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Feb. 9, 2016. [MNN remarks to McGill “Indigenous Community Resistance & Media” Feb. 8, 2016.] McGill has always lied to the onkwe’hon:weh. McGill exists on our unceded land, built with money ‘borrowed’ from our Six Nations Trust Funds in 1850. This was never repaid. Canadian taxpayers greatly benefit from the investment of our dollars into building Canada, its infrastructure and stealing our resources as the basis of its economy, while we’re kept on the reservation.

McGill Board of Governors: "My bullish strategy was given a bum steer".

McGill Board of Governors: “My bullish strategy was given a bum steer”.

All universities are corporations owned by the bankers who are the major shareholders. McGill fraudulently raises money on the stock exchange by illegally putting up our land and property as collateral. We expect our university, McGill, to be turned over to us and all debts repaid. We pledge to turn McGill into the international university of world peace and to protect our investment and the best interests of our students.

Today I am revealing that there are handlers in McGill university who work on behalf of the shareholders against the best interests of the rotin’shonni [Iroquois] titleholders. An infiltration network has been set up with agents in our community to manipulate, demoralize, confuse us and to help “take out” or neutralize those who question them. We are investigating them and compiling a report. Those involved here at McGill university know who they are. In time you [the students] will be told of our findings.

Mainstream media has never truthfully represented us and our position as owners of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island.

Those of us who question the CROWN’s business plan for the theft of our land and resources and the attendant genocide program are on the ‘never-talk-to-these-people-on-MSM’ list. That’s why Voice of Russia interviewed five kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk people for an hour each on their mainstream radio. They wanted an update on the continuing genocide.

When I was stopped at the Akwesasne border on June 14, 2008, Canada Border Services Agents CBSA tried to kill me using a stress hold that causes a heart attack. Nothing of this was ever mentioned in any mainstream outlet. The Federal Court of Canada was asked to investigate this murder attempt. FCC decided that OPP and RCMP could only investigate if I paid all court costs because I “live in Kahnawake and am not a resident of Canada!” This historic decision by 3 judges acknowledges our sovereignty and was never reported in MSM.

MNN hard at work.

MNN hard at work.

MNN does not work for or represent any corporate CROWN entity. The CROWN’S refusal to investigate the kidnapping and murder of thousands of our women is only now coming to light. The media’s main job is to continue the coverup.

Historically for every one good story on onkwe’hon:weh on mainstream, five bad stories follow. Until recently there was no media coverage of over 50,000 deaths and disappearances of our children in the residential school death camps run by the CROWN. The public was unaware because the ministry of propaganda, MSM, did their job of misinformation.

No media in European based corporate countries in the Western Hemisphere ever mentions that all the land and resources are owned by the natural people who never sold or gave up anything. We were never defeated in any legal war. They can never be legal countries as they can never own our land.

MNN began in 1990 while we were held hostage inside the Treatment Center in Kanesatake [Oka Quebec], surrounded by the Canadian army. We resisted the turning of our ceremonial and burial grounds into a golf course. The military also put nearby Kahnawake and Akwesasne, under siege. Canada sent more soldiers to Kanesatake than to the Gulf War in 1991. That’s how big of a deal it really was! Media enhanced the government’s racist bias. We were portrayed as terrorists and criminals.

Before MNN posts a story, many of our people are consulted. MNN encourages everyone to question, investigate, think for ourselves and come to one mind based on the natural law of the land.

It’s all about trust. The gig is up for MSM propaganda centers. The major newspapers are beginning to look like pamphlets. The bankers don’t want alternative media to expose their criminality. MSM is losing readers and viewers. Alternative media is becoming very important.

kohtihon'tia:kwenio - Women's Council -are still talking about McGill.

kohtihon’tia:kwenio – Women’s Council -are still talking about McGill.

