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MNN. SEPT. 11, 2018. Yes, we pushed this case for over 21 years. 
In the case of Jones et al. v. Parmley, et al, No. 17-928, the sovereign Onondaga 15 of the rotinoshonni, Iroquois Confederacy, are instituting proceedings in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, against the United States and its justice system. It is pursuant to Article 45 of the Rules of Court. It will be filed in the registry of the Court in September 2018. 

For us, jurisdiction and sovereignty are based on the kaianerekowa, the law of turtle island, which supercedes the United States court system.  

We, the Onondaga 15, request The International Court of Justice at The Hague to review the injustice of the United States court system in this 20 year old case. The Onondaga 15 have proven they can get no justice in the United States court system. Only the kaianerekowa, great law, can provide justice.  


We know when something is wrong. Each of us sovereign onkwehonweh’onwe, the people of the land forever, make this Application to this Court based upon nature. We are as one with nature and guided by the truth found in the great law. Our experience proves that the US constitution does not provide justice through its court system.  

In this corporate created court, the man-made rules are manipulated so that the corporate court always wins and the rest lose, no matter how just is their case. 

The World Court has to be careful on this issue because their man-made rules could be in conflict with the natural law of the land. Natural law provides natural justice. The World Court purports to provide this. Our great law does provide it. 

None of us is a part of the corporate Statute of the International Court of Justice. We do not deliberately or knowingly join anything artificial or unnatural, like a corporation. We are created as one with all natural life. The United Nations purports to support us in being naturally sovereign through Articles 3, 4, 18, 33, and 40 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Self-determination for all life comes from nature. We are all naturally sovereign. The World Court existing only through artificial man-made rules, has been set up as the last avenue for justice in the corporate judicial system that permeates the world. The corporate buck stops at the World Court. But true justice will only be found in nature. 

Today we consent to this Court’s limited jurisdiction to hear this case pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Court. All natural life is sovereign. We seek justice by presenting this Application with our signs, pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court.

We sovereign onkwehonweh act without agents as we are from the natural world. States are corporations that exist through unnatural man made fictional rules. They require corporate agents to exist in this Court to make final decisions on matters that come before them.  In Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court, the agent must be authenticated by this Court to act for states that do not naturally exist. The United States is comprised of settlers who invaded our land, turtle island, which cannot be ceded by humanity. The United States makes existence of nature and natural people difficult and almost impossible. See Tekarontake’s words that explain this. 

Hey, NYS Indian Detail and US court system, you should not have done this to us:

Our existence is instilled in us through oral history placed on wampums and in our memory. kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the inherent tewetatawi, how we are to carry ourselves on turtle island and throughout our existence. The natural world creates the path by which we are to live. Our songs, ceremonies, stories and creation tie us to natural life and forces of our mother earth. 

The International Court of Justice protects the predatory system that attempts to rule the World by force. We natural people are imprisoned and controlled by the current corporate system, which has denied us justice for over 20 years in this case. 

According to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and Articles 38 and 45 of the Rules of Court, each of the 15 sovereign Applicants submit this Application Instituting Proceedings. Jurisdiction of the Court is found in Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice which provides: 

“The jurisdiction of the Court comprises all cases which the parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force.” 

“Justice” purports to be the cornerstone of the foundation of the Charter of the United Nations in protecting human rights for everyone worldwide. In this case, despite “Equal Justice Under Law” written above the entrance of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, we sovereign onkwehonweh have suffered “injustice” in the United States court system. Historically this system has been violently imposed and maintained on us and our land. Having been treated unjustly throughout the court system, we come to the World Court seeking “justice” through the Charter of the United Nations, and through the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples set forth in Annex 6 here, and pursuant to Articles 33 and 40 through 46 of its Rules of Court. 

Regarding the procedure of the Court, the following comment is instructive from the treatise entitled “The Statute of the International Court of Justice, A Commentary [Second Edition], edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Christian J. Tams, Assistant Editor Maral Kashgar, and Assistant Editor David Diehl [Oxford University Press] (2012), at page 1092:

When dealing with Art. 43 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice; “The procedure shall consist of two parts: written [memorials through the Registrar] and oral”], it should not be underestimated that all procedure before the Court is dominated by the fact that the litigants are sovereign states that do not lightly accept outside interference in their affairs, especially when that interference touches upon major, if not vital interest of theirs. Questions of procedure before the Court therefore, by definition, cannot be approached on the same basis as litigation before even the highest domestic court.

