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MNN. Dec. 18, 2018. Canada’s statutes state, “This statute shall have the force of rule of law”. They shall pretend it has the force of real law, when it’s actually based on genocidal acts in the Canadian version of law.  


The Indian Act band council issued illegal business licences to our people to conduct businesses in the community. They used the money to boost up the training and weaponry of their private police force. Now Indian Act chief, Joe Norton, hides in the police station where he says the people have to go to talk to him. 

Outsiders, Surete du Quebec, SQ cops raided and shut down some the businesses. SQ can only enter kahnawake if the chief and council [Commissioners] commission the outside military force to come in. Superior Court ruled these permits are not valid. The business people were fined, jailed and given criminal records. 

Indian Act chief Joe Norton didn’t help them. He allowed the pillage of the businesses to bring on the Trudeau framework of municipalization and taxation. 

The Superior Court already ruled that the Indian Act council is not a government that can make laws. They are a committee that answers to the generals who run Indian Affairs.  

Rather than fight a jurisdictional issue that Quebec would lose, the business people were charged as criminals. Soon all the other businesses using these bogus permits will be shut down.  They have every right to sue the Indian Act MCK, as well as sue the chief personally for his negligence.  


Trudeau’s Framework is already in play in kahnawake. kanionkehaka men don’t don yellow vests. They pick up their weapons and get ready to fight their invaders, protect their women and children and their homeland.

We kanionkehaka can do whatever is necessary to bolster our economies anywhere on turtle island. We are sovereign, as creation placed us here. In the past some businesses became strong through using our sovereignty.  owistah, the disease of the mind that transfers priority thought from ‘We’ to ‘Me’, is now an epidemic in kahnawake and other kanionkehaka/Mohawk communities.    

tekentiokwanhoksta, the power of the 49 families of the rotinoshonni’onwe/Iroquois Confederacy, is the way to protect the legacy of our children. The Indian Act council is setting up a system for everybody to pay tithes to them, not to the community and they will hand every cent over to London bankers through their handlers.   

The shop of one woman stays open because she does not comply. The kanionkehaka of khenteke/tyendinaga, Six Nation, kanehsatake and akwesasne are ready to stand up. We don’t think they’ll be donning yellow vests. 

Indian Act Joe basically set up a war between the men of kahnawake and the SQ, shades of Oka?  He says he can’t do anything to help the people because he signed the 10-Point Agreement giving municipal powers over kahnawake to Quebec. He forgets to mention that it only applies to him and the 300 people who took part in the band council election. They gave up their birthright. They will soon be migrating out of kahnawake.    

The Canadian version of law is not legal because it does not pass the test of international law scrutiny as it is based on genocide. The Oct. 25, 1924 Indian Act created all of the POW camps called “reserves”. Our lands were stolen by the provinces for resource extraction and all of our rights as human beings were taken away. Our people were rounded up like dogs and herded into these camps. 

Nazareth seems to know the conflicts between the SQ and the businesses at kahnawake when they sing: “Woke up this morning. My dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning. My cat had died. I know I’ll miss her. I sat down and cried”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      






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MNN. Dec. 17, 2018. Canada again tries to remove our true natural identity as the original peoples placed on onowarekeh, turtle island, by creation.  

Canada and US have designated us as  “domestic matters” to remove themselves from international scrutiny. They warn other countries not to interfere with their genocide program, which they call a “domestic matter”! The Indian Act band councils and Indian police are Canada’s version of Nazi Germany’s Gestapo. [Read “Policing Indigenous Movements. Dissent and the Security State” by Andrew Crosby and Jeffrey Monaghan 2018.]  


When we use corporate terms “Indian”, “First Nations”, “Aboriginal”, “bands”, “indigenous” people, “tribes”, “nations” and any of their artificial names, we give Canada and its band councils jurisdiction. They want us in their ship and we are left with no canoe of our own. Under duress we are forced to submit to their system. The corporation of Canada forces us all to acquire banking names in all capital letters, which infers a corporation. This makes us into corporate artificial entities rather than peoples who have no protection by international human rights or any constitution.  


