Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


mnnlogo1PEOPLE’S FIRE 

MNN.  Feb. 3, 2013.  The power is the People.  They select the chiefs, clan mothers, titles and positions, who answer to the people. If they don’t listen, the people will remove errant chiefs or clan mothers.

The fire symbolizes the people coming together. “Sa’tsi”ra” means, “You have a fire”.  “Swa’tsi:rare” means, “the fire is inside you”. It is the spirit, life of the person, family, clan, community, nation, confederacy. 

People's Fire is most powerful.

People’s Fire is most powerful.

The root word for family, “kawa’tsi:re”, is “otsire”, the word for fire.  It means the family still has a fire and exists. Each person, family and clan has a fire. The People’s Fire is the most powerful because all the minds come together.  

The fire is the people’s voice. Each person has a voice, a duty to express their views on all social, political and economic issues. Individuals must exercise their personal power on behalf of the people. This is the foundation of the consensual decision making process of the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the law of the land. 

People make sure protocol is followed by all the People.

People make sure protocol is followed by all the People.

All direction comes from the fire of the People. Then it goes to the clan mothers and then to the chiefs.  We all keep an eye on the chiefs and clan mothers to make sure they are all following the law.   

The Kanianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law, came to our people because dictators had risen, taken control and created constant warfare. The Great Law got rid of the dictators and the wars. We lived in peace for thousands of years, until the Europeans brought the war back to Great Turtle Island.  

Band and Tribal councils are corporate Indians who are part of the royal economist bankers genocide program. They work under the direction of Indian Affairs and the US Bureau of Indian Affairs. Without any legal right, they sign surrenders of our land and resources. Our land cannot be sold or given away. They cannot use our titles to legitimize themselves and mislead the people. They don’t rule us. 

Our traditional chiefs are the spokespersons for the People, saying only what the people tell them. Those chiefs who don’t listen to the People are outside the circle. Their antlers break off, the blood goes into their eyes, ears and mouth. The people cannot listen to those whose words are not clear, whose eyesight is gone and who have become deaf.

Our great law of peace is the law of the land. We have a Two Row relationship with the settlers that they have breached. This needs to be redressed.

Meeting until sunset, followed by feast and dancing.

Meeting until sunset, followed by feast and dancing.

Our fire continues.  Our voices are becoming stronger every day. Each person has a duty to counsel themselves and learn as much as they can about their issues. As long as we are alive, our fire will not go out.  When the colonists tried to extinguish us, we continued our fire. We did everything to stay alive. Only we can extinguish our fire. 

As Jimi sang in “Fire”: “You tried to give me your money, you better save it, babe.  Save it for your rainy day. I have only one burnin’ desire. Let me stand next to your fire.”   

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


MNN: Ohenton Kariwa’tek:wen, Thanksgiving

mnnlogo1OHENTON KARIWA’TEK:WEN, the Thanksgiving 

MNN.  FEB 3, 2013.  The “words that come before” is a dedication to the coming faces that we do every day.  We place ourselves within an interdependent relationship with the natural world. We remind ourselves that we are equal with all elements of nature.  

The Indigenous women are the progenitors of the soil of this land. It is held for the coming generations of our people yet unborn.  Sovereign power is exercised to remind us of our way of life based on the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law of Peace. The natural world is the perfect reality. At every gathering, the “ohenton kariwa’tek:wen” is said so that we may gather our minds together as one.

Circle of life.

Circle of life.


First, let us pay our respects to the people and remind ourselves of the necessity of good relations between ourselves in order to be productive and happy.  So be it in our minds. 

Let us extend our respect to our Great Mother Earth, and how the functions of the women parallels the role of the earth.  The immunities and medicines we inherit come from living on her.  So be it in our minds. 

Let us extend our thanks for our cousins, all the waters, and to the contents of the waters – the fish, plant life and other things.  Food and medicines needed to live healthily come from the waters.  So be it in our minds. 

Our Sisters.

Our Sisters.

Let us now extend our respect to our sisters, the plant life, such as corn, beans and squash, strawberries and other foods. So be it in our minds. 

Let us give our respect to our brothers and sisters, the animals, insects and birds, who are also beneficial to the people.  So be it in our minds. 

Let us give our thanks to our grandfathers, the four winds and thunderers. They help renew nature for the peopleSo be it in our minds. 

Let us now give our thanks to our grandmother, the moon, which regulates all female life. From her we learn the best time to put seeds into the ground and pick medicines.  So be it in our minds. 

Let us now give our respects to our eldest brother, the Sun, who is the example for the men to follow. The sun supports the earth by warming it so things can grow. He gives support and reinforcement to the people. He beautifies everything that has been put on the earth.  They protect and support the people, particularly the women. They help raise the children and ensure their well-being and continuation of life. So be it in our minds. 

Let us now give respect to our distant cousins, the stars, who have a lot of knowledge and strength when we need them. So be it in our minds. 

Let us give thanks to our teachers who pass on the language, culture and messages from our ancestors.  So be it in our minds. 

We give thanks to all our relatives of the natural world, to all that helps human life, to the “Kasasten’sera’kowa sa oiera”, the great natural power, which is the power that produces them.  We place ourselves in an interdependent system of relationships of all elements of nature, which are equal.  We shall never know the face of this power, nor the name of this power, nor where this power dwells.  We know it is logical, neither male nor female.  So be it in our minds. 

