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MNN. Jan. 9, 2018. The corporate justice business based on Admiralty Law of the Seas is designed to protect the stolen property of a few elite and to enslave the rest. When we go to court 99.9% of us have to pay a lawyer to speak for us or we have to go pro se [without a lawyer]. The elite created this money funnel to beat us into the ground by burying us in their ‘legalese’ procedures and papers or put us in their jails. Exxon could send us 250,000 or a million pieces of paper that would take us years to look at and never figure out.


The new proposed justice system we propose is based on the world reknown “tekarontake rule” which is based on the great peace, kaia-nere-kowa, to  create balance where everyone is equal and has a voice. No paper or pen in the courtroom, just your mind. The opponents have to look right into each other’s eyes, so to speak.

Lawyers and judges will have no artificial rules to protect their corporate business. Their fraudulent gouging system of ‘clients’ will disappear. The land, trees, river, air, animals, people and all life are created pro se. We are all born to live and die pro se, without lawyers filling out forms and filing them somewhere.


This scam is over. Everybody will go in the front door of the court and into their secret chambers. The illusory bar association won’t have us by the throat to threaten, fine and keep us in line to put money in their pockets. If you need paper then you don’t have a good case. The lawyers never get our stories straight.

To resolve a conflict, all parties go to a room together and talk about it until they come to an understanding. No secrets or lies. New York State made the Onondaga 15 wait twenty years [For us all to die of!] Then they put us through sham trials in the district court, then second circuit court and now the Supreme Court of the United States. 

The supreme court even has a rule that no one other than a lawyer can argue in  their ‘club’! It’s only for the 1% that can buy a lawyer. 


In criminal cases, the corporate government writes up the rules and regulations to ‘catch’ or trap us. Every one charged should be automatically provided a free lawyer. We are presumed innocent. Let the state pay for its money making business. The court and lawyers drum up the business and split the profit, making money out of other people’s conflicts. 

In 1997 the ambulance chasers offered to help us for free. They dumped the Onondaga 15 when we would not settle for money they could get a part of. We wanted to put on record the attack by the’NYS I-81 INDIAN DETAIL’. 


Everybody with legitimate grievances will have their day in the ‘remedy room’ without lawyers, paper work, depositions, and so on.  

Referees will hear the merits of the case quickly instead of a judge when it’s fresh in our minds instead waiting for us to forget all the details. Court rule books will become one page pamphlets to deflate the so-called justice business. 

The social system has no justice, no true resolve. It’s all based on money. 

The great peace does not seek punishment, but to make things rights, to fix things the way they are supposed to be. Everybody is responsible to correct wrongdoing and compensate those who have been wronged. A few should not decide. Everybody should be aware and involved. Politicians say they will throw it to the people in a referendum but don’t give them all the information. They provide propaganda, rumor and gossip, even in the courtroom, to mislead the judge, jury, people and media. 

As Onondaga 15 plaintiff, Budgie, said, “My parents raised me to tell the truth and not to steal or I might end up becoming a politician or a judge. [Parmley v. Jones]. 

Buffy Sainte Marie and Tanya Tagaq remind us of the duties coming from the original instructions between all life and creation: “Whether your woman or whether your man. Sometimes you gotta take a stand. Just because you think you can. Oh you gotta run you gotta run”.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

BrendaNorrell@gmail.com CensoredNews



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JAN. 3, 2018. Remember when the New York State “Indian Detail” attacked the Onondaga on May 18, 1997. It went to the NY District Court in Syracuse, then to the Second Circuit Court of New York and now is in the Supreme Court of the United States.

The real issue is that any person is suppose to have the right to EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, which is engraved on the sign at the top of the front door of the  Supreme Court of the United States. If denied the onkwe-hon-weh and everybody will be unable to have equal justice, a fair trial and due process in all courts of the U.S. The Onondaga 15 were forced to be pro se, without lawyers.


