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MNN. NOV. 30, 2017. Every band/tribal council chief, provincial and territorial INDIAN organization has to answer the following question: Do you follow the INDIAN ACT or the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace? The INDIAN ACT is the genocide policy of the government of Canada. The great peace is based on the original instructions of creation. 


Should these corporate entities answer “We enforce the INDIAN ACT”, they are willing to be paid by the government of Canada to carry out the elimination of the true natural people of turtle island. They are corporate gunslingers.  

Should these chiefs answer, “We follow the original instructions of creation”, they must resign immediately and respect the sovereignty of the true natural people of turtle island.  

The Indian Act is an ethnic cleansing genocidal policy to assimilate us into Canada’s jurisdiction and terminate our title to great turtle island. If we get rid of the Indian Act, we will determine who we are, be forced to take total responsibility for our own well-being, start governing ourselves and decide how we will continue to exist as onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people. We will control our land and resources.  


At the hearing into the case of the governemnt band council of Kahnawake creating a membership code to evict people from the community, tekarontakeh of the wolf clan explained:

“Adoption of people is a lifelong committment. The language, culture and traditions have to be adopted. The candidates former privileges and identity are surrendered. After a trial period they take one span of wampum to the native family they request to be adopted by. If the family is suitable, they are given “a name hung around the neck”, which belongs to the family. Once accepted, they are introduced to the other clans and then to the councils. Once everything is scrutinized a decision is made. A ceremony of rebirth takes place. This person is reborn. Their history is removed. The first generation sits with their backs to the wall. They may give their views to their clan spokes person. Their children have a voice. Their grandchildren can hold a title. This long process ensures they have our world view and avoids spies and traitors from entering our communities”. 


Some of the great peace basic criteria underlies the US Citizenship Act. Canada was instructed by the king of England to deal fairly with the true original people of turtle island and learn the native language of the people on whose land they reside. The corporations of Canada, US and Mexico can never become sovereign nations because only the native nations on turtle island are 100% sovereign and own everything.

The government cohorts have been hiding in the shadows and are now exposed to the light for who they really are.  

Buffy Sainte Marie sings the path we follow to reach our destiny: Who knows what tomorrow brings. In a world where few hearts survive. All I know is the way I feel. If it’s real I’ll keep it alive. The road is long, And there are mountains in our way. But we climb a step everyday”.




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MNN. Dec. 15, 2014. Ono’waregeh is Mohawk for Great Turtle Island. New Victoria Mayor, Lisa Helps, swore an oath to the Ongwe’hon:we of the area. When all mayors refuse to take an oath to the Queen, the Privy Council will be removed and colonization will end.

Privy Council: "Brother, can you spare a dime?"

Privy Council: “Brother, can you spare a dime?”

Control over everything regarding the land reverts to the Ongwe’hon:we caretakers. The word “government” comes from the Greek words, “governado” and “mente”, meaning “to control the mind”. This will end.

In the natural calender December 25th is the first day of the new year. The sun rises one degree north and the new cycle begins. This year peace will take hold on Kanion’ke:haka land known as the “Seigneury”.

The real Quebecois were never assimilated and want peace on earth that the Kaianere’ko:wa represents. The British oligarchs forced their corporate Admiralty system on them, which they resisted every step of the way. Unfortunately, they are still trapped in the Admiralty system. They have a role with us to balance this impediment. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. is illegally trying to relocate the Kanion’ke:haka of Kahnawake to stop the spread of the Great Peace. To the oligarchs the Great Peace is more deadly to their new world order program than any of their man-made killer viruses like ebola and AIDS.

We saw this trick in 1974.

MCK Inc., this “Seigneury” trick failed in 1975.

The Quebecois inspired the French revolution in 1784. The last Dauphin, son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, ended up in Kahnawake.

The Admiralty matrix creates divisions within all of our communities. In Kaianere’ko:wa, the Great Peace, the women’s jurisdiction is everything in the natural world. They set up Councils of Women to run each of their communities. Every plant, animal and person is taken care of in a sustainable way. The men ensure that everyone interacts with the community following the Great Peace. The Admiralty system of judiciary, jails and police are unnecessary.

Our next peace conference will happen soon. Like the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal, the world will join the Quebecois and the Kanion’ke:haka and peace will start to spread.

