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MNN. May 18, 2022. The indigenous refuse to speak the bastardized language of Quebecois known as  French ‘canadien’. All indigenous languages based on the natural world are true since time immemorial because nature has not changed. Quebecois are trying to force the foreign language of French on the original people of Quebec, a colony on onowarekeh turtle island. Basic natural human right is for everyone to have their own natural  identity based on language, culture, religion, beliefs, their natural way of life and sovereignty. Equality means being sovereign on  their own land where creation originally placed them.

Forcing a foreign language upon indigenous people is a violation of indigenous ways.  

Long ago the king of England told his subjects, according to international law,  “In order for you people to become a nation, you have to deal fairly with the people who own the land. You also have to learn one of their languages.”

Quebecers are trying to shove French down the throats of the indigenous people. Forcing a culture on another is genocide. The settlers cannot kill off the original culture. Creation did not give these visitors the right to impose anything on anybody on someone else’s homeland. Their constitution acknowledges this. The French language is preserved in France. The British could not go to France and force everybody there to speak English! 

Canada, Quebec and other provinces have, on pain of death, taken away the original tongue and forced foreign languages on the indigenous, which  is genocide. The indigenous are now in the process of bringing back their original languages and original culture that was provided by creation.   

The French, English and all except the indigenous are immigrants. The original people never chose the languages the settlers wish to speak amongst themselves. The settlers cannot force a foreign language on the original people. Quebec always forces its ways on people like not wearing religious symbols, head scarves and so on. They make laws and threats so no one can oppose their will, violating the teiohateh, two row. If they do not understand this, they should leave turtle island.



Those indigenous who learn French do not get jobs. They are being forced from their homeland to find work elsewhere. This requirement discriminates against everybody in the work force so that jobs go to the chosen few French. If they need so much coercion to maintain their French identity, they should go home.

The indigenous will not speak a foreign language of an invasive species that jumped ship. In the past a few kanionkehaka Mohawk learned French and translated for the French. Many of our men move throughout turtle island to work without ever speaking French. We few survivors have the duty to save our language. Quebecers can lose French here, and they can go home to Paris where they can blah blah in French all they want. It will always be there. Fighting over languages is the root of many wars. Minister of Indian Affairs Mark Miller learned how to ‘read’ the Mohawk language to push ‘reconciliation’ and the genocidal framework agreement at the indigenous.

Quebec and Canada never respected the right of choice of the indigenous. It is racist supremacy where the French make themselves better than everybody by making laws that favor them and creates a bully culture. “If you don’t speak French, don’t apply!” They want to force the onkwehonweh to be ‘canadien’ [squatters]. The indigenous shall speak their own languages and will find translaters when necessary. If they don’t respect the supreme indigenous languages and culture of the land, then they should go back to France. 

When Quebecois do business elsewhere, they don’t demand they speak French. They want control and to place the indigenous caretakers of the land at a disadvantage. They cannot make their nation on indigenous land without the permission of the original people. Quebecers can go to Paris. The airlines do sell one way tickets.

The indigenous have been threatened for 500 years and survived without speaking French and are better off for it. The indigenous don’t have much to say to the French anyway after what they’ve done to them! 

The English and French settlers are battling over indigenous land, turtle island, through the language genocide program. Quebec is replacing the old residential school death camps which forced English on indigenous. Now Quebec schools are going to force French on the children.

1701 when the French sued fo peace with the rotinoshonni after 100 years of defeat.



Like Bill 96, the racist and genocidal residential schools were meant to destroy indigenous identity. The French know it is wrong to force the original people to be something they are not, which is to be ‘Frenchmen’. Today it is politically correct to change names of institutions and streets back to original indigenous names.  But the French still want to idolize their murderers and genociders. The indigenous say no to drugs and forcing of their language on them. Both destroy the people. The pidgin’ French spoken in Quebec is totally different from that spoken in the motherland. They need to go home and learn the language of their mother.

Not long ago the French who lived near kahnawake spoke very good mohawk. They are welcome to learn the first language of turtle island once again. 

Quebec is not sovereign and cannot enforce any rules and regulation on indigenous nations. They are not self-sufficient, [squatting on indigenous land, and stealing resources]. They have no land, no culture and speak no indigenous language. [Montevideo Convention, 1932].

There has never been a legitimate invitation from the indigenous for the immigrants to come to turtle island. They did not respect the indigenous during their visit.  

Gwen Stefani understands when there is nothing more to say:  “Don’t speak. I know what you are thinking. Your reasons. Don’t tell me cause it hurts. It’s all ending. I gotta stop pretending who you are. You and me I can see as dying. Are we? Don’t speak. I know just what you are saying”. POBox 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L1B0



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MNN. Apr. 16, 2022. Update by thahoketoteh, MNN court reporter. The mohawk mothers were ready to proceed without lawyers with the case on April 14, 2022. For various reasons the court meeting has been postponed to May 30, 2022. The mothers continue to monitor the entire Royal Victoria Project while the case is in court. All proposed renovations continue to be challenged by the kahnistensera, the caretakers of the unceded land in question. No work is being carried out at this time.


On May 30 there will be a Calling of the Roll” and case management.  Then the kahnistensera can present their case.

The Attorney General of Quebec has been notified that the case has crucial constitutional and public interest importance to both Canada and Quebec and has intervened in the case, i.e. indigenous lands and crimes against humanity regarding the unmarked graves. Defendant SQI has appointed new lawyers.

The rotiskenraketeh [men’s fire] will follow their duty and will carry out the women’s bidding as per the kaianerekowa.

As Billie Holiday sings about something that’s being delayed: “I’ll be seeing you in old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces all day through. I’ll see you in the morning sun and when the night is through. I’ll be looking at the moon and I’ll be seeing you” [on May 30].  MNN Cour Reporter. [kahnistensera –, P.O. Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0


The Allan Memorial Institute: (1953-1973) - CIA Project MKUltra - McGill Univ. - Montreal

MNN. Court Reporter: Box 991, kahnawake quebec Canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. The infinite elder, Red X, of the 5th dimension, arrived on his silver eagle. He pulled out our instruction manual known as the ‘kaianerekowa’, the great peace, which guides us on how the world will respect the onkwehonwe:onwe, the original people of turtle island.

The only existing photo of famous sage, Red-X, whose eyes are black cavernous void leading directly into the 5th demension.


From the burning of ceremonial tobacco, Red X received a telepathic message about the Quebec Superior Court trying to ignore the truthful message of the  kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, to respect indigenous ways throughout turtle island. [Quebec District Court. No. 500-17-120468-221 kahnistensera v. Society quebecoise des infrastructures, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction & Attorney General of Canada]. The mothers are  charging them with crimes against humanity. 

Red X is the ultimate warrior who sees and knows the past, present and future, and returns to give us important messages on the meaning of what is happening.  

The oienkwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [rotiskenra:kete]. They are also known as the “ghost warriors”. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

O'ien'kwen:ton are trained for special duties.

This society secretly train to be close to the original duties of our ancestors to protect the people according to the great peace. They go through rites to develop great mental and physical strength in peacetime and wartime. Only those with great strength and power are selected to be part of this special elite force. Their bodies are painted in dark colors, red and yellow stripes are marked on their faces and their clothes blend in with the forest. When they are on maneuvers in the wilderness, they are a shadow that cannot be seen nor heard by the enemies. W79.