 22 2017 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 1, 2018)
PetitionCertificate of Word CountProof of Service

We say in the spirit of Michael Jackson “this is it”: “One, two, three, four. This is it, here I stand. I’m the light of the world. I’ll feel grand. Got this love, I can feel. And I know, yes for sure. It is real.” 


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 




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MNN. NOV. 30, 2017. Every band/tribal council chief, provincial and territorial INDIAN organization has to answer the following question: Do you follow the INDIAN ACT or the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace? The INDIAN ACT is the genocide policy of the government of Canada. The great peace is based on the original instructions of creation. 


Should these corporate entities answer “We enforce the INDIAN ACT”, they are willing to be paid by the government of Canada to carry out the elimination of the true natural people of turtle island. They are corporate gunslingers.  

Should these chiefs answer, “We follow the original instructions of creation”, they must resign immediately and respect the sovereignty of the true natural people of turtle island.  

The Indian Act is an ethnic cleansing genocidal policy to assimilate us into Canada’s jurisdiction and terminate our title to great turtle island. If we get rid of the Indian Act, we will determine who we are, be forced to take total responsibility for our own well-being, start governing ourselves and decide how we will continue to exist as onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people. We will control our land and resources.  


At the hearing into the case of the governemnt band council of Kahnawake creating a membership code to evict people from the community, tekarontakeh of the wolf clan explained:

“Adoption of people is a lifelong committment. The language, culture and traditions have to be adopted. The candidates former privileges and identity are surrendered. After a trial period they take one span of wampum to the native family they request to be adopted by. If the family is suitable, they are given “a name hung around the neck”, which belongs to the family. Once accepted, they are introduced to the other clans and then to the councils. Once everything is scrutinized a decision is made. A ceremony of rebirth takes place. This person is reborn. Their history is removed. The first generation sits with their backs to the wall. They may give their views to their clan spokes person. Their children have a voice. Their grandchildren can hold a title. This long process ensures they have our world view and avoids spies and traitors from entering our communities”. 

WATCH TEKARONTAKE: https://www.facebook.com/firstnationstv/videos/1805815219430545/

Some of the great peace basic criteria underlies the US Citizenship Act. Canada was instructed by the king of England to deal fairly with the true original people of turtle island and learn the native language of the people on whose land they reside. The corporations of Canada, US and Mexico can never become sovereign nations because only the native nations on turtle island are 100% sovereign and own everything.

The government cohorts have been hiding in the shadows and are now exposed to the light for who they really are.  

Buffy Sainte Marie sings the path we follow to reach our destiny: Who knows what tomorrow brings. In a world where few hearts survive. All I know is the way I feel. If it’s real I’ll keep it alive. The road is long, And there are mountains in our way. But we climb a step everyday”.



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MNN. NOV. 11, 2017. Whiteness is a dangerous cult. It means self-determined racial supremacy, genocide, colonialism, slavery, segregation, ghettoism, militarized borders and mass incarceration. The whites cannot indefinitely hang onto their militarized power and stolen booty. They are now trying to bring more chaos into the world. Today they celebrate the carnage they created in 1914, while we continue to live among rotted walking dead.  


They hide the pleasure they get from seeing people suffer pain and blood. That is why they design and invoke the horrific prisoner of war camps that most of us live in? They need lives to torture. 

We lost millions of our people at their hands, who never hurt their children or babies or anybody. The empire is collapsing. The predators are escaping the net of justice with their loyal dogs as they come to the end of their psychopathic legacy. 


Everything they have is based on shedding our blood. They refuse to clean their filth.    

Is our land still a good place to live? All natural life on turtle island feels the pain they inflict.  

Their idea of racial order is based on control over the “uncivilized”, to exterminate, terrorize, imprison, ostracise and radically engineer.


Whiteness is the self-determined ownership of the earth forever and ever. it is based on creating national animosities, foreign wars and empire building. It is promoted by the media and assisted by bureaucracies and technology. 

