from the Vatican. ISO International Standards Organization numbers for corporations and companies come from the Vatican. Without this number no one or no company can get a bank account to conduct business. Everybody who works for money works for the bankers.
Every spy works for money, ideology, blackmail or ego. All are expendable. North Americans are vulnerable because of their lust for money. US and Canada are corporations and not naturally part of the Western Hemisphere.
The current covid restrictions keep everybody from trusting each other. Victimhood is an essential ingredient. Spies work together to keep the war going and keep people unsettled. The bankers keep everybody under surveillance.
During peace spying is unnecessary. We onkwehonweh figured out how to live in peace. We do have security to defend ourselves. If there is international peace, the most powerful agencies of the world would all go out of business. There would be no fear of the bankers, military, bombs, and so on.
Spies develop the business plan for “the war plan”. They know each other and work the same play from different sides of the stage. Their bosses in the “war room” take all their information and create the war. Without spies there would be no creation of war.
Russian Alexi Navalney works for MI5. He went to Yale for 6 years, the home of the Bavarian Illuminati, in America.
Spies protect the country for the bankers. On turtle island, immigrants come from all over the world to help themselves to our resources and protect the indigenous property and resources they are helping to steal. They do all the dirty work. Americans make bombs and weapons and others set them off. The bankers finance it all.
Spies carry out clandestine maneuvers, like hiding messages in human DNA or murdering the messenger or setting up killings of innocent men, women, babies and children. Their handlers tell them how far to go to keep a lid on the ongoing war.
As an open society we conduct diplomacy openly. We learn each other’s languages, speak to each other and transmit messages well understood by all parties.
Middle Eastern fighters disappear into the fabric of their society and disperse. It took 10 years for the US to find osama bin laden using informants and surveillance. This could have been done in a short time by a small operation.
Today the electronic setup to manipulate the earth is artificial intelligence. In Machine Warfare robots, machines, super sonic guns are used by trained assassins. Remotely operated robots fight each other so they never have to look directly at the face of the innocent victim.
The protagonists want our land and resources and to remove us because we are in their way. The manipulators are spectators sitting in their living rooms. Their drones see the target and a button is pushed to take them out.
Cyber cryptography is to shut down electrical systems. Large Western nations are vulnerable as they own the electronic based economy. They can turn off electronics, computers, info networks, send viruses, deny service or encrypt pre attack chatter. The big bankers own the broadcasters, governments, ministries, parliaments, ATMs, internet, militaries. Smaller targets in the West who defend themselves are called “terrorists”.
They can shut down gas, food, medicines, infrastructure, power grids, water supplies, communications, transportation, financial services, nuclear power, power to houses, fridges, etc.
Something is developed in spies so they can carry out these unnatural atrocities. The evil shame of paedophilia develops an energy which can be manipulated. Eventually it becomes mundane, gross and bizarre so they can’t make that evil energy they need. It is not drugs, womanizing or even murder. The white man has learned to develop the energy to be fiercely evil through artificial means. Being nice is a facade conditioned by training, religious zealotry, and dangling carrots in their faces. When natives learn white ways like the government’s elected band councils installed in indigenous communities, they loose their native energy and goodness and betray their own people. The job of the spies in our midst is to take information to their handlers in Indian Affairs throughout turtle island.
Oligarchs and their protege agree to do this. Our energy is placed in us by creation to protect and defend our mother.
A long time ago the peacemaker brought us the good message. In order for us to survive, we had to co-exist according to the kaianerekowa, great peace, and we had to bury the weapons of war. The invaders arrived uninvited. They were told they had to live by the great peace. They saw all the riches they could steal and started wholesale slaughter of the original people from east to west, pole to pole.
The master spy, Maxwell Smart, would probably say, “It’s time for the cone of silence, Chief”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News thahoketoteh & For more news and to sign up for MNN More stories at MNN archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
MNN. Many onkwehonweh wonder about Canada selecting the original people of turtle island to test their untried COVID19 vaccine.
The past genocide of millions of our people to steal our land and resources was through the deliberate infection of European diseases ordered by their authorities: small pox, bubonic plague, chicken pox, cholera, common cold, diptheria, influenza, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis and pertussis. Let’s wait until the horror stories are revealed to see what happens to those non-native lab rats who are being vaccinated first. henh!
The AFN members through their brain conditioning over generations do not see themselves as traitors, as they travel to Ottawa to sign away their birthright. They’re well paid to help Canada to finalize the fraud [and become a Senator like Perry Bellegarde]. Will their subconscious remind them of who they are! The fire is burning out of control! Canada’s days are numbered. [The name “Canada” comes from the Mohawk word “Kanata” which means “squatter”]. Canada can never escape the truth about their atrocities. They want to partner with the United States to set the world on fire using our land and resources, while they promote the illusion of freedom in a non-constitutional police state.
They think if they say “I’m sorry”, their business [to be rid of the natives] can continue. They’re guilty, think they won’t be punished and don’t want to make it right.
We onkwehonweh can run a nation by using our minds, not the blast of guns. Canada’s holidays constantly worship the deaths of young people they sent to die as sacrificial lambs for the invading war mongers.
The corporation of Canada is always making new laws and military rules to enforce land theft, municipalization, taxation [isolation, socialization and mind control]. Creation placed the true natural people on turtle island. Our ways supercede the invader’s corporate statutes by more than 10,000 years. Truth and nature are on our side.
For 500 years we have defended our birthright and homeland. The band council puppets cannot give away what is not theirs. Our ancestors guide us. The band councillors are not listening to our ancestors’ voices.
Truth is natural. We are the natural way. tewatatawi is to always fight for our survival, and for peace with total freedom. We cannot give up our land and resources. No person controls nature. The land is that of the unborn children we call “the faces beneath the ground”. That is why the land cannot be conveyed or sold. Only the great natural power, kasatstensera’kowa’saoiera controls nature. When they are no longer useful to our enemy they will be eradicated.
Canada has no land, no language and no culture.They squat on onkwehonweh land, speak foreign languages, English and French and struggle desperately to invent a ‘Canadian’ culture.
Canada is attempting to end “their” Indian problem. We will always be here. They are foreshadowing their own end. As the Doors sing: “This is the end, beautIful friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I’ll never look into your eyes again”. Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
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MNN, Oct. 29, 2020. The human race has been prepared for a long time to accept the brutality that’s necessary for the takeover of the the financial industry worldwide. People are being bored to death and distracted with confusing oppression. The human race could be taken out of it with the snap of a finger by somebody who can show people the truth. The blinders must be removed.

The COVID virus is being conveniently used to put everybody on house arrest to bring the new world order into existence.
Nobody must see the concerted effort to blind the eyes of the human race so they can be taken over by a small group of very financially powerful people, who are dividing up the world and will use the people as slaves.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is meeting in Europe with the New World Order to create the new system. He refuses to meet with the indigenous people who are being terrorized across turtle island. See “Trudeau, EU leaders meet ahead of US election to reinforce support of world order”. He did not consult the president of the United States or the prime minister of England. Trudeau is locking people into their homes again during this meeting. See link to “Biden and the two world order”.
The world’s indigenous people are opting out as the great peace and two row agreement based on natural ways puts the European elites in their boat and we stay in our canoe. There is a great chasm between our cultures.
People have been put under the death delusion and made to feel vulnerable and silent. Hitler put people in a trance so he could do anything he wanted. He talked insanely. The Nazis had huge sinister looking night rallies. Wars were threatened everywhere. A few saw it and shook off the blinding blanket thrown over the world.
Some invaders see the power of the philosophy of peace and have threatened to burn down the longhouses.

Police are being used by governments to illegally oppress the people. Mark Miller, the Minister of Indian Affairs in Canada, a retired military commander, was sent into Six Nations to crush the resistance using military style style strategies in the Canadian army. Indian Affairs is a department of the military with a “war room” on the 14th floor. An armed camp has been set up to begin the takeover of Ontario and to stop native resistance across Canada. The new Minister of Quebec Indian Affairs is a former cop. Attacks on indigenous people are being used as staging grounds to carry out their aggression and takeover.
In Akwesasne SQ officers are taking over native police. They can cross the Canada/US border without restraint using our border crossing rights.
US and Canada are more controlled when placed under military powers. A faction of the government want to disarm the people so they cannot defend themselves and their territories from an invasion. The UN have set up “cross policing’ between nations because police are reluctant to shoot their own people.
One project was to kill the old people. Soldiers were ordered to go into the old peoples homes in Ontario and Quebec where elderly were in critical condition, at death’s door, already dead or dying en masse. They reported to the federal government. Nothing was done about it.
Quebec is the staging ground for the European take over of Canada and the United States. They are in the strategic position, northeastern turtle island, north of all major cities in the US and the cusp of the Great Lakes. They are connected to France that has the nuclear bomb and have a French territory in the St. Lawrence gulf, the Anti-costi Islands.
The infiltration started in 1965 prior to Montreal Expo 67. The French soldiers came over and became teachers and workers and stirred up the young people. Charles DeGaulle made the statement “vive la Quebec libre”, it was a separatist message to the French from France to start the subsequent FLQ crisis. A French bureaucrat living in Ottawa helped Pierre Trudeau with the crisis and then disappeared.
The war In Canada is the French [France] against the English, as before. The Mohawks and indigenous are always neutral. They both vie for our support.
The US constitution was spawned by our great peace philosophy which is the basis of their republic. To take over turtle island, the indigenous people have to be annihilated, especially the clan mothers where the power of the people and the land is vested. In the restructuring by the invaders, they intend to dissolve the true government of North America, the Iroquois Coinfederacy and all its friends and allies.
United States and Canada have no home here. They are refugees under our protection. They violated their agreements with us. Their allegiance is to the European order. They can’t celebrate the true natural culture of the indigenous. Their justice system is the common law of England and the European civil law. They have no language, property or culture. They are “foreigners”.
They are avoiding the fact that turtle island is unceded indigenous land, from ocean to ocean and pole to pole. They are removing chiefs and clan mothers who are hereditarily caretakers and maintain jurisdiction of turtle island on behalf of the unborn babies.
The US is split 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats. Read “Joe Biden on How I learned to love the New World Order”. Republicans and Ontario are right wing allied with the US and the British Commonwealth against the European community. Quebec is part of the European community.
On October 21 2020 the military flew over Kahnawake and Kanesatake without consent, knowledge or right. Every indigenous community is a “no fly zone” and natives have the right to defend themselves by any means. The planned fly over the following night didn’t happen. All of turtle island is unceded onkwehonweh territory under indigenous jurisdiction and is a “no fly zone”. No foreign military shall violate our air space. The military flyovers are never explained to us by the band council, military or government.
All the maps of our territories are in Indian Affairs in Quebec and Washington.
Montreal is being rebuilt to house this new regime to be ruled by the Vatican. The office buildings are empty. The Vatican wants to create money and power from nothing, like the British banking system did.
Creation reminds us of the genocide of over 100 million indigenous people. Their invading descendants are once again attacking us and our mother earth to continue the genocide.
Our inspiration and guidance comes from the universe. Creation has committed us to taking care of our mother earth and our true natural family on turtle island. No one can split up creation. Science can’t be separated from the kaianerekowa. Turtle island belongs to the unborn. No one can sell or convey her to anyone.
The great Johnny Cash has a song about these candidates: “Egg-suckin’ dog.
I’m gonna stomp your head in the ground If you don’t stay out of my hen house
You dirty old egg-suckin’ hound…”
MNN Mohawk Nation News For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
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TRUTHFUL WORDS: “o cana’jon, you squat on native land. with greedy minds you do the banks command. you pay them tax and shop around on onowarekeh. on turtle island the land of our birth. no more TRAPS TRICKS OR GENOCIDE. the great peace is the only way. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth.”
Let’s all sing :
MNN Mohawk Nation News For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
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MNN. Dec. 12, 2019. cana’jon is the root for Canada, Canadian, Canadien in kanionkehaka [Mohawk] which means “squatter”. . See the explanation @
The squatters sing it and mark everything they stole with the word “Canada”, which means nothing is theirs. ‘Canada’ always conceded that they are ‘squatters’. They named themselves and everything “canada”, “canadians” or “canadien”. The corporation of the government of Canada [the squatters], the Montreal Canadians [squatters] hockey team, and millions of other things. They in effect admit they own nothing on onowarekeh [the Western Hemisphere]. Everything belongs to the onkwehonweh [the true original people placed here by creation].
TRUTHFUL WORDS: “o cana’jon, you squat on native land. with greedy minds you do the banks command. you pay them tax and shop around on onowarekeh. on turtle island the land of our birth. no more TRAPS TRICKS OR GENOCIDE. the great peace is the only way. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth.”
kahentinetha, iakoskari’wakeh. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact
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MNN. OCT. 18, 2019. Have we got an international revelation for you about Canada! Finally the invaders will learn where the words “Canadian” and “Canadien” come from.
Some historic background first. Each of our communities had three or more settlements. We would move to another location so our land could rebirth to its natural condition. Eventually we would return to the original village.
wahatinatsoton. To rebuild our community, we bend the poles and bind them to make beams to hold up our roofs. wasenatsoton. kanata comes from kanatsoteh which means it is ‘imbedded’ in our land. We connected the side poles to the others and used cross members so they would stand firmly. Then the outer skin was put on.
wahetiskwaron. The invaders were called kanakonronen. Without permission they ‘imbedded’ themselves in our homeland. They did not intend to leave. They put the poles deep into the native ground. We called them ”kanatien” [pronounced ga na jon] the “squatters”. Now they call themselves Canadian and Canadien, from “canatienton”.
When the invaders say, “I am Canadian” or Canadien”, they are saying “I am a squatter on kanastoteh”. Be careful of the words you use. Know where they come from and what they means. Canadians have a problem defining who they are. And now we’re telling them. They’ve been using the word long enough. It is time we told them what it means.
Natives should be excused from singing “O Canada”. Here’s a suggested replacement that everybody knows! Hockey is a rotinoshonni [Iroquois] game. It comes from the Mohawk expression, “ahkee”. Stompin’ Tom Connors sings: “Hello, out there, we’re on the air, it’s hockey night tonight. Tension grows, the whistle blows, and the puck drops down the ice. The goalie jumps, the players bump, and the fans all go insane. Someone roars “Bobby scores!”, at the good old hockey game. Oh, the good old hockey game is the best game you can name. And the best game you can name is the good old hockey game.” box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact
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MNN. Nov. 10, 2019. Our men and women are the true warriors. We defend the onkwehonweh and the homeland according to the great peace. The attack of unarmed men, women and children kanionkehaka [Mohawks} was in the early hours of July 11, 1990 in the pines of kanehsatake. It was one of many ongoing military attacks on Indigenous people for our land and resources and to continue the genocide:

WARRIOR HAILS VICTORY. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. Canada pays and trains paid professional killers to do the dirty work of the corporations throughout the world.
WATCH “OKANADA, BEHIND THE LINES IN OKA” Parts 1-2-3-4, 8 minutes each.
Part 1:
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MNN. 8 Nov. 2019. In 1884 the British soldiers lead by British General Gordon were trapped in Khartoum in Egypt. They needed supplies, food and ammunition.
No one could get through the treacherous rapids on the Nile known as the “Cataracts”. Only the kanionkehaka [Mohawks] of Kahnawake were known for their skill in shooting such dangerous rapids. They lived by the Lachine Rapids, the strongest in the world. They expertly took huge cargoes in long canoes over some of the world’s most treacherous rapids. 59 Mohawks volunteered for this dangerous mission in Egypt. 16 were lost. They took their long canoes to shoot the rapids on the Nile. They got to Khartoum. Everybody there had been slaughtered.
GUEST STORY: “Mighty Indigenous Warriors: From Egypt to the First World War
By Elizabeth Kawenaa Montour and Sara Chatfield
When First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation were recruited in 1914 to fight in the First World War, enlistees were not aware of the new reality of 20th-century warfare. As a prelude to the First World War, in 1884, approximately 56 Kanienkenha:ka (Mohawk), 30 Ojibway and 19 Métis men were recruited for Britain’s six-month Nile expedition in Egypt totalling 400 men. The men were chosen for their strength, endurance, and skill in handling boats and rafts—qualities that were needed to navigate up the numerous cataracts and rapids of the Nile River.
They did not see active battle, as they arrived two days after the city of Khartoum, Sudan had fallen, and British Major Charles G. Gordon had been killed. The expedition returned with the loss of 16 men and stories of what they had seen. Along their journey on the Nile, they saw monolithic temples and statues carved out of hillsides at Abu Simbel, the Sphinx of Giza, the pyramids, exotic markets and Egyptian life in Cairo.
Canadian voyageurs in front of the Parliament Buildings, a detail from the “Canadian Nile Contingent,” 1884. (c002877)
Three decades later, their next involvement in an overseas military expedition was with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF) in the First World War. It was an opportunity for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation soldiers to see the world, and to prove their courage and combat skills. Soldiers were facing a major change in combat style and warfare. The new reality of war involved the use of chemical warfare, machine guns, fighter aircraft, armoured vehicles, and trench warfare.
Our latest Co-lab challenge, Correspondence regarding First Nations veterans returning after the First World War, illustrates some Indigenous peoples’ experiences during the war, touches upon how their communities coped during their absence, and gives information about their lives after they returned home. These documents provide us with information that the Personnel Records of the First World War may not. They offer information such as what the solider planned to do after the war, if he owned land or farm animals, or if he was suited to farming. There is also information about whether the soldier suffered any lingering disabilities, who they lived with, and if they had any dependants.
Created by the former Department of Indian Affairs, these records are unique in that an overseeing federal “Indian Agent” included personal information and comments on the returning First Nations soldiers. In contrast, this was not the case for non-Indigenous soldiers, as no similar sets of records exist for the rest of the CEF.
Document from RG10 Vol 6771 file 452-30 sent to Duncan Campbell Scott from T.A. Stout on February 14, 1919, providing information about John Besito. (Image found on Canadiana)
This personal information became part of the federal government files in Ottawa. The records are also unique in that the “Indian Agents” delved into the soldier’s post-service life. The information that was collected included gratuitous private information and personal judgements about the veterans and the civilian lives they returned to. For example, the “Indian Agent’s Office” notes dated February 1919 for Private John Besito from Saugeen Agency, Ontario, state, “He has a location of fifty acres in the Reserve. He has a house and some improvements on his location.”
As well as administrative information, such as CEF regimental numbers and membership in First Nation agencies and bands, these records also give us genealogical information. For example, the names of three deceased soldiers are listed in a letter to the Department of Indian Affairs dated February 12, 1919, written by the “Indian Agent” of the Griswold Agency in Manitoba. The letter states that the deceased soldiers are from Oak River and Oak Lake Reserves. The letter also includes the CEF regimental number of one of the deceased, Private John Taylor, and that the Department of Indian Affairs paid a pension to his wife and two children. Other correspondence informs us that Private Gilbert Moore, who was killed in action on March 24, 1918, left behind parents in poor circumstances and that they applied for a pension; and that Private Thomas Kasto left a mother who received a pension.
Photograph of Canadian Expeditionary Forces soldier Michael Ackabee. (e005176082)
As well as providing information about the soldiers who fought with the CEF, these files make reference to women in First Nation communities who provided funds to help with the war effort to organizations such as the Red Cross, the Girls Overseas Comfort Club, and the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Women in the communities knitted socks and made shirts to add to the “comfort boxes” that were mailed to the men overseas. They also fundraised by making beadwork, woven baskets, and quilts to sell at box socials and fairs.
Indigenous soldiers who survived the war often returned home changed, both positively and negatively. Sapper Peter Taylor, a Kahnawake soldier, suffered the rest of his life with complications from mustard gas poisoning until he passed away in 1955. Private Tom Longboat, the Olympic long distance runner from Six Nations of the Grand River reserve, returned home from his duty overseas in France to find his wife had remarried after receiving word that he had been killed.
Private Tom Longboat, the Onondaga long distance runner, buying a newspaper from a French boy, June 1917. (a001479)
Many who returned home were affected mentally and physically. We give our gratitude for their sacrifices and service, and they will be forever acknowledged, honoured, and respected.
This blog is part of a series related to the Indigenous Documentary Heritage Initiatives. Learn how Library and Archives Canada (LAC) increases access to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation collections and supports communities in the preservation of Indigenous language recordings.
Elizabeth Kawenaa Montour is a project archivist and Sara Chatfield is a project manager in the Exhibitions and Online Content Division of the Public Service Branch at Library and Archives Canada.
The Andrew Sisters pumped out the best propaganda for the imperial war machine: “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. Don’t let your joy and laughter hear the snag. Smile boys, that’s the style. What’s the use of worrying. It never was worth while. So pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile”. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact
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MNN. April 28, 2019. Canada is trying to “manage” the “Indian” problem! We are not the problem. They are! Canada is still trying to eliminate us! Our unborn, our babies and children were and are being extinguished through government policies of sterilization, residential schools, Indian day schools, Children’s Aid Societies, jails, courts, murders, kidnappings, disappearances, adoptions, sales, fostering, starvation, mental/psychological misdiagnosis, medical deprivation, general misinformation of our history and character, experimentation on our bodies and minds, harvesting our organs, human and sex trafficking of our children and sexual abuse and perversions. The Canadian public who turn their back and looked the other way while this is going on are complicit.
The churches have been evil for centuries, picking on helpless children. The perpetrators are the ultimate cowards. Our elders told us what evil the churches were doing to mess us up.
This is a manual cover page from the Government and Church in 1916 on
how to kidnap Indigenous children from their parents by removing their
culture, language, and identity and assimilating them into the
dominant culture.
“The great aim of our legislation has been to do away with the tribal
system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the other
inhabitants of the Dominion as speedily as they are fit to change.”
1887 – John A McDonald. Architect of the Indian Act.
We are being extorted with our own monies owed to us. They are using their starve us into submission tactic since they established themselves on our land.
Extermination of natives needs the Indian Day School Settlement and the final Framework Reconciliation Agreement finalized. Brought together to do this are Canada, Defence, Indian Affairs, Justice and the military directed by the Corporation of the Government of Canada. First they killed the women who bore the children, then all the others.
The Indian Day School was a psychological extinction program. Canadians have collective amnesia regarding this illegal immoral practice.
Involved in carrying out the genocide were cops, priests, government officials, Indian agents who pointed out victims in the community to threaten and do away with and the colonial setters who turned away their eyes and ears which makes them complicit. In residential school there was torture, baby sacrifices and snuff. In day schools beatings and evangelical beliefs were shoved down our throats financed by Indian Affairs and carried out by the churches.
Canadians must stop lying. They committed a program of depravity, evil and abuse. Psychologists lead us through what we supposedly saw or didn’t see. They have now been discredited for generating false memories. We were forced to go to rituals in their churches where we heard lies and had to take part in evil rituals that were completely unnatural.
We were terrified because we were up against the military who ran our communities.
Native children were forced to live the nightmare imposed by the state to create collective hysteria.
Kaianerekowa is based on nature. Evil does not exist in nature and creation.
One family member was targeted and turned their families against them, which continues today.
Free thinkers and those who don’t succumb to the genocidal invaders are persecuted.
The Framework Agreement is another evil scheme of robbery and tyranny devised by the white man to bring us completely under the control of a ring of robbers, murderers and corporate speculators.
We will defend ourselves. We refuse to become beggars, paupers, diseased, starved people.
“Hang around the fort” Indians [band councils] are the worst tramps, dead beats, stumble bums and low life of our society. They would roast us alive if told to do so and the cheque was big enough for them. They are barely educated, do little jobs for their masters and are supplied with loose women and men to entertain them. They fawn and adulate their masters, in return for servile flattery.
The Corporation of the Government of Canada mission is: our law brings us material welfare and makes it possible to control the world. It gives us creature comfort at the expense of the stupid Indians.
Alice Cooper is singing about our Indian day school experience: “Well, we got no choice, all the girls and boys. Making all that noise cause they found new toys. Well, we can’t salute you, can’t find the flag. If that don’t suit you, well that’s a drag. Schools out for summer. Schools out forever. Schools been blown to pieces”. Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.