MNN Nov. 20, 2011.  Foreign occupiers [of Great Turtle Island]!  Looking for solutions?  Everything based on a lie is a lie.  Like how foreign corporate entities called “US” and “Canada” and their subjects live on the graves of our murdered ancestors.   It was through armed robbery of our land and resources!  

We always watched our visitors and looked beyond what everyone is meant to see. 

The Europeans brought their tamed.  Obedience was bred into them at a young age, generation after generation, reinforced by intimidation and punishment.    

They say they came here to live in paradise to have a perfect life.  They killed most of us and then destroyed it.   

These 1% hierarchical controllers of Western society don’t know us.  It took them 30 years to find Geronimo.  [He wasn’t hiding.  Just got tired of seeing how incompetent his pursuers were.]  

We indigenous are hunters, guerillas and observers of everything.    

Controllers mercilessly frighten, horrify and instill hopelesslesss in their subjects.  

The cops are the enforcers for the crime bosses, the bankers and politicians.  Repressive militarized force is under one command.      

In today’s urban warfare, the cops need a crowd, then gang up on their own people.  They beat up children, women, pregnant women, disabled, elderly and middle class softies who won’t hit back. The rest knuckle under.

The revolution will be gangster style hits.  Most of their subjects turn the other cheek, or brag about being beaten for no reason!   

Urban tactics include the two sides swarming each other and provocateurs pushing.  At the G20 in Toronto in 2010, in the “kettling” maneuver, the cops blocked off streets and the protesters marched in an orderly fashion.  The cops blocked them in, then beat and arrested them.  [See “Into the Fire”]. 

Cops fear people of color, lawsuits and riots.     

The government owns the people and the banks own their labor. 

Psychotic greed to own a worker’s life productivity drives them to greater crimes.  They threaten and even murder those who refuse to live with less so they can have more.  

The fascist economic system is collapsing.  Fraud and corruption are being exposed.  Fear of losing control is causing panic.  Worse is coming.      

What is the underlying element?   

The Vietnam protests got out of hand.  Not this time!   

We Indigenous do not let ourselves get herded for the kill. 

The crowd goes wild when they see blood.  They don’t want to be next.  They don’t have families or communities to run to who have any inherent obligations to them.  

The people will soon be panicking for food.  The White House is the main plantation that dispenses food.   According to the Romans, whoever has the key to the grainery controls the people and the empire. 

As Crazy Horse told us, “Know your enemy”.   Stay out of sight.   

Our energy comes from within us, not from someone yelling at us to defend ourselves.   Only we can save ourselves.  We don’t grovel in pain to show how much they’re hurting us.  

A real revolution has to expose all the truths, how the invaders murdered over a hundred million of us to have the American Dream.  Otherwise they will remain enslaved, screaming to be saved. 

Colonists may return to their masters who will take them back into feudal slavery.  The path is laid out, perfect and beautiful, in soft tones. 

Should we ask the foreign masters to take their people home?  They are lost souls. 

Every treaty ever made with us was violated. Under international law, if a treaty between nations is broken, everything reverts back to one day before the treaty was signed.    

Penn State is creating a super human killing machine. Drugs can deprive soldiers of sleep for 48 hours or more.  They will feel no scruples, no pain, no remorse.  Virtual videos show them how to kill women and children without guilt. The brain will be immersed in trans cranial magnet stimulators.   High levels of analytical thinking [intuition] will be switched off.  Field helmets will run complex battle scenarios. 

These dream team serial killers may not be able to return to normal.     

The military should be careful what they wish for.  Fear is necessary to protect your life.  

Our visitors think chopping off the head of the serpent will free them.  Always looking for outside help!  

For Indigenous our intuition will guide us to find what we need to know.  

Victory comes by living the great law of peace.  When the Europeans invaded Great Turtle Island they turned their backs on it.  Big mistake! 

MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go towww.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.


MNN EDITORIAL: Deadly shell game is over!

MNN  Nov. 6, 2011. Western society is a closed society.    Families are mostly immediate members.  Victimization of women and children is hidden.   

Indigenous communal society is open.  We are one family.  

The white race has always experimented on their own people to create humans that are obedient.  Their economic, social and government institutions reflect this.  They seek to domesticate and control all other humans.  


The international partnership of bankers, politicians, bureaucrats, corporations and military have committed mass murders to try to instill hopelessness and fear in us.     

Global control is a big shell game based on these entities controlling our money.  Their confidence trick is to perpetrate fraud to take over the world.  It’s imploding.  They need another con game to create world fascism.   

US President Obama vows to try to erase our inherent tie to our land by revolution so as to steal it.  We are resisting this attempted split between us and our mother, the earth.  

Killing, brutalizing, displaying Gadafi’s bloody body was meant to disrupt our system.  It didn’t. 

At the current “occupy” protests cops and protesters are from the same herd.  Cops see anyone on the street as a potential enemy.  These elite controlled sheepdogs fire at their own people to scare and herd them back in line, to get them ready for the great culling. 

Cops fear coming face to face with the “free ones”.  At us they send drones, chemical weapons, bombs and killer bacteria. 

They think they can outsmart nature.    

Caucasians are basically plain people, colorless, with uneven features and suffer from genetic anomalies. 

Addiction to plastic surgery is rampant among their rulers and the social climbers, to look younger, fitter and show off their wealth. They have no respect for elders. 

They get surgically fixed up cute-like so they can be favored pets. “Here, cutie, cutie.”    

The women favor the Barbie Doll look:  short nose, overblown lips, blond, blue eyed with generic even features, big boobs, fake bronzed skin and straight capped teeth.  The men are paranoid of going bald.        

Are they hiding their reptilian forbears?  We can still see their immoral system of oppression of mankind and that the world is based on white privilege.    

“We shall hide the truth so close in their face, they shall not recognize it until it is too late”.  [The Secret Covenant, Constitution of the Blood Line.] 

Drawing blood was how the colonists got our possessions.  They fear losing their self-centered dream, not being able to pay their college, house and car loans or their vacations.     

The betrayed occupy protesters keep supporting their worse tyrants. 

They face their tormenters, saying, “Look, see what you’re doing to me!”  Their masters say, “Good.  Suffer some more!”  To stop their complaining, they’re stroked once in a while.     

The free ones cannot submit to anyone. The rulers are obsessed with wiping out our naturalness.  

Indigenous defenders are guerilla strategists.  Our initiative comes from nature.  We can start all over again as long as we have our minds, our land, our lives and our people.  

