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MNN. Jan. 30, 3019. In the recent UN Security Council meeting the Venezuelans defended themselves against the Americans, who played their “divide and conquer” card. They instigated all their economic allies to vote with them against Venezuela. 

Americans announced they were invading Venezuela to ‘take’ their oil. Prime Minister Trudeau announced Canadians were ready to join the attack of Venezuela.

The following message came from Venezuela on January 30, 2019: “Juan Guaido is a piece of U.S. imperialism to overthrow the legitimate government of Venezuela. Our constitution does not mention an interim in any article. Please, my friend, take the truth to your country. Let the truth be known. The USA, what they want is the oil of my country. They want to take us to a war, but here we will continue our fight. Viviremos y venceremos!” [We are still in the fight and we will have the victory!] 

They are responding to this message: “I am with you and  la gente de Venezuelan. I remember Hugo Chavez as a great man. I also met the ambassador to Canada in Ottawa. He visited our territory here in Tyendinaga. He and the Venezuelan staff danced in our longhouse. 


Venezuela has right to establish an embassy here on sovereign kanionkehaka’onwe territory. Canada kicked them out of Ottawa. We would like to kick Canada out of our land. We stand with Venezuela totally, my dear friend.” 

Immortal Technique describes the war plans of the empire: “Every day man these motherf——  are professional liars. You know what I’m saying? It’s wild. Listen. Bin Laden don’t blow up the projects. It was u, nigga. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers. Tell the truth, nigg-. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bin Laden did not blow up the projects. It was u, nigg-. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers. Tell the truth, nigg-. Bush knocked down the towers.”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      



RUSSIA SENDS TWO NUCLEAR CAPABLE BOMBERS TO VENEZUELA.  https://www.navytimes.com/flashpoints/2018/12/10/russia-sends-2-nuclear-capable-bombers-to-venezuela/?fbclid=IwAR14pvSX0FGi3PWpGd_m2QIrTd6g50ilyKL2WuxWMZgeaFF5Jo1pOZYAIPI#.XE4kMivno1U.facebook 

BOLTON WRITES NOTE TO SEND “5,000 TROOPS TO COLUMBIA” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bolton-holds-legal-pad-with-5000-troops-to-colombia-written-on-it/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=62933659&fbclid=IwAR1hnVS_eOqql3pqzCGgtxTIIk7qUtRH02Qd5pffk3Aw9LxlrXvu-zBWazI

NINO PAGLIACCI, ON TROYKA MENTALLY INSANE US & CANADA  https://www.facebook.com/nino.pagliccia.7/posts/10155995830421546



Call of the First Assembly of Assemblies in Commercy, Meuse, France / Appel de la 1ère Assemblée des Assemblées de Commercy dans la Meuse en France



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MNN. Jan. 28, 2019. Canada usurped our lands and resources in 1924 through the Indian Lands Acts of each province and carried out the genocide program designed by Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendent of Indian Affairs.  Prime Minister Trudeau said he is going to fix the “terrible history of Canada” against the native people and turtle island. The ten Indian Lands Acts were signed and put into effect on October 25, 1924 to try to legalize this theft and genocide by Canada. We were forced into military compounds called “reserves”. Our chiefs were shot and Band Councils were installed. Canada issued permits to the settlers to kill Indians and occupy their lands in the 1800s.  No treaties show they own turtle island. The “land claims”process is their effort to claim our land.   

[Indian Lands Act, 1924. S.O. 1924, c. 15. CHAPTER 15].

“The Act is for the settlement of certain questions between the Governments of Canada and Ontario respecting Indian Reserve Lands.”   http://caid.ca/IndLanAct1924.pdf

We onkwehonweh were placed by creation on turtle island. We and our land title were not mentioned in this Act. “The agreement between the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, in the terms set out in Schedule ” A “hereto, shall be as binding on the Province of Ontario “as” if the provisions thereof had been set forth in an Act of this Legislature, and the Lieutenant-Governor in Council is hereby authorized to carry out the provisions of the said agreement.” 

Canada and Ontario committed the highest level of fraud to make their theft of turtle island look legal.   

SCHEDULE “A”. Memorandum of Agreement made in triplicate this 24th day of March,1924. Between THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, acting herein by the Honourable Charles Stewart, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, of the 1st part, -and- THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO acting herein by the Honourable James Lyons, Minister of Lands and Forests, and the Honourable Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, of the second part”. 

“Dominion” is a synonym for “colony”. Charles Stewart was an officer of the private Corporation of Canada and James Lyons and Charles McCrea were officers of the private Corporation of Ontario. 

The Acts were designed to create the POW camps called “reserves” and for the Corporation of Ontario to steal all the rest of our lands to create the appearance  of legality. When the RCMP came into our longhouse and killed the chiefs to install the Indian Act band council, they called the attacks “surrender” of our personal and usufructuary rights to undefined “territories”. None of these territories are described or listed. 

“Whereas from time to time treaties. . .” 

The European trespassers invaded turtle island and never owned our land through any lawful means. The natives cannot surrender or get back something that was always part of our property. “Surrender” requires a pre-existing state of war.  There was none against “the Indians” so there could be no legal surrender.  

The reserves are part of the unsurrendered territories they unlawfully confiscated.     

The Indian Act band council chiefs cannot surrender our land to anybody. Canada used guns and bogus laws to pass on to the land of the wetsuweten in B.C. Prime Minister Trudeau conceded everything we are saying and he guaranteed to make everything right.

“And whereas, except as to such Reserves, the said territories were by the said treaties freed, for the ultimate benefit of the Province of Ontario, of the burden of the Indian rights, and became subject to be administered by the Government.”



Canada admits the land is our property. Today Canada wants to free themselves of that ‘burden’ by drafting a new false Indian Lands Act to be signed by their sell-out AFN. The bandits will rewrite history so that we will be forgotten and “absorbed into the corporate body politic”, exactly as Duncan Campbell Scott boasted. They have no bill of sale of the kanionkehaka, cayugas, seneca, 0neida, tuscarora or onondaga for kanienkeh.  

The POW camps were temporary holding tanks until the natives were extinguished by murder, death, assimilation or the stroke of a pen. The residential school program started in 1924 with the Indian Lands Act. 

