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MNN. 24 FEB. 2019. Canada’s extinction plan is in motion. Mohawk Band Council of Kahnawake Inc. [MCK inc.] also called First Nations Inc. have signed the Framework Agreement to help Canada kidnap our mother earth. Creation placed us on great turtle island to care for her. She cannot be sold, bought or taken away from us. Band Councils operate under the authority of  the foreign corporation called “Canada”. The sovereign original people are being targeted for extinction.  Mohawk Councils of Kahnawake Inc. and Akwesasne Inc., [MCA Inc.] are both puppets of the colony of Canada. They have recently violently attacked onkwehonweh people carrying out their duties completely violating kaianerekowa and teiohateh. [See story  below].

The Framework Agreement is the completion of Canada’s final genocide and theft of our land and resources. Canada and US are not a people. They are a collective of European atsinowa, individuals sharing a common interest, to steal our resources and annihilate us. They set up band and tribal councils, now known as “First Nations Inc.”, who gave up their birthright to join the colonial settlers. We are the sovereign onkwehonweh, the true natural people placed on turtle island by creation to care for our mother, our people and all life. Those who don’t live by the kaianerekowa must leave turtle island.  


MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE: THE FIRST NATIONS INC. The band council raided a business in the community to enforce their own personal ‘laws’. They raided chased everybody out of the premises. Several days later the workers returned to their work station.

MOHAWK COUNCIL OF AKWESASNE: FIRST NATIONS INC. Three women from the bear, turtle and wolf clans went to the cop shop to explain the kaianereowa, the great peace of great turtle island. The police chief is a military trained white man who told them, “There’s no great peace. So get lost!” The men protected the women.     

According to kaianerekowa and international law, a referendum is mandatory to consult each and every person on great turtle island to deal with every matter on the 500 year theft and extermination plan. Today it is called a “framework reconciliation process”. Canada systematically excludes every true sovereign onkwehonweh and targets us for extinction.   


The kanistensera, mothers, will decide who will live here. Canada is a colony, not a country. It has no land, no language and no culture. 

According to the kaianerekowa, the people may call a meeting in the communities to discuss otiska products or any endeavour. The first nations committees have no right to stop us from taking care of our people in every way necessary.      

Today the first nation band council is trying to rub us out by making us carry little pieces of paper for everything we do. If we don’t have that paper, we are severely punished. 

George Thorogood sends out our message: “Move it on over. She threw me out just as pretty as she pleased. Pretty soon I’ll be scratching fleas. Move it on over. Slide it on over. Move it, nice dog. The mean old dog is movin’ in.”


www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

The colony of Canada is showing their hand in the genocidal poker game that they have dealt to the onkwehonweh, all natural people of turtle island.

Michael Wernick is the chairman of the board of The Privy Council, who are directors of the board of a company called “Canada”. He was deputy minister of Indian Affairs for 8 years under Stephen Harper. He pushes the Lands Management Act and the First Nations Self-Government, the core tools for wiping us out. 


Kevin Lynch was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SNC Lavalin and Chairman of the Board of The Privy Council, who are directors of the Board of a company called “Canada”. Lynch and Wenrick worked together for decades at the Privy Council. 







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MNN. 16 FEB. 2019. The onkwehonweh, original people, of turtle island never wanted to be and are not Canadians or Americans to this day. Our kaianerekowa and teiohateh guided us for thousands of years. The theft, genocide and assimilation scheme enforced by the invaders and their military is aimed at total extinguishment of the true native people of turtle island. 

DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY – Colonial Summary. “The Doctrine of Discovery established a spiritual, political, and legal justification for colonization and seizure of land not inhabited by Christians!”   https://upstanderproject.org/firstlight/doctrine/ . 

The Papal Bulls of Discovery are the foundational documents of the genocide puzzle. The fictional story is that Roman Catholics went to “heathen lands’. Those non-believers in the myth of Jesus Christ can be owned by the Papacy, Crown. These usurpers imposed absolute title over us, all life on turtle island and created the US military/industrial complex, the republic of war. 

