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MNN. Nov. 3, 2019. What is Canada? Nothing but a military occupation of onkwehonweh land run through Indian Affairs which is a department of the army. 

In 1968 some kanionkehaka’onwe [Mohawks} went to Ottawa to protest the dumping of garbage in Kahnawake by 33 Montreal municipalities.  Indian Affairs called it a “Sanitary Land Fill”, run by the mob. We wanted to show how Canada as our so-called trustees allowed hundreds of thousands of acres of land, water and toxic garbage to set off underground fires and poisons. 


The kanionkehaka captured mice and rats in their houses. They took them to a meeting at Indian Affairs, which was located in Ottawa at the time. During the meeting, the rats accidentally escaped from their carton and ran into hiding. Then they started mating and destroyed the building.  

In 1973 one of the onkwehonweh who delivered the rodents got a job in the department. 

In 1978 Canada constructed a new 27 story building in Hull, now called Gatineau. Everything was quietly moved into the new building. This was during the Quebec separatist movement. At the time we natives discussed the possibility of corporate separation by the Quebecois. The separatists put a secret plan in motion to take over Canada.


Indian Affairs is the most important department and building of the corporation of the government of Canada. Every document recording the theft of turtle island, our land throughout Canada, is registered and filed in that building. Also all resource extraction documents are filed there. The records of all the assets that were  stolen from the natives by the government are at 10 Wellington in Gatineau.

Recently after Quebec won 32 seats in the 2019 federal election, the Party Quebecois declared they are not part of Canada but are declaring Quebec is a separate nation. Upon this corporate separation, all documents going back 200 to 300 years will be held outside of Canada and controlled by Quebec. They can burn or shred them or change the text.

In 1978 Pierre Trudeau gave those buildings to Quebec. In any dispute between Canada and Quebec, Quebec will control all land and resources across Canada.

Trudeau Sr. planted the seeds. In 1968 we warned the world what would happen when we released those rats in the building. They took over the Department of Indian Affairs.

RIGHT NOW THE “WAR ROOM” ON THE 14TH FLOOR OF INDIAN AFFAIRS IS RUN BY THE CANADIAN MILITARY. THE QUEBEC ARMY WILL TAKE OVER.The world knows that 100% of onowarekeh, turtle island, is native land and there are no actual countries of “Quebec” or “Canada”. The bankers of the city of London own both corporations known as “Canada” and the “United States of America”. They suck the life out of turtle island. Our mother earth and creation are pushing back. At first we welcomed the invaders. Now they have us squeezed so tight we can’t even breath. The sky world and the peace will return. 

The Byrds have a great song about how time will fix this situation for us, mother earth and creation: “To every thing turn, turn, turn. There’s a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to be born. A time to die. A time to plan. A time to reap. A time to kill. A time to heal. A time to laugh. A time to weep…”. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact 







MNN. 17 Oct. 2019. Please post & distribute. 


Many who lived for the cause are gone: Clinton Rickard, Mad Bear Anderson, Louis Hall karonhiaktajeh, Peter Diome, Richard Oaks, Russell Means, Dennis Banks, kakwirakeron, Vernon Bellecourt, Anna Mae Aquash, many rotiskenraketeh on the front lines, Harriet Boots, women and men who stood side by side, Sugar Montour, Mad Jap, The General, Dick Hill, Kevin Stanger, Jakwadeh, Lasagna, Deskaheh, and for those I have not mentioned, they are all heroes.

Their work is not finished. We still hear their voices though their bodies have gone into the ground. Close your eyes. Hear their voices. Their words will never die.


We have always been enticed to live in the cities to assimilate into the settler culture.

The bankers own all land, air, water and the citizens of the corporation called the “government of Canada”. Voting means they agree to the policies to establish the high cost of living, low standards of life, low birthrate, wiping out our race, plagues, short life span, poverty, living on the mean streets in the slave quarters, criminal enterprises, our families living on the bottom rung because of the color of our skin and for the final extinction of our culture.

51% majority rules is not democracy or consensus. It is corporatism. Your vote is for the corporation to continue.