The Great Peace is about families. We become of one mind on issues that affect our communities. The people of each community has the power as it is meant.

womenEveryone is a warrior for spreading the Great Peace. Once women, as the progenitors of the soil, take their true natural place, then the peace will be able to spread to the world. The men protect the women. No one harms the women, the children and all living things in the community. The Great Peace is their authority.

As Jigosaseh did before the last sun with Deganawida, when the Quebecois and the Mohawk women make peace, it will spread like wildfire. Soon available on the MNN home page will be the French translation of the Great Peace.

As Memphis Slim sings: “Don’t care how great you are. Don’t care what you’re worth. When it all ends up, you gotta go back to mother earth”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Mayor refuses oath to Queen.

Historic speech on gangsterism running world.

Kanehsatake declaration.






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MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the “Seigneury”.

“Dec. 13, 2014.

To: Cities of Chateauguay, St-Constant, St-Isidore, LaPrairie, Candiac, St-Remi, St. Catherine, LaSalle and Lachine.Kahnawake map


The Great Law Kaianere’ko:wa directs us to maintain and spread the Great Peace, the law of Great Turtle Island. These current illegal deals between the INDIANS of the MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE Inc. and the CROWN is a direct attack against the peace. Wampum 44 of our constitution directs Kohtihon’tia:kwenio to protect our land. Montreal is located in the heart of Ganiengeh, our unceded territory. We Kanion’ke:haka are the “keepers of the eastern door’ in the heart of Onowaregeh.

Canada is instructing MCK Inc. to illegally remove us and our interest in the land known as the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis which your community sits on. Our Mohawk communities are on Rotinshonni Iroquois Confederacy land – Kahnawake, St. Regis, Akwesasne, Ganiengeh, Tyendinaga, Oswego, Wahta, Kanehsatake, Kanatsioharekeh and Kanekota. Any incursions must be discussed with all of us.

The MCK INDIANS have willingly left the canoe and put both their feet into the boat of the foreign CROWN. They have sworn their allegiance to foreign forces. They violate the Guswentha and the l701 Great Peace of Montreal made between our people. It affects everyone on this land as a breach of international law and a breach of the 1701 peace between us.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Quebecois can be proud of taking part in the first international world peace conference in Montreal in 1701. They accepted the peace before Britain and everyone else. Every nation on Great Turtle Island was represented at the Great Peace of Montreal by the 49 nations that attended through alliances, treaties and friendship belts. Then In 1710 we sent 5 chiefs to the Court of Queen Anne in London England to explain the Great Peace to the 13 bloodline families of Europe. It was the world’s first international peace conference.

Our rapids. Our friends.

Kahnawake – Our rapids. 

Soon the world will see Peace. Quebecois, you must recommit yourselves to the Great Peace, which was put in your minds when your ancestors accepted it. You agreed to spread it. Now we ask you to do it. The French are the first Europeans in the world to accept the Great Law from us. Its principles were taken back to France and created the first republican government in Europe. Let us recommit to the agreement that was made so long ago. Everyone in the world will follow the roots and spread the peace throughout the world. Let us start an unstoppable force from Quebec where it started. Skennen, gasastensera, kariwiio.

The true Kanion’ke:haka would like to extend an invitation to your municipality to talk about your situation. We have options that we would like to present to you. We would like to hear your views about peacefully residing on our land.

All Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere will stand with us in any threat to us and our land. The Kohtihon’tia:kwenio are reaching out to the women in your communities to discuss their true feelings for their present and future children. We are willing to attend meetings to explain the Kaianere’ko:wa. Let’s put our minds together and see what we can do for our unborn faces. Please send this letter to all of your constituents as it affects them. We would like their opinion. This letter is being posted worldwide on

Neil Young asks who is going to stand up and save the world. It could be the Mohawk and Quebecois.

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kohtihon’tia:kwenio;

Cc: Governor General of Canada, US President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, President of France, Progressive Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Parti Quebecois, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Governor of New York State, Mohawk communities: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., Kanio’ke:haka Kaianereh’kowa Kanon’ses:neh, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Mohawk Trail Longhouse, 207 Longhouse, Up-the-Hill Longhouse, Ganiengeh Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga Mohawks, Kanekota Mohawks, Wahta Mohawks, Kanatsiohareke,     Minister, Department of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

Note: Please forward this notice to all Ongwehonwe nations throughout the western hemisphere and to our allies worldwide. Send your comments to us and MCK

This fight is not just for us. It ‘s for everyone.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada & US are Vatican CROWN corporations.