Land claims agreements are setting corporate limits to our identity through removal of our original names, place names and words that connect us to our mother and violate the original contract between us and the fraud artists. We are onkwehonwe, nishnawbe, dene, lakota, cree, migmag and so on. We are kanionkehaka’onwe and our territory is kanienkeh, forever. We all have original natural names and all of turtle island is our territory. 

The whole land claims process is a complete and utter fraud. In their Access to Information Act notice [Indian & Northern Affairs, A-2011-01840/LD2]: “Provide all documents held by gov’t pertaining to a declaration by the Governor in Council that the “Registry Group” “Mohawk Council of Akwesasne” are a Band within the meaning of the Indian Act”. They are making contracts that are made to look like they are between the onkwehonweh and Canada. The Dundee land claim was signed by the corporation of Canada and their employees, not by the onkwehonweh, which goes against the true way of this land, kanaierekowa, great peace, forever. 


The abusers agreed to survive and coexist with all life as brothers and sisters on this our mother earth, until the end of their time here. They broke the agreement when they created the first false flag war known as the American Revolution. 

As Canada and US scheme to be rid of the “Indian” problem, CCR nails it: “I bet you’re wondering how I knew about your plans to make me blue, with some other guy you knew before. Between the two of us guys, you know I loved you more. It took me by surprise, I must say, when I found out yesterday. Don’t you know I heard it through the grape vine. Not much longer would you be mine”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      










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MNN. DEC. 16, 2018. G20 Toronto in 2010 is the play- book for the police brutality against the yellow vests in France today. 

The state tries to steer the revolution. France is the only true republic in Europe. The rest of the European states are still monarchies and the people are still serfs. The French people are taking a beating for all the serfs of Europe, right now. 


The seeds of the workers’ [serfs] revolution were planted in 1901 in Russia.  See “Trotsky” on Netflix.  


Billy Jack reminds us of the yellow vest people of France who are outnumbered and out gunned, but they will take down the tyrant: “Listen people to a story that was written long ago, about a kingdom on a mountain and the valley folks below”:

Billy Jack (One Tin Soldier)


www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

FRENCH POLICE ABOUT TO QUIT   https://www.thelocal.fr/20181210/french-police-warn-the-government-were-at-breaking-point?fbclid=IwAR0eQW8LTIN_kMMCrjj9tv4RNHsihtCH7EnwbGKAZfWr6M-aFubuCq3bMTQ

FRENCH SECRET WEAPON:   https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7948809/french-riot-police-secret-weapon-liquid-protesters/

CANADA IS NOT A COUNTRY. IT IS ONOWAREKEH, TURTLE ISLAND  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtPKe6w7DVw

PODCCAST “MA GOES TO CUBA IN 1959 JUST TO SEE”  https://www.buzzsprout.com/140716/891261-ep-10-cwmm-ma-goes-to-cuba-in-1959-just-to-see.mp3?download=true–


TRUDEAU’S FAKE RECONCILIATION PROMISE https://intercontinentalcry.org/indigenous-self-determination-land-rights-confronting-trudeaus-fake-reconciliation-promises/?fbclid=IwAR0ndZutdkKGeZooA7kuoywyAiztSpxRqZ5wm7dLUlY6xmyLPPxH5ezQtx4




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UPDATE: Two kanionkehaka of kahnawake were raided for running businesses based on permits issued by MCK Inc. One entrepreneur in the wine business was informed by the judge in the Admiralty Court in Montreal that the permit from the band council was not valid and illegal. Another entrepreneur was charged with running a business in kahnawake based on a permit issued by the band council, which was also found to be illegal and invalid. Mainstream media interviewed corporate Canadian chiefs who know these permits are illegal as it has been tried and tested in court. Other businesses have been shut down for the same reason. READ GLOBAL STORY:

Kahnawake, Kanesatake deal with challenges as Mohawk territories address cannabis legalization


MNN. DEC. 13, 2018. The kahnawake Indian Act band council passed the Kahnawake Cannabis Control Law directed by Canada, totally ignoring the voice of the people. 


The people of khenteke are in their third year of developing a new economy to benefit the entire community. Agents of the ART and the shadow government of Canada are watching. The families in khenteke are all benefitting from this new economy. The children are closely watching their parents. The people have taken all responsibility on how these plants are to be marketed. onkwehonweh have been dealing with this natural plant since we we were placed here by creation.  

