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MNN. Aug. 26, 2016. NEWS FLASH! Northern District of NY Judge Frederick Scullin threw us into the dark corporate judicial cesspool and hopes we’ll drown. He’s looking for excuses to throw out Jones v Parmley 98CV374. He let our lawyers Hoffman, Anello, Peiken and the rest drop us for not taking the NYS settlement to stop the trial. We pro se have no money, no lawyers, no know-how in corporate law. We are the victims of the para-military INDIAN Detail attack in 1997. The trial has been delayed for almost 20 years without explanation. To get a fair trial this case belongs in a dispute resolution court.

Line to get into Syracuse Court; "Henh! We're here to watch rerun of "Injustice Unfolds'.

Line to get into Syracuse Court; “Henh! We’re here to watch rerun of the “Injustice Series“.

Scullin is the intelligence background judge on this case. The judge, court and troopers are all on kaia’nere:kowa land, which supercedes all their subsequent courts and rules which are based on Admiralty law of the seas.

Russia set up the first Permanent Court of Arbitration in 1899 in the Hague to settle international disputes between international organisations and between states and international organisations. [Permanent Court of Arbitration]. It is independent. Shortly after, bankers set up their own Admiralty piracy court in the Hague to make us think they’re not about money. The word “bench”, where the judge sits, come from the Latin “banco”, Cases that are tried there are for corporations, banks and always about money.

I-81 INDIAN Detail cops in training to smash 1997 picnic at onondaga.

I-81 INDIAN Detail cops in training to smash 1997 picnic at onondaga.

When the buccaneers arrived they agreed to live by the great peace. Then they saw how much they could steal from us and reneged on their deal. Nature is now telling them ‘You aren’t wanted here anymore’.

The court transcript and audio of the August 18, 2016 pre-trial meeting shows Scullin to be hostile, racist, biased, disrespectful and definitely not neutral. He has to be removed from this case. The court is losing money. The good mind is on trial. He’s got his orders.

Book your time now to attend this trial starting September 20, 2016 at 100 Clinton Street in Syracuse. We expect to have a full court observing the Judge Scullin [Bones] fracas.

Yes, Jim Reeves agrees: “Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. Let’s pretend that we’re together, all alone. I’ll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low. And you can tell your friend there with you he’ll have to go”.

Jim Reeves “You’ll have to go”

Judge Scullin was a member of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court until May 2011. FISC issues and oversees surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, mainly NSA and FBI.  US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. 

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times 

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Admiralty Court is martial law. 

Protests at Standing Rock. Same as Onondaga 1997!!

TPP anti-economic impact.




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MNN. Aug. 24, 2016. In this whole staged event, New York State tried to put out all the candles but 16 are still burning bright. The pro se are becoming known in certain circles as the “Sweet 16 Solicitors” or “SSS”. It’s one entity and it’s all based on the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace.we choose the earth-1

US and NYS are being put on trial by the SSS who are victims of the crime. The Troopers assaulted over 100 men, women, children and babies on May 18, 1997. People who show no interest in such a case show their complicity in the whole problem country-wide.homeland sec racial system

Judge Frederick Scullin [Bones] is trying to throw the case out so the criminals can walk free. He is trying to discredit the SSS every way he can even before the trial starts. indian pledge-1

Last year when ambulance chasers Hoffman, Annelo and all the others dropped us for not taking the NYS settlement, they hoped we would dry up and blow away. Now as the trial of the century approaches, the SSS are ready, willing and able to end this nightmare once and for all. Assistant AG Mulvey says the Troopers handled us with kid gloves. Police videos show otherwise. They are seen hitting the victims with their baseball bats in the head, neck, back, legs and bodies multiple times, even trying to pull down one guy’s pants while whacking him. We acted respectfully throughout trying to protect ourselves and our kids. NYS cops want to keep their habit of physically abusing and humiliating us. Besides being upset over our existence, they were mad at us about something that happened somewhere else. It’s gets nutty in the nuthouse when the inmates are running the asylum.

The biggest trial of the century is not being covered by mainstream media. This will not be forgotten.

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! The trial starts on September 20 in Syracuse at 100 Clinton Street. Bring your dancing shoes to court because we’re going to be kicking up the dust in Syracuse. As Chuck Berry laments: “We’ll be rocking in Boston and Pittsburgh PA. Deep in the heart of Texas and round the Frisco Bay. Way out in St. Louis and down in New Orleans, all the cats wanna dance with sweet little 16”.


Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times 

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down the account. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Dakota Pipeline Protest , Washington DC.

Canada military official – pipeline will be disaster.