The CROWN’S business plan is dependant on MSM to hide the truth of the biggest halocaust in all humanity, and to rewrite the facts and history. Now it’s faltering. The truth is coming out on the internet, i.e. Edward Snowdon, Julian Assange, MNN, ordinary people videotaping and using their minds, etc. US and Canada are losing the major propaganda network part of their business plan because the public does not trust them.

As the wise Woody Guthrie wrote: “Cross the country I’ve been looking. Seldom see anyone working. Is the work of the world all done? Come as big rain, come big thunder, come big crop, plow crop under. Indians never waste a one”.  indian-corn-song.html

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Thahoketoteh ‘media failure http://thahoketoteh.ws/2008/10/media/

Australia forced vaccinations.

Keshe, free energy in exchange for world peace.


New York vs. onkwehonweh nations NYS vs. ohkwe’hon:weh nations.

Clearing the plains thru starvation.

John Cleese ‘political correctness’.

Kerry beaten by Italian reporter.





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MNN. 19 Jan. 2016. Mythical onkwe’on:weh sage Red-X of the 5th dimension throws some light on the disappearance of cargo ships on the high seas. From his perch he sees the impending calamities being hurled at the kaia’nere:kowa, the Great Peace. His red brothers and sisters must be forewarned, “No onkwe’hon:weh blood for oil”.

Red-X: "Only onkwe'hon:weh in the canoe".

Red-X: “Only onkwe’hon:weh in the canoe”.




Red-X warns that, “Treasonous people, for aiding and abetting the national agenda of a foreign corporation, must be pulled out of the closet. Take the infidels and throw them right in front of the people”.


They are subject to the law of the land and its natural people, could be spanked by the women with red willows. Especially those SQ cops in Val’dor who abused almost all of our ken’non:kweh. Red-X suggests that the Great Peace allows every onkwe’hon:weh to police themselves.

Dumping ship!

Dumping ship!

To the suppression or elimination of labor, Red-X says, “Who’s really working anyway? So what’s being eliminated?” On distain for intellectuals and the arts, Red-X will work of liberation.

Red-X says the tribal and band councils are the “boyz in the band in the belly of the beast and must be aborted”.



"Attention! If you're the ship's captain, it's investors or manufacturers, we're here to rescue you".

“Attention! If you’re the ship’s captain, it’s investors or manufacturers, we’re here to rescue you”.

He is in deep thought on how the super powers might have coordinated the disappearance of the cargo ships and the money from all the banks. “It looks like an inside job”, he declared, “to get all the black gold, which is the reason for every war”. Red-X says, “Money talks and the rest croak”. He reminds us that mass media, the ministry of propaganda, is a mouthpiece for ethnic cleansing and genocide. “Seize the airwaves now!”, says Red-X, “and speak truth to power!”Rats always jump first.

Is Obama the messiah to deliver Jesus onto Israel? “So praise the lord and pass the ammunition”.

His gaze has fallen upon the hundreds of thousands of votes the politicians fraudulently throw into the vote pot to win every election. The Pope’s shit certainly stinks wore than the otah Man Coderre in Montreal. He’s trying to get us all to join him in his new religion. You can do anything you want as long as you say “sorry” and then do it again. Red-X advises, “That’s when they get a pat in the mouth!”

So that's where all those ships are hiding!

So that’s where all those ships are hiding!

Red-X sees fascism from a strategic perch somewhere in a mountainous terrain where the sun always settles to rest. Like the eagle guarding over the Confederacy, “We were once called ‘Pine Tree Chiefs. But today we are basically “shit disturbers”.





"onen ki wahi!"

“onen ki wahi!” Bon voyage!

The late and great Glenn Frey of the Eagles, sings about “The shadows are on the darker side, 
Behind those doors, it’s a wilder ride. 
You can make a break, you can win or lose
. That’s a chance you take when the heat’s on you!”

Shipping freeze up.

BDI crashes. No ships on oceans.

Big squeeze on Khazarian mafia.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Sputnik News posts MNN interview.




