

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 18, 2015. The Indian Lands Acts of 1924 established the POW camps called “Indian Reserves” IR throughout Canada. Bill C-51 is Canada’s latest attempt to legalize genocide. Here are ten steps to illegally dismantle the ongwe’hon:weh through corporate regime change, relocation or unwitnessed lethal procedures.

"They were demanding decent water and housing!!"

“They wanted decent water and housing!!”

1.The military response unit is located at the high tech Indian Affairs “war room”, directed by a well-briefed investigator and surveillance head. He reports to a senior commissioned officer. Federal, state and provincial entities work together to benefit from eliminating the ongwe’hon:weh. Top brass, all units in the detail and the local band councils work together. Military response teams surround all IRs. Operations are planned years in advance.

2.Detailed reporting on all incidents, including rumors and concocted stories. Surveillance is constant. Agents infiltrate the community in various guises. A “to be taken out” list is created.

3.Soldiers & CSIS/CIA agents are imbedded in media to control information, turn the public against the target, film the operation for study and identification.

Isn't it time for you to sit down and talk with us?

Isn’t it time for you to sit down and talk with us?

4.The media induces fear into the surrounding communities promoting fear and anger towards any  ongwe’hon:weh. In 1990 the surrounding communities requested the military attack the Mohawks. Command posts are set up at a moment’s notice to go into the IR once the conflict is created. “New management” or lethal force is demanded. This historical record continues. See below “Rocks at Whisky Trench”.

5.The “economic hit man” pays off the band and tribal council for their cooperation. Chiefs liaise constantly with the military. Secret meetings are held at local golf courses. The commander is involved during the “live” operation.

"They never quit fighting to keep their land from us!"

“Our mother can never ever be sold!”

6.Professionals, elders, men, women and children are targeted to silence them. Some are banished. Businesses are controlled or burnt destroyed.

7.Provocateurs, informants, infiltrators, workers and goons watch and report to the investigator. They are trained to befriend, create dissent, spread false rumors, pacify or carry out local attacks, or conflicts to divide the people, with impunity.

8.Band councils sign blank arrest warrants. Local cops stand by while targeted residents are threatened. Some incidents are “false flags” to mislead the people and heighten tension. The ensuing chaos eventually discredits cops and band councils. The military comes in to control the situation.


"I just outlawed the INDIANS!!!

“The people will wipe that smile off your face later this year, Stevie”!!!

9.The band and tribal councils agrees to come under the control of a political and economic corporation to create ‘peace’. Martial law is established. Roads closed. Houses searched. Curfews. No civil rights. Trouble makers removed. A combination of theatre, coercion and threats to control everybody and to bring about the desired corporate regime. Perpetrators report they were “just following orders” and can’t remember doing anything wrong, until they are charged with human rights abuses and genocide!

10.The law of the land of Great Turtle Island is the Kania’nereh:kowa. It shall prevail.

2001 interrogation of Dennis Blythe, BCI Bureau of Criminal Investigation on the INDIAN Detail conducted May 18, 1997, by the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and New York State against the Rotinoshonni. US District Court, Northern District of NY. [Ronald Jones vs. NYS 98 CV 374.]  

Paul Rogers of Bad Company tells us how the seagull from his high vantage point sees things much more clearly: “Seagull, you fly across the horizon, into the misty morning sun. Nobody asks you where you are going. Nobody knows where you’re from. And you fly through the sky, never asking why.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

CSIS warns of extremist opposition to oil & gas.

Military & media used to destroy protests.

Harper-Hitler comparison.

RCMP anti-ongwe’hon:we propoganda.

Sell ongwe’hon:we land to foreign entities


















Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 6, 2015. Economic miracle? Tyranny? Rumor has it the corporations of Canada and US are going to try to conscript our children to wear the uniform and march with the flags of the corporations that stole our land and resources and continues to commit genocide. We will be forced to murder, fight and die for the bankers. Harper and Obama will be recruiting our young people to die in their illegal wars.orwellon war

Following the Israeli model, all 18 year old high school graduates, boys and girls, will be forced to serve. At first for one year and then increased to three years for boys and two years for girls. Recruiters are selling them on the idea of becoming a killer for the state. They don’t explain the karma that will cause trauma for the rest of their lives. Suicide is the biggest killer in the army. For what they did, soldiers are killing themselves rather than live a guilty life in drunkenness, violence and debauchery.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.


The military will be used to suppress strikes, protests, and any opposition to the rulers. Hundreds of square miles of our land will be devastated by warfare and nuclear weapon training. Concentration camps with solitary detention will be set up for those who fail the training. Conformity, or else.

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms!

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms for Harper’s war!

In preparation Harper passed Bill C-51, the anti-terror law, which allow anyone to be detained without trial or reason. They will live under martial law. The elite military officers and weapons makers require conscription for their wars to continue..

Ongwe’hon:weh cannot be forced to join a foreign occupiers army. This is absolutely illegal under all forms of law.

We can’t afford to lose our men. Dekanawida said that when the white serpent momentarily drops the Ongwe’hon:weh, they will crawl to the hilly country like babies, to heal.

I'm heading for the hilly country to heal.

I’m heading for the hilly country to heal.









As Ella sings in frustration: it ain’t no use, you cooked my goose, and took advantage of me.


kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Harper’s conscription plans.

Harper the Nazi.

Canada u.s. concscription


Harper’s doubling down.








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 20, 2015. Notice how the media panels of “experts of nothing” try to tell us what the government line is. They repeatedly call critics of government and corporate theft of resources and destruction of the environment as “extremists”! Genocide is an old on-going settler colonial strategy. expert opinion

Canada wants multinational energy corporations to continue extracting and burning tar sands and other fossil fuels, leading to extreme weather and food shortages. An RCMP initiative calls critics of climate change as “environmental extremist radicals”, “money-launderers” and “anti-petroleum extremists”. These same words describe terrorists and Jihadists in the new anti-terrorism Bill C-51. They are labeled as “criminals” to the oil and gas industry.

Ongwe’hon:weh [the natural people of Great Turtle Island] who peacefully legitimately object to toxic pipelines, fracking or oilsands in our communities and theft of our resources are “Aboriginal extremists”. [See link at end – Critical Infrastructure Intelligence Assessment report 2014]. We stand against true terrorism, which is the destruction of Mother Earth and her sacred blood, the waters.

P.M. Harper to Eva, John, Jason...

P.M. Harper to Eva, John, Jason…

The experts say there is a growing, highly organized and well-financed, anti-Canadian petroleum movement, that consists of peaceful activists, militants and violent extremists.

Experts say extremists engage in “criminal” activity to promote their anti-petroleum ideology. Prime Minister Harper labels any Ongwe’hon:weh resistance to anything as
“extremism”, which is another word for “terrorist”. He promises to protect his energy and resource extraction partners while pretending to protect the  Canadian public.

The RCMP, CSIS as well as Public Safety Canada are Critical Infrastructure Partners with their private industry security counterparts. 100 million

The responses to Ongwe’hon:weh blockades so far has been snipers, dogs and tasers. Harper is most worried about Canadians seeing the truth about his neo-Nazi radical business plan for the Corporation of Canada.

Aerosmith sings it like it is in “Eat the Rich”: “And I just can’t see no humor about your way of life. I think I can do more for you with this here fork and knife. Eat the rich! There’s only one thing they’re good for. Eat the rich! Take one bite now. Come back for more. Eat the rich! I gotta get this off my chest. Eat the rich! Take one bit now. Spit out the rest!”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Read: Akwesasne protests Barnhart takeover by multinational.

Read: Nader letter to Harper.

Read: Extremist threats.