Mohawks will block pipeline.






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MNN. 22 Aug. 2016. See the “Nightmare on Clinton Street”, starring Freddie Scullin, preview on September 20th at the trial of the I-81 INDIAN Detail. Watch NYS Trooper James Parmley give it to the cameraman.


Get your tickets early before they’re all gone. 100 South Clinton St., Syracuse NY. All concerned people will be there. So get in line now!

UN Declaration on the Rights of indigenous People specifies that anything to do with our land, water, air and us, must have our permission. Band and tribal councils are merely hamburger flippers for the pirate ship ‘Admiralty’. The “Scullin Bones” flag flies high behind the pilot.scullin bones

Let us remind everyone, there are two kinds of people on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, us original people and all you boat people. Anyone standing on our land comes underneath kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace. Skipper Scullin’s court belongs on a ship in the middle of the ocean to deal with banks, corporations and money. At the August 18 pre-trial, the skipper told us he had full authority even though the ship was still in the dock.

Mate, looks like we're going' down.

Skipper, looks like we’re going’ down.

I-81 INDIAN Detail tried to kill us even though they had no jurisdiction on our land.


In every other sport the referee gets booed. In the court the judge gets revered. They want us to bow down to him but we can’t because our anatomy doesn’t allow us to bow to anybody.

Gord Downy of Tragically Hip seems to be singing about Skipper Scullin when he says:”What’s wrong, what’s going on? You can’t tie yourself up for a deal, he said “Hey North, you’re South. Shut your big mouth, you gotta do what you feel is real”.

Frederick J. Scullin Jr. interesting wikipedia bio.

Downey speaks to Trudeau.

Frederick James Scullin, Jr. Wikipedia

Secret Montreal cross Canada pipeline session.

Unity March World Social Forum Montreal August 8, 2016.

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times 

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down the account. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

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MNN. 22, 2016. The motion was filed to remove US District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. from sitting in this trial – Jones v. Parmley, et al.[5:98-CV0734 [FJS][GHL]. This case does not belong in any Admiralty court [all US courts]. It belongs in a non-Admiralty dispute resolution court, Permanent Court of Arbitration.

Trial starts on September 20, 2016.

Getting ready for the trial of “I-81 INDIAN Detail” starting on September 20, 2016, in Syracuse.


On August 18 Scullin arrived 10 minutes late to the “pre-trial meeting” and said, in effect, “This is my court and everyone shall obey my rules!” Five pro se plaintiffs/victims of the May 18, 1997 assault by the I-81 INDIAN Detail were a few minutes late. Security was holding them. Scullin immediately threw them out of the case. After verbal objections, they were reinstated.

Scullin: "Sooo .. I was trying to remember my lines".

Scullin J.: “Sooo .. I was studying my lines”.

Scullin appeared to be hostile, racist, biased, disrespectful and definitely not neutral. We cannot get a fair trial if he sits on the bench. The transcript and audio will support this.

Scullin asked if we still wanted a jury trial or a bench trial. Asst. Attorney General Tim Mulvey, lawyer for the “I-81 INDIAN Detail”, quickly jumped up and said, “Yes, yes, yes”. We said, “No, no, no!” We want a fair and impartial evidentiary hearing in an open court so a jury can judge the facts, with witnesses and evidence presented.

Every member of the I-81 INDIAN Detail must be tried. Their allegation they were “following orders’ was thrown out twice. Three police disks are filed, along with discovery, transcripts, interrogatories, police notes of the I-81 INDIAN Detail and a list of witnesses.

We want our day in court . Why did it take 18 years to get this trial?

Judge Scullin showed absolute disrespect. When pro se plaintiffs asked how to file and try to carry out court procedures, he said “That’s your problem”. th

We have been personally harmed by the attack on May 18, 1997 and by the subsequent procedural court machinations. We are not lawyers and have no experience in corporate law. Scullin deliberately tried to demean and demoralize us so that we will give up in frustration or he can throw it out. Then the INDIAN Detail criminals can remain unpunished and “at large”.
Scullin’s bias could help have this case thrown out through judicial procedural chicanery. He set unreasonable timelines, he told a 77-year old plaintiff to drive 5 hours and personally deliver documents to him which violates corporate Admiralty procedures.

We demand a hearing on this motion to remove Judge Scullin from our case before he rules on anything to do with our case.

Troopers James Parmley & George Beach getting their orders from the top.

Troopers James Parmley & George Beach getting their orders from the top. Gov. Cuomo promoted Beach to NYS Police Superintendent. 

We have been left stranded by the court, our lawyers Hoffman, Anello, Peiken and the others.