The war chief notifies the 5 war chiefs of the League to prepare for war & have the men ready for engagement with the enemy of the Great Peace.

The 5 war chiefs prepare for war & have their men ready to fight the enemy of the Great Peace. W79.

The women give the offending party three warnings. If they refuse the third warning, the aserakowa comes with the black wampum, and personally gives them the last chance to grab the wampum before it hits the ground, thereby abiding by the women’s orders to cease breaking the peace and hurting the people. If the enemy lets the black wampum hit the ground, the oienkwenton immediately smash their heads with the war club. Their brains empty onto the earth to release the evil into the soil to be cleansed by mother earth. Then the war begins.

Black beads is emblem of War Chiefs' authority.

oienkwen:ton, hanging tobacco, are always with us in the spirit dimension to assist our men. They visit those who work against natural law. 

Red X said the sky world is returning and that each has to figure out the meaning in their own mind. For those who have ignored the great peace, the disaster for them will be the return of peace. There will be no more need for mind control by religions, lawyers, judges, courts, armies, the obedience training and no one to tell them how to think. 

The black serpent is still trying to make war and looking around for its next victim. It will see the onkwehonweh healing in the hilly country and say, “I have no fight with them” and then a light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. The black serpent will be fearful, swim south, never to be seen again. Red X says the problems are because man always keeps dabbling in war rather than living under the tree of peace. Red X says there will be a clearing of the minds and everyone will remember everything. The truth will destroy the evil. 

Those who cannot evolve into becoming as one with creation will perish. Then we will go into a golden age of peace in our galaxy. 

Then Red X mounted his silver eagle and said, “So be it in our minds” and flew off towards the sun in the direction of Chicago where he heard Howling  Wolf singing:. 

by MNN Court Reporter thahoketoteh PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0

VIDEO: Jaguar Bird. “Allan Memorial Institute” [McGill University CIA Illegal experiment MKUltra] 



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MNN. April 1, 2022. On April Fool’s Day Pope Francis on behalf of the Catholic Church announced that they are guilty of the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The kaianerekowa, great peace, and all indigenous laws have always been the laws of turtle island.  All other laws are Admiralty Law of the Sea, which were void from the beginning. The Pope has apologized on behalf of Canadians who have benefitted from the crime of genocide. These ‘indian’  buddies of the government ‘indians’ forgave the psychopaths on their own behalf. We will never forget nor forgive them for what they did and continue to do.

When the trespassers arrived on turtle island, we were here.  To get our land and possessions, they planned to erase our history as if we did not even ever exist. We were the greatest nation on eastern turtle island at that time. Over 150 million natives of the Western Hemisphere were genocided because the Pope of the Western Roman Empire declared us non-humans. Christians came here and killed us as if we were animals, and then went to church on Sunday to be blessed by the preacher. 

The first Papal Bull was issued before they even knew who we were. They found out our system of governance was superior to theirs and they had to destroy it.

We were at peace for thousands of years until Champlain brought the war here in 1609. The Huron paid the price for their role in helping France to break the peace. The culture since time immemorial is the great peace.



Every man, woman and child were denied culture, land, language and their lives. Now we are on postage sized reserves while the trespassers occupy our prime real estate everywhere. Their code of law is based on legalization of murder and genocide. 

The band councillors are the Nazis of Canada who have always helped to destroy their own people. They have left the canoe and boarded the ship to become agents of the Canadian government and commit treason.  They commit murder, go to church and get absolved of their sins. Hypocrisy at its highest in the name of Christianity.

They are indoctrinated to hate and kill. They help the Pope and then the kings to carry out the holocaust.

Canada set up a theatrical play to get some natives to accept the apology and to forgive the unforgivable. If he is sorry, the Pope for the Crown can return everything to the true indigenous people. “Sorry” does not exist in our language or bring back the millions of murdered indigenous people. If not he too is an actor like those sent over to Rome to be apologized to. The land has always been here. They should leave with their puppeteers and take their demon religion with them. We predict that the Pope will not meet with one of the true original people. The Pope has to come with an invitation from the true original people, not from the trespassers and their band council agents. Otherwise he is violating the protocol of the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The pope stands in all the shoes of all the original popes.

The band councils and their followers are the government’s helpers that carry out the orders to follow the script written for them by the trespassers. If they are really sorry, they will leave.and never return to onowarekeh, turtle island. all murderers and their agents are guilty and must leave.

The Catholic Church was behind the genocide, murder and rape of millions of native children and adults, and the illegal theft of all our land and expropriation by the crown, in partnership with Britain and Canada. Everybody in the world knows of their crimes.

The Crown is the absolute progenitor of the turtle island holocaust. As squatters they will have to vacate turtle island, as they own nothing.     

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission which turned out to be a scam did not assign guilt for the unmarked graves, lies and deceit. It’s just another scripted act of British thieves and murdering paid actors, who are now sitting in the senate to let the genocide continue.   

Kanienkehaka with the kahnistensera, the women, and the rotiskenrakete, the men, have responsibilities and duties as defined by creation to deal with these crimes. 

As the father of Canada, Sir John A. McDonald, said, on the floor of Parliament, in 1883, “When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits, and training, and mode of thought are indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the Department, that indians should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.” Prime Minister Trudeau stands in his shoes and must answer for the genocide. 

The Pope coming here is a disgrace to indigenous people. There are no words to correct what they’ve done to us or to make things right. Coming here proves he is a psychopath. They are welcoming the genocider to check out whether the genocide policy worked. 

As thahoketoteh sings about still being here: I speak to you now, proud and brave, remembering the lessons our ancestors gave, about acknowledgment and respect and the four races as they intersect and from the path behind us to the one that lies ahead. Let us walk softly the road we tread. Hold our heads high as we move along thinking with one mind as we sing our song. We are glad to say and we say loud and clear through all of the sadness we are still here., MNN Correspondent –  Contact: Box 991, kahnawake Quebec J0L !B0 Canada



MNN. Mar. 29, 2022. by thahoketoteh, MNN  correspondent. On March 28 and 29, some kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers went to downtown tianitiotiaken [formerly known as Montreal] and filed a new action in the Quebec Superior Court.


INTRO: The 7 defendants were served: Quebec Infrastructure Dept., Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Center, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction and the Attorney General of Canada.



The Mohawk Mothers will invoke the kaianerekowa. They thank those who stood by them and will continue to support them.  

The deliberate attempt of the lawyers of the respondents and the Federal Court of Canada to throw the Mohawk Mothers into their procedural swamp drove them to take another path. The swamp was getting deeper, more turbulent and confusing so the FCC could avoid dealing of the merits of the case, such as Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 which annuls all laws except original indigenous laws on turtle island. The Mohawk Mothers refuse to allow a bar lawyer to represent them and to let the court decide on the number of Mohawk Mothers can speak on the case.    

The Mohawk Mothers want answers about the unmarked graves behind McGill University Health Center, the stolen Indian Trust Funds to build McGill University, to stop the Royal Vic project on the unceded kanienkehaka Mohawk land. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers put the issues into the court records for the people of the world to see what the indigenous people have and continue to face.   