In the World Court substance controls procedure. We the natural people are the substance and have the winning hand, nature, which always beats the house of procedure. The only way to deactivate our winning hand is to not let us play it in their man-made control system. We ask the World Court to fairly consider our application. 

This Application is endorsed by the sign of each of the Onondaga 15 Applicants, and will be filed with the Registrar, along with a certified copy of the original pursuant to Article 52, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Rules of Court. 

If the World Court denies us justice, we will turn to the great law to provide us true justice. 

A certified copy of this Application will be served on the following: 

The President of the United States, pursuant to the two-row wampum and the Canandaigua Treaty 1794 that the United States signed;

The Supreme Court of the United States;

The United Nations.

After 20 years of injustice in the United States court system, the 15 sovereign onkwehonweh seek justice from the World Court.

September, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

We put our sign to this application: Andrew Jones, Robert E. Bucktooth, Jr., Cheryl Bucktooth, Robert Bucktooth, Debby Jones, Karen Jones, Nikki Jones, Karoniakata Jones, Shawn Jones, kahentinetha, Dyhyneyyks,  Tekarontakeh, Ross John, Ronald Jones, Jr., Nadine O’Field/Ganonhweih, aka Nadine Bucktooth.

Disturbed sings about the land of confusion that faces us and that we have to all make right: “This is the world we live in. And these are the hands we’re given. Use them and let’s start trying To make it a place worth living in. II remember long ago When the sun was shining And all the stars were bright all through the night. In the wake up this madness, as I held you tight So long ago. I won’t be coming home tonight. My generation will put it right. We’re not just making promises That we know we’ll never keep.” 


www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.

https://www.yesmagazine.org/planet/first-nations-celebrate-win-against-trans-mountain-pipeline-expansion-20180830 Trans mountain pipeline dumped 

Coffee with my ma. Bussing to Ottawa https://www.buzzsprout.com/140716/776055-ep-5-cwmm-ma-and-the-gang-bus-to-ottawa-to-see-elvis-in-1957-ma-and-the-cgit-craziest-girls-in-town

Remember Innu singers Kashtin in the early 1990s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5w-jzf88ys






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MNN. May 30, 2016. The INDIAN Ring meticulously planned the genocide of onkwe’hon:weh in North and South America and now the world over. They schemed how to extinct us.

Custer: "Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?"

“Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?”

Thomas Tibbles wrote this historical book, HIDDEN POWER. A SECRET HISTORY OF THE INDIAN RING, based on events in the early 1800s. [p. 282] He said, “this Indian system is the most cunningly devised scheme for permitting robbery and tyranny that the mind of man ever devised.” Everybody is under “the control of a ring of robbers, murderers and speculators”. It is “…a government of a band of white thieves”.

The criminals are politicians, churches, army officers, agents, traders, inspectors, scouts, lawyers, judges, missionaries, contractors, business people, bureaucrats, settlers and INDIAN sell-outs. [p. 283] “The only force that can be brought to bear on them is that of the army, …which is headed by the INDIAN Ring in Washington.”

They want war to kill us and to steal our land. We refuse to give them war. [p. 136] The Government admitted, “This country is yours, and the Government can’t take it away from you without your consent, if you are at peace; but if you are at war it can take it by conquest”. All treaties are illegal agreements made under threat. wolf pack

The INDIAN Ring is a secret council of criminals. They ‘arranged’ the treaties, set up the internment camps, designed ways to totally demoralize us, break our spirit and annihilate us.

Like today 90% of our appropriations were stolen by the INDIAN Ring. The company stores forced them to buy their own necessities with their own money that is owed to them.

The INDIAN Ring tried to provoke wars, while we were defending ourselves, and justified it to the public. They had to put lipstick on the pig!heal

Read: HIDDEN POWER. A Secret History of The Indian Ring, its operations, intrigues and machinations. Revealing the manner in which it controls three important departments of the United States Government. A Defence of the U.S. Army, and a SOLUTION OF THE INDIAN PROBLEM. By T.H. Thibbles. Copyright 1881. New York: G.W. Carleton & Co., Publishers. London: S. Low, Son & Company. Book online: HIDDEN POWER. Secret of the Indian Ring.