The rulers tried unsuccessfully to change us by slapping, beating, and trying to make us run back to lick their hand.  Those “unfit’ were sterilized or “put down”.   

We live in close knit family groups.  We loathe captivity and are suspicious of strangers.  Those who rebel are targeted and disposed of, one way or another.  

According to Darwin’s research on selective breeding, the brains of domesticated animals is 23.9% to 35% smaller than their wild predecessors, such as the wolf and present day dogs.  Domestics are being taken care of.  They don’t need large brains.  They don’t even need chains. 

Domestic animals are artificially bred to be submissive to their masters.  They pet, abuse them and then call them back for a pat on the head, who then wag their tails in submission. 

Using this model, the rulers introduced their people to hierarchy.  They eat anything and too much, grow fast, don’t flee, submit themselves to social control and are not tied to the land and the natural world.  

The rulers need other humans to look after and work for them.  Humbleness is rewarded.  Free and independent thinkers are weeded out. 

Their unnatural habitats called “cities” are toxic and unsustainable.  

The “Civilized” tried to get the Indigenous to do their work, get their food and take care of them.  We wanted to show them how to take care of themselves.   

Colonizers found that a species that has no fear of them can be quickly exterminated.  Over 100 million of us in the Western hemisphere were murdered.   

Canada tried unsuccessfully to make us become obedient servants. Half our children in their residential school, over 50,000, died or were murdered, through deliberate infections, experimentation, perversion by upper levels of the church, political, judicial and police systems.   

Recently a Texas judge and his wife were secretly videotaped brutally beating their 16 year old daughter with a leather strap.  She screamed and cried.  The next day she was swollen and bruised and her father said, “good”.  

In another true story, a preacher’s wife and mother of 3, shot her husband dead.  He had been abusing her, making her watch pornography, dress up like a whore and performed perverted sex on her.  She was acquitted.  

Both these stealth predators are upper middle class.   They can cover up their abuse.   Their victims did not question it until they snapped. 

Robert Jensen in “Why White People are Afraid” summarizes [AlterNet] that: 

They got their wealth through the work of others.  They stole the resources to make weapons to control the people and strip the earth.   

They fear losing what they stole if the political and social systems become fair.  If the hierarchy evaporated, resources would be evenly shared. 

They committed genocide to get and keep what they took.  They know of their depravity.  Their greatest fear is that everyone can see that hierarchy is a lie. 

When we become the majority, will we treat them the same way they mistreated us?  When we were the majority, we took care of them.  

The US has created Non-Human Zones to decrease the population of “immigrants” [Indigenous] whom they call “undesirables”. They think brown couples shouldn’t have children or only one.  They, however, can have more as nature is depopulating them. 

They are being absorbed out of existence.  The children of mixed couples are predominantly colored.    

Can domestication be bred out?  It took thousands of years to create the servile class by setting up the hierarchy and perverting the truth.  

How far will they go?  Let’s get ready to rock!  

MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, to donate to help pay legal fees and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.







MNN.  Sep. 16, 2011.  Those criminals who murder and plunder the world are eventually removed by nature.  Their actions violate the natural world.  

EU Eurozone and its US and UK co-conspirators existed by leeching off the labor and resources of Indigenous people worldwide.  They invaded, built infrastructures and sent their people to run them.  Then the targets got a bill with inflated interest rates which they couldn’t pay.  War and oppression ensued and the people and their land were taken, exploited and destroyed.     


EU-US-UK money junkies are the enforcers of the theft of our resources and forcing us to work for next to nothing.  These imperialists think the minerals and oil that lie under us belong to them. 

EU-US-UK’s concern is the “risk of a vicious circle between sovereign debt, bank funding and negative growth” at home and abroad.  EU creates paper called money, backed by the military, to run the world economy. 

These crooks try to dominate us by persuasion, intimidation, bribes, fear, destabilization, denial of liberty, force, war, death and occupation.    

Old fashioned colonialism is not working.  EU-US-UK cannot pay their bills.  Their infrastructures look almost like bombed out war zones.  Their rusting, crumbling bridges, roads and ports reflect a dying empire.  

They are looking for other ways to steal from us and make us work for nothing.  The US suggests getting rough and tough with us!!!   

We are resisting. We are a negotiating block to be reckoned with.  The larger imperial powers can’t set the agenda and try to sell it to us by threats and sweeteners. 

We want freedom, protection of the environment, agriculture and to hang onto our resources and possessions.   They want these for themselves, without taking care of or sharing it.    

To run their international corruption, amoral bankers and their degenerate corporation buddies have to keep us in line, which is no longer possible.  

“A further reinforcement of bank resources is advisable”, meaning more worthless money has to be printed and shoved down our throats to make us give up our possessions.  

Global finance is in trouble.  Their fantasy of a planetary financial dictatorship is shattering.  EU-US-UK are warning us they can attack, hurt and kill us if we keep resisting.   

An anti-banking insurrection has started.  These panicking empires are dying and becoming third world countries.  They want war, not peace.  

Constant warfare is unnatural.  Nature will remain no matter what!  Those who don’t conform to the natural way are doomed.   

MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, to donate to help pay legal fees and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.





MNN.  May 4, 2011.  US President Obama made the decision to send assassins to disfigure and brutally murder someone he said was Osama Bin Laden.  Rather than capture and question a mastermind, they kill him and cowardly feed him to the sharks.  Obama invited his powerful government decision makers to become desensitized to human slaughter by watching a live stream public killing.   

Obama misnamed it “Operation Geronimo”.  Factually the Apache Warrior was a respected military genius who brilliantly evaded the US and Mexican armies simultaneously.  In 1889 he was forced to surrender when they threatened to capture and kill his people.  The US ignored these conditions.  

Geronimo’s skull was taken to the Yale Skull and Crossbones Secret Society for use in their covert initiations of the elite.  Using his name to murder Osama Bin Laden indicates they are behind this bloody carnage and bragging about it.   Their message is, “We will eliminate anyone who opposes our worldwide totalitarian agenda and war against brown-skinned people”.    

Osama Bin Laden was supposedly in a house near the US run Pakistani military academy.  The US Navy Seals wore helmets with cameras to film the operation.   They came down in choppers, shot him in the face in cold blood, took his body and dropped it into the ocean.     

Obama’s staff watched it to be part of and to own it.  Like a school of sharks circling a bleeding body, they went into a feeding frenzy, transfixed as they watched the supposed Bin Laden die in agony.  The President stirred up the blood lust to prepare his officials for the attempted conquest and expansion of US imperialism.    