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 5, 2015. The colony of Canada forbade the Potlach ceremony from 1885 to 1951. 45 people were arrested at Memkumlis. 20 men and women were sent to Oakalla Prison in BC for feasting, dancing, giving gifts and sharing everything. Prime Minister John A. McDonald saw that sewing money on ceremonial blankets and then burning them showed that the ongwe’hon:weh were not interested in capitalism or becoming industrious slaves for the white man. Potlach.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.


The European money system is based on the idea that the earth and our fellow man are cruel and merciless. Whereas the Ongwe’hon:weh of Great Turtle Island understood the complete opposite. European bankers have shown Greeks and everyone else the obscenity of their evil matrix. The billionaires’ ponzi schemes steal and squeeze money and property out of everybody. Perpetual wars and permanent power of a few are necessary to maintain this corporatocracy.

These beasts will eat anything!

These beasts will eat anything!


The Greeks have been paying for loans with interest to the billionaire bankster’s for money that did not benefit them. It went directly back into the pockets of the billionaires. When the Greeks could not maintain this extortion, their government and economy will be taken over by the bankers. Their standard of living have gone down even more. The old Mafia strategy is used. The victims are threatened with starvation, imprisonment or death for interfering with the power of the billionaires, who even place bets on the outcome. Greeks are human beings. Their ancient philosophy understand they will stay, eat together, live in their houses and have clothes on their backs.

...bids us dance.

..a strict law bids us dance.

The billionaires have to exploit and destroy the earth. Though there is no overpopulation, except of billionaires who cannot be sustained, UN Agenda 21 is enforcing its depopulation program. Dark people will be culled so they can hold onto their paper made wealth and power. Our mother earth has provided enough food for everyone. The natural world can rebalance itself perfectly when the billionaires are gone. Refugees overrunning Europe will be fighting with the populace, not the billionaires. In Canada it’s the fault of the Muslims, not the billionaires who are stealing fish, resources and destroying the land.

Equador disallowed an $8.7 billion dollar debt. [Breaking the Creditors Power by Fanny Malinen]. The IMF debt is Illegal, illegitimate and odious. We ongwe’hon:weh pay for our own money that is being lent to us, which is not legal under international law. The Europeans have no natural wealth. Canadians and Americans have no land or resources. They created an economy where the billionaires can decide who lives or dies.

The Great Peace was to maintain survival of all living things, humans, plants and animals. When we were satisfied and had what we needed, we went home. We fed ourselves, gave gifts and shared. We knew that our mother would provide for us. She could not be drained of her resources.


Opah! Today we refused to be slaves to the corporatists!

In 1958 a young kanion’ke:haka was working on the Cross Canada train with a young student from Alert Bay BC. They were invited to his community to take part in one of the first Potlaches after the ban was lifted. They drove there. The fishing fleet had an exceptionally good season. Over half a million dollars in gifts were being distributed. Families and nearby villages were invited. People were so happy. The joy was infectious. People ran into their home to share what they had. The train employee even gave away his car. Afterwards, the people said, “Now we can sleep better!”

This is the “one dish one spoon” philosophy. It past time for the Europeans to listen to the Great Peace if they wish to save themselves. We remember and live it daily.

Annie Lennox sings the message of change, money can’t buy it: “Take the power to set you free. Kick down the door and throw away the key. Give up your need, your poison seeds. Find yourself elected to a different kind of creed.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws


a strict law bids us dance

Michael Hudson. A new mode of warfare.










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MNN. July 4, 2015. The Great Peace showed that we are not independent unless we understand how we are dependent and how we can come to one mind. July 4th is a religious day to show how to worship the Golden Calf, the falsest god, and to celebrate being owned by the corporation of the United States of America.

The endless hunger.

The endless hunger.


Our land was invaded by people trying to repeat the same success and use the same means as the billionaires of their original country. They arrived sick and diseased. The Great Peace had us pity them. We took care of them, clothed and fed them and healed their bodies but not their minds. They exploited our kindness. Some got rich. US society and laws worked for the rich but not for the poor. Their dependence will continue until Americans face up to the truth of their origins: war, genocide, theft, destruction of our land, imposition of the false party system to replace the clan system, the monetization of everything to create big banks to control all the money. Independence can only come from justice. They have to face us!