The land belongs to the unborn. Each indigenous person is sovereign, a free person, a creator being.  None of turtle island can be sold, transferred or conveyed to anyone. All treaties, land claims and contracts are void. Their criminal code is based on genocide that makes it null and void in international law. 

The band councillors and chiefs are not in the canoe and no longer onkwehonweh. All criminal codes coming from the ship are null and void and have no force and effect.     

The corporate “Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples of Canada” are agents of the  trespassers. The kaianerekowa will take care of them.

Contact: thahoketoteh, MNN correspondent  


READ THE ENTIRE CASE: [No. 500-17-120468-221] [An Originating Application for Declaratory Relief and to Obtain an Interlocutory and Permanent Injunction.]


Kahnistensera Originating Application to the Superior Court


Bobby Bare seems to be singing about messing with the kahnistensera.

Down in Louisiana, where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
She got a black cat’s tooth and a Mojo bone
And anyone who wouldn’t leave her alone
She’d go oooeeeee… another man done gone
She lived in a swamp in a hollow log
With a one-eyed snake and a three-legged dog
Bent, bony body and stringy hair
And if she ever seen y’all messin’ ’round there
She’d go ooeeeee… another man done gone
And then one night when the moon was black
Into the swamp came handsome Jack
A no good man like you all know
Lookin’ around for Marie Laveau
He said, “Marie Laveau, you lovely witch
Gimme a little charm that’ll make me rich
Gimme a million dollars and I tell you what I’ll do
This very night, I’m gonna marry you”
Then It’ll be (uhh), another man done gone
So Marie done some magic, shook a little sand
Made a million dollars and she put it in his hand
Then she giggled and she wiggled, and she said, “Hey, Hey
I’m gettin’ ready for my weddin’ day”
But old handsome Jack said, “Goodbye Marie
You’re too damned ugly for a rich man like me”
Marie started mumblin’, her fangs started gnashin’
Her body started tremblin’, and her eyes started flashin’
And she went ooeeeee… another man done gone
So if you ever get down where the black trees grow
And meet a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
If she ever asks you to make her your wife
Man, you better stay with her for the rest of your life
Or it’ll be ooeeeee… another man done gone
(Aah we’ll see)
(Another man done gone) 






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MNN. Mar. 23, 2022. The Federal Court of Canada FCC lawsuit has been dropped. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers sent a request on March 18, 2022: “to drop the case without costs and conditions”. They all instantly agreed.

Re: kahnistensera v. societequebecois des infrastructure and others. FCC Court File No: T-1696-21. The FCC hearing set for Thursday, March 24, 2022 is cancelled. 

It is clear the procedural swamp is drowning the substance of their case. FCC was being asked to force a lawyer on them contrary to the kaianerekowa, that only one can speak, that they pay the costs for taking up their time and that this court may not be the right jurisdiction. This case is about murder, theft, international crime, macabre experiments on children, etc. FCC has over 900 rules and forms to fill just to get in the door, actually before their zoom camera. 

The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers state, “Everyone knows grave wrongs have has been committed against us on our land, which continue”. The courts are designed to protect the trespassers. We tried to bring an action about the holocaust of indigenous people, the theft of our land, water and air in our midst here in tekanontak, Mount Royal [Montreal].

“Agreements and pledges were made  between us for as long as the trespassers are in our house. teiohateh, two row agreement, the way of our land, of our mother, is based on love, peace and harmony which are being ignored and eroded”. 

“Creation made us and our land free since time immemorial until infinity. kaianerekowa, the great peace, provides our duties for what is right and best for us, our environment and our relations. Our case was to put our story into the colonial court records for all to see. The Federal Court, is a private corporation, owned by the shareholders of the Crown. They never intend to hear anyone who goes against the Crown.” 

“The lawyers of our opponents tried to stop us from proceeding according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, to represent our natural selves and refuse to have a bar lawyer speak for us”. 

The only jurisdiction over this land is that of the indigenous people. Not the judge or the foreign court of the Admiralty Law of the Seas. In fact the Constitution of Canada affirms that indigenous law supercedes all the laws of Canada. 

The Mohawk Mothers informed the lawyers of their opponents, McGill University, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction and Allen Memorial Hospital that they in effect refuse to be part of the time wasting FCC procedures that keeps them from dealing with the merits of the case. 

They went to the Federal Court to remind Canada of the promises that were made and to give them an opportunity to right their wrongs. 

The indigenous way is natural. The colonial way is artificial, statutory law.  

Everyone has a right to ‘due’ process. The Mothers were ready to proceed from the first filing five months ago. The procedures are set up for people with a lot of money and resources who can pay to swim in the procedural swamp. Nothing threatening to the court is ever allowed into the swamp. The mothers never even saw a judge. After 4 months the mothers were still dealing with minor procedures through bureaucrats, with threats of ‘costs’ and an order to find a lawyer in 45 days. 

Time is of the essence. The indigenous people refuse to live in third world conditions, be targets of genocide, suffer from imprisonment in Indian Residential Schools and Indian Day Schools, be murdered and never seen again, lose their minds, names and go through the horrors indigenous people still go through. 

The mothers refuse to let bygones be bygones. The band council agents of the Canadian government are always summoned to speak for the natives though they represents only 1% of the indigenous people. They are the aiders and abettors of the genocide. 

All indigenous people live in every part of turtle island, placed here by creation. They want to explain what is happening to them.

Apparently the Federal Court of Canada cannot interpret sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982, their own supreme law. The mothers wonder why they even have a court. There appears to be no law.

The mothers don’t care about jurisdiction. They want the unmarked graves on turtle island investigated, for the land and money to be returned to the indigenous people and to stop the Royal Vic development for which the kanienkehaka never gave permission. 

The mothers are each original and sovereign and wanted to take their message to the  FCC without restriction. No Canadian statute or anyone can say otherwise. The mothers are asking for an interpretation of the Constitution. If the FCC cannot do it, then no one can. Therefore, it does not exist. It is unnatural and so has no power. The kaianerekowa, great peace, is the great natural power. 

Jailbreak by ACDC, is about breaking out: “There was a friend of mine on murder and the judge’s gavel fell. Jury found him guilty. Gave him 16 years in hell. He said, “I ain’t spending my life here., I ain’t living alone. Ain’t breaking no rocks on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home. Gonna make a jail break and I’m looking towards the sky. I’m gonna make a jail break. Oh, how I wish I could fly. All in the name of liberty. Got to be free. jail break. Jail break. Let me out of here. Jail break. 16 years. jail break. Have more than i can take. Jail break. Yeah. He said he seen his lady being fooled with by another man. And she was down and he was up. He had a gun in his hand. Bullets started flying everywhere. People started to scream…”  

Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec] Canada J0L 1B0








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MNN, Feb. 10, 2022. Our indigenous communities are secretly becoming “tax havens” for the international bankers. The imposed Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Entain and AVID Int. Inc. are allied with the army. Indian Affairs is a division of the army. MCK is being paid to help create another invasion, to assimilate us, to steal our land, and to absorb us into the corporate body politic. Our unborn children own all of turtle island. On October 25, 1924 the Indian Lands Acts were implemented in every province that created the reservations as POW camps wholly run by the army [Indian Affairs]. The Dominion of Canada is wholly owned by international bankers.