Obama whet the public’s appetite for blood by organizing street celebrations and to promote vicious spectator sports, akin to snuff films. 

This is reminicent of the Roman Coliseum blood spectacles where people were forced to watch their men kill each other to get used to how cheap their lives were.   

Hitler mesmerized the German youth to march off to war by carefully conditioning and selecting those that would kill, torture and purge the world without blinking an eye.  

President Obama told the media that Bin Laden fired shots from an automatic and used his wife as a shield.  This lie had to be retracted.  He was unarmed and did not hide behind his wife.   

Are we sure it was Osama Bin Laden?  The victim’s face was blown apart.  Initial pictures looked like photo shop amalgamation of another dead man made to look like Bin Laden.  

Bin Laden was never charged with 911 because there was no evidence.  

The President and Congress congratulated themselves on the ruthless killing.  Their message is, “We don’t arrest.  There is no judicial process.  We kill you and then dump your body”, just like the mafia.   

The President is trying to assert the law of the Obama jungle, “We can eliminate anyone who speaks against our totalitarian agenda”.  Dictators worldwide are being encouraged to do the same.   

In our way when any warrior dies, we honor them, their nobility and dignify them with a respectful burial.  


We Indigenous are being targeted to usurp our birthright and our rightful voice as the true spokespeople of Great Turtle Island and the Western Hemisphere.  White and Black people know they don’t naturally belong here and can’t legitimately speak for us.    

To stop these indignities to our fellow humans, we must teach the Great Law of Peace and assert our voice.  

Kahentinetha, MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, to donate to help pay legal fees and to sign up for MNN newsletters go towww.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Category “Art & Culture”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.






– SOMETHING ROTTEN IN DENMARK, NORWAY, RUSSIA, US, CANADA MNN.Aug. 5 09. More colonial subterfuge! Canada, US, Russia, Norway, Denmark and other imperialist entities are trying to steal the Indigenous area of northern Great Turtle Island. Climate change is causing the ice to recede. They all want to cart away our minerals, oil and gas. Ruskie and US subs have surfaced in the far north.Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is standing around the North Pole, waving his arms and screaming, “I was the first crook here. So it’s all mine, mine, mine!” He wants the true inhabitants, the Inuit, to live there year round to assert Indigenous sovereignty. They can hold back the other foreigners while he and his friends gouge out the riches. To him Canada is the only imperialist that can rob us as it’s under the usurpation of the colony of Canada!

On January 28, 2006, the Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka issued a public notice of objection to this attempted seizure of our inherent right to the “Arctic Region” by these foreign states, corporations, “outsiders” and non-Indigenous interests. The Inuit, our family, are the natural custodians of this area which belongs to our unborn generations.

According to Wampum 44 of the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Ongwehonwe Women Title Holders are the “progenitors of the soil” of Great Turtle Island. We are the Caretakers of the land, water and air. We told these capitalist blood suckers to stay away, that they have no business here.

Self-determination is a universal human right. The denial of a nation’s exis¬tence constitutes genocide, according to the many international covenants these states have pledged to uphold. Modern international law protects small peoples from incursions by aggressive states who use military and economic force to impose their will. Their turf war over our territory, waters and resources violates our customs, practices, occupation and rights.

We cannot surrender our birthright. This land is who we are. The Western Sahara decision provides that a territory cannot be incorporated in another state without the informed consent of the majority of its people. This was not done because they know that we will never agree to give up our identity.

No one made a treaty of cession with us to enter our Arctic waters and territory.

International, federal, state and provincial entities cannot violate international law and the rule of law by superseding our jurisdiction over territory that we never surrendered.

Colonialism is illegal. Past agreements and treaties only allowed foreigners to live peacefully on our land.

Any foreigner wishing to enter our territory must deal with us through nation-to-nation protocol. No foreign entity and their corporate bodies and associated or visitor such as the colony of Canada can invite outsiders onto our territory or sell off our resources.

In Canada we took an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh v. Attorney General of Canada and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785.

We brought this constitutional jurisdiction issue before the U.S. Supreme Court. See No. 05-165: 2005. In The Supreme Court of the United States In re Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh, Non-party, Petitioner/Movant/Appellant, The Canadian St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians, Plaintiffs, Respondents, v. The State of New York, Defendants, Respondents. Petition for Writs of Certiorari and Quo Warranto with Prohibition and Mandamus in Aid to Prevent Genocide. Rules 17.1 and 20.1.

There are two camps: our enemy and ourselves. The increasing dependence of international capitalists on neo-colonial theft makes their existence and future uncertain. They are facing serious economic and social difficulties making them desperate. Some of the symptoms are rising prices, balance of payments problems, unemployment and social unrest. Their use of more violence, armed force and coercion indicates their panic and decline in their power.

The masses are resisting the might is right strategy. The capitalists are finding themselves in an unhealthy position. We must keep confronting them with the truth, which they’re saying is unpeaceful and annoying to them.

The Arctic has become unlivable due to the environmental destruction caused by the imperialists. The Inuit have the same duties to care for our mother, Great Turtle Island. We are brothers and sisters. We follow your issues and feel all the stresses that you are going through. We hope you won’t allow yourselves to be used by any of these foreign invaders. They are trying to exploit you and nothing good will come of it.

Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Go to MNN “WOMEN TITLE HOLDERS” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews;Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php;Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

OBJECTION SENT TO: Canada; United States; Denmark; Russia; Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II; Governor General of Canada; all Provinces of Canada; President of United States; Department of Justice Canada; U.S. Department of Justice; Attorney General of Canada; U.S. Attorney General; Department of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior; Stock Exchanges Toronto, Montreal, New York, London. Tokyo, Hong Kong and Zurich; The Pentagon; U.S. Army and Navy; European Union; Department of Defense Canada; Canada Steamship Lines;

poster: katenies



MNN. June 14 2009. Fascism is when the oligarchs put together enough force to enslave society in the interests of a few. It starts with fervent nationalism. Scapegoats are picked. Genocide is planned. Properties, authority and resources are seized. Territory is expanded.THE LEADER is charismatic and backed by huge corporations. He’s an ideologue with an uncompromising belief system. He seizes power and directs the state to implement his ideas on how the world should operate. He becomes the supreme commander of the armed forces and the high court until a new election is called, if ever.