Dinah Washington sings about big changes coming: “I’m gonna change my way of livin’, and that ain’t no shock. Why, I’m thinking of changin’ the way I gotta set my clock. Because nobody wants you when you’re old and gray. There’s gonna be some changes made today. There’ll be some changes made.”

Video: Scullin reminds us of the infamous Judge Roy Bean who said, “If they wanted a fair trial, they shouldn’t have come to my court”. Watch “The Life and times of Judge Roy Bean” Image created by Americans

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times 

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Most of the victims were women and children.

So! Most of the victims were women and children.












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MNN. Aug. 18, 2016, Syracuse NY. Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr., a federal court judge, appointed for life by the US President, walks in like gang busters. He clicks his heels and sits down at the front of the pirate ship called the Federal District Court, 10 minutes late. “This is my court and everyone shall obey my rules!”

pix police-brutalityFive pro se plaintiffs/victims of the May 18, 1997 assault by the New York State ‘death squad’, called the “I-81 INDIAN DETAIL”, were a few minutes late. After delaying the proceedings for almost 20 years, Scullin immediately threw them out of the case. Security was holding them downstairs. After verbal objections, they were reinstated.

Scullin, your kangeroo court has no jurisdiction over international matters that need to be resolved. Your court engineered our lawyers, Terrance Hoffman, Robert Anello, Jodi Peikin and the rest to dump us.

Judge Scullin [Scully] was biased, disrespectful and not neutral and should be removed from the bench. The transcript and audio will show this. We cannot get a fair trial in any Admiralty Court because they are only for banks and corporations and always about money.

This is my house and you'll do what I say or else!

Scully: “This is my house and you’ll do what I say, or else!”

We did not cause the attack in 1997 nor the court delay. Scullin asked if we still wanted a jury trial or a bench trial before him. Asst. Attorney General Tim Mulvey quickly jumped up and yelled, “Yes, yes, yes”. We said, “No, we want a fair and impartial hearing by a jury” so they can judge the evidence.

Mulvey has a motion to remove 35 cops from the case. They were all part of the death squad that carried out the near mass murders of men, women and children at the peaceful gathering on private property. We want an evidentiary hearing of the facts before a jury on this. Every cop must be tried and cannot use the “I was following orders” defense. [Nuremberg Trial confirm this].

Many of the 76 victims getting settlements weren’t there. Some of them support relieving of 35 police of wrongdoing because they didn’t see them do anything forceful!. What! We were being beaten to a pulp.They also want us to identify those cops who removed their badges and disguised themselves. They were all part of the hell and emotional distress we are feeling to this day.

He rules his little ship. But not outside.

He rules his little ship. But not outside.

We refused to take the sell-out settlement to keep our mouths shut. After Scullin left, Mulvey, said we could tell our story to some judge and he offered us a low ball amount. We refused. We want all the people in the world to know that we have been fighting for justice for over 20 years in the corporate admiralty court system.

Mulvey then put his hands back into his pockets and told us he was going to object to everything that we present, especially the police videos showing the attack. Everyone in the world can see these videos on the internet.

Some witnesses say the I-81 INDIAN Detail was sweet and gentle.

Some witnesses say the I-81 INDIAN Detail was sweet and gentle.

NYS cops, James Parmley and George Beach planned and carried out the deadly I-81 Indian Detail in 1997 which was ordered from President Clinton’ Office. Parmley retired. Governor Cuomo promoted Lt. Col. George Beach as the NY State Police superintendant.

Scullin showed absolute disrespect. He came to intimidate. We will seek help from the international community to take this to a non-Admiralty dispute resolution court where we can get a fair trial. Not one reporter was at this court. They are all controlled by the “Indian Ring”.

Ask these officials what’s going on: Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M.; Elkan; Gabriel M. Nugent Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi,; Jodi M. Peikin,,; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman; Timothy P. Mulvey Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Please let us know what you find out.

Jimi Hendrix paints a better picture of this case and his yellow is not so mellow: “Anger, h smiles wrapped in shiny metallic purple armour … My red is so confident. He flashes trophies of war and ribbons of euphoria. Orange is young, full of daring but very unsteady for the first go round. My yellow in this case, is not so mellow”.

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down account. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Permanent Court of Arbitration

Nuremberg Trials.

All Indians are dead.

Aboriginal law above white man’s law.

on UN declaration

State settles lawsuit.

NYS police investigators problems.

Some refuse to sign deal.

Police admit responsibility for beating up onkwe’hon:weh.

Col. Beach now head NYS Police.