The band councils are not onkwehonweh and cannot legally buy land which cannot be sold. They are “Canadien” and wholly owned by the corporation of the government of Canada and its international shareholders. The Seigneury, Seaway, rails, roads and so on can only belong to the Mohawks. Nothing can be in the MCK’s name because they are a sub-corporation of the Crown. So is Canada. Only the true onkwehonweh people make a hydro relationship with New York City. That’s why the sell-out deal is a big secret. 99% of the people would not go for it. 

Only the true indigenous people as a whole can legally own any of turtle island on behalf of the future children. Our lands have never been surrendered to anyone ever.  International corporatists putting anything on our land, paid for with our Indian Trust Money, must be all turned over to the onkwehonweh people. Not to their esoteric corporate agenda.  


The band council military units are setting up multi national gaming companies such as Entain, AVID, Mohawk and Jersey Gaming Commissions, which we’ve never heard of, violate the kaianerekowa, the supreme law of turtle island. The military run band council and the bankers cannot sell our hydro resources to New York City. They also illegally run Sportsbook, casino, poker houses and crypto currency taking advantage of our tax-free status. This revenue all belongs to the true kaianerekowa indigenous of turtle island. The bankers set up businesses in Kahnawake in the name of the government band council, pay no taxes, and then put the money into off shore accounts. We see nothing. The band council pretends to represent the onkwehonwe, and has to be paid off to conduct this genocide to makes this crime look legitimate to the public.

Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, does not allow licences, gaming laws, rules, regulations and ownership to be controlled by foreign corporations owned by international shareholders and bankers.

These foreign corporations are established under the Admiralty Law of the Seas. The Canadian government and its band council system do not legally exist on turtle island. They use our Indian Trust Funds [] to acquire or control onkwehonweh lands, undermine our rights and set up foreign controlled municipal regimes. The band councils can only sign for themselves and their employees, because they have sworn an oath to a foreign oligarch.

The current version of the illegal Kahnawake corporation was set up in 1974 by Andrew Delisle Sr. and registered with the US Homeland Security. These illegal band councils and their partners do not belong on turtle island and will leave with all those who have signed on and voted for them.


Section 35 [1] of the Constitution provides: “the existing [pre-colonial] aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people [of turtle island] are hereby recognized and affirmed”. Section. 52[1] affirms that “any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect”. Therefore, the kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the existing aboriginal legal system which the rotinoshonni inherited from precolonial times, which was never removed or conceded. No other laws of Canada are recognized by the kaianerekowa which comes from natural law. 

Canada, their band council, Quebec, private investors and the secret organizations are of no force or effect.   

In 1994 the kanienkehaka Mohawks had a referendum and overwhelmingly rejected the casino, which results stand for all time to come, which they are blatantly disrespecting. Thus all infrastructure and funds brought to Kahnawake belongs to the sovereign people.


The Gross Domestic Product GDP of Canada of $2.015 trillion dollars is the stolen Indian Trust Fund. The lawyers, judges and courts enforce the theft and control over our lives, lands and funds. SEE VIDEO:

Profits go to the unidentified shareholders. Promotion of gambling, alcohol and drugs are meant to control us. 

According to the 1924 master plan, gambling would be introduced in the 8th decade.  By the 9th decade Indians would be voluntarily paying taxes to the government. By 2024 one way or another we are suppose to no longer exist. They are almost at the finish line, but have run into a brick wall called the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, Sections 35 and 52. Ironically. Canada will be genocided instead of us! They say leftover profits, if any, will go to social services, courts, programs for addictions to alcohol, gambling, drugs, cigarettes, services to play with our minds and grab our children, lose our homes to local foreign owned businesses and keep the homeless out of sight. The services are suppose to destroy families and blind us from the gross theft and military occupation. 

The investment by the band councils comes from the Indian Trust fund which will carry the burden of failure or bankruptcy. The land belongs to our unborn children. We cannot sell or transfer it to anyone. We must carry out our duty as the caretakers.

The people of the great peace, which is over 99% of kanienkehaka of Kahnawake, may think about investigating this criminality and genocide of our former people.  

The Grateful Dead see what happens to those who can’t push themselves away from the table: “Truckin got my chips cashed in. Keep truckin, like the do-dah man. Together, more or less in line, just keep truckin on. Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on main street. Chicago, New York, Detroit and its all on the same street. Your typical city involved in a typical daydream. Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings”.

Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0      



THE LAWS AND THE LAND, The Settler Colonial Invasion of Kahnawke in Nineteenth-Century Canada. Daniel Ruck. UBC Press. P. 175: One final possible notice for initiating a subdivision may have been the substantial amount of money in the band account. The Sulpician Order had borrowed $3,333 from Kahnawake to finance the construction of the towers of Notre Dame Church [today Notre Dame Basilica] in 1844. After a protracted court battle between the federal government and the Sulpiciens over the principal of this loan, it was finally paid to Ottawa on behalf of Kahnawake in 1883 along with interest. Kahnawake’s band fund also received $10,039 in 1881, supposedly the seigneurial indemnity for losses incurred by the Seigneurial Act of 1854. . . The fact that the kahnawake was flush with cash at that moment is highly relevant, since the subdivision was expensive. kahnawakehronon may not have been told about the money until it was spent. the DIA controlled kahnawake’s finances and, without community approval, decided to earmark the money for the subdivision. Had the cash not existed, it is unlikely that the DIA would have initiated the project. 


MNN. Jan. 6, 2022. Kwe sewakwekon,

Band Council! Our children were not murdered so you can sell us out. You’ve gone too far! An emergency has been called to deal with the acts of the Canadian government’s ‘band council’ system. They are treasonous to the kaianerekowa. 



The colonel of Indian Affairs, Mark Miller, is meeting with some of his employees, the MCK, to force Mohawks with the stroke of a pen to become Canadian citizens. The 100 year business plan was made in 1924 to force the indigenous people into Indian death camps called “reservations” and place Indian allies, the band council system, in charge of the genocide. It is called “the final solution of the Indian problem”. Their 100 year business plan comes into effect in 2024. [See Ontario Indian Lands Acts Oct. 25, 1924]. 

Section 35 [1] of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 provides, the existing [pre-colonial- aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people [of turtle island] are hereby recognized and affirmed”. Section 52[1] affirms that “any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect”. Therefore, the kainerekowa, which is the existing aboriginal legal system which the rotinonshonni confederacy has inherited from precolonial times, and which was never revoked or conceded, is the the supreme law of “Canada”. Consequently, all laws of Canada that are not recognized by the kaianerekowa are of no force or effect on the original homelands of the Iroquoian people. See CONSTITUTION ACT OF CANADA, 1982, SECTIONS 35 AND 52].http://CONSTITUTION ACT OF CANADA, 1982, SECTIONS 35 AND 52].

No treaties, land claims, laws or agreements are valid. Indian Affairs is a division of the army. The Band councils are all employees of the army. The main objective is to be the commandants of the POW camps, “until the indian people are absorbed into the main Canadian body politic [DC Scott]. The band council will be abolished. kaianerekowa does not acknowledge any other law than the kaianerekowa. 

The kaianerekowa, the great peace, is based on the natural world, of which the onkwehonhone are a part of. The band council’s main job is to help Canada to genocide the land, people and culture.