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MNN. Dec. 12, 2014. When every corporate band council refuses to take an oath to the Queen, it is the beginning of the end for the British Empire in North America.

Queenie: "On your knees, slave!"

Queenie: “On your knees when you’re talking to me, slave!”

To work for Indian Affairs in Ottawa, I had to “swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”. I wrote “under duress” and signed my name. Our people had been almost exterminated, our property and resources stolen and we live in POW camps. I had no choice in order to get a job and salary.

The oath to a foreign monarch affirms that Canada is a colony of Britain. She is the feudal lord. The soldiers’ oath is a code of moral obligation to her as head of the military and worldwide Free Masonry. They swear an oath to protect the Queen and her heirs and ancestors, the blood line.

The oath is mandatory for any job in any CROWN position and for any salary. It is acquiescence to a foreign autocrat and its Admiralty system of government. If you don’t swear an oath, you will not get a job or any money. Therefore, the INDIANS are starved into submission.

Voluntary oath makes you a subject of the CROWN and all its institutions within the Admiralty system of government, courts, police, legislators. It gives the Privy Council the right to run Canada. If every INDIAN refused to take an oath to the Queen, colonization would be over!

The Assembly of First Nations are willing corporate INDIANS being pressured by the Privy Council, probably out of the 14th floor war room at Indian Affairs. Their public oath to the people is for show. The oath to the Queen is enforceable. Former heads of AFN, Shawn Atleo, Ovid Mercredi and Phil Fontaine, have moved up the corporate ladder like any other colonized subject, through stealth and deception of their own people. They took the money from the feathered economic hit man and are wealthy with off-shore bank accounts, “Think about you and your family. Don’t worry about the people”.

The last “cold winter” is causing more pressure on the corporate INDIANS to “finish the job!” of helping the CROWN to take control of 100% of our unceded land and possessions. They have never wanted to share anything with us. They have only wanted to steal everything off us. including our children. That is what they will pay for!

We Ongwehonwe refuse to be controlled by the corporate councils, the Privy Council and Queen of England. We have the Great Peace, the greatest system on earth, for running a country.

The British Empire will not continue stealing our resources and land. The chiefs and councilors swear an oath to Queen Elizabeth and then try to sign us away. The MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE INC., set up under the illegal genocidal Indian Act is finished. We are tearing down the military fence around the POW camps called ‘reserves’. We will stop the killing of our children.

Mick Jagger sings about Queenie for the Ongwehonwe: “I don’t want to read about you when you’re gone. I don’t want to hear about the things you’ve done. I put a filter in my brain, I want to cut out all the pain. I don’t want to hear about you when you’re gone.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Vancouver Mayor refuses oath to Queen.

Oath of allegiance.

New chief of AFN.

Eisenhower German Death Caps.













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MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. A copy of this Objection was sent by registered mail to the Governor General of the Corporation of Canada:

Never ending Longhouse uniting all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh.

Never ending Longhouse uniting all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh.

“To: Every Ongwehonwe in the Rotinoshonni Confederacy and to all our Friends and Allies on Onowaregeh:

She:kon. Small groups of individuals have been empowered by the colonizers to act as imposters. They are fraudulently representing the Ongwehonwe. They are secretly “negotiating” agreements on behalf of our People and our future generations. They are trying to relinquish our land, title and birthright. We shall charge them all under the Great Peace, along with their corporate overlords, with genocide in The Hague.

These are not negotiations, only instructions from the colonizers. For money these individuals are agreeing to use the pen to fraudulently sign away our Ongwehonwe birthright in exchange for a privilege to live somewhere else as INDIANS.

We are the natural sovereigns of Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island. Through deceit some of our people have been convinced to give away our land and inherent rights. When anyone gives you a privilege, it can be taken away at anytime.