Ability to reason has been kept from these people. July 4th is a party to mask the poverty of their illusion. No wonder it is the biggest drunk of the year. The slaves get a day off. Eat hot dogs at the baseball game amid drunken hysteria, millions will be spent on fireworks while the homeless and a quarter of the children in the US go hungry. There will be arguing, fighting and killings. No one is safe. People will be wallowing in the muck of this lie, trying desperately to forget the illusion they live in.

True US believer!

True US believer!

The Americans think you can build a healthy society without being responsible to anyone but themselves. They love tyranny which they will turn to their own use. To change the system we must cut out the heart, which are the City of London and Wall Street. 13,000 men came and chopped down the tree of peace at Onondaga to break the Great Peace and to break the spirit of our people. They failed. They think in things and we think in ideas which can’t be killed. Their Aristotle knew this. Last year his tree, which was preserved, was cut down for firewood because of their corporatism.

Canada is the preferred system for the new world because the slaves believe they are free even while they know they are not. In the US everyone has guns to free themselves, but they too are not free.

The corrupt Congress does not have to pretend to take care of the people anymore. The economy that benefits the !% is put above societal needs. They get the profit. The people pay off their debts.

Party til the end.

Party at the end of the world.

The Romans had theatres to divert the minds of the people, where the poor were entertained and could eat even while they had to starve at home. This is July 4th!

When kasatstensera kowa sa oiera [the great natural power] came, there was a true independence day. Common sense showed how we would share and understand our dependence as creatures upon all living things. We then could be truly independent.

Chris Chistopherson [Me and Bobby McGree] sang that: “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose, And nothin’ left was all she left to me, Feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues, And buddy, that was good enough for me. Good enough for me and Bobby McGee”. Of course, he’s an American who understands that their system is broken.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws



US built on ongwe’hon:weh graveyard.

Chilling Pentagon war manual.

Great Law in Syria.














MNN. Sept. 9, 2013. The Indian Trust Fund was set up in 1704. In 1867 and 1876 the Corporations of Canada and US were set up under Admiralty Law of the Seas and illegally placed on our land. Canada made itself the illegal trustee of our funds and calls giving us a few cents of our own money “sharing revenue from Indigenous resources”. Canada covers its debt from the ever growing $390 trillion Indian Trust Fund. 

Scrooge: "Hey, Indians! You ain't never gettin' it back!

Scrooge: “Hey, Indians! You ain’t never gettin’ it back!” [He thinks.]

A meeting took place in 2004 between Indigenous lawyer Art Manual and Naomi Klein and Wall Street’s Standard and Poors.  Poors is the credit agent that issues Canada’s top notch AAA rating to assure investors that the country can pay its debt. Indigenous people, land,  resources and funds are Canada’s economy. Poors agreed. “Sure, the entire debt is owed to you, but what army will enforce it? How are you going to get it from us?” 

Canada's credit getting flushed.

Canada’s credit getting flushed.

Instead of paying it, Canada has developed plans to “eliminate” the Indigenous obstacle, with the help of their incorporated band/tribal council and national “Injun” sell-outs.  

Bankers don’t want to come out of their high rise boardrooms to meet with us in the bush to talk about paying their full debt to us. 

In 2005 we objected to various mega projects like the Northern New York power grid and St. Lawrence Seaway expansion on our land. We sent copies of the objections to the stock exchanges of the world telling them that we are the natural people who never ceded our land and resources anytime anywhere on Great Turtle Island. Thus anyone raising money by putting up our land and resources as collateral for investment is committing fraud. Stock exchanges are bound to protect their investors. The NYS energy grid and Seaway expansion have not taken place. 

Obama: "We gotta get this war going!"

Obama: “We gotta get this war going!”

US has to start a war to “save” its economy! The world is onto this scam. 

