

MNN. May 2, 2016. The Mad Bear Women of the East sent Red-X from the 5th dimension to Osweken to help resolve some mysteries there. He arrived from the west where the sun never sleeps on his silver eagle and landed on the roof of the GREAT Building above HDI. 2 earsUsing rotino’shonni diplomacy, he asked “What’s this otah being thrown around here? I heard some certified colonists are swamping us with Admiralty shit. I mean band/tribal councils, bureaucrats, lawyers, social workers, developers and negotiators and their followers. Remember, when they are done with those scum-faces, they will throw them away like a used condom! It’s an old INDIAN trick I learned from a white man!”

Red-X: "I am the one they are looking for. The one who knows, who those who are looking to find me in this age."

Red-X: “I am the one they are looking for. The one who knows, who those who are looking to find me in this age.”

Red-X stood back, stroked his chin and offered some sage words. “Always know who’s who. We have posers aplenty running amongst us promising they’re gonna save us. They claim to be Injuns and don’t have mothers or morals. If there’s a rat tale sticking out of the back, it’s a rat! Don’t let them break our code of our highly developed non-verbal communication”.

Red-X advised, “Demand non-violence and truth! They invented guns to threaten, hurt or kill us. We defend ourselves with onkwe’ho:weh tactics coming from the kaia’nereh:kowa, the great peace. They want us to go to Indian Affairs and beg for scraps. They need to take their fingers out of our butts so we can have a good shit all over the GREAT Building!”

The resistance to theft going on affects the white man’s dollars. They can print cash any old time.banks take all

We have to honor our ancestors for what they went through for us to survive. They gotta get off our land and clean up their mess.

Dekanawida said that the red and white serpents will battle at sea. The oceans will boil. The trees will burn from the top down. The fish will float on their bellies in the water. The snakes in the grass must be vanquished.

Red-X pulled down his glasses revealing the deep black caverns of sageoscity: “We can rebel as warriors in righteous war against colonialism on our homelands, or we can repent as conditioned assimilated good INDIANS”. These words are from the war councils of our ancestors”. He reminds us that we are all suffering from  “owista-ism” disease!

HDI Inc. fighting back: "We ain't leaving. Ouch!"

HDI Inc. fighting back: “We ain’t leaving. Ouch!”

As Red-X flew away, his radio was tuned to AM417Hz listening to the prophet Jimi Hendrix sing: “Purple haze, all in my eyes. Don’t know if it’s day or night. You got me blowin’, blowin’ my mind. Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?” [Purple Haze].


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Grande River clean up


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222

Any other corporate entity you can think off.






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MNN. April 27, 2016. The “house of torture”, Indian Affairs, is a criminal organization. Back in 1969 the Liberal government of Canada decided to do away with Indian Affairs by removing their obligations, budget, protections and liability. Rather than freeing us and returning all our possessions, we going were to be pushed out onto the streets to die out, like the disastrous 1950s US Termination Policy. Our Indian Trust Fund is the club used to try to kill us off.

Nobody's home at Indian Affairs.

Nobody’s home at Indian Affairs.

Before the house goes down, a total forensic audit of Indian Affairs and its entire gangsta’ apparatus must be done. The “Don” of this “Mafia” is the “prime minister”. His henchmen are called “provinces”, “ministers”, “judges” and “armed forces”. They divide up our territories where the enforce their rules and collect “protection” money. “Blood” oaths are made to their “Queenie”. The corporate band and tribal councils strive to become full patch members to terrorize us.

Hey, let's move into the empty "Tower of Terror".

Hey, why don’t we move into the “Tower of Power”?

A lot of lawyers and consultants are getting big career boosts and money out of fake inquiries into the criminal acts committed by Canada like the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC. They are designed to never solve any issues.whitehair






Oh, does he mean Lorraine Laurendeau, the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs.

Does he mean Lovely Lorraine Laurendeau, the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs?

Once the Indian Act and Indian Affairs are dissolved, and everything is returned, there will be a proper teio’hateh relationship between us and the occupiers. They will stay in their ship and not pull our canoe.


The ‘war room’ in the Tower of Terror in Ottawa must be shut down. The colonial settlers will right the wrongs by living up to all the human rights covenants Canada pretends to support internationally.

kaia’nere:kowa, our original instructions, will govern our land and everybody on it. Our mother will be taken care of. The heritage of our children not yet born will be restored. All of great turtle island will become beautiful again.

Guns & Roses sang about subjugators: “You just better start sniffin’ your own rank subjugation jack. Cause it’s just you against your tattered libido. The bank and the mortician. Forever man and it wouldn’t be luck if you could get out of life alive.” [Knocking on heaven’s door].


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Wahta issue.

onkwe’hon:weh youth question Trudeau.

Aaron Detlor and the Haudenosaunee Development Institute


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222










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MNN. April 27. 2016. When bar lawyer Aaron Detler was physically removed from Six Nations by the men as per the kaia’nere:kowa, it signaled the beginning of the end of colonialism. The ball will roll from Six Nations to every onkwe’hon:weh community on ono’ware:keh. Nobody can stop it! Colonialism is a ‘corporate dictatorship’ backed by the military to privatize all land and resources for a select few.

