

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 10, 2015. There are mainly two classes of refugees from the Middle East. The ‘band council’ refugees that served the CROWN/Vatican establishment to help steal the resources. The real refugees are the displaced tribal peoples. When the upper class puppets are no longer needed, they either get reassigned, flee or get killed. The real refugees end up in tent cities, whom we should help to remain safely in their homeland.american holocaust

Soon the band council’s usefulness to the CROWN will be over. Just like the Middle East stooges, chief Joke Norton of kahnawake Mohawk Council Inc. used our sovereignty and money to set up businesses with outside partners. Online gambling earned them billions, safely put in off shore bank accounts, so we wouldn’t know how much was stolen. We got crumbs. Then the US passed a law making online betting illegal as investors and clients were not paying taxes earned off reserve from so-called INDIAN businesses. The CIA swarmed into Kahnawake. The US seized everything. Joke Norton was put out of business. His partners skipped out. The headquarters moved to the Isle of Man, and now buys ”services” cheaply from companies set up in Kahnawake.

They're fed up with greedy refugees!

Fed up with greedy ungrateful refugees!

Indian Affairs sets up Mohawks as fronts for outside investors. They just have to pay rent for space in our community to take advantage of our sovereignty and tax free position. Then Indian Affairs needed Joke Norton back on the council to finish the job! How did he win the election when nobody wanted him? Indian Affairs fixes every election! As Mark Twain said, “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it!”

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. lawyer, Murray Marshall, is the mastermind here. There’s a Murray Marshall in every ongwe’hon:weh community. He’s a bar lawyer who sets up the spin, payoffs, rules, regulations, contracts and deals. Godfather Murray Marshall.

This corruption designed by the global monetary matrix has caused a great sense of loss to us ongwe’hon:weh. Our people are fighting each other instead of the governments and corporations. The evil ones and their puppet masters create crisis after crisis and use them to keep us divided and preoccupied. The chaos in our communities is like fire fights going in various monetary directions.

Harper in new wig: "We need your money. So shut up!"

Harper in new wig: “We need your money. So shut up!”

Canada is spending our trillions of dollars of Indian Trust Funds to pay their bills. Our communities are inundated with drugs and other problems to keep us distracted.

Our communities are clearing houses for nefarious corporate ends. The band councilors basically know nothing and go along. Where will the INDIAN refugees go when everybody finds out what they’ve done to us? These band council refugees can’t live amongst us and have forfeited their birthright to our mother. Will France, Great Britain and Germany take them as well? There will soon be thousands of refugees from the INDIAN control grid.

We will guard ono'ware:geh our mother.

We will guard ono’ware:geh our mother.


There are only rich and poor. Remember, 99% of us are poor. Joke Norton cohorts will love this song as Bon Scott sings: “finger freddy, diamond jim, they’re getting ready, look out i’m comin’ in, so spin that wheel, cut that pack, and shoot them loaded dice … [Sin City]

Why elites want more refugees.

We want elite refugees to help complete the genocide.

We need elite refugees to help complete the genocide.


New evil axis.





Harper tried to kill residential school story.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAY 6, 2015.  First Canada passed the Indian Act 1876 to declare us as non-persons and wards of the state.  This was to take control of our Indian Trust Funds. On October 25th 1924 the Indian Advancement Act was implemented by the colony of Canada as the 100-year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem”. Prisoners of war camps POW called “INDIAN reserves”, were set up across Canada by the War Department in 1924. Barbed wire fences, guards, passes and permission to leave and our children removed and placed in residential school death camps. Indian Affairs is run by the Department of Defense to this day. They are now in their 90th year of completing this genocide program.

Peace in shackles.

Corporate peace.

Military planners design the captivity psychosis in POW camps. They determine the standards of behavior. Brutal and unfeeling wardens select subordinates to oversee the camp. Those who do not fit in and the weaker ones are removed. Lack of adequate food, clothing, shelter and poor physical conditions create shame, stunned stupor, deep confusion, anger and death. Inmates suffer from confinement, inactivity and isolation making them inert and silent. Some are allowed to work as hired hands for local settlers. Inmates eventually become scared of being set free.

As Reagan told Gorbachev: "Tear down those walls",

As Reagan told Gorbachev: “Tear down those walls”,

Stress and deliberate misinformation causes loss of identity and pride. They are discouraged from thinking about their past. Tension and disorder are constantly fostered between different groups. Divisive quarrels are created to more easily control the inmates. Movies and games are selected for “barbed wire madness” to create futility. Improper food and long term deterioration breaks down their thinking. Inmates become apathetic and refuse to take part in camp affairs. They can’t concentrate and lose their memory about themselves, their families and the communities they come from.

RCMP walked into the longhouse in Akwesasne, put a gun to the chief’s head and shot him dead. He was immediately replaced by the fake chief and band council system. In 1924 at Tyendinaga all of our farms in Prince Edward County were confiscated. We were arrested and interred in the new 18,000 acre concentration camp and turned into prisoners of war. It was originally 880,000 acres.

In 1990 the military came into Akwesasne, Kahnawake and Kanehsatake because legally we are still prisoners of war which is still un der their jurisdiction. Karonhiaktajeh, told us we are the sleeping lion. The tense hatred, accumulated anger, hopelessness and cynicism created is a military control strategy. He created a “de’INDIANIZATION” strategy based on relearning the philosophy of the Great Peace, Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Is it for real?

