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MNN. 6 Sep. 2021. As karonhiaktajeh said, “We [the indigenous people of the earth] are one people and we stand together”. As time goes on Anglo Americans and their allies show us their innate ugliness. To them killing an Afghani man and 9 kids ‘by’ mistake is “collateral Damage”. Guys in Colorado push buttons and drop missiles and drones on innocent people, on purpose.


The invaders have no soul. They hate us indigenous because we reveal the truth about them. There will be a response. The Chinese technology far exceeds what Americans have. The empire intrude on other peoples, land and culture as they did to us. We were called savages, atheists and terrorists. They declared us as “non-human” and according to their Christian belief they could murder us with impunity.

Almost everyone has fallen for it. Hedonist Trudeau called an election to take the focus off the thousands of unmarked hidden graves of murdered children found at Indian Residential School death camps. They are not holding themselves accountable. They avoid the humanitarian beauty of the kaianerekowa. They are terrified of the truth. “We’re going to get to bottom, of all this”, they say as they all swear an oath of secrecy to the Queen, especially, this, the biggest secret. 

Who and what is the corruptor. It is hate. This empire will not last. The past cannot be changed no matter what lies the colonists tell. We have the truth. We learn from it. The psychotics make up fantasies to make horrific deadly decisions, all based on lies which they cover with many more lies. No matter what, they will always be lies. Their spies and intelligence agents said that leaving Afghanistan would be a breeze. It was a lie. They had other plans. Psychotics wrote the scripts for the psychopaths to act out this terror. 

It’s a never ending war between good and evil, while they play the tag of death.

The world watches. The demise of America will be shown on youtube. Their contorted faces, greed, hatred, envy and planning of massacres of us and indigenous people all over the world. They hate us. They want to know the price of everything and not the natural value of things. They have been programmed into the republic of war culture which they brought from where they came. Afghanistan was a complete fiasco for 20 years. They lost. Yet Americans still want to take the last shot. It’s costing $ trillions.

The world is finally seeing the real face we seen for 500 years. They have no qualms about committing violence and crimes. They kill to kill. They are confirming to the world that war is wrong. They shoot deer and moose, any kind of animal, just to kill. 80 million buffalo wiped out to starve the Sioux, reducing the herd to 800. They killed 150 million of us and our children and tried to conceal the murders and genocide.


We view our land as a trust for our children that are yet unborn. We say “not for sale”. The foreign corporation known as the Crown could never legitimately have the land.

The psychotics want to control the force of life, like “serial killers”. They give themselves a licence to do this with impunity, without ethics and morality. Society lives in terror. Only the military establishment thrives to feed their never ending addiction to war. They came onto the shore of turtle island and saw everything the wanted to steal. They declared, “This should belong to us”. Their  corruptors directed them to exterminate the original people, which would eliminate all witnesses to the crime. 

Their psychotic leaders declared they can commit premeditated murder and genocide, in the name of freedom, human rights, and democrcy!!!. After Afghanistan they have no triumph, so like little children the Americans and their allies drop bombs on their way out. Campaign contributors are concerned that the politicians cannot easily sell another war. The noose is tightening around the neck. The US is the second most hated country in the world after Israel.

The US empire is unnatural and on the brink of annihilation on turtle island. Since we were not totally genocided, kaianerekowa the great peace survives from the beginning of time to the end of time.

The US deceived the world and now itself. They are ia-ronon-kwe-kiken. They are not natural people. They think they can murder and take no blame. 

They speak more cruel every day. They show no conscience. They cover up their evil with charity and NGOs sent to countries pretending to help them but are spying to undermine them. Nature is helping mother earth. 

The psychotic monsters are currently looking for new lands, adventures and people to kill. Those psychopaths in Colorado probably just sent another drone to kill someone, which would inevitably include innocent men, women and children going about their lives. They will never acknowledge it. They are already rewriting their past to escape what they are, evil doers. 

Blood drips from the hands of leaders and politicians of United States, Canada, and those ruled by the new British Empire which is a financial empire out of the City of London. The life of others is unimportant to them. When they are gone, a burden will be lifted from the world. We will be safer. They think they have to try to destroy us or we will destroy them with the truth. 