We constantly try to create awareness in the international stage of our genocidal situation. We cannot bring back those who worked so hard for our survival, nor can we restore our mother earth’s health by ourselves. Through the messages they left us, they are here. Our young people are trying to free us from slavery and the final genocide that is being attempted.

The Framework Agreement will remove the original Indian Interest on turtle island so the bankers will control our land. They will even own our postage stamp territories. The deeds issued by the Land Registry Offices will record only the ”crown assertion” which is owned and taxed by the bankers. In 10 years they hope desperation will drive us into the cities. Our communities were carefully designed to have no economy so our people will drift away to survive.

The rich will live in rural gated fortresses to escape the nasty brutish life they have created in the cities and to control any pending revolution.


Cities are politically corrupt by design. The are planned to grab power and to be run by the military. City power is based on concentration of manufacturing and merchandising to live off the backs of the poor. It’s called extinguishment, assimilation, reconciliation, intermingling, breaking down the identity and language of the original people.

Immigrants gravitate toward fascist government to get away from the created chaos they escaped in their own country.

Only the natural people and vegetation will remain on turtle island.

The current push for the French language is because they will have to return to their original homelands. To stay they have to live by the kaianerekowa, the original way of this land and speak a native tongue so they can communicate with our mother.

We have a birthright to protect, a native name, a land, our famllies.

By voting to uphold their corporate system, our destiny is put into the hands of the enemy. The kaianerekowa, great peace, is being sidestepped. Staying with the real truth is challenging.  

According to Admiralty laws, when indigenous people vote, they are confirming their assimilation.

The Beatles have the same message as the indigenous youth: “You say you want a revolution. Well, you know We all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s evolution. Well, you know, We all want to change the world”. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact







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MNN. July 13, 2016. Canada is handing over harbors on onkwe’hon:weh land to foreign corporations they are setting up. They will retain our tax-free rights for the benefit of these foreigners. The corporations will fail and the bankers will grab the harbor facilities across Canada. The Chinese have already tried to buy kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk islands in the St. Lawrence River for distribution and manufacturing centers and to situate their population. This invasion was stopped by the Akwesasne onkwe’hon:weh.

Chinese boot camp on St. Lawrence River.

Chinese maneuvers on rotino’shonni land? 

Canada has outstanding land settlements to make to rotino’shonni, Iroquois, for territories known as “The Thousand Islands” and in particular the islands between Akwesasne and Kahnawake, plus the North Shore of the kaniatarawano’onweh, including the city of Cornwall. Canada is offering $240 million for us to purchase our land from white settlers, should they agree to sell our land to us! They want us to use the banker imposed money system to buy back the land they stole from us, just like the Seigneury, Kanekota and so on.

A secret agreement was signed to create a joint corporation between the city of Cornwall and the illegally imposed Mohawk Band Council of Akwesasne Inc. on April 15, 2016. They are both sub-corporations of the corporation of Canada. It violates the onkwe’hon:weh inherent original instructions that we cannot surrender or monetize lands belonging to the future generations.

This watershed is kaia'nere:kowa great law land.

This watershed is kaia’nere:kowa great law land.

The signers are: Abram Benedict and Heather Philips, in violation of kaia’nere:kowa and the many unhonored standing agreements, representing the Mohawk Band Council Inc. and Leslie O’Shaughnessy and Helen Finn for the City of Cornwall Inc. Canada was represented by former astronaut, Marc Garneau, the Minister of Transport. It involves large sections of waterfront lands, including the port facilities on the kaniatarawano’onweh [St. Lawence River]. The kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] communities on kan’ien:keh were never informed nor consulted. The tekentiokwanhoxta is the circle of 49 families, and our friends and allies throughout great turtle island, who preside over all of our land. We must all be fully informed and consent on all matters concerning our land and waters.