The Crown has no documents showing conveyance, the law to pass the title. The original title remains as it was before they arrived here. Justin Trudeau admits he has no title and acknowledges the horrible dark history.


After the Great Peace of 1702, Britain agreed to the terms of the teiohteh and affirmed their agreement by settling in Kingston Ontario. This is the only legal conveyance they have to be here. They agreed  to the kaianerekoteh through the teiohateh to survive and co-exist with all life as brothers and sisters on mother earth forever. As soon it was broken, they have no more legal conveyance. They are an occupying military force run from the 14th floor of Indian Affairs in Ottawa.

1857 ACT FOR THE GRADUAL CIVILIZATION OF THE INDIAN is the sugar coated Genocide Act of 1857. 


The Act is to Encourage the Gradual Civilization of Indian Tribes. The statute required the mandatory “enfranchisement” of male Indians over the age of 21. They would no longer be deemed an “Indian” but a regular British subject. He was branded a CORPORATE FIRST AND LAST NAME by the minister of Indian Affairs, with the last name following the father. His wife and descendants would also be enfranchised. They would no longer be members of their “former tribe”. He was given “a piece of land not exceeding fifty acres” out of the reserve lands set aside by the SuperIntendant of Indian Affairs and his share of the annuities of his tribe. “He has no voice in the proceedings thereof” 

1867 British North America Act https://prezi.com/uu5bt6jy9xjw/problems-with-the-bna-act/ 

To seize Canada the British Parliament wrote up the BNA Act, which was essentially a Letters Patent for the British corporations to exploit our resources.  The BNA Act was to kill, extinguish the onkwehonweh or assimilate us into the corprorate body politic. The Crown claimed our land, removed our identity, and incarcerated us in POW camps called “reserves” and then build death camps for our children called “residential schools”. BNA imposed jurisdiction over “Lands and lands reserved for the Indians” [Indian Act], taking everything from us without our knowledge or consent, declaring us non-human so we could not hire any legal advice to help us fight their paper genocide. Indian interests [humans, lands, funds] were controlled and managed by the Crown which had illegal fraudulent title to all our possessions. We could live on the POW camps until we became extinct or they needed the land for something else.  

1876 https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/the_indian_act/ . 

INDIAN ACT 1876 The Indian Act is administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is a part of a long history of assimilation policies that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, political and our physical existence.

1884  http://caid.ca/IndAdvAct1884.pdf INDIAN ADVANCEMENT ACT

“An Act for conferring certain privileges on the more advanced Bands of the Indians of Canada, with the view of training them for the exercise of municipal powers”. [Assented to 19th April, 1884.]

1924 The ten Indian Lands Acts for each province on October 25, 1924.   READ  https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2019/01/28/rescind-indian-lands-acts-1924/   

“INDIAN LANDS ACTS OF OCTOBER 25, 1924.   MNN. Jan. 28, 2019. Canada usurped our lands and resources in 1924 through the Indian Lands Acts of each province and carried out the genocide program designed by Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The ten Indian Lands Acts were signed and put into effect on October 25, 1924 to try to legalize this theft and genocide by Canada. We were forced into military compounds called “reserves”. Our chiefs were shot and Band Councils were installed.

Canada imposed blood quantum [apartheid] legislation so they can decide who is and is not an “Indian”. It is a mathematical formula to ensure our extinction. Only dogs, horses and Indians are quantified in this way. No treaties in Canada  show conveyances therefore they are illegal. The “land claims” process is their effort to claim our land, while they pretend that we are claiming a portion of our own stolen land back from them. 

1928 PERSONS CASE https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/9029/index.do  


1969 WHITE PAPER. Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy,  called “The 69 White Paper”. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and the Minister of Indian Affairs Jean Chretien developed the Indian Policy for the continued program for the extinction of all native people. Opening statement in the Act is, “To be an Indian is to be a man”. 