As Eric Burdon and the Animals say about war: “He blesses the boy and they stand in line. The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine. He is there to help them all that he can. To make them feel wanted. He is a good holy man. Sky Pilot. you are soldiers of god. You must understand. The fate of your country is in your young hands. May god give you strength to do your job real well. If it was all worth it, only time will tell. In the morning they returned with tears in their eyes. The stench of death drifts up to the skies. A young soldier so ill looks at the Sky Pilot, remembers the words “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. Sky Pilot. Sky Pilot. How high can you fly. You never reach the sky.” Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  












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MNN. Sep. 3, 2021. We should all now stand together holding arms, plant a tree of peace and bury our weapons for all time underneath it. When there are no weapons, nobody gets hurt. People are converted to peace. The Americans sabotaged the equipment they left behind in Afghanistan. Those people could make them into something more useful than sitting around waiting to shoot someone! Nature doesn’t need weapons. We Just have to work and survive. Without weapons, we have to use our minds.

D  I  S  S  O  L  V  E  D     C O R P O R A T I O N   –   S  Q  U  A  T  T  E  R  S 

 The power to destroy is intoxicating to imperialists. US lost the illegal undeclared war and plans to destabilize Afghanistan by funding and arming disorder and chaos as they have done for the last 100 years to many other countries. Rogue military organizations of the empire have always been working behind puppet Indians and tribal councils to divide, weaken and genocide us. War Departments, churches and NGOs carry out the civil wars and terror. This system created the world’s biggest holocaust of 150 million indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. 

The foreign empires claim to have a right to pillage, exploit, enslave, violate and terrorize us for 500 years on turtle island. As Joe Biden exclaimed of the bombing of fleeing Americans at Afghan airport, “Those who carried out this attack, we will not forgive, forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.” He means, “We are going to get you with a drone. ”

When the Americans sabotaged the weapons they left in Afghanistan, they then have to destroy their own, as we’ve been asking for 500 years so we can have peace. According to the kaianerekowa, we buried all the weapons of war that occur in each other’s minds, those thoughts that make us hateful, aggressive and kill each other. Hostilities would be unknown. The whole world has to do this. Only the war club is unburied to execute a traitor. The hatchet for defence was not buried.

The republic of war spent $2 trillion to destroy Afghanistan: to arm and train corrupt Afghan military, setting up Fascist style governing infrastructures, so the invaders could live comfortably among the impoverished indigenous people they are attacking, enslaving and stealing from. The rest was siphoned off by foreign aid groups, hired guns called private contractors and outside consultants.

Afghan financial accounts have been frozen and the Americans took the rest. The president was the first to flee, leaving worthless pieces of paper [money] on the tarmac. The IMF won’t lend them anything. No food. Destroyed infrastructure. High food prices. Sanctions, No aid. No salaries. Health care collapsed.

The manipulators of powers are not accountable in public and are beyond scrutiny. Canada is presently presiding gleefully over the deaths of our children, not mentioned in the current election campaign. Voters don’t care either. The gallows they are making for us are really for themselves.

The empire is humiliated by the Afghans, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, Vietnam and Indigenous people who continue to resist. The empire sees its declining strength, incompetence, savagery. They revolve around the war industry. The bureaucrats watch. The critics are killed. The media is complicit. The people are in despair. All hope is lost.

There is no spirit of retribution or righteousness. kaianerekowa, the great peace, heals violations of the natural order and the evil it causes. Empire requires killing true democracy to produce military dictatorships, a huge standing army and continuous wars under an imperial presidency. They are addicted to guns, killing people and money.

MI5 and CIA are rogue military organizations that oversee this secret empire building. The RCMP did the snatching of millions of our children so the governments and churches could carry out ‘the final solutions to the Indian problem’ of resisting theft of turtle island and its resources. The RCMP amalgamated with CSIS to create ART Aboriginal Response Team, which is the modern day Gestapo of the 4th Reich. Even today they follow us in their black cars when we leave the ‘reserve’.


The Indian residential school death camps were sites for interrogations, experimentation, torture and targeted assassinations of helpless and innocent indigenous children and unarmed civilians.

We indigenous are feared for exposing the truth about the empire. The homicide and genocide committed by US and Canada are not mentioned because we humiliated them. They want us to pay with our lives for puncturing their fake myth of great power. We will never be forgiven for exposing their gross immorality, weakness and sordid inner workings of their empire.

