MNN. DEC. 12, 2024.
Category Archives: New York State
Office of the Ganienkeh Territory Council Fire
Correspondence via: U.S.P.S. P.O. Box 270, 270 Altona NY,12910
Telephone: 518-236-7100 – Fax: 518-236-7101
Email: – Website:
Ennisko:wa 4th, 2024
Swariwa:ke: MohawkNation Council of Chiefs
TO: Curtis Nelson, Angela Elijah, Ernest David, Louise McDonald, Julia Jacobs, Howard Thompson
This communication is written upon the direction of the community. It has come come to the attention of the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs [hereinafter MNCC] projects the impression that they represent the greater Mohawk Nation and the Confederacy on land claims matters. They do not.
The MNCC represent the interests in the land claims lawsuit as the Plaintiff known as “People of the Long House of Akwesasne represented by the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs”, and more specifically only to the house who call themselves the “Mohawk Nation Longhouse”.
Ganienkeh rejects any greater authority that MNCC claims . . . .
Please read the entire statement:
Download the PDF version of the statement.
Ganienkeh Statement 2024-04-05
The song, “The Tree”, is our absolute agreement with the statement of Ganienkeh on Turtle Island which Thahoketoteh sings: “Now we stand as brothers, let us plant this tree, follow its roots. It’ll go from sea to sea. Watch it grow to the sky and bask in its shade. It represents the unity we now have made. We bury our weapons for all time underneath. And a great order we now bequeath. If any should follow the roots to their source, they may sit with us in the shade of course….”
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MNN. 6 Sep. 2019. First Canada murdered most of us. We had lived for thousands of years in peace until the white serpents brought back the war.

By the 1800s, the settlers had perfected their killing machines when other forms of extinction were enacted. These were the Indian Act, the Indian Lands Acts of 1924 that created prisoner of war camps for the natives called reserves that we still live in today. We are the protectors of all of turtle island.

We were forced into Indian Day Schools to become “Canadians” so our lands could be stolen. Many schools were built with adjacent “health clinics” where extraordinary experiments were carried out on our children. The RCMP would enter the classrooms, children were selected and sent over to the “clinic” never to be seen again.
Our communities were run by the military. World War II vets were brought in to indoctrinate us. Canada is making restitution to the survivors by offering our lawyers, GowlingWLG, $55 million and the victims $10,000 each. $200,000 is dangled if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt in Admiralty Court the atrocious methods of torture and punishment. One 80 year old survivor has sent the following letter to GowlingWLG.
“Sep.5, 2019
From . . . . . . . ., kahnawake, PQ JOL 1B0
To: Robert Winogram, Jeremy Bouchard & Vanessa Lessard Gowling WLG [Canada] LLP, 160 Elgin St., Suite 2600, Ottawa ON K1P 1C3 Fax 1-613-563-9869
This is to inform you that you are still my lawyers. I will not withdraw from the Indian Day School class action. In light of the court settlement I request that GowlingWLG accept on my behalf the $200,000 that is being offered, although this settlement pales in comparison to the calculated atrocities I suffered at the hands of the government of Canada.
The genocide system of forcing us to attend the “Indian Day Schools” after 1920 was to make me a part of corporate Canada against my will. I was not even allowed to use my kanionkehaka’onwe name. It was meant to lead to our extinction so turtle island, our homeland, could be taken by the immigrants.
The devised atrocities and life lasting harms continue to be applied equally to all of us to this day. We are one people. You hurt one, you hurt us all.
Canada and the Prime Minister have admitted guilt, liability, responsibility and accountability.

Canada’s payment is for abuse by teachers, officials, and others directed by the government. Our languages and cultures were constantly attacked.
I attended Indian Day School in Kahnawake, starting in 1946. I am in favor of compensation for this premeditated brutality by the Government of Canada. The settlement is unreasonable. To pursue our case in the Admiralty Court system placed over us, adds salt to the wound.

Canada’s goal was and is always the extinction of the natives through assimilation, as outlined in the Indian Act, Indian Lands Acts of October 25th 1924 and many other acts. The [5 tier] “harm grid” is humiliating and will cause damage in our communities.