 1996 Certain traitorous Indians and the colony of Canada entered into a Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management on February 12, 1996 (the “Framework Agreement”); original people do not want colonial settlers. The Act is being signed by Canada and its Canadian Indian band council agents [Assembly of First Nations.] Each of us is sovereign. Every onkwewonweh has to be consulted on everything that has to do with us, or it is invalid and illegal.  


https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2018/02/14/government-canada-create-recognition-and-implementation-rights-framework   Minister of Canada – Prime Minister of Canada / Premier ministre du Canada 

The onkwehonweh never had to prove our rights to exist to anyone. The colony of Canada must live by the kaianerekowa through the teiohateh, or they must leave. 

The invaders of Canada illegally occupy most of the land of the onkwehonweh men, women, children and the land of our mother. Canada has no land, no language and no culture. Government of Canada Create Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework is fraudulent. CANADA’S EXTINCTION PLAN, PART 2 CONTINUES . . .

These acts and others have the foundation document they rely upon, the Doctrine of Discovery. It is illegal. As the prophet Jimi Hendrix says: “if six turns out to be nine, I don’t mind. If the hippies cut off all their hair, I don’t care. Cause I got my own world to live through, and ain’t gonna copy you.” [if 6 was 9]


www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyMaGsFyihI VENEZUELA ARMED & READY.

RACISM DRIVES THE COUP.   https://truthout.org/articles/in-venezuela-white-supremacy-is-a-key-driver-of-the-coup/

http://haudenosaunee.ca/6.html?fbclid=IwAR2H1v_I2WhWl0vYuL9v5L91tX3DnetksJaMhtON7fdJsYpN_ytj-aEny7I CLAN SYSTEM –HAUDENOSAUNEE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY

JODY WILSON RAYBOULD CAN’T SPEAK FRENCH! http://www.iheartradio.ca/cjad/news/jody-wilson-raybould-could-have-been-fired-for-a-lack-of-french-housefather-1.8777786





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MNN. Feb. 12, 2019. Jody Wilson Raybould, was thrown to the back of the bus by the Trudeau government because she would not cover up for the corruption that the Liberal government depends upon.

MohawkNationNews MNN

She announced today that she is resigning from Trudeau’s foul cabinet position. She will continue to represent the people of Granville BC. to the best of her ability. She took an oath of fealty to the foreign autocrat, Elizabeth of England, so that no secrets would ever be revealed. [lTrudeau’s oath to Queen]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykIFQsDaou8

Will Jody Wilson Raybould renounce her oath to be a servant of the Queen of England? That would be momentous. She would be the first Parliamentarian to decolonize. She is reaching to the core of her being, a native woman on great turtle island. She will gather the strength that she needs from the kanonkwatsera’kowa, the love of mother earth. The source energy of all creation was placed in each of our minds, which makes each one of us absolute sovereigns. No one can tell anyone else what to think. That is the power.

We are proud of you, Jody. Stay on that path to the peace no matter how strong the wind tries to blow you off of it. 

A native woman once stood behind Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chretien when he was announcing the 1969 Liberal government extinction policy known as the “1969 White Paper”. She stood behind him and shook her head “No” to everything he said. Jody Wilson Raybould has shaken her head “NO” to the corrupt colonial system. 

She must be feeling something like what Golden Earring says: “I’m falling down a spiral, destination unknown. Double-crossed messenger, all alone. Can’t get no connection, can’t get through, where are you? And he says: Help, I’m stepping into the twilight zone. Place is a mad house, feels like being cold. My beacon‘s been moved under moon and stars. Where am I to go now that I’ve gone too far.”

Golden earring - Twilight zone

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      





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 MNN. 5 Feb. 2019. The Canadian version of democracy is nothing more than a mask for neo-feudalism. 


With the enactment of the Indian Lands Acts statutes, Canada gave the illusion of legality to the world, which they still rely upon to this day.