How to eliminate empires. Follow the philosophy of the kaianerekowa, the great peace, of each being sovereign, equal and having a voice.. The intruders brought guns and then wars. Let’s go back to 1491 when we had implements to hunt for food. Weaponry is the only way these empires exist. Once there is none, they lose. When everybody is sovereign there is no need for a president or prime minister. Our minds, nature and the great peace guide us.

The Rolling Stones sing about the American fate in Afghanistan: “The hand of fate is on me now. It picks me up and it knocks me down. I’m on the run. I’m highway bound. The hand of fate is heavy now. I killed a man. I’m prison bound. The wheel of fortune keeps on turning round. Turning round. Turning round. I should have known it was a one horse town”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  




Chris Hedges 









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MNN. August 31, 2021. US, UK, Canada and their EU-NATO henchman are scrambling out of Afghanistan in haste. They had 8 days to get out. Everybody is tired of their lying, cheating and stealing. The Taliban now possesses over $2 trillion in military equipment left behind by the war mongering psychopaths.


The Taliban has more weapons than any country in the world at the moment: 75,000 vehicles, 200 planes and choppers, 600,000 small arms and lightweight weapons, night vision goggles, body armor worth $85 billion, Black Hock helicoptors worth billions, medical supplies, bio metric devices which finger prints, eye scans and contains complete biographic information on all their traitors. President Biden announced that the US has no plans to go to Afghanistan to get this back. “No American will be killed by any of these weapons!” said he.

The allies could buy some of this when the Afghans sell it on ‘EBay’!

Alqaeda and ISIS are still there. 47,000 Afghans were killed. Since 2001 5.9 million displaced have fled. 395,000 are displaced within Afghanistan. More than 3,000 US soldiers were killed, over 20,000 wounded, not counting the mentally wounded, 3,800 private contractors known as hired mercenaries were killed, 64,000 US and NATO trained Afghan soldiers and police were killed, more than 1,100 NATO soldiers died. 

In 2000 the Taliban eradicated all poppy growing and production. In 2020 6,300 tons of poppy production was purported to have been lost by the invaders, amounting to about $2 trillion in sales by the US and NATO profiteers and grifters for worldwide distribution.

In 2007 the US Air Force built an $18 million ‘Man Camp’ called “Camp Phoenix”. The subcontractors withheld salaries and then fled with at least $2 million. Novistar Defence overcharged the Pentagon by $1.3 billion for equipment. No housing was available for the NATO workers for a year. In 2019 the US and their collaborators dropped 7,423 bombs. Now the Taliban has inherited nuclear weapons.

This scenario could happen to the ‘squatters’ in Canada on turtle island when Canada and United States leave. The final flight of the invaders will happen. You can be sure the indigenous original people will be celebrating the end of the 500 year war.

President Biden and Trudeau will be taken out in a C17 cargo plane along with their many collaborators, including their band council puppets, who will be like rats deserting the sinking ship.

We original people will keep on keeping on, on our true land! Like Afghanistan, the intruders will take nothing when they leave. The horrific genocide will stop here. Just like the genocide the west tried to commit against the Afghans. They are now one of the most powerful country in the world with backers like China, Russia, Iran and Iraq. It’s the end of the Anglo American empire.

[Song has been changed]. On August 16, 1969, at Woodstock, Country Joe McDonald came on stage and sang to the people and told them what’s really going on: Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.








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MNN. Aug. 30, 2021. Whenever polls suggest they can win, they call an election.

Canada just dissolved Parliament and called an election. Canada wants to operate for another four years so they can operate for another four years after that. 51% majority rules voting system is ‘corporatism”. It means they can control the 1% with money. All countries doing this are ‘corporatists’.

It makes no difference who wins the corporate 51% majority rules election.

The little orange shirts are ignored. They represent our murdered children found in unmarked graves at Indian residential schools. One orange shirt for each victim should be placed all over Parliament Hill during the election. 

Those children are dead and cannot walk to or protest in Ottawa. Let’s see which party addresses the murdered orange shirted children and speaks for them in Ottawa.

The politicians work for the first private corporation, the Crown, and its shareholders. They don’t care about the horror they committed for 500 years. Every past and present prime minister is guilty of complicity in the cover up of genocide. They are for themselves only.

They want to control the economy and get away with genocide of indigenous people and children that they admit to killing.

Canada is an absolute corporate police state under “Admiralty Law of the Seas” with no constitutional remedy. The corporate charter limits their personal liability to spend our money. 

The political elites and the money power behind them continue to try to turn our society into darkness by manufactured values to steal our land and resources and carry on the genocide. 