“And whereas the surrender of the whole or some portion of a Reserve by the band of Indians to whom the same was allotted has, in respect of certain Reserves in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, been under consideration in certain appeals to the Judiciai Committee of the Privy Council, and the respective rights of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, upon such surrenders being made, depend upon the law as declared by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and otherwise affecting the Reserve in question, and upon the circumstances under which it was set off;” 

Remember, Canada! You must answer for the theft and genocide. We will take this to the UN Security Council to hear our case.   

Canada is concerned that native title of turtle island keeps the colony of Canada from moving into the militarized New World Order. The Indian Lands Acts is their mask to cover armed robbery, genocide and other crimes. “Reconciliation” and the “Framework Agreement” are replacing this mask.  Mr. Trudeau, start by immediately rescinding the Indian Lands Acts of l924. The”Framework Agreement” is to continue to steal the reserves too. 

Cont’d. “And whereas on the 7th day of July, 1902, before the determination of the last two of the said appeals, it had been agreed between counsel for the Governments of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario, respectively, that, as a matter of policy and convenience, and without thereby affecting the constitutional or legal rights of either of the said Governments, the Government of the Dominion of Canada should have full power and authority to sell, lease and convey title in fee simple or for any less estate to any lands forming part of any Reserve thereafter surrendered by the Indians, and that any such sales, leases or other conveyances as had theretofore been made by the said Government should be confirmed by the Province of Ontario, the Dominion of Canada, how-ever, holding the proceeds of any lands so sold, leased or conveyed subject, upon the extinction of the Indian interest therein and so far as such proceeds had been converted into money, to s . . . “

They will never return stolen land but will pay money to settle a claim. The Indian Lands Acts implemented the “extinction” of the Indian interest in the reserves by murder or assimilation as the law of Canada.  

“Reserves set aside for the Indians under a certain treaty made in 1873 and recited in the Schedule to the Dominion Statute, 54-55 Victoria, chapter 5, and the Statute of the Province of Ontario, 54 Victoria, chapter 3, the precious metals should be considered to form part thereof and might be disposed of by the Dominion of Canada in the same way and subject to the same conditions as the land in which they existed, and that the question whether the precious metals in the lands included in Reserves set aside under other treaties were to be considered as forming part thereof or not, should be expressly left for decision in accordance with the circumstances and the law governing each”. 


Canada and Ontario gave themselves ownership of everything underneath, gold, silver, precious metals, etc. subject to total surrender upon our extinction. Our total extinction is the only way they can get our land and resources. Now the Framework Agreement will be signed by the Indian Act band councils as if we are extinguishing ourselves. 

“Now this agreement witnesseth that the parties hereto, in order to settle all outstanding questions relating to Indian Reserves in the Province of Ontario, have mutually agreed, subject to the approval of the Parliament of Canada and the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, as follows”:

The Indian Lands Act, 1924, was never approved and is null and void.  

“1.All Indian Reserves in the Province of Ontario heretofore or here-after set aside, shall be administered by the Dominion of Canada for the benefit of the band or bands of Indians to which each may have been or may be allotted” 

POW Camps are for the benefit of the band of Indians or those registered under their law. The Indian Act band councils execute the extinction.  

Portions thereof may, upon their surrender for the purpose by the said band or bands, be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of by letters patent under the Great Seal of Canada, or otherwise under the direction of the Government of Canada, and the proceeds of such sale, lease or other disposition applied for the benefit of such band or bands, provided, however, that in the event of the band or bands to which any such Reserve has been allotted becoming extinct, or if, for any other reason, such Reserve, or any portion thereof, is declared by the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs to be no longer required for the benefit of the said band or bands, the same shall thereafter be administered by, and for the benefit of, the Province of Ontario, and any balance of the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of any portion thereof then remaining under the control of the Dominion of Canada shall, so far as the same is not still required to be applied for the benefit of the said band or bands of Indians, be paid to the Province of Ontario, together with accrued unexpended simple interest thereon”. 

The Indian Lands Act is the definition of premeditated crime. This created white privilege and racism in Canada.  

The Indian Lands Acts formed the basis of the criminal existence of Canada. Now the “Framework Agreement” to be signed by the Assembly of First Nations Inc. is going to help dispose of us, take everything once and for all and execute the natives. We will no longer ever exist again. Canada’s existence relies on stolen property and genocide. These crimes against humanity and nature can never be pardoned. All Crown land is fraudulently owned by the Vatican of which the Queen is a shareholder, the provinces own the mining and resource extraction. Canada oversees all of it and presents it as legal mask to the rest of the world.  

“2.Any sale, lease or other disposition made pursuant to the provisions of the last preceding paragraph may include or may be limited to the minerals (including the precious metals) contained in or under the lands sold, leased or otherwise disposed of, but every grant shall be subject to the provisions of the Statute of the Province of Ontario entitled, “The Bed of Navigable Waters Act,” Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 31. 3.” 

Prime Minister Trudeau concedes that building pipelines, railways, mines, logging, dams and anything that benefits the provinces are horrible.  [Jan. 8, 2019, Town Hall Meeting, Kamloops BC.] He committed himself to making it right in front of the world.  

3.Any person authorized under the laws of the Province of Ontario to enter upon land for the purpose of prospecting for minerals thereupon shall be permitted to prospect for minerals in any Indian Reserve upon obtaining permission so to do from the Indian Agent for such Reserve and upon complying with such conditions as may be attached to such permission, and may stake out a mining claim or claims on such Reserve.” 

We can use our land but Canada and the provinces want a cut of everything we do to feed our families until we are extinguished.  

“4.No person not so authorized under the laws of the Province of Ontario shall be given permission to prospect for minerals upon any Indian Reserve.

This in tyranny and dictatorship when government controls everything”.

“5. The rules governing the mode of staking and the size and number of mining claims in force from time to time in the Province of Ontario or in the part thereof within which any Indian Reserve lies shall apply to the staking of mining claims on any such Reserve, but the staking of a mining claim upon any Indian Reserve shall confer no rights upon the person by whom such claim is staked except such as may be attached to such staking by The Indian Act or other law relating to the disposition of Indian Lands. S.O. 1924.  c. 15.”