The London Bankers created the letters patent that is the British North America Act 1867 for the company called “Canada”, registered and received its ISO number from the Vatican on July 1, 1867. Canada has no constitution because the people never asked for one. They are property of the shareholders of the corporation. Their identification is in capital letters, which means Capitus Diminutio Maxima. Anything in all capital letters is a corporation.  

We onkwehonweh’onwe of turtle island never agreed to any of this. We agreed only to the tehiohateh and kaianerekowa. We were forced into military camps called “reserves”. We never signed anything and were coerced under duress, so nothing is legal or binding.


The ‘Crown’ is the Vatican. The Queen is a shareholder of the Crown. The Crown has a land claim for all of our land. Where is the land claims process that justifies their claim? 

In Canada every mayor of the private corporations called municipalities control the police backed by the military. This is neo-feudalism. The oligarchs control the municipalities through the mayor. Canada is trying to turn our communities into munIcipalities. The facade Canada is creating is that we are willing to cooperate with the fraud of their Indian Agent band councillors. 

We were illegally dispossessed of our lands and our human rights. There has never been a Canadian referendum anywhere on anything ever. When they have one, they have to have a constitution. If they want to become a legal country they have to invite the citizenry to participate in the formation of a constitution. The formation has to go along with the teiohateh and kaianerekowa. The Liberals and Conservatives have been redesigning the Elections Acts statutes without going to the people, this happens when there is no constitutional remedy. The owners of the company called Canada prefer the police state under statute law controlled through their privately owned Admiralty Court system. 


Canada is not answerable to the people. Every MP, MPP and municipal councillor swear allegiance to the foreign autocrat Elizabeth, in England.

Canada never decolonized. The 1960 United Nations Resolution 1514; Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Canada never intended to decolonize. They intend to continue the colonial model forever which is the only way they can continue the theft and pillage of the Canadian taxpayers’ money.   

The solution for Canadians is to stop voting for their illusory democracy. Then, it’s over! They then have to meet with us.

As Fats Domino sings about the the settler colonialists walking to New Orleans to catch a boat off turtle island: “I’m walking to New Orleans. I’im walking to New Orleans. I’m gonna need two pairs of shoes. When I get through walking these blues. I’ve got my suit case in my hand …”  


www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

UN DECOLONIZATION DECLARATION  1960 . http://www.un.org/en/decolonization/declaration.shtml


LIMA GROUP IN OTTAWA  https://www.rt.com/news/450640-russia-media-denied-lima-group/




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MNN. Jan. 30, 3019. In the recent UN Security Council meeting the Venezuelans defended themselves against the Americans, who played their “divide and conquer” card. They instigated all their economic allies to vote with them against Venezuela. 

Americans announced they were invading Venezuela to ‘take’ their oil. Prime Minister Trudeau announced Canadians were ready to join the attack of Venezuela.

The following message came from Venezuela on January 30, 2019: “Juan Guaido is a piece of U.S. imperialism to overthrow the legitimate government of Venezuela. Our constitution does not mention an interim in any article. Please, my friend, take the truth to your country. Let the truth be known. The USA, what they want is the oil of my country. They want to take us to a war, but here we will continue our fight. Viviremos y venceremos!” [We are still in the fight and we will have the victory!] 

They are responding to this message: “I am with you and  la gente de Venezuelan. I remember Hugo Chavez as a great man. I also met the ambassador to Canada in Ottawa. He visited our territory here in Tyendinaga. He and the Venezuelan staff danced in our longhouse. 


Venezuela has right to establish an embassy here on sovereign kanionkehaka’onwe territory. Canada kicked them out of Ottawa. We would like to kick Canada out of our land. We stand with Venezuela totally, my dear friend.” 