The kahnistensera, Mohawk mothers, are the sovereign caretakers of onowarekeh, for the coming generations, tahatikonhsontontie. The kaianerekowa is the basis for all adjudication and resolution as exercised in its procedure, clan system and oral tradition which come from time immemorial.


Kahsennahawe Sky Deer, Mike Delisle Jr. and Ross Montour are about to sign an agreement that will turn Kahnawake into a tax paying municipality of Quebec and Canada. 

On Friday, February 4, 2022 the MCK held meetings with Quebec and Canada on ‘Indigenous Relations’. Mark Miller, of the military reserves of Canada, is ‘Col. of Indian Affairs’, which is a department of the army, that holds all the files on the unceded indigenous land [which is all of turtle island] and the native trust funds. 99% of the people are each sovereign and do not support this enforced council on them. An infected blanked has been thrown over us so we don’t see what’s going on. 


The MCK follow the “Admiralty Law of the Seas”. They have commissioned Gerald Alfred, Kenneth Deere and Linda Delormier to use the lingo of kanienkehaka ways to create the foreign slavery system under the colonizing trespassers. MCK, Quebec and Canada have no relevance or validity anywhere in Canada. These foreign entities are using MIGHT over RIGHT. 

Sky-Deer, Michael Delisle Jr. , Ross Montour and Marc Miller are presently  discussing the new Kahnawake-Canada Relations and the selling of the vast Seigneury of Sault St. Louis [Seigneury]. The Mohawks never ceded this. There has never been a surrender of any land in Canada. The Mohawks refuse to take money for it. Indigenous lands cannot ever be sold, ceded or transferred as they are under the care of the kahnistensera, the Mohawk Mothers, who hold it in trust for the rotikonsotatie,.  


Delisle is meeting with Quebec’s Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs Ian Lafreniere to arrange the new relationship, including the Statement of Understanding and Mutual Respect to be signed by the MCK, all about taxation matters.

Sky Deer leads the External Government Relations Portfolio and Nation Relations. Her nation is the colonial government of Canada. Delisle is head of the Quebec-Kahnawake Relations and Seigneury files. Montour leads the Kahnawake-Canada Relations.

99% of the people have not been informed of this and are ferociously opposed to this crime against the kaianerekowa. Kahnawake is their test market for the military plan of genocide anr subjugation now in place for all reserves.  The truth is in the kaianerekowa!




{poster reads “Oppose the forced seizure of indian lands by the armed state”.} 

 Twilight Zone could be singing to the band council, whose actions weigh on their minds: “Where are they going when they’ve gone too far… Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there is a guy starting to realize, that is eternal fate has turned its back on him. It is The fear has gone. I am sitting here waiting …”


Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0



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MNN. 27, January 2022. This is an update by thahoketoteh of MNN on the McGill ongoing saga. The kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, are concerned with the self-preservation of indigenous lives and culture facing genocide at the hands of colonists trespassing on turtle island, using the foreign Admiralty Law of the Seas to violate our land, our people, resources , and  culture.

In the middle of this case, super-paid Principle and Chancellor of McGill, Suzanne Fortier, resigns! At McGill a messy failure has been left behind. As the Chinese say about those who abscond, “They  will suffer death by a thousand cuts”:

In the ‘procedural swamp’ the FCC  [T-1696-21] asked for time consuming information that has already been provided. tThe court’s concern is about traditional


representation, signers and speakers.

This is delaying presenting the substance of the case of the suspicions of unmarked graves of our people on the site of the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University.

According to Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982, all the laws of Canada have no force or effect because they are inconsistent with the kaianerekowa, great peace. The kahnistenera, Mohawk Mothers, can only represent themselves according to ancestral law. They are the caretakers of the children and the land they are brought onto.

This sounds like the philosophy commonly used by mega corporations and the military which are connected to all universities, such as the movement to ‘Demilitarizie McGill” has tried to reveal at McGill University. 

The main issues in the court case are the unmarked graves, the trespassing on Mohawk land, and the borrowing of Iroquois Trust Funds to build McGilll that was never repaid to the Mohawks.

The traditional process of the kanienkehaka [Mohawk] is to listen to the proceedings and report the words to the clans. The appointed word carriers will be given the words that will go back to the court. 

The kahnistensera cannot be represented by a lawyer, council or non-kaianerekowa person as it would be inconsistent with the great peace. The court is allowing the four opposing lawyers to speak and question the witnesses, while the indigenous women will be allowed one speaker!    

The SQI reached out to the band councils for information and assistance. The band councils are created by the Canadian Army to take care of the prisoners in this ongoing war for indigenous land title. 

The economic sanctions strategy was invented with the onkwehonweh [indigenous people of the land] in mind. No people have ever endured more oppressive sanctions than the original people in the history of modern economics. The creation and theft of the Indian Trust Funds was to create a stranglehold on the economic freedom of the original peopleMN.   

Though they are ‘old’, they are capable and expect to be treated fairly. The court was informed that they will continue this case as joint applicants according to Rule 102[b] of the Federal Court of Canada: “the relief claimed, whether joint, several or alternative, arises from substantially the same facts or matter”. In this  case, once an agreement is made they must stand behind the words.  

Leonard Cohen was an inmate in Dr. Ewen Camerons ‘mind control’ experiments at Allan Memorial Hospital of McGill and also wrote a song about a “Suzanne”. We wonder if Leonard ever listened to Ted Nugent’s song,” Stranglehold” which describes what has been done to us on the economic front. “Here I come again now, baby, like a dog in heat. You can tell it’s me by the clamor now, baby. I come to tear up the streets. I’ve been smoking for so long and now I am here to say, I got you in a stranglehold, baby. I’m gonna crush your face”.    





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TO LISTEN TO MOTION ON JAN. 14, 2022 AT 1.30 Go down list to Montreal, click on green icon pencil and hearing registration form pops up to register.

[Thahoketoteh  of MNN coverage of FCC v. kahnistensera court case] The teiohateh two row is the relationship between us and the colonists, the canoe and the ship. The peace, friendship and respect was to keep us side by side on our land and water. The ship is temporarily tied to our land with the silver covenant chain. We are now asking those on the ship to respond.   

PART I AUDIO: [in 3 parts]


MNN. Jan. 10, 2022. Section 35 [1] of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, provides “the existing precolonial aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people [of turtle island] ARE HEREBY RECOGNIZED AND AFFIRMED”. Section 52 [1] affirms that “‘any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, OF NO FORCE OR EFFECT. 

Therefore, the kaianerekowa, which is the existing aboriginal legal system which we have inherited from precolonial times which was never revoked or conceded, is the supreme law of “Canada”. All laws not recognized by kaianerekowa are of no force or effect on any of our land.


No: T-1696-21












(Rules 4, 8, 25, 221 and 369 of the Federal Courts Rules)



Notice of Motion………………………………….………………………………….…..3

Written Submissions of the defendant…………….….…………………………………..6

Proposed Court Order …………………………………………………………………..16

CONSIDERING THAT the SQI Société québécoises des infrastructures (« SQI ») will present a request to strike out the Applicants’ motion to the Court on January 14, 2022, at 1:30 PM-EST. 

THE MOTION SEEKS to (1) confirm that the Federal Court is the competent court to judge the present case. 