Please read the attached treasonous agreement.  MCA- Cornwall July 2016

We were never defeated in a legal war. We never sold our land. US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, dislikes the onk’weh:honwe over the demise of his casino racket across the US. He threatens to sidestep the law by exercising eminent domain against INDIANS by expropriating our land for his purposes. He openly says, “The INDIANS are not sovereign”.gator3074.hostgator-2

Trump visited the Kahnawake pow wow recently so that a medicine man could fixed his lifelong back problem, which he did. He then called down the Mohawk ironworkers in New York City yelling at them that, “You are nothing but a bunch of high paid laborers!”

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

All of our people on great turtle island have a covenant relationship going back thousands of years with all our people. We are now calling them to revive those covenants between us. Getting rid of the band councillors was put in the well 30 years ago! Time to pull out the issue and deal with it.

As Johnny Horton sings: “We looked down the river and we see’d the British come. There must have been a hundred of them beating on the drum. They stepped so nigh and they made their bugles ring. We stood behind our cotton bales and didn’t say a thing. We fired our guns and the British kept a’coming. There wasn’t near as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to running. On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Hut, hut, three, four, sound off, three, four, hut, hut!”.


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Corpo Chiefs at it again. so this is what it’s about

Training to kill.



Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





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MNN. July 11, 2016. Nature’s rule in all living things is, “when a tree that is rooted in the ground and transferred from one place to another, the tree will no longer bear fruit as good as at its original place”. Killer pigs, killer bees, killer people! New unnatural tribes are being created on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, taking a page from the “Secret History of the Indian Ring” [Thomas Henry Tibbles, 1923]. It’s an old tool designed by the European monarchs/bankers to kidnap, relocate, kill and use them to steal the lives and possessions of the original people naturally placed on their land by creation. Nature’s balance has been deliberately disrupted for profit.

Yeah! Let's go clean their windows!

Yeah! Let’s go clean their windows!


Creating fake INDIANS was always an extermination strategy. Whites dressed up like INDIANS. They committed atrocities against their own people, killed and scalped them, planting evidence that the INDIANS had done it. On cue media quickly put out horror stories to rouse the public against us.

The colonial settlers were outraged and demanded retaliation. The military called town meetings. People demanded violent action against us. The raging mob was deputized and took matters into their own hands. They murdered our people, wiped out our villages and nations, stole everything, took over our land and hid their atrocities.  licensing

Today these “squeegie” INDIANS attack whites to force recognition of their counterfeit ‘tribal’ identity. They descend on stores and demand tax-free rights. White supremacists, skinheads and KKK fester nearby waiting to finish the dirty work.

This is a tactic of bankers, politicians, oil companies and multi-natlonal corporations who want everybody to keep buying oil, gas, hydro and other gew gaws.

First came Squeegee kids. Now come the Vacuum kids. Bankers looking ahead!

Banksters looking ahead!

The head squeegies in the City of London are always trying to find ways to clean us out and then make us pay them. One onkwe’hon:weh took matters into his own hands. He installed solar and wind power, then sawed down the hydro poles and dismantled the wires on his property.

Mind control programming like the Handsome Lake religion in our longhouses is meant to defuse our culture, language, identity and to pacify us. The squeegies see any resistance as an excuse to put their squeegee back in the bucket and this time clean the window more thoroughly, that is, “impose martial law”! english foreign lang.

tekentiokwanhoxtah are the 49 original families who live by the kaia’nere:kowa, the great law of peace. No foreigner has a right to make us do anything on our land!

The Who’s Roger Daltrey sings about about being squeezed [The Squeeze Box]: “Momma’s got a squeeze box she wears on her chest. And when daddy gets home, he never gets no rest. Cause she’s playing all night, and the music’s alright. Momma’s got a squeeze box, daddy never sleeps at night”.

ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

New Quebec Tribe!

Panama papers.

Canadian Flag burned.

Russia Moral Values.

creating the Indian ring

how wolves change rivers:


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






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MNN. July, 7, 2016. Corporate band and tribal council systems are set up by Canada and US to bypass our inherent traditional peoples. These councils have to implement the theft regulated by the state, province and federal governments that created them. In rotino’shonni they deal with those councils that follow Christian religious doctrines, like the Handsome Lake Code.

What the hey! They're on our land!"

“What the hey! Get em off all our land!”