Look out! He’s waking up!


Karonhiaktajeh told us that we are the sleeping lion. When we awake, we will be very, very ornery, as the Tokens sing: “Ee-e-e-e oh-mum-mum-oh-weh. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit


Indian Act.

Indian Trust Fund.

Australia’s Aboriginie genocide plans







Please post & distribute. Thank you.

MNN. Nov. 6, 2014. The timeline shows no surrender, treaty or permission by Mohawks to turn Kahnawake into a reserve. Under the military Corporation of Canada Kahnawake is a “Prisoner of War” Camp without walls for the Mohawks. It was created on October 25, 1924. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake is governed under the Indian Act, which is the original 100-year plan to get rid of the “Indian problem in Canada” [Duncan Campbell Scott]. The POW camp is run by Indian Affairs and its corporate entity known as MCK. The corporation is firmly directed by their military war room at Indian Affairs in Ottawa/Hull on the 14th floor. Canada and the POW Camps are financed by our stolen Indian Trust Funds. The military’s main job is to protect the stolen treasury.

Geronimo, one of our greatest military strategists, imprisoned for defending the land and people.

Apache Geronimo on way to his POW camp. 

The original plan was to imprison our people so we would all perish. The CEO of the corporation of Canada is the Governor-General. He needs a military title for a military corporation. Each province has a military Lt. Governor, because they also are military corporations. Canada merged the military corporation and the state in 1867. Canada is the first corporate state, ISO #1366-2:CA.

“Ordo ab chao” is the strategy used by secret societies that are controlling the power structures, to keep the people’s minds divided [51%]. After enough confusion and chaos the people will demand a government solution to the problem created by the government using their own procedures in their jurisdiction.

Canada Border Patrol beating up elderly woman, causing heart attack.

Canadian Commandos beating up elders & causing heart attacks. 

Indian Affairs’ job is to keep the Indians corralled economically and socially in our POW camps, while they enjoy the vast abundance of our land. All western European countries under Vatican rule are a party to the biggest holocaust in all humanity.

Kahnawake is one of the most in-your-face territories in the world. It is next to Montreal, one of the largest metropolises in Canada. The puppet masters have always wanted us out of the way because of location, location, location. Also, they want to totally assimilate us to get rid of the land issues, by taking away our teachings, languages, culture, so we are no longer Ongwehonwe. They shall use fear as their ally and anger as their friend when dividing the people’s minds.

Lasagna: "I don't like this part of the treatment".

Lasagna: “Let’s do this right now, soldier boy!”.

In 1990 when we objected to the expansion of a golf course, we were invaded by the Canadian army, and placed in CFB Farnham army base after our arrest. In 2008 MNN editor, Kahentinetha, was arrested and assaulted by military commandos at the border crossing to the US. In the subsequent court case, the judge ruled he could not deal with the issue because she lives in Kahnawake and is not a resident of Canada.

We have been under martial law since 1924 while they rape and pillage all of our vast lands around us. We have always been here at the fork of the rivers that come from all directions on Great Turtle Island and meet here. The Mohawk community of Kahnawake is part of the larger soveregn Kanionkehaka territory of 20 million acres.

As Frank Zappa reminds us in his epic song “Flakes”: “We just call on the phone and call up some flakes. They rush on over and wreck it some more. And we’re so dumb they’re lining up at our door.” Frank Zappa. “Flakes”.

Kahnawake was not surrendered, there is no treaty and no permission to set up reserve.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit








MNN.  Jan. 31, 2013.  The corporate chiefs have always been part of the white serpent’s tail. Duct tape won’t fix the big crack in the Harper-AFN unity ship. Captain Shawn Atleo of the S.S. Traitor, keeps trying to push the illusion that we are all united behind him. It’s a big lie.

Captain Atleo, are you going down with your ship?

Captain Atleo, are you going down with your ship?


The corporate Indians are doing their own version of the Idle Nor More public round dance called the “I’m-not-with-him-anymore” jig. They’re trying to avoid their own filth as they dance privately to their master’s tune. This maneuver is probably going on all over Canada. “What-will-we-do” committees are springing up everywhere. With the illegal Indian Act, AFN and band and tribal councils dissolved, Harper can’t push through his agenda to steal everything and get rid of us for good.

The chiefs took the money, said nothing, are being caught with their hands in the cookie jar and trying to illegally sign away our possession so they and their children personally benefit. Is there a lot of document shredding going on at Indian Affairs right now to falsify the truth? They want to say there are no Indians and therefore no Indian Trust Funds to complete the theft of our $3 trillion.

The Indian accomplices think they’re fooling us by saying, “OMG. I didn’t know. I never took nothin’”.  Really, they’re saying, “I’m one of them sell-outs. Sure, I’m rich, have money in the bank, signed a few deals, my kids go to private school. I worked hard for it…”.

S.S. Traitor, you are going down!

S.S. Traitor, you are going down!

The S.S. Traitor, like a ship on the high seas with a full wind and no rudder, will end up on the rocks. Like the Rolling Stones sang in “Sweet Virginia”:  “Come on, come on down, sweet Virginia. Rolling Stones: Sweet Virginia 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0