  1. In their Avis de requête, the Respondents suggest that the Federal Court would not have the ability to judge our case and ask to strike it out.
  2. The Respondents allege that the case does not meet the three-part test established by the Supreme Court to determine if it belongs to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court.
  3. However, as sovereign traditional rotinonhsonni people, the Applicants are adamant that the Federal Court is the only instance available within the State of Canada which can examine their case, as it concerns the nation-to-nation relationship between Canada and the rotinonhsonni confederacy.
  4. The Applicants argue that not receiving the case in the Federal Court would violate the Silver Covenant Chain and Two Row Wampum treaties between the Rotinonhsonni Confederacy and the British Crown the fiduciary obligation of the Crown towards Indigenous peoples, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Constitution of Canada, 1982. The Rotinonhsonni Confederacy has no dialogue or historical relationship with the Canadian province of Quebec, which lacks competence in Indigenous issues.
  5. The Applicants also argue that the case concerns Bill-15, which is an Act of the Canadian Parliament, acknowledging and affirming the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, notably the right to patriate human remains.

The kanien’kehá:ka kanistensera, kahentinetha, kawenaa, karennatha and karakwine, supported by the men’s fire of kahnawake, akwesasne, kanehsatake, ohsweken and kenhteke. PO Box 991, kahnawake, Quebec, J0L 1B0 Email:;


Me Alexandre Rouanet-Bazinet,BERGERON, of DENILLE & ASSOCIATES, Counsel for SQI the defendant Société québécoise des infrastructures E-mail: : 438-831-4032 / f.: 514 873-2516

Me Brigitte Savignac, of CLYDE & CIE CANADA S.E.N.C.R.L., Counsel for the defendant Stantec inc., 630, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, Bureau 1700, Montréal (Québec) H3B 1S6, Telephone : (514) 843-3777,

Me Doug Mitchell, of IMK AVOCATS, Counsel for the defendant McGill University, Place Alexis Nihon / Tower 2, 3500 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Suite 1400, Montreal (Quebec) H3Z 3C1, Telephone 514 935-2725

Me Simon Vincent, of BÉLANGER SAUVÉ, S.E.N.C.R.L., Counsel for the defendant, City of Montreal, 5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 900, Montreal (Quebec) H3B 2G2, Telephone: 514 876-6203



  1. The plaintiffs hereby requesting an injunction order from the Federal Court of Canada are the kahnistenhsera (life-givers, i.e. women), which wampum 44 of the kaianerekowa, the precolonial constitution of the rotinonhsonni (Iroquois) confederacy, declares as the sovereign caretakers of a’nowarà:ke, turtle island, for the coming generations, tahatikonhsontóntie. As sovereign indigenous people, the kaianerekowa is our basis of all adjudication and resolution, and our duties and rights are exercised in our protocols, clan system and oral tradition which come from time immemorial. 
  1. Following serious allegations that Indigenous children were used and may have died from being subject to MK-Ultra “mind control” experiments conducted by Dr. Ewen Cameron at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950s and 1960s, the kahnisténhsera have demanded the immediate cessation of planning and construction work on the sites of the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute authorized by the City of Montreal (file 1217400001) to investigate potential unmarked graves on site. 
  1. In a letter to the Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal (OCPM) dated November 9, 2021, the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) of McGill University has agreed that an investigation into unmarked graves on said sites was necessary and committed to collaborating in it. However, no effort has been done to reach out to the kahnisténhsera to realize this investigation. The Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI), which was declared to be the owner of the Allan Memorial Institute by Nicole Brodeur, president of the OCPM, during the hearing of the kahnisténhsera, has contacted the Band Council offices of Kahnawake and Kanehsatake on November 9, 2021, to discuss collaborating on the matter. However, Band Councils have no jurisdiction on traditional indigenous homelands outside of the boundaries of reservations, and they are in a conflict of interest given that they as allies administer funds from the federal government of Canada, which unconstitutionally imposed the Band Council system on the kanien’keha:ka people through the Indian Act. Moreover, the SQI has later denied owning the said sites.
  1. The kahnisténhsera are still waiting for the parties involved to collaborate and provide funding for a kahnisténhsera led investigation on potential atrocities conducted on the sites of the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute. The unmarked graves of our children are part of the ongoing crimes against humanity and genocide of the indigenous people in Canada, following the definition of the United Nations 1948 Genocide Convention. Recovering the remains of Indigenous people killed because of genocidal policies has been acknowledged as an utmost priority by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, whose validity has been affirmed by the Parliament of Canada in Bill C-15  
  1. As kahnisténhsera the Applicants are seeking relief by requesting the Federal Court of Canada to issue an order impeding demolition and construction work on said sites in order to allow an Indigenous-led archaeological and forensic investigation on the presence of human remains. 
  1. Through the lawyers of the Société Québécoise des infrastructures, the Respondents have filed a Dossier de requête en radiation d’une demande et en prolongation de délai to the Court on December 7, 2021. They argue that the Federal Court lacks the jurisdiction to judge the case. 
  1. The Applicants are adamant that the Federal Court of Canada is the proper court to examine the case. The following arguments explain why.


  1. The Respondents argue that the case does not pass the test created by the Supreme Court in Windsor (City) v. Canadian transit co, 2016 SCC 54 (“Windsor”), to determine the jurisdiction of the Federal Court determined by the Federal Court Rules, R.S.C. 1985, c F-7 (“FCA”); 1] There must be a grant of jurisdiction by an Act of the Federal Parliament; 2] There must be a body of federal law that is essential to the resolution of the dispute and is the basis for the statutory grant of jurisdiction; 3]The law relied upon in the case must be “a law of Canada” within the meaning of section 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867. 
  1. The Respondents argue that Article 35 of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982, which the Applicants rely on in their original motion, is not a “law of Canada” within the meaning of section 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867. 
  1. The argument used in Windsor para. 63 makes a distinction between Canada as a country and Canada as a level of government within Canada, stating that “After the 1982 ‟patriationˮ, the Constitution is certainly a law of Canada the country, as opposed to a law of the United Kingdom, but it is not one of the “Laws of Canada”, the federal laws, referred to in 101of the Constitution Act, 1867.” In para. 64, it states that “Surely constitutional law is neither federal nor provincial. The Constitution logically precedes that distinction”. It is on that basis that it concluded in para. 33 that by addressing the Constitution of Canada, the Canadian transit company was not addressing the jurisdiction of a Federal Court, as it was “not seeking relief “under an Act of Parliament or otherwise” (i.e., under federal law) as required by s. 23(c) of the Federal Courts Act. Section 23”. 
  1. However, the Applicants are adamant that the Federal Court of Canada is the only court available in the legal system of the State of Canada to examine the case.
  1. It must be noted that even though it would confer jurisdiction to the Federal Court of Canada, the Applicants are not seeking relief under the provisions of the Specific Claims Tribunal Act, which only concerns non-sovereign “First Nations” incorporated under the Indian Act, who have thus relinquished their sovereign rights protected by the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People and the Constitution of Canada, 1982. The Specific Claims Tribunal Act only allows for monetary compensation; whereas the present case concerns issues of sovereignty, land and genocide which cannot be resolved only with monetary compensations. Consequently, the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Canada is rather evidenced by the following points:
  1. First, para. 4 of the Federal Court Rules, R.S.C. 1985, c F-7 states that “The Federal Court has concurrent original jurisdiction to hear and determine proceedings to determine disputes in which the Crown is or may be under an obligation and in respect of which there are or may be conflicting claims”. The fiduciary responsibility of the Crown vis-à-vis the sovereign Indigenous peoples of a’nowarà:ke, turtle island, is an obligation of the Crown engaging the Federal Court as a referee in conflicting claims between the Applicants and the Respondents.
  1. Second, the case engages strictly Federal jurisidictions and responsibilities, such as the Calls for Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada indicating that the search for unmarked graves is a top priority for the State of Canada to advance “reconciliation” with Indigenous peoples.
  1. Third, most importantly the case directly engages at least one “law of Canada” in the meaning of section 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867. This law is Bill C-15, An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the Parliament and Senate of Canada, and having received royal assent on June 21, 2021. In para. 17a, the Act affirms “the Declaration as a universal international human rights instrument with application in Canadian law.” The current motion asks the Federal Court of Canada to assess the application of Bill C-15, as an “Act of Canada” in the current issue. Provided that the search for unmarked graves of sovereign Indigenous peoples, their right not to be subjected to genocide, and their right not to own and to live freely in their traditional unceded lands constitute the backbone of the present case, the following paragraphs from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples apply directly to it:


