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April 28, 2017. South American nations don’t trust the US. US forces inside Venezuela promote foreign intervention and overthrow of the government. The Organization of American States (OAS), facilitates control of Latin America and the Caribbean. So Canada acts on behalf of the US to interfere in Venezuela’s sovereign will and refusal to come under imperial dictates. Canada also acts on behalf of the financial oligarchs in Canada, US and all of the Americas. 

The OAS is run out of Washington DC. Canada requested the special meeting with OAS, which has 34 members, to force a regime change in Venezuela in the name of “democracy and human rights”.


The Bolivia Ambassador, Chair of this session, denounced the attempted coup for not consulting or providing an agenda. It failed. 

Canada Ambassador Jennifer Lotem then organized an internal “institutional coup”, by disempowering the Chair, Vice chairs and setting aside OAS rules and procedures.


The designated Coup Chair declared the resolution was adopted by consensus, though most members were not there. The US threatened Venezuela “to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbours”, on the basis of false accusations. 

On April 6, The Trudeau government called an emergency briefing in Ottawa to immediately force the regime to step down, without giving Venezuela any notice or a voice.


US imperialists and oligarchs, constantly attack the Bolivarian revolution achievements. Venezuela is depriving them of power. 

On April 19 over a million marched in Caracas and elsewhere to defend the country’s sovereignty and Bolivarian revolution against foreign international violence and destabilization. Spanish colonial rule was overthrown 207 years ago. 

President Trump supports the coup, is fearful of their economic achievements, concerned about the failure of the US backed overthrow and about the acknowledgement of indigenous land and resource rights. 

The US goal is to destabilize and control all of Central and South America and the Caribbean. OAS members are intimidated into backing the attempted coup through political interference, trickery, blackmail and economic and military threats.


OAS is falling apart. Venezuelans opposed US attempts to take over their country.

The people support institutional revolution. The Trudeau government defends Canadian corporations that brutally violate human rights to steal indigenous land and resources. This is the corporation’s band and tribal council system that has been oppressing us for 500 years. Today millions of children go to bed hungry in US and Canada. Se-wa-ri-hoh-kten! 

Mikal Ico sings a song of courage:


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

Venezuela’s Withdrawal from Organization of American States and Background Information
Venezuela to Withdraw from Organization of American States
 – Granma International
Maduro: Venezuela Will Continue Its Journey Towards True Independence – AVN
OAS Spent a Year Promoting Interventionism in Venezuela – AVN
Cuba Reaffirms Its Commitment to Venezuela
 – Declaration by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
Venezuela’s Resistance to Imperialist Interference: Oppose Canada’s Nefarious Role!  TML Weekly
Venezuelans Mobilize in Defence of Bolivarian Revolution – TML Weekly

http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/2017/04/zapatistas-moises-capitalist-world-is.html CAPITALIST MOISES IS A WALLED PLANTATION Censored News-Zapatistas












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MNN April 27, 2017. The immigrants to great turtle island are conditioned to believe we are extinct. They help themselves to our land, resources and everything they can get their hands on.

In 1302 Pope Boniface VIII claimed to own every human being, the planet and everything on it, through a self-declared Papal Bull. He claimed to be “God’s” representative on earth.

This turned all our land into their land without our knowledge or consent. Fake laws claimed the natural rights of all life on great turtle island. All corporations are sub-corporations of the original corporation, the Vatican [Crown]. 

The Vatican signs us up and sells our birth certificate on the stock market as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation. Our flesh is sold into perpetual slavery. 

In 1537 another Papal Bull claimed all “lost souls”. This gave Henry Viii the religious authority to secretly collect our souls. 


The incorporation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council HCCC is now an artificial entity created by Vatican authority as a private company. The Handsome Lake Code is a man-made Christian religion not based on creation. 

In 1816 England went bankrupt and lost the Crown. It was granted to the Temple Bar in the City State of London. The Lawyers of the Bar Association administer, register and collect the souls of “the lost and the damned”. 