Capitalism is collapsing. Thousands of businesses ruined. No economy. Masks on. Curfews. Borders closed. Unclosed. Taking away every little bit of human rights we have. Never giving it back. Like the income tax after World War I. 

Politicians make promises they have no intention of keeping.


If nobody votes this time, the pretend government will no longer represent any people. The politicians will represent only themselves and the banks they work for. They’ll never be paid by the people. Parliament will continue to be dissolved. Ask yourself how life would be without Parliament existing. 

The answer to a system of justice and truth is the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The whole charade of corporate Canada would be finished. Parliament would go out of business. There could be no more four years of resource extraction. The bankers all work for the Crown. The costly election is meant to make sure their power is intact.   Politicians go to barbecues, cut ribbons, make high salaries, get money under the table and then a huge pension. 

The Canadian government does not need a Governor General and a Privy Council. Only the bankers need an election every four years to collect the tax from Canadians and send it to the City of London bank and to continue the resource extraction.

We are supposed to be genocided by 2024 so Canada can become an unchallenged  bonafide country. But we are not extinct. Like the certainty of death and taxes, they can never become a legal country. They were a dominion and then a colony. Now a private corporation. They say they became a real country in 1968 when they got a flag and a song! But they don’t have a land base,  language or culture. All their unborn inherit their wrongdoings. People are beaten down to not question this inane narrative.  turtle island and the original people have been here since time immemorial.  The corporate fiction  of  Canada was created 154  years  ago!!

No Vote is the quickest way to dissolve Canada. The politicians swear to the Crown to keep secrets, the murdered native children being the biggest secret.

People are beaten down to not question this illusory election process.

As for the murdered native children, there is no statute of limitations on murder. The people knew what was going on in those Indian Residential School death camps. They walked by and said nothing, which makes them part of it. The politicians and bureaucrats that oversaw them are directly guilty of murder.

People have to do something about these murders. But the bankers that run all the political parties have told them to “shut up”. Last time Trudeau said no more pipelines, immediately after he’s elected he allows the building of illegal pipelines. Dollar signs determine every word the politicians say. Their strings are being pulled by the Vatican, City of London and Washington. 

When there is no prime minister or Members of Parliament, the permanent bureaucracy runs the country. Not the politicians. 

The campaign creates divisions and confusion to get a majority to run over everybody without opposition. All candidates play their part and bicker and call each other down.

The election is facism, corporatism, tyranny and dictatorship in the name of so called democracy, which is nothing but theatre. It means white people will continue to run the show as the majority in the unsovereign majority rules system. That is why they murdered us and brought in the settler colonists so they could say the majority support them. They tried to eliminate us and told everybody this was empty land.

After the election the settlers will go back into their prisons, put on their mask, get their vaccine passport, go to work and keep shopping. Politicians get ready  for the next election, the banquet circuit, fund raising dinners, posting signs, taking pictures with babies and holding cheques. The politicians say everything is wrong and only they can fix it if you elect them for another 4 years to say the same thing again.  

Political parties are created by corporate donations. Therefore they all work for the same banker. This gives them absolute power to run everything. All our land is erroneously called ‘Crown” land! They think they own everything and everyone. Everybody is living the lie.

The Platters suggest that when we don’t do what we’re told, we are going to be grieving all alone:, “Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Pretending that I’m doing well. The need is such. I pretend too much. I’m lonely, but no one can tell. Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Adrift in a world of my own. I played the game, but to my real shame, you left me to grieve all alone”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0. 




Defenders of the Black Hills: Message from the Heart






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MNN. Aug. 25, 2021. Summation: The Taliban fought off the entire colonial world. Justin Trudeau goes into election sidestepping the elephant in the room, the just found unmarked graves of indigenous children. Indian elite traitors are happy with Trudeau. Millions of orange t-shirts everywhere, one for each found and unfound native child genocided and murdered by Canada.


North American Treaty Organization,  NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the security of its members through political and military means. Under the guise of implementing democracy, NATO supported the American backed Afghan government’s brutality against their own people, in close coordination with the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union and the investment/development community. The “war-mongers” are a collection of cartels including Canada, United States, Germany, Netherlands, France and Australia which all actively fought the Taliban. They lost. They will never rise again. These republics of war fleeing Afghanistan are “the final solution to our problem, the colonists”. All empires fade when they don’t deal humanely with the indigenous people. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea and all indigenous nations of turtle island were never defeated and never surrendered. Our land can’t be ceded, only squatted on by immigrants. The intruders now have to leave. Without war they can’t feed their military addiction. The CEOs, generals and politicians won’t have their big profits and pensions. They can’t feed the youth into their war machines.