(Art. 1) Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights4 and international human rights law.

(Art. 7) 1. Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person. 2. Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to any act of genocide or any other act of violence, including forcibly removing children of the group to another group.

(Art. 12) 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to manifest, practice, develop and teach their spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; the right to maintain, protect, and have access in privacy to their religious and cultural sites; the right to the use and control of their ceremonial objects; and the right to the repatriation of their human remains. 2. States shall seek to enable the access and/or repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains in their possession through fair, transparent and effective mechanisms developed in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned.

(Art. 19) States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.

(Art. 25) Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationship with their traditionally owned or otherwise occupied and used lands, territories, waters and coastal seas and other resources and to uphold their responsibilities to future generations in this regard.

(Art. 26) 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. 2. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired. 3. States shall give legal recognition and protection to these lands, territories and resources. Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned.

(Art. 27) States shall establish and implement, in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned, a fair, independent, impartial, open and transparent process, giving due recognition to indigenous peoples’ laws, traditions, customs and land tenure systems, to recognize and adjudicate the rights of indigenous peoples pertaining to their lands, territories and resources, including those which were traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to participate in this process. 

  1. Fourth, the case directly engages the original jurisdiction of the Federal Court for extraprovincial matters. This extraprovincial jurisdiction applies to conflicting claims between subject and subject, and not only to claims where the Crown is a party. 25 of the Federal Court Rules, R.S.C. 1985, c F-7 (“FCA”) states: “The Federal Court has original jurisdiction, between subject and subject as well as otherwise, in any case in which a claim for relief is made or a remedy is sought under or by virtue of the laws of Canada if no other court constituted, established or continued under any of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982 has jurisdiction in respect of that claim or remedy”. It is a fact that no other court has jurisdiction in respect of the present claim, which engages the fiduciary responsibility of the Crown vis-à-vis Indigenous peoples, Bill C-15 as a law of Canada, and the Constitution of Canada, 1982. 
  1. Fifth, the Respondents’ argument to strike out the case based on the Supreme Court ruling in Windsor to the effect that the Constitution of Canada is not a “law of Canada” rather reinforces the Applicants’ claim that the Federal Court of Canada is the only available instance within the State of Canada that may examine the case. The following reasons lead to this conclusion:
  1. The Respondents base their argument for striking out the case on the notion that the Constitution of Canada, 1982, is not a “law of Canada” within the meaning of section 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867. Yet the Respondents fail to mention the Applicants’ reference to Article 52 of the Constitution of Canada, 1982, which states that it is the “Supreme law of the land”, that all the “laws of Canada” that are not consistent with the Constitution are null and void, and that its provisions are not subject to the Notwithstanding Clause [that nothing can contradict the kaianerekowa that supercedes anything and everything.]. This includes Article 35, which “affirms” the “existing rights” of “Aboriginal people”, and cannot be revoked. On the unceded Kaienke’ha:ka territory of Montreal, the supreme law of the land acknowledged the Constitution of Canada, 1982, is the kaianerekowa (Great Peace, constitution of the rotinonhsonni confederacy), which states that the Applicants, as kahnisténhsera, are the sovereign caretakers of the land.
  2. The rotinonhsonni (Iroquois) confederacy has an historical nation-to-nation agreement with the British Crown, namely the Silver Covenant Chain which Queen Elizabeth II has polished in the sovereign kanien’keha:ka territory of Tyendinaga in 2010. The Silver Covenant Chain originally allowed the British ship to dock at a’nowarà:ke, provided that it would respect the teiohá:te (Two Row Wampum), stating that the European peoples’ ship would not encroach on the ways of life and the land of Indigenous peoples. When the Constitution of Canada was “patriated” in 1982, it has been assumed that Canada would inherit the fiduciary responsibility and the nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples previously assumed by the Crown of the United Kingdom. However, the Province of Quebec has never established any diplomatic relationship with the traditional government system of the rotinonhsonni (Iroquois) confederacy, and therefore lacks jurisdiction in matters concerning traditional rotinonhsonni and kanien’keha:ka peoples.
  3. If the Supreme Court ruling in Windsor states that the Constitution of Canada, 1982, is not a “law of Canada”, it is because it is higher than all the “laws of Canada”, and overrides them by virtue of Article 52. As it acknowledged that the Constitution of Canada is higher than the “laws of Canada”, this argument cannot be used to send the current case to a lower court, but implies that it belongs to the highest possible court. If the Federal Court does not assert jurisdiction, and if no such higher court is available within Canada, it is because the case belongs to the sovereign jurisdiction of the rotinonhsonni confederacy, the kaianerekowa (Great Peace) on its unconceded traditional homeland.
  4. Traditionally, the nation-to-nation relationship between the sovereign rotinonhsonni confederacy and the sovereign of Canada, the Crown of the United Kingdom was in the legal jurisdiction of the Privy Council of the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom. As a British court, the Privy Council was the “higher court” assuming jurisdiction over the relationship between the “laws of Canada” and sovereign Indigenous peoples. However, the Privy Council of the Commonwealth was abolished in 1949, and the Canadian federal courts inherited its judicial obligations vis-à-vis Indigenous peoples.
  5. If the Federal Court of Canada is not the highest court having jurisdiction over constitutional matters engaging sovereign Indigenous peoples, the Applicants would appreciate to know which is the higher court responsible for upholding the Constitution of Canada, 1982.
  6. In the meanwhile, the Applicants’ understanding is that Article 52 of the Constitution of Canada, 1982, affirms that all the “laws of Canada” that are inconsistent with the Constitution are null and void, and that the Notwithstanding Clause does not apply to the Constitution. This includes Article 35, which acknowledges the sovereignty of “existing Aboriginal rights”, which in the case of the traditional homeland of the rotinonhsonni and kanien’keha:ka peoples, is the kaianerekowa (Great Peace).
  7. The Applicants also point out that the Royal Proclamation of 1763, where the British Crown promised that Indigenous peoples would not be “disturbed” in their sovereign unceded territories, has never been revoked, and is still part of the constitutional groundwork of Canada.
  1. In essence, the Applicants argue that the case is brought before the Federal Court of Canada because it concerns Canadian subjects who have violated the supreme law of the land, the constitution of the rotinonhsonni confederacy, the kaianerekowa (Great Peace), whose supremacy is acknowledged by the Constitution of Canada, 1982, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. It is the fiduciary obligation of the Crown to uphold the kaianerekowa.



Clarifications on traditional rotinonhsonni protocol :

  1. The 1763 Royal Proclamation, the 1982 Constitution Act of Canada, the Constitution of the United States of America and all other legal foundations of settler colonial occupation have no power to turn trespassers into true natural sovereigns on a’nowarà:ke, turtle island. According to the kaianerekowa, great peace, the kahnisténhsera, “life-givers”, are each the sovereign caretakers for the coming generations, tahatikonhsontóntie. The kaianerekowa provides that any decision must be gained through our clan system and our consensual decision-making process. 
  1. The Silver Covenant Chain and the teiohá:te (Two Row Wampum) is the protocol that originally allowed European settlers to share an existence on a’nowarà:ke, turtle island. The settlers agreed to keep their culture, language, and ways on their ship, ensuring that the indigenous canoe would always remain sovereign on the continent of a’nowarà:ke. Neither the teiohá:te nor the kaianerekowa permitted settlers to encroach in any way on the land except to grow food in the depth of a plough for their sustenance. There were not allowed to build infrastructures nor extract our natural resources. Furthermore, the infrastructures at McGill University and in the City of Montreal were built with borrowed Iroquois Trust Funds which have never been repaid, and that were confiscated to our people using the racist pretext that indigenous peoples were incapable of managing their own funds. 
  1. Canada, Quebec, Montreal and McGill University have no legal relationship, agreement, treaties or covenants with the rotinonhsonni confederacy and the sovereign kanien’keha:ka people using the protocols of the kaianerekowa. Due to this legal limbo, McGill University, the SQI and the City of Montreal are currently trespassing upon the following Iroquoian ancestral homelands: kawehnote teiontiakon [Montreal Island], tekanontak/ononta tiotiake [two mountains connected, Mount Royal], and skanawatsta [across the mud flats, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue]. The Sulpicians have purported that they were granted these lands from the King of France but have failed to show any proof that these sites were ever ceded or sold by the Iroquoian peoples. All parties that have bought and sold said lands throughout history have been guilty of handling stolen property.
  1. We understand English as the diplomatic language we can use for communication with non-indigenous parties. Communicating without our permission in French, a language that we do not understand, violates international protocol. Should the defending parties insist on speaking French to us, we will reply in kanienkehaka Mohawk language, the original language of our Iroquoian homelands. 
  1. Canada and its affiliated institutions are currently violating the sovereign rotinonhsonni constitution of the kaianerekowa, the Great Peace. Section 35 [1] of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 provides: “the existing [pre-colonial] aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal people [of turtle island] are hereby recognized and affirmed”. Section 52[1] affirms that “any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.” Therefore, the kaianerekowa, which is the existing aboriginal legal system which the rotinonhsonni confederacy has inherited from precolonial times, and which was never revoked or conceded, is the supreme law of “Canada”. Consequently, all laws of Canada that are not recognized by the kaianerekowa are of no force or effect on the original homelands of the Iroquoian people. 
  1. The kaianerekowa is based on the natural world. It follows sha’oié:ra, “the way of creation forever”, and cannot be revoked. The Federal Court of Canada must accept our truth, that the original peoples of a’nowarà:ke and their legal systems are part of the sustainable ecological reality that allows life to continue. They are part of the earth, water, air and sun that are necessary for life. The corporation of Canada [licence ISO# CA 3166-1], and the British common law and French Civil law on which it is based, have no foothold on the natural reality of a’nowarà:ke, having rather allowed its destruction by supporting environmentally harmful projects that were in violation with the kaianerekowa.  
  1. After the discovery of 215 unmarked graves of Indigenous children in Kamloops, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted that “We are guilty of genocide”, suggesting that the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions’ “Call for actions” must be followed to allow a reconciliation between settler and indigenous peoples in Canada. Mohawk language contains no word for “I am sorry”. We say Enhskerihwakwatá:ko, “I will make it right”. We are here today to request that the Canadian judicial process stops facilitating the genocide of indigenous peoples on a’nowarà:ke, and respects the 1948 Genocide Convention. Our message is based on our law and culture and cannot be challenged by any foreign entities and laws, which have no force or effect. 
  1. No Indigenous people ever ratified Canada to become a nation. We and our lands have never been for sale. The Doctrine of Discovery, the Right of Conquest, and John Locke’s right of appropriating land through improvement, are based on racist ideologies that contradict the Unites Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, the basic principles of democracy and the common sense of most Canadians in 2022. This is why the City of Montreal, McGill University and the corporation of Canada acknowledge that a’nowarà:ke is unceded indigenous land. The legal consequences of this fact, which implies the unbreachable sovereignty of the kaianerekowa on traditional Iroquoian homelands, must be assessed by the Federal Court of Canada. 
  1. We are not addressing this court to debate or be bound by the legal procedures of a judicial system that must first assess its fundamental nation-to-nation relationship with the sovereign indigenous peoples of a’nowarà:ke. We are placing our provisions of the kaianerekowa before you for your records. It is up to the Canadian court system to judge its own citizens if they violate the kaianerekowa. The kaianerekowa exists since time immemorial and can never be amended as it is based on the natural world. The kaianerekowa does not recognize other laws on a’nowarà:ke. All laws of Canada, case laws, treaties, and procedures have no force or effect unless they are recognized by the supreme law of the land, the kaianerekowa.
  2. Today we are embarking onto the European ship to remind settlers of the original law of this land. The colonial court under your sail has no jurisdiction over us, the sovereign kanienkehaka:onwe. You have jurisdiction over your own people on your ship. Without our permission the governance of your people overreached its jurisdiction, violating the kaianerekowa. Your ship is temporarily chained to our shores by a Silver Covenant Chain agreement. We request that your colonial settler population respect us, follow your laws, to stop the genocide and crimes against us. We are not Canadian subjects. Our culture is based on the natural world. We will tell you the truth, and we will expect you to respect it.

A’nowarà:ke, January 8, 2022.

toknikon, the sovereign caretakers,

The kanien’kehá:ka kanistensera, kahentinetha, kawenaa, karennatha and karakwine, supported by the men’s fire of kahnawake, akwesasne, kanehsatake, ohsweken and kenhteke. PO Box 991, kahnawake, Quebec, J0L 1B0 Email:;


CONSIDERING the Notice of Motion filed in the Federal Court of Canada by the Applicants on November 9, 2021;

CONSIDERING the Respondent Société québécoise des infrastructures’ Dossier de requête en radiation d’une demande et en prolongation de délai (request to strike out the Applicants’ pleading and to prolong the delay)

CONSIDERING THAT the Respondent’s request to strike out the Applicants’ pleading is not legally justified;


DISMISSES the Respondents’ Dossier de requête en radiation d’une demande et en prolongation de délai dated November 7, 2021.

THE WHOLE with costs.

The Beatles knew when it was over.: “I read the news today, oh boy, About a lucky man who made the grade. And though the news was rather sad, Well, I just had to laugh”;