Regarding hydro, some corporate band councils make agreements to collect the bill from us and maybe even get a cut of it. Our natural resources are used to create power. Hydro poles are installed in our territory. Our fishing and use of our pure water is hindered to run their economy. Then we are forced to pay for the use of our own resources and power. knowledge

Prices are jacked up so we can’t pay. Smart meters are installed to cut off power at the flick of a switch. Hydro ‘scissorhand” agents are sent in to extort money from us or risk cutting off our power or not turning it back on. Then they attempt to charge us for hooking it back up!

Every onkwe’hon:weh is entitled to free power. We are guaranteed from our original agreements and teio’hateh to never be robbed on our own land.

The following are the kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks symbols of our original families of ono’ware:keh, the true natural people of the land placed here by our mother earth. This is who we are! No foreigner can come here and tell us anything! Canada signing of the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people means, “Get off our territory. Take all your wires, poles and every other imposition. They are unlawful on rotino’shonni land!” mohawk family symbols canada

Bruce Springsteen sings about being cut off and put in the dark: “You can’t start a fire
You can’t start a fire without a spark. This gun’s for hire. Even if we’re just dancing in the dark.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. Nobody explains where it went. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Native Lives Matter Too

murder by numbers


Michel Morin, Coor. Rel. Amerindiennes, HYDRO-QUEBEC, 2805 Boul. Mgr. Langlois, Valleyfield, Quebec. 1-866-268-9484 ext. 8512.

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






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MNN. June 29, 2016. All the land is common to all of us. The water is the blood of our mother, the earth. She puts it out for all of her creation, the trees, birds, animals, plants, and the people. The “river feeding everything on its path, and asking nothing but respect, from the biggest tree to the smallest insect”. teiohateh, two row agreement, is between all life and nature. We shall survive and coexist as brothers and sisters upon this earth, as relatives with our same mother, the earth. We all have her spirit, through the clans. Free energy technology has been suppressed for over 100 years.

The flowing waters of mother earth which the onkwe'hon:weh can never cede.

All waters flowing into the Great Lakes is the original kaia’nere:kowa territory.

Hydro-Quebec has been putting hydro lines through Kahnawake promising free energy to the kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk]. We allowed passage of their money-making venture through our territory so they would not have to go around us. amigos

In violation of the two row agreement, in1993 corporate chief Joe Norton of MCK Inc. signed an “AN AGREEMENT CONCERNING PROVISION OF HYDRO-QUEBEC SERVICES IN THE KAHNAWAKE COMMUNITY”. Apparently 12% of our bill would go to the band council. In 1994, people listened on their scanners as Hydro-Quebec, supported by the band council goons, cut off power to over 100 families. The people protested in front of the hydro office clerk, “Edna Scissorhand”, to no avail [phone 514-632-2616].

Corporate band/tribal councils like selling the Brooklyn Bridge.

Are the corporate band/tribal councils trying to steal and then sell our energy to us?

Many are still in the midst of raising funds to cover their exorbitant costs. Hydro should restore every cent they stole from us through these illegal agreements and should cease sending us any future bill ever. th

What are prisons of poles and wires?

We heard about these prisons of poles and wires?!!

As Bon Scott sings: “A rat runs down the alley and a chill runs down your spine. Someone walks across your grave and you wish the sun would shine. Cause no one’s going to warn you and no one’s going to yell ‘attack’. And you won’t feel the steel till it’s hanging out your back”. [Night Prowler].

MNN story originally “Electrified Genocide” changed to “Electric Avenue” ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

US is a corporation:


City of London

Washington DC.

Vatican: Owner of World's Biggest Banks and Top Global Companies Exposed

Washington DC

Canada is a US corporation, a United States corporation that trades under the SEC. Here’s the link. Corporation of Canada.




Michel Morin, Coor. Rel. Amerindiennes, HYDRO-QUEBEC, 2805 Boul. Mgr. Langlois, Valleyfield, Quebec. 1-866-268-9484 ext. 8512.

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






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June 26, 2016. Watch this video first.