Private and public morality barely exist. The “war on terror” is a license to torture and execute. Western society depends on violence, undeclared wars and new battles to begin. 

To move on they need to kill again. Our existence reminds them of something they do not want to remember.  

They beat us up but they can’t kill us. We are indestructable. They need  victims. They live for war, not peace. Otherwise they are cowards.   

The Western corporate society is built on racial hierarchy, a criminal force that empowers volatile demagogues. Whiteness is the coming mayhem.  

Remembrance Day is for them to celebrate war.  

Credence Clearwater Revival sing about not having a daddy in politics:

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they’re red, white and blue. And when the band plays “Hail to the chief”, Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no senator’s son, son. It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, no”

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Official Lyric Video)

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/10/how-colonial-violence-came-home-the-ugly-truth-of-the-first-world-war Read Pankay Mishra ‘Ugly Truth of the First World War”




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MNN. Nov. 8, 2017. Why are the original people of great turtle island forced to live in third world conditions? We’ve been trapped by the system brought here by the invaders. Treaties are nothing more than one-sided corporate resource extraction instruments, not designed to do anything for the INDIAN except keep us alive and in a cage. 

The murderers designed and imposed the “kill the real natural people” and all natural life scenario. They developed the program to annihilate onkwe-hon-weh, except those with deceit, malice or animosity who are willing to manage their “cages” [reservations].  


We true natural people are one. We have the same basic process to live by the original instructions from creation to use our natural instincts to survive. We are the victims of the true Murder Inc. All traitors who violate the Two Row and kaia-nere-kowa are not our people. If they stay on turtle island they will come under our law or they will be expelled.   

The military manages the genocide carried out by the thieving murderers [settlers]. The invaders are trained to be obedient.   


The world sees the crimes and knows of the atrocities of the invaders: killing sprees, rez school death camps, missing and murdered women, scooping of our babies and children, sterilization, third world living conditions and avoidance of a proper international tribunal to deal with these crimes.   

North Americans and their guilty slaves are trained to act innocent and try to portray our defence or resistance as “terrorism”. The world sees the atrocities and helplessness, but continues following “international law”, which is all based upon trade and commerce.  


 We will continue to spread the great peace to the world.

Our mother guides us while people like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell guide the invaders. We are trying to stop this continual war. Corporatism is 51% majority rules, which is the basis of  divide and conquer paradigm, ordo ab chao. Our consensual decision making process is based on each person being equal and having a voice until there is mutual agreement supported by all.   

 Jimmy Rodgers sings about Hobo Bill’s Last Ride [1929]: “Riding on the eastbound freight train speeding through the night, Hobo Bill, a railroad bum, was fighting for his life. The sadness of his eyes revealed the torture of his soul. He raised a weak and weary hand to brush away the cold. No warm lights flickered around him, and no blankets to fold. Nothing but the howling wind and the driving rain so cold. When he heard a whistle blowing in a dreamy kind of way, he seemed real contended as he smiled where he laid. Outside the rain was falling on that lonely boxcar door. But the little form of Hobo Bill laid still upon the floor. While the train sped through the darkness at the raging storm outside, no one knew that hobo bill was taking his last ride. It was early in the morning when they raised the hobo’s head, the smile was still on his face, but hobo bill was dead.  There was no mother’s longing to soothe his weary soul. For he was just a railroad bum who died out in the cold”. 


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

http://www.sandcree k.org/massacre. htm SAND CREEK MASSACRE

The Balfour Declaration – One Hundred Years of (Goyim) Solitude

http://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/indigenous-census-rapid-growth-1.4370727 SOARING ONKWE-HON-WEH POPULATION

http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Indian_Nations_Letter_to_Putin.html INDIAN LETTER TO PUTIN

QUEEN’S OFF-SHORE INVESTMENTS OF BILLIONS OF OUR MONEY https://www.thestar.com/news/paradise-papers/2017/11/05/the-queens-private-estate-invested-millions-offshore-leaked-documents-reveal.html



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MNN. Nov. 6, 2017. We have lost 5 young people to accidents in Kahnawake over a two week period. They are all our children. Then two of our elders, 75 and 80 years old, passed away and were buried on the same day. They constantly searched to understand the original instructions from creation. 


