Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


From The Peoples Voice

MEDIA RELEASE – Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24) 

Yesterday (May 21st 2024) at 10:30 am, individuals went to Niionenhiasekowá:ne (Barnhart Island) to begin construction for a residence in a grass clearing on Beach Marina Rd. The three Kanien’keha:ka men that were on site were unmolested for three hours until five state troopers, six NYPA security, and one St. Lawrence County Sheriff appeared. The encounter was described as amiable. The troopers asked the purpose of their activities to which one man responded, “We are here to build housing for our community. This is Onkwehonwe land.” The troopers, and Sheriff, then simply notified the men to be careful of specific lines, indicating where they were. The gas, water and electric lines were all far from where the men were scraping the dirt. No warning, notice or injunction was provided and the men continued their work.

Later, six additional Kanien’keha:ka people came to the area, one of them with the press. Within 15 minutes of their arrival at 8:00 pm, approximately 35 personnel (including law enforcement, troopers, US Border Patrol, Homeland Security) armed with automatic rifles surrounded them at the site- issuing a brief warning stating that the individuals were trespassing and to move away from the premises. The individuals refused to move. The troopers proceeded to arrest all who were present, including a minor (who was later released).

One individual was charged with a felony and all were charged with trespassing violations and conspiracy misdemeanors. The court date appearance has been set for June 11th, 2024, 1:30 pm at Massena Town Court. The individuals encourage people to witness the hearing and attend in support. 

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Author of the article:

Jason Magder  •  Montreal Gazette Nov. 1, 2023

Judge overturns Mohawk pair’s tobacco conviction, citing centuries-old treaties

A judge found that White and Montour were exercising the rights of the Mohawk nation to direct its own economy.

The Two men won’t face criminal charges thanks to ancient treaties written in the 1600s and 1700s, a Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday.

In a much-anticipated and precedent-setting trial, Judge Sophie Bourque ruled that the Crown was wrong to charge Derek White and Hunter Montour with criminal charges related to smuggling tobacco.

The pair were among 60 people arrested as part of Operation Mygale on March 30, 2016, an investigation into alleged tobacco smuggling from the United States and evasion of millions of dollars in taxes that should have been paid to the provincial and federal governments.

In 2019, White, a former NASCAR driver, was acquitted on one of the two charges of fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. However, he was found guilty of fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud and profiting from organized crime for not paying federal excise tax on the tobacco that was imported from the United States. Montour was found guilty of aiding organized crime. 

White was facing up to 14 years in prison, while Montour was facing up to five years.

Tobacco is used to communicate with creation.

The pair launched a constitutional challenge to that ruling, arguing that Excise Tax Act tariffs on imports are not applicable to Mohawk people based on Section 35 Constitution Act rights as well as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and rights to trade tobacco tax-free.

They argued that the Mohawk nation has the right to control its economy based on ancient agreements with the British colonial powers.

On the other side, the Crown argued that the Covenant Chain was never considered to be a treaty that is protected under the rights of Indigenous people to self-government.In her 365-page judgement, however, Bourque found that the Covenant Chain was still valid, and that it superseded the other 10 treaties. The Covenant Chain concludes that the Mohawk nation has the right to freely develop its economy, she said. This right is inherent for all Indigenous people and it is protected by the Haudenosaunee traditional justice system. She found that White and Montour were exercising those rights, so the criminal charges against them were not valid.She also found that Article 42 of Canada’s excise law was an unjustified violation, giving the Ministry of Revenue a large discretionary power on issuing licences on the tobacco trade without considering ancestral rights.
Bourque said the trial served as an opportunity to re-evaluate ancient agreements with Indigenous communities in light of Canada’s adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The trial lasted from October 2021 to April 2022. It took Bourque an additional 18 months to render her judgement. The ruling is considered to be an important and precedent-setting one, and as such it may be appealed.

Message to the government of Canada comes from our great friend, Willie Nelson: “Say goodnight, the party’s over”.

boc 991 kahnawake que. canada J0L 1B0




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Inviting all allies to come stand in solidarity to protect the inherent rights of our children in a gathering and press conference scheduled for NOON on Wednesday May 31, 2023 at Kanienkehaka Kaianerekowa Kanonsesne, located at 560 SR 37 Akwesasne, NY 13655.