The Tyendinaga Indian Act band council’s role is to spread the bread crumbs over the people of khenteke.

The kanionkehaka’onwe will always exercise our rights and duties as directed by kaianerekowa, the great peace. Nobody, police, band council, Ontario, Canada or Joe Blow on the street will tell us what to do on our land. In comparison kanawake Indian Act council waits for Canada to tell them what to do. 

In khenteke, nobody dares to interfere with the people who are each sovereign and understand fully the great peace. Nobody can tell them what to think or do on their land.


In kahnawake the band council holds their meetings at the police station. In khenteke the band council tries to work in harmony with the people and hold meetings at one of the marijuana establishments.

In kahnawake there is only one true native entrepreneur, and her name is kwetiio. Nobody can tell her what to think or do in kahnawake. In khenteke, if cops show up uninvited, they will be met by the men at the eastern door, who carry out their duties according to the kaianerekowa.

We have family who we call tehatiskarorens. Anahariio, an ancient medicine man from kahnawake, treated people from all over the world 80 years ago. He made medicine and told them not to abuse it. We put natural tobacco into our pipe and send our thoughts and words into creation so they would know what we are thinking.

We have a right to create our economy as we see fit. The whole Indian Act band council system should look at how the tyendinaga council is trying to be in harmony. This is the beginning of the end of the pledge of fealty to a foreign autocrat. 

Our peoples must get the federal, provincal and Indian Act monkeys off our backs. We can and will survive and coexist with all life. We will decide where our economy goes. No one else. Not on our land. Soon they will sit down with us and tell us how they will fix the mess they created. They have to negotiate their presence here according to the tekeni teohateh [August 25, 1701] which they violated. Therefore, they are illegal immigrants.

When looking at kahnawake, the khenteke people see the MCK police station as the Canadian embassy. In comparison, The kentekeh people fought against Canada installing one of their military police stations in their community. One guy said, “Surround the Canadian Embassy [police station] and demand the Indian Act band council come out and face the people on our own ground”. 

Those going to the band council legitimizes them and accepts their authority. We have a word for them  tehenteriwahshneh ionkeiatehninos. It is natural for the people to call the meetings. The earth is our longhouse. 

The MCK is self serving and is not our authority. To protect our children’s birthright we have to assert our sovereignty. MCK is organized crime. Passing corporate resolutions on our possessions without the voice of the people. This violates multiple wampums. 

As Jim Stafford says in the very first pro marijuana song: one day this fella from Washington come by and spied them and turned white as a sheet. And they dugged and they burned and they burned and they dug. They killed all oru cute little weeks. Then they drove away. We just smiled and waved sitting there on that sack of seeds.

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      



Under Occupation: Toronto G20 Operation - FULL MOVIE

Building pipe line anyway   https://www.facebook.com/100023681747316/videos/vb.100023681747316/344430356356353/?type=2&video_source=user_video_tab

Trudeau a scam   https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/discreet-sham-justin-trudeau-181204113121488.html?fbclid=IwAR0mYo8fes5oJQRd43mZ7Jg0YL87UqBEJQqKC3RIbHhtfkQaW_ERz5lL0gQ



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MNN. Dec. 11, 2018. Joe Norton and the Indian Act band council are afraid of the people. They are calling a last minute meeting on December 12 on membership in a small venue which might hold 30 people comfortably, in the kahnawake police station. They fear for their own safety. The traitors are insulting the people who want only peace. 


We are being lured to attend a dangerous meeting at their military controlled police station so they can report that we we’ve given them our consent to their proposal on membership. True consent can only come from a duly called meeting of the three clans representing almost 10,000 people of kahnawake. MCK is  a government committee that does not speak for us, only for the 328 people who take part in their sham Indian Act elections.   

The attendees will be surrounded by cops, surveillance and the latest high powered weaponry. Concerned citizens will feel threatened in the unnatural bullet proof high security police structure set up by the police state of Canada and the council that does not follow the great peace. Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. has created an artificial hysteria that 35,000 to 60,000 are moving into our community. The council’s sole function is to administer our stolen funds for the corporation of Canada. They want to create a municipality of taxpayers for their bosses. 