I expressed my concerns to the federal court and to my lawyers. Since the court has now approved the settlement Gowling WLG has the fiduciary duty and obligation to continue to represent me. We must meet in person to discuss my case, how the settlement was arrived at, and my horrific journey through the Indian Day School.”
kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0 box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact
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MNN. NOV. 6, 2018. The natural people of turtle island are following the instructions of creation, to feed and care for their families and to live in peace anywhere. Those corporate borders set up the invaders are meant to stop and examine themselves, not us. They came here from other parts of the world.
We true natives of turtle island are not immigrants!!! Our family that is travelling from the South of great turtle island to the North are traversing our land. They can come anyway they want, by plane, by inner tube, by boat, by car or with one foot in front of the other.
These corporations want some of us as cheap labor to work for the immigrant. These intruders have no right to turn back, falsely charge any of them for being native or hunting them down for doing what we have every right to do. The immigrants are the criminals and have no right to stop us or to interfere with our free use and enjoyment of our lands.
Family, you are native people. Every single thing on great turtle island from the North Pole to the tip of South America is our home. As relatives we need to support each other so our family can continue to live and survive on our mother.
Casting away the colonialist propaganda that has kept our families apart, once again we are one people and we care very much for each other. As Joni Mitchell sings [Both Sides Now]: “rs and fears and feeling proud, To say “I love you” right out loud. Dreams and schemes and circus crowds. I’ve looked at life that way…” Opelia Rivas Solidarity Project Website Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
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MNN. Nov. 3, 2018. te-ka-ri-wa-iena-wakon. Calling all onkwehonweh, brothers, sisters, friends, allies, our families, young people and elders.
Come and learn. Let’s talk about the kaianerekowa, great peace and the tekeni teohateh [two row]. Let us open our minds so that together we can have mutual understanding. Let’s talk about unity and human rights.
This is a peoples’ meeting. The invitation is open to everyone, including the chiefs, clan mothers and band councils. We have the minds to make good decisions. We are each te-wa-ta-tawi, we carry ourselves and have a right to meet to discuss whatever we want. Creation made us a free people. No one can dictate to us. This is a republic, which is rule by the people. Democracy is mob rule.
Let’s open our minds and listen to each other. According to kaianerekowa we cannot listen to rumors, gossip and hearsay concerning this gathering and our affairs. The great peace shows us how to reach an understanding. Come and see for yourself. Ask questions. Have your say. We want to hear what is on your mind.
There is only one version of the natural way. kaianerekowa teaches us not to fear the unknown, but to examine everything.
We are a calm people who sit, listen to each other and participate. Because we have differences of opinion is no reason to become enemies. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard to contribute to our well-being. We should search each other’s minds and come to an understanding. The more knowledge we acquire, the better decisions we will make together.
This is our responsibility for our children. Let’s end the confusion. Anyone with ideas who wants to help is welcome. The young people are welcome to be heard as they carry on the traditions. Strife can be dealt with using our clear minds.
WATCH ROTINOSHONNI’ONWE SONGS AND DANCES: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
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MNN. Oct. 28, 2018. Invaders are suffering from mass colonial alzheimers, ia-te-tse-ni-kon-ra-io-ten. Their brain feeds on lies. The USA [United States of Alzheimers] is eating itself from the inside. The world is finding out about the horrors they inflicted on us and our mother. It will stop. Everything has to be made right. INFO BELOW ON GATHERING AT 6 NATIONS, NOV. 19-23:
To save themselves, the corporate world will continue to lie and try to force everyone to fear them and continue to believe their lies. Natives know creation, our mother and nature are based on total truth of our past, present and future. The truth is coming out about the mass slaughter of almost all life on turtle island.

The few who know will ask what they can do to makes things right. The rest will pretend to or have alzheimers to avoid guilt, responsibility or even knowledge of their atrocities.
tio-kwan-hok-sta is the circle of the families, the love that underlies native societies. All families are combined, to always work together, never to take up arms against each other and to survive together. te-kari-wa-ien-na-wakon means that we would link arms and always hold each other.