As prisoners we are denied rights to our lives, our possessions, even our children until we die. Defending ourselves is a crime. Legally the word person is anyone other than a native American. 

“6.Except as provided in the next following paragraph, one-half of the consideration payable, whether by way of purchase money, rent, royalty or otherwise, in respect of any salt, lease or other disposition of a mining claim staked as aforesaid, and, if in any other sale, lease or other disposition hereafter made of Indian Reserve lands in the Province of Ontario, any minerals are included, and the consideration for such sale, lease or other disposition was to the knowledge of the Department of Indian Affairs affected by the existence or supposed existence in the said lands of such minerals, one-half of the consideration payable in respect of any such other sale, lease or other disposition, shall forthwith upon its receipt from time to time, be paid to the Province of Ontario; the other half only shall be dealt with by the Dominion of Canada as provided in paragraph 1.” 

This is extortion with a mask of legality by Canada Inc. which is a corporation with the mask of a country. A real country has land, language and culture.  

“7.The last preceding paragraph shall not apply to the sale, lease or other disposition of any mining claim or minerals on or in any of the lands set apart as Indian Reserves pursuant to the hereinbefore recited treaty made in 1873,” 

The foreign squatters gave themselves the right to install pipelines, rails, dams, and so on and deprive us of everything. They rewrite the law anytime they need to. 

“Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to detract from the rights of the Dominion of Canada touching any lands or minerals granted or conveyed by His Majesty for the use and benefit of Indians by letters patent under the Great Seal of the Province of Upper Canada, of the Province of Canada or of the Province of Ontario, or in any minerals vested for such use and benefit by the operation upon any such letters patent of any statute of the Province of Ontario”.

Their only reason for being here is to destroy Ontario, every tree, rock. etc. and turn it into a parking lot. Premier Doug Ford of Ontario has just eliminated Ontario Greenbelt protection.

“8.No water power included in any Indian Reserve, which in its natural condition at the average Iow stage of water has a greater capacity than 500 horse-power, shall be disposed of by the Dominion of Canada except with the consent of the Government of the Province of Ontario and in accordance with such special agreement, if any, as may be made with regard thereto and to the division of the purchase money, rental or other consideration given therefor.”

We have no right to our own water. This is why 60% of reserves have toxic drinking water.  

“9.Every sale, lease or other disposition heretofore made under the Great Seal of Canada or otherwise under the directions of the Government of Canada of lands which were at the time of such sale, lease or other disposition included in any Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario, is hereby confirmed, whether or not such sale, lease or other disposition included the precious metals, but subject to the provisions of the aforesaid statute of the Province of Ontario entitled “The Bed of Navigable Waters Act,” and the consideration received in respect of any such sale” 

Canada and the provinces plan to cover up other illegal sales and leases. An annex should be made available to all the sales documents for everything on turtle island. Canada cannot find these. 

Every Office of Registry of Deeds of all towns of turtle island has the “Indian Interest” on every deed. Otherwise the deed is invalid. The Prime Minister should show us the deed for Canada. They don’t have it. Canada is invalid. We have the kaianerekowa, teiohateh, land and language. We are the only true sovereigns of turtle island. Culture, land and language are requirements under the Montevideo Convention to qualify as a true country.  

“lease or other disposition shall be and continue to be dealt with by the Dominion of Canada in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph of this agreement numbered 1, and the consideration received in respect of any sale, lease or other disposition heretofore made under the Great Seal of the Province of Ontario, or under the direction of the Government of the said Province of any lands which at any time formed part of any Indian Reserve, shall remain under the exclusive control and at the disposition of the Province of Ontario.

This is a one-sided agreement between Canada and itself about land that isn’t theirs.  

“10.Nothing herein contained, except the provision for the application of The Bed of Navigable Waters Act aforesaid, shall affect the interpretation which would apart from this agreement, be put upon the words of any letters patent heretofore or hereafter issued under the Great Seal of Canada or the Great Seal of the Province of Ontario. or of any lease or other conveyance, or of any contract heretofore or hereafter made under the direction of the Government of Canada or of the Province of Ontario.”

It means we cannot challenge the illegal regime of Canada.  Mr. Trudeau, rescind immediately the Indian Lands Acts and dissolve all the provincial corporations for their crimes. Then we can discuss reconciliation.

In witness whereof these presents have been signed by the parties thereto the day and year above written.” 

“Signed on behalf of the Government of Canada by the Honourable Charles Stewart, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, in the presence of: DUNCAN C. SCOTT. Signed on behalf of the Government of the Province of Ontario by the Honourable James Lyons, Minister of Lands and Forests, and by the Honourable Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, in the presence of: JJAMES LYONS [L.S] [L.S.] C. MCCREA [L.S.]”

These men tried to arbitrarily sign away all human and natural rights of the onkwehonweh of turtle island. This criminal Act must be immediately rescinded and all property rights restored to the onkwehonweh, the true natural people forever on turtle island.  

Robbie Robertson reminds us that we are one people from pole to pole and ocean to ocean: This is Indian country, you’re in Indian country”.

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

Consolidation of Indian legislation








MNN. Jan. 20, 2019. Trains, planes and pipelines! Trains are for transporting troops, armaments, fuel and resources over native land; planes are to attack isolated communities without international scrutiny; and pipelines are to transport stolen native liquids and natural gases to sell for the war.  


More than 840,000 km of privately owned pipelines criss-cross Canada. Between 100,000 and 200,000 Canadians are working in these foreign business operations. 


Indian Trust Funds financed the building of the railways. They came through unwelcome and unwanted with migrant workers to finish their demonic deed.  The military cleared the way for the workers the same as they are doing right now. The Indian Act underlings know very well they are signing us up for the final apocalypse of their people. 

Native people have no say. Incorporation of Canada July 1 ISO  1366 CA 1867 Registered at the Vatican. 51% of every ISO incorporated business is owned by the Vatican. Read the fraudulent Indian Lands Acts 1924 to see how Canada pardons itself for stealing our property.


