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MNN. May 7, 2017. US President Trump appears to be strung out and needs to calm himself down. Otherwise he might kill someone or injure himself.


Looks like this leader of the “free world” has bitten off more thank he can chew. It’s a “who is the biggest eater” contest to get high. It’s all based on maintaining the big addiction called “American exceptionalism”, which rules them. 

Man-made creation can never be above man and the natural world. We and all living things are caged by municipalities which have the same shareholders, the bankers. Our body and territory have been stolen. 

The corporations ruled that that genocide of our people is legal because it has their stamp of authority. 

The tax prisons of the mind make us pay to live on this earth. The artificial debt pays for war, the national debt and to bail out the banks. If you don’t, the corporation commits violence and kills us to collect it. 

Banking is a confidence trick. Since 1974 fiat currency [money] is created out of nothing and has no value. Private banks lend it to us. We sign away our most precious commodity, our energy, to them. The fictional corporation uses false pieces of paper to force us to give them our labor.

We are put in a room we can’t leave and are tortured, threatened or murdered. The fake debt industry is based on fear and ignorance. 

The kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, governs ono-ware-keh, great turtle island. We, the true natural people, were never consulted and never gave our consent. 

Colonial settlers/citizens have only those rights given to them by a man-made corporation. The US is a national oil company with an army. 





Frank Zappa sings about the “buzz” the corporatists need: “Wednesday I watched the riot, seen the cops out on the street. Watched them throwing rocks and stuff and choking in the heat. Listened to reports about whisky passin’ around, seen the smoke and fire and the market burning down. Watched while everybody on the street would take a turn to stomp and smash and bash and crash and slash and bust and burn”.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit alika lafontaine on health 

ANATOMY OF A GREAT DECEPTION weather u.s. VT on alex jones 



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MNN. May 4, 2017. The heist of ono-ware-keh, great turtle island, began the continual war on earth. The murdering banksters killed us, stole our land and now their heirs enjoy the fruits. The colonial thrill seekers committed the genocide of our men, women, children, babies and nature because it gave them a “buzz”. 


They are conditioned to seek artificial thrills, according to man-made rules. What happens when there is no buzz? They have to artificially create a feeling of living by fighting over something bigger, like the globe and then outer space. Boom, noise, clang, bang and destruction of material things and life gives them reasons to exist. 

Onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people, are connected to the earth from where we get a natural pleasure from being alive. 

The heist of great turtle island exported terror to the world, to make everybody jump. Trump is following the corporate agenda to increase the ever flowing dividends to the share holders with artificial time lines. He screams, complains, threatens and takes what is not his. Americans feel awake. They feel most secure when millions are dying, starving and suffering worldwide.  


The US Republic of War falsely claims their land base on ono-ware-keh. The US was created to terrorize the world. Chiefs, welcome to the army. All those playing ball are evildoers. Your job is to assimilate and annihilate us. 

The Incas prophesized that the eagle and condor will rejoin to return balance to the Americas. We onkwe-hon-weh will co-exist with each other and all nature as siblings on our mother. 

The first heisters such as the Hudson’s Bay Company, the East India Company and East Virginia Company have morphed into the global corporatocracy of today. 

As Michael Jackson points out in his epic “Thriller”: It’s close to midnight, and something evil is lurking in the dark. Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart. You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it. You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes. You’re paralyzed.”

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit GEN. SAJJAN

Philippine rhetoric CHE











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MNN. May 2, 2017. Red-X, the Mohawk medicine man, from the future, past and present, telekinetically communicates to all onkwe-hon-weh people. He states, “The immigrants came to steal our land and enrich themselves and their own families. They follow whatever rules their pyromaniac heirstructural power dictates”. 

“Genocide. Watch for sweaty palms, heavy breathing – their greatest feeling in the world.”



Their greatest fear is when their highest initiates figure out that hey have been lied to. Then the veil is lifted, “Everyone will know who we are and no one will give us shelter. And we shall be cast down for all eternity from whence we came”.   


The elephant in the room is the real holocaust perpetrated by the Crown against us. 100 million dead onkwe-hon-weh. “They will be washed away forever”. Dekanawida said, “The black serpent will see the bright light. It will be fearful and he will swim south never again to be seen by the onkwe-hon-weh.”


Throughout their visit, they have always tried to scare us, so they can keep what they stole. They set traps to shut us up. In the end the truth always prevails, even though they have continually rewritten history to cover the liability of their shareholders, who own them. 


In the beginning we thought we could be friends. We welcomed our “youngest brother” by offering to help them. That was not their nature. Instead they formed a police state under statute law controlled through private admiralty courts. We continually catch them stealing and lying. Now they don’t care. The dog that bites the hand that feeds them becomes a maniac dog in the end, that has to be put down. 


Everywhere that colonialism has struck, they engrain in their victims that the Crown can get away with murder, theft or any brutality. The Crown’s foreign policy is based upon “the end justifies the means”. The Crown has been admitting their crimes by saying, “I’m sorry for murdering your children ”. The Crown will not try itself in their privately owned admiralty court. 