Immortal Technique describes the war plans of the empire: “Every day man these motherf——  are professional liars. You know what I’m saying? It’s wild. Listen. Bin Laden don’t blow up the projects. It was u, nigga. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers. Tell the truth, nigg-. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bin Laden did not blow up the projects. It was u, nigg-. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers.”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      



RUSSIA SENDS TWO NUCLEAR CAPABLE BOMBERS TO VENEZUELA.  https://www.navytimes.com/flashpoints/2018/12/10/russia-sends-2-nuclear-capable-bombers-to-venezuela/?fbclid=IwAR14pvSX0FGi3PWpGd_m2QIrTd6g50ilyKL2WuxWMZgeaFF5Jo1pOZYAIPI#.XE4kMivno1U.facebook 

BOLTON WRITES NOTE TO SEND “5,000 TROOPS TO COLUMBIA” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bolton-holds-legal-pad-with-5000-troops-to-colombia-written-on-it/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=62933659&fbclid=IwAR1hnVS_eOqql3pqzCGgtxTIIk7qUtRH02Qd5pffk3Aw9LxlrXvu-zBWazI

NINO PAGLIACCI, ON TROYKA MENTALLY INSANE US & CANADA  https://www.facebook.com/nino.pagliccia.7/posts/10155995830421546



Call of the First Assembly of Assemblies in Commercy, Meuse, France / Appel de la 1ère Assemblée des Assemblées de Commercy dans la Meuse en France



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MNN. Jan. 28, 2019. Canada usurped our lands and resources in 1924 through the Indian Lands Acts of each province and carried out the genocide program designed by Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendent of Indian Affairs.  Prime Minister Trudeau said he is going to fix the “terrible history of Canada” against the native people and turtle island. The ten Indian Lands Acts were signed and put into effect on October 25, 1924 to try to legalize this theft and genocide by Canada. We were forced into military compounds called “reserves”. Our chiefs were shot and Band Councils were installed. Canada issued permits to the settlers to kill Indians and occupy their lands in the 1800s.  No treaties show they own turtle island. The “land claims”process is their effort to claim our land.   

[Indian Lands Act, 1924. S.O. 1924, c. 15. CHAPTER 15].

“The Act is for the settlement of certain questions between the Governments of Canada and Ontario respecting Indian Reserve Lands.”   http://caid.ca/IndLanAct1924.pdf

We onkwehonweh were placed by creation on turtle island. We and our land title were not mentioned in this Act. “The agreement between the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, in the terms set out in Schedule ” A “hereto, shall be as binding on the Province of Ontario “as” if the provisions thereof had been set forth in an Act of this Legislature, and the Lieutenant-Governor in Council is hereby authorized to carry out the provisions of the said agreement.” 

Canada and Ontario committed the highest level of fraud to make their theft of turtle island look legal.   

SCHEDULE “A”. Memorandum of Agreement made in triplicate this 24th day of March,1924. Between THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, acting herein by the Honourable Charles Stewart, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, of the 1st part, -and- THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO acting herein by the Honourable James Lyons, Minister of Lands and Forests, and the Honourable Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, of the second part”. 

“Dominion” is a synonym for “colony”. Charles Stewart was an officer of the private Corporation of Canada and James Lyons and Charles McCrea were officers of the private Corporation of Ontario. 

The Acts were designed to create the POW camps called “reserves” and for the Corporation of Ontario to steal all the rest of our lands to create the appearance  of legality. When the RCMP came into our longhouse and killed the chiefs to install the Indian Act band council, they called the attacks “surrender” of our personal and usufructuary rights to undefined “territories”. None of these territories are described or listed. 

“Whereas from time to time treaties. . .” 

The European trespassers invaded turtle island and never owned our land through any lawful means. The natives cannot surrender or get back something that was always part of our property. “Surrender” requires a pre-existing state of war.  There was none against “the Indians” so there could be no legal surrender.  

The reserves are part of the unsurrendered territories they unlawfully confiscated.     

The Indian Act band council chiefs cannot surrender our land to anybody. Canada used guns and bogus laws to pass on to the land of the wetsuweten in B.C. Prime Minister Trudeau conceded everything we are saying and he guaranteed to make everything right.

“And whereas, except as to such Reserves, the said territories were by the said treaties freed, for the ultimate benefit of the Province of Ontario, of the burden of the Indian rights, and became subject to be administered by the Government.”