The TSE Toronto Stock Exchange is the worldwide mining exchange. Foreigners come to TSE and set up Canadian firms and start committing atrocities across the globe with Canadian passports and exploration permits from the UN. NGOs are sent in to these countries to cause and make shit happen to the local peoples. In your own yard Canada condemns your property and can sell the mining rights.  

The Yellow Vests of France are facing semi automatics and live ammmo for standing up to the fascist banker controlled oligarchies.  

Robbie Robertson tells us that we are caught for now in the war of the owistah diseased  foreigners: “I ain’t no cowboy. I just look like one. And I ain’t no prisoner, But I’m on the run from these chains. And I’m just between trains. I ain’t no loner. I just work alone. There ain’t no place, Where there’s a home I could claim. And I’m still between trains. Still between trains.”







LIST OF PIPELINES DISASTERS IN CANADA  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents    

Crude oil spills are bigger from trains than pipelines





YELLOW VESTS: COPS DEPLOY SEMIS & LIVE AMMO  https://themindunleashed.com/2019/01/french-police-yellow-vest-protesters.html


READ THIS: The Indian Lands Act, 1924. S.O. 1924, c. 15 ONTARIO








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MNN. Jan. 14, 2019. We shall soon return to the state we were in before the Europeans arrived on great turtle island, to a sustainable world with acknowledgment and respect for all life with our relations on our mother earth. 


In Kamloops BC the invading immigrant, Prime Minister Trudeau, admitted that, “We have a long history that is terrible.” All original life on turtle island will live by the kaianerekowa and teiohateh, based upon the power of our minds. The illegal Corporation known as Canada shall no longer exist, Indian Act, band councils, the Indian Lands Acts of 1924, all colonial courts on turtle island, fiat currency, the POW camps called “reserves”, residential schools, christianity, treaties, immigration laws and immigrants, the entire horse shit called the Canadian constitution which has never been ratified by the Canadian people who presume to stand above us, all crown deeds from the beginning, everything that is connected to the colony of Canada in any way, however slight, are null and void.   


Prime Minister Trudeau at Kamloops on January 9, 2019 he pled guilty to all of Canada’s crimes against all life on turtle island.  He will be held accountable for his words. When they do not follow the kaianerekowa and teiohate they are to leave turtle island forthwith. We natives can now carry out our duties and responsibilities as determined by creation. Justin Trudeau has no self-determination to give to anyone. He admits that Canada violated kaianerekowa and teiohate.  


lTrudeau wants 1 million new immigrants to come to Canada. Every immigrant must pass a test administered by the true natural natives. We will decide who comes and who goes onto our territories. Those who don’t know the kaianerekowa and teiohateh and pledge to this personally cannot remain here. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the following comments at the Town Hall meeting at Kamloops, British Columbia, on January 9, 2019: At 45:43 to -51:29 remaining.

Prime Minister: “You in the striped scarf, yes”.

Question: “Hello, my name is Tilly. I come from the Stl’atl’lmx Nation, and I come here with my prayers and I come here with my ancestors, and today I want to ask you, what are you going to do to stop oppressing and holding our people under your colonization? When are you going to give us our rights back? When are you going to start giving a shit about who we are and not seen just for our land?”

Answer by Prime Minister: “Thank you for your question, Tilly. Canada has a long and terrible history in regards to indigenous peoples. We have consistently failed as a country to live up to the original word and intent of the treaties. We have not treated indigenous peoples as partners and stewards of this land. We have marginalized – behaved in paternalistic colonialistic ways that has lacked respect for the first peoples as the stewards of the land. We have much to apologize for and much to work forward on together in respect. [There’s the guilty plea].

“Okay. So yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity of sitting down in Ottawa with the leaders of self- governing and modern treaty first nations. Nations that had made their way out from under the colonial relic that is the Indian Act. [Those “leaders” are paid Canadian Indian Act band people that speak for Canada and cannot speak for the original people of turtle island. Legitimate decisions must be made by every native on great turtle island.] And we are working with them on full self-government and we are working with them to be able to make their own determinations about their land, how they care for their people, how they serve their people, how they move forward in responsible ways that are their choices. And that is why we are working on two levels on this issue. . . . [He’s talking to himself as they are his paid Canadian underlings. Their plans are to balkanize the western native people by creating unending conflict between us].

[response from audience) Prime Minister says: “I appreciate that. I am trying to answer your her question, am I allowed to answer her question M’am? Thank you.] . . . . So, Tilly, the two streams we are working on: 1. Indigenous services, and 2. Indigenous relationships. On relationships, we know we have to get out from under this Indian Act. [We will go back to before October 25, 1924 when we controlled all the land. We’ll start there.] We need to move to a place where you are in control of your communities, control of your territories, control of your future, control of your children once again, control of your destinies that has been through generations and centuries in Canada taken away from you. [He admits the crime and will do the time!]


And that is the work of, it took decades and centuries to break this relationship. It will take time to improve it, but we are making significant progress right now in self-governance, in new relationships, in support that is moving in the right direction. [The genocide can stop immediately when the women take their place as the kanistensera among our people protected by the men.] On the other side of things, there is a question of services. There is still far too many indigenous communities in this country that are existing under boil water advisories, that are not going, not having schools to go to, not getting parity in terms of the money we invest in young people in non-indigenous communities versus indigenous communities. . . .” [lHe asdmits Canada committed all these crimes]. 

Stopping the genocide and theft or our land and resources will be in an instant when you get off our backs.   

Corporate Canada’s new deal is to turn our communities into municipalities and make the original natural people placed here by creation into corporate tax paying serfs for the scavenging corporation of Canada. The new proposed deal called the “Framework Agreement” is presently on the floor of the House of Commons. They have no intention of honoring the teiohateh, the kanianerekowa, or the Great Peace of Montreal 1701. 

[Statement from Tilly]: ”. . . . everything you benefit from our oppression and our suffering. You are afraid to lose your comfort”. 

Prime Minister: “No I am not, Tilly. I am ready to walk in partnership with you in building the future. And that is what we have been doing over the past 3 years in renewing this relationship. . . . [indecipherable response from Tilly] . . . . I can understand your impatience. . . .” 

The new relationship is to put in the pipelines and rape and pillage our mother.