When a child is baptized, the parents give title and sell their soul to the trust owned by the bankers. Since 1933, every child is not known as man or woman, but a creature or animal, because the Vatican stole ownership of their soul. 

We are treated as things so that the lawyers can enforce Maritime law [Admiralty law of the seas]. A person owns nothing and is merely a beneficiary, because everybody is a slave and the world is owned by the Vatican.  

Additional rights were later added monetizing everything. Bankruptcies, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies are owned by the Vatican. Those Papal Bulls were designed by men in skirts almost 1000 years ago. 

The Vatican claims Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (the body), and religious Property (the soul). The judge is the captain of the ship who can throw you overboard without repercussions. The judge can fine and imprison you for any amount he deems. 


When an onkwe-hon-weh, natural person of the land, goes into Admiralty court with the two row wampum, and explains how Britain came to Canada in August 1701 and set up in Kingston through this instrument, he shows the judge the top row and says, “This is why you can sit in that chair. The bottom row is us. Now we can talk”. 

It is time to hold the shareholders of the Crown [City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican] accountable for their crime of genocide of the onkwe-hon-weh on ono-ware-keh. 

Donovan talks about the fairy tale that is our illegal nightmare: “Once in a town in the Black forest a little white toy shop stood. The little tin soldier with only one leg lived in a castle of wood. Across the room on another shelf stood a little glass case and a tiny ballerina lived in there all in her dress of lace. And from where the little tin soldier stood they could see each other so clear. The little tin soldier watched over her with a love that was so dear. Then one day sadness came, the tiny ballerina was sold. The little tin soldier was thrown away and into the gutter he rolled. The water carried him to the sea and many far off lands.”


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/critical-knowledge-legal-ownership-souls-vatican-since-1306/# FAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE WORLD 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMFrs1aYJFk COVERT HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/humans-north-america-130000-1.4086109 

https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/04/25/court-dismisses-two-claims-launched-by-st-annes-residential-school-survivors.html RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL CLAIM TOSSED OUT OF COURT

http://yournewswire.com/putin-russia-banking-dollar-gold/ RUSSIA CHANGING CURRENCY 






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MNN. April 26, 2017. On ono-ware-keh. great turtle island, had no prisons, poor houses, orphanages, old age homes, army, police, starving homeless people, insane asylums or welfare. Planned hopelessness is part of Duncan Campbell Scott “to get rid of the INDIAN problem”.


The corporation wants to make us feel frustrated from doing anything about the state we are in today, and to continue to rely on them for everything. When they can control our fork, they can control all. We worked collectively and shared everything.

Corporation generated fear has been conditioned in us to feel scared all of our lives. This is not the design of our original people. We are suppose to co-exist in nature, and work together for survival.

Fake anger and constant shouting in their illusionary government is meant to intimidate especially the weak minded. We are shown as a society that is dirty and ugly. 

It’s the corporate hierarchical “I don’t count” syndrome.  

We are made to feel helpless and hopeless. Timelines, papers to be signed or sent, applications through computers, listening to misleading time-wasting messages, carrying ID cards for everything, pedophilia is everywhere, child abuse is rampant, losing your house, impossible to pay debts to the bank which own you, and so on… 

We are made to feel we can’t do anything without the corporation’s military authority and threats. We are made to live in a helpless, hopeless and guilt ridden state. It’s called a dictatorship.

We end up suffering low self- esteem, lose motivation and drive. The government certified authorities send us to prison for violating their “man-made” rules or to their sent to shrinks to learn obedience. 


It’s all mind control. They keep us sad, moody and dependant so we will need them forever. We feel anxious for our children, especially when they experience self-destructive thoughts. Government assisted dying is now encouraged. Drugs are being sold on the open market instead of behind the scenes by the government. The state always finds something wrong to punish or threaten us.