Canada admits the land is our property. Today Canada wants to free themselves of that ‘burden’ by drafting a new false Indian Lands Act to be signed by their sell-out AFN. The bandits will rewrite history so that we will be forgotten and “absorbed into the corporate body politic”, exactly as Duncan Campbell Scott boasted. They have no bill of sale of the kanionkehaka, cayugas, seneca, 0neida, tuscarora or onondaga for kanienkeh.  

The POW camps were temporary holding tanks until the natives were extinguished by murder, death, assimilation or the stroke of a pen. The residential school program started in 1924 with the Indian Lands Act. 

“And whereas the surrender of the whole or some portion of a Reserve by the band of Indians to whom the same was allotted has, in respect of certain Reserves in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, been under consideration in certain appeals to the Judiciai Committee of the Privy Council, and the respective rights of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, upon such surrenders being made, depend upon the law as declared by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and otherwise affecting the Reserve in question, and upon the circumstances under which it was set off;” 

Remember, Canada! You must answer for the theft and genocide. We will take this to the UN Security Council to hear our case.   

Canada is concerned that native title of turtle island keeps the colony of Canada from moving into the militarized New World Order. The Indian Lands Acts is their mask to cover armed robbery, genocide and other crimes. “Reconciliation” and the “Framework Agreement” are replacing this mask.  Mr. Trudeau, start by immediately rescinding the Indian Lands Acts of l924. The”Framework Agreement” is to continue to steal the reserves too. 

Cont’d. “And whereas on the 7th day of July, 1902, before the determination of the last two of the said appeals, it had been agreed between counsel for the Governments of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, respectively, that, as a matter of policy and convenience, and without thereby affecting the constitutional or legal rights of either of the said Governments, the Government of the Dominion of Canada should have full power and authority to sell, lease and convey title in fee simple or for any less estate to any lands forming part of any Reserve thereafter surrendered by the Indians, and that any such sales, leases or other conveyances as had theretofore been made by the said Government should be confirmed by the Province of Ontario, the Dominion of Canada, how-ever, holding the proceeds of any lands so sold, leased or conveyed subject, upon the extinction of the Indian interest therein and so far as such proceeds had been converted into money, to s . . . “

They will never return stolen land but will pay money to settle a claim. The Indian Lands Acts implemented the “extinction” of the Indian interest in the reserves by murder or assimilation as the law of Canada.  

“Reserves set aside for the Indians under a certain treaty made in 1873 and recited in the Schedule to the Dominion Statute, 54-55 Victoria, chapter 5, and the Statute of the Province of Ontario, 54 Victoria, chapter 3, the precious metals should be considered to form part thereof and might be disposed of by the Dominion of Canada in the same way and subject to the same conditions as the land in which they existed, and that the question whether the precious metals in the lands included in Reserves set aside under other treaties were to be considered as forming part thereof or not, should be expressly left for decision in accordance with the circumstances and the law governing each”. 


Canada and Ontario gave themselves ownership of everything underneath, gold, silver, precious metals, etc. subject to total surrender upon our extinction. Our total extinction is the only way they can get our land and resources. Now the Framework Agreement will be signed by the Indian Act band councils as if we are extinguishing ourselves. 

“Now this agreement witnesseth that the parties hereto, in order to settle all outstanding questions relating to Indian Reserves in the Province of Ontario, have mutually agreed, subject to the approval of the Parliament of Canada and the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, as follows”:

The Indian Lands Act, 1924, was never approved and is null and void.  

“1.All Indian Reserves in the Province of Ontario heretofore or here-after set aside, shall be administered by the Dominion of Canada for the benefit of the band or bands of Indians to which each may have been or may be allotted” 

POW Camps are for the benefit of the band of Indians or those registered under their law. The Indian Act band councils execute the extinction.  