For questions or more information, please call

(518) 521-0741 or email

See attached letters.



See message below and attached documents for basis:

May 22, 2023







THE MESSAGE: The people of Kanienkeh have inhabited Anonwa’re:ke since time immemorial and have adhered to Kaienerekowa consistently. The Kanienkehaka have never relinquished, traded, bartered, sold, or compromised their title and responsibilities to the land and all the natural resources including air and water. The Kahnistensera execute their responsibilities as stewards of the land and consistently commit to protecting the integrity of it for the children to come.

As such, the Kanienkehaka remind our families, our territories, and those who reside upon our mother that this land was, is, or never will be up for adoption, sale, transfer or dismantlement.

If there is an individual, organization, committee, corporation or government that is in negotiations for lands on A’nonwareke, this is an illegitimate conduct. Individuals who claim to represent Kanienkehaka in any manner that is in contrary to our constitution have placed themselves outside of Teiotiokwenhakstha (see wampum #58).

Teiotiokwenhakstha is consistently enacted to maintain harmony with the natural world.

Let it be known that ANY land claims or land negotiations will NOT be recognized and are unacceptable by the Kanienkehaka.


As Robbie Robertson and Sadie Buck remind us: q=youtube+robbie+robertson+unity+stomp+dance&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA724CA724&oq=youtube+robbie+robertson+unity+stomp+dance&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhA0gEJMjE5MzZqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3ced18ff,vid:bedkyBvAjPo

In circles we gatherMoonlight fires are kindledSending it backWe just make it go back
Beating hearts, beating heartsCome as one, come as oneThis is Indian countryThis is Indian country
Together we danceAll the first nationsThere’s no chanceWe ever gonna give up, no
Beating hearts, beating heartsCome as one, come as oneThis is Indian countryThis is Indian country
Going home, going homeTo a nation, six nationsTo all the faces I did not know
Beating hearts, beating heartsCome as one, come as oneThis is Indian countryThis is Indian country 
Box 991, kahnawake [que. canada] J0L1B0



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Feb 1, 2023.



Recently the Kahnistenseras of Kahnawake were invited to Hart House of University of Toronto to speak about current indigenous issues. 

 Globe & Mail 1964 republication  of Feb. 11, 1965. ProQuest Historical Newspapers :Self-Support Indian Goal
























Kahentinetha Horn, a lissum Indian, forecast an Indian in the future of every University of Toronto student who jammed Hart House art gallery yesterday to hear her talk on the arts and culture of contemporary Indians.                                       Miss Horn prophesied that in 35 years, Canada’s Indian population would be 1,800,000 – or roughly one out of every 25 persons. would be an Indian, she said.          “You are the privileged of the privileged”, she told the students. “You are the 82 per cent of the  future leaders of Canada” – I represent the despairing 1 per cent who are multiplying rapidly in Canada. Now is the time you must learn about Indians to help us achieve our main goal.”                                                                        The first goal of Indians is to be able to support themselves, she said.                       On each Wall of Hart House gallery hung paintings by Norval Morrisseau, Ojibway Indian from Beardmore, Ont.  “They conveyed a message of the past”, Miss Horn said.  “Such art flows through the blood of my brothers and sisters – but most of the benefits reaches the white man’s salons?”                                                        While Indian culture certainly encompasses significant art form, the arts of Indians have leaned more to warfare and politics, Miss Horn said.                                “For 20,000 years, the Indians have had a struggle to survive the forces of nature.  The cultural arts come only with leisure –  after survival.” The greats of her ancestors, the Iroquois, were related to politics and warfare. The United Nations concepts are modelled on the Iroquois Confederacy, for example. Their arts of warfare are the reasons the students speak English today instead of French, she said. That’s why you have Prime Minister Pearson as leader instead of President de Gaulle”.                                                                                                        Most Indians, Miss Horn said, are unemployable. “I’m afraid technical sciences will keep Indians unemployable. We haven’t time to think about our arts. We have to keep our people alive. How to keep our women alive, for example, past the age of 45. Why does one out of 10 of our babies die before the age of 4? Don’t ask me why; nobody has ever researched the reason. It’s just a statistic. We need housing, medical care, community planning, training and education. We need an interest in welfare –  there’ll be one of us in thec future for every one of you. 

     Note to readers: The population of indigenous people in Canada today is 1.800,000.  