Once everything reverts to our natural languages and ways, the corporate matrix imposed on us will be gone. Our visitors will have to learn our language to communicate and live our natural ways. We have over 30 million colonial settlers in Canada who are not natural to this part of our mother earth. They will have to be unplugged from the matrix.

Happy onkwe'hon:weh kids!

Happy onkwe’hon:weh kids!


Justin Trudeau will be the last prime minister of Canada, an ancient useless relic. The parliamentary system is nothing more than an illusion of freedom. By the time the next election comes around, it will be over. Their whole neo-colonial play will end. morpheusandneo

Their ancestors came in search of freedom from their masters in Europe.  crazy horse-1

They found out everyone is a slave to the banker. We are the only species who have to pay money to live on earth.  babylon

Fake foreign place names will revert to the original onkwe’hon:weh names that our mother earth naturally answers to. The corporation of Canada has a British language, stolen land and an artificial culture of which the bankers are the gatekeepers.

The politicians are agents of the bankers, No one gets out of the matrix if the bankers have their way.

The UK Brexit vote shows the people are trying to unplug from the matrix.

The bankers will “be cast down from whence they came for all eternity”.

In the end everyone will bow down to the truth. All the agents will be defeated. Brexit is akin to Neo going into the core of the matrix to end the war. We will have free will to chose love and peace. Brexit is the beginning of the end of the war on our minds.


As Pink Floyd laments: “Us and them”.  “Black and blue. Who knows which is which and who is who. Up and down and in the end it’s only round and round and round. Down and out, it can’t be helped that there’s a lot of it about. With, without, and who’ll deny it’s what the fighting is all about.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Brexit and the Matrix


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234









Please post & distribute.

MNN. June 25, 2016. The true government of the rotino’shonni is the teken’tiokwan’hoxta, the circle of 49 families. The band and tribal councils are CROWN corporations that do not legally represent us. Kevin Deer made a presentation at a recent elders council in Barrie Ontario, suggesting a Haudenosaunee World Bank. He was thinking of giving up his job in the Kahnawake language program, to work with the World Bank on this “financial reset”. Our land will be the major asset of this bank. The bankers are the main shareholders of all corporations. This is outright theft. The onkwe’hon:weh system of decision making cannot be manipulated.


TEKENTIOKWANHOXTA, the circle around our 49 families, forms the foundation of the constitution of the rotino’shonni, Iroquois. We protect our unborn children who own great turtle island. Two intertwined concepts of protection are our responsibility to mother earth and nature; and kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, the path provided for us to follow.  iekaia’taieri means we are complete. The power is the family. The will of the people is expressed by the circle of 49 families.

Clan families are in place to carry out our duties. Women carry out their roles and responsibilities according to kaia’nere:kowa. They place the men in their duties. The peace takes hold in all of kanien’keh.

ken'non'kwe run the show.

ken’non’kwe run the show.


kanien’keha:ka – People of the Flint 

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

tekariho:ken [2 opinions] – Well keeper, keeper of the Eastern Door. War Chief sits under him.

  1. Aionwa:tha – [He who combs] – Created Condolence Ceremony along with tekanawita after losing his daughters.
  2. sha’tekari:wate [Of equal matter] – deputy to tekariho:ken.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. sharenho:wane [The Great Tree Trunk] – it is you who will care for the upright tree we have, that is, the great tall tree, the great long leaf. It will be your work to see that the branches increase in size.
  2. teionhehkwen [Double life] – this will be your work: their sustenance, those living here on earth.
  3. orenrehko:wa [The Great White Eagle] – they have chosen you to help them with the Great Peace, and will all work together.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehana’kari:ne [Dragging Antlers] – you will all cooperate in your work. When the task is done, they will all have antlers on. You will all divide into fire sides, which is what we will call your nations moieties.
  2. ahstawen’serenhtha [They drop down the rattles] – When it is complete, our rooted tree with its four protruding roots, the Great White Roots, then you will be the one to help with it’s growth and fruiting and with the operation of peace so that it will spread on earth.
  3. shohskoharo:wane [The Great Wood Drift] – When the Great Peace is complete, there will be a fire with smoke rising which will pierce the sky. There you will work to help them in furthering the enlargement of the branch of peace.

onenio’te’a:ke – People of the Standing Stone

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. rotahsehte [He has the quiver over his shoulder] – As to you, you are the ones with no clan, and now they have chosen you. This then is what we shall call it: the turtle clan will become their families.
  2. kanonhkwenio:ton [Standing Ears of corn].
  3. terihakwen:te [Through the Opening].

