MNN. June 28, 2024. Everyone in the world knows that we onkwehonwe are turtle island. The colonists took up residence, and stole the land, forests, waters, resources from the natural people placed here by kasastensera kowa saoiera, creation. What they are doing to us is not fair, just or reasonable. They know we can never give up our mother earth. The kanienkehaka of akwesasne are carrying out their duties according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace.
Land Back at Barnhart
Contextualizing the Re-occupation of Barnhart Island in Shared Legacies of Struggle
By Jennifer Lee
Views expressed in this opinion editorial do not represent those of any of the eight individuals arrested at Barnhart Island.
Some of the members of the Akwesasne 8 along with Indigenous supporters from outside of the community. (Photo by Akwesasne community member Demetri Lafrance)
On May 21, 2024, a group of eight Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) community members from Akwesasne were arrested at Niionenhiasekowa:ne (Barnhart Island). Certain individuals among the “Akwesasne 8” had originally gone to Barnhart to exercise their right to build a hunting and gathering shelter on their own territory, in part to protest an ongoing land claim settlement that threatens to hand over Kanien’kehá:ka title to this island, among other traditionally held territories, to New York State. The settlement is being negotiated between New York entities and three Akwesasne government councils.1 Presently, the settlement negotiations would require the extinguishment of Mohawk title to Barnhart Island, which would be effectuated through an act of Congress.2 By asserting their right to the land, the Akwesasne 8 have sent a clear message to both negotiating parties. Barnhart Island, like all other territories illegally stolen and swindled from their community, is not for sale—particularly not by collaborationist band and tribal council entities that purport to represent the full community but that were in fact historically imposed upon it at gunpoint.
“[This] is not a story of triumphs of engineering over nature, nor is it a story of masterpiece on international diplomacy, nor even a story about change. It is rather a story about the intimate relationship that the Mohawks of Akwesasne had with the environment in which they lived from time immemorial and how change was forced upon them, through really no choice of their own. It is the story of how the forces of outside government and corporate America seemingly conspired to break the identity of the Mohawk in a manner that no residential school had ever successfully accomplished—by changing the environment in which Mohawk survived . . .” (Elders Study, 1995)
Our minds and hearts are chained to that island for thousands of years. There is nothing that can break that chain, as Joe Cocker sings to our intruders:
Unchain my heart Baby let, let me be ‘Cause you don’t care well, please Set me freeUnchain my heart Baby let me go Unchain my heart ‘Cause you don’t love me no moreEvery time I call you on the phone Some fella tells me that you’re not at home Unchain my heart Set me freeUnchain my heart Baby let me be Unchain my heart ‘Cause you don’t care about meYou’ve got me sewed up like a pillow case But you let my love go to waste Unchain my heart Set me freeI’m under your spell Like a man in a trance baby Oh but you know darn well That I don’t stand a chanceUnchain my heart Let me go my way Unchain my heart You worry me night and day
Why lead me through a life of misery When you don’t care a bag of beans for me Unchain my heart oh please Set me free Alright
I’m under your spell Just like a man in a trance, baby But you know darn well That I don’t stand a chance
Please unchain my heart Let me go my way Unchain my heart You worry me night and day
Why lead me through a life of misery When you don’t care a bag of beans for me Unchain my heart Please set me free
Oh set me free Oh woman why don’t you do that for me You don’t care Won’t you let me go If you don’t love me no more Like a man in a trance Let me go I’m under your spell Like a man in a trance Oh but you know darn well That I don’t stand a chance no Oh You don’t care Please set me free
MNN. Sep.22, 2023. Does killing one group have to do with the relationship between the individual and the state? The state says this is the group for you to hate and this is how we deal with them. The citizens are the instruments of the state. When the state no longer has power or loses an election, how do they continue to undermine these targets. Who carries on the violence that was designed by the state for them? It is important to think about what the state is allowing its citizens to do with impunity when they vote them into office.
The ruthless hatred of the indigenous becomes state doctrine. We were driven off our land and not accepted in their society. Many anti-indigenous laws were passed. We were systematically excluded, stigmatized, humiliated and killed.
Mass murder was one of the first steps. It was between us and them. We were studied and analyzed to find our “weaknesses”. It was a public policy process. Then it became a secret while the genocide was being carried out. They are “them” and we are the ‘others’. We are defined as different and treated different. This makes them willing to treat us different while the rest look away. That’s the basis of carrying out mass murders.
In the beginning the whites were given permits to attack us, kill us, take our property and hide our bodies. They gathered us up and murdered us. It became routine. Then they built their houses, towns and cities on top of us.