A gathering is happening in Oswego from November 19 to 23, 2018, to talk about our concerns on kanonshononni’onwe, the way of the people of the longhouse. Come with your thoughts, questions and ask for clarity. Your presence will make the agenda.
The world is invited. Let us stand together to stop the injustice and untruth.
Buffy Sainte Marie sings about counterbalancing environmental greed: “Got Mother Nature on a luncheon plate. They carve her up and call it real estate. Want all the resources and all of the land. They make a war over it; they blow things up for it. ” Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
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MNN. Oct. 13, 2018. ia-ta-tewa-ton-koton. We have not immersed ourselves into the corporate system. We cannot alienate ourselves from our birthright as the true natural people of turtle island. The invaders have no jurisdiction. We never gave them any. Their laws have no effect.

This decision is on laws they have no right to make. This decision by the Supreme Court of Canada affects those who have sold out to the false man-made law called the Indian act. They have no jurisdiction to make the Indian Act. Either way it has no precedent or binding affect on the onkwehonweh. It does not exist for anybody. Those of us who refuse know that no foreign government or corporation applies to us tewatatawi original people. They can’t make any law, thus there is nothing to talk about.
The Indian Act “Indians” are citizens of a foreign company set up by the invaders and have lost their onkwehonweh birthright as a result. Canada has no jurisdiction to make a constitution. The corporation of Canada owns nothing. Their committees known as the Indian Act band council do their dirty work for them. The Queen cannot give anybody what does not belong to her. She and her colony have no dominion over us, our land or all life on turtle island. We true natural people never relinquished anything. This case is in a court set up by the invaders to rule upon laws they have no right to make. All their laws and court decisions are made without jurisdiction on turtle island. Every decision they’ve ever made is null and void. All laws made by the corporation of Canada [Parliament and US counterparts] are null and void.
The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada invaders does not interfere with us. Only those who willingly help the corporation to administer the genocide program, the pipe line and other devastation on our mother. Eliminating us and our culture is their plan.
Treaties give no rights. The invaders wanted treaties. We let them stay on our land according to our conditions. They broke them. Their agreement with is us is null and void. They are trespassing and must leave. We have the birthright to turtle island.
How dare the oppressors and their “criminal gang” dictate to us. We are from nature. We are real. They are paper made people. Their corporate laws and court decisions are man made fiction. Their institutions, rules and regulations are fake. New demands are constantly being made to keep their criminal gangs in business. The intruders never deal in good faith. Their own law states that if you take another’s property, you are committing a crime. The statute of limitations never ends. They will be held accountable.
The court lied to the Mikisew Crees of Alberta. The chief wants to know who he can cry to now! He wants to go back to the same court and stand before the enemy and expect justice. The same court of oppressors will rule against him again.
The court said the band councils are their boards and committees that have no rights except to do what they are told. They don’t have to consult them. Their job is to help the tyrants swindle their own families. A handful of invaders want to illegally decide the fate of millions of natural people.
They should be consulting with us about how they can follow the kaianerekowa, the only law of turtle island. Their judicial scams are designed to work in favor of the invading predators. A man is born stupid but he doesn’t have to stay that way.
Alibaba and the 40 thieves [Canada and US] are not sovereign. They don’t have one inch of our land and can never get it. These unlawful occupiers have no right to legislate laws to us. They own the willing members of their band council, national and territorial “Indian” sidekicks who have alienated their birthright.
The lawless make schemes called laws to steal from us. No man has the right to deny us our birthright which comes from creation. We have a winning hand which paper made corporations cannot defeat. They ignore truth and justice but it will always exist in the natural world.
When the band council puppets look to the invaders as their authority, they are letting them destroy us, our mother and all life. Like those who helped capture Geronimo, all the traitors will be rounded up and dealt with accordingly.
Today we don’t have barbed wire fences around us. We have reservation prisons administered by the military who run the colony.
The lawyers pledge allegiance to the very institutions and rules that oppress us. Their job is to tell us we have no rights. Then they haul us into court to receive more injustice. We are told to believe in something that does not exist in their system, justice and truth.
We can live on our land until they want it. Sir William Johnson told the King, “Any man that would dare to call the iroquois ‘subjects’ better have a good army at his back, because no sooner would those words be spoken, they would slit his throat, because the Iroquois do not consider themselves subjects of anyone. They are of their own”.
Our teachings, language, genetic memories and the kaianerekowa keep us strong. We are raised to take responsibility for our own actions. We are naturally free and can never be subject to unlawful rules made by the invaders. They never defeated us. They can only ask us how they shall live by the kaianerekowa. If they don’t, they must leave. The onkwehonweh demonstrated their right to be free on the island in 1990: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.

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MNN. Oct. 10, 2018. Every year the intruders to turtle island celebrate the continuing genocide of the natural people. Christopher Columbus and Thanksgiving go together with the hysterical Black Friday shopping frenzy that breaks out to divert their attention on the annihilation of millions of onkwehonweh, the true natural people.
Our kids were kidnapped and imprisoned in “Child Elimination Centers” called residential schools. They were kidnapped, tortured and burnt in stoves in the basement. The schools were an extension of the genocide policy which continues today.
A repressive regime of fake people was established that funds and carries out the genocide operation.
The invaders made rules on every aspect of our life. We suffered a soul sucking life and death for hundreds of years. Knowledge of our existence was almost totally eradicated by the invaders. These paper made people recruit the Indians to do their dirty work for them.
The state maintains extensive surveillance on us. We are out in the open on our land trying to survive.
We are nature. We will save each other. The world knows that Canada and the United States are murderers.
We are being held hostage. We are born free and will get our freedom.
The invaders came here to kill and exploit, not in peace. They failed miserably as a species on this planet. They are now masterminding their own extinction. Nature will make difficult decisions to ensure our survival.
A Native American Thanksgiving
by Toni Duncan – Member, Round Valley Tribes
M.I.A. ponders te hon wani shoton in “Born Free”: “Man made power. Stood like a tower higher. Hi’ya hi’ya hello. And the higher you go. You feel lower oh oh. So I was close to the ants. Staying under cover, staying under cover With the nose to the ground. Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.

here come the warriors
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MNN. Sept. 2018. Over 100 rotinoshonni [Iroquois] were viciously beaten by the New York State Police, as this video shows. The United States court system totally ignored and denied justice and truth from being presented.
We have exhausted the entire United States court system for justice. Now we are serving an Application to the International Court of Justice in The Hague of 28 pages plus the annexes, the Gayanerekowa great law and video disk.
Each of the Onondaga 15 will provide oral presentations personally, and other witnesses will provide testimony in writing and orally to The International Court of Justice at The Hague and to the United Nations in New York City in support of this Application.
Filed in the Registry of the Court
October 2018
Case by 15 sovereign onkwehonweh [the original peoples of turtle island] of the rotinoshonni, Iroquois Confederacy, concerning grave Injustices. Reason: No Equal Justice Under Law, No Due Process and No Fair Hearing/No Fair Trial in the United States court system for the onkwehonweh.
(Andrew Jones, sovereign, et al. [“Onondaga 15”] vs. United States)
To: Mr. Philippe Couvreur, Registrar, International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, The Hague Netherlands.
This Application Instituting Proceedings is made by the following 15 sovereign onkwehonweh [hereinafter “Onondaga 15”] vs. United States:
Andrew Jones (sovereign), Robert E. Bucktooth, Jr. (sovereign), Cheryl Bucktooth, (sovereign), Robert Bucktooth, III (sovereign), Debby Jones (sovereign), Karen Jones (sovereign), Nikki Jones (sovereign),karoniakata Jones (sovereign), Shawn Jones (sovereign), kahentinetha (sovereign), dyhyneyyks, aka Alfred Logan, Jr. (sovereign), tekarontakeh (sovereign), Ross John (sovereign), Ronald Jones, Jr. (sovereign), Nadine O’Field/Ganonhweih, fka Nadine Bucktooth (sovereign),
On May 31, 1779, General George Washington, who later became the first President of the United States, wrote the following to his Major General John Sullivan [Annex 9, Annex 1 for electronic review]:
The expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the six nations [Iroquois Confederacy] of Indians, with their associates and adherents. The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more. . . . But you will not by any means listen to (any) overture of peace before the total ruin of their settlements is effected. . . .
This command was carried out and continued as United States policy thereafter to this day and was never rescinded.
To carry out this order, the United States set up the infamous prison system called “reservations”. We are killed and separated from each other throughout turtle island where the United States tries to silence, control, impoverish, murder and deny our natural existence as intended by creation.
iontonnheton – the existence of natural life.
kaianerekowa – the great path of peace.
kasastenserakowa sahoiera – the great natural power.
onkwehonweh – the original people of the land.
onowarekeh – turtle island.
rotinoshonni – the people who make the long house, Iroquois Confederacy.
sahoieren – creation.
tekeni teiohateh – the two row wampum.
tekentiokwanhoksta – Circle of 49 original families that formed the basis of rotinoshonni.
tewatatawi – we control our life [sovereign].
tekanehronkwatserah – the mind of nature.
The United States strikes by any means to stop us from surviving as free natural people. They bribe “Indians” who become their citizens or agents to help carry out the policy of genocide. These traitors pledge allegiance to the United States through the Federal Indian Law. According to the kaianerekowa when our people serve as a United States citizen or agent implementing the genocide policies, they are traitors and alienate their birthright as true native people, tehonatonkoton.
The policy of physical and mental extermination of original native peoples continues. Prisons remain. Traitors remain. Poverty remains.
We sought justice in the United States court system related to violations of our human rights by the New York State Police. We received no justice, leading to this Application.
We 15 sovereign onkwehonweh request The International Court of Justice at The Hague to review and expose to the world the United States’ violations and to provide justice in this case. The kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, is the law of turtle island since time immemorial. We 15, men, women, children, and elders, were arrested, viciously beaten, injured, and terrorized by the New York State Police troopers at our peaceable gathering. The United States court system deliberately delayed and denied justice for each of us for over two decades in this case so that these troopers would avoid responsibility for their criminal actions. [Video of beating Annex 1 of this Application, infra]. This computer disc includes everything in this Application and Annex Record, Annexes 1 thru 8, for review electronically. The kaianerekowa [also gayanerekowa], the great law of peace, is set forth in Annex 8 of this Application,infra.
kaianerekowa is orally passed on from the ancestors of the onkwehonweh in our language, songs, ceremonies, wampums and stories that explains nature. See the video oral presentations [6 hours] that have been linked to Mohawk Nation News at Annex 8 that explain this very complex translation from Mohawk into English.
Each of us is sovereign [Article 40, infra, and Black’s Law Dictionary, infra]. Jurisdiction and sovereignty are based on the kaianerekowa, the great peace, the law of turtle island, and the tekeni teiohateh, the two-row wampum. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “sovereign” as “a person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested.”
Self-determination is defined as tewatatawi, “the process by which a person controls their own life.” The onkwehonweh in this case are sovereign through their culture, traditions, and principles from time immemorial, and through the kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, and the tekeni teiohateh, two-row wampum. [Annex 8, Annex 5, Annex 1].
Article 3 and 6 with the other Articles and preamble recognizes that each of the individual indigenous [original native] peoples here are sovereign: Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination, to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
Article 92 of the United Nations Charter provides: The International Court of Justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Article 40, provides:
Indigenous peoples have the right to access to and prompt decision through just and fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and disputes with States or other parties, as well as to effective remedies for all infringements of their individual and collective rights. Such a decision shall give due consideration to the customs, traditions, rules and legal systems of the indigenous peoples concerned and international human rights.
Article 1 must be enforced by this International Court of Justice: Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law.
Article 5 bolsters this Court’s jurisdiction in this case, providing: Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.
Article 45 of the Rules of Court, in the case of Jones, et al, v. Parmley, et al., Supreme Court of the United States No. 17-928 [Annex 3 and Annex 4 below], provides we sovereign rotinoshonni the right to institute proceedings in the International Court of Justice at The Hague, against the United States and its court system. The proceedings will be filed in the registry of the Court in October 2018.
Each of us sovereign onkwehonwe make this Application to this Court with a winning hand, which is nature. We are all free. All life is free. Nature is.
The World Court has man-made unnatural rules that are in conflict with the natural law of turtle island. Natural law provides natural justice. The World Court claims to provide this. The Charter of the United Nations and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [107th plenary meeting of The General Assembly, 13 September 2007] claims to support each of the sovereign indigenous peoples appearing in this World Court.
We are not part of the corporate Statute of the International Court of Justice. We do not deliberately or knowingly join anything artificial or unnatural, like a corporation. We are created as one with all natural life. The United Nations claims to expressly support us in being naturally sovereign through its numerous Annex preamble paragraphs and pursuant to its Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 18, 33, and 40 thru 46 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [Annex 6, Annex 1]. Self-determination for all life comes from nature. We are born naturally sovereign. The World Court, existing only through artificial man-made rules, has been set up as “the principle judicial organ of the United Nations” and as the last avenue for justice in the corporate judicial system that permeates the world. The buck stops there. But not in nature.
Article 33 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples concedes this:
- Indigenous peoples have the right to determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and traditions.
- Indigenous peoples have the right to determine the structures and to select the membership of their institutions in accordance with their own will.
The kaianerekowa and tekeni teohatehi guide us.
Our sovereignty in this case is confirmed at Article 34 of the UN Declaration related to indigenous [original] peoples: Indigenous peoples have the right to promote, develop and maintain their institutional structures and their distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where they exist, judicial systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards.
Article 35 bolsters our sovereignty: Indigenous peoples have the right to determine the responsibilities of individuals to their communities.
The United Nations acknowledges that nature has determined that each of us is naturally sovereign through its Articles 34 and 35, and the other Articles in its Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
For this case we consent to this Court’s limited jurisdiction to hear this case pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Court. We are presenting this Application with our clan signs being witnessed, pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court.
We sovereign onkwehonweh act without agents as we are from and guided by the natural world. We live in peace, harmony, and balance with nature with respect for everyone and everything.
States are corporations that exist only through unnatural man-made fictional rules. States cannot be naturally authentic. They exist in this Court only through an authentic agent. [Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court]. The agent must be authenticated by this Court to act for non-authentic States. We are naturally authentic and don’t need an agent.

The United States only exists on paper and comes alive only through interaction with corporate certified agents deemed as human beings. We are sovereign by just being born. The United States does not naturally exist, as such cannot own land, cannot have a native language of its own. It has no natural tie to turtle island. Americans need a corporate paper for everything they do. We onkwehonweh are the first to represent ourselves as true natural parties in this World Court. The UN is the leader of the unauthentic.
Similarly, only members of the Supreme Court of the United States Bar are allowed to appear before the Supreme Court. Real natural parties cannot appear by the Supreme Court’s own Rules. The United States politicians and the rich and powerful can use the Supreme Court, leaving the rest on the sidelines.
The United States is comprised of settlers who invaded our land, turtle island, which cannot be ceded by humanity. The United States makes existence of nature and natural people inhuman. See tekarontakeh’s words that explain this [Annex 5 at transcript pages 9 thru 21, Annex 2, Annex 1]. [Text of words of each of the Onondaga 15 Applicants to this Court is set forth in Annex 2 of this Application, infra, and audio recordings of the words can be heard on the computer disc attached to Annex 1 of this Application, infra.]
Our existence is instilled in us through oral history placed on wampums and in our memory. kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the inherent tewatatawi, how we are to carry ourselves on turtle island and throughout our existence. The natural world creates the path by which we are to live. Our songs, ceremonies, stories and creation tie us to natural life and forces of our mother earth.
The International Court of Justice protects the predatory