That’s why we are controlled by the military. [p. 60] Only Congress can declare war. [p. 62] “expeditions carried on under any other authority are not war. They are wholly illegal, and every life taken under such circumstances is murder”. INDIAN Ring is US strategy for theft, conquest or genocide.

The INDIAN Ring incited the whites to help them kill us. [p. 102] “There was not a human being in a radius of 150 miles who was not directly interested In that Indian war. …the hatred of the Indian race was fed, until it became second nature”. Town meetings were set to create militias and to give authority to murder the INDIANS.

[p.105] “but this infernal Indian system of ours is a mass of contradictions. It isn’t war. It’s a “murdering, marauding, banditti affair, in which every man can take a hand to suit himself”.

The bagmen for the INDIAN Ring set up the illegal treaties. [p. 180] “cession of all right, title and interest in any or all lands held by the Indians to the United States. …a full and entire relinquishment and quit-claim of all their interest in it forever.” It’s a complete fraud!

"Indian Ring"!

“Indian Ring”!

[p.296] When anyone questioned, they called in “three of the departments of the government – the War Department, the Interior Department and the Department of Justice which control all avenues of information and thus public opinion”, to this day [Kanesatake/Oka 1990 and others].

INDIAN policy to exterminate all onkwe’hon:weh was to “Make a whole community responsible for the act of one man, and shoot down all men, women and children.”

[p. 323] When chiefs refused to sign papers, they were deposed and replaced by willing betrayers, like today’s puppet band and tribal councils. [eg. Brazil]. [p. 330] 90% of Indian funds for necessities went to the INDIAN Ring. [p. 338] “the Indians will first be half starved and then we will be sent to kill them, because they are so impudent and rebellious that they won’t stay and die peaceably and without grumbling”. baggage cartoon

In Canada, the INDIAN Ring is operated by the Canadian military, Indian Affairs and Department of Justice. As Chief Red Iron said when asked what he was doing, he said plainly, “Waiting for the White Father to civilize me.”

INDIAN Ring, you can’t break our spirit.

Politicians who formed US Indian Policy: Tombstone Epitaph:

Continue reading




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 MNN. 15, 2016. A constitution is the will of a free people. The kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, favors nature. It represents creation’s design for all living things to live in harmony with the natural world. Our title is based on us holding the land for the future unborn generations. They own all the assets and have all the power. true'doe

Canada is not a country. It doesn’t have a constitution. It has a corporate “charter”. Constitution is never mentioned in the House of Commons. The corporate colonial charter of Canada is called the “British North America Act of 1867”. It runs a business using the resources of the forthcoming children of the origjnal people. Canada’s charter is concerned about banking, railroads, oil, insurance companies, pipelines, real estate and so on to abuse our future children. There is no statute of limitation on mass murder.

Chief: "Changing the rules always works!"

Chief: “Don’t ask them. Just change the rules!”


When the corporation dissolves, the creditors must be compensated. Future business ventures will be based on the kaia’nere:kowa, where everyone serves nature.

Today the corporate entities have to get our prior and informed consent to use the land and resources of our children. In fact, we natural people cannot sit at the table with subordinate artificially created illegal entities who rape our land.

The corporation of Canada has a limited duration, from one election to the next. Canada can be dissolved when no one votes. The Liberal Party is now ramming through a bill to change election laws without a referendum of the people.

A dictatorship is when the rules of engagement in a democracy are changed without going to the people. No one knows how the votes are counted in Canada. Politicians are not elected, but selected in all ranks – band/tribal councils, municipalities, provincial and federal governments and so on. govt imploding

The business plan is to try to carry out the final solution of the INDIAN problem by 2024. It is conducted in the Indian Affairs war room. Our minds are supposed to be totally colonized and we are to be assimilated into the corporate body politic. In the end they hope to take over all of our assets.

Corporatism ends when the power returns to the land. To stay on ono’ware:geh, great turtle island, everyone has to follow the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace. The corporate 51% majority of those who vote allows war to continue. This elite controlled system must be eradicated.

Corporate Canada is a private company owned by the CROWN. Trudeau took an oath to the Queen, not to the people or to the land, so the CROWN can continue their illusion of freedom in their military corporation called Canada.