A strong central government is created under a hard line paternalistic leader. Appointees must submit to him. Rivals are silenced or eliminated through wild unfounded accusations and smear campaigns. Members of the government vote in favor of these measures in return for protection. Otherwise they could be barred from attending sessions.

The constitution is suspended by declaring emergencies. Checks and balances are removed. No questions can be asked. Power is exercised through emergency decrees blamed on an unworkable parliament or congress. Laws and decrees are passed to protect the dictator from criticism, corruption charges, criminal activities and abuse of power. His term becomes indefinite.

Other parties are banned or dissolved. State and provincial governments are abolished.

MILITARY AND PARA MILITARY power takes over the national police and military. Old army officers and reserves are called into service. Stockwell Day suggested that all agents and government employees wear uniforms.

SCAPEGOATS are created. Some are attacked and almost beaten to death. Public anger and frustration are focused on one target who have been labeled terrorists or insurgents to cause hysteria. The military takes them out of the civil court system, i.e. Guantanamo Bay. Their communities are boycotted. Agents are sent in to vandalize their properties and make them look bad. Strict penalties are set for anyone who conducts alleged phony “economic sabotage” such as protecting the environment, resources and territories.

PROPAGANDA is brainwashing to support the views of the fascists. The occult or forced conversion to one world religion causes confusion, conformist thinking and escapism. Non-followers can’t get jobs or food or services.

Media and access to information is controlled.

Small groups are infiltrated, especially the youth. Obama has created a youth corps to keep an eye on their parents and neighbors. A snitch line has been set up like the 911, Crime Stoppers and hot lines to spy on anyone anonymously.

Party supporters are sent out to distribute information and to recruit. Frequent meetings are held to feed into the frightened state of mind in troubled times.

Public meetings are stormed. Declarations are made. Destruction of opponents is demanded. Suggestions are made to set up or support a new strict government. Organizers cause dissention inside dissident groups.

Agents set up a coup-like atmosphere like marches and demonstrations. They wear out the people and give police and military practice in controlling and scaring the public.

The state makes decisions over peoples’ lives and gathers information from the cradle to the grave. Microchips from central data banks contain information on medical records, licenses, education, social services, travel, etc.

An ECONOMIC depression is created. If the head of Bank of Canada or Bank of America disagree with the emperor, they are replaced.

Local business interests are forced to cooperate with the fascists. Large multinational companies like Wal Mart are brought in to destroy small businesses.

Appeals are made to the working class, petit bourgeois like bank clerks, middle management and those who are ambitious. They see fascism as a way to rise up in the system and become heads in the new regime. Industrialists, monarchists and the monied class fanatically support fascism. Foreign collaborators, rich authoritarians, opportunists, media moguls and business men finance the party.

Labor unions are brought under control or wiped out.

Economic engineering includes debt flotation and military expansion. Financing is based on currency manipulation including credit debts. High unemployment is maintained. Arms production is accelerated. Built are dams, highways, railroads and civic works like prisons, labor camps and holding facilities for indefinite periods.

More cops are hired. Court workers and judicial officers are increased. Legal aid, social assistance, housing and other social services are cut. Child welfare agencies are given more power to seize children. Prison sentences are longer. Control mechanisms include more probation officers, judicial supervision, conditional sentences and supervisory court orders.

Women stay home. The state takes the kids. The Fuhrer becomes their father. The standard of living is kept down. Wages are reduced. People are told to make sacrifices for the mother land.

AGGRESSIVE LAW AND ORDER campaigns are started to keep the fascists in power. Periodic demonstrations like the Nuremberg rallies are set up so the head honcho can give long confusing public speeches.

HABEAS CORPUS is suspended. Freedom of speech and assembly are suppressed.

REVOLUTIONARY DEALS are kept secret. The people have to be kept asleep so they don’t ask questions.

PRETEXT EVENTS are staged like 911 to justify bringing in anti terrorism laws and repressive measures to take away liberty in the name of security.

FOOD RATIONING is established. Hydroponic centers chemically produce food to replace farmers.

EUGENICS – Get rid of “Useless eaters”, anyone who refuses to become part of the laboring or slave class is dispensed with. Pressure is put on people by limiting access to their needs.

WAR – Adjacent territories are taken over and become protectorates as part of empire building. Everybody becomes a citizen of the world under one global order. Cultures and languages are wiped out. Americans and their supporters declare themselves to be carrying out their manifest destiny.

Government must appear to be moderate. Everybody else is being stubborn. While they call for peace, these inhuman tyrants start small local conflicts before going into a large war. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, it’s already happening. Look for yourself!

Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

poster: katenies



– CURE FOR OBAMA FEVER IS “INDIAN” HISTORYMNN. Jan. 21, 2009. U.S. President Barack Obama slipped a subtle comment into his inauguration “mind control” speech on January 20th. When Obama defined America as a nation of “Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers”, he deliberately left out Indigenous peoples. We have our value systems. We have our knowledge. He sneaked in the intention to ignore us when he said that “the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve”. To Americans the word “tribe” means the Ongwehonwe. We are the caretakers and trustees of the lands and resources of the world which the New World Order NWO or One World “Government” must steal to control the world. Our role puts us squarely in the path of this grand scheme of a few bankers, the governments they control and their deadly enforcement agencies.

Colonial “band or tribal councils” will be put in charge of indigenous people where possible such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Other Indigenous peoples will be “eliminated” or ignored. It looks like this program will be run by the United Nations “International Department of Indian Affairs” on behalf of the NWO war mongers.

Obama’s main message is, “If you don’t do it the American way, we will crush you”. It is all the more “devious” because it’s coming in this velvet glove that claims that it’s being done in a spirit of cooperation. The real message is, “we will defeat you”. A new disease is being spread called “Obama fever”. The symptoms are flag waving, millions gathering and clapping like a bunch of trained seals and hypnotic sectarian rapping. O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma! The following are comments by “Native Pride” and MNN Mohawk Nation News:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009: Obama: The New Lincoln? We Hope Not!

As the US crowns its new king, the world looks on with [media guided] hope and wonder. The former Illinois Senator has been compared to one of the most popular US Presidents, Abraham Lincoln who was seen as the Great Emancipator, Freer of the Slaves and the Healer of a Divided Nation. Obama swore his oath of office on Lincoln’s Bible.