$50 Cent tells it like it is with those gangsta’s on Wall Street: “I got a lot of living to do before I die
And/I ain’t got time to waste”. 50 Cent. “Wangsta”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  For free download of Mohawk music thahoketoteh.ws



MNN. Feb. 5, 2009. U.S. President Obama says he’s going to stimulate the Americans’ economy to stop its dive to oblivion. They’re looking to him for “obasms” because they don’t know how to save summer’s abundance to get them through the winter. No matter how hard he tries, nothings coming up! Like drug addicts hooked on dope, they want another fix. They think they can’t survive without it.Obama is facing a formidable government bureaucracy that’s controlled by a few “banksters” [bankers and gangsters]. The hierarchical system has jobs for the chosen few arranged in a pyramidal chain of command that is imbedded in every private and public financial, educational, political, economic, trade, military, pharmaceutical and social institution. Far from being “public servants” they’re on the take and basically never do anything useful for anyone. They grab as much money and benefits as possible and do almost no work. In fact, the less they do, the more likely they are to be promoted.At Indian Affairs offices in Ottawa, their desks are shiny and their feet are sitting on top of them. In the meantime the people they are supposed to serve are living in forced squalor. We’ve seen these bureaucratic bloodsuckers sit and listen to Indigenous people explain their dire situations in some isolated community. They’ve traveled from far away to ask for help. After hearing about the horrific situation, the bureaucratic leech puts his hands behind his head and says, “We can’t help you. You have to go see somebody else”. This is known as “passing the buck” to someone else until they wear them out and they go home with nothing.

Our suggestion to Mr. Obama is to dump this scrounging class system. These freeloading gate keepers’ jobs are to sit behind the desk and take some of the cream as it passes by them. In the end, they’ve done a good job if they’ve made sure that the money meant for the people or program gets almost nothing. Indian Affairs is loaded with non-natives who are trained in that colonial system.

The ground under the feet of emperor Obama is shaking. If he wants to get more money to the people, he should get rid of this meat grinding slaughterhouse. These plunderers who were sent to Turtle Island by the European elite came here to kill us off so they could steal everything that wasn’t nailed down. 115 million of us were killed off. The elite who run these systems have to change or adapt to the new reality, and not just by getting rid of their babysitter, cleaning lady, chauffeur or maid. The conditions they have created are critical everywhere. The mobs are getting hysterical. People are resisting and reacting worldwide. Some think the elites are going to run. Where? To outer space? Good riddance!

This is how this pecking order system works. At the top of the triangle sits the boss who got there by hook or by crook. So the meanest scoundrel sits at the top, has long lunches, plays golf and hollers at people sometimes. Below him/her is a huge pyramid of people who “yes” the boss but call him down at the water cooler. The more people he has working under him, the more money he gets. The one with an empire of 100,000 employees is paid millions upon millions. The one with only two under him gets a much lower pay. So it pays to perpetuate the empire with more people in it even if they do nothing. After all, they have a direct line to siphon money out of the taxpayers’ pockets.

Let’s say that the government has budgeted $100,000 to fix a bad water plant problem in an isolated Indigenous community. This plant was designed by the bureaucrats and was meant to cause sicknesses and even death. They want to move these people because there is gold or diamonds underneath them or fresh water nearby to export to the U.S. 70% of Indigenous communities have toxic drinking water not fit for human consumption. This is no accident. Do you really believe the Canadian engineers are that incompetent?

The federal, provincial, municipal and band council hierarchies all take their cuts for “administration” all the way down to the community level. In the end there is almost nothing left to fix the problem. So another proposal goes up the chain, the bureaucrats do the same end run and pocket more money. They make even more by prolonging negotiations, court cases, licensing fees and making sure it doesn’t get resolved, because it wasn’t meant to. The people get warn down and are forced to make a deal that doesn’t benefit them. In the meantime, the band or tribal councilors who work with the banksters live like Middle Eastern sheiks, while crumbs trickle down to the people. If the problem was fixed, the whole hierarchy would fall down like a house of cards. Some bureaucrats might even lose their jobs, we hope. They fight like rats to keep their positions because they’re incompetent. Who else would hire them?