Is this the local or the express?

Is this the local or the express?

Society must be based on families in the communities to deal with all issues, based on equality and everyone having a voice. All will live by the principles of the original instructions or leave great turtle island.

Our Indian Trust Funds – their weapon to club us to death – will be taken from the corporatists. Our tie to our mother will be nurtured. Our goal is a safe and healthy environment.

US, Canada and other colonial companies will be irrelevant. Corporations based on the exploitation of our resources will be dissolved. All ventures will adhere to the original instructions. Corporate artificial entities will no longer be tolerated. All businesses will be transparent.

The true terrorist called “Indian Affairs” has to go. All people shall be free when this is done.

Spy in HDI Office: "Wow Indian Affairs setting up more honeypots!"

Indian Affairs spy!

Temporary selections of local officials, the economy, finance, banking, transportation, security, public safety and policies related to energy are answerable to the original instructions of our mother. As long as they carrying out her will to survive and coexist with all nature, they are welcome to remain.

Social justice and economic independence will be based on equitable distribution of all of our mother’s resources as per the original instructions. Science and technology has to benefit everyone. So must education, health, the environment, biodiversity, industry, quality of life and security. Financial sectors including banking and insurance, will conform to the original instructions.

We will conduct all relations with other countries. Colonial settlers like Trudeau and Obama will no longer pretend to represent the onkwe’hon:weh to the world at large.

No one can own our mother. We were placed here to carry out the original instructions on our beautiful istah.

Minister Carolyn Bennett & military leave Indian Affairs 'war room' for last time.

Minister Carolyn Bennett & military leave Indian Affairs ‘war room’ for last time.

The decolonization process has begun. The freedom train is on the tracks. As Arrowsmith says: “All aboard, all aboard. All aboard track 19, for the train to freedom. I said the train kept a’rollin all night long. The train kept a rollin, get along. Train kept a’rollin”. [Train kept a’rollin].



MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit



Cap. Detlor sails up Grande.

Leaked documents prompt declaration to dismantle HDI: launch investigation


Another media fraud about bad Mohawks.

Germany Biggest demo against TPP.


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222





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MNN. Apr. 26, 2016. Today the men went to the HDI office at Six Nations, took bar lawyer Aaron Detler to the edge of the community. He was turned over to the OPP and told to never return. His activities are known as “low intensity warfare”.

Never mind Syracuse. We have to head over to Six Nations.

Never mind Syracuse. We have to head over to Six Nations.

Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO of the 1960s and 1970s was to sabotage our reputations, rights and activities. It was designed to neutralize our potential. Agents are set up to expose, disrupt, misdirect and discredit us. OPPIt is coordinated with local police, prosecutors, media, business, foundation executives,  universities, churches and patriotic organizations. All directed by the military industrial complex from the Indian Affairs “war room” on the 14th floor.

Crookd lawyers graveyard.

Crooked lawyers graveyard.

Political repression is necessary to control the disadvantaged. The government has to look “democratic”. Business and industry rely on them to do unprofitable work like run post offices, airports, roads, job training, pacifying workers and covert operations.

The European state system is based on a monarchical model which is controlled by a small elite. Propaganda and espionage is used to control the people. KKK, skinheads, Nazi Party and other racist groups are a European invention. In the 1930s Germany and Japan set up mass demonstrations to support fascism. Homeland Security now runs this program to go after onkwe’hon:weh communities.

The effort to eliminate our great peace and our blood lines that attach us to our land is necessary to turn great turtle island into an advanced police state.

Indian Affairs in Ottawa is run by the Canadian military. We are being scapegoated as the cause of Canada’s problems.

Could a bar lawyer scumbag be rehabilitated?

Could a bar lawyer scumbag be rehabilitated?

Psychological warfare tactics that were designed include charging us with phony crimes, sending in vigilantes and provocateurs. They maintain strong central control to seize every chance to carry out disruptive activity among us. Their agents make proposals that are divisive, sabotage important activities, squander scarce resources, steal funds, seduce leaders, promote rivalries, provoke jealousy and publicly embarrass their opponents. They lead people into unnecessary dangers and set them up for prosecutions.

'I'm seriously thinking of firing you as my lawyer.'

‘I’m seriously thinking of firing you as my lawyer.’


“Bad jaketing” is calling one of ours a government or police agent to draw attention away from the real rat. It causes confusion, distrust, paranoia, wastes time, splits minds, expulsions and violence.

Canada cannot legally spy on its people. Covert action by foreigners is used by the government. Low intensity operations were practiced on us in Kanehsatake in 1990 when Col. Musgrave of MI-5 was brought in to develop tactics to break us down and ATF was at Caldonia directing the OPP.

The government subsidizes arms, sordid racist and right wing thugs. In our communities we are always supposed to know who everybody is, their grandparents, parents, families and relations. They will never stop repressing until we are all assimilated or eliminated.

Jim Morrison sang about strangers in your community. “People are strange when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone. Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted. Streets are uneven when you’re down. When you’re strange faces come out of the rain. When you’re strange no one remembers your name. When you’re strange, when you’re strange. When you’re strange”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit slaves


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222

Nobody went to vote.