Buried in that era of slavery and Civil War are a few chapters of the American “Indian” Holocaust of 115 million, the biggest in all humanity, that began long before Lincoln and continues today. While Mr. Lincoln was earning a fake place in history, he signed the Homestead Act in 1862. This was a law offering huge tracts of our lands to foreign white settlement. It was put through without consultation, without consent and without regard for the rights and needs of our people. Eventually 1.6 million homesteads were granted on our land and 270,000,000 acres of our territories were privatized between 1862 and 1986, which is 10% of all lands in the U.S. In the conflicts that raged over this illegal action, thousands of Ongwehonwe men, women and children were killed and millions of acres of our territories remain unlawfully occupied. This has nothing to do with honesty, courage, fair play and tolerance. Obama’s speech demonstrates clearly his concept of loyalty and patriotism has nothing to do with respect for the Ongwehonwe of Turtle Island and our future generations. [www.nathankramer.com]

Two days after Lincoln signed the “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863, he signed an order to hang 38 Dakota Sioux in Mankato Minnesota. There were only about 40 adult men of fighting age left out of 400 “prisoners of war”. The U.S. agent refused to feed the Indigenous people and was selling the rations that were meant for them. The men begged for food for their people who were starving to death. He told them to eat grass. They killed him and stuffed his mouth with grass. [Visithttp://www.republicoflakotah.com]

These details of American history are rarely visited. John F. Kennedy basks in the glow as a champion of civil rights. He had no problem violating human rights and the treaty with the Seneca Nation. In 1960 he broke a campaign promise and approved the flooding of thousands of acres of Seneca land and the construction of the Kinzua Dam in upper New York State.

Today New York State has a black Democratic Governor, David A. Paterson. He has just signed an illegal document authorizing the destruction of the existing economies of eleven Ongwehonwe communities in the state. It is obvious the Americans are the big bullies they’ve always been since King Henry VII issued the “Cabot Charter” in 1496. It authorized the capture and plunder of any lands belonging to non-Christian people that might be found. [Avalon.law.yale.edu/15ph_century/cabot01.asp]

Many Ongwehonwe have embraced this new U.S. President Barack Obama. Many of us do not. We hope that he will not earn the traditional title, “Rahnatakias”, which is our word for U.S. President. It means “town destroyer”. In 1779 the first President, George Washington, ordered the genocide of all Rotino’shonni:onwe, Iroquois people, our communities and food sources in the lands between Wyoming and the Canadian border. He eliminated over a hundred thousand of us by famine and disease. [www.joycetice.com]

No, Obama is not our president. He is the 44th man to hold the title of Rahnatakias on behalf of the colonists who are occupying our territories. The valid nation-to-nation relations with Ongwehonwe are always a low priority or non-existent for any colonial administration.

People are looking to Mr. Obama for a solution. The true test of his promise of change will come in the treatment of the Ongwehonwe. Is he going to be another two faced reformer, a Washington, a Lincoln or a Kennedy, who preaches equality and freedom while crushing us under his heel? We refuse to be put under colonial “Federal Indian Law” headlocks.

The U.S. will not stop its decline by continuing to dispossess and oppress us. They have to meet us on the original nation-to-nation terms. We have never surrendered our jurisdiction over ourselves or our resources or our territories. They have to acknowledge the crimes of the past. They have to reign in their colonizing beast. They have to stop feasting on the dead bodies of our ancestors. They have to stop dancing so hard on our lands and resources that they starve and suffocate the generations to come.

Native Pride and MNN Mohawk Nation News Comment to:http://www.letstalknativepride.blogspot.com Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News Staff,http://www.mohawknationnews.com katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal athttp://www.mohawknationnews.com, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “United States of America” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

poster: katenies



27.11.2008 20:16:49


MNN. Nov. 25, 2008. It’s called “warehousing of surplus humanity”. All humans are equal. No one can decide that we are surplus. The object is to remove the target people from existence. This is real, folks!

First, the territory of the targets is occupied. Their communities, work, education, finances and colonial apparatus are controlled by the outside forces. The agenda is carried out by the bureaucrats and military. They are trained in oppression using non-lethal weaponry to stay within the bounds of the UN human rights conventions.

A fascist state needs an uneducated non-resisting people. To achieve this, lots of interference in every day life, schooling and economy are priorities. The youth are specially interfered with. Places of work, schools or commerce are not set up within the communities forcing them to work or attend school or shop outside.

The target group is usually isolated from anybody who could help them. They are demonized. There is a media blackout so that the perpetrators can “warehouse” other victims later on who will be unprepared and unable to defend themselves.

Eventually walls are put up around the targets with checkpoints everywhere. Food and essentials are stopped from going in and out. Electricity is turned off. Water is undrinkable. The bus breaks down. Detours are set up everywhere forcing them to spend hours to carry on their normal lives. “Flying [mobile] check points” are set up everywhere on a permanent or temporary basis. They can arrive and stay for minutes or hours at any place anytime. Anybody can be arrested for going to meetings to discuss their plight.

The situation gets worse. Blockages of the community become more often and more severe. Sometimes nothing goes in or out. Electricity is cut off more often so that raw sewage flows in the streets. Houses can’t be heated. Refrigerated food goes bad.

To instill fear schools, institutions, hospitals and even homes are threatened or burnt down or trashed. Teachers, workers and service providers stop giving services “to protest the blockades” or “dangers” they are forced to work in. Papers, books and communications are kept out or controlled. No one gets trained to be a doctor or professional which are necessities in such communities. 90% have no job. It comes to a point where some families can only send one child to school or out to work. Each family is allowed one member to have a job.

Because of the system of checkpoints and walls, workers and students have to leave home and live near schools or their place of work to avoid 4 hours a day of travel which normally takes 20 minutes.

The targets are constantly reminded they are being watched. The police or special army units walk into their homes, at 2:00 am, without knocking, ask for ID and then take them to the police station. They study the personality of the targets and look for collaborators or spies to work with them. They take unflattering pictures after the interrogation or torture so the targets look like criminals.

Nighttime is the worst time. The targets are kept awake. They could be taken away at any moment. Soldiers come inside, point guns and start beating anyone in their sight. They yell, “Give me your ID”. People are forced outside without shoes or proper clothing. Hundreds of their community members are on their knees in the streets, sometimes until 3 am. Names are called out by the police on speakers. Some are taken away and interrogated for 5 hours and asked if they saw anyone throw stones or speak badly of them. This excuse is usually bogus.

There are 7 to 8 hour waits at the checkpoints. Students or workers can only go home once every 6 to 7 months to visit their family. They have to sneak there and sometimes have to hide out all night. They can’t use the main roads and are forced to go into the woods or mountains. All of these atrocities are video taped by the oppressors with cameras everywhere. These are for study, training, propaganda and their own perverted pleasure.