We, the people have the duty to rescue this earth for the faces yet unborn, who are under its surface and will be released to us. We work together to create an environment that will give them a good life on earth. So be it in our minds. 

We, the people, work together for the continuity of life. Saving humanity and the earth is through exercising the power of the Kaianereh’ko:wa. If there is anything in the great natural world that we forgot to thank, we add it here.  So be it in our minds. 

Now that we have given thanks and respect to all elements of Creation, we are ready to deal with the matters at hand. 

Song: We ask here for the silence, to sit still and block everything out so that we can only hear the Earth spinning. 

Kaneron'kwa:tsera, love is the medicine.

Kaneron’kwa:tsera, love is the medicine.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0






MNN.  Sept. 19, 2012.  To Americans freedom of speech means the ruling masters train their people to be abused without complaining.  They are unnatural, living a decaying life on top of steel, concrete and glass.  Their put-down culture is to deceive and insult each other on a road paved with trickery and twisting of reality.  Their most dangerous obstacle is the truth, which they set out to kill at every turn.  

As the Muslim riots demonstrate, when natural people are unfairly insulted, they seethe with anger. The filmmakers of “Innocence of Muslims” insulted natural people, who are proud and stand up for their dignity for the sake of their children.    

Humiliating Muslims in grotesque disrespectful cartoons to bring them under control is called satire and free speech.  Muslim resistance is labeled as crazy and hysterical. We have a right to defend our integrity.  We won’t stand being lied to about ourselves.     

The US talking heads say, “Sorry!” for the fall out over the ridicule.  Sorry does not exist in Mohawk, a natural language.  It is an invented English word.  Once said, we are forced to submit and to forget the wrong.    

Forgiveness is another invention.  We are supposedly a better person by forgiving someone who has harmed us.  

A wrong does not magically fly away.  The injustice should not have been done in the first place.  In our way, the wrong doer faces their victims, takes full responsibility and makes it right to their full satisfaction. 

The ugly truth about the biggest holocaust in all humanity of our people has been hidden.  The liars’ club say because of freedom of speech they can lie to our faces  hile stealing our possessions.    

Fictional films, books and stories about us are aimed at killing us one way or another.  Every time an Indigenous woman is found dead, the media immediately spins propaganda that she was a “street worker”, to demean the character of all our women. To control us, they need to create an inferiority complex. 

Ridiculing us for entertainment is an old strategy.  Our women and children were murdered, their skin taken to make hats and leggings for themselves as a joke.  The need to belittle and undervalue is the foundation of US comedy, to make people laugh at the horrible suffering of others.  Their culture is designed to induce self-hatred and depression and selling products to cure it. 

The tactic is to make us dislike ourselves and our own people by shaming us and attacking our self-esteem.  Their education system tries to emotionally manipulate our children to accept abuse and say nothing about injustice.  

Muslim resistance is threatening to expose this tactic.      Americans and their Western partners fear revelation and answering for their reprehensible atrocities.     

We are angry at the attempted continuation of their genocide.  The ruling class don’t know how to deflect this anger.  We refuse to exist in a contrived state of self-deprecation for the purpose of helping them deal with their anxiety over their brutality to us.  

Colonial brats can be comforted by the words of songwriter Carol King:  “And It’s too late baby.  Now it’s too late.  Though we really did try to make it, something inside has died and I can’t hide it.  And I just can’t fake it.”  

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0






MNN.  July 24, 2012.  This film is about real life serial killer and attacker of women, Col. Russell Williams, the Commander of Canadian Forces Base in Trenton, Ontario. [CBC, July 23, 2012].  

He started out with break-ins, sexual assaults and then started murdering women.  He stole women’s lingerie, wore them and took pictures of himself.  He looked ridiculous in their bras and smelling their underwear,  while he jerked off in the mirror.  He videotaped and photographed the murders and attacks.  In October 2010, a police interrogator asked him why.  He said, “It doesn’t matter”.  

He was just appointed to one of the top positions in the Canadian military.   Someone was needed to create maniacal killers to send out to the battlefield.  He headed up one branch of it, the Air Force.  

Williams needed constant orgasms, but not with his wife.  He channeled his sexual needs to coolly carry out evil.  

As a soldier, his job was to kill people and to lead others to do it.   He learned how to create fantasies for his arousal.  Eventually he directed his sexual needs to killing women.  Imminent danger of being caught increased his sexual desire.  Trained troops are expected to do anything they are ordered to do.  Drugs enhance sexual drive and mind control, to carry out the killings.  

Researchers constantly develop ways to create lethal soldiers.  Drugs enhance sexual drive that overrides the natural drive to protect people.  Once trained, they need wars and people to kill. 

War is artificial, not natural.  Are police being trained to become unremorseful murderers today?  

The artificially stimulated sex drive needs an outlet.  It is being deliberately directed toward killing people, as demonstrated in the Wikileaks video.  US soldiers in helicopters shot defenseless people from the air.  They reveled and celebrated the kills and then rushed to their barracks to masturbate.  