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. shononhses [Their House is Long] – You will help now that they are completing their League of chiefs, and extending the house towards the East and West, as the longhouse is oriented, and it will become a single family of many nations as have combined in their power. This is how you will help them: with ongoing matters concerning the League, the Great Law and the Peace.
  2. tehonare:ken [They split the branches] – which means now it is done, and now it is becoming a single person. So this is how you will help them: with the furtherance of mutual respect among all chiefs’ families who have now combined.
  3. atia’tanentha [They slide themselves down] – which means now that the task is done, and they are now one family, the Five Nations, all are related, everything and they are happy. That is how you will help them: with the furtherance of peace.

ratiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehawahtahontenion [Their ears are hanging] – which means that since it is in operation, the Good Message, the number of them who have accepted it are all rejoicing. All are related and respect one another, and they are a single family, which is what they live by as ongoing families.
  1. ronia’tashaion [Slow to drink] – which means the league is completed and all have their marks of identity, and having placed antlers on them, when it is functioning, the great peace, then this is how you will help: by seeing that all should accept it, those inhabitants who have not yet accepted the good message, those who have delayed, so that all will become united.
  1. ronawatshatohon [Covered in mist/fog] – which means since it is completed, everything has stopped, the slaughter and scalping and bloodletting of their own people, their own nations. So this is your work: as to all the clubs they use to kill people, when someone will take them and bury them in the earth, then peace will emerge among the people.

ononta’ke’a:ke: People of the Hills 

  1. thatotarho [He’s Hooked] – Keeper of the Records/Wampums, overseer of the Confederacy Council.

Beaver Clan

  1. awenhnisera:ien[They’ll pick a day] – now that it is accomplished, this is a land of peace, it is your work to help with the furtherance of the Great Peace, and you two will cooperate with thatotarho.
  2. tehatkahthos [they look around] – you will be looking all around along the standing house, wherever there are families of the League, and this in y our work: you will help advance their progress towards making a circle around the place of the fire, the Great Council Fire, and you will cooperate with all the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. rohniasanon:waks [Their throat is sore] – your name which measns that several nations, when they hear about the good message, and if they visit your house, your league, you will work at their accepting the Good Message of the Great Peace.

rotiswa’’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. awenken:iate [On the Surface of the Water] – when it is complete, the fireplace of the power and the peace, your work is to further everything related to bringing about peace for the inhabitants of the earth.

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehaia’tkwa:ren [One Side of their Leaning Body] – your work is to stand up in front of the people and also the chiefs in order to advance unanimity, to bring it about among the several nations.

Great Wolf Clan

  1. rononwirehton [He disappeared] – they have chosen you to stand at the center of the group at the place where the fire is, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace. Placing their confidence in it, for it means that it is moving along, the Good Message Great Law, and everyone will be happy, all of the people.

rotishennakeh:te – Deer Clan

  1. kawenhnosero:ton [Hanging Strings/Words] – which means that one should not weaken the good message and the Power and Peace, and that it should get furthered, the Great Law.
  2. arihron [He Spills/Tips it] – which means that your work, once the task of combining the power is completed, is to advance the good message among the settlements o that everyone will be happy by day and by night, and that now t he war path will stop.

Eel Clan

9.roiennien:ni [He Was Made to Do] – which means that it is your work, as they enter, the various nations, to see that they will accept the Good Message which will advance relationships and the mutual tolerance of Peace.

  1. shota’kwarahson [He the Bruiser/He Chases People away] – which means that it is your work to help them as the several nations are forming under a circle again, and all are watching the place of the fire where the smoke is rising, piercing the sky, for it will save them when they accept the Good Message.
  2. shakokenhne [He Saw Her Before] – you will treat them all equally, the people of this group, and you will give them the Good Message which they will accept, and that is what will save them from trouble.
  3. rarserethon/ohahshaha:wi [He’s Carrying the Light/Torch] – it is your work now that all of the families will be established as a single house, to see that one will use it to live by, the power which will be functioning for peace.
  4. skana:wati [Other side of the Swamp]\ – now that it is getting completed, the League, everything concerning the warpath, and now they are dismantling the paths they used to use to cross over the rivers and swamps, and it is ending, the warpath.

kaion’ke’a:ke – People of the Pipe/Swamps 

rotskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehaka’en:io [He looks/He’s Observing] – when called upon to hand out the responsibilities of the Chiefs of the Cayuga nation he had this to say, “now as for us, they are already completed, the appointments of our nations.”

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. tsinontaweron [He Looks at Bugs]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. kota’kwarahson [It’s Bruised]
  2. shoion:wes [He Has a Long Wampum Belt]

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. atia’seron:ne [They pile it]

Heron Clan

  1. teiohronhionko [It reaches the sky]
  2. teiothore:kwen [Very cold]

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. tawenhe’ton [Two things happening]
  2. hatontaherha [He’s carrying a log]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. teskaheh [More than eleven]

shotinon’towane’a:ka – People of the Great Hill 

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. skaniatari:io [Beautiful lake] – called upon to help hand out the responsibilities to the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. sha’tekaronies [Two Skies the same langth] – called along with skaniatario:io to hand out responsibilities.

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. kana:kare [Arrow] – your work is for the League, so that the Peace will progress by their continuing to enter, every nation speaking every language, and thus it will become complete, the Power at the fire, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace.

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. shoken’tio:wane [He has a big forehead] – which means that the task has been completed, it having become one family, the Five Nations they now have united, they have one head, thee chiefs. Thus your work is to further it, to the degree that it is complete, thee Great Law of our knowledge in charity.

rotinhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. nishaie:nen [Falling Day] – your work is to see that it should not topple again, now that they have completed the task of finishing their house and the tasks of placing antlers on the chiefs, and planting their rooted tree, that is the Great Tall Tree, the Great Long Leaf, and lighting a fire whose smoke rises up, piercing the sky. So this is what your work is: it should not topple, for if it does, this is our death.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. satie:nawat [He grasps it] – you will help further the good message and the power, they now have just one body and just one head and just one heart and just one family, and there is just a single house at the place where they have formed their relationship group of chiefs. Thus your work is to not let it spoil by continually renewing the ongoing family.

rotinnhehsi:io- Snipe Clan

  1. kaon’kerita:wi [His hair is singed off] – Confederac War Chief.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. teioninhokara:wen [He keeps the door open] – Confederacy War Chief ladies

“So now it has been completed, the seating of our Five Nations Council”. 

From there tekanawi:ta and the mothers of each of the chiefs bestow antlers upon the chiefs thus finishing the formation of the League of Five Nations. [nia:wen women of ganien’geh].

Haudenosaunee Development Institute HDI and Haudenosaunee World Bank are private corporations. These villains have no authority under the laws of this land based on creation to collateralize our mother. She is not a prostitute. No one can steal our land and our birthright. We have a responsibility to defend our mother from anyone who rapes or disrespects her. Every family of great turtle island must be consulted on anything concerning the land, which is not for sale.


Now we stand as brothers. Let us plant this tree, water its roots. It’ll go from sea to sea. Watch it grow to the sky and bask in its shade. It represents the unity we now have made.


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Panic in switzerland


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






Please post & distribute.

MNN. June 23, 2016. I came home from South Dakota after visiting with relatives. My hydro was off because I owed $1,100. Hydro Quebec has raised the cost so high that many of us can’t pay it. It covers overcharged heat from last winter. I did my best, giving them $200 to $300 a month from my meagre pension. With no phone, as MagicJack needs the internet, or amenities, I had to leave and stay in akwesasne. My grandchildren stayed behind in the dark, unable to charge their cells by candlelight.