[Statement from Tilly]: . . . Why are they in our face. Why are you not putting those officers up to protect us? You are protecting a dirty pipeline. It is not honourable. . . . “ (indecipherable) [The RCMP arrested the wetsuweten people, not the pipeline lawbreakers and trespassers, not far from the Highway of Tears]. 

Prime Minister: “I understand the anger and passion that you have around this issue of protecting your land, absolutely to be heard. I respect that and I understand that. [The court judgment of Coastal GasLink Pipelines v. Huson says that we were not heard]. I also know that there are a number of indigenous leaders who have worked with and supported that pipeline project . . . .” 

Indian Act band councils and national “Indian” organizations are on 51% majority corporate election rules. A handful of Indians vote and falsely speak for us. 

[Tilly: “those are sellouts”] . . . .  

Prime Minister; “Now the question is, it is not for the federal government to decide who speaks for you. That’s not my job. My job is to try and work with everyone, work with all of you to make sure that you are taking back control of your land, your future, your people, your destiny. And that partnership is what we are working on. And it’s difficult. And it is difficult”.

These are the words of the leader of a convicted felon known as Canada. The BC government provided permits to cull the wolves who are the natural guardians of the forest for the security of the pipeline workers. 

[Statement from Tilly]: . . . . “You are not allowed to stand there and say this person gets to be the leader and talk on behalf of this nation . . . . You are going about it the wrong way. You actually come upon these lands and respect us. . . .” 

Prime Minister: “Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your questions. Thank you for sharing that. I understand your passion and your anger. I acknowledge it and I say to you that we will work together to resolve these issues. If there was – I can understand your impatience. I can understand your frustration. But at the same time I do want to talk about the indigenous – okay . . . . I am listening”. 

This is his version of fuddle duddle,.

[throughout indecipherable comments from Tilly]

Tilly: . . . .”I demand it on behalf of all my people. I want an ???. . . . I don’t want to see your crocodile tears. I don’t want to see you apologizing, I don’t want to hear you say sorry. I want to see that you are sorry. And I want you to start making better choices on behalf of everybody living on this land. That means those that don’t have a voice. I am talking on behalf of all the fish that are going through the stream and all the life that depends on the fish that go up that stream. I’m talking about entire systems that you want to break down and see as a little piece and that is not the way it works. You guys need to start understanding, we are living in a collective world, not a singularity, we live in a very safe connected world and you guys are breaking, you guys are … You guys are breaking so many laws, you have no idea what natural law is.”

[Other comments from Tilly and others in audience.] 

Prime Minister: “Okay. Okay. Tilly, I thank you for what you have said. I listened to what you have said. I would respectfully submit that perhaps you haven’t been listening to what I am saying. Okay. You haven’t . . . Tilly. We are working . . . Tilly, I am going to have to ask you . . . . please, we need to be respectful to everyone that came out tonight to engage in this conversation. That is not true. They have actually just removed the barricade. They did that this afternoon. That was a sign of respect right there. [!!!] They’ve removed the barricade. This is how this is supposed to work. Now, I think we are going to take a step back here. I’m going to take a step back here. [Force and intimidation.  ]

It was an act of belligerence, criminality, defiance. You plead guilty. We challenge you to meet us at the International Court of Justice at The Hague so we can place on the record that Canada was and is null and void from the beginning. Canada has no standing anywhere on turtle island. The corporation of Canada will soon be out of business! 

Prime Minister: “100 years ago, when the railroads were laid down. Nobody checked with indigenous peoples. Nobody checked with the people who had lived here for millennia, whether or not we could throw a railroad down in a given place. That is not the way we need to do things any more. That is not how we will continue to do things any more. We need to figure out a new and better way to do things. A way that is based on respect and dialogue and engagement. And that is exactly what we are working on. And there is going to be turbulence along the way which we are seeing. But we are also going to work very, very hard to get to a place of respect and trust as we do listen, as we do figure out what the best way forward according for you and your communities. So thank you very much for your question and your bringing this forward tonight. I very much appreciate your words. Thank you. I will take another question. . . . 

See the militarized attack at the westuweten check point. Remember October 25, 1924 when Canada unlawfully enacted  all of the Indian Land Acts that stole our land, gave our resources to the provinces, created the POW camps called “reserves”, the residential school killing machines, blood quantum, kidnapping our children known as the “60s scoop”, and other acts of genocide. 

As the prophet, Jimi Hendrix, says:”Well, I asked my friend, wheres that black smoke coming from? He just coughed and changed the subject, and said, Oh I think it might snow some. So I left him sipping his tea, sisters and brothers, daddies, mothers stand around crying. When I reached the scene, the flames were making a ghostly whine. So I stood on my horses back and I screamed without a crack, Oh, baby, why you burn your brother’s house down?”

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

TRUDEAU’S IMMIGRATION OF ONE MILLION MEANS THEY HAVE TO KILL OFF ONE MILLION NATIVES   https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/malcolm-trudeaus-immigration-numbers-boost-poses-many-challenges

Progressive RCMP policy requires officers to recite land acknowledgement before seizing indigenous land


MORE THAN 100 ‘INDIAN ACT’ CORPORATIONS OF CANADA First Nations could purchase the Trans Mountain expansion pipeline. THIS IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER BID OF OUR LAND AND RESOURCES.


HARSH COLONIAL TRUTHS REVEALED IN PARLIAMENT: HANSARD  http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/house/sitting-264/hansard



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MNN. JAN. 12, 2019. We received a copy of the injunction. Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. V. Huson, 2018 BCSC 2343. Hon. Madam Justice Church. Temporary injunction subject to a full hearing in May 2019. https://www.courts.gov.bc.ca/jdb-txt/sc/18/23/2018BCSC2343.htm  

Freda Huson and Warner Naziel are wetsuweten people. Huson is a Band councillor and at the same time spokesperson for the unistoten opponents to the injunction application. She is a paid agent of the Canadian government pursuant to the Indian Act. Her band council agreed to the injunction. The people did not. She represents both sides of the conflict. Their lawyer swears allegiance to the Bar.  


Coastal GasLink is a BC company and wholly owned subsidiary of Trans-Canada Pipelines. It has obtained colonial permits to build 670 kilometres of pipeline across unceded wetsuweten land. 

Trudeau said at that town hall meeting in Kamloops that the indigenous people were consulted, referring to his Indian Act band council. The original people of turtle island were not consulted. Trudeau said he has to adhere to the reconciliation that he has promised for all the past wrongs of his government. Before anything is done they must be fully, meaningfully and informed in order to give their consent or not. He insists the Indian Act band council speaks for us. They’ve been illegally set up on October 25, 1924 under the Indian Lands Acts when we were held in POW camps called “reserves”. We never agreed to this and never ceded any of our land or resources. 


Listen to Trudeau at ‘negative 51:30’  –  https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/news/trudeau-takes-questions-handles-outbursts-at-kamloops-town-hall-meeting-1.23589598  

The band council speaks for him. The kaianerekowa and teiohateh are the only basis of our sovereignty throughout turtle island. 

The Supreme Court of British Columbia preliminary injunction/judgment is rigged. There will be a hearing no later than May 2019. 

Section 20 states: “It is not disputed that the plaintiff Coastal GasLkink Pipeline did not consult with the true original Unist’ot’en, as they were not identified in the Environmental Assessment Office’s Section 11 Order for the project as an indigenous group to consult regarding the pipeline project. The plaintiff’s position is that the Unist’ot’en is not a governing Wet’suwet’en body”. 


Section 18 states: “Coastal GasLink has entered into various Community and Benefit agreements with all 20 elected Indian Act bands along the pipeline route, including the five Wet’suwet’en Bands under the Indian Act. Most of the benefits under those agreements are subject to commencement of the construction and the project going into service”. They are consulting themselves as they are set up under Canadian Parliamentary law and are paid agents of the government of Canada.

The Environment Review Commission is B.C. government run, set up by Canada and provides the list of those band councils and corporate institutions to be consulted. Canada consults itself. 

onkwehonweh sovereigns of turtle island were not consulted and have a right to say no.

The 20 Indian Act band councils that signed on can only sign for Canada. The original people of those communities and elsewhere on turtle island have not been consulted. 

Frank Zappa calls the pipieline negotiations what they are: “He reached in the pocket of his mystery robe, and he whipped out a shaving kit. Now I thought it was a razor and a can of foaming gew. But he told me right then when the top popped open there was nothing his box can’t do. With the oil of Aphrodite and the dust of the grand whazoo, he said “You might not believe this, little fella, but it’ll cure your asthma too. And I said, “Look here brother, who you jiving with that cosmic debris. Look here brother, don’t you waste your time on me.” 

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      


YELLOW VESTS TELL MACROS: PARIS IS OURS!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLGOkXnAiqs



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MNN. Jan. 10, 2019. The enemy within  are the Indian Act chiefs in our communities, bought and paid for by the corporation of Canada. On October 25, 1924 the true original people of turtle island were illegally dispossessed of their governmental structures and all their lands, at gunpoint.  The Indian Lands Acts unlawfully seized our lands and gave it to the provinces for resource extraction.   


For P.R. purposes native sell-out actors were put into the role of chiefs. The Indian Act, the bankers and the church put an invisible line around us, calling the prisoner of war death camps “reserves” where we were forced to live until we no longer exist as the true native people of turtle island. The one hundred year business plan implemented in October 1924 is slated for completion in October 2024. With the natives penned, and not allowed to farm or hunt, they could starve us into submission, and they did. 

An RCMP Indian agent was installed at the gate. We were herded like cattle into the POW camps all across Canada on that day. Those who ran away were deemed to be non-Indians by Indian Affairs, their properties illegally confiscated. The settlers immediately moved onto our lands, which we never ceded. 


Bounties were put on the heads of any native man, woman or child. Our bones were buried in the middle of our communities where we were murdered. The settlers built their towns over top of the bones of our ancestors.   

The fences were removed in the 1960s. The traitors took on the dual role of pretend chief and Indian agent. The band council’s script continues to be to help the settler colonialists to finish the business plan and be rid of us. Trudeau is pushing RIGHT NOW new legislation to achieve this end. Their act is to missionize, christianize, socialize, minimize; legislate, assimilate; economize, genocide. 


Only christians were on the councils. The churches sent in the Jesuits who brought in the army of settlers to remove and kill the natives and settle on our lands. The churches with the help of the “chiefs” carried out the murders of our children in residential schools and to kidnap our babies and children in the 1960s scoop. The band councillors are on the front line of the war against us. 

The traitors carry out the genocide program. All the Indians participating in the 51% majority rules Indian Act band elections have the mind disease called “owistah’, which causes the priority thought to go from “we” to “me”. 


Today the traitors mock their counterparts in Ottawa by lying and deceiving us constantly. The time has come to return to one day before October 25th 1924 and abolish the illegal Indian Lands Acts. They have to deal with us as a people directly. Now they deal with corruptible individuals appointed by them.    

The women are the life givers who continue to carry out their duties. The men’s responsibility is to care for the water, land, air, animals, birds, insects, and protect the women and children in the communities and all our relations everywhere on turtle island. 

Protection of our mother is in our subconscious put in our minds by our ancestors.  The band councillors sold their birthright and are no longer onkwehonweh. 

We have always had the right to exercise the free use and enjoyment of this land and all that is upon it, as was designed by creation. The invaders and their puppet Indian Act band councils are trying to convince everybody that our rights are within the artificial borders that were created by the foreigners and guarded by the military. More force is being used on us because of our opposition to the raping and pillaging of our mother and all that is natural upon her.

The corporate system is organized crime that starts from the Vatican, British Crown, Canada, provinces and the band councils. 

Yes, band council and all the helpers of the invaders are otsinonwaksen, bad creatures in every way.  We will not betray our ancestors and future people. We were not brought here on a ship. Creation placed us on our mother. 

Judas Priest talks about solutions for social problems: “You can look to left, and look to the right. But you will live in danger tonight. When the enemy comes, he will never be heard. He’ll blow your mind and not say a word. Blinding lights. Flashing colors. Sleepless nights. If the man with the power can’t keep it under control, some heads are gonna roll”. 