They never backed down. “We always have to be willing and able to fight. Those who are passive and chose not to fight are cowards. They are afraid of being called terrorists, of being humiliated, or going to prison. 

Many who stood up and fought did go to prison, not for crimes but for standing up to prevent crimes against our people. Some were killed. They never give up on what they know is right according to the kaia-nere-kowa. They always defend and protect sovereignty.  


kaia-nere-kowa does not promote violence to solve our issues. Our people need to be organized and prepared to protect every creature in creation, insects, plants, fish, animals and all life. Survival using our instincts is instilled in us by creation.  

When some do not try to defend themselves, the rest of us are easy pickings for our enemies. We do not accept excuses that we are passive. Nature is not passive. We have to protect our people and children just as our ancestors did. 

In the past people were put in coliseums so the lions could attack and eat them for entertainment. They prayed they would not be eaten. But they were.  These intruders thrive on violence and blood sports. 


We are using ceremonies and herbs to justify why we do nothing and ask the creator to fix it for us. We are supposed to give thanks for all that creation has provided. The creator did not protect our children from murder and sexual assault in residential school concentration camps. The creator did nothing when our women and girls are being kidnapped and killed. What are we doing to stop Canada and the US from putting our assimilated people on the fast track to total extinction?  

Many have chosen to evade their responsibility to protect our land, our people and all life. If you don’t take responsibility, you have no rights. Don’t point fingers at warriors, AIM or anybody for what they did that might have gone wrong. What did you do?  

Tell your children why they have no land while you are busy waiting for creator superman to solve your problems. You neglect your responsibility because you are weak. You criticize the strong ones who are willing to stand up to the best of their ability. 

We make no excuses to do nothing. Those who do nothing are as guilty as the oppressors.

Our warriors are dying while the rest follow the pied piper off the cliff. 

The late Fats Domino says we are ready, we are willing and we are able, so let’s rock and roll all night: “Well, I’m ready, I’m willing. And I’m able to rock and roll all night. I’m ready, I’m willing And I’m able to rock and roll all night. Come on pretty baby. We’re gonna rock, we’re gonna roll until the broad daylight.”

Fats Domino - I'm Ready


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/with-nafta-in-trumps-crosshairs-mexicos-border-factories-brace-for-the-unknown/2017/02/21/f91a3960-ee49-11e6-b4ff-ac2cf509efe5_story.html NAFTA NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN US, MEXICO, CANADA OLIGARCHS ON CHEAP INDIGENOUS LABOR

https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/10/30/468291/ SOUTH AFRICA PROTESTS AGAINST WHITES


http://russia-insider.com/en/will-trump-ever-learn-not-play-chess-against-persians/ri21423 TRUMP PLAYS CHESS PERSIANS PLAY CHESS

YouTube player

http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/paradise-papers-leak-1.4387338 HIDDEN MONEY FOUND

http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/paradise-papers-canada-connection-1.4386126 PARADISE PAPERS CANADA CONNECTION

https://www.gambling.com/ca/licenses/kahnawake KAHNAWAKE GAMING COMMISSION HQ IN ST. EDOUARD.

http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1067654 MOHAWKS DEMAND $663 BILLION FROM BRANTFORD



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MNN. Nov. 2, 2017. On the early morning hours of October 31, 2017, kahienkehaka [Mohawk] kakwirakeron, beloved husband of Verna (Cooper) Montour, died of natural causes surrounded by his family. He was born Arthur B. Montour on June 26th, 1942 in Buffalo, NY. He was the eldest brother of Johnny, Judy, Eric, Keith, and Patricia Montour.