The students or workers have to leave 2 hours before class or work to go 5 minutes away. Everybody is fingerprinted at the checkpoints. All their bags are checked. Their iris is scanned and their biometric identification with all manner of information and misinformation is scanned.

Curfews are set up throughout the communities and towns. Mobile military checkpoints are put on tanks and jeeps with snipers watching over them. Communities, schools or institutions are closed down at will. The strategy is to make sure students cannot study or people cannot work, meet or move around. If they object, the children, women and men can be “detained” or beaten or even shot.

The main gates have high security electronic doors. There are “blind” checkpoints where military jeeps suddenly appear and demand IDs. People are forced to wait for minutes or hours. No one can complain during this examination. The police or military can invade the community or shoot and throw tear gas at anytime if they perceive a security threat. Anyone can be jailed. Young men are in put in prisons. Beautiful young girls are forced to take off all their clothes and crawl on their hands and knees through the checkpoints. They are made to eat food that is forbidden by their culture or they are allergic to.

Palestinians say this is how they are being treated by the Israelis. Canadian police and military are being sent to Israel for training on “crowd control”. Many of these fascist tactics were used on us during the 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis. 5,000 Canadian soldiers surrounded three of our communities [Kanehsatake, Kahnawake and Akwesasne] behind razor wire and fully armed troops. It was because we opposed the desecration of our burial and ceremonial sites. We were surrounded by walls of police, soldiers, armaments and checkpoints for 78 days. We had to wait for hours to get through them while suffering specially designed humiliation from the soldiers and police.

Canadian soldiers went into Mohawk homes purportedly looking of weapons. They smashed everything and even s–t on the floors. Many of us were arrested for no reason or for “political activities”, which is called “administrative detention”.

Canada is no goody-goody! Canada collected much secret “information” about us. They refuse to disclose it because their misconceptions and misinterpretations could be challenged. Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to change the laws so that the youth as young as 14 years old can be sent to adult prisons! This looks like it’s aimed at our Ongwehonwe youth.

How can such cruel conditions be created by members of a well-educated nation whose ancestors were subject to unspeakable abuse? Canada is bringing back these practices that originally came from here. The South Africans learned “apartheid” from Canada. Laws and policies were passed here to mistreat and demoralize us and cut down our population. The colonial strategy included genocide, the pass system and mental and moral abuse. Hitler praised Canada and the U.S. for their thoroughness in getting rid of the “Indian problem”. He copied the reservation and residential school systems for his concentration camps. Like Canada he tried to instill hopeless, to break down our spirit and to kill us off. It will never work. We will always be here on our land.

Karakwine & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com
katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal atwww.mohawknationnews.com, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much.

Go to MNN “Canada” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

THE OTTAWA PLANNERS. Public Safety [Danger]: Minister Peter “Pumpkin-Eater-and-Trough-Licker” Van Loan; Suzanne “Hurts-to-be-Herself” Hurtubise DM 613- 991-2895; Myles “Away-from-Reality” Kirvan ADM 613- 990-2633, 613-949-0322; Chantal “Dirty-Fingers-in-Every-Pie” Bernier ADM Community Safety [Endangerment] and Partnerships (613) 993-4325; Scott “ODB” Broughton Sr ADM Emergency [Mis]Management and National [In]Security (613) 991-2820; Lynda “Useless-Forked-Tongued-Drone” Clairmont ADM, same as “ODB” (613) 990-4976; Daniel “Pepsi-and-May-West” Lavoie DG Communications (613) 990-2743; Elisabeth “Botox-from-Head-to-Toe” Nadeau ADM, Corporate Theft (613) 990-2615; Kristina “Fingers-Getting-Itchier-and-Itchier-to-push-the-Trigger” Namiesniowski ADM Strategic Policy (613) 949-6435; Eva “Nosey-Nit-Picker” Plunkett Inspector Field “General” of CSIS (613) 949-0675; Richard “Diarrhea-Mouth” Wex ADM Policing, Law Enforcement & Interoperability (613) 990-2703. The biggest safety risk for us Ongwehonwe is this ADM cabal of agents;
Health Canada, partners with the US through the Canada-US Joint Radiological Response Plan, under the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan, Foreign Affairs & International Trade Minister Lawrence “Chinese-Food-Glutton-at-Taxpyers-Expense” Cannon 613-992-5516 Fax 613-992-6802 Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca.



MNN. Nov. 11, 2008. A “stool pigeon” is an information “carrier pigeon” inside a community. They give intelligence about us to our enemies, like police, government, social scientists or academics who pretend to study us. Let’s not forget those “5th column” scumbags – the band or tribal councils and “aboriginal” police forces – that have been forced on us by our enemies. We Mohawks are officially number 3 on the “terrorist” list put out by Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada, after Alqaeda and the Tamil Tigers. Doesn’t it look like the state is setting us set up for something?The Canadian Secret Intelligence Service CSIS didn’t want to twiddle its thumb. It’s picking on us to justify its existence, or they’re very bored. They are recruiting informants among our people. A CSIS woman, Nancy Demarais, called Tewhonwasonte. He writes a column for the Kahnawake Eastern Door newspaper and is a member of the 207 Long House where some of the traditional people meet.

This CSIS Wanna-be “Mata Hari” with a bag of money wanted a secret rendez-vous with Tewhonwasonte in a restaurant outside the community. She wanted to talk about ‘Mohawk’ stuff, like the tobacco industry and especially about our sister community of Tyendinaga. It was a thinly veiled attempt to gain “strategic” information about us. In exchange Mata Hari offered to give him some “interesting” information. “I think you will have a smile on your face”, she said. Tewhonwasonte told her he would get back to her.

Tewhonwasonte called the Long House who said, in effect, “This is nation business. If she wants to talk to us, she should come to the Longhouse and tell everybody what she wants”. Tewhonwasonte called Mata Hari. She was not interested in an open and honest nation-to-nation relationship. She was probably already writing an impressive report to her superiors on how she “tricked” us into giving her “information”. She said, in effect, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll keep shopping”.

Why is Canada skulking around spying on us instead being above board and meeting us face-to-face? Is Canada trying to depose our government? Remember, evil is always covert and truth is for everyone. Last Friday the Eastern Door carried a front page story on this search for Mohawk “007s”.