The Unist’ot’en Movement, Not the RCMP, Has the Law on Its Side:


Indigenous convoy slows Ontario highway traffic in solidarity with B.C. pipeline protest:


Canada wants 1 million more immigrants over next 3 years:




MNN. 8 Jan. 2019. The federal and provincial governments continue to follow illegal colonial practices that have destroyed much of life on turtle island. The attack on the wetsuweten on January 8, 2019, violates all principles of democracy, morality and legality. Canada shows the world they are a military occupying force disguised as a democracy.

The corporatocracy was imposed on October 25, 1924 over the clan system. The Indian Lands Acts were enacted to allow the provinces to extract our resources. We were jailed in military run POW camps called “reserves”. All our lands were seized. We were  incarcerated or scattered or killed. The RCMP entered our longhouses, shot the chiefs in the head and installed the band council. 


The wetsuweten refuse to have our sovereignty violated. We were placed here to ensure a balance between humans and all other life forms. Canada started to cause imbalance from first contact. The wetsuweten [B.C.] were attacked, beaten, had their heads stomped into the snow by the boots of the militarized RCMP, arrested and dragged off to jail for defending their own unceded non-treaty land.  Canada does not follow their own Supreme Court decisions when it comes to native land. They send in the army to kill the natives who resist their law breaking. During the construction of the railways in the 1800s, the army was in the front cars killing the natives to pave the way. All with stolen money from the Indian Trust Funds.


Every year some of our communities and our families are attacked, economically, socially, politically, lands are stolen, our people are jailed, our children are kidnapped and killed and our lives are destroyed. It’s all part of the genocide plan that is supposed to be complete in 2024 when we are supposed to be totally absorbed into the corporate body politic.   

Family, Brothers, Sisters,  Friends and Allies, at the next sunrise ceremony, wake up with the sun, give thanks. Don’t go back to bed. The sun carries out its responsibility. We are going to fulfil our responsibility and protect our families, our lands, and all our relations in the natural world. 

The world is onto Trudeau’s bad act. As the band Oblivion Myth sings: “Since I was a child, I had dreams of paradise. Now the evil ones try to steal it from my eyes. Now that I’m a man, I must face the hungry beast. I will fight and die for you, in this war for peace. Awaken the dreamer, believer, before it’s too late. I see through the lies of the great deceiver preaching all his hate to make me a believer. They won’t take me. I will survive. Save me from the evil in disguise.”

Oblivion Myth "Believer Deceiver"


14 arrested as RCMP enforce injunction on Wet’suwet’en Territory


Justin Trudeau interrupted by protester blowing a whistle


YouTube player




DATE: Jan. 7, 2019


THIS CEASE AND DESIST NOTICE IS SERVED ON: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; David Eby, Attorney General of BC; Michelle Mungall, BC Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources; George Heyman, BC Minister of Environment & Climate Change; Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation; Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; Royal Canadian Mounted Police, BC [E Division]; Carolyn Bennett, Minister Aboriginal Affairs Canada; Queen Elizabeth; Governor General, Coastal GasLink Pipeline, TransCanada Pipeline; Northern Gateway Pipeline; Fatou Bensouda,chief prosecutor International Criminal Court The Hague. 


The kanistensera of the rotino’shonni:onwe, according to the kaianere’kowa, the great peace, are the progenitors of all life of onowarekeh, turtle island, since the beginning of human life on earth. teioha’teh provides that we survive and coexist with all life as siblings with our mother, the earth. kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the will of creation.  

This order is an objection to the rape and pillage of all life, trees, plants, soil, animals, water, air, birds, land and the people of onowarekeh, all of creation that forms the circle of life. Private corporations will not violate the kaianerekowa by continuing the carnage of all life for profit, with no consideration for any form of life other than their bottom line of their corporate shareholders. 

kanistensera state that Canada’s “Indian” Act band, tribal, national, provincial and territorial “Indian” organizations have sold their birthright and do not speak for the people. They have left the canoe and joined the colonial ship. 

We remind you again that when you have killed the last tree, polluted the last drink of water and poisoned the last breath of air, then and only then will you realize that you cannot eat your money. 


  1. The COLONIAL MILITARY STATE OF CANADA AND THE CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN THE RAPING, PILLAGING AND MURDERING OF OUR MOTHER respect the teio’hateh, two row, as the basis of our relationship to the earth; 

WHEREAS: onkwehonweh, the people who are of the way of forever, which is the natural creation in carrying out our duties and responsibilities order all these corporate entities to leave great turtle island forthwith, as directed by kaianerekowa. According to the original relationship between us and creation, the onkwehonweh, speaking for all life, inform the COLONIAL MILITARY STATE OF CANADA AND THE CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN THE RAPING, PILLAGING AND MURDERING OF OUR MOTHER to cease and desist your carnage immediately. 

Kanistensera order that COLONIAL MILITARY STATE OF CANADA AND THE CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN THE RAPING, PILLAGING AND MURDERING OF OUR MOTHER, cease and desist your occupation of onowarekeh and immediately cease and desist the mass murder of all life, and you better govern yourselves accordingly. 

akwe tewatatenoh, we are all related, 

Bob Dylan addresses this mindset festering in BC right now: “Come you masters of war. You that build the big guns. You that build the death planes. You that hide behind walls. You that hide behind desks. I just want you to know I can see through your masks…. I hope that you die and your death will come soon. I’ll follow your casket in the pale afternoon. and I’ll watch while you’re lowered down to your death bed. And I’ll stand over your grave till i’m sure that you’re dead”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      


-Province of BC. David Eby, Attorney General of BC, 250-387-1866, Fax: 250-387-6411, AG.minister@gov.bc.ca

-Honourable Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, PO Box 9060, Station Prov Gov, Victoria, BC, V8W 9E2 Ph: 250-953-0900, Fax: 250-356-2965, EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca

Honourable George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, ENV.Minister@gov.bc.ca Phone: 250 387-1187 Fax: 250 387-1356

Honourable Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation IRR.Minister@gov.bc.ca, Phone: (250) 953-4844 Fax: (250) 953-4896

Federal: The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau – Telephone: 613-992-4211 justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Fax: 613-941-6900 
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice and -Attorney General of Canada mcu@justice.gc.ca Fax: 613-954-0811- —–RCMP BC (E Division), 778-290-2929 bcrcmp@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

National RCMP headquarters Ottawa 613-843-5999 ——-RCMP.HQMediaRelations-DGRelationsmedias.GRC@rcmp-grc.gc.ca media office)

-Carolyn Bennett, Minister Aboriginal Affairs, 10 Wellington, Ottawa K1A 0H4.

-Governor General, Rideau Hall, 1 Sussex Dr., Ottawa K1A 0A1;  

-Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace +44 303 123 7300.

-Coastal Gaslink Pipeline, coastalgaslink@transcanada.com
Ph: 1-855-633-2011 –TRANSCANADA PIPELINE, 517 – 10TH Ave. SW, Calgary AB-Northern Gateway Pipeline 343-292-6096

-Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor, International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, Carnegicplcin 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands, information@icj-cij.org +31[0]703022323.

-Contact: Office of the wetsuweten: 250-847-3630 http://www.wetsuweten.com/contact/










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MNN.  Jan. 6, 2019. The peoples need to stand together and join hands to form a strong unbreakable circle, tetewe’nionnaw’kwaneh. There is a military building up around wetsuweten peoples’ unistoten camp [B.C.]. The RCMP Indian liaisons, Canadian governnment agents, went to the peaceful camp and told the people that the RCMP have assembled tactical units to force compliance with a colonial court injunction to allow Northern Gateway and Trans Canada Pipeline crews access to our unceded, non-treaty lands. The court did not address the tsilhquot’in decision that provides it has no jurisidiction on lands where it has no treaty! 

This is an act of aggression by the Canadian corporation.

The Canadian version of law has no jurisdiction anywhere in Canada as they are illegal immigrants who drafted genocidal acts on October 25, 1924. The Indian Lands Acts created all the reserves and imposed the provinces resource extraction activities on our territory, in violation of international scrutiny. Canada has no lawful documentation that can establish any interest or jurisdiction whatesoever from anyone anywhere on turtle island. The invading migrants are armed trespassers trying to terrorize the native.  

The people of Canada need to take a lesson from the people of France. If a group of Canadians in yellow vests showed up in ionistoten, the RCMP would not attack, beat, steal, arrest, murder, brutalize, etc. READ THE DETAILS:


As Keith Secola suggests, people, get in your cars and drive up to unistoten: “I’ve got to make it to a pow wow tonight. I’ll be singing 49 down by the riverside. Looking for a sugar, riding in my Indian car. … Got my t bird in the glove box, I ain’t got no spare. got a feather from an eagle, i ain’t got no care.”

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

yellow vests take a dump on macron   https://www.facebook.com/mfamediagroup/videos/371326883619889/


AFN is the government assembled playground of the warped. Assembly of First Nations, 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5, Telephone: 613-241-6789, Toll-Free: 1-866-869-6789, Fax:  613-241-5808, Website: www.afn.ca

‘GREAT WHITE AUNTIE’ Carolyn Bennett, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, 10 Wellington North Tower, Gatineau QC K1A 0HA, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca. 1-819-997-0002. (toll-free): 1-800-567-9604. 





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MNN. Dec. 18, 2018. Canada’s statutes state, “This statute shall have the force of rule of law”. They shall pretend it has the force of real law, when it’s actually based on genocidal acts in the Canadian version of law.  


The Indian Act band council issued illegal business licences to our people to conduct businesses in the community. They used the money to boost up the training and weaponry of their private police force. Now Indian Act chief, Joe Norton, hides in the police station where he says the people have to go to talk to him. 

Outsiders, Surete du Quebec, SQ cops raided and shut down some the businesses. SQ can only enter kahnawake if the chief and council [Commissioners] commission the outside military force to come in. Superior Court ruled these permits are not valid. The business people were fined, jailed and given criminal records. 

Indian Act chief Joe Norton didn’t help them. He allowed the pillage of the businesses to bring on the Trudeau framework of municipalization and taxation. 

The Superior Court already ruled that the Indian Act council is not a government that can make laws. They are a committee that answers to the generals who run Indian Affairs.  

Rather than fight a jurisdictional issue that Quebec would lose, the business people were charged as criminals. Soon all the other businesses using these bogus permits will be shut down.  They have every right to sue the Indian Act MCK, as well as sue the chief personally for his negligence.  


Trudeau’s Framework is already in play in kahnawake. kanionkehaka men don’t don yellow vests. They pick up their weapons and get ready to fight their invaders, protect their women and children and their homeland.

We kanionkehaka can do whatever is necessary to bolster our economies anywhere on turtle island. We are sovereign, as creation placed us here. In the past some businesses became strong through using our sovereignty.  owistah, the disease of the mind that transfers priority thought from ‘We’ to ‘Me’, is now an epidemic in kahnawake and other kanionkehaka/Mohawk communities.    

tekentiokwanhoksta, the power of the 49 families of the rotinoshonni’onwe/Iroquois Confederacy, is the way to protect the legacy of our children. The Indian Act council is setting up a system for everybody to pay tithes to them, not to the community and they will hand every cent over to London bankers through their handlers.   

The shop of one woman stays open because she does not comply. The kanionkehaka of khenteke/tyendinaga, Six Nation, kanehsatake and akwesasne are ready to stand up. We don’t think they’ll be donning yellow vests. 

Indian Act Joe basically set up a war between the men of kahnawake and the SQ, shades of Oka?  He says he can’t do anything to help the people because he signed the 10-Point Agreement giving municipal powers over kahnawake to Quebec. He forgets to mention that it only applies to him and the 300 people who took part in the band council election. They gave up their birthright. They will soon be migrating out of kahnawake.    

The Canadian version of law is not legal because it does not pass the test of international law scrutiny as it is based on genocide. The Oct. 25, 1924 Indian Act created all of the POW camps called “reserves”. Our lands were stolen by the provinces for resource extraction and all of our rights as human beings were taken away. Our people were rounded up like dogs and herded into these camps. 

Nazareth seems to know the conflicts between the SQ and the businesses at kahnawake when they sing: “Woke up this morning. My dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning. My cat had died. I know I’ll miss her. I sat down and cried”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.