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MNN. AUG. 16, 2016. We’re hoping the wait for justice may soon be over! After almost 20 years since the brutal beating of over 100 onkwe’hon:weh by the New York State Troopers [Jones, et al v. Parmley, et al 5:98-cv-00374-FJS-TWD] the following bunch of orders came:


Justice railroad being dismantled.

Justice railroad being dismantled.

The Court hereby ORDERS that Counsel for Defendants and all pro se Plaintiffs shall attend in person pretrial conference on August 18, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. in Syracuse, New York. .. the Court will dismiss with prejudice the claims of any pro se Plaintiff who fails to attend. The Court further ORDERS that the date for filing and serving pretrial submissions and motions … and any opposition to motions in limine, as set further in the Court’s Order dated February 12, 2016, remains in effect. The Court also advises … September 8, 2016 meeting is on and does not affect the date for the commencement of the trial … September 20, 2016. Signed by Senior Judge Frederick J. Scullin, Jr. on 7/8/2016. [Copy served upon pro se plaintiffs via regular mail] [nmk]

NYS Troopers advance into court.

NYS Troopers advance into court.

We are the victims. 17 of us have no lawyers. Terrance Hoffman, Anello, Peikin and the rest dumped us as clients when we refused to take the money offered by NYS to drop everything and keep our mouths shut. The Court in Syracuse is “procedurciding” us.

Scullin sent a threat to us to visit his [court] house or else! Also, we have to file and serve this and that paper to him and dozens of his friends by a complicated costly railroading system called a ‘dead’line or else they’re good for nothing! We don’t have electronic mail. They won’t accept anything by email or fax. Our custom is to send a runner with a wampum to verbally deliver our messages.

Scullion says we have to be at the court by 11:00 or else!

Judge Scullion says we have to be at his house by 11:00 or else!


We’re being jerked around. We need worldwide support.

Ask these officials what’s going on: Angela C. Winfield; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi,; Jodi M. Peikin,,; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman; Timothy P. Mulvey Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Please let us know what you find out.

NYS vigilantes looking for their badges?

NYS vigilantes looking for their badges?

Johnny Cash’s song “Cocaine Blues” ia dedicated to th Troopers: “In walked the man holding the verdict in his right hand. The verdict read in the first degree. I hollered, “Lawdy, lawdy. Have mercy on me!” The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen – 99 years in the Folsom pen … 99 years underneath that ground … Come on, you gotta listen unto me … lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be.”

The Permanent Court of Arbitration

Pipeline protest. Sacred Stone Camp North Dakota.

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MNN. Aug. 15, 2016. This will be the last Olympics! No more pitting elite athletes from expensive elite sports that mostly corporate elites can afford. The Nazis invented the Olympic ritual, using the eagle as the main symbol. Sports are selected that enhance the image of the fascist way while the corporate matrix ravages and cripples the world. The military in Brazil is throwing the poor out of their homes to make way for the Olympic infrastructure. But the land and waters are left putrid and toxic.

US swimming team.

US swimming team in Rio waters. 


Rio Olympics is a disaster! US athletes are getting robbed at gunpoint. Algae and super bacteria infest the pools and venues. Athletes are suffering severe stomach infections. Some can’t compete. Most of the Russian athletes fortunately bowed out as the victims of politics ad power.

The IOC racketeers are finished! The people finally see the sham that is the Olympics. No more slick propaganda. No more pretending to ‘bring people together’. American “exceptionalism” is a farce!

The Brazllian people are probably not sad about this. They get the bills. The 1976 Montreal Olympics is not paid off yet and never will be. All wars are banker wars and all Olympics are banker’s Olympics. Fascism is in firm control of the Olympics. drink water









The stands are empty in Rio because very few can afford the admission. And they can’t see the athletes through the green filthy water. This spectacle is a farce.

A new real Olympics should be created on the environmental sustainability model. The first game of tewaraton [lacrosse] was played between the four legged and the winged ones. It was to welcome man to the world through the game. Today a few promote themselves on the backs of the many.

Ancient game of life.

Ancient game of life.


The Olympics is the opium of the masses. As Roy Orbison sings about our love for the corporation being over: “It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! You won’t be seeing rainbows anymore. Your baby doesn’t love you anymore. Golden days before the end, whisper secrets to the wind. Your baby won’t be near you anymore.… we’re through, we’re through… setting suns before they fall echo to you, that’s all! That’s all!”


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Belgian contracts stomach inflammation.

US swimmers robbed at gunpoint. The robbers knew who had money and gold!

Champion Swimmers robbed.

Gloria Steinem of the CIA. Wow! We’ve been fooled!