Mass murders were committed by thinking people. Not machines. They understand what they are doing. The perpetrators plan it for the rest of their society. For example, some would only kill the children who would die if they did not have their parents. So it was not blind obedience. It was by choice. They saw themselves as morally righteous. They reasoned that if the children grew up and learned what was done to the indigenous people, we would become enemies of their state. So there had to be no memories. To them killing a human being was reasonable. We were considered non-human and expendable and were hunted down.
What will happen to Canadians when they lose their power? They did not think it was wrong to kill us.
There were those who easily learned to kill human beings and hide their crime, which they did not think was a crime. Some enjoyed torturing the victims which they still do today. [Joyce Echequan, St. Jovite]. There were the passive ones who did what they were told to do. And the objectors who tried to object, but could not find fault with not killing the indigenous people and so they helped carry out the murders.
The killers did not have to be brainwashed by indoctrination, or fascism to become prolific killers. They would shoot their own mother or sister if they were ordered to. We think they should not be allowed to walk free, but Canadian society gives them a free pass.
Today Canadians and Americans want to forget and walk away with an “I’m sorry”. How many invaders were involved and benefitted from these mass murders? Who was and is still behind it? In the US there are 340 million foreign citizens and in Canada 40 million more who all benefit from this genocide. The false concept of private property originated from the “Doctrine of Discovery”, which is legal fiction. There is lack of will to punish them. They keep on doing the dirty work for the state. The state passed laws to allow genocide, which are still on the books. Genocide is not illegal. Millions killed us and don’t realize how it was carefully planned and carried out.
If you were ordered to kill, can you refrain? Such crimes against humanity must be stopped and cannot be repeated.
Canada and US are cowards and frauds. They did not conquer us. They came here to run away from tyranny in Europe to come here and run their own tyranny. They killed our children without any empathy or due process to get rid of us all. There is no reason in the universe to kill children. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Somebody paid to carry it out and somebody benefitted. It was the government and its people. The same government that wants to “whitenize” us. They did it without any qualms whatsoever. They wanted to live on our land without us!
We were murdered. It was government planned, lead and endorsed. And Canadians vote for them to continue it. Canadians have never been asked if they agree with their governing structure.
It was quite the plan. Rez schools were in remote areas. They were concentration camps burying little children in their midst away from prying eyes. Most Canadians didn’t know what was going on by design. The children were abused and then disappeared. But their spirits will remain and direct the karma.
As slide master, Ry Cooder, suggests: “Now the prodigal was a forward child. His mind was not to obey. But after he left his father’s house, he thought he had gone astray. I believe, I believe, I believe that I will go back home. . . ”
[Now, the prodigal son was a forward child, his mind was not to obey But after he left his father’s house he thought he had gone astray
That’s why I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And I believe that, I believe that I will go back home Well, I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And be a servant of the Lord
Now, his father saw him coming he met him with a smile He threw his arms around him, saying, “This is my darling child”
Now, I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And I believe that, I believe that I will go back home Well, I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And be a servant of the Lord
The father asked the prodigal “Son, why you been gone so long? Well, did you so love the world and forget your happy home”
The prodigal said, “I searched for true religion But no faith and no peace could I find Until I came to a little place called Bakersfield, that eased my troublin’ mind”
That’s why I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And I believe that, I believe that I will go back home Well, I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And be a servant of the Lord (well I)
I wandered into a tavern where a music band was playin’ Now, the steel guitar rang out so sweet, I feel that I was prayin’ And I asked a comely waitress, is this a new teaching Yeah, she said there is no God but God, and Ralph Mooney is his name I said, let me empty your ashtray, Mr. Mooney And if the drunks interfere I’ll be sad But just as long as you sit there on the bandstand And play your guitar like Buddha, I’ll be glad The father asked the prodigal, Did you smell the sweet perfume and hear the angel band? He said, dim lights, thick smoke, and loud, loud music Is the only kind of truth I’ll ever understand
I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And I believe that, I believe that I will go back home Well, I believe that, I believe that I will go back home And be a servant of the Lord
I believe this, I believe that I will, yes I believe . . .]
Recently the Kahnistenseras of Kahnawake were invited to Hart House of University of Toronto to speak about current indigenous issues.
Globe & Mail 1964 republication of Feb. 11, 1965. ProQuest Historical Newspapers : “Self-Support Indian Goal“
Kahentinetha Horn, a lissum Indian, forecast an Indian in the future of every University of Toronto student who jammed Hart House art gallery yesterday to hear her talk on the arts and culture of contemporary Indians. Miss Horn prophesied that in 35 years, Canada’s Indian population would be 1,800,000 – or roughly one out of every 25 persons. would be an Indian, she said. “You are the privileged of the privileged”, she told the students. “You are the 82 per cent of the future leaders of Canada” – I represent the despairing 1 per cent who are multiplying rapidly in Canada. Now is the time you must learn about Indians to help us achieve our main goal.” The first goal of Indians is to be able to support themselves, she said. On each Wall of Hart House gallery hung paintings by Norval Morrisseau, Ojibway Indian from Beardmore, Ont. “They conveyed a message of the past”, Miss Horn said. “Such art flows through the blood of my brothers and sisters – but most of the benefits reaches the white man’s salons?” While Indian culture certainly encompasses significant art form, the arts of Indians have leaned more to warfare and politics, Miss Horn said. “For 20,000 years, the Indians have had a struggle to survive the forces of nature. The cultural arts come only with leisure – after survival.” The greats of her ancestors, the Iroquois, were related to politics and warfare. The United Nations concepts are modelled on the Iroquois Confederacy, for example. Their arts of warfare are the reasons the students speak English today instead of French, she said. That’s why you have Prime Minister Pearson as leader instead of President de Gaulle”. Most Indians, Miss Horn said, are unemployable. “I’m afraid technical sciences will keep Indians unemployable. We haven’t time to think about our arts. We have to keep our people alive. How to keep our women alive, for example, past the age of 45. Why does one out of 10 of our babies die before the age of 4? Don’t ask me why; nobody has ever researched the reason. It’s just a statistic. We need housing, medical care, community planning, training and education. We need an interest in welfare – there’ll be one of us in thec future for every one of you.
Note to readers: The population of indigenous people in Canada today is 1.800,000.
The Mohawk Warrior Society Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 4TH SPACE J.W. McConnell Building, Concordia University 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal The Mohawk Warrior Society: Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival
Join us for the launch of an unprecedented book, a public roundtable with members of the Kanien’keha:ka Rotiskenrakete of the Men’s Fire and Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera, an activist group of Mohawk women from Kahnawake, and film screenings in celebration of Indigenous culture and resilience.
THE MOHAWK WARRIOR SOCIETY: A HANDBOOK ON SOVEREIGNTY AND SURVIVAL, is the centrepiece of our events. Containing new oral history by key figures of the Rotisken’rhakéhte revival in the 1970s, this compilation tells the story of the Warriors’ famous flag and other art, their armed occupation of Ganienkeh in 1974, and the role of their constitution, the Great Peace. This book launch is part of a two-day series of events and film screenings that foreground Kanien’kehá:ka activism, culture, and current issues within the broader rubric of Indigenous sovereignty.
See below for the full schedule:
October 18 11:00am – 4:00pm Round Table and Book Launch
October 19 1:00pm – 1:15pm
Welcome and Introduction 1:15pm – 2:00pm Film Screening: “Mohawk Nation” (1978) 2:00pm – 2:15pm
Short Break 2:15pm – 2:40pm Film Screening: “Rose” (2022) 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Open Discussion How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.
MNN. May 23, 2022. Almost 80 years ago Indian day school teachers tried to make us speak French in kahnawake. We took the exam paper which was in French, signed our name, and handed it back blank. They exclaimed, “Eeez no use. They won’t speak French”. We were exempted from the ‘canadien’ [squatters] stranglehold. This commentary applies equally to English.
Today the Quebec C96 language bill to shove French down our throats and make us and our languages disappear will never happen. We are the true people of turtle island, placed here to communicate with creation in our original languages.
In the future all foreigners will speak to us in mohawk or another indigenous language. They are not of this land.
They have two choices, to come under the tree of peace or leave. Creation wills that Indigenous will be the only languages spoken everywhere.
Because of foreign language restrictions for trade and commerce reasons, we are being forced to leave our home for work for survival. kahnistensera proclaim that every place of work must accommodate our indigenous language requirements. They cannot deny us equal opportunities to work, study or any discourse we chose anywhere on turtle island. As a matter of pride, duty and fundamental human rights, we want to speak our languages everywhere
The French culture is in France. We gave them no permission to dictate anything to us. They came here to exploit, steal our resources and continue to try to extinguish us. Sign language was once the common language throughout turtle island. Everybody in the world knows that our land is indigenous from time immemorial until infinity.
The French are angry because they are losing their bastardized imported language. They want us to forsake our language [s] so theirs can be saved. If they want to hang onto the French language, they can go home where it is being preserved. To save our languages, we the living onkwehonweh have to do it ourselves here on our homeland while under constant threats and attack by the invaders.
All signs will eventually be in kanienkehaka:onwe, mohawk or other indigenous languages. Our languages shall be spoken and displayed everywhere on our land by everyone. Our languages and kaianerekowa will will try to get rid of the systemic injustice, racism and hatred that engulfs the world today. The invaders murdered us for not speaking foreign white languages. Today they will stop attempting to kill us and our original languages and help us bury the weapons of war [great peace].
Premier Legault wants only French or else. “No exceptions”. Canada and Quebec are not nations. whever they come is where they belong. turtle island belongs to our unborn future generations and we are its caretakers.
In 100 years everyone on turtle island will speak only Mohawk or another indigenous language which is what our mother earth wants. Canadiens are scattered foreign populations from different separate places away from their homelands. The teiohateh two row provides that we have to keep our own ways, languages and customs. The foreigners will stay in their ship. We will stay in our canoe which is all of turtle island.
Our duty is to raise our children on our land, and speak kanienkehaka:onwe, Mohawk. The fascists planned to do away with us [Indian Lands Acts 1924] and have set 2024 as our end time when we will be assimilated into a foreign law by the stroke of the corporate pen. The invaders are uninvited. We defeated them then and we will defeat them again.
tionnitiotiakon [Montreal] will be Mohawk speaking only.
These foreigners have shown us they cannot live among us. They constantly make us defensive and reactive. C96 is their latest gun to start their attacks in our schools and homes. We refuse to let them tell us how we shall be. Every generation the invaders try to make us less legitimate and think we are dying out. We will persevere and do what make us strong, our clans, decision making process, knowledge of our past and the elimination of their band council puppet gestapo they appointed to help them carry out the “final solution to the indian problem!”.
The fascist government of the invaders does not belong on indigenous land. We have a revolutionary way to develop a free society and to live without war.
All those residential school death camps on turtle land were designed to beat, torture, starve, rape and murder us to destroy our land and steal our resources. Quebec Bill C96 is another school shooting. If you want to be French, go home.
Our language is our tie to creation. Don’t dictate anything to us. We will decide whether to learn whatever we want as we have always done!
Finally, Prime Dictator Legault, you have no voice amongst our people. We will never accept your dictatorship words. As the song says “It’s beginning to look a lot like fascism”.
The kaianerekowa has jurisdiction over this matter and requires death or banishment from turtle island for murder and genocide. Prime Minister Trudeau has conceded the corporation of the Government of Canada is guilty of this genocide []. The corporation must be dissolved pursuant to the kaianerekowa. Canada will cease to exist and all parts of the corporation will thereby vanish immediately. Canada is a corporation registered with the Vatican.
Otherwise the corporate governments evil will continue. They attempted mass murder to eliminate our culture and steal our land and resources. Canada and the United States have to disappear so that we shall fully regain our culture according to the kaianerekowa great peace and teiohateh two row. These British subjects in so-called Canada and the United States have no lawful jurisdiction anywhere on turtle island. Their colonial system was designed to eliminate the original inhabitants. turtle island is the jurisdiction of all the true natural sovereigns and all life placed here by creation.
TO: THE CROWN, Royal Communications Office, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA; THE VATICAN, His Holiness Pope Francis, Vatican City State, 00120; THE CORPORATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, House of Commons Ottawa, K1A 0H4, THE UNITED STATES President Joe Biden, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20006; & THE UNITED NATIONS, 760 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017
PREAMBLE: Naziism was born and created in Canada. Hitler saw the horror, admired the British approach to genocide and recreated it in World War II. Indigenous children were forcibly removed by the military at gunpoint to residential schools and experimental hospitals. The RClMP were created to kill us. The children were fed pills, given shots that made them sick. If they fussed, or fought back, they were given shots that killed them outright. In particular, German Naziism, South African Apartheid and Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians was developed in Canadian and American run churches and universities and experimented in the residential school “death camps”. Adolph Hitler extended his gratitude for the training the Nazis received in Canada on racial elimination. [Mein Kampf, Wasichu, von Ribbentropf studied genocide in Canada].
WHEREAS This system taught to the Nazis, South Africans and others took away our native names, replaced them with British names and numbers, beat and tortured us to forget our culture and languages and sexually defiled us culminating in the mass murders. Half our children disappeared and were secretly buried, burned in the school furnaces or cemented into the walls.
WHEREAS Today McGill University has 6 War Labs to carry out research for weapons of mass destruction for manufacturers of drone warfare, missile guidance, domestic surveillance, explosives and air combat. Helping out the genociders. []. McGill is in violation of the great peace.
WHEREAS tewatatewennio: creation made us each indigenous person individually sovereign with the responsibility to live by the kaianerekowa and teiohateh. Our duty is to care for our mother earth and all life on turtle island, the Western Hemisphere. Our power is in our minds, we have the source energy of all creation which makes each of us creator beings and sovereigns. This is our power.
WHEREAS we will stop the holocaust machine that began in 1492 operated by the invaders who are destroying all life on our mother. You have no valid receipt for turtle island as none exists because our mother cannot be sold, conveyed or transferred as she belongs to our unborn babies.
WHEREAS you secretly buried the remains of 215 children and babies behind the Kamloops Residential ‘Death Camp’ as in every other residential school in Canada as part of the kidnapping and murder of our families to eliminate all witnesses;
WHEREAS Canadiens [Mohawk word for squatters] and Americans cannot be rehabilitated. Mass murder is irreparable. The perpetrators are giving us meaningless words, trying to bribe us and to take no action. Many thousands of of our children are yet to be found. That’s why you want to take over the investigation.
WHEREAS The criminals wish to be the investigators of their own crimes. The corporations of the governments of Canada and United States carried out premeditated murder to benefit from the genocide. The guilty now want to ‘hunt’ for our bones and dig our graves to continue the coverup. Prime Minister Trudeau admitted guilt in the recent settlement of the residential school class action by throwing useless apologies and money at us. They deserve a proper and reasonable punishment for the genocide they created. The only remedy is to remove the corporation of Canada from society through its dissolution.
WHEREAS Trudeau and Biden are guilty of the coverup of genocide violating UN the Declaration on the Crime and Punishment of Genocide. Trudeau told the Vatican to apologize as though he is not at fault! The corporate colonial government hired the agents that kidnapped the children at gunpoint, took them to the death camps to be tortured and murdered. The murderer is the corporation of the Government of Canada and must be sentenced accordingly.
THEREFORE as you hid your part in the biggest holocaust in all humanity of 150 million indigenous people, be it resolved that you cannot remain on turtle island. Your private corporations of Canada and the United States must be immediately dissolved. kaianerekowa requires the penalty of instant death [tehontisokwariton] or to leave forever.
THEREFORE we shall do all necessary actions in the world community to dissolve the illegal corporations including THE CROWN, USA, CANADA and the VATICAN. Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden are the presidents of the corporations that carried out and benefitted from the genocide. The Prime Minister’s oath is to the Crown of England, which is responsible for the genocide, to the Queen’s heirs and ancestors forever; you pledged to them that you shall reveal no secrets. Therefore you are the head of the corporation that committed the crime. The corporation of Canada must be tried and punished for its responsibility in carrying out, covering up and benefitting from genocide. You and your citizens cannot separate yourselves from the brutal actions of your death squads that carried out the government edict. The corporation has forfeited its right to be on turtle island.
THEREFORE according to the great peace to maintain peace on turtle island kaianerekowa provides that the kahtihn’tiokwennio/women shall order the warchief and his men to enforce the great peace. They are furnished with a string of black wampum which is dropped before the perpetrators. If the perpetrators do not grab it before it hits the ground, the warriors carry out the sentence.
THEREFORE as our teacher dekanawida warned us that the white serpent will befriend us and after seven generations will have us squeezed so tight against his chest that we can hardly breathe. The penalty is they forfeited their right to be on turtle island.
THEREFORE Government agents Minister of Justice Lametti and Minister of Indian Affairs Miller will not investigate the crimes of their corporations. The government and churches set up the Death Camps and cannot be the investigators to investigate their own crimes. It’s a conflict of interest.
kaianerekowa and teiohateh can be the only culture on turtle island which is what Britain agreed to in August 1701 that allowed them to come onto onowarekeh. They violated the agreement and cannot stay.
THEREFORE if the US and Canada dissolve their corporations all their property, titles and power will vanish. Only the kaianerekowa and teiohateh will remain.
The citizenry of Canada is finally looking at the evidence and discovering the truth for themselves. A portion want to be part of the solution.
THAT since the premeditated crime was designed: The remedy to stop genocide is by dissolving Canada, the United States and the United Nations and remove them from onowarekeh. Only a neutral third party can investigate. They will be tried by the kaianerekowa, the law of the land.
THAT the residential schools are crime scenes which cannot end until there are thorough investigations inside and out to our satisfaction. Since you Mr. Trudeau admit the crimes of murder and genocide, no trial is necessary and you thereby concede that Canada must immediately dissolve. We wish to find all our murdered sovereign people to deal with them in our own way.
THAT if the criminal system is not dissolved, it will continue the genocide, including all coverups of the crime of the Crown. Provide us with a list of the shareholders of the world’s first corporation, the Crown? The genocide keeps marching on – child care snatches of our children and forced sterilization of natives. Genocide is obvious every day, such as high rate of incarceration, nurses killing native patients [Joyce Eschaquan], abductions, child trafficking, missing and murdered women. Maintaining the constant secrecy from the public of this horror that is Canada terrifies us. Trudeau and Biden are in the headlights. Trudeau wants the Pope to apologize. To us ‘sorry’ does not exist in our culture. The remedy to genocide is death or expulsion.
THAT Canadien and US are operating a system of injustice, racism and hatred. The Indian Lands Acts of 1924 forcibly removed us from our homes and put us in prisoners of war camps called “reservations”. They created the Indian Affairs department of the army to watch the indigenous captives. Indigenous under the ‘Indian Act’ were to be exterminated or assimilated by 2024. Indian Affairs Superintendant Duncan Campbell Scott drafted the blueprint for the “final solution of the Indian problem” [which Hitler copied], commencing with the Residential School Death Camp system and other programs like the 60s Scoop, Indian Day Schools, and other genocidal schemes.
THAT all symbols of this genocide should be destroyed immediately; and all schools should be reclassified as death camps:
THAT CANADA and UNITED STATES be dissolved immediately for the crimes of murder and genocide.
As Jesus Christ said: “Anyone harm a hair on one little child will wish they had never been born”.
karakwine, roti’nahton clan
kahentinetha, roti’skare:wake
karennatha, roti’skare:wake
kwetiio, roti’skare:wake
kawenaa, roti’skare:wake
A Cage the Elephant explains, “Ain’t no rest for the wicked and money don’t grow on trees. I got bills to pay, mouths to feed, and nothing in the world in free. Can’t hold on. Can’t look back. You know I would if i could. Ain’t no rest for the wicked until they close their eyes for good.”
Globe & Mail, 35 King, E, Suite 1000, Toronto On. M5A 0N1; New York Times,; Washington Post, 202-334-7454; USA Today, 7050 Janes Branch Drive, McLean Va. 22102, 1-800-872-0001; Los Angeles Times, 2300 E Imperial Highway, El Segundo CA 90245, 213-237-5000; Toronto Star phone 416-869-4300 email; Ottawa Citizen 416-659-8958; , Montreal Gazette 1-800-361-8478;, +7 499 75-00-100; North Korea, [850 2] 18 111 ext. 8536; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ; National Post;
MNN. 1 MAY 2021. Canadian government spokesperson Mark Hill stated there are “competing factions” at osweken/Six Nations over the encroachment of 1492 Land Back Lane. As a band council chief he works for our enemies to carry out the genocide of those of us who are with the two row and the kaianerekowa/great peace. Our enemies, his bosses, the squatter immigrants, are trying to make a claim to turtle island, which we can never give up, sell or convey. In a power play Hill does not want to undermine Canada’s lack of influence on onkwehonweh people. Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chief’s Council has no authority over the people as they are operating according to foreign Christian ideology, the kariwiio [Handsome Lake] which is contradictory to nature. The kaianerekowa and the two row are nature’s path.
Ownership of land and property is a Christian artificial construct which does not exist in nature.
Canada’s divide and conquer tactics fail because they don’t have our minds. We follow nature, all that is self-evident and based on facts. We the caretakers of turtle island must follow creation’s plan. To stay here the colonial settlers must pay us the full rent, follow the kaienerekowa great peace and two row or get out of turtle island. They have no authority over our land. The Supreme Court of Canada, Canada’s highest court, upholds the lie known as the “doctrine of Christian discovery” which is the genocide that does not view us as human beings. Canada never conquered us and have no lawful title to turtle island. They sued for peace with us in 1701, the Great Peace of Montreal.
“It’s a crime to invade anybody’s culture”.
In 1837 the invaders created the Grand River Navigation Company through stealing our Iroquois Trust Fund. They took our resources, funds and lives. The Confederacy Chiefs bought into the European fraud to finance the Grand River canal by not following kaianerekowa/great peace protocol. These Masonic chiefs agreed to the imposition of the Indian Act before 1924. Some people wanted the band council because of how corrupt the Confederacy Chiefs had become. They became male patriarchs that did not follow the kaianerekowa and two row. They became subject to the Queen and Vatican, following christiandom ideology. Some Confederacy Chiefs attended churches and joined the Masons.
Those chiefs who violated the two row and great peace removed themselves. They no longer had a voice and could not influence the people’s decisions. Only the people have a voice in the ierakwa Six Nations.
The colonial settlers set up and protected their band council chiefs as “kings” in our communities. Almost all band councils are Masonic entities. They commit treason against the people and try to stop them from being the natural sovereign caretakers of the land. Those who don’t follow the kaianerekowa and two row have no voice. They hide under the illegitimate law of the corporations of the governments of Canada and United States. They commit crimes against the sovereign indigenous people with impunity. Indian Affairs is a department of the military. Mark Miller, a former military commander, now in the reserves, is the Minister of Indian Affairs. He is in charge of the genocide. All of this is falsely made legal by a court system that has no jurisdiction over any onkwehonweh sovereign.
The ierakwah Iroquois Confederacy must get the full consent of each sovereign person through our kaianerekowa/great peace process.
The enemy’s goal is to steal and control everything that is on turtle island which they turn into money and power. Creation placed us here and protects us, from the beginning of time all the way to the end of time.
The invaders have no claim on anything they stole, all land, resources and funds. As sovereigns each one of us has a voice and we must be consulted. Each one of us is duty bound to speak up. Our mother earth is owned by the ratikonsotatie, the unborn faces beneath the ground. Money is not legitimate power, only the people are. The colonial invaders breed racism and white supremacy to create hatred and racism to try to destroy our system of justice and truth. We cannot negotiate with these predators. We have never been divested of our responsibility as the natural caretakers. That is our culture.
Hill does not represent our culture. The false claims of his puppeteers has no defence in any court except in their imagination. We are ready to face our enemies with the truth to dismantle their false narratives. The heist is over.
The “war room” in the Department of Indian Affairs is now the “panic room”. We are ready to witness the grand FINALE! We know the magician’s tricks.
Nature’s design is counter clockwise. Christianity is based on domination. The oligarchs go against nature on purpose because they are separate from nature. They act unnaturally to dominate the lands. A symptom of being out of line with nature is self destruction. Nature always corrects itself. The world operating against nature becomes sick. kaianerekowa can help all life and people to realign with nature. We have that agreement with creation. That’s why our words, songs, dances and festivals went underground.
The kaianerekowa and two row system of truth and justice will always prevail over the capitalist and greedy system that creates a system of injustice, racism and hatred.
Mark Hill, stop spreading lies that we are fighting among ourselves. We are united!They trapped themselves by their own lies. Creation will never surrender, will go on because it just is. And we are. We must fight for the great peace until we win.
Steely Dan’s song could be sung by any band council crowd;I’m a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah. I don’t wanna do your dirty work no more. I’m a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
LAST QUEEN, LAST POPE was first posted on Feb. 28, 2014. The knock out blow to “dump the queen” gained momentum when Prince Harry and Meghan thrashed the monarchy, its racism, no concern for the people, genocide and general nastiness.
Harry & Meghan. spilling the beans.
The Queen is the main mask of the Crown as head of the Company/corporation called “Canada’, a Mohawk word for “squatters”. She is the major shareholder of the Crown based in the VatIcan which has false claims to own our mother, the earth. All mainstream media of the “Five Eyes” is through the Queen’s intelligence service MI5, “operation mockingbird”. We saw classy Meghan professionally take down the British aristocratic amateurs of “the firm”. Meghan gave the Nazi House of Windsor a good beating. Like the French Revolution the only way to be free is “off with their heads”.
MNN. Feb. 28, 2014. Soon the British monarch, her family, and her minions, as per the Magna Carta, will be removed by the people of England. When that happens, all her corporate assets – Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand – will revert to the true natural owners placed by creation. The “Crown” based in the Vatican and all their banking tentacles throughout the world will fall. The Pope is the Emperor of Rome. Everyone who takes an oath to a criminal is a criminal. They will be dealt with.
Queen: “No. We won’t trade jobs. Mine is to kill & pillage. Yours is to pacify & salt away the money!”
The Kaianerekowa will then be applied on Great Turtle Island. The Onkwehonwe will deal with the “masters of war” using our law and new technology, to make them clean up their mess. These criminals will answer to the people for each one of the over 100 million Indigenous they murdered here.
The oligarchy teaches that whoever has the most money makes the rules. The revolution has begun in each person’s mind. We are each sovereign in our own mind. Anyone can tell us what they think, not what to think. The spiritual frequency changes that will occur on our Mother Earth will cause everyone to remember everything from every past life. We’re not sure who said this:
The waters of truth will clean everything. The oligarchy will be washed away. Once the earth begins her cleansing, there will be no more lies, murder or destruction.
We Onkwehonwe were to teach them to love and take care of each other and every living thing attached to the earth in our communities. The weapons of war will be buried under the Tree of Peace for all time.
The Black Wampum will be applied to all the criminals.
The black wampum hits the floor. Then the warrior smashes the criminal’s head, tehonwatisokwariton, to smash out evil from the brain where it starts. The reason that the head is emptied to the ground is because that is where the evil exists and will be purified by the earth.
They will have one last chance to become of one mind with us. When the War Chief drops the black wampum they can grab it before it hits the floor. If they do not grasp it, the men will bash in their heads with war clubs. Their brains will be on the floor next to the black wampum. This will happen in all Great Turtle Island communities. Genocide has always been their plan for us. The DNA memory of those who did the genocide will be erased from mankind. They and their weapons will be buried, never to be seen again.
Elizabeth and Francis will be the last Monarch and the last Pope. Good riddance!
As Johnny Cash foretold, the oligarchs will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.
MNN. Feb. 4, 2021. In 2008 A native judge [Murray Sinclair] helped set up a company known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inc.” It’s similar to the Warren Commission on the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination. The commission was authorized by our butchers, the CROWN, to remove the genocide charges of the indigenous people which is holding back CANADA from having a real country. Every lawyer makes an oath to the Temple Bar in London to become a bar lawyer. He is an agent of the CROWN.
Judge: “Have you got me covered.”
The Commissioner’s mission is to protect the companies and settler colonists, who are the beneficiaries of the theft and genocide of indigenous and the ongoing economic sanctions that continues to this day. Since the Commissioner and CANADA are connected entities, the right hand cannot wash the left hand.
Now Perry Bellegarde, formerly of CANADA’s AFN, wants to be the next Governor General, the CEO of the Corporation of CANADA.
We are direct descendants of the only natural people of ono’ware:geh, turtle island, tied to our mother through the women. Foreign usurpers can never have this relationship. Their helpers, the incorporated INDIANS known as the elected band council, take an oath or are contracted to help complete the CROWN’s business plan [the Indian Lands Acts of 1924] for total termination of the original people of turtle island by 2024.
Perry Bellegarde is vying to be a bigger traitor than Joseph Brant, who died alone at his mansion in Burlington, so poor all he had was money.
To be at peace they must go home to their mother across the ocean. They arrived here sick physically and mentally. We and our good mother took care of them. We helped them plant and live, as long as they lived by the great peace and the two row, which they violated. These squatters must leave so they cannot continue to rape and desecrate our mother for the bankers. The bankers own outright each citizen through the banking document known as the “birth certificate”. They are also sole trustees of all the municipal incorporations throughout the land.
Canada murdered our children in Residential School “Death Camps”
kaia’nereh:kowa, the great peace, our constitution, is the way of onowarekeh, turtle island. Only the original people have jurisdiction which cannot be sold, conveyed or transferred.
Sky Woman landed on the turtle’s back and created the first land out of the water, turtle island. The red man was created to care for turtle island. Then she created the four races of man here on turtle island. When the other lands came out of the water, she placed the yellow man in Asia, the black man in Africa and the white man in Europe.
The women saw them as iah onkweh ti [they are not natural people] and suggested they return to their origins. On turtle island they were dishonest, ruthless and ignorant. The white man returned, created the United States of America, and committed the greatest crime, chopping down the tree of peace in onondaga in 1779 and creating the Republic of War that has terrorized the world.
The ‘company’ wants to keep coming for our men, women, girls, boys, babies and elders.
We saw their paedophilic ways and knew we could not trust them with our children. They kidnapped our children and put them in death camps called Residential Schools. TRC Inc. was designed to keep the genocide issue out of the International Court in The Hague. Presently the culling of the indigenous people is known as “missing and murdered women and children”.
All humans, animals, plants and natural life on our homeland are meant to sustain us. The white man has tried to take over the role of mother nature with their man made corporate Admiralty statute law.
Their business plan continues to put economic sanctions against us, criminalization, targeting, denying us use of our lands and resources and interfering with our efforts to support ourselves. They refuse to fix what they broke.
We want a better future for our children as intended by creation. We call on our international partners of the world to apply pressure on the corporation of CANADA and hold them accountable for the crime of genocide.
The black wampum is the last offering of peace. All animals in nature avoid conflict. Bear, wolf and others will try to run away from a fight. When they are put in a dangerous situation, they will defend themselves. All natural life has the right to self-preservation.
These two traitorous men, the TRC Commissioner and the one who wants to be the Governor General, want to help the murderers forget their killing spree of 150 million indigenous people and help them get off scott free. The band council joins the pyramidal control structure of the whites as judge, jury, executioner. They choose to help our enemies deny their responsibility, and to forget our suffering. The TRC Commissioner got them off. Mr. Bellegarde wants the brutal killings to continue! His pipe dream is for the rest of the onkwehonweh to become like him, a corporate fictional INDIAN who can share the scraps of his white masters.
As George Thorogood lets us know how these traitors are; “On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered ‘round. And they gazed in wide wonder at the joy they had found. The head nurse spoke up, said “Leave this one alone”. She could tell right away that I was bad to the bone!”