Red-X says,
They’ll just have to run our gauntlet. As per the kaia-nere-kowa. 

Red-X reminds us that, “They pick a leader that is an entertainer who knows how to work his audience. We’ve seen these snake oil salesmen who have a rabid fan base”. 


“Like the trees and the rocks, we’ve been sitting here watching since they got here. Mother earth is singing a new note and reminds us of changes coming soon”. Then Red-X boarded his silver eagles, left us with a Ted Nugent song, as he flew back to the 5th dimension. 

Ted Nugent had some vision with this one: “Kamikaze from the 100th floor swan dive to the street. He couldn’t handle the madness no more. He craved sweeter meat. Yeah. Yeah. Dog eat dog. Dog eat dog.”









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MNN. May 1, 2017. The colonial executioners, called band and tribal councils, are running into some problems. Their job is to not worry about their people, only about themselves and their own families. If they don’t take the bribe, they are targeted by the jackals for assassination. If they survive that, the US military is sent in to finish the job. READ: 


[I.e. Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, etc. At this moment Pine Ridge Reservation is being targeted by the same “economic hit man strategy”.] 

We are the rotino’shonni’onwe. If anyone or group tries to establish something contrary to kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, they are deemed to have alienated themselves.

The corporation cannot pass legislation over creation. Our mother earth’s vibration is now singing high doh, 90 hertz. She used to sing low doh, 7.83 Hz. 

When the shareholders of the corporations become liable for the crimes of their corporations, the war will finally be over. 

As the blind man says — “we shall see!” 

Fear is a sickness. It wlll crawl into the soul of anyone who engages it. It has tainted our peace. Nature does not raise us to live in fear. It has been struck from our minds. Fear cannot exist in a natural mind, as fungus cannot exist in alkaline. 

We farmed here. We hunted here. We fished here. We took care of everything in nature. Until our younger brothers from across the big waters arrived, everything was totally sustainable with the natural world, as per the original instructions. 


As the Tragically Hip sing about blowing at high doh, mother earth raises her frequency: “Well, sometimes the faster it gets, the less you need to know. But you got to remember the smarter it gets, the further it’s gonna go. When you blow at high doh. When you blow at high doh.”

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit SHUMANN RESONANCE

Putin’s Russia in biggest Arctic military push since Soviet fall | Reuters RUSSIA ARCTIC PUSH Russia unveils its new Arctic military base housing nuclear-ready warplanes and REINDEER-powered special forces




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April 28, 2017. South American nations don’t trust the US. US forces inside Venezuela promote foreign intervention and overthrow of the government. The Organization of American States (OAS), facilitates control of Latin America and the Caribbean. So Canada acts on behalf of the US to interfere in Venezuela’s sovereign will and refusal to come under imperial dictates. Canada also acts on behalf of the financial oligarchs in Canada, US and all of the Americas. 

The OAS is run out of Washington DC. Canada requested the special meeting with OAS, which has 34 members, to force a regime change in Venezuela in the name of “democracy and human rights”.


The Bolivia Ambassador, Chair of this session, denounced the attempted coup for not consulting or providing an agenda. It failed. 

Canada Ambassador Jennifer Lotem then organized an internal “institutional coup”, by disempowering the Chair, Vice chairs and setting aside OAS rules and procedures.


The designated Coup Chair declared the resolution was adopted by consensus, though most members were not there. The US threatened Venezuela “to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbours”, on the basis of false accusations. 

On April 6, The Trudeau government called an emergency briefing in Ottawa to immediately force the regime to step down, without giving Venezuela any notice or a voice.


US imperialists and oligarchs, constantly attack the Bolivarian revolution achievements. Venezuela is depriving them of power. 

On April 19 over a million marched in Caracas and elsewhere to defend the country’s sovereignty and Bolivarian revolution against foreign international violence and destabilization. Spanish colonial rule was overthrown 207 years ago. 

President Trump supports the coup, is fearful of their economic achievements, concerned about the failure of the US backed overthrow and about the acknowledgement of indigenous land and resource rights. 

The US goal is to destabilize and control all of Central and South America and the Caribbean. OAS members are intimidated into backing the attempted coup through political interference, trickery, blackmail and economic and military threats.


OAS is falling apart. Venezuelans opposed US attempts to take over their country.

The people support institutional revolution. The Trudeau government defends Canadian corporations that brutally violate human rights to steal indigenous land and resources. This is the corporation’s band and tribal council system that has been oppressing us for 500 years. Today millions of children go to bed hungry in US and Canada. Se-wa-ri-hoh-kten! 