Gloria Steinem interview.


Military force people out of homes for Olympics.





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MNN. Aug. 13, 2016. We are still here. Let’s keep marching for world peace. The kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, is for everyone.

kanion'ke:haka [Mohawk] of tsionni'tiotiakon [Montreal].

kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] of tsionni’tiotiakon [Montreal].

This video is on the opening march of the World Social Forum on our land, in the community of tsionni’tsiotiakon [Montreal] on August 9, 2016, lead by the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of great turtle island.

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rotino'shonni circle of the 49 families, representing the will of the people.

rotino’shonni circle of the 49 families, representing the will of the people.

Corporations to replace nations.

Sign Petition and post:






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MNN. Aug. 12, 2016. On August 9, 2016, the World Social Forum opened with a march lead by the onkwe’hon:weh.

mother earth's children lead the march of over 10,000 people in search of world peace.

mother earth’s children of great turtle island lead the march of 15,000 people to establish world peace. 

The land and funds of the rotino’shonni [Iroquois} were used to build McGill University of tsionii’tio’tiakon [Montreal]. The women seized it in 2015. The proposed new name is “kaia’nere:kowa University“, World Peace University.  [Read story and sign petition.]:

Story: PDFDidYouKnow-English.p#160A8EE

Sign Petition and post:


The first World Social Forum happened in 1710 when the five chiefs were sent to London England to initiate world peace. We have a common enemy, the hierarchical banking system that is destroying our mother earth. It violates the original instruction to survive and co-exist with nature.

rotino'shonni:onwe chiefs on world social forum 1710.

rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs on world social forum 1710.

As Michael Jackson sings: “We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day. So let’s start giving. There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.”

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Video on perceived American “exceptionalism”. Americans think they can kill anyone who doesn’t believe in their philosophy.

Ontario Hydro sued for theft.






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MNN. July 30, 2016. Crime and its offshoots are the economic base of corporate America, starting with genocide and theft of our lands and resources. US minds have been readjusted from the natural instinct to survive, to everything being monetized. The rules for the values, life and direction are designed and implemented by the miseducation, religious and mass media system, which are readjustment camps. Americans have “trainers” who give them the core commands. They are told their boss will love them if they do what they’re told. Otherwise they will insult, threaten, punish and even kill them.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

People in key positions in government, backed by the law enforcement and court systems, constantly illustrate how Americans are to act and do. The mind control program is so effective that people are screaming for more. hitler-youth

Like the crime syndicates, enforcers gravitate around the government, incorporating those who are good at beating, killing, collecting money and putting on the muscle to perpetuate the control matrix. They carry out fear, intimidation and the hit if they aren’t obeyed or paid. Their home, bank account, kids, car or anything of value will be taken.

Recently a man robbed a restaurant with a knife. No one resisted. People are conditioned to wait for someone to give them the order to do so. If they injure the robber, they might be charged. Corporate rules and regulations discouraged anyone from getting involved.

Loose lips sink ships.

[Closed minds stop thought crimes].

Guns are being taken away so only the oppressors have them. Resisters can be jailed or shot. Some carry guns behind their car seat. They tell the cops they have a permit to carry it. Millions don’t have permits. Chicago cops took guns from people, then gave them to cops in Detroit, who sold them.

onkwe’hon:weh will stand together. The cops want to know how many warriors and guns we have, to gauge our natural instinct to survive. Americans were not satisfied to kill us one bullet at a time. Gatling guns were used to mow down millions of our men, women and children. 0b4aee4a6d687ca3823de2d3be6e661c

Martial law may be declared without resistance. The US military is being reinforced by UN soldiers from around the world. Provocation is being promoted to start a civil war. Fully armed street gangs outnumber the cops in most major and small cities.

The new world order has plans and programs on how to control and kill people, not to save them. With satellites and computers this organized force can control and eliminate their targets more effectively. Legal remedies to help people are disappearing.

Life is make-believe until we get the command. The “Indian Ring” described how ordinary people were deputized and given the command to mass murder us and take everything we had. spy vs.

Most Americans are conditioned to submit to martial law. Like the pacified Handsome Lake religions in our communities, they are under the illusion that a super hero will save them. We are being taught not to think for ourselves or to use common sense.

Jim Morrison sings about waiting for the command: “Ashen lady, ashen lady, Give up your vows, give up your vows. Save our city, save our city, Right now. … The future’s uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll”. [Roadhouse Blues]

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onkwehonwe’neha natural language of the land

kahehtiio: Achieving rotinonhshonni liberation.

Know your enemy:

CNN/CIA The Big Lie.