Canada and US are defeated and bankrupt. They are addicted to being illusory “super powers” with nuclear weapons to scare everybody. In fact they are “stupid powers” and school yard bullies nobody is afraid of. When they invaded our land, they came under our jurisdiction, kaianerekowa, the great peace, and teiohateh, two row [where we stay in our canoe -turtle island – and the intruders stay on their ship which will soon return them to their fatherland]. They have both plead guilty to the biggest holocaust in humanity. We were suppose to be soon totally eradicated. We are winners, as we are here and the intruders must now leave.

The Afghan people do not want to be subjugated with Western thinking like what’s been attempted on turtle island.

These fascists murdered and tortured millions of our children and discarded them in unmarked graves. 

Politicians, prime ministers and Members of Parliament know there can only be peace or dissolution of their corporation for these criminal atrocities.  

Canada is setting up Berlin style sectors to control the people and their movements for going over their imaginary “corporate economic borders”. 

Afghans know that like what Canada and US did to us and our children, what they did to Afghans cannot be unseen. It’s a system of racism and greed for our land.  Now these same killing machines are running the society that benefits from this holocaust. The executives, judiciary and legislatures did it and the settler colonists benefitted. 


Nothing bothers a psychopath. These criminals have no right to call turtle island their land. 

NATO are bullies who got slapped by the Taliban. Anybody who does that is called a “terrorist”. They fear the original people because we have the truth. 

We can never be “settler colonists” on our own land!

Trudeau called a snap election and says to corporate Canadians, the “Government will always have your back!”, but not the original people who are not corporate Canadians. The rest are getting lip service.

Trudeau promises “to keep Canada moving forward”, which means continued genocide and exploitation of our resources. There is no regard for the original caretakers of our land on which the corporation is squatting.

Trudeau admits on behalf of Canadiens their guilt to genocide. In effect, he says, “Reconciliation will come”, so he is told his by his puppet band councillors. They are government agents that pretend to speak for 99% of us sovereign original people.  We can only speak for ourselves. We have and will persevere. 


“10 days of paid sick leave and healthy communities”, except for the indigenous.  Polluted water will continue to be deliberately created just like they’ve been doing since arriving here. By our experience we don’t expect physically and mentally unclean people to clean up their act.  

“adapting to a changing climate”, but more pipelines will go through turtle island.

“Supporting Canadian businesses in the hardest hit sector”, but not indigenous businesses. 

“$10 a day for child care to make life affordable for corporate Canadian families”. indigenous families are not mentioned.

Well, puppet band council, you’ve done your job. When the invaders arrived, they had nothing. Now they think they control 100% with your help.

Ray Charles tells it like it is: “Hit the road, Jack, and don’t you come back no more. No more. No more. Hit the road, Jack, and don’t you come back no more. No more. No more. Woman, Oh woman, don’t you treat me so mean. You are the meanest old woman that I have ever seen …” Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0. 














MNN. July 20, 2016. Mrs. Obama is Mrs. Trump’s hero. At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Mrs. Trump repeated Mrs. Obama’s speech of 8 years ago almost verbatim.

The remaining speakers gave “smoke and mirrors” performances. Most speeches were hateful and frightening, telling us things like, “We won’t hate you if you obey us”. Or like George Bush said, “You’re with us or you’re with the terrorists”. Trump says things like We have the guns and we can kill anybody we please, reminding us of the Monroe Doctrine and its gunboat diplomacy as it plundered southern great turtle island. [See Smedley Butler “War is a racket” at end of article]. Americans are being programmed to attack without question. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn glorifies war.

Eastern Bears always on the lookout for fascism!

Bears still guarding the eastern door. 

Even the new Prime Minister of England, Theresa May, is imitating Trump. Like a proper fascist, she is prepared to nuke hundreds of thousands of people. The corporate agenda is to start World War III.

Trump is using fear as his prime motivating factor in the election. Donald Trump 2016 is reminiscent of Adolph Hitler 1933.

The stark similarity includes lies, threats, abuses, extremism. Trump’s followers even pledge allegiance and salute him. His victims gravitate to their abuser, like women afraid to leave brutal husbands. Americans are mesmerized and terrified of what he might do if he becomes president.

Totalitarian leaders send anyone who does not agree with them to death camps. This is the war for the minds of the people. They are told they can’t run away because their bosses will find them. For their safety they stay close to their abuser. Judge for yourself. [See Jiuliana’s speech below].

Tree of peace and kaia'nere:kowa stand strong.

White roots of peace are spreading in all directions on mother earth.

Hear them repeating campaign slogans four times in a row while they clap like seals: “USA, USA, USA, USA” like “Heil Hitler”.

The residential school holocaust psychosis has conditioned many of today’s corporate band and tribal INDIAN leaders to obey their abusers. These amnesiacs now control our communities and are selling us out.

The priests groomed the young men with chocolates and kindness, sexually abused and ruined them. Then let them go, with promises of favors and jobs. Trump’s subconscious trigger is ‘you’re fired’. “If you don’t do what I say, you won’t get a job”. [See Apprentice below]. 

This is part of the Indian Ring strategy being used on white people. gun-control-indians.jpeTrump says he wants to make America safe again. For who? It was very safe for the natural world before the faschists got here.  Americans will not get away with mass murder of our people. Now their own people are being threatened by the same extremists that committed the onkwe’hon:weh holocaust.

Ozzie Osborne gets it right about Trump [Iron Man]: “Now the time is here for iron man to spread fear. Vengeance from the grave kills the people he once saved. Heavy boots of lead fills his victims full of dread. Running as fast they can, iron man lives again.”

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Any complaints: Contact –

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234







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MNN. July 16, 2016. Only we onkwe’hon:weh were placed here by creation. The private corporation being set up by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. MCA and the City of Cornwall with the help of astronaut Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, is a fraud. They are secretly trying to set up private tax-free zones in our communities and on our islands, with resorts, seaports, landing strips, manufacture and distribution centers and classy communities for their imported staff. We will be removed.sending back immigrasnts


Our mother earth created us as free people. We are fed up with these greedy good-for-nothings! They tried to kill us off. One minute they commit genocide and then go home and play with their kids! We once had everything we needed. Now we are way down on the economic and social totem pole. ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, is a mess. They have to clean up our waters, land, air and people. commie 1_1280They even want us to pay them for what’s ours, and work for them for nothing. These corporate racketeers must go.

They should take with them those INDIANS who help them carry out the genocide. We see these sour pusses every day in our communities.

There are cheap flights back to their original countries. They have to pay their debt to us and fix up our environment. Our Indian Trust Fund has to be returned to us and replenished.

Everyone else is an illegal immigrant. In the new zones any ships that enter ono’ware:keh are in our waters and come under our jurisdiction. The same goes for the airspace. The shiploads of immigrant slave labor have to go through our onkwe’hon:weh immigration system based on the kaia’nere:kowa. Our foreign policy is based on the great peace.

onkwe’hon:weh pretenders have to show us their lineage, speak onkwe’hon:weh’neha, and follow the kaia’nere:kowa. Otherwise they have no business here.

Everyone needs a permit from us to enter our lands and stay. All papers, licenses, birth certificates, permits etc. have to be sanctioned by us.tumblr_o52gpd3jq31t25nveo1_500

They must leave so that nature can clean up their mess and put our land back into balance. Customarily lands are abandoned for at least 50 to hundreds of years.

Our banks will sanction our own financial system.

All business ventures will be governed by the kaia’nere:kowa, great law of peace, and conducted in the onkwe’hon’weh’keha languages. No foreign languages will be spoken on ono-ware:keh. Every foreign place name will be replaced by its original onkwe’hon:weh name. All visitors have to speak to us through interpreters.

Why does the corporate matrix glorify war? Warmongers have to go.

No more mind control or slavery based brainwashing.

Those sincerely wishing to live under the great law of peace may take refuge according to our conditions or leave. a4ac948b4c84cd9f4e8d60c2bd1e89f8

They will take their house Indians with them. Only field warriors will remain.

The late John Denver sings about learning the true history of our people which everybody must know: [trails of tears] “On the streets of Rapid City. On the road to Wounded Knee, There is whiskey for forgetting everything. But the old ones say there may be time learning from each other, The way that it had once been meant to be”. 

This polish guy knows


Cops targeted.

EU faschism

Why Britain joined EU



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Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731


Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





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MNN. July 15, 2016. We will manifest our destiny according to creation. The corporations of US and Canada can never be sovereign on our land as they have no land base or language or natural tie with our mother. We are the land, air, water, clouds and mountain peaks. These foreigners cannot create rules for their puppets to sign on behalf of our unborn children. Only those under the wing of protection of the circle of 49 original families of tekentiokwanhoxta can speak for them.

We are the guardians.

We are the guardians.

Our duty is to protect the destiny of the natural world. Canada is trying to set up a new fangled credit line to cover their debts to the bankers. They are reorganizing their corporate status to use our credit. To criminalize us Canada is offering money to us to buy our own stolen land from white settlers, “Hey, how much do you want for that land that was stolen from us?” This is a corporate debt write-off. It violates the kaia’nere:kowa, the great law of peace. Under their own law they can be charged for buying and selling stolen property. We will never voluntarily pay for our land or the use of our resources or be told what to do on our territory by anybody! They are liable for everything they stole in the Western Hemisphere.

Canada is planning to declare us as separate and sovereign to attack and try to defeat us so they can make a deal to use our sovereignty.

This in heading for Cayman International Bank on the Island!

This is heading for Akwesasne Cayman International Bank on the Island!

Canada is setting up self-contained tax-free camps in our communities to be privately incorporated into nearby Canadian and US cities, like Cornwall. They will control surrounding onkwe’hon:weh land. We have to be removed. Their puppet nominees will remain to execute our tax-free status to protect the international businesses and “off-shore banks” to be headquartered on our land. They will be separate from Canada, US, state and provinces, under UN private corporate control. O_Genocide_Our_Home

Tax-free seaports will bring in, manufacture and distribute goods from and around the world.

Ships pulling into our ports.

Ships pulling into our ports.

ART Aboriginal Response Teams are already active and targeting individuals within the rotino’shonni, Iroquois. This secret police have merged with CSIS to protect these entities that will be operating illegally in these international cities within our communities.

Several days before at a meeting in Kateri Hall in Akwesasne, the people gave a petition of objection to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. [MCA], the City of Cornwall and Department of Transport to cease and desist their evil double-dealing sting. MCA promised not to sign but did so secretly on April 15, 2016. This is fraud!

Hey, we onk'weh:honweh will decide everything.

Hey, we onk’weh:honweh will decide everything.

The Monroe Doctrine was set up by the Indian Ring to enforce manifest destiny in the Western Hemisphere to subjugate and exterminate our people. Agatha Christie reminds us of the goal of the INDIAN Ring: “Ten little Indians all in a row …. And then there were none”.

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$150] without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

These are the symbols of our clans which have profound power to decide everything with our friends and allies:mohawk family symbols canada




Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731


Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234










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MNN. July 13, 2016. Canada is handing over harbors on onkwe’hon:weh land to foreign corporations they are setting up. They will retain our tax-free rights for the benefit of these foreigners. The corporations will fail and the bankers will grab the harbor facilities across Canada. The Chinese have already tried to buy kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk islands in the St. Lawrence River for distribution and manufacturing centers and to situate their population. This invasion was stopped by the Akwesasne onkwe’hon:weh.

Chinese boot camp on St. Lawrence River.

Chinese maneuvers on rotino’shonni land? 

Canada has outstanding land settlements to make to rotino’shonni, Iroquois, for territories known as “The Thousand Islands” and in particular the islands between Akwesasne and Kahnawake, plus the North Shore of the kaniatarawano’onweh, including the city of Cornwall. Canada is offering $240 million for us to purchase our land from white settlers, should they agree to sell our land to us! They want us to use the banker imposed money system to buy back the land they stole from us, just like the Seigneury, Kanekota and so on.

A secret agreement was signed to create a joint corporation between the city of Cornwall and the illegally imposed Mohawk Band Council of Akwesasne Inc. on April 15, 2016. They are both sub-corporations of the corporation of Canada. It violates the onkwe’hon:weh inherent original instructions that we cannot surrender or monetize lands belonging to the future generations.

This watershed is kaia'nere:kowa great law land.

This watershed is kaia’nere:kowa great law land.

The signers are: Abram Benedict and Heather Philips, in violation of kaia’nere:kowa and the many unhonored standing agreements, representing the Mohawk Band Council Inc. and Leslie O’Shaughnessy and Helen Finn for the City of Cornwall Inc. Canada was represented by former astronaut, Marc Garneau, the Minister of Transport. It involves large sections of waterfront lands, including the port facilities on the kaniatarawano’onweh [St. Lawence River]. The kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] communities on kan’ien:keh were never informed nor consulted. The tekentiokwanhoxta is the circle of 49 families, and our friends and allies throughout great turtle island, who preside over all of our land. We must all be fully informed and consent on all matters concerning our land and waters.

Please read the attached treasonous agreement.  MCA- Cornwall July 2016

We were never defeated in a legal war. We never sold our land. US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, dislikes the onk’weh:honwe over the demise of his casino racket across the US. He threatens to sidestep the law by exercising eminent domain against INDIANS by expropriating our land for his purposes. He openly says, “The INDIANS are not sovereign”.gator3074.hostgator-2

Trump visited the Kahnawake pow wow recently so that a medicine man could fixed his lifelong back problem, which he did. He then called down the Mohawk ironworkers in New York City yelling at them that, “You are nothing but a bunch of high paid laborers!”

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

All of our people on great turtle island have a covenant relationship going back thousands of years with all our people. We are now calling them to revive those covenants between us. Getting rid of the band councillors was put in the well 30 years ago! Time to pull out the issue and deal with it.

As Johnny Horton sings: “We looked down the river and we see’d the British come. There must have been a hundred of them beating on the drum. They stepped so nigh and they made their bugles ring. We stood behind our cotton bales and didn’t say a thing. We fired our guns and the British kept a’coming. There wasn’t near as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to running. On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Hut, hut, three, four, sound off, three, four, hut, hut!”.


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Corpo Chiefs at it again. so this is what it’s about

Training to kill.



Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





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MNN. July 11, 2016. Nature’s rule in all living things is, “when a tree that is rooted in the ground and transferred from one place to another, the tree will no longer bear fruit as good as at its original place”. Killer pigs, killer bees, killer people! New unnatural tribes are being created on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, taking a page from the “Secret History of the Indian Ring” [Thomas Henry Tibbles, 1923]. It’s an old tool designed by the European monarchs/bankers to kidnap, relocate, kill and use them to steal the lives and possessions of the original people naturally placed on their land by creation. Nature’s balance has been deliberately disrupted for profit.

Yeah! Let's go clean their windows!

Yeah! Let’s go clean their windows!


Creating fake INDIANS was always an extermination strategy. Whites dressed up like INDIANS. They committed atrocities against their own people, killed and scalped them, planting evidence that the INDIANS had done it. On cue media quickly put out horror stories to rouse the public against us.

The colonial settlers were outraged and demanded retaliation. The military called town meetings. People demanded violent action against us. The raging mob was deputized and took matters into their own hands. They murdered our people, wiped out our villages and nations, stole everything, took over our land and hid their atrocities.  licensing

Today these “squeegie” INDIANS attack whites to force recognition of their counterfeit ‘tribal’ identity. They descend on stores and demand tax-free rights. White supremacists, skinheads and KKK fester nearby waiting to finish the dirty work.

This is a tactic of bankers, politicians, oil companies and multi-natlonal corporations who want everybody to keep buying oil, gas, hydro and other gew gaws.

First came Squeegee kids. Now come the Vacuum kids. Bankers looking ahead!

Banksters looking ahead!

The head squeegies in the City of London are always trying to find ways to clean us out and then make us pay them. One onkwe’hon:weh took matters into his own hands. He installed solar and wind power, then sawed down the hydro poles and dismantled the wires on his property.

Mind control programming like the Handsome Lake religion in our longhouses is meant to defuse our culture, language, identity and to pacify us. The squeegies see any resistance as an excuse to put their squeegee back in the bucket and this time clean the window more thoroughly, that is, “impose martial law”! english foreign lang.

tekentiokwanhoxtah are the 49 original families who live by the kaia’nere:kowa, the great law of peace. No foreigner has a right to make us do anything on our land!

The Who’s Roger Daltrey sings about about being squeezed [The Squeeze Box]: “Momma’s got a squeeze box she wears on her chest. And when daddy gets home, he never gets no rest. Cause she’s playing all night, and the music’s alright. Momma’s got a squeeze box, daddy never sleeps at night”.

ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

New Quebec Tribe!

Panama papers.

Canadian Flag burned.

Russia Moral Values.

creating the Indian ring

how wolves change rivers:


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234