Portions thereof may, upon their surrender for the purpose by the said band or bands, be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of by letters patent under the Great Seal of Canada, or otherwise under the direction of the Government of Canada, and the proceeds of such sale, lease or other disposition applied for the benefit of such band or bands, provided, however, that in the event of the band or bands to which any such Reserve has been allotted becoming extinct, or if, for any other reason, such Reserve, or any portion thereof, is declared by the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs to be no longer required for the benefit of the said band or bands, the same shall thereafter be administered by, and for the benefit of, the Province of Ontario, and any balance of the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of any portion thereof then remaining under the control of the Dominion of Canada shall, so far as the same is not still required to be applied for the benefit of the said band or bands of Indians, be paid to the Province of Ontario, together with accrued unexpended simple interest thereon”. 

The Indian Lands Act is the definition of premeditated crime. This created white privilege and racism in Canada.  

The Indian Lands Acts formed the basis of the criminal existence of Canada. Now the “Framework Agreement” to be signed by the Assembly of First Nations Inc. is going to help dispose of us, take everything once and for all and execute the natives. We will no longer ever exist again. Canada’s existence relies on stolen property and genocide. These crimes against humanity and nature can never be pardoned. All Crown land is fraudulently owned by the Vatican of which the Queen is a shareholder, the provinces own the mining and resource extraction. Canada oversees all of it and presents it as legal mask to the rest of the world.  

“2.Any sale, lease or other disposition made pursuant to the provisions of the last preceding paragraph may include or may be limited to the minerals (including the precious metals) contained in or under the lands sold, leased or otherwise disposed of, but every grant shall be subject to the provisions of the Statute of the Province of Ontario entitled, “The Bed of Navigable Waters Act,” Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 31. 3.” 

Prime Minister Trudeau concedes that building pipelines, railways, mines, logging, dams and anything that benefits the provinces are horrible.  [Jan. 8, 2019, Town Hall Meeting, Kamloops BC.] He committed himself to making it right in front of the world.  

3.Any person authorized under the laws of the Province of Ontario to enter upon land for the purpose of prospecting for minerals thereupon shall be permitted to prospect for minerals in any Indian Reserve upon obtaining permission so to do from the Indian Agent for such Reserve and upon complying with such conditions as may be attached to such permission, and may stake out a mining claim or claims on such Reserve.” 

We can use our land but Canada and the provinces want a cut of everything we do to feed our families until we are extinguished.  

“4.No person not so authorized under the laws of the Province of Ontario shall be given permission to prospect for minerals upon any Indian Reserve.

This in tyranny and dictatorship when government controls everything”.

“5. The rules governing the mode of staking and the size and number of mining claims in force from time to time in the Province of Ontario or in the part thereof within which any Indian Reserve lies shall apply to the staking of mining claims on any such Reserve, but the staking of a mining claim upon any Indian Reserve shall confer no rights upon the person by whom such claim is staked except such as may be attached to such staking by The Indian Act or other law relating to the disposition of Indian Lands. S.O. 1924.  c. 15.”

As prisoners we are denied rights to our lives, our possessions, even our children until we die. Defending ourselves is a crime. Legally the word person is anyone other than a native American. 

“6.Except as provided in the next following paragraph, one-half of the consideration payable, whether by way of purchase money, rent, royalty or otherwise, in respect of any salt, lease or other disposition of a mining claim staked as aforesaid, and, if in any other sale, lease or other disposition hereafter made of Indian Reserve lands in the Province of Ontario, any minerals are included, and the consideration for such sale, lease or other disposition was to the knowledge of the Department of Indian Affairs affected by the existence or supposed existence in the said lands of such minerals, one-half of the consideration payable in respect of any such other sale, lease or other disposition, shall forthwith upon its receipt from time to time, be paid to the Province of Ontario; the other half only shall be dealt with by the Dominion of Canada as provided in paragraph 1.” 

This is extortion with a mask of legality by Canada Inc. which is a corporation with the mask of a country. A real country has land, language and culture.  