The council of women of the three clans have the duty and responsibility to monitor all actions and decisions of our people and the land that we live in, according to the kaianerekowa. 


The Indian Act band council gives the impression they are against this migration. Their view is irrelevant. They represent Canada. Not us. We shall see what their position is on the rightful role of the women. This is a community of sovereign people. Some have families that left here a long time ago. Some have grandchildren and great grandchildren who want to come here. 

kahnawake is part of the 400,000 acre Seigneury tract, which is part of greater kanienkeh, the land of the rotino’shonni’onwe/Iroquois Confederacy. All turtle island from pole to pole and ocean to ocean is onkwehonweh land. If necessary, for those we decide to take in, we will reclaim all that territory that has been expropriated. 

How are these people going to eat, sleep, exist, live here??? 

The criteria to use in resolving this matter is the tekeni teiohateh, two row, as interpreted by the people according to the kaianerekowa and our original covenant with the earth. Not the Indian Act genocide program. 

Our role is to care for onowarekeh, turtle island, for our future peoples. Our protocol can take a complex situation and find a positive way where the people come to a concensus. We will decide who will live with us. Not the Indian Act band council, the Department of Indian Affairs, Privy Council, province, or the Prime Minister.  

Time limits are being thrown at us, like JIT [Just In Time] trucks running on the highways on our land. We cannot be rushed into decisions that will affect future generations. Our people from all our other communities must be involved. Each of us is sovereign and have responsibilities for each other. We have a right to say NO to outside entities that try to force and manipulate us!

Anyone who does not want to live by the kaianerekowa has to leave turtle island.

We expect our Peace Keepers to listen to their mothers as Johnny Cash pointed out: “A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm. A boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no harm. He changed his clothes and shined his boots and combed his dark hair down. And his mother cried as he walked out, “Don’t take your guns to town, son. Leave your guns at home, Bill. Don’t take your guns to town”.

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      








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MNN. Dec. 8, 2018. To those of us under colonial oppression, the French yellow vest revolution is the beginning of decolonizaton of the world. 

To all Canadian civil servants, to decolonize is simple. Revoke your pledge of allegiance to the Queen. You will be fired immediately. It would be good if you all did it on the same day to hasten the process. 

All civil servants or anyone who has ever taken an oath to the Queen of England should refute their oath. Then we can dismantle the Privy Council Office, Governor General’s Office and every step of their shadow government. They are no longer needed to protect the shareholders of the colony of Canada.

You will have to agree to pledge allegiance to the kaianenere’kowa, the great peace of turtle island, or leave.

The Canadian version of law is illegal because it is based on genocide such as the Indian Act and the blood quantum legislation.

When the Europeans migrated to turtle island, they agreed to live under the great peace. They were welcomed through the tekeni teiohateh, two row wampum, and agreed to live under the kaianerekowa, great peace. They reneged and remained ever since as illegal immigrants. To remain they have to reaffirm their acceptance of the great peace. Then the kaianere’kowa will emerge to build a society of peace that the world will look upon as a great model.     

Land, resources, waters, all forms of  life on great turtle island is part of the great peace. 

The police state will end. All of the colonial systems of control, banking, legal, police, government and military will be dissolved and come under the kaianere’kowa, the people. 

The people will be free to decide whether to pledge allegiance to the kaianere’kowa and the tekeni teiohateh, two row wampum.    

The homelands of the European inventors of colonialism are crumbling right before our eyes. Their brutal colonial control structures are being dismantled by their own people who don the yellow vest. 

Canada, Australia and New Zealand are still colonies of Britain. The United States never did gain independence from England. They are still controlled to this day by the London bankers through Wall Street. 

The Brits can kick the Queen out of Buckingham Palace and let her go. This house is a property she stole from them while they licked her boots. The mafia and monarchy are the same. The monarchy is the sickest system of control.