It comes from my flowing waters!

The power that comes from our flowing waters!

At 1.30 today June 23, a clerk at the Hydro Quebec office in Kahnawake, [450-632-2616], told us that she had called an old number that was disconnected 15 years ago and no one had answered. Being away I did not receive her notice. Apparently someone was sent to my house before the line was snipped. She sai, “I’m giving you a chance. Give us $500 by 3.00 pm today and the rest in a month or it stays off. We are closed til Monday or Tuesday and you’ll be cut off until then”. Friends from kanekota, kentekeh, and others called her in vain.

HYDRO: "No. No. Cut off power new genocide policy".

HYDRO: “No. No. Cutting off power is the new genocide policy”.

Martin Leborgne of the Mohawk council of Kahnawake was asked to help out but did not return calls. He stated, “It’s all been taken care of!” 450-632-7500.

This inhumanity is happening to everyone to extort money from us for heat that they should be providing freely. Our hydro is shut off because they overcharged us for the heat in the winter when they can’t legally turn it off. It is extortion when corporations prey on us for the necessities of life.huxley

The politicians have already created new laws that allow the corporation to force people back to work just be able to cover the necessities of life? It seems like they’re all in this together.

I just went to visit my relatives for a few days. When i came back a big knife was stuffed into my back: “Back stabber,hope grabber, greedy little fit haver. God, I feel for you fool. Shit lover, off brusher, jaded bitter joy crusher. Failure has made you so cruel. Rotten to the core. Rotten like a crack whore. Begging out the back door. Show us what you’re good for. Put it on the noise board. Come on, join the blood sport. Is it because you’re a fucking back stabber?”

ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Targetted people US Border Patrol among those training soldiers and assassins

Depopulation plans UN Agenda 30

Sell Outs

First Nations Must Be Full Partners In A New Pipeline Review Process And Rights Must Be Respected


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234







MNN. NOV. 18, 2013. The Rob Ford spoof is a mind control distraction from what’s really going on.

Methods used to control the minds of the victims.

Spoof is being used as a mind control device. 

His job is to cover the real agenda. The invaders of Great Turtle Island have been living an imitation existence called the “American Dream”, which is becoming the American nightmare. The plutocracy is firmly in charge. Whoever makes the most money makes the rules.

Etobicoke, is the western part of Toronto, where Rob Ford and Stephen Harper grew up. Etobicoke was incorporated in 1954 as “Ontario’s first planned community”. It is an experimental self-contained model for future communities.

Growing planned communities.

Growing North American planned communities.


The scripted Ford Show is serving someone’s purpose. Ford Nation promotes among the leaders violence, hatred, greed, control, enslavement, genocide, torture, moral degradation, prostitution, drugs and destruction of family values. Two people have already been murdered over the crack videotape, which is now in the hands of the police. 

Is Ford a trained fool or half wit, or both?

Is Ford a trained clown,  or half wit, or both?

CNN’s Anderson Cooper is coming to Toronto on November 18th to interview the crack smoking mayor. Ford’s seemingly mindless behavior is being promoted worldwide. He is systematically lowering the moral compass permanently. It must be by design!  

The handlers have trained Ford on how to play out vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings for public ridicule. It is drawing attention to the true underworld foundation of the corporatists and the government. Society is being guided gently into fascism, letting them think they are guiding themselves. This move is called the old “totalitarian tiptoe”, starting in Toronto. Bad behavior is being turned into natural behavior, which is becoming acceptable to everyone. Martial law will be needed so the people with the money can be protected. The PTB want to control everyone and everything.

Toronto is run like any private corporation. The people are being conditioned to become tolerant of the intolerable. Criminal and immoral behavior is designed to look normal and funny. Everybody forgives Ford because he is a fat clown. We are all told, “You can’t fight city hall”. “You can’t fight city hall.” Today 11/18/13 Ford physically attacked a co-councillor at Toronto. Ford attacks female councillor in the Toronto City Council chamber.

Many of us see through the window dressing and the lies. Beware, something is coming down the pipe. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L