“7.The last preceding paragraph shall not apply to the sale, lease or other disposition of any mining claim or minerals on or in any of the lands set apart as Indian Reserves pursuant to the hereinbefore recited treaty made in 1873,” 

The foreign squatters gave themselves the right to install pipelines, rails, dams, and so on and deprive us of everything. They rewrite the law anytime they need to. 

“Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to detract from the rights of the Dominion of Canada touching any lands or minerals granted or conveyed by His Majesty for the use and benefit of Indians by letters patent under the Great Seal of the Province of Upper Canada, of the Province of Canada or of the Province of Ontario, or in any minerals vested for such use and benefit by the operation upon any such letters patent of any statute of the Province of Ontario”.

Their only reason for being here is to destroy Ontario, every tree, rock. etc. and turn it into a parking lot. Premier Doug Ford of Ontario has just eliminated Ontario Greenbelt protection.

“8.No water power included in any Indian Reserve, which in its natural condition at the average Iow stage of water has a greater capacity than 500 horse-power, shall be disposed of by the Dominion of Canada except with the consent of the Government of the Province of Ontario and in accordance with such special agreement, if any, as may be made with regard thereto and to the division of the purchase money, rental or other consideration given therefor.”

We have no right to our own water. This is why 60% of reserves have toxic drinking water.  

“9.Every sale, lease or other disposition heretofore made under the Great Seal of Canada or otherwise under the directions of the Government of Canada of lands which were at the time of such sale, lease or other disposition included in any Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario, is hereby confirmed, whether or not such sale, lease or other disposition included the precious metals, but subject to the provisions of the aforesaid statute of the Province of Ontario entitled “The Bed of Navigable Waters Act,” and the consideration received in respect of any such sale” 

Canada and the provinces plan to cover up other illegal sales and leases. An annex should be made available to all the sales documents for everything on turtle island. Canada cannot find these. 

Every Office of Registry of Deeds of all towns of turtle island has the “Indian Interest” on every deed. Otherwise the deed is invalid. The Prime Minister should show us the deed for Canada. They don’t have it. Canada is invalid. We have the kaianerekowa, teiohateh, land and language. We are the only true sovereigns of turtle island. Culture, land and language are requirements under the Montevideo Convention to qualify as a true country.  

“lease or other disposition shall be and continue to be dealt with by the Dominion of Canada in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph of this agreement numbered 1, and the consideration received in respect of any sale, lease or other disposition heretofore made under the Great Seal of the Province of Ontario, or under the direction of the Government of the said Province of any lands which at any time formed part of any Indian Reserve, shall remain under the exclusive control and at the disposition of the Province of Ontario.

This is a one-sided agreement between Canada and itself about land that isn’t theirs.  

“10.Nothing herein contained, except the provision for the application of The Bed of Navigable Waters Act aforesaid, shall affect the interpretation which would apart from this agreement, be put upon the words of any letters patent heretofore or hereafter issued under the Great Seal of Canada or the Great Seal of the Province of Ontario. or of any lease or other conveyance, or of any contract heretofore or hereafter made under the direction of the Government of Canada or of the Province of Ontario.”

It means we cannot challenge the illegal regime of Canada.  Mr. Trudeau, rescind immediately the Indian Lands Acts and dissolve all the provincial corporations for their crimes. Then we can discuss reconciliation.

In witness whereof these presents have been signed by the parties thereto the day and year above written.” 

“Signed on behalf of the Government of Canada by the Honourable Charles Stewart, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, in the presence of: DUNCAN C. SCOTT. Signed on behalf of the Government of the Province of Ontario by the Honourable James Lyons, Minister of Lands and Forests, and by the Honourable Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, in the presence of: JJAMES LYONS [L.S] [L.S.] C. MCCREA [L.S.]”

These men tried to arbitrarily sign away all human and natural rights of the onkwehonweh of turtle island. This criminal Act must be immediately rescinded and all property rights restored to the onkwehonweh, the true natural people forever on turtle island.  

Robbie Robertson reminds us that we are one people from pole to pole and ocean to ocean: This is Indian country, you’re in Indian country”.

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Consolidation of Indian legislation