Training today is intensified.  Direct commands are shouted to kill, kill, kill. Long range weapons are created so they don’t have to look their victim in the eye.  Propaganda is tailored to dehumanize the enemy.  Was Russ doing research for the Department of National Defense, his employers? 

Russell Williams was sent away for life.  His colleagues feared their training methods would be exposed to the public if there was a full scale trial.  Williams had let it get out of hand. 

In Indigenous society, there are purification rituals for warriors who comes back from the battlefield to bring them safely back into society. 

Should native families conflict each other, they will go to a certain point without killing each other.  Otherwise this would wipe out our species.  In white society, they fight until there is no one left, brag about it and have monuments set up in their memory.    James Holmes, the mass murderer at the Bat Man movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, would be a hero in Afghanistan and Iraq for his calculated brutality.  It seems this might have been his assignment.  

As Irving Berlin wrote in, This is the army, Mr. Jones:  “A bunch of frightened rookies were listening, filled with awe.  They listened while a sergeant was laying down the law.  They stood there at attention, their faces turning red.  Their sergeant looked them over, and this is what he said.  This is the army, Mr. Williams.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0











MNN.  Dec. 9, 2011. Our canoe continues to float and move forward.  The invaders’ ships with their mighty masts are sinking.  The rats aboard are feeble and abandoning ship.  

The invaders came to Great Turtle Island temporarily.  The poor were sent here.  The rich came for more riches.  They murdered and exploited us.   

Figures reveal that one out of three will be indigenous here within a generation.    The visitors will have to work and share.   They can’t do that.  So they’re leaving.  

These unnatural people have been conditioned to serve their ruling secret cabal which is now re-directing them to other places. 

They do strange things like drink another mammal’s milk without getting sick.  They are separated from their mother at birth.  They are put in separate rooms to become individuals and alone in the world.  Then they are taught the first great white lie, that there is a Santa Claus.  Then they know it’s alright to lie, first to their parents and than to lie just like them.   

White males say they have no future in the US; laws once protected their underhanded activities.  The loopholes they needed got closed.  It’s harder to brutalize, rob and enslave us.  

They have difficulty finding love, marriage or companionship.  They don’t want to take care of anybody.  Their preference is finding compatibility on the internet or having a foreign spouse they can abandon.  

Over 5 million students and workers are living abroad.  

Almost 10% of US households are planning to leave.   Another 10% are planning to live outside on a part-time basis.    

They say the tax man is chasing them away, taking their money, investment and jobs with them.   

Manufacturing has already gone to China and administration to India.  

They put their money in off shore accounts to avoid taxes.  Expat Americans are classified as terrorists, arms dealers and money launderers so their US bank accounts can be frozen.  Many are renouncing their citizenship. 

These professionals and skilled go where there are other Caucasians to start businesses and have a congenial life.  Mostly, they go where their employees work for less, have no unions and can get a fulltime housekeeper or personal assistant for $50 a month.  

The American dream is a tired joke.  US politicians are corrupt toothy cutouts looking for deals to enrich themselves.  They swindled the future, leaving a pilfered cupboard and a trail of lies.  

US life is small and worthless.  Lawless overlords blare ghetto trash, rap, Jerry Springer, whores, criminal culture, guns, perversion, child abuse, drug kings, sports, celebrities and CSI.  

Run down cities are controlled by the rulers, run by police and military.  

46 million are on food stamps.  The homeless, hungry, unwashed masses are lost.  When they think there is no more opportunity, they self-destruct, abandoning their responsibilities.  

Americans can go almost anywhere in the world if they bring money.  We feel sorry for the people who will Inherit them.   

They have no clans, no nation, no close family and no allegiance but to themselves and their rulers.  

They have no borders or bonds to anywhere other than to opportunities.  

They’re getting resistance to the injustice and oppression they commit on us and our land.  The natural world won’t allow us to be uprooted from our birthright.    

The rats are moving on.  The money they got from exploiting us should be dumped at our feet so we can set it on fire. 

A long time ago elder Kanietahawi said, “One day we will tell our children that once upon a time there used to be white skinned people here.  Now they’re gone!” 

When the last one leaves, take your stars and stripes rag with you. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. 

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture. 




MNN  6 Dec. 2011.  The secret ruling cabal of an old European blood line is trying to run a fascist globe out of London, the financial capital of the world.  Washington DC is the military capital and Vatican City is the religious capital.  These are three city states with no allegiance to any country, except their own blood line.     

The dictators at the top of the pyramid know the agenda.  As power descends, they know less and less.   At the bottom they know nothing.  


The rulers dictate to the governments, banks, corporations and military through their hierarchy. 

They control nations, towns, cities, regions and communities.  Their serfs load the guns, fire them and die for them.  They have been brainwashed through propaganda and patriotism.  Flags, songs, heroes and holidays give them an artificial identity. 

To make their servile people fearful, insecure and easier to control, the masters sent them from their mother land, to live on and exploit other peoples’ lands and resources for them.  These wanderers have been lost ever since.    

The cabal’s aggression takes many forms.  The people are kept on a leash.  Treats are sometimes offered as part of their conditioning.  

The rulers hide, secretly spin webs and keep everybody trapped in debts and taxes to keep them down.  

The political parties wear the same masks.  President Obama claims to be different, but is pushing the cabal’s agenda.  The two US parties are the repo-cons and demo-cons.  Both have the same masters.    

Independent candidates are a threat to the party system.  

Taking care of one’s nest is natural.  These invaders destroy the environment and expect others to clean up after them.  It’s unnatural for them to look after the land because it’s not theirs!  

They won’t change because the land itself will never recognize them.  They are temporary occupiers.  We Indigenous are the real deal! 

They fear the unknown.  There is repetitive shouting at them to condition them to the message of doom. 

Something venomous and deadly controls their lives.  They feel they can do nothing about it.  They sometimes have a yearning for the “old country” but they don’t know it.  That is why they treat our land badly. 

They fear this mysterious clandestine hand that imprisons them.  Promotion of super beings is a way for the serfs to bond with their rulers’ message.  

Their mythology is that super heroes hide away and look out for them.  These crusaders are saving the world, they are told.  It’s meant to distract them from doing something about their own enslavement.    

Their mind is taken off the economy, corruption, the murder of over 100 million Indigenous, theft of our resources, and so on.  Not looking back at the truth and gobbling up the fantasies created for them gives a fake meaning to their lives.   

The cabal is systematically destroying the US to create a global one party state.  A world dictatorship cannot have other super powers with financial and military might. 

These old self declared super heroes eventually die and lose their power.  They have to hang up their tights, speedos, capes and masks.  The armed peasants are gnawing at their door.  Friendless, who is going to bring these old farts their pills and their bed pans?   

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. 





MNN.  30 Nov. 2011.  European rulers train their people to be obedient, and can order them to attack or pull back.  They need an enemy or they will attack each other.  

Laws keep them in line so they don’t brutalize one another unless told to do so.  Their leashes were lengthened for WWI and WWII.                                       

European rulers think they are entitled to control the world.  They set up a psychopathic hierarchical system enforced by the military to do this.   

Europe has long been a dead land with no resources.  Manufacturing and labor are sourced out.  Their money has no backing.   

Europeans feed off of other peoples’ labor and resources to exist.        

The rulers create banking systems and money out of thin air to pay for this. 

The European monster with its once long tentacles can’t grab or control anything.  Resources are moving “further” out of their grasp.  A new way to rip us Indigenous off is being developed. 


Capitalism is a captive-bonding or co-dependency relationship.     

Their shark-like fixation on sucking others blood goes far back in their history.  People are sheep to be preyed upon.] 

Loyalty of the prey to their captors could be based on ignorance, terror, trauma or even kindness.  Terrorists have been known to be nice to their victims like they were giving them their lives. A bone thrown at them or lack of abuse is seen as an act of kindness.   


These people were bred by natural selection.  Millions of strong women were destroyed to create this system. 

Society isolates the victims by creating a culture of individuals.  Mistreatment can be undetected. 

Abusers share information about their own mistreatment to falsely show sympathy. 

Victims feel helpless if the bondage relationship is ended.  Election time is when their tormenters are changed.  The abusers remind them, “Vote for me or I can make you disappear’, like a co-dependent.

Wars create an emotional investment.  Governments constantly remind them of these ties.  [Memorial Day, war movies and video games]. 

Rulers constantly sort out thinkers from non-thinkers.  Everyone is told a have and have-not society is natural.  

European rulers don’t care about the consequences of their actions.  They are unfeeling but not insane.   

Social obligations hold groups together. These psychos know how to divide social groups.  

Colonial tribal and band councils are trained controllers.  They look the other way while corporations suck out our resources.  [Attawapiskat and DeBeers Diamonds].  

Greed knows no bounds.  They advise governments on how to solve the problems they created.  They are egocentric ruthless game players as Penn State has recently shown in their prolonged secret child molestation scandal.  

Arabs are invading Europe.  The Middle East is made up of many small nations of indigenous people. 

They are hard working, prolific and maintain connections with their each other.  

Mohawks moved our villages every 15 to 20 years.  We had 5 village sites.  Orchards were planted.  When we returned a hundred years later the land and resources were cleansed and replenished. 

Where are these Europeans going to go? 

The European Union nations are fighting each other.  They gang up like a pack of dogs on little nations like Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, and destroy them.   EU, US and UK have become unviable. 

US, Canada and other Euro-controlled nations of the Western Hemisphere are turning out to be failed satellite experiments.  Why?  We Indigenous survived their holocaust of over 100 million of our people who question everything they did according to the Great Law. 

What happens when all the teeth have been pulled out of these old dogs?  They lose their bite and can only lap up soft chewable scraps.  No bones please! 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.






MNN. Aug. 17, 2008. Someone is trying to plow under the Mohawks and our history. The three clans each had their villages around a river that bore the name of their clan. Bear River is Mount Royal which is now Montreal; Wolf River is Chateauguay to the west of Kahnawake; and Turtle River is St. Constant-Laprairie-Candiac to the east of Kahnawake. The fields contain dozens of Mohawk village and burial sites.

Quebec is building a mega highway through the territory of the Iroquois Confederacy known as the protectors of the “Eastern Door” of Turtle Island. The territory has never been surrendered. Yet the Quebec government is handing out permits to companies to build on our land without our consent. These companies use our land as collateral to raise money from the public, which is criminal fraud.