The Beatles sang: “You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s evolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world …”

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      


YOUTH TAKEOVER OF AFN Trudeau praises government’s work, but chiefs and youth at AFN assembly challenge progress – APTN News




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MNN. Dec. 8, 2018. The disease that caused this yellow vest revolution is the “40-40-40 SYNDROME” where the people work 40 hours a week, at a job they hate, for 40 years of their life, in hopes they will make 40% of what they could not afford to live on in the first place.


Pyramidal system of control is coming to an end in Paris. The people’s yellow vest revolution in Paris has affected the workers of the world. This is the revolution of the European colonists so that colonialism/corporatism will end! The European immigrants on turtle island need to don the yellow vest like their brethren in the old country for the exact same reason. They all suffer from the 40-40-40 syndrome. This is a worldwide movement. Thank you, Paris.   

We have been watching live video for a few hours while writing this story. THE SUN LIVE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEcYzBGfKBA.

RUPTLY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQl2q6PVd0w

The scared look on the cops’ faces reminds us of the 1917 revolution in St. Petersburg Russia. Tsar Nicholas sent his police to quash the rebellion and force the people back to the factory. After a while the police joined the protesters. The Tsar sent in the army and pitted them against the people. Then the army joined the people and the cops. The Romanovs’s end came shortly after in Yekaterinburg in July 1918. The people’s revolution started and is still going on today in France. The Macron family will find a similar ending in Paris. 

51% majority rules is corporatism and the root of colonialism. It ends now!

Jim Morrison is turning in his grave now in Paris and singing: “Riders on the storm. Riders on the storm. There’s a killer on the road. His brain is squirming like a toad. Take a long holiday. Let your children play. If you give this man a ride, your sweet family will die. Killer on the road”.

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.  






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MNN. Aug. 19, 2014. Is Ferguson town the beginning of the end for imperialism? According to the ancient Zionist plan, the chaos is perpetrated by the puppet masters. When the people demand a solution, they come in and settle it their way. This is “ordo ab chao” in play. Their solutions will always be based on false flags, fake stories, etc. Targets are called “terrorists” to justify and legalize genocide and war worldwide. Outsiders are always sent in to provoke and do the dirty work. Mercenaries fight, kill, maim and terrify the people.

"Hurry! The boss said Ferguson's that way."

“Hurry! The boss said Ferguson’s that way.”

The Russian Revolution began when the Tzar ignored the needs of his people and put most of his attention towards WW I. He sent in the police to put down the people who were protesting for basic human rights. The police dehumanized and attacked them. After months the police finally joined the people. Nicholas then sent in the army against the people and the police. They joined the people and turned their weapons on the oligarchs. The Tzar and his family were finished. When this happens in Ferguson and elsewhere, the oligarchs will be finished too! join or die

The UN plan is to start with a “soft police state” in US and Canada, with murder, FEMA camps, viruses, military training and equipment for the cops. Corporate by-laws are being passed as if they are real law. They’re designed to create prisoners out of law-abiding citizens to fill the FEMA camps. After a few false flags, the “hot police state” begins.

The police come in with brutal force. The people will suffer more and more. Finally the revolution against corporatism will break out and spread worldwide. A real revolution is when the people stand up against imperialism.

In Ferguson some cops have joined the people. The military will be sent in to attack the people and the police. The army will brutally attack and then step down to join the people. Then we will start living according to the Guswentha and there will be no more war worldwide.

The most brilliant form of diplomacy, which should be the basis of international law, is the Two Row Wampum/Guswentha. It’s based on 50-50 equality where no one rules over another and everyone benefits from the good mind. The American Revolution was to change the 50-50 relationship to 51% dictating to 49% so the war will never end.

Wow! They're fighting each other!

“We’re in solidarity for the right!”

All public officials who attend the Masonic Lodges shall be exposed for who they work for. Malcolm X said: “Before you have civil rights, you gotta have human rights.”

Jimi Henrix sang: “You got my pride hanging out of my bed. You’re messing with my life, so I got my lead. You’re messing with my children and you’re screaming at my wife. Get off of my back if you want to get out of here alive. Freedom, that’s what I want. Freedom that’s what I need now”.Jimi Hendrix “Freedom”.

War is on in Ferguson.

Militarizing the police.

WW III and dollar collapse.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws