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MNN. Dec. 4, 2021. The supreme original laws of turtle island are the kaianerekowa, great peace, and other original natural laws that existed since time immemorial. The kaianerekowa recognizes only the kaianerekowa. All other laws are null and void. Section 35 [1] of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, “recognizes and affirms”  the “original laws and peoples of Canada”. Anyone recognizing all Canadian laws violats the teiohate, two row. Staying in our canoe and staying out of their ship.


Pre-colonial aboriginal rights existed on onowarekeh, turtle island, since time immemorial before the settler colonists arrived and illegally imposed themselves on our land. The colonial Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, was to solidify their theft of turtle island. The “existing aboriginal rights of the aboriginal peoples” are based on the kaianerekowa, the great peace, and other original laws which existed from the beginning of time, and have never nor will ever be amended, until the end of time, because they are based on nature. There has never been a surrender of land, people or anything on turtle island. Ever.

Section 35 [1] provides: “the existing [pre colonial] aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people of turtle island are hereby recognized and affirmed”.

Section 35[2] affirms the supremacy of the original people of turtle island. 95% of the survivors of the genocide are forced to live by the illegal Indian Act and all laws of the colony of Canada that go against the kaianerekowa. Section 35.(2) provides “aboriginal peoples of Canada” includes all the natural people of turtle island and the [corporate] Indian, Inuit and Metis which are created by Parliament. They  follow the laws of Canada [Indian Act] and are Canadians and not indigenous.  

Section 52 confirms that section 35 (1) is the supreme law of the colony of Canada [but not of turtle island]. It specifically “recognizes and affirms” the kaianerekowa and indigenous laws of “the aboriginal peoples of Canada.” 

Section 52 provides that the colony of Canada is subservient to the kaianerekowa and all indigenous laws. All laws of Canada which don’t acknowledge our supremacy are of no force or effect and go against the kaiainerekowa. their laws are for their subjects. we are not their subjects.  

Section 35 specifically recognizes only the “aboriginal peoples of Canada.” The kaianerekowa, and original indigenous laws, are ratified and legally binding on the colony of Canada according to section 35.(1). This section “recognizes and affirms” the supremacy of indigenous laws and the existence of the “original peoples of Canada”.


Section 52 [1] confirms that Section 35 is the supreme law of ‘Canada’. Therefore, all laws of Canada that are not recognized by the kananerekowa are of no force or effect. All Canadian laws have been genocided by the genociders. No weapons were used. Just words.

Because the kaianerekowa does not recognize any other laws, and, therefore, does not recognize any of Canada’s laws and constitutions, Sections 35 and 52 establish that the kaianerekowa and all indigenous laws are the ONLY laws in Canada.

Canada shot itself in the foot. The supreme laws of turtle island including Canada, are indigenous laws. As a result Canada is “of no force or effect” and cannot exist as it violates its own law.

The immortal Beatles, in their final recording, recognize that kaianerekowa is the answer, stated: “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”. . .




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MNN. SEP. 22, 2021.The election computers won again! Using up money. Stopping parliament. Parliament closed for a year during covid. Candidates are not to be trusted. They all want to keep things going the way they are, another 4 years of resource extortion from turtle island. During the campaign none dared to mention the biggest secret of the Queen, the horrific unmarked graves of the murdered native children. Their true allegiance is to maintain their power. How do the natives that voted feel now? They gave up the fight and joined the oppressors against us.


Not coincidental is appointing Inuit Mary Simon as Governor General to stand for the Crown. None talked about the orange shirts. She was the cleaning lady sweeping it under the carpet forever. The Canadian public has already forgotten about that. The settlers did all the murdering and benefitted.

The rulers want us to continue suffering. By 2024 they hope we won’t exist as onkwehonweh, the original people of turtle island, that we will all be assimilated into the body politic of the colony of Canada by the stroke of Mary’s pen. They will never become a country because we will always be here as creation intended. They all campaigned for ‘canadiens’. We are not shareholders of the corporation of the government of Canada. We original onkwehonwe were never mentioned. They represent only the incorporated Metis, Inuit land first nations. 

The house Indians who work for the government are not mentally rotinoshonni’onwe. They work to extinguish us according to the Indian Lands Act of Oct. 25, 1924. Their mind has been genocided. Some even sit in parliament to exterminate us. They love their white masters and being their pet dog. They have huge salaries, better houses, cars and vacations than their families. They might get a pat in the head and a bone if they obey. Like Jody. who got kicked down the basement stairs by Trudeau, where are they going to stay if they don’t bark and cower? Bad dog! When the master gets sick, they hold the master’s hand until he gets better, like a good dog should. A few favorites on the rez have all the businesses and jobs. They look like cardboard cut-outs of their masters, wearing ties, three piece suits, ribbon shirts with bolo ties and a metis sash for the good government Indian photos. The master even puts on a headdress and poses with them.


None can get a ’real’ job where they do nothing The only jobs are smoke and pot shops or the band council. Their mind is always on the next fixed election where the corporation is allowed another 4 years of unimpeded resource extraction of our wealth. 99% of the true indigenous refuse to take part in this exercise.

They want a $40 to $50 an hour job with all the benefits, which works out to $65 an hour. 2% of the people vote. When the master’s country is on fire, the house Indians run out and try to put it out. Back on the rez people in the trenches are stabbed in the back and blacklisted. kaianerekowa must be reasserted over all of turtle island. In the meantime we burn tobacco and wear that ‘original homeland security fighting terrorism since 1492’ T-shirt. to reinstate our true onkwehonweh jurisdiction on our homeland.

The field warriors are the real sovereigns. We are given dirty water to drink, toxic waste dumped up to our front door, and get leftovers so we can get sick and die. We have survived through the harshest economic sanctions of any people on earth. Everytime we try to make money in their fake economy we are arrested. We can’t work for ourselves. The government wants taxes and have numerous penalties for not having a GST or some other number or colonial id. We get pretend invoices and threats. They have the most stringent economic sanctions since 1924 when the put us on the reserves. They beat and threatened us from morning to night. We despise the master. The puppets love their master.

The ‘uncle tomahawks’ are well paid and trained to keep us in line, passive, peaceful, non-violent. It is like being sent to an Indian Affairs dentist, getting our teeth pulled with no pain killer. They want us to feel the pain so we suffer and say nothing because Indian Affairs pays for it from our Indian Trust Fund.

The great peace tells us not to fight until you die, but to fight until you win. The kaianerekowa, great peace philosophy teaches us to never suffer the enemies. We learn to be intelligent, courteous and respectful of others. When someone puts his hand on us, we defend ourselves. The white monster tried to kill the kaianerekowa, great peace, to make us into sheep. The band and tribal puppets are traitors. The uncle toms mimic the white monster. An Indian and inuit women are made prominent. celebrities with fake prestige and influence, appointed by the government to speak for us without our consent. The field warriors have no voice on mainstream media. Those who criticize them are unknown unheard of idols. 

The sell out local band tribal leaders falsely speak for the grass roots at every turn. They help keep us in the rez mentality of hopelessnes and helplessness. Any onkwehonweh, true native, rising up must be approved by the rulers, otherwise they are punished and blacklisted for opposing the white monsters.

When the unmarked graves of our children were found, they jumped up and took over the agenda to help Canadien squatters forget about it.

A ‘revolution is coming’, making the corporate power structure of systemic injustice, racism and hatred concerned. The brown steamroller of peace is on its way. The field warriors have no leaders to buy off and control. The state’s Indian puppets are ordered to cool us down. Historically, 1% of the people can wake up the 99%. 

The puppets are ordered to not fight each other but make it look like they are cooperating with us. They get the top position in the movement and get the grassroots to fight each other using 51% majority rules. The appointed ‘leaders’ raise funds in our name, which we never see. The chairman is a prominent House Indian and the backroom co-chair we never see communicates with the government and gets the money. Top public relations experts put the mainstream media at their disposal. Corporate civil rights organizations join the movement. Invited to join the “revolution” are priests, rabbis, old white preachers, labor, catholics, jews, liberals and protestants who march at the front pretending to be with the people, but they steer the revolution.

When you have strong hot brown coffee, you put cream in it to weaken it. It becomes a white drink and cools down. It woke you up one time and now it puts you to sleep. It’s called infiltration. We grassroots are hot and uncompromising.

The white monsters act like they love natives and fool a lot of us. The public don’t see what’s genuinely going on. They use the ancient Roman tactic of bread and circus to pacify the people. They hope we field natives are controlled so tight that we are told where to come, how to stop, what sign to carry, what to say. The Indian leaders get the award for best supporting cast. Then they are told to get out of town by sundown and lay low until their master calls them back. 

Just like a dog listening to his master, the band councils love this song about dogs: “Woke up this morning, my dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning, my cat had died. I know I’ll miss her, sat down and cried. Came home this evening, my hog was gone. People here don’t like me, I think I’ll soon move on. Now somethings happened, that would make a saint frown. I turned my back and my house burned down”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.

forgotten: orange shirts







First Out of The Watah !! // Grand Architects and Civilizers / Hidden History of America , Old World – YouTube








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Canada. This is your legacy. Churches in native communities are burning.  “Almost everything we call ‘higher culture’ is based on the spiritualization of cruelty, on it’s becoming more profound”, said Nietzsche.

The film is based on information from those still alive about their horror. The children were made to harm each other. Guilt of the children on top of the horror they lived. The church hierarchy, politicians, priests, nuns and staff threatened that the devil will kill them if they did not allow the rape or told anyone about the torture. Three boys ran away, were caught, brought back and beaten to death to scare the other children. We survivors have to free our children. 

Sir John A. MacDonald, the father of Canada, practiced the white man’s sadistic culture. Wrecking the will of others imparts a perverted, sadistic pleasure”. Neitzsche. To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more [good]. This is Canadien culture.

https// After World War II, Canada harboured 1,200 Nazi mind control specialists used at the concentration camps [using methods they learned in Canada and US} to exterminate the Jews. 

They were sent into the native residential schools which were established in 1890 to exterminate the entire native population of Canada.  

The Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 was called ‘Murder’, passed slowly and methodically by the corporate lawmakers to exterminate the native population.  

The Act gave legal rights to the United Church of Canada, Anglican Church,  Roman Catholic Church and other churches]to go onto the reservations and remove the children by force [even death] from the parents. The North West Mounted Police assisted them, which became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP. 

There are reports in abuse documents of torture, murder and rape which the government refuses to release to the victims for their class action suits. Then they released heavily redacted reports. Murders by beatings, lethal injections; nuns threw little children from the third floor and sold the bodies for $10 to experimental laboratories at Canadian universities; TB sanitariums were established across Canada and the meds laced with TB was given to the native children so they could watch them die.  

… the school officials who made them sick kept them out of sight and under control so that they could kill them under the guise of taking care of them. The death rate from 1890 to 1984 ranged from 35% to 70%. The actual numbers of murders are estimated to be around 250,000 children [now re-estimated to be millions]. The rape and eventual babies born to the raped young native girls were never recorded. These uniform events happened at the residential schools right across Canada.  

… there was over 100 years of legislated torture and murder of our minds to break our wills. By World War Two, there was hardly anything left of the native culture. lSee

We want all the documents and reports that are mentioned in the film, especially the 7 year investigation by the OPP. Who created those millions of unmarked graves which have to be thoroughly examined by us? The corporation of Canada, the current prime minister and members of parliament, attorneys, judiciary, legislators, band and tribal councils and anyone benefitting from these murders are responsible and must be held accountable, like the Nuremburg trials. 

 Trudeau on behalf of the government said he didn’t know about this, even though they did it! Why were they withholding these documents and then heavily redacting them?

Obstruction of justice is a major crime, especially for people in authority and trust, such as government officials who hide information on their crimes from the victims, court and people they serve. Lawmakers are accountable to no one but themselves, supported by a judiciary that they appoint and pay. The perfect crime. Trudeau says, “We, the perpetrators will lead the investigation and way to reconciliation”.  

Our children were killed to stop us from procreating ourselves; Hitler learned genocide from the extensive experiments and research done on onkwehonweh in Canada and US. 

The genociders taught our children to commit suicide. Band councils take the money, and do what they are told. 

To date 45 churches burnt down since the discovery of 215 unmarked graves in Kamloops BC. In fact the indigenous people own and upkeep those churches. 

We speak for the murdered. Everything that caused the holocaust must be eliminated. Canada, Vatican, Crown, United States, United Nations, all christian churches. Mary Simons being appointed Governor General and Roseann Archibald as AFN President is to give the false impression that over 99% favor reconciliation with the murderers. In fact these Canadian Indians speak only for less than 1%. If that. 

Criminals are desperate to avoid being caught and punished, especially for capital crimes. The death sentence is the natural penalty for Canada’s guilty plea to committing genocide and murders of millions. kaianerekowa is based only on truth and peace and will uncover everything. 

The murderers came here with a plan to kill us until none remained. They trained us to be obedient, showing us how to try to kill each other, constantly screaming inhumane threats of satan, devil and hell if there was no compliance or threats of tortured death. The managers and staff had horrific blood lust. Children were told to lay down their lives for them. No one heard their cries. Those children could have been here today with us and have influenced our families. Just think of how many were lost and never were. 

These children deserved to live. How much money did the churches get to carry out this carnage? We must find our children so we can lay them to rest. 

Keith Secola reminds us that we were known by numbers and English names:  “They plucked us from our homes and carried us back to nests they called schools.’Say Your Name’. Show your faith. Leave no trace…”


Church article NY Post  







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MNN: 20 Jan. 2020. Note. The black serpent is the Corporation. Today one has fled turtle island with the booty so he could not be served with warrants for his criminality. The other rich and famous black serpents are staying behind conducting a ceremony [Inauguration] to divert the attention of the world of their atrocities. These vultures are staying behind to fight over the spoils and ‘clean the bones’.  In the meantime the rest of us are imprisoned in our rooms and can’t have visitors. With Trump’s world collapsing around him, he might find solace, asylum and comfort in Russia. 



19 Dec. 2011.  Because we aren’t like the colonial invaders, how many thought we were crazy?  They tried to make us imitate and look like them.  We’re not taking it anymore!  Look what’s happening.


The US and European economies are falling like the WTC.   

European Union EU is a non-military empire, run by the IMF, EU and Central Bank.  Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland are staying in the EU prison, to help tear it down from inside. 

The US was never going to be an empire.  Their job was to create wars for the bankers.

Millions of US rulers and their middle class agents are fleeing Great Turtle Island with the cashbox that contains the country’s resources and riches, to deposit into the City of London [central bank].

Political, financial and crime bosses will follow the money.  Those left behind will suffer without leaders to tell them what to do.  They will tear the US apart from within.  

Technology is creating fabricated information leading to decisions full of error.    

Government wages unending war on innocent foreigners and now there’s payback on their own people.  The masses are being threatened with austerity, fuel blockages, riot police, checkpoints, drones, limited mobility, an economic collapse, draconian controls, health emergencies, no political and legal order, starvation and death.Their moral compass is based on property, thrill seeking, addiction and kleptomania.  Their politicians and CEOs steal millions, so they emulate them.  


President Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act to bring in martial law.  Any US citizen can be arrested and detained without any criminal charges.  50 FEMA camps are ready to accept prisoners.  Millions of family-size plastic coffins await. 

The ex-pats are moving to Australia, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Spain, Brazil, Czechoslavakia, Thailand, Buenos Aires and Argentina, where English is spoken.  Japan, France, Italy and UK are out.  Too expensive.  

Americans can’t easily learn other languages.  These unilingualists can’t see the perceptions of others.   

Their brain patterns are being technologically altered to numb the creative side.  Their culture short circuits their thinking, causing a bipolar like behavior.  They fantasize and blind themselves to reality. 


The Western mind has been conditioned to be weak, shallow, blood thirsty and guiltless.  They suffer from anxiety and depend on medications.  Pharmaceuticals create diseases and addictive poison cures. 

Their artists are like Indigenous whose intuition and intellect work together to see reality. Many scientists and artists are politically persecuted or murdered.  They could have been the voice of truth. 

Information at the top of the pyramid will always be incomplete.  Voices below are varied, as they should be, with more insights.  The rulers are confused and have lost control of the masses.   

The old Soviet Union locked away its critics.  The United States expels them. Blacklists and restricted employment often work as effectively as the Soviet gulag system. 

We indigenous are staying out of their way but won’t let them trample us. 

We don’t have technology.  Yet our way is infiltrating their system.

In the song, London Bridge, “Take the key and lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.  Take the key and lock them up, my fair lady”.  Remember, nothing artificial can last.  Nature tears down all walls [the water].

Sam Cooke said it well: “A change is gonna come”. Watch his great video.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0





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MMN. Sept. 7, 2020. Listen and Read.




The 1%ers [one per centers] exploit the rules, hoard the gains and rig the game in their favor. They have no obligation to the indigenous people who provide all the land, resources and opportunities. turtle island from ocean to ocean, pole to pole, is corrupted by people who don’t live here. They only want our resources.

The corporate governmental system is monetized! If a biopsy was done on the capitalist system, the results would be: death by short term thinking. The US and Canada are broke as they are based on murder and theft.

The cure is long term thinking as provided by the kaianerekowa, great peace.

The corporate system is rigged. It is run by trained minions; to “corpsulate” regulations or laws.

1%ers tripled their earnings in the last 10 years. Now suicides have increased. One out of 5 children go to bed hungry. The US has the highest infant mortality, the lowest life expectancy. There is no free speech. The labor unions to protect workers is weakened. The banks are the government. They own all the municipalities.  

The brainwashed people rely on the government. The economy, highways, power grid, tax codes, job training, education and health care are created to benefit the 1%.

The power elite minion’s children do not need public health, public schooling; public transport, public welfare. Only the 99% of the people need that.

The baby boomers are the high achievers in the corporate knowledge economy. The corporate lawyers are trained agents that take over companies. Bankers create and fine tune the money system. There are 384 men who control 99.9% of the capital traded in all world markets everyday. [“Giants” by Peter Phillips.] The capitalist bubble is at its bursting point now. It needs to burst because it is toxic and unsustainable. 

The corporate system on turtle island uses fear as their ally, anger as their friend, and lie to the public on a daily basis through their media control. Six companies control 99% of the world’s media. 

The bankers finance the military, the police state, frame the laws and run the elections. 

Cut throat capitalism must keep growing to continue to exist.  Capitalism is the cancer of no competition, which is incurable. 

When things get better, there will be no one to exploit, no system to rig, no game to win. 

The patient is dead. There are no cures for death, no matter how much money you got! 

As Jim Morrison prophesized, “This is the end, my only friend, the end.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0










Constitution Turtle Island 5 – 2020-08-22, 8.47 PM


Please post & distribute.

MNN. Aug. 23, 2020. 


K#4. iseh atortarho tanon asenyawenreh sarasetsen ensowakwehnienstakeh tsi non nikatsenhaien tohsa teyotson, tohsa wahkenrayentahn. ken watien tsiowatstakawah  onerahontsa akonhonwtha ayesehwatatonniaten.









[At the same time]


“Still another version of this translation describes the chiefs as derivative of “rotiiones”, or walking the  Good Path”. Both translations indicate a monastic quality to the Rotianer. The Rotianer walks a good path acting as an example to the people of the Higher devotion to Good, and strive for a Devine Perspective in protecting the people from the Evil Forces who think “ie henskeri “wa’tente”, or I will “Frustrate their purpose”. 

The chiefs had skills and talents in the days of war between the Five Nations. Some of the chiefs are described as warlords, others as sorcerers. In the future chiefs would use their psychic or mental powers to protect the people. The chief’s covenant was to brace each other locking arms in a circle around the Great Tree. In the 1870s the chiefs told visiting Native Nations this ‘fence’ was to protect the Tree from any falling foreign object, the Tree being the People. . . . [continue reading the text . . . . file:///Users/kahentinetha/Downloads/Great_Peace_1992%20(1)%20(1).PDF

— Glossary

@645… The Statements by Six Nations Statemen

  1. Introduction
  2. The Historical Position of the Six Nations
  3. Peace, Unity and Thanksgiving 

@943… The Historical Position of the Six Nations by Asa R. Hill, Secretary, Six Nations Council

@1047… The Historical Position of the Six Nations

@1346… The Historical Position of the Six Nations

@1462… April 25, 1991. A Presentation to the Government of Canada by the Mohawks from Grad River Territory on behalf of Richard Maracle

@ 2667… The Development of kai:ianereserakowa. A discussion of the Great Law as a Principle or Divine Ethic 

@2682… The Dark Times

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

The Mohawk, Robbie Robertson, and the Red Road Ensemble, sing the “Unity Song” for all of all of Turtle Island: “In circles we gather. Moonlight fires are healing. Taking us back. We just make it go back. Beating hearts, beating hearts, as one. This is Indian country. You’re in Indian Country.”



From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning - Kogi Message to Humanity