The whole set up of lazy bums depends on this system. It’s never meant to serve the people. In November 2008 the heads of the Wall Street financial hierarchies were the first to pocket $750 billion from the U.S. Treasury. Everyone appeared to oppose this package. The nation might have been threatened with martial law or something else that forced Congress to go along with it.

To save money and stimulate the economy, demolish the hierarchy. Then bring the relationship between the tax dollar and the grassroots closer together. Instead of getting one dollar out of $100, $95 will go where it’s needed.

Let’s b%&@!h slap these parasites in these bureaucracies who sit at desks behind glass walls in big buildings and stare at computers. They are roosting chickens who have jobs, homes, cars, university tuition for their kids and vacations for taking 90% in fees from the people whose resources they are stealing.

Why are the currencies going down in value? Why can’t they trade, ship goods or make contracts like they use to? The U.S. dollar is only paper with some printing on it that needs stolen Indigenous resources to prop it up. The thieves have been putting up our land and resources, without our knowledge or permission, as collateral on another parasite, the stock exchange. We never surrendered our land or resources to anyone. This form of raising money from the public is fraud. This toilet paper system of currency went along until we Indigenous people started to resist. We are the caretakers, trustees, protectors and defenders of the earth. Our responsibility is to help achieve balance within the natural world. Our duty is to stop the depletion of our resources which is killing everything and everybody. We, the stewards of mother earth, have spoken.

Karakwine & Staff, MNN Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews.comkatenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal athttp://www.mohawknationnews.com, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “United States” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updateshttp://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

poster: katenies




MNN. Sept. 28, 2008. Who will control “Wall Street”, which some are now calling “Wail Street”? It’s the age old battle over control of the eastern part of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, known as Haudenosaunee [Iroquois] territory. “Wall Street” is at the end of Manhattan Island. It was the dividing line between the Dutch colony and the Indians. This is where trade and commerce took place between us and our European visitors. It became the financial capital of the world for goods, money, buying and selling. We never surrendered our land. Every inch of soil they stand on is ours. We hold it for the benefit of future generations. Those latte-guzzling Armani suits don’t think about this. That $24 payment to somebody for our island is another white man’s delusion.

The big gambling houses that buy and sell stocks in New York City are in jeopardy. The U.S. corporation known as the “government” is extracting $750 billion of the taxpayers’ money to pay off these thieving loan sharks. Of course, it must be remembered that the people of U.S. and Canada have made their money through the exploitation of Indigenous resources and destruction of our environment.

The “bail out” looks like a way to get control of Indigenous territory by grabbing our land in lieu of unpaid housing mortgages and businesses of the unsuspecting U.S. people. There is very little public outcry over this highway robbery except on the internet. These obscene carpetbaggers make the robber barons look like boy scouts. In this credit and borrowing “shake down” the oligarchs hope to snatch $4 trillion worth of our real estate. It’s illegal. It’s fraud. It’s a power grab. The outcome will be financial tyranny on the populace.

The Indigenous owners of the territories and resources have not been consulted. We would never give our consent to setting up a “king and feudal” system. Everyone has to eventually deal with a simpler lifestyle of less consumption to save the planet.

As Malcolm X said, “Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker”. He meant that capitalism needs the blood of the helpless and the earth to suck on to stay alive. If the nations of the world free themselves from capitalism, it has less victims and less to suck on. It becomes weaker. It tries to get a transfusion but the blood is just not there. It’s only a matter of time before it will completely collapse.

The consequences of the colonial visitors’ actions are making themselves felt. When persons do wrong, the “pay back” might not be immediate. There has been too much greed and corruption in the past. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. It couldn’t happen to more deserving people.

It is the evil of the holocaust on Turtle Island that caused the downfall of the U.S. and Canada as world powers. We are seeing how the murder, enslavement and theft are now bringing colonial America to its knees. We hope that all traces of their gluttony will be removed from this planet for good. The U.S. and Canada are going to pay for their abuse of humanity.

This western European Christian world they created has come to the end of its rope. They are losing their power to covertly steal, oppress and exploit. They have no shame. They’re doing it out in the open. We all can see their dirty underwear. Their last ditch stand to continue their lost cause is pathetic. They look like scurrying vermin as they come in and out of that room on Capitol Hill in Washington. They’re trying to figure out how to make off with as much as they can. They don’t intend to destroy the wealth. They just plan to take the money and run. [The Ryder trucks are standing close by.]

Colonialism is supposed to be dead, according to international law. Capitalism is in its death throes but still can do a lot of harm. Now they’re more dangerous because they’re desperate. They want to bomb somebody as soon as possible to take the peoples’ minds off the economic disaster their greed has caused. The end of the world means the end of their idea of civilization, which is made up of “have-nots” and “have-mores” as U.S. President George Bush arrogantly told his supporters at a function.

The U.S. elite refuses to study, reflect and learn from its own history. It invents history. It corrupts government, politicians and the people. The people are guilty too for embracing this colonial system. Many are going down with this last ditch stand. “Spin doctors” have been hired to try and fool their own people into thinking they are going to save them.

We Indigenous know about these “spin docs” who are hired by the colonial governments to pose as our friends and leaders. They work at smearing and destroying us. Their job is to make us think that integration into this doomed colonial society will solve all our problems. In fact, they’re trying to push us into the “quick sand”. The main interest of all these politicians is to stay in power and keep getting their checks for a lifetime and not to share one stinking thing with anybody. Where will they put all this stolen money when all the banks might be closed up?

The Indigenous are being used by politicians. They’re called democrats, republicans, conservatives, liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, Green Party and Independents. They are Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, labor and protestant liberals. They all work together to help each other over to the Indigenous trough. Our sell-out token “Indian” leaders who trail along behind are mentally dead.

The struggle is all based on the land that we Indigenous people are part of. It’s who we are. The colonists who came to visit us are landless. We cannot compromise or negotiate with these landless enemies. They are trying to hold our people in check and to keep us in their grasp by creating “leaders” for us. We have no leaders. We have the truth.

It’s always an in-your-face tip-off when the government endorses one of our people. [A friend of our enemy is our enemy.] They own Phil Fontaine and the other so-called stooges lock, stock and barrel! Now that the colonial economic show is over and they purport to have found a solution that will benefit the few bankers and their political hacks, the people are still going to be without food, property and homes. The women, children and elders will continue to be victimized.

Canada and the U.S. are now being judged by their own beliefs and actions. In our opinion, they must atone for their crimes before there can be any turnaround. This could be the beginning of harsh consequences coming down upon their heads, followed by worse calamities. The murder of 115 million of our people, of 1 million Iraqis, the slaughter in Central and South America, the wanton killing of untold numbers of Afghanis and others is being pushed under their contemptible table.

Subconsciously they know they are guilty and suppress the knowledge. The guilt over these murders to steal our possessions and that of others is deeply buried in the minds of the Canadians and U.S. people. Will their own beliefs engineer their own punishment and downfall of themselves and their whole system? They may deeply feel they have to become a poor third world society or worse to make amends for the horrors they’ve perpetrated. Or psychologically they can’t exist without thinking they are better than others. They are afraid of being treated as badly as they’ve treated others.

They have to redeem themselves for what they’ve done to us and humanity. If they don’t, we’re all sunk. Otherwise, life is going to be a living hell created by them. When the mortgages, loans and taxes come due, let’s see what happens to those who sat back and didn’t try to stop it. Today we are experiencing the economic “melt down” engineered by the financial czars of the world. Next comes the “hard kill”.

Karakwine & MNN Staff
Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com
Katenies20@yahoo.com kahentineths2@yahoo.com

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poster: katenies