The Who got it right, way back in the 1960s: “We’ll be fighting in the streets, With our children at our feet. And the morals that they worship will be gone. And the men who spurred us on, Sit in judgment of all wrong. . Meet the new boss. He’s the same as the old boss.” [“Won’t Get Fooled Again”]


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Canada shields TRC criminals. http://itccs.org/2016/04/14/canada-shields-in-house-criminals-with-secret-cabinet-directive-breaking-news-advisory/

Video. http://dailybail.com/videos/how-to-move-to-canada-if-trump-becomes-president.html

Trudeau pledges to serve CROWN.

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY. http://reclaimdemocracy.org/corporate-accountability-history-corporations-u

Arsonists of Fort McMurray.




Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554
Email: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca 1-866-236-4445 IDO-BDI@forces.gc.ca

U.S. President Barak Obama, president@whitehouse.gov

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201

HCCC & HDI http://haudenosaunee.ca/2.html or http://www.haudenosauneeconfederacy.com/contactus.html









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MNN. 11 May 2016. According to the Declaration on the rights of Indigenous People signed by the corporation of Canada, the original people must now be asked for permission to do anything to them, their land, water and air. It is illegal for the natural people of ono’ware:keh to be forced to ask the occupiers for permission to do anything. damn foreigners

A “constitution” defines the organization of a government or governing entity. A “charter” defines the organization of a corporation. Canada has no constitution. It was set up by a CROWN charter and incorporated in 1867 – ISO #1366-2:CA, registered in the Vatican. It’s a private corporation, which will soon be insolvent. The creditors, whose land, resources and assets were stolen by the company, have to be paid first.



Ft. Mcmurray res

Canada’s resource extractors illegally run the corporation of Canada by violating our rights. Canada’s total economy is derived and depends on mining and oil stolen from our mother.

Trudeau: "Remember your oath to the INDIAN Ring".

Trudeau: “Remember your oath to the INDIAN Ring”.

PM Trudeau promised his partners that the illegal pipeline will go across Canada. After the biggest fire in Canadian history at Fort McMurray Alberta, he is already calling people back to work on the pipeline. They need our prior and informed consent. The settlers cannot define ‘consulting’ as talking to their corporate band and tribal councils. This violates the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights that he publicly signed in front of the world.

A polite Canadian.

A polite Canadian.

The UN Agenda 30 Depopulation program is still on the books. On Attaswapiskat village on James Bay, the Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, said, in effect, ”I visited and tried to help them”. She offered to help them get back their language.

Canada now has to get our permission for everything. International law principles are based on the teio’hateh/Two Row Wampum. The colonial settlers have a choice. They must decolonize their own minds or they must leave.

Billie Holiday knows when the shoe is on the other foot: “For there’s a change in the weather. There’s a change in the sea. So from now on there’ll be a change in me. My walk will be different, my talk and my name. Nothin’ about me is going to be the same. I’m goin’ to change my way of livin’. If that ain’t enough. Then I’ll change the way that I strut my stuff,
‘Cause nobody wants you when you’re old and gray. There’ll be some changes made today. There’ll be some changes made”. [There’ll be some changes made]

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


Leonard Peltier.

Fontaine is applying for job as Canada’s bagman.

HDI purports Great Law written by Catholic Church.

CAROLYN BENNETT http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/682338883708?platform=hootsuite


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554
Email: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca 1-866-236-4445 IDO-BDI@forces.gc.ca

U.S. President Barak Obama, president@whitehouse.gov

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201

HCCC & HDI http://haudenosaunee.ca/2.html or http://www.haudenosauneeconfederacy.com/contactus.html






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MNN. May 10, 2016. The colony of Canada refused help from seven countries offering aid from Russia, US, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Israel and Palestine to put out “the largest forest fire in Canadian history”. Prime Minister Trudeau and his business partners have a different agenda – to scorch the land and force us to move.

Scorched earth total war.

Scorched earth total war.

We and our mother refuse to cede our land and resources.

Scorched earth and removal is a colonial policy and still the battle plans of the war room of Indian Affairs.  In the 1800s the military used scorch-earth tactics to subjugate onkwe’hon:weh. Troops were deployed to protect railroad workers from the onkwe’hon:weh, who knew the railroad would mean further encroachment on their territory. Military outposts were put across the region, expanding white settlement on unceded territory.

UN. Canada grilled. The looks on people's faces tell you a lot.

UN. Canada grilled. The looks on people’s faces tell you a lot.


INDIAN policy is set by the military, to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy, while advancing through or withdrawing from an area.scorched earth policy

We were placed in POW camps called “reservations”. Those not incarcerated were considered hostile, hunted down and killed. onkwe’hon:weh were sent to separate territories under military guard.