Spies are everywhere! Even companies have spies to keep an eye on everybody. When an MNN editor worked at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino, an executive asked her to spy on her fellow employees. She declined. Another was asked to spy on her fellow employees at the animal shelter where she volunteered. She was even asked to spy on the animals and report any “mad dogs and Englishmen”!

States commonly use assassins, spies and secret agents. They are called “rats”, “snitches”, spooks”, “confidential informants” or an “anonymous source”. Spying is the act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, fabricating or receiving information about how we defend ourselves from the onslaughts of the colonizers. The information turned over to the outsiders is used to injure us.

State espionage is usually done for military purposes. Canada is continuing its military operations and threats against us today even though military approaches to social problems are illegal according to international law. In our opinion, domestic terrorism is being done in Canada aimed at us.

How are informants cultivated? Someone can become an informant after an arrest, threat or torture. “If you spy for us, we’ll protect you” [from us], so the story goes. They send them back to blend into the target community. They may even let them conduct crimes like dealing drugs so long as they give information about the community to their handlers.

The spy known as the “asset” is directed by a “cover” or a “handler”. In between are the “cut outs” or “couriers” who deliver the messages and who may not know the asset or the handler. The CIA model is a clandestine cell system where the players don’t ever meet, except on a need-to-know basis. A “safe house” is a refuge for spies.

The cover can be stationed in the middle of the community where they recruit and supervise their agents who spy on us. They try to recruit someone who is trusted and has access to sensitive information. A spy who tries to infiltrate the target is called a “legend”. They can also be long time “moles” or “defectors” who stay within the community and even have families.

Some agents could be the janitor who digs through people’s trash. This gives new meaning to the term “bottom feeders”. They are also known as “dumpster divers”. Sometimes the lowest person in the organization is actually the head of the spy ring.

Some “stool pigeons” start out as volunteers who think they are doing the right thing for our enemies. If they develop a good rapport with the cops or outside assets or handlers, eventually they might get paid for “stooling” on us.

The spies bring in fake information to the targeted community and also put out propaganda against us to the outside. “Oh, the RCMP is gonna make a raid”, just to put us on edge. The information is meant to demoralize us and make us look bad. They try to convince us that the enemy is stronger and that “it’s no use” to assert our rights or the law.

The Belleville Intelligencer vilified us by publishing the list of Mohawks who are going to be charged for “protesting” the recent delivery of the mega prison that Canada and the OPP want to illegally put in the middle of Tyendinaga. Freedom of expression is not a crime! Their deliberate misinformation is meant to have a serious affect on us. We can’t get a job, our kids are mistreated at school or we have difficulty going about our normal activities like shopping, going to the arena or the hospital without being hassled.

Presently spying is done in person, by GPS linked to satellites or aircraft, misleading reports, planting bugs or taps to listen to people’s conversations, watching us through binoculars or following us, taking our pictures or computer hacking into emails. Espionage technology and tactics have become very sophisticated, like concealment devices, covert listening instruments, monitoring and tracking contraptions, one way voice links, surveillance and remotely activated phones. Now “Drones” UAVs can follow us and attacks can be set off by remote from Ottawa.

What motivates someone to betray their own people? It’s either money, greed, blackmail, ideology, compromise, ego, threats or for “something beneficial”. There are those who feel that life has cheated them. They want to get back at the society that misunderstood them and did not appreciate them. Other levers of coercion for recruitment are homosexuality, bribery, excitement, romance and sex.

Espionage is a violation of the Kaianerehkowa, the Great Law, our constitution. A spy breaking their own nation’s laws can be imprisoned. Wampum 58 provides that, “any persons who submit to laws of a foreign people are alienated and forfeit their birthright and claims of the Rotino’shonni:onwe and territory”.

Sorry, allies, friends and supporters! We need you and appreciate your help. However, the way things are going we have to watch for any stranger that strolls into our midst. We need to check their background, ask a lot of questions and not get suckered by fast talkers and their gifts. We have to watch out for another “pretext event” which, if in Canada, will implicate the Ongwehonwe. It’s like 911 which implicated the people of the Middle East.

Our philosophy sustains our families, communities and friends. Our ties are so strong that we help each other without hesitation for no payment. We must be alert to all the tricks our enemies are using to recruit one of us to work against us. For those who have already been recruited, better start worrying. No one anywhere in the world likes a traitor in their midst.

Karakwine & MNN Staff, Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

CSIS: http://www.csis-scrs.ca; Manon Berube – Media 613-231-0100;

Go to MNN “Kahnawake ” category for more stories;

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Note: These challenges of abuses at the border require support and money. Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal at www.mohawknationnews.com, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much.

poster: katenies



MNN. Nov. 13, 2008. The Canadian military planted a little notice in that corporate mouthpiece, the “Belleville Intelligencer”, on November 12th that they are going to do “battle simulation” at nearby Trenton Air Force Base from November 13 to 16. It’s a 20-minute drive from the Tyendinaga Mohawk community. “It’s Just an Exercise” write the “Belleville Dummies”. [See article at end].The Mohawks have ordered these aggressive thugs to back off Haudenosaunee air space!

Could this have anything to do with the Mohawks filing an injunction to stop the next attempt to deliver the “porta prison” some time this week? We were not consulted nor gave our consent according to the traditional decision-making system of our constitution, the Kaianerehkowa, Canadian and international laws.

Why “simulated emergency scenarios” right next to Tyendinaga? How do we know what’s real and not real here? ”Smoke and emergency vehicles”, OPP and military police are involved. Are these little boys playing war games and using us as targets! Is the media going to be imbedded in the army vehicles pretending to go off to war? The contact is Captain Mark “Smoke-and-Mirrors-Screener” Peebles, 8 Wing Public Affairs Officer at 613-392-2811, ext. 2041 or 613-243-6358 (mobile).

It is one of the biggest air force bases in Canada. What planes, helicopters and drones will be flying over us? Will they fly at night? How far from the base? Given the military record for environmental destruction, what toxins will be in the smoke? What weapons and live ammunition will be used? Will there be bloodied or dead-looking volunteers or bodies involved? Do these dead bodies get the boys all psyched up and stimulated, for what? To get their jollies by pretending to kill innocent babies, women and men?

At the time of both the 911 attacks and the London subway bombings, there were military exercises taking place nearby. Nobody knows for sure which is which and who is who? Such exercises confuse and scare people who could freak out, have a heart attack and even react as if it’s real. The public could think this is another “pretext event” like 911. Then what happens? Why here and why now?