He changed all his i.d. to kakawirakeron, learned to fluently speak kanien-kehaka-neha at 30 years of age and knew and understood thoroughly the kaia-nerekowa, the great peace. 

He left a legacy of 59 grandchildren and 36 great grandchildren.

kakwirakeron spent his childhood in kahnawake. He began ironworking at 17 years of age, worked throughout great turtle island, as a foreman and superintendent, building bridges and high rises with Local 361 out of Brooklyn, NY. 

In the early 1970’s, he became actively involved in the Warrior Society. He was involved in the kahnawake issues with non-natives; spokesperson during the Moss Lake and Ganienkeh Land Reclamations in ‘so called’ New York State; traveled to Switzerland and Holland as part of the Haudenosaunee Delegation to the United Nations in 1977; and involved in the standoff in Racquette Point in Akwesasne in 1979. In 1989, he was tried on US Federal R.I.C.O. charges for conspiracy in assisting to stop an FBI raid in Akwesasne, serving 10 months as a political prisoner.


kakwirakeron stood up for his knowledge of the kaia-nere-kowa, great peace, and for the people without hesitation. He was appointed spokesperson by the clan mothers.

He always strived for peaceful solutions amidst very volatile situations. 

In 1997  he stood alongside over 100 onkwe-hon-weh against the violation of sovereignty, to resist New York State illegal taxation of gas and cigarettes in Haudenosaunee communities. He was arrested within Onondaga territory. The NYS police INDIAN DETAIL were charged with using deadly force against men, women and children. He believed in onkwe-hon-weh asserting our sovereignty.  

kakwirakeron will be greatly missed by all who had the honor to know him and his memory will continue. 

kakwirakeron will return to his home at the farm in Bombay (556 Quain Road) [akwesasne] on Thursday November 2, 2017 to be joined by his family from 2 pm – 5 pm. Friends and public may begin calling at 5 pm in Bombay until Friday.

On Friday, November 3, 2017, kakwirakeron will return to kanonsesne [great law longhouse in akwesasne highway 37] at 2 pm for community viewing until the funeral. The Funeral ceremony will be held on Saturday November 4th at 11 am with Atehroniatakon officiating. The family is inviting friends and loved ones to a traditional meal to follow at the Farm in Bombay.

“We walk the red road, the straight road. We try to be kind and gentle to everyone we meet and try to give thanks no matter what the pain. We hope to reach all peoples minds”. 


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



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MNN. Oct. 25, 2017. A 15 year old native women had been seriously injured in a bicycle accident. The handlebar had gone into her vagina and pulled out her cervix. The reserve doctors pushed it all back in and sewed her up, telling her, “You will never have children”.

Many years later her community was secretly part of the Canadian government sterilization experiment. It brought down a third of the birthrate. She wrote letters to the government asking about the sicknesses of the women after childbirth and the potent birth control pills being prescribed to them. The Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs Robert Battle denied any such program.  These letters were found in the archives and are cited in a recent book.

Sterilization was part of the brutality of on-going colonialism, to stop our capacity to inhabit our land. The sequence is death in the beginning, then sexual assault which continues to this day and eugenics to root out those they decided were not to be part of the perfect race being created on great turtle island. We were going to be bred out of existence because we had deficits. Experiments were conducted on our women and young girls, mostly without their knowledge or consent. 

Our women were erroneously deemed as ‘conquered’ people. We were to be eliminated, not to be born, or our racial makeup was to be changed. 

In the beginning there were mass murders. Towns and cities were built on top of our bodies by the murderers who today enjoy the fruits of their crimes. Some survivors were going to be allowed to intermarry and be assimilated with the immigrants. 

In 1924 the Prisoner of War Camps were set up and run by the military called the reservation system of forced removal. 

This did not eliminate or assimilate us. So the residential school death camps were set up by the government and run by the churches. These were eventually shut down with a death toll of at least 100,000, probably a million.

Then in the 1960s and 1970s our children were scooped up from our families and given to foster care. Many of the caregivers continued the sexual assaults and murder of our children. Many went missing. Today they are damaged and confused. Unknown numbers were kidnapped that affect almost all future unborn generations.

The attack continues. They have got the peddle to the medal.

In the US the Indian Child Welfare Act set up agencies in the communities, under federal control.

Our people were not allowed to take care of the kids. As soon as possible the children are put into foster homes or institutions similar to residential school system death camps. Women are arrested for fighting back while trying to get out of their situation. Their children are seized never to be seen again. 

This abduction system is falling apart. Now the missing and murdered women is the strategy where there is no investigation.  

This woman with the injury decided to have as many children as she could even though she was told she could not. She had 7. Five live births, one died of SIDS and two miscarriages. An attempt was made to remove her first child immediately after she gave birth. She was outspoken and was black listed by mainstream media. 


The genocide system is based on killing the female. They know better. They allow a hunter to shoot two bucks with no penalty but needs special permits to shoot a doe!!  



Neil Young sings about the beginning of the genocide program on great turtle island: “He came dancing across the water. With his galleons and guns. Looking for the new world. In that palace in the sun… He came dancing across the water. Cortez, Cortez.What a killer.”


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

https://georgetownhistoryjournal.org/spring-2016-edition/native-women-sterilization-in-the-1970s-newspaper-coverage-and-community/ AKWESASNE NOTES 1970s COVERAGE OF STERILIZATION OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF HISTORY, MEERA WHITE

https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/an-act-of-genocide AN ACT OF GENOCIDE COLONIALISM & THE STERILZATION OF ABORIGINAL WOMEN

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1524969/ PESTICIDES AND FEMALE FERTILITY

JOURNALIST EXPOSED PEDOPHILIA FOUND DEAD http://www.alternativenewsnetwork.net/investigative-journalist-exposed-elite-pedophile-ring-found-dead/

http://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/aboriginal-inmates-1.3403647 NATIVE JAIL RATE

https://thewalrus.ca/inside-the-controversial-us-evangelical-movement-targeting-canadas-indigenous-people/ GOVERNMENT’S CHRISTIANIZATION PROGRAM

TRUDEAU UN DEPT. OF INTERNATIONAL INDIAN AFFAIRS  https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2017/10/24/statement-prime-minister-canada-united-nations-day



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MNN. Oct. 24,2017. The conquest of America is by genocide through well planned rape, pillage and plunder, a continuation of the European model. Greed, evil and power over people are the main motivation. The immigrant predator government and its military agents sanction this low cost strategy against all true natural people. The goal is to destroy equality of men and women in native society. Women are not the property of the men. Here is a survivor:

The predator’s excuse is they are addicted to sex, which is then condoned by those around them. It is total disrespect for victims and unnatural. No animals ever assaults another member of its species. Historically native communities banished a sexual predator. Government or individuals making threats of retaliation is not consent, i.e. pipelines, jobs, careers, education,  etc. 

Sexual assault is to crush helpless people and to create weakness and vulnerability to steal the land, resources and possessions. We always resisted abuse between peoples. 

Half the population of the world are women. We are the producers and carriers of future generations. The invaders raped our women to punish and humiliate us, to destroy our culture and community values.


Sexual assault is a crime against humanity, a weapon of war to achieve political objectives. it is a coherent, coordinated, brutal means of carrying out warfare.




Many carry out sexual assaults or think about doing it. Even when people in powerful positions are outed for predatoral behavior, they are allowed to continue. The message is that apparently the majority find it acceptable. It is not okay.

This is a man problem promoted by popular culture. Our warriors must take responsibility for for their mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and themselves. The warrior protects the people from violence, hunger, molestation and anything that affects the health and well being of the people. Men and boys should not be predators. Men and women must stand together and respect each other.

The immigrants invaders continually reaffirm the genocide they try to commit on our people every day. Women and the land are one in the same. Congress and Parliament try to legitimize their theft from us. great turtle island belongs to the true natural people. We are tired of dealing with this knowing disregard for our lives.    

Kerry Underwood illustrates the isolation necessary for violence to happen: “Dry lightning cracks across the skies. Those storm clouds gather in her eyes Daddy was mean a old mister Mama was an angel in the ground The weather man called for a twister. She prayed blow it down. There’s not enough rain in Oklahoma, To wash the sins out of that house. There’s not enough wind in Oklahoma. To rip the nails out of the past.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

RAPE AS A WEAPON OF WAR http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4078677.stm

RAPE IS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY https://www.unicef.org/sowc96pk/sexviol.htm

SEXUAL VIOLENCE CHEAPER THAN BULLETS http://www.e-ir.info/2013/10/09/sexual-violence-as-a-weapon-of-war/

MAN DECLARES COURT INVALID https://www.castanet.net/news/Penticton/209848/Man-declares-court-invalid


http://www.elizabethlapensee.com/#/transmedia/ DEER WOMAN A VIGNETTE



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MNN. OCT. 22, 2017. In 1946 on the first day of school the class in Kahnawake was told by the missionary that the INDIANS would soon disappear. A blue booklet with white letters was handed out called “The Vanishing American” to take home to their families. One father yelled, “It’s a lie. But you have to go to school or I’ll be put in jail. Just pass but don’t learn”. They told us about this fake god they invented. He said, “All life is god according to creation”. 


The patriarchal system is a cruel hoax based on an angry blood thirsty entity called god. 

As time went on, we learned that the oppressors were controlling both sides of disputes.  

The women are the kohti-hontia-kwennio, ‘title holders’ of the land as creation designed. The immigrants have to kill or disappear the women to take control of ono-ware-keh, great turtle island.

These white invaders made up stories about the genocide to fool their people. Our way of learning about ourselves is based on the images we create in our mind invoked by our language. The real truth about our existence is described so we can see it in our minds. 

The fake history suppressed our very existence. 

So US and Canada could carry out the heist, the true natural people had to all be killed of. The biggest murder spree in all humanity was carefully planned and carried out.

Secret societies keep these lies in webs of deceit. The US directs wars worldwide. Groups are hired and trained to slaughter us. Their grotesque actions lead to 150 million people being annihilated.   


The occupation of our lands violates international law. We are in Prison of War camps called “reserves” on our own land. While corporate entities control all sides of wars, the UN is the referee.  

Corporations called band and tribal councils and their heavily armed military cops are the bogey men who do the dirty work. They are equipped to try to carry out martial law if ordered. The colonists cannot legitimately conduct negotiations because they have nothing to negotiate. The products they want are all owned by the true natural people, who they call terrorists.

With the white race’s sperm count down by 60%, who is vanishing? We’re hardly anywhere near our original numbers. Give us time.

Jerry Lee Lewis keeps the fun going: “Well, come on over baby. Whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on. I said come on over baby. Baby, you can’t go wrong. We ain’t fakin’. Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on”. 

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

CHIEF SEATTLES LAST SPEECH http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/chiefsea.html

https://theintercept.com/2017/05/27/leaked-documents-reveal-security-firms-counterterrorism-tactics-at-standing-rock-to-defeat-pipeline-insurgencies/ TIGERSWAN MERCS AT STANDING ROCK

SPERM COUNT OF ‘WEST’ DOWN BY 60% http://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/sperm-counts-falling-men-extinction-human-species-scientists-hagai-levine-worried-future-modern-life-a7860636.html

ONKWE-HON-WEH POPULATION SOARING  http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/aboriginal-population-soaring-getting-younger-survey-1.1272166