Mikal Ico sings a song of courage:


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 

Venezuela’s Withdrawal from Organization of American States and Background Information
Venezuela to Withdraw from Organization of American States
 – Granma International
Maduro: Venezuela Will Continue Its Journey Towards True Independence – AVN
OAS Spent a Year Promoting Interventionism in Venezuela – AVN
Cuba Reaffirms Its Commitment to Venezuela
 – Declaration by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
Venezuela’s Resistance to Imperialist Interference: Oppose Canada’s Nefarious Role!  TML Weekly
Venezuelans Mobilize in Defence of Bolivarian Revolution – TML Weekly CAPITALIST MOISES IS A WALLED PLANTATION Censored News-Zapatistas









by:Viviana Avila.

There have been a series of recent events that have directly affected indigenous communities, within the Latin American and continental context. This is not a new occurrence; everything started more than 500 years ago, and everyone knows what the armed, cultural invasion brought to our continent. The damage has not been repaired, despite all the time that has passed by, and the regrets that have been said by western civilization.

The dignity of the indigenous peoples and nations of the continent has not been crushed, despite the planned genocide of assimilation imposed upon these millennial cultures. On the contrary in the last few decades, the organization and struggle for their intrinsic rights has been more vigilant with each passing day, as with the increasing grades of consciousness and disposal to struggle for their sovereignty and self-determination. Some more than others, but incentive is alive and has begun to go forward.

We see it end to end in our continent, in the south beyond the Andes; that long and narrow stretch of land, bathed along a contaminated ocean by transnational corporations known as Chile. Those who lust for power have taken over our territories, thanks to the permission given by the cowardly governments that have opened their doors to these companies in exchange for the scraps the empire throws at them, so they can thicken their dirty filthy pockets. They are traitors to their people and to their roots; they wallow in their corrupt state of lies and unbounded ambition. Inheritors of the Pinochet regime, and administrators of his politics and fascist constitution.

Immoral, racist representatives of a sick society that have launched themselves against an unarmed people; intimidating, incarcerating and murdering youth and elders. Assaulting and terrorizing entire communities, on the search for young liberators wearing military boots, worse than in the times of the dictatorship. Mapuche is the name that is criminalized; their courageous organizations, the men and women dignified of their race. What a historical shame for those in the government calling themselves socialist. What a shame for women to have representatives as deceitful as that who leads the country of Chile. You would have to be deceitful to lie and say to the UN that the Mapuches incarcerated by her neo-liberal system are not political prisoners, but “common delinquents.”

The shame that they forgot about their history. The shame of being the legal crooks of lands that do not belong to them; for wanting to develop a second colonization on Mapuche territory, that is nothing more than the extermination of a noble millennial people. One day they will be judged by history. Meanwhile, we leave the natural forces to look after and protect the ancient people with their part in this history. We men and women hold the other part, those that are not willing to let a second colonization happen in Arauco, in Malleco, nor in any other part of Mapuche territory.

Here in Canada, the same thing is happening. Perhaps in a different form, but the pillaging is seen despite the camouflage of grand terrains of flora; immensities of incalculable beauty. Large… everything is large. When one comes to this country everything shines, deceiving, as were the colonizers, as is the current empire, unnecessarily large, inflated with arrogance…. Savage; when it arrives at the indigenous reservations in the darkness, assaulting, clawing, submitting defenseless beings, seizing children, hitting elders and women, arresting youth… Advancing through ancient territory with their infernal machinery. Their factories poisoning the water. The contamination and indigenous poverty makes you shudder in the north, where the great cellulose companies destroy the forest and turn the water that runs through the streams into the color of oxide; burning eyes as you look, and your insides as you drink….

This may seem like a fable, an odyssey, but it is not. It is present north to south, east to west, in this immense show model known as Canada. Here as in the south of the continent, history repeats itself. The repression and displacement of cultures and territories are the product of the same patron of values: money. Universal corrupter of consciouses. The most horrendous injustices that a human being could conceive have been committed in its name. However the peoples and nations have said enough, and have begun to go forward as Che Guevara once said; their march of giants will not be detained. Forced for years to dwell in sacrifice and misery, the indigenous Nations throughout the entire territory have begun their march…

A little more than a year a ago on February 28, 2006, Hadonashonee, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory had to take over their own lands to stop the illegal construction of a housing development (the Douglas Creek Estates), in Kanonhstaton, the protected place. To this day, men and women confront with great courage and dignity, the defense of their territory in harsh climatic conditions and economic pressures on behalf of the government in the talks to recover their land. They are in constant harassment from the police authorities, and the racist population in its surroundings. Despite all the pressures and efforts remove and divide them, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory are more solid and united as ever under the banner of truth, dignity, and solidarity of their own people, and of brotherly peoples that have not been absent from the Reclamation site.

Recently, another front of struggle has arisen from the heart of the Mohawk peoples in Tyendinaga, in defense of their territory and displacement… The taking over of land in their own territory, protest through highway and rail blockades; the different actions of the indigenous peoples have the same cause:the struggle for the defense of their ancient territories, the preservation of their culture, autonomy and the right to decide and influence in their own matters.

That is why we say with much strength: yesterday Kanonhstaton, today Tyendinaga, tomorrow Beyond the Andes. The prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor will yet be realized.

The Women’s Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada


poster: katenies