Today the onkwe’hon:weh are resisting oil and pipeline development. The Canadian military is attempting to crush our resistance by destroying our land and removing us.

Like the buffalo hunt, the economic basis of our lives is being destroyed to force us to submit. Otherwise we will be attacked, just like in Alberta. Our people are the targets of this military campaign that is heading east. By 2024 they are trying to have us either assimilated or under lock and key or exterminated.

Oil/pipeline executive: "Take this or else!"

Oil/pipeline’s  economic hitman.

The CEOs of these oil, pipeline and development companies are firmly committed to getting rid of the INDIAN problem.

Paul Revere and the Raiders sing about how the Cherokees survived scorched earth, trail of tears and other genocidal acts: “They took the whole Cherokee nation, put us on this reservation. Took away our way of life, Tomahawk and bow and knife. Took away our native tongue, Taught their English to our young. They took the whole INDIAN nation, locked us up on the reservation. Though I wear a shirt and tie i’m still a red man deep inside.”



MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh




Indian Affairs minister at UN.


Canada grilled at UN.

Scorched Earth Policy http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/s_z/sherman.htm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6kOA-KtPxw&app=desktop John Mohawk


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554
Email: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca 1-866-236-4445 IDO-BDI@forces.gc.ca

U.S. President Barak Obama, president@whitehouse.gov

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201

HCCC & HDI http://haudenosaunee.ca/2.html or http://www.haudenosauneeconfederacy.com/contactus.html




MNN. FEB. 15, 2013. Elimination of Indigenous women is government policy. We are being sacrificed for private profit. The bankers fear the women as the owners of the land and for having the power to stop the war. Who created the misconceptions of Indigenous women? Fur traders, whisky traders, North-West Mounted Police, Indian Agents, government officials, farmers, ranchers, missionaries and land speculators.

Keep walking!

Let’s keep walking!

Wealth comes from stealing and controlling our land. We have to be destroyed in any way possible. Powerful negative stereotypes are promoted on the mainstream media. 

It's coming down.

It’s all coming down.

At the Albany Congress 1754 the Haudenosaunee tried to teach the pre-revolutionary American colonists about democracy through the Great Law of Peace and the egalitarian role of women. The pioneers did not want their women to know about their real power nor to give them a place in decision making. The attack on us is to break our power. 

Human Right Watch Report “Then You Take Us Away: Abusive Policing and Failures – Protection of Indigenous Women and Girls in Northern British Columbia, Canada” is about government sanctioned RCMP brutality toward young Indigenous women and girls. 

Prime Minister Harper advised the brutalized and raped victims to file their complaints with their rapists, the RCMP. He is complicit in genocide and will be tried in the International Criminal Court. His inhuman response shows the flaws of the business plan of the corporate system to take over the earth. The recent take-down of the Pope at the Vatican represents the end of the male hierarchical control grid. The rest will crumble, the monarchies, corporations, and all their entities. 

Still looking

We will find you!

The women have a sacred trust as progenitors of the land. Our mother is now calling us to connect with each other and retrieve the instructions that exist deep within us. The songs and dances we perform are our medicine, Ononkwa, invoking the power of the original instructions that lie within. 

We are connected through our subconscious. Our ceremonies remind us to stay on the winding route in unison and harmony with one another, in the same direction. 

The Kaianereh’ko:wa is nature, a “clearly defined perfect reality”. It is “right, perfect and wise”. The man-made reality of the Euro American is disharmonious with nature, an Artifice. 

We are the legal advocates of peace, not war. We are in charge of mother earth. The men are the keepers of the forest and the women are the keepers of the fields.  

Dekanawida, the Peacemaker, had the greatest influence on the world. Jigonsaseh, a woman, was the leader of the cultivators, with whom the Peacemaker had to deal. She was recognized as the Mother of Nations. She reminded him of the power of women as the basic tenet of the Great Law. 

Creation is the ultimate wisdom. It is ancient and advanced at the same time. It is already here. Original people, let us protect our girls and women so they may carry out their duties in the natural way. 

Keep walking

Keep walking.

As Nancy Sinatra sang in “These Boots”:  “I’ve just found a brand new box of matches, yeah. And what he know you ain’t had time to learn. Are you ready, boots? Start walking!”These boots

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0