Kahnawake and all the Rotinoshonni territories of Onowaregeh that belongs to our people is a country. We cannot sell or abandon our Mother, our homeland or our country. No document exists that shows our people ever gave away any of our land. All existing documents are fraudulent. We are being dictated into being relocated onto a new INDIAN RESERVATION far from our homeland.

Bank councillors & their overlords working on the chain gang.

Band councillors & their overlords working on the chain gang.

The plan for 45,000 acres of Kanionkehaka territory called the “Seigneury of Sault St. Louis” is to make it into CROWN Vatican land. We will be forced onto a reservation in our neighbor’s territory. It will be for the use of INDIAN people until the CROWN determines otherwise.

It is a temporary privilege. The plan is that Indian Affairs will be no more because there will be no more Ongwehonwe. The corporate INDIAN band council will become mayors and city or town councilors. We will be given a taxable Certificate of Possession to build our houses on, which is temporary on CROWN lands. The CROWN theft of our land will be complete, as per the 1924 Indian Advancement Act by Duncan Campbell Scott, to be rid of the “INDIAN problem”.

Everyone reading this article right now knows this is evil and genocide.

I am making this objection because I am calling on Ongwehonwe to stand together, to keep our arrows bound together, no matter where we reside on Onowaregeh. We must protect all of our Mother, not portions of her, so we can be strong again. Anyone can break one arrow. No one can break 5 arrows bound together tightly with sinew.

Kahentinetha, Kohtihon’tia:kwenio, Bear Clan, Kanionkehaka”.

The band councillors are trying to do a big heist, similar to the ones by Bonnie and Clyde. Merle Haggard reminds us what will happen to the band councilors: “Two years of running was ended that day. For robbin’ and killin’, they both had to pay. But we’ll always remember how they lived and died. So goes the legend of Bonnie and Clyde.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit


White privilege.















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MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. The Mohawks called the Jesuits “Ratisti’hen’sta:tsi, which means “burnt to a crisp”. The people carry out the punishment for three capital offences, treason, espionage and conspiracy, by burning the criminal[s] at the stake. These crimes could lead to the annihilation of a people. The Jesuits were found guilty of espionage and conspiracy, not treason because they were not of our people. The Iroquois were the obstacle to their expansion of their enterprise.

You can go back to France or stay with us here forever!

“You can go back to France or stay with us here forever!”

Brebeuf, Lalement and other Jesuits’ job was to draw maps for the military and to mislead and pacify our people. Our women and children were murdered at our most vulnerable, in our homes, while our men were away.

In 1649 the Rotino’shonni arrested them, put them on trial and found them guilty. Some confessed. They were asked for their preferred method of execution. The Rotino’shonni Iroquois way is one blow to the head with a war club causing instant death. They chose burning at the stake, which was popular in Europe for becoming a martyr. Witnesses were astonished to see that while they were burning they climaxed several times!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

The corporate Mohawk Council of Kahnawake have to be  charged with espionage and conspiracy but not treason because, as they have alienated themselves, they are Canadians. They sit at the table of our enemies to get their instructions on how to give us a few dollars for our land and move us far away from our birthright and homeland. They pretend to negotiate with us when they have already made the illegal deal.

Treason is the ultimate crime anywhere in the world. Edward Snowdon can be charged with treason because he is an American citizen who worked for the CIA. Julian Assange of Wikileaks cannot as he is not a citizen of the US. They can both be charged with conspiracy and espionage for leaking top secret documents. But they both had a duty to expose the abuse of power to protect the people, nation and world.

No choice. We have to defend our birthright and the coming Ongwehonwe.

No choice. We have to defend our birthright and the coming Ongwehonwe.

As Johnny Cash once again reminds us, the treasoners, traitors, conspirators will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Jesuits created Illuminati.







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MNN. Nov. 5, 2014. The economic hit men have now donned feathers to corrupt the leader in Kahnawake. They tell the leader, “Here’s some money. Don’t worry about the people. Take the money for yourself and your family.” With the band council proposal to give us money for Kahnawake and the Mohawk interest in the Seigneury, and remove us away from the route of the pipeline, they appear to have bought into the economic hit man program.

Oniengwento ready.

Ohiengwento ready.

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake are using the traditional economic hit man approach on us – Bribe us. If we don’t take the money, then bring in the military. They had a meeting with us to say they had a meeting. Now they think they can sign away our land and remove us. The hit men’s job is to remove the final impediments to the CROWN’s theft . Those who don’t fit in have already been driven out.

We Mohawks are on the path of the cross-Canada pipeline. They know that they can’t get it through Kahnawake. So get rid of the fighters.

Feathered economic hit men's backup.

Feathered economic hit men’s backup.

Kahnawake is not a reserve nor CROWN land. It is the unceded original Ongwehone territory of Kanienkeh. We the Rotinoshonni can’t relinquish our title. The illegally imposed government Corpo INDIANS have always been elected by default. If we vote in their corporate system, we are voting for their illegal scam to continue. Our decision-making is through our clans and the peoples’ council.

The INDIAN band council are the tail of the white serpebnt that have us squeezed so tight against their chest that we cant breathe. They are not Ongwehonwe. They left the canoe by their own decision. Like any incorporated municipality, the Peacekeepers report to the band council, who report to the shareholders through the Privy Council, who own the corporation of Kahnawake. They are law enforcement officers. To get their way, the corpo council says they had a meeting with a few people, then sign us away. It’s not legal nor binding. All this is against the Great Law of Onowaregeh.

"Mohawks. You'll love it there - pristine forests, water .. yada yada..'

“Mohawks. You’ll love it there –  far away, pristine forests, water, hunting & fishing .. yada yada..”

The Corpo INDIANS want to move us hundreds of miles away. To set up the scenario, they have been deliberately creating worsening social conditions, high poverty, lower education levels and trying to starve the Ongwehonwe into submission. By design the corpo INDIANS mismanage the community, rig the votes and conduct fraud with impunity. They aim to keep the people apathetic and uninformed.

Canada is the most corrupt colonial country in the world, the first merger of corporation and state in 1867. Their orders from the CROWN are to kill us or hide us somewhere so no one can see us. That same old order that Champlain tried to carry out for the Europeans, “Get rid of the f—–g Mohawks!”

We need a revolution against this corpo system of 51% dictating to 49% that was imposed on us! It’s time for the people to remove all corpo entities placed over us, which is against the law of the land and all the agreements that Canada lies upon for its legality.

With the Kaianerekowa/Great Law, we will resist the tanks, choppers, psychological warfare, corruption, brainwashing, smooth talking traitors and their military trained corpo cops. The economic hit men strategies won’t work. It means non-stop resistence until we win and return to the peace.

As Merle Haggard reminds us: “Keep your retirement and your so-called security. Big city, turn me loose and set me free”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

pipeline protes


Mohawk Warriors v. the Pigs

Listen to John Perkins.





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MNN. Dec. 3, 2014. As Don Corleone said, “We’ll give them an offer they can’t refuse”. The INDIANS known as the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake MCK were obviously trained at the school of dirty tricks. I saw these tactics played on our people when I worked at Indian Affairs. They tried to follow it at the December 2 meeting at the Golden Agers to discuss the Seigneury land issue.

Corpo INDIANS taking orders from the Crown: "Make them sign it!"

Corpo INDIANS taking orders from the Crown: “Make them sign it!”

Canada needs Ongwehonwe consent for pipelines, resource extraction and so on throughout Canada. They want to remove the Mohawks out of Montreal, the same way the Americans wanted the Cherokee out of Georgia. The white people want to populate Kahnawake.

The Seigneury of Sault St. Louis is on Kanionkehaka land. Any deal between Canada and itself through their corporate councils is an internal deal amongst themselves. The Corpo INDIANS are not Ongwehonwe.

Sitting at the front imitating their masters, the INDIANS dictated the CROWN’s agenda. We were told to keep this a secret. The Great Law provides that all meetings are open to everyone. Every mind is important to the whole.

The INDIANS want to put us on the legal fiction called CROWN land? The INDIANS are trying to get us to agree to a price, as the bankers require for their fraudulent economy based on land theft. We are being offered 65,000 acres of our own land near the border, 24,000 acres towards Ottawa or a large tract near Mt. Tremblant, which is Algonquin land. The Seigneury with ten cities on it will become CROWN land. Kahnawake is not a reserve. Not CROWN land. They want us outside of the Seigneury where we have no Ongwehonwe interest.

We want everything granted to the British according the Two Row from 1701 that they accepted. This includes all of Ontario and everything West in what they now call Canada. it’s time for Britain to come to the table again with the Ongwehonwe to create a new wampum belt of reconiliation with us.

That's right! You ain't taking anything!

Everyone in the world knows it’s ours. The traitors among us are ready to make a deal. They are the cancer within. They have left our canoe and put themselves in the white man’s vessel. Te ho na ton ko ton. They have left the circle of the ongwehonwe and immersed themselves totally in the ways of the colonizers. They are no longer Ongwehonwe. They abandoned their mother and family.

When the meeting got hot, a disrupter, known in blogland as the “troll”, would rise up to deflect the conversation. Their lawyer approached me and said, “We were counting on your not showing up, because of your advanced age”.

Kahnawake will always be under the Kaianerekowa, not part of Canada. No filthy pipeline will ever come through here. We are Kahnawake! Kahnawake is us! We will never leave. We will always defend it. As Tom Jones reminds: “Yes, they’ll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree, as they lay me ‘neath the green green grass of home”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

negotiate dirty tricks.





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MNN. Nov. 6, 2014. The timeline shows no surrender, treaty or permission by Mohawks to turn Kahnawake into a reserve. Under the military Corporation of Canada Kahnawake is a “Prisoner of War” Camp without walls for the Mohawks. It was created on October 25, 1924. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake is governed under the Indian Act, which is the original 100-year plan to get rid of the “Indian problem in Canada” [Duncan Campbell Scott]. The POW camp is run by Indian Affairs and its corporate entity known as MCK. The corporation is firmly directed by their military war room at Indian Affairs in Ottawa/Hull on the 14th floor. Canada and the POW Camps are financed by our stolen Indian Trust Funds. The military’s main job is to protect the stolen treasury.

Geronimo, one of our greatest military strategists, imprisoned for defending the land and people.

Apache Geronimo on way to his POW camp. 

The original plan was to imprison our people so we would all perish. The CEO of the corporation of Canada is the Governor-General. He needs a military title for a military corporation. Each province has a military Lt. Governor, because they also are military corporations. Canada merged the military corporation and the state in 1867. Canada is the first corporate state, ISO #1366-2:CA.

“Ordo ab chao” is the strategy used by secret societies that are controlling the power structures, to keep the people’s minds divided [51%]. After enough confusion and chaos the people will demand a government solution to the problem created by the government using their own procedures in their jurisdiction.

Canada Border Patrol beating up elderly woman, causing heart attack.

Canadian Commandos beating up elders & causing heart attacks. 

Indian Affairs’ job is to keep the Indians corralled economically and socially in our POW camps, while they enjoy the vast abundance of our land. All western European countries under Vatican rule are a party to the biggest holocaust in all humanity.

Kahnawake is one of the most in-your-face territories in the world. It is next to Montreal, one of the largest metropolises in Canada. The puppet masters have always wanted us out of the way because of location, location, location. Also, they want to totally assimilate us to get rid of the land issues, by taking away our teachings, languages, culture, so we are no longer Ongwehonwe. They shall use fear as their ally and anger as their friend when dividing the people’s minds.

Lasagna: "I don't like this part of the treatment".

Lasagna: “Let’s do this right now, soldier boy!”.

In 1990 when we objected to the expansion of a golf course, we were invaded by the Canadian army, and placed in CFB Farnham army base after our arrest. In 2008 MNN editor, Kahentinetha, was arrested and assaulted by military commandos at the border crossing to the US. In the subsequent court case, the judge ruled he could not deal with the issue because she lives in Kahnawake and is not a resident of Canada.

We have been under martial law since 1924 while they rape and pillage all of our vast lands around us. We have always been here at the fork of the rivers that come from all directions on Great Turtle Island and meet here. The Mohawk community of Kahnawake is part of the larger soveregn Kanionkehaka territory of 20 million acres.

As Frank Zappa reminds us in his epic song “Flakes”: “We just call on the phone and call up some flakes. They rush on over and wreck it some more. And we’re so dumb they’re lining up at our door.” Frank Zappa. “Flakes”.

Kahnawake was not surrendered, there is no treaty and no permission to set up reserve.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit