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MNN. Feb. 12, 2016. We’ve known there was a methodology to turn the natural people of the land into obedient slaves. The corporate thieves want to know our weaknesses so we can be placed in the New World Order. From communalism to control by their chosen few in our community by our own people. Read the attached and you will see the strategy at work. It’s been in full swing in Kahnawake since 1990. The NWO is testing their brainwashing system and fine-tuning it for people of the land worldwide. 
It’s called the “Search Conference Method for Participative Planning “ … State of the Art” by Merrelyn Emery. Is this their final solution for us? These brainwashing and pacification genocide programs are planned and developed by universities in collaboration with the Department of Defense. See: “Strategic Leadership & Decision Making”. searchcon1

“Queenie, you’re going!”
The Department of Defense gathers and processes information to produce threat analyses, implement processes that transform information about manpower and resources, and adjusts internal processes for synthesizing information to support all levels of decision making!! The pyramid is put on top of every community. The man on top always works for the shareholders of the corporation.

Some will be eaten and not notice!
We know who the trained assets are in Kahnawake. Some of the assets were/are trained at the University of Chicago [Jesuit] and UMass.
Professional onkwe’hon:weh from the traditional community who ask questions are kicked out. All institutions – cultural centre, education, hospital, economic development. Social services, band council. Justice, media – are under the Search Conference umbrella.
Philip Deering is a systems manager. He says he’s the founder of the Kahnawake Institute for Advanced Studies in Native Self-sufficiency in the 1970’s. It’s a bogus CIA front corporation.

They’re suppose to cry. Not you!
These revealing documents show their plan to separate us all from our land and home and disperse us. As Grand Funk Railroad in their “Closer to Home” sing: “Everybody listen to me and return me my ship. I’m your captain. I’m you captain. And I’m feeling mighty sick”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh
Super Bowl ad.
Williams Lake attack.https://www.facebook.com/noNSTQtreaty/
Canada sells weapons to terrorists.
Shipping map.