To stop a further invasion and breakdown of our community, the Women Title Holders of the Rotino’shonni:onwe [the voice of the people] served a “Notice of Objection” on Canada, Quebec, the colonially established Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and their agents.

The colonial band council headed by Mike Delisle [] has supported the super highway through the middle of Kahnawake in exchange for some land and “other undisclosed considerations” citing he had made a “gentlemen’s agreement”. Nothing is in writing. It looks like a business partnership between him and Quebec. The people erected a large sign on the proposed route stating “Mohawk Territory – No Trespassing”. The Quebec Police have torn it down. Our people have gone out to the site to put it back up. The farmers of St-Constant have shown strong support for our cause. “Farmers oppose Hwy. 30 expansion” by Stefan Christoff
For more info visit: Autoroute 30 au Nord 

More news to come. Read the following “Notice of Objection”. MNN Mohawk Nation News 

NOTICE OF OBJECTION – August 17, 2008


Burial sites being desecrated and natural waterways being diverted

FROM: The Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk Nation of the of the Rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois].

OBJECTION: To the development of Highway 30 through the territory of the northern protectors of the Iroquois Confederacy, the Kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk], who are the “Keepers of the Eastern Door”. The entity known as “ Quebec ” is attempting to illegally build Highway 30 through the ancient community of Kahnawake. Old villages, burial sites and waterways are being destroyed or diverted. This development violates the Two Row Wampum, the Kaianereh’ko:wa [the Rotino’shonni:onwe constitution] and international law as it does not have the fully informed consent of the Kanion’ke:haka. The construction permits issued by the government of Quebec are illegal. Our land cannot be alienated. Quebec is encroaching on unsurrendered Kanion’ke:haka territory and using it as collateral to raise money to fund their businesses. This constitutes fraud. It will encourage a further invasion and breakdown of our solitary community for the benefit of a few.

TO: The colonial entities that are carrying on illegal activities, known as:
– “Canada”;
– “Quebec government”;
– Chenail Construction Brinco Quarry and others;
– “Mohawk Council of Kahnawake”; and
– Any and all their agents are all squatting on our territory.

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake who gave permission to Quebec is a “band council”, a colonial entity that is set up by the colonial entity known as “Canada”. Its members have become Canadian citizens of “Indian” ancestry”. They have no legal right to make any decisions on our unceded territory. Mike Delisle Jr., the band council chief, cannot make a “personal decision” or “gentleman’s agreement” [!] to make secret deals or override the voice of the people. These foreign corporate franchises can never have title to or interest in our land;

RE: The attempt to illegally develop Highway 30 through the Kanion’ke:haka territory on the portion known as “Kahnawake” and surrounding settlements known as “St. Constant”, “Delson” and “Candiac”. This usurpation of our territory does not have the fully informed consent of the Kanion’ke:haka, violating international law.


According to Wampum 44 of the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law of Peace, we, the Kohtihon’tia:kwenio – Women Title Holders – are the caretakers of the land, water and air of “Onowaregeh” [Turtle Island]; and as trustees, our obligation is to preserve and protect the land for the future generations.

a)WHEREAS the foreign invaders cannot determine our identity. We are Haudenosaunee, Six Nations of Onowaregeh. According to the Two Row Wampum Agreement, it is illegal for colonial institutions like Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and their agents to violate internationally recognized principles of fundamental justice;

b)WHEREAS the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People has been adopted by a majority of 144 states; international law has affirmed that colonialism is dead, that all Indigenous peoples are to be treated as equals to all other peoples; and we accordingly claim our right to the full enjoyment as collectives and as individuals to all the human rights and fundamental freedoms that have been recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international law, including the right to self-determination and self-government without being subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of ourselves and our culture.

c)WHEREAS respect for our rights is entrenched in the constitution of Canada, the British North America Act, Sections 109 and 132;

d)WHEREAS the Charter of the United Nations has been signed by its members to resolve differences peacefully without using force. According to the July 7th 2008 decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, the indigenous people have a right to freedom of speech and to demonstrate to protect our lands without hindrance;

e)WHEREAS Canada has ascribed to the internationally recognized standards for respecting political rights of the People as set out in the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other international legal instruments;

f)WHEREAS General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) requires the informed consent of the people before they are included in another state; and the international Court of Justice affirmed this Resolution in the Western Sahara case; and the Indigenous people never consented to be part of Canada;

g)WHEREAS Canada must abide by the international law principles that there can be no arbitrary encroachment on Indigenous peoples; ignoring the true Indigenous people is illegal; independent Indigenous peoples’ rights must be respected and heeded; and our perspectives on the issues must not be ignored. Canada cannot legally deal with its band council system or other colonial entities on behalf of the true Indigenous People. We are independent sovereign people who must be dealt with as a nation.

h)WHEREAS the Kanion’ke:haka have a constitution. We cannot be governed by foreign laws that we have always resisted and we will continue to resist the usurpation of our territory and resources;

i)WHEREAS states must provide redress for violations of our rights through effective mechanisms; we hereby notify Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and all their agents that their attempt to build Highway 30 on the said part of our territory is unlawful and will be resisted. They must deal with the Women Title Holders who are the lawful owners of the territory through diplomatic relations.


Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and other colonial agents must cease and desist their attempts to violate our authority by building Highway 30; that they must deal with us as a nation as required under both our law and international law; that any individual or foreign entity wishing to discuss any issues between us must provide full information through the proper diplomatic channel, which is the Governor General of Canada, who has a duty to inform us.

We, the Kohtihon’tia:kwenio, brought this matter to the attention of Canada in an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’sesneh v. Attorney General of Canada and her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785. This case in effect acknowledged that Canada has no authority over us and our territory. We remain independent and sovereign.


1)The Women Title Holders will not tolerate the violations of our constitution, ancient customs, traditions, inherent rights and agreements by Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and its agents who are attempting to encroach on our territory. The colonists are breaking their own laws by openly desecrating our historic rivers and village sites and burial grounds. At least 8 sites have been found on the proposed route. Natural waterways are being diverted. No valid environmental studies have been carried out.

2)We invite Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and their agents to resolve our differences in a mature and peaceful way, by rediscovering and brightening the spirit of the Two Row Wampum and the Covenant Chain that began our international relationship centuries ago.

3)Should Canada, Quebec, the Mohawk Council of Kahnwake and their agents continue to breach our rights, we shall take the necessary measures available to us in the international arena to correct the injustices that have been committed against us.

4)It is unacceptable to abuse people on the basis of race, religion, nationality, belief or membership in a particular social group. We invite all members of the colonizing societies to become partners with us to end this cycle of abuse, stop enforcing illegal jurisdiction over us and our territory, halt the illegal construction of Highway 30 and extend dignity, equality and a voice to all peoples.


Karakwine /s/ ________________ Turtle Clan

Contact:; phone 514-458-4976; address – Box 2208, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0. Sent to: All media; Canada, Quebec; Queen Elizabeth II; United Nations, Six Nations Confederacy: Kanion’ke:haka [Mohawks] of Wahta, Six Nations, Tyendinaga, Akwesasne, Kahnawake, Kanehsatake, Ganienkeh and Kanatiohareke; stock exchanges;Ethnoscop; Chateauguay and St. Constant Historical Societies; Cities of Montreal, Chateauguay, St. Constant, Laprairie, Delson, St. Catherine; Governor General of Canada; Minister of Indian Affairs.

poster: katenies



15.04.2008 21:30:56


MNN. March 29, 2008. Our Haudenosaunee Territory is now infested with paper “Algonquins” and virtual “Algonquin” communities created by “Mother” Joan “Ho”lmes. She is the darling researcher, registrar, genealogist, membership clerk, judge, jury and would-be executioner of our nationality. She is the “gun for hire” by Canada or anybody that wants to become or create paper mache “Indians”. We understand she receives a large sum of money for each Indian she signs up. If the real Indigenous at Ardoch or Sharbot Lake want an Algonquin identity, according to our ways, they have to live on Algonquin land.

Mother Joan has also been known to write fake history about the Haudenosaunee that Canada uses to try to settle their phony claims to our land. She’s been hired to write the phony history of the Mohawks of Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga and Wahta. She even helped convince the ignorant Kanawake band council that our land was given to us by Louis XIV!!!

We are a bigger industry for these gangsters than General Motors! In the syndicates they set up, all the top jobs go to “non-natives” except for the figurehead, like Ellen Gabriel, who gets brought out for photo ops. She does not legally represent us. Only members of her organization vote for her. It’s like saying the head of the women’s auxiliary of the church represents all Canadian women.

Those Algonquin “Nohawks” who don’t follow the party line are called NLA, “No Longer Active”. We are informed that Mother Joan creates “Indians” with a five year expiry date. Is “nationality” like a driver’s permit! It looks sillier and sillier all the time. Right now about 20 people have up-to-date licenses and run the whole show. This gives them access to lots of money. They also have a “chief-in-training” who gets voted in by those few “Nohawks” who have active status. Mother Joan needs 125 virtual Algonquins for each community to be able to “conduct business” called “joint ventures”, which are run by non-native shell companies, like Coreshellgroup.

According to reports of witnesses who were in court, Judge Cunningham issued an order that the “Algonquins” cannot “speak directly or indirectly to anyone who they believe could be or is in contact with the Mohawks”!! How did this guy graduate from law school? They could get six months in jail for violating this order. How do they plan to monitor it? The Sharbot Lake “Nohawks” agreed to this condition. It apparently was requested by Neil Smitherman, the ambulance chaser [lawyer] for the uranium mining companies, Frontenac Ventures Corporation and Platinex, who want to mine in the area. An ambulance chaser for “Ardoch Algonquins”, consented to this decree. How can a court be making orders like this? It seems like they think they can do anything they want, that the law is something they can dictate.

In the meantime, Doreen “Wishbone” Davis, another “Nohawk”, is running a cigarette shop on Silver Lake, with Unity and Confederacy flags flying out front. The non-native girl working there said that the RCMP gave Doreen permission to run her store. The land is leased by a native guy from a non-native. This is not sovereignty.

The colonial perpetrators are panicking to cover-up their fraud and questionable activities. This whole scam needs to be investigated by the RCMP fraud squad and the Auditor General of Canada. They think their Shakspearean tragedy is still running, but it’s over. We’re hanging on to our vegetables that we should be throwing at these corrupt actors.