There is mild depression, severe depression, hallucinations and delusions and then punishment or execution. in European they had beheadings, torture chambers, burning at the stake, public hangings where the people brought their family for a picnic. Today there are 80,000 people in solitary confinement. This program was designed by the Dutch to drive people insane. They never got it right because they don’t want it right. They want to keep controlling everybody.


How do we treat state created depressions? Say goodbye to fear. Stop the blackmail.  

The Birds got it perfectly when they sang: “It’s no use saying you’re gonna stay, if you don’t want to be all mine. I haven’t got room for somebody who’s gonna hurt me all the time….”

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNIOWwyBLrE lumber issue Canada

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8HTr-F-FVM&feature=youtu.be jfk words that killed him



http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2016/12/05/standing-rock-profusion-collusion-big-money-profits/ STANDING ROCK BIG PROFITS 

http://torontoist.com/2017/04/audacity-canada-150-lie-designed-erase-legacy-genocide/ CANADA 150 YEAR 

http://theduran.com/xi-jinping-warns-trump-military-action-north-korea/ KOREA. CHINA CALLS TRUMP’S BLUFF  

http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/New-Chiquita-Papers-Expose-How-Banana-Execs-Fueled-War-and-Terror-in-Colombia-for-Decades-20170425-0013.html COLOMBIA. BANANA EXECS EXPOSED 

https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/ottawa-changes-its-mind-on-undrip-but-it-is-taking-a-risk/article34815894/?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theglobeandmail.com UN ‘FREE PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT’ 

http://educateinspirechange.org/alternative-news/everything-rigged-medicine-politics-financeyou-living-fabricated-fairy-tale/ EVERYTHING’S RIGGED MEDICINE, POLITICS, FINANCE 

http://txcann.com/hemp-bill-passes-texas-committee-unanimously/ HEMP BILL PASSES IN TEXAS 


FRITO LAY RECALL http://silenceisconsent.net/alert-one-americas-popular-potato-chip-brands-just-issued-massive-recall-throw-away-now/




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MNN. April 24, 2017. Corporatists condition their subjects to only have hope in super heroes, comic characters through entertainment. False flag attacks are staged. Infiltrators destroy property to blame the protesters. Heavily armed troops march in, attack and kill to create overwhelming fear.   


The US Republic of War is always at war since its creation. At Standing Rock the corpo tribal council tell the prayer people what to do. In the past all of us were murdered. Today we are attacked, threatened and robbed. The criminals get away with it. 

The incorporated fraudsters calling themselves “Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council” “Haudenosaunee Development Institute” and “OGWAWISTA INC. SC file No 1-58391” pretend to represent us by physically and mentally intimidating us, although they are an artificial entity, a corporation. That’s how the colony of Canada gets us in their Admiralty court.


HDI incorporated us without our knowledge. They have alienated themselves from the rotino-shonni, forfeiting their birthright, name and clan. They become totally naked from the circle of families. The territory called “Six Nations” is the corporation called the Crown [Vatican] test for the all-out theft of great turtle island.



onkwe-hon-weh, the choice is slavery or freedom?  


Throughout history liars have used their courts to enforce their corporate dogma. The Admiralty courts of the private Crown corporation, Canada and USA, have no sovereignty over us or our land. 

The Standing Rock tribal council cooperated with the armed US military forces to attack us. They suffer no consequence and have no sense of guilt. The executive branch is not held responsible for its capital crimes. The precedent is set for us and US citizens to be attacked at will. When we and the colonial settlers don’t defend ourselves, we deserve those chains of slavery we’ve been wearing for 500 years. Some of us will stand up until the rest of the sheeple wake up.  



We stand on the kaia-nereh-kowa. Their courts cannot deal with that legality because they are all Admiralty, law of the sea, which are only for banks, corporations and always about money. We have always been explaining our position of peace and righteousness.   Every nation on ono-ware-keh is under the two row which is based on our original instruction from creation.  

One of our men said at one of our recent adventure in Admiralty, “Judge, this is why you sit outside the circle. You have no jurisdiction to prosecute us. We’ll think about it according to the great peace.” HDI and their followers can pack their bags. Crown Corporation like USA and Canada have been evicted from nations like Vietnam, North Korea, India, Africa and elsewhere. The circle is the greatest fear of the pyramidal power structure based in the City of London. The sun is setting on the British Empire. 

The 1491’s sing about corporate WANNABE INDIANS: “Like the Seminole, Navajo, Kickapoo. Like those Indians, I’m an Indian too. A Sioux. A Sioux. Just like Battle Axe, Hatchet Face, Eagle Nose. Like those Indians, I’m an Indian too”. 

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh  

RIVERS HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS http://govtslaves.info/governments-now-extending-human-rights-to-rivers/

GOTHAM SHIELD http://investmentwatchblog.com/breaking-news-massive-power-outage-in-san-francisco-huge-exercise-gotham-shield-just-as-north-korea-threatens-missile-test/

PYRAMIDS OF CONTROL http://collectivelyconscious.net/articles/10-ways-to-stop-being-a-slave-and-bring-down-the-pyramids-of-control/KOREA: JAPAN SENDS DESTROYERS TO U.S. CARRIER GROUPS https://sputniknews.com/asia/201704211052867837-japan-destroyers-drills-tensions/ 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33D3NOl0-ag CONGRATS NORTH KOREA. 



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MNN. April 21, 2017. Six Nations is the model for privatisation of all our land. Duncan Campbell Scott is singing in his grave. 


Everyone knows that both HDI and the Six Nations band council are private registered corporations. The Men’s Fire are suing HDI in Hamilton Court. This rotino’shonni issue does not belong in the Admiralty court.

Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) is a registered numbered corporation? Legal advisor Aaron Detlor put in trust 50 chiefs’ titles representing the clans. They are in someone’s name and not transferabe. HDI has never produced a copy of the shareholder agreement and all of the minutes of their meetings. 



By design almost half of the chiefs are either deceased or the titles are empty. The sitting chiefs said they did not know they were named as shareholders.


The Board of Directors are President Brian Doolittle, Secretary Aaron Detlor and Administration CEO and Director Hazel E. Hill. 


On October 20, 2014, for $1, Hazel Hill declared she holds the 50 shares of the capital of 2438543 Ontario Inc.

Another corporation, OGWAWISTA INC. SC file No 1-58391, has the same board of directors.


If the court allows the motion, $55 million will be frozen until a new trust fund is set up, probably by the same shysters.


Lynda Powless, a media advisor, said the corporation had bought the shares of Veresen Grand Valley Wind Farm and is planning to buy our stolen land back to return to us!!


Ogwa whista de dwa snye corporation oversees HCCC revenues and distribution, all run by Detlor.



They want us to buy back our stolen property from the thieves that stole our land, shake their hand and smile for the photos that will be on youtube and the internet.


These chiefs and their cohorts are te-ho-na-ton-koh-ton, those who immerse themselves so that the foreign evil has completely seeped into their being. The Soggy Bottom Boys sing about the chiefs’ constant sorrow since they found out about the corporate fraud their names are associated with: “I’m a man of constant sorrow. I’ve known trouble all my days. I’ll say goodbye and leave tomorrow and I won’t be back this way. Misery is nothing new to me. Memories will fade in time. Another day some new tomorrow, just might ease my troubled mind”.


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh  

TWO ROW TIMES. https://tworowtimes.com/news/local/confederacy-chiefs-unknowingly-made-shareholders-canadian-corporation/ 

NEVER BACK DOWN. http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2017/04/never-back-down-water-protector.html

TRUMP’S SIDE KICK. Kushner Coup’ inside Trump White House 

WHO R EALLY RUNS THE WORLD. http://collectivelyconscious.net/articles/forget-the-new-world-order-heres-who-really-runs-the-world/ 

WHO ARE THE CORPORATE GIANTS. http://theconversation.com/who-owns-the-world-tracing-half-the-corporate-giants-shares-to-30-owners-59963 

TRUMP THE ZOMBIE. Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave

KAHNAWAKE BACKGROUND. https://www.facebook.com/notes/eric-p-thisdale/jurisdictions-leading-to-the-creation-of-reserves-part-ii-the-eastern-door-kahna/10155160169554266/


PUTIN http://yournewswire.com/putin-terrorist-attacks-cia/


2 US CONSTITUTIONS http://presscore.ca/two-constitutions-in-the-united-states-1st-was-illegally-suspended-in-favor-of-a-vatican-crown-corporation-in-1871





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MNN. April 20, 2017. Recently found is a Heiltsuk people’s settlement on the BC coastline on Troquet Island. They sheltered this village during the last Ice Age 14,000 to 15,000 year ago. Remains of charcoal, tools, fish hooks, spears to hunt marine mammals and a hand drill for lighting fires were found. It is the oldest human settlement in the world, twice older than the invention of the wheel, three times older than the Pyramids of Giza and thousands of years before all of the ice age megafauna went extinct. 


Land claims negotiations tables are turned completely around. Our table is round. The circle is the greatest fear of the pyramid matrix that runs everything now on this planet. 

We ask the corporation that comes begging, “Did you say you want our land, resources, water, air?” All of this belongs to the unborn generations. 


The immigrant corporations of Canada, US, Mexico, Central America and South America will soon dissolve. American “exceptionalism” is the US corporation’s fraudulently proclaimed superiority to threaten everybody in the world with bombs, death and extinguishment of all life. 

“Gunboat diplomacy” started with the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 to claim all of the Western Hemisphere and to beat everyone into subservience. Economic and military power enforced the Monroe Doctrine. It is the basis of US foreign policy to this day.

This theft and destruction of the world is launched from great turtle island with weapons made from resources stolen from us. American exceptionals are now murdering people and destroying their civilizations the world over. 

The Monroe Doctrine continues to oppress through trade blocks, economic billy clubs and war. The world is uniting to stop these monsters. 


The band “Pain” have a few ideas about turning the tables: “I’m not here so you can knock me down, again. Things have changed and I don’t want you on my mind. Don’t wanna hear what you got to say. Your little world is not for me. And don’t believe everything you see. It’s not really what it appears to be. How can I get the message through to you? You try to break me down, I wanna clear my mind. I know now is my time. You’re drawn to suffering. I won’t give anything. I’ve got nothing to hide. I’ve been waiting for this moment. Your lies that I can see t right through. Things have moved around. You can’t hold me down. The tables have turned.” 

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh  

CENSORED NEWS/STANDING ROCK https://www.facebook.com/brenda.norrell.90?fref=nf

MONROE DOCTRINE. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1801-1829/monroe

REWRITE OF NORTH AMERICAN HISTORY. https://www.sott.net/article/347754-14000-year-old-settlement-in-Canada-could-rewrite-North-American-history 

ONKWE-HON-WEH HEILTSUK ARE WORLD’S OLDEST PEOPLE http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/heiltsuk-first-nation-village-among-oldest-in-north-america-archeologists 

SYRIA ESCALATION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlWfoOdifOw Escalation in Syria 

BC WOLF CULL FOR 5 YEARS http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbiab-c-wolf-cull-will-likely-last-5-years-assistant-deputy-minister-says-1.2952556 

RUSSIA RETALIATE SYRIA AIR STRIKE. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/world/russia-retaliates-against-us-syria-airstrike?fb=shred

BOLIVIA: US LIARS! http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Bolivia-UN-Envoy-on-Syria-Attack-History-Teaches-Us-US-Lies-to-Justify-Wars-20170407-0009.html



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MNN. April 18, 2017. We are onkwe-hon-weh, the natural people of great turtle island. We are placed here by creation, not by other humans. We must survive in harmony with creation. 

tsik-ni-katsi-ni-ohten, are the people who came here from Europe and means “They do not have the ways of human beings”. They have no natural birthright here. Their language is man-made so as to limit their ability to contemplate as part of nature. They are controlled by an elite group that determines everything they believe, how to live, their wars that cause agony, pain and death. They create weapons to kill the earth and us and everything that is natural. 

They escaped Europe when they had turned their world into into a sewer.  

We have suffered 500 years of genocide from people who are addicted to evil.  

They have the same 5 senses as us – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Missing is a sense of natural conscience, the inner sense of what is right or wrong in their conduct and motives. Man made religions are used to justify their destructive actions.

They do not know truth or reality. gari-w-io is the perfect reality based on co-existing with nature. 


For them it is easier to lie then to tell the truth. Tell it enough times and eventually everyone accepts it. Fake news and false flags are like water off a duck’s back to them.   

Our way is those who tell the truth depend on actual memories and facts. 

Societies based on lies live in fear and use threats and intimidation to maintain their power, called “gun boat diplomacy”.

We are being asked to tell the public about our suffering. Then the perpetrators say, “So sorry”. We are then suppose to forget the brutality of the last five centuries. We won’t. What then? We say, “Never again!”

Perry Como has some ideas about life after the clean-up. [Breezing along with the breeze]:  “I’m just breezin’ along with the breeze, Trailing the rails, I’m a roamin’ the seas. Like the birdies that sing in the trees, Pleasin’ to live, livin’ to please.  The sky is the only roof I have over my head, And when I’m weary, mother nature makes me a bed. I’m just goin’ along as I please, Breezin’ along with the breeze.”

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

http://www.colorlines.com/articles/senators-ask-army-corps-documentation-dakota-access-pipeline-environmental-reviews SENATORS ASK ARMY COPS FOR ENVIRONMENT REVIEWS. 

http://www.disclose.tv/news/george_soros_i_am_a_god_i_created_everything_i_control_america/138587 GOD SOROS 

https://www.desmog.ca/2017/04/17/b-c-quietly-grants-mount-polley-mine-permit-pipe-mine-waste-directly-quesnel-lake  BC GRANTS PIPE MINE WASTE INTO QUESNEL LAKE

http://www.newsweek.com/how-us-nerve-gassed-its-own-troops-then-covered-it-317250?amp=1 US NERVE GASSED TROOPS

ONLY ROBOTS NEED APPLY AT OIL SANDS http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/03/01/oilsands-jobs-automation_n_15080318.html

RUSSIA EXPOSES LIES AT UN https://off-guardian.org/2017/04/06/media-goes-quiet-as-russia-exposes-us-lies-at-security-council/

STANDING ROCK STANDING http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2017/04/live-from-los-angeles-wells-fargo.html

LONG WALK 5 ARRIVE CHEYENNE RIVER http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2017/04/long-walk-5-cheyenne-river-camp-on.html





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MNN. April 17, 2014. A person was brutally beaten by armed security guards on United Airlines at O’Hare Airport. People the world over rose up in anger. Now international discussions are on to protect passengers from such violence ever again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwKVCZ86Ko8 

Since 2016 Standing Rock is the scene of blatant vicious brutality, chemical attacks against unarmed thousands who are protecting the precious water. The corporation of the USA attack and try to kill those who get in their way. For 500 years we fought the corporation alone. Now everyone else is targeted.

The US, Canada and Mexico systematically cover up their brutality against us. Thousands of our people are victimized and murdered in jails as political prisoners and hostages. Many are viciously beaten to death and reported as dying of “pneumonia”. Our political and economic prisoners must be released. The order of total extermination of our people must be rescinded. The prison system individualizes and separates us from each other. To be released you have to become subservient. 

Today public forums are being held on Indigenous issues to “put on record” our suffering from the genocide policy that continues. The corporation sets up band/tribal councils and provincial territorial state organizations to fraudulently represent us. They advise and help in the theft of our land, resources, possessions and mass murder.

True negotiations need a neutral third party agreeable to both sides.

The government designed our suffering and death, which we are trying to undo. We are being pressured to accept corporate terms. The public is propagandized to support concessions in their favor. 



The criminals cannot set the terms. They never intended to right the wrongs in the first place.

Regular false flag attacks and threats create fear to gear the outcome. We are a people of world peace. We have no military that can be bought off or taken over.

Meanings of words must be understood by both parties in both languages. Government usually says, “We said that but we meant this.” We onkwe-hon-weh [the true natural people of great turtle island] can only use our mind and deal in the truth. 

The state uses their MSM propaganda system to mislead and confuse the public. The public is being conditioned to believe that “it’s a hopeless situation” and that we have to give in to the corporation. Critics are labeled as terrorists and targeted. We refused to be depicted as terrorists for defending our lives, our mother and all life and revealing the past.

The enemy is adept at dividing the people into separate groups to to create conflicts.


The people will dissolve the corporation and all of the shareholders will be put on trial for the crimes of their corporations. We will decide who will speak for us, according to our true traditional process. Our position will be openly read to all our people, to parliament and to the public. The world will learn about the biggest holocaust that continues to this day. 

The corporation seems unconcerned that the world sees their open brutality. The shareholders of the corporation will never get away with the crime of mass murder and genocide. We continue to follow the natural law of the land. 

Meager handouts won’t do it. Corporate rules will be dismantled and never dominate the natural laws of ono-ware-keh, great turtle island, ever again.

The US must make a commitment of peace to the world.  

Led Zeppelin has some ideas about this situation, Kashmir: Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, With stars to fill my dreams. I am a traveler of both time and space. To be where I have been, And sit with elders of the gentle race. This world has seldom seenWho talk of days for which they sit and wait, When all will be revealed.”

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

New at Censored News www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com

https://www.facebook.com/stewart.burns.102 Standing Rock. 

http://collectivelyconscious.net/articles/forget-the-new-world-order-heres-who-really-runs-the-world/ NWO Who runs the world.













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MNN. April 7, 2017. The US knew that the Lakota, our supporters and allies were unarmed at Standing Rock. The US military unleashed chemical attacks against their own people. It was a violation of international law and a crime against humanity. See story/video: “After Using Chemical Weapons at Standing Rock, U.S. Slams Syrian Attack”  http://theantimedia.org/chemical-weapons-us-syrian/ 

The American Revolution never happened. It was the first international false flag against the aie-ra-kwa [Iroquois]. The real goal was to chop down the tree of peace and eliminate the great law of peace [kaia-nere-kowa] forever to create the US Republic of War. They mass murdered over 100 million of us in the Western Hemisphere. They got away with it because in their courts we are not people.


American exceptionalism is “We have the gun boats. We can attack anyone we want anywhere in the world. Nobody can do anything about it. So shut up!” The tragedy is that Americans believe these filthy lies. They are mostly reduced to money!

US thinks they can commit genocide at will and no one will ever stop them or charge them with any crime.

The generals who run Washington DC authorize these false flag attacks. The vets that came to Standing Rock saw the truth.


The Sioux people and Russia have stood up.

Only the people have the power to stop the ravages. We will not allow anyone in our community to work for the corporation of war. When the women take over the community, then there will be world peace. The business of the women is the children and the land they are brought into. The men’s role to ensure the protection of the people and the land.

As Deep Purple laments: “The sky is red. I don’t understand. Past midnight I still see the land. People are saying the woman is damned. She makes you burn with the wave of her hand. The city’s ablaze. The town’s on fire. The woman’s flames are reaching higher. We were fools, we called her ‘liar’. And all I hear is ‘burn’.”     


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 


FALSE FLAG IN SYRIA [FRANCE] https://jbl1960blog.wordpress.com/2017/04/07/idlib-faux-drapeau-la-ghouta-2-0/

DAVID ICKE ON TRUMP SYRIA STRIKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdnr32H34T4

TRUMP LIES TO JUSTIFY ATTACK ON SYRIA ► http://www.20minutes.fr/monde/syrie/2045587-20170407-video-frappes-syrie-aucun-enfant-dieu-devrait-avoir-subir-telle-horreur-justifie-donald-trump

Putin: US attack violates international law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNwXoeY-RTc 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=65&v=K4Q1fm1mRrM American on Syria attack 

PUTIN: US ALLEGATIONS CROCK OF SHIT https://www.facebook.com/eurasiadaily.nz/videos/1591135637844089/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

Russian warship heading for US navy destroyer that launched Syrian attack: http://americanmilitarynews.com/2017/04/breaking-news-russian-warship-heading-u-s-navy-destroyers-launched-syrian-attack/?utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=alt&utm_source=johnburk




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MNN. Apr. 6, 2017. The money machine wants the system, not the people to survive. They can only relate to the world through money, which is an illusion. The corporation controls the military and the world market place.We were slaughtered so the corporation and its colonial settlers could live as they do today and impose their brutal rule on the world. The US is a private corporation and Canada is a colonial corporation owned by British shareholders.

When the US goes to war, they purport to be fighting for their corporate citizens, who they consider as their own private property. 

They are not fighting for great turtle island or anything natural on it. They devastate the environment on great turtle island to manufacture weapons of war so they can export that death and destruction to the rest of the world.


We connect to the natural world through our spirit, ceremonies, praise for creation and our clans.


As the sovereigns we demand the corporation reduce military as we have no enemies; curtail the power of Wall Street which is illusionary; and restrict surveillance so as to enhance creative natural intelligence. We will stop spending our lives defending ourselves from these visiting thieves and murderers.

The rulers make war into a spectator sport, like a baseball game. The public even sits on hills on lawn chairs watching the bombings and mass murder. Play-by-play commentaries are made on livestream media. MSM are imbedded in the tanks with the blood-thirsty attackers to propagandize the action of war.

These power and money hungry people design and manufacture the lethal weapons and then have a big arms conventions to sell their weapons to all governments of the world.

We refuse to allow these war mongers to use our land and resources to kill people and destroy the earth.

The West lines up the investors, delivers the weapons, starts riots and false flags to create a demand for killing machines and then brag about it on MSM. The bankers set up the mercenaries on both sides of the conflict. Concentration camps are set up. AID workers are sent in with “gifts” for both sides of the battle, like the “Arab Spring” and all the false flag wars that followed.

The politicians pave the deliveries and payments and get their cut. Canada has always been the covert operator that manages the secret deals.

Bobby Darin sings about the sharks who’ve been biting us: “Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear. And it shows them pearly white. Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe. And he keeps it, ah, out of sight. Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe, Scarlet billows start to spread. Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe, So there’s never, never a trace of red. Now on the sidewalk, huh, huh, whoo sunny morning, un huh Lies a body just oozin’ life, eek. And someone’s sneakin’ ’round the corner. Could that someone be Mack the Knife? There’s a tugboat, huh, huh, down by the river don’tcha know, Where a cement bag’s just a’drooppin’ on down. Oh, that cement is for, just for the weight, dear. Five’ll get ya ten old Macky’s back in town…”



Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 



GAME: grand theft terra firma http://www.cbc.ca/arts/grand-theft-terra-firma-turns-canada-s-brutal-history-into-a-video-game-1.4054938

SNIPER ON THE HILL AT STANDING ROCK  http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2017/04/sniper-on-hill-standing-rock-and.html

ISRAELIS CHEER WAR  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing

Indigenous Women’s Delegation speaks out about DNB divestment:

Ganges become legal person http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-39488528?SThisFB

More photos from the delegation in Norway

Formerly Homeless Man Is New Owner Of Tiny, Saskatchewan Home

SELF HELP IDENTITY http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/terese-marie-mailhot-/self-help-native-identity_b_15763636.html