Amnesty International just released an open letter to Rick Bartolucci, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. They condemn the OPP actions at Tyendinaga during recent protests. They again call upon the Ontario government to, “Publicly affirm its support for the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) “Framework for Police Preparedness for Aboriginal Critical Incidents” and commit to ensuring that officers are held accountable for any breaches of this Framework.”

Amnesty International describes how, “Julian Fantino said during cross-examination in a provincial court that the Framework is “not a firm and fixed mandated way of doing business.” How much “discretion” are cops taking? They point out that Fantino’s remarks threatening Shawn Brant’s safety and reputation were recorded, cannot be denied and are cause for serious concern.

Ongwehonweh, watch out! We have to protect ourselves from these provocative threats by the Canadian squatter state. Carry cameras to record incidents and avoid traveling alone. We should treat this as a critical situation until we know differently.

Iako’ha:kowa & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com kittoh@storm.ca
katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

To help, please contact the Rotiskenrakete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053, 613-827-4991, 613-391-5132, 613-848-6968, 613-813-1017, email wasoonde3232@aol.com Friends, allies and supporters: witnesses bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: Trans Canada Highway 401 to “Marysville Road” exit, south on #49 to #2, then turn right into the community.

Head colonial cheese at Tyendinaga: band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte 613-396-3424 reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; Band Council Chief R. Don “Fantasizes-himself-as-the-“warden”-of-Tyendinaga-guillotine-whips-and-all” Maracle, 613-396-3089, Cell 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106 info@mbq-tmt.org

Canada and their agents have to know that we want an: (1) immediate stop to their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on us; (2) to honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) to support our struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

Some contacts and provocateurs of our misery: Governor General GG Michaelle “Haitian-Against-the-Nation” Jean info@gg.ca; Prime Minister Stephen “Corporate-Hatchet-Man” Harper, (613) 992-4211 Fax: (613) 941-6900, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca; Peter “Electro-Magnetic-Slime-Bucket-Bully” MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, (613) 992-6022 Fax: (613) 992-2337, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, Constituency office (902) 863-7005 Fax: (902) 863-7006, (902) 752-0226 Fax: (902) 752-0284, (902) 885-3490 Fax: (902) 885-3179; Peter “Pumpkin-Eater-and-Trough-Licker” Van Loan, Minister of Public Safety, Constituency Office T 905-898-1600 or 1-877-738-3748, F 905-898-4600, vanlop1@parl.gc.ca or VanLoan.P@parl.gc.ca, Parliament Hill Office 613-996-7752 F 613-992-8351, vanloan.p@parl.gc.ca; Mugger Chuckie “Wants-to-show-the-world-how-to-attack-Ongwehonwe-children-women-men” Strahl Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians StrahC@parl.gc.ca, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941; Telephone: (613) 992-2940 Fax: (613) 944-9376;

The usual and other suspects: Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness who tell the Minister what to do and say and make the plans: Chantal “Dirty-Hands” Bernier, ADM, Chantal.bernier@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-993-4325; Linda “Mouthpiece” Clairmont, ADM, 613-991-2820; Richard “Smudged-Blouse-and-Scraped-Shoes” Wex, ADM, Policing, 613-990-2703; and Kristina “Dirty-Finger-On-the-Button” Namiesniowski, ADM, 613-949-6435. The Governor-General directed a concerned individual to: Don “Installs-porta-potties” Head, Commissioner Correctional Service of Canada, Tel: 613-992-5891 Fax: 613-943-1630, who wants to install the “porta-prison” at Tyendinaga.
Ontario politicians: Rick “Colonel-Klink-Flunkey” Bartolucci Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services rick.bartolucci@liberal.ola.org; Dave “Wants-to-make-prisons-profitable-by-filling-them-with-Ongwehonwe” Levac Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services dave.levac@liberal.ola.org; Garfield Dunlop Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services garfield.dunlop@pc.ola.org ; Peter Kormos Critic, Community Safety and Correctional Services peter.kormos@ndp.ola.org ; Brad “Mr.-Apartheid-F.W.deKlerk” Duguid Minister of Aboriginal Affairs brad.duguid@liberal.ola.org ; Jeff “I-beg-your-pardon” Leal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs jeff.leal@liberal.ola.org ; Norm Miller Critic, Aboriginal Affairs norm.miller@pc.ola.org ; Gilles Bisson Critic, Aboriginal Affairs gilles.bisson@ndp.ola.org ; dmcquinty.mpp@liberal.ola.org; info@randyhillier.com, holland.m@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, Reid.S@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca, Day.S@parl.gc.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, john.yakabuskico@pc.ola.org, jim.wilsonco@pc.ola.org,tim.hudakco@pc.ola.org, hhampton-qp@ndp.on.ca, pkormos-qp@ndp.on.ca, gphillips.mpp@liberal.ola.org; dramsay.mpp@liberal.ola.org, gilles@gillesbisson.com, mbryant.mpp@liberal.ola.org, leader@greenparty.ca, info@greenparty.ca, rlm@xplornet.com, lorraine.rekmans@greenparty.ca, jwarnock@ontarioeast.net, doherty@kos.net, hhampton-qp@ndp.on.ca, norm.sterlingco@pc.ola.org, president@lisamacleod.ca, ahorwath-qp@ndp.on.ca, joyce.savoline@pc.ola.org, dzimmer.mpp@liberal.ola.org, tabunsp-qp@ndp.on.ca, laurie.scott@pc.ola.org, robert.runcimanco@pc.ola.org, toby.barrett@pc.ola.org, donna.cansfield@liberal.ola.org, michael.gravelle@liberal.ola.org,

OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597
L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Peachey Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Eastern Region, Smiths Falls.

”It’s just an exercise” Posted By Intelligencer Staff [3:30pm Wednesday November 12]

TRENTON – 8 Wing will conduct an emergency response exercise from November 13th to November 16th. The training will test the Wing’s procedures in responding to a number of simulated emergency scenarios in order to maintain and improve its ability to respond to emergencies. It will involve civilian municipal and provincial organizations.

Residents in the Quinte West region may see smoke and emergency vehicles operating in the vicinity of the base at different times of day throughout the duration of the exercise. The training is forecast to have minimal impact on local residents.

For reasons of public safety, 8 Wing encourages local residents not to linger or loiter in the vicinity of the training scenarios. Ontario Provincial Police and Military Police will provide traffic control as needed. Contact Captain Mark Peebles, 8 Wing Public Affairs Officer at 613-392-2811, ext. 2041 or 613-243-6358 (mobile)

poster: katenies