This order sounds like a prototype of the kind of controls that the colonists will try to put on the “real” Indigenous who stand up to the frauds being committed by the corporations, mining companies and colonial governments and their agencies.

We took over the Thurlow Aggregates Quarry in March 2007, to protest an age old robbery and injustice over the illegal infringement on our land without our informed consent. It is a clear violation of our authority and international law. At first the band council supported us. Then Julian “Who-was-born-in-Italy-and-thinks-he-knows-how-to-run-a-banana-republic-like-Canada” Fantino met with the Tyendinaga band councilors, Donald R. Maracle, Roy Brant, Trevor Lewis, Barry Brant and Blayne Loft. They denounced us and went to other communities and corrupted them against us.

Last April 2007 the Mohawks of Tyendinaga demonstrated on the CN Railway tracks. The trains between Montreal and Toronto were shut down for 20 hours. A Mohawk woman met with the Commissioner of the OPP, Julian Fantino. He asked her to try to get them off the rail line or “he would kill them”. They went through the police lines to speak to the demonstrators. The police pointed their weapons at the men, women and children.

Last July 2007 Randy Cota of the Ardoch “Nohawks” asked our people to go up to help them. Our men felt something was eerie about it. They went up and were alarmed when they saw the Ontario Provincial Police involved at the protest site. Cota forgot to tell our people that he was an OPP officer. It was almost like the Mohawks were being set up for an ambush by the OPP bush-wackers. There were no Indians locally, only the settlers all dressed up in their Ralph Lauren cottage wear. Something did not add up. They decided to get out. Since then these “Nohawks” have treated us with disdain.

Fantino publicly said last June 29, 2007, on the “Day of Protest”, “We want a peaceful day”. Behind the scenes he had lined up APCs, tanks, soldiers and paramilitary. He had everything ready to wipe us out.

CBC’s “The Current” got some handwritten notes by OPP officers on how Commissioner Fantino planned to raid the Mohawk demonstrators on the night of June 28 on Highway 401, Highway 2 and the CN Rail line. Actually, nothing was blocked. As promised the Mohawks removed their peaceful demonstration on June 29th. Shawn Brant turned himself in for “mischief”. The notes described how Fantino brought in the TRU Tactical Rescue Unit, SWAT team, Emergency Response and the Riot Squad along with police choppers and aircraft to watch the Mohawks. Even though nothing was going on, Itchy Fingers Fantino gave the site commander, Carson Pardy, the final call to go in, which they did not.

Mandy Smart of Tyendinaga said she saw the heavily armed OPP gathering in the area. The OPP wanted to use force. When she met with Fantino, he warned her that if the Mohawks did not leave by 6 a.m. on June 29th, there would be an attack. “He did not care if the men, women and children were behind those lines.” CN Rail which runs through disputed Mohawk land, suspended rail traffic between Montreal and Toronto for the day.

Last Monday, March 24th 2008, Shawn Brant went to court. Randy Cota has been trying to help make Shawn out to be the leader at Tyendinaga. On March 18th Cota forwarded a message to Shawn Brant from his OPP colleague, Nathan Leland. Leland had sent a memo to his operatives [JUS] to watch a video on Shawn Brant entitled, “Why has he not been arrested for terrorism?” It came from caledoniawakeupcall, a racist anti-Iroquois site run by one of their operatives, Gary Mchale.

Shawn Brant has been told that if he does not accept a plea deal of 12 years for “blocking” the railroad and the Trans Canada highway, they will put him away for 90 years. [ 416-925-6939]

We’re beginning to think it’s time for us to clean up our communities of these outside influences. It looks like this is what’s happening. We all want a clean peaceful community.

Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News

Click on “News” and see category “Sharbot Lake”

poster: katenies



THE POWER AND THE PEACE IS IN THE PEOPLEMNN. May 27th 2006. During the past 88 days of Six Nations activism to reclaim our land near Caledonia, we have received thousands of emails and calls from people all over the world. There were days when we just could not answer them. The support and ideas that we’ve received have been tremendously gratifying and helpful. We thank you all. Without this solidarity from natives and non-natives, the Ontario Provincial Police would have had their way. Blood would have been spilt. Never mind the return of our land, though we are still waiting on that one.

This solidarity that we are experiencing between natives and non-native people is a revival. The British promised to protect the Six Nations on the Haldimand Tract that our people are defending began with this solidarity. The Six Nations were allies of the British. It was this alliance that lead to the formation of modern Canada. Because of this alliance we were pushed out of the Mohawk Valley in what is now New York State where our people had lived since the beginning of time. The Mohawks were valiant allies of the British during the American Revolution. Mohawks have always been on the front line every time Britain needed defending – in the Battle of Queenston Heights 1812, in World I and World War II and other actions. The Haldimand Tract is on traditional Rotino’shon:ni/Iroquois territory. The tract was guaranteed to the Mohawks in 1784. The Six Nations have always been willing to put ourselves on the line for our Canadian allies. It is gratifying to see that the majority of people support this alliance and are willing to stand up for us.

Our tradition has been to work together. Unfortunately, the Canadian government, particularly Indian Affairs, was taken over by people who did not want us to work together. They wanted to be boss, kings of the castle. So they betrayed us and the Canadian people. Instead of treating us honorably like allies, they abused us. They stole our land, stole our resources and schemed to kill us off. They pretended that we were children who could not look after ourselves. They depleted our trust funds with illegal investments in flaky financial schemes run by their friends.

Instead of treating us like allies, they pretended that we were British subjects. You may wonder why we did not protest over our lack of rights in Canada. That’s because we aren’t Canadians. We were minding our own business. We organized everything on our territory and paid for it ourselves.

We thought the problem was just the people in Indian Affairs and that our relationship with the Queen remained on an honorable footing. We were wrong.

The original Haldimand promise was that there was to be no encroachment ever. In the end the Canadian government, not the Canadian people, was the source of our beef.

Ontario, and the rest of Canada for that matter, is intent on diminishing Indigenous land holdings not only on the Haldimand Tract but everywhere. It is being diminished through outright theft. The aim of not giving one inch of land back is not for the benefit of the people of Ontario. It’s to support the business interests that are intent on exploiting our resources with no regard to the environment or the present and future generations of the people who must live on it. It is the billionaires who really run the governments. Welcome to the pretend democracy of Canada.

We now assume stewardship over our illegally occupied lands. Until now we have invested a lot of resources into historical and legal research and actions for the last 200 years. Anytime the facts were put on the table Canadian officials were shown to have mismanaged Canada and mistreated Indigenous people. We’ve borne the brunt of it. It is over now! This rot also affects the Canadian people. They do not have a government that looks out for them and the future generations. That’s the heart of the problem.

What is government and what are their functions? Is it a vehicle that allows a few greedy individuals to live parasitic lives off the work and possessions of others? Or should government bring people together so that we can put our minds together, solve problems and make a better life for everyone? The basic rift is between our Indigenous philosophy coming from our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law, and the philosophy of the people running the government. We’ve learned in dealing with the Canadian government that the Canadian government does not represent the Canadian people.

We never lost jurisdiction over our ancestral lands. We’ve had a deep sense of betrayal and anger over our horrific historic experience with the colonizers. Would giving us back our illegally occupied land be ”too disruptive” to the parasites lodged in the Canadian government? Never mind that the government allowed and encouraged its own citizens to encroach on our land and gained private and institutional land titles in violation of the laws. They let Americans come up and take our land too! It’s all part of their 100 year plan to get rid of the “Indian problem” as described by that complete maniac, Duncan Campbell Scott of Indian Affairs. A lot of the early settlers on our land were Americans who had taken part in pushing us off our land in the Mohawk Valley. They came up here and liked what they saw here too and began squatting!

It’s also interesting that a large percentage of Canadians consider that we got robbed and that we deserve our territories free of colonial jurisdiction. In the Six Nations issue the public in Canada, the United States and worldwide have given us strong support. We hope, for the sake of Mother Earth, it is because many in Canada realize how important our philosophy of caring for the land is?

Unless, of course, we are in the way of corporate “progress”, that is, exploitation of our lands and resources by a few foreign based interests who operate through corporations. They operate with no obligations to anyone but themselves and no concern for the people, native and non-native. We are all just pawns in their schemes. The way to overcome all this is to assert our title to Turtle Island and to turn it back to its proper role as a “cornucopia” for the people.

Even though there is wide support for us, there is tremendous opposition by the corporate interests which function through the governmental quagmire. They put pressure on any of their institutions that could give us justice. These interests manage to brainwash and manipulate their “flag-waving” super nationalists to make a lot of noise in the media and to attack us. This is what happened at the “Bread and Cheese Fight” in Caledonia on May 22nd 2006 when government instigated rioters came and tried to attack us. But the general public isn’t buying it.

The main anti-Indian argument to stop Indigenous jurisdiction from being asserted is because they don’t want us to grow, expand and become independent. Why do they think that expanded Indigenous jurisdictions would be disruptive? Would it be a problem if Indian affairs would no longer be getting a cut? They’d have to take their feet off their desks and do a day’s work. Are they afraid that it would be environmentally and economically stimulating and rewarding not just for us but for everyone else?

We all need to take a unified approach, native and non-native. We are all being abused. We need to work together. But we need to be wary of those who try to shut us up in the name of unity. We need to respect our laws and adhere to the original arrangements that were made between us. Let us assert our jurisdiction. Don’t keep us mired in legalistic strategies which take up our time and money. We need to be free from the shackles of useless diversions.

Maybe what’s needed is a massive “Condolence Ceremony” in which we wipe our eyes with a soft leather so that we can see clearly and have a good look at the issues; then we need to take an eagle feather to clean out our ears so that we can hear each other; and then we need to drink a glass of water so that we can speak truthfully and as clearly as the purest water. Sometimes the solutions to difficult problems are simple. Sometimes all that’s needed is to show respect.

In the end, there’s no need to give us back the Henco Industries land. It’s ours already. It always was. All Ontario needs to do is to respect that. We need to assert the legal government-to-government relationship. We do have broad support from the public to do this. We must bring out the truth. We must stop Canada from continuing to live in sin? Grow up Canada! Colonialism is over! We’re never going back!

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh