White Pine the great tree of peace

MNN. Jan. 25, 2024.

Their society is hateful and vengeful which they have been trained to not notice. Their motive is to exterminate an entire race because they want our possessions. The teiohateh Two Row Agreement is the law of turtle island. We know of their unremorseful cunning to kill us without guilt. They live in their self created fantasy world called “pop culture”. They tell themselves they are nice people and they sure love their guns. We onkwehonweh buried our weapons of war under the tree of peace so that war does not continue. The intruders made up their own image of themselves as great heroic leaders because of their great killing skills. When they chopped down the tree of peace at onondaga, they were cursed. They will be forever at war until real peace returns. In fact they are known as some of the cruelest blood thirsty tyrants to ever walk the earth. They are proud of this acknowledgement and even joke about it. Their crimes are so contemptuous, calculated, malignant and devastating which the world continues to tolerate. They are aware that their man-made class system is over. For the sake of humanity their malicious acts cannot be repeated or go unpunished. 

Albany Plan of Union

The natural world is always in motion. We will never fear.  The only fear is fear itself. Otherwise we will realize our fear. We are in the time of the black serpent. Soon the serpents will be gone from onowarekeh turtle island.     

The truth of their crimes is known. We are victims of despair because they want something we have, our mother, turtle island. Europeans helped design the genocide so they would never get caught or punished. The law of North America is based on the Papal Bull which declares we are not human so they can hunt us down like deer. The settlers did this. They are guilty of the atrocities from which colonists are all benefitting from our people’s death.

The intruders used militarism though we were a peaceful people and not their enemies. There was no battle. They attacked and massacred innocent men, women and children while they were sleeping in their villages. For Canada it was like hunting for deer. They were paid to carry out the murders. The Canadians were excited when they set out to kill us. To them it was like a big fun sport event. Men signed up so they did not miss out on the adventure. The Canadian psyche was stimulated. They were thrilled to kill us. Their killing spree was glorious to them. Canada got a purpose to exist. “Wow, we’re killing off a whole race. We’re going to destroy human flesh”, they screamed. 

The church and the state were so proud of the carnage they designed together. Canada tells themselves they won! But Canada was defeated by us as we are still here. They are presently hiding all knowledge about this under their dirty carpets. The colony of Canada could collapse or abdicate. Creation placed the indigenous people on turtle island to take care of the land from time immemorial to infinity. Rematriation of every part of turtle island will always be the duty of the natural caregivers. So we are here to stay.

They continue to promote anti-indigenous propaganda to continue the biggest holocast in all humanity. They don’t want to stop until it is complete. They know how to kill us, destroy the earth and then hide what they have doing. They want to continue racial hatred, terrorism, violence, arrogance and cruelty. Canada has hundreds of tons of secret documents on their foul deeds which will be seized by or voluntarily turned over to us.  


Listen to the words of the Rolling Stones on the “Hand of Fate” for such shenanigans:

The hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and knock me downI’m on the run, I’m prison boundThe hand of fate is heavy nowI killed a man, I’m highway boundThe wheel of fortune keeps turning roundTurning round, turning roundI should have known it was a one horse town
My sweet girl was once his wifeHe had papers the judge had signedThe wind blew hard, it was stormy nightHe shot me once, but I shot him twiceThe hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and it kicked me right downKicked me right downKicked me right down
I had to save her lifeYeah, I gunned him twiceYeah, and I watched him die, watch out boyYeah, I watched him die
He was a barroom man, the violent kindHe had no love for that gal of mineThen one day in a drinking boutHe swore he’d throw me right of townThe hand of fate is on me nowI shot that man I put him undergroundI put him undergroundYes I did
I’m on the run, I hear the houndsMy luck is up, my chips are downSo goodbye baby, so long nowWish me luck, I’m going to need it childThe hand of fate is on me nowYeah it’s too lateToo late baby, too late nowThe hand of fate is on me nowThe hand of fate is heavy now
It pick you up and knock you down
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Mick Jagger / Keith Richards

#991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0




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MNN. 6 Sep. 2021. As karonhiaktajeh said, “We [the indigenous people of the earth] are one people and we stand together”. As time goes on Anglo Americans and their allies show us their innate ugliness. To them killing an Afghani man and 9 kids ‘by’ mistake is “collateral Damage”. Guys in Colorado push buttons and drop missiles and drones on innocent people, on purpose.


The invaders have no soul. They hate us indigenous because we reveal the truth about them. There will be a response. The Chinese technology far exceeds what Americans have. The empire intrude on other peoples, land and culture as they did to us. We were called savages, atheists and terrorists. They declared us as “non-human” and according to their Christian belief they could murder us with impunity.

Almost everyone has fallen for it. Hedonist Trudeau called an election to take the focus off the thousands of unmarked hidden graves of murdered children found at Indian Residential School death camps. They are not holding themselves accountable. They avoid the humanitarian beauty of the kaianerekowa. They are terrified of the truth. “We’re going to get to bottom, of all this”, they say as they all swear an oath of secrecy to the Queen, especially, this, the biggest secret. 

Who and what is the corruptor. It is hate. This empire will not last. The past cannot be changed no matter what lies the colonists tell. We have the truth. We learn from it. The psychotics make up fantasies to make horrific deadly decisions, all based on lies which they cover with many more lies. No matter what, they will always be lies. Their spies and intelligence agents said that leaving Afghanistan would be a breeze. It was a lie. They had other plans. Psychotics wrote the scripts for the psychopaths to act out this terror. 

It’s a never ending war between good and evil, while they play the tag of death.

The world watches. The demise of America will be shown on youtube. Their contorted faces, greed, hatred, envy and planning of massacres of us and indigenous people all over the world. They hate us. They want to know the price of everything and not the natural value of things. They have been programmed into the republic of war culture which they brought from where they came. Afghanistan was a complete fiasco for 20 years. They lost. Yet Americans still want to take the last shot. It’s costing $ trillions.

The world is finally seeing the real face we seen for 500 years. They have no qualms about committing violence and crimes. They kill to kill. They are confirming to the world that war is wrong. They shoot deer and moose, any kind of animal, just to kill. 80 million buffalo wiped out to starve the Sioux, reducing the herd to 800. They killed 150 million of us and our children and tried to conceal the murders and genocide.


We view our land as a trust for our children that are yet unborn. We say “not for sale”. The foreign corporation known as the Crown could never legitimately have the land.

The psychotics want to control the force of life, like “serial killers”. They give themselves a licence to do this with impunity, without ethics and morality. Society lives in terror. Only the military establishment thrives to feed their never ending addiction to war. They came onto the shore of turtle island and saw everything the wanted to steal. They declared, “This should belong to us”. Their  corruptors directed them to exterminate the original people, which would eliminate all witnesses to the crime. 

Their psychotic leaders declared they can commit premeditated murder and genocide, in the name of freedom, human rights, and democrcy!!!. After Afghanistan they have no triumph, so like little children the Americans and their allies drop bombs on their way out. Campaign contributors are concerned that the politicians cannot easily sell another war. The noose is tightening around the neck. The US is the second most hated country in the world after Israel.

The US empire is unnatural and on the brink of annihilation on turtle island. Since we were not totally genocided, kaianerekowa the great peace survives from the beginning of time to the end of time.

The US deceived the world and now itself. They are ia-ronon-kwe-kiken. They are not natural people. They think they can murder and take no blame. 

They speak more cruel every day. They show no conscience. They cover up their evil with charity and NGOs sent to countries pretending to help them but are spying to undermine them. Nature is helping mother earth. 

The psychotic monsters are currently looking for new lands, adventures and people to kill. Those psychopaths in Colorado probably just sent another drone to kill someone, which would inevitably include innocent men, women and children going about their lives. They will never acknowledge it. They are already rewriting their past to escape what they are, evil doers. 

Blood drips from the hands of leaders and politicians of United States, Canada, and those ruled by the new British Empire which is a financial empire out of the City of London. The life of others is unimportant to them. When they are gone, a burden will be lifted from the world. We will be safer. They think they have to try to destroy us or we will destroy them with the truth. 

As Eric Burdon and the Animals say about war: “He blesses the boy and they stand in line. The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine. He is there to help them all that he can. To make them feel wanted. He is a good holy man. Sky Pilot. you are soldiers of god. You must understand. The fate of your country is in your young hands. May god give you strength to do your job real well. If it was all worth it, only time will tell. In the morning they returned with tears in their eyes. The stench of death drifts up to the skies. A young soldier so ill looks at the Sky Pilot, remembers the words “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. Sky Pilot. Sky Pilot. How high can you fly. You never reach the sky.” Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  












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MNN. Sep. 3, 2021. We should all now stand together holding arms, plant a tree of peace and bury our weapons for all time underneath it. When there are no weapons, nobody gets hurt. People are converted to peace. The Americans sabotaged the equipment they left behind in Afghanistan. Those people could make them into something more useful than sitting around waiting to shoot someone! Nature doesn’t need weapons. We Just have to work and survive. Without weapons, we have to use our minds.

D  I  S  S  O  L  V  E  D     C O R P O R A T I O N   –   S  Q  U  A  T  T  E  R  S 

 The power to destroy is intoxicating to imperialists. US lost the illegal undeclared war and plans to destabilize Afghanistan by funding and arming disorder and chaos as they have done for the last 100 years to many other countries. Rogue military organizations of the empire have always been working behind puppet Indians and tribal councils to divide, weaken and genocide us. War Departments, churches and NGOs carry out the civil wars and terror. This system created the world’s biggest holocaust of 150 million indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. 

The foreign empires claim to have a right to pillage, exploit, enslave, violate and terrorize us for 500 years on turtle island. As Joe Biden exclaimed of the bombing of fleeing Americans at Afghan airport, “Those who carried out this attack, we will not forgive, forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.” He means, “We are going to get you with a drone. ”

When the Americans sabotaged the weapons they left in Afghanistan, they then have to destroy their own, as we’ve been asking for 500 years so we can have peace. According to the kaianerekowa, we buried all the weapons of war that occur in each other’s minds, those thoughts that make us hateful, aggressive and kill each other. Hostilities would be unknown. The whole world has to do this. Only the war club is unburied to execute a traitor. The hatchet for defence was not buried.

The republic of war spent $2 trillion to destroy Afghanistan: to arm and train corrupt Afghan military, setting up Fascist style governing infrastructures, so the invaders could live comfortably among the impoverished indigenous people they are attacking, enslaving and stealing from. The rest was siphoned off by foreign aid groups, hired guns called private contractors and outside consultants.

Afghan financial accounts have been frozen and the Americans took the rest. The president was the first to flee, leaving worthless pieces of paper [money] on the tarmac. The IMF won’t lend them anything. No food. Destroyed infrastructure. High food prices. Sanctions, No aid. No salaries. Health care collapsed.

The manipulators of powers are not accountable in public and are beyond scrutiny. Canada is presently presiding gleefully over the deaths of our children, not mentioned in the current election campaign. Voters don’t care either. The gallows they are making for us are really for themselves.

The empire is humiliated by the Afghans, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, Vietnam and Indigenous people who continue to resist. The empire sees its declining strength, incompetence, savagery. They revolve around the war industry. The bureaucrats watch. The critics are killed. The media is complicit. The people are in despair. All hope is lost.

There is no spirit of retribution or righteousness. kaianerekowa, the great peace, heals violations of the natural order and the evil it causes. Empire requires killing true democracy to produce military dictatorships, a huge standing army and continuous wars under an imperial presidency. They are addicted to guns, killing people and money.

MI5 and CIA are rogue military organizations that oversee this secret empire building. The RCMP did the snatching of millions of our children so the governments and churches could carry out ‘the final solutions to the Indian problem’ of resisting theft of turtle island and its resources. The RCMP amalgamated with CSIS to create ART Aboriginal Response Team, which is the modern day Gestapo of the 4th Reich. Even today they follow us in their black cars when we leave the ‘reserve’.


The Indian residential school death camps were sites for interrogations, experimentation, torture and targeted assassinations of helpless and innocent indigenous children and unarmed civilians.

We indigenous are feared for exposing the truth about the empire. The homicide and genocide committed by US and Canada are not mentioned because we humiliated them. They want us to pay with our lives for puncturing their fake myth of great power. We will never be forgiven for exposing their gross immorality, weakness and sordid inner workings of their empire.

How to eliminate empires. Follow the philosophy of the kaianerekowa, the great peace, of each being sovereign, equal and having a voice.. The intruders brought guns and then wars. Let’s go back to 1491 when we had implements to hunt for food. Weaponry is the only way these empires exist. Once there is none, they lose. When everybody is sovereign there is no need for a president or prime minister. Our minds, nature and the great peace guide us.

The Rolling Stones sing about the American fate in Afghanistan: “The hand of fate is on me now. It picks me up and it knocks me down. I’m on the run. I’m highway bound. The hand of fate is heavy now. I killed a man. I’m prison bound. The wheel of fortune keeps on turning round. Turning round. Turning round. I should have known it was a one horse town”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  




Chris Hedges 









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MNN. Oct. 17, 2017. People know that creation is in charge. Natural power comes through the women who are closest to the earth and connect to the moon. Everyone has to figure things out. We must do what all of creation tells us by listening and living according to its spirit. 


We cannot abandon our mother. The immigrants don’t understand the ‘original instructions’ of creation. They cannot live in peace. Nature is not political and does not depend on the artificial monetary system.    

Our mother is needed by all. One people cannot naturally control food or the material things needed to live. We are constantly defending ourselves from those who fantasize they have power to control everything. 


teiohateh, two row wampum, is about the Dutch who came to great turtle island. They wanted an agreement to be our father and we would be their children. We laughed at this joke. We told them we could only be brothers and sisters in the same family. 

Creation, not man-made agreements, determines the course of all life. The world is not naturally constructed in a hierarchy. We live according to kinship. All life is in a horizontal construction, not vertical with someone at the top. There is food for everyone, there could be peace in the world and good relations between all. 

Man-made hierarchy is for the megalomaniacs who are fueling the war problem continuously throughout the world. Everyone suffers. Survival depends upon all of us remembering the original instructions we have with this earth. We agreed to live as brothers and sisters with all life on our mother’s back, to survive and co-exist eternally.   

Financial oligarchs ride around in bullet proof cars and surround themselves with private armies to frantically hold on to their illusory power. 


The people who help our enemies to murder us will be avenged. Their atrocities and horrors will not pass from us due to the universal law of karma.  

Willy Nelson is optimistic about love and fun: “If you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time. We’ll go honky tonkin’ and we’ll have a time. We’ll have more fun, baby, all the way down the line. If you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time”. [If you’ve got the money I’ve got the time]. 

Willie Nelson If You Got The Money I've Got The Time

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 TRUMP AND 2 POCAHONTASES





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MNN. Oct. 8, 2017. Columbia means United States. British Columbia means the United States in British territory. The legal name of the United States is Columbia. Anything with that name has nothing to do with great turtle island. Yet immigrants celebrate the lie every year to appease their epigenetic past memories. They are reminded of the mass murder, theft, atrocities and criminal behavior committed against all life on great turtle island.   

Our epigenetic memories are the ohenton kari-wa-tekwen, the original instructions we have with creation. We got our clans and protocol on how to live in peace with all natural life. Our wampum system reminds us of our genetic memory for thousands of years, just like all life. 

Except for a few, the immigrants don’t remember back one past life. They follow a religious faith based on no facts at all. Their reincarnation trap never frees them, making them slaves forever. 

The Parliamentary Rage Room is designed to promote the win or lose, black and white dualism of the corporate slave system which creates conflict. They have been programmed that the corporate majority rules. The true natural way is to come to a consensus. 

Christopher Columbus is a non-explorer who never set foot on great turtle island. This and other fantasies are coming down.  

Columbus and his supporters stand for mass murder. People have to be told the whole truth, to stop living a lie. The criminals must be charged. Everything has to be made right.

Our smart young people are taking over. We tried to expose many of the secrets of the immigrants. Any statue or statute that glorifies the genocide of our people has to be destroyed. All momentos of war heroes like Lincoln, Washington especially, John A. MacDonald and Mount Rushmore should be imploded. Anything that honors these monsters must be dissolved.   

The Columbus statues that are going down are all singing the Rolling Stones song, “Hand of Fate”: “The hand of fate is on me now. It knocked me right down. I’m on the run. I’m prison bound. The hand of fate is heavy. I killed a man. I’m highway bound. The wheel of fortune keeps on turning round. Turnin round. Turnin round. I should have known it was a one horse town. My sweet girl, once his wife. They had papers that the judge had signed. The wind blew hard. It was a stormy night. He shot me once. But I shot him twice. The hand of fate is on me now. It picked up and kicked me right down. Kicked me right down.” 

Wow | River gauges/pics show the Mighty Mississippi River going dry! - NEW Tropical Storms

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Quebec says Trudeau’s rhetoric on First Nations relationship doesn’t match Constitutional reality




FILM TAKE-OFF ON TORONTO MAYOR “Filth City” is every municipality. 




MNN. Mar. 19, 2013. The trial of Kanekota is at 9:30 a.m. Monday, March 25, 2013.  

On July 18, 2012, Thahoketoteh of Kanekota filed action T-1396-12 against the Queen in the Federal Court of Canada. Kanekota is a 575 square miles area in the north of the Grand River. This is the northern part of the Grand River land protected by the Royal Proclamation 1784, for the Mohawk “them and their posterity forever” without encroachment. 

Women's Council: "Thahoketoteh, go for it!"

Women’s Council: “Thahoketoteh, go for it!”


Royal proclamations supersede all Admiralty Statues. All Canadian laws and courts are subject to existing royal proclamations. Thahoketoteh contends that Crown agents who ignore a royal proclamation are guilty of high treason. He asked that all stolen farms from the “mega quarry” application be returned to the Mohawk people; all settlers legalize their presence in Kanekota; and all squatters who do not want to legalize themselves be removed at Canada’s expense. This motion was dismissed. payback's bitch 

Thahoketoteh filed a new action,T-2007-12, asking a constitutional question. He claimed that Canada is under a “legal duty” type of “trust” within the meaning of Section 109, Constitution Act 1867, not to apply or permit the application of federal or provincial law to the Grand River or Haldimand Tract, except by treaty, in compliance with the Royal Proclamation 1763 and proven, in the event of dispute, before the Standing Royal Committee constituted by the Order-in-Council [UK 1704]. 

The oral portion of the trial will be through teleconferencing, which will eventually be available on Mohawk Nation News. Everyone can read the entire case on Thahoketoteh is representing himself. He expects the judiciary to follow their own law. 

Sec. 109 of the Constitution Act 1867: All Lands, Mines, Minerals, and Royalties belonging to the several Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick at the Union, and all Sums then due or payable for such Lands, Mines, Minerals, or Royalties, shall belong to the several Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick in which the same are situate or arise, subject to any Trusts existing in respect thereof, and to any Interest other than that of the Province in the same.” 

They'll soon be getting new glasses!

Federal Court: “What elephant? I don’t see it!”

This section 109 is like the elephant in the living room that the judiciary pretends is not there. It affirms the Indian Trust Funds that MNN keeps mentioning.  

Since the trial will not be available to the public we suggest people go to trial of Kanekota to read the written argument. 

Canada is the defendant in this case. We are reminded of the Stones song; Hand of Fate: “I’m on the run. I hear the hounds. My luck is up. My chips are down. So good-bye, baby, so long now. Wish me luck. I’m gonna need it, child. The hand of fate is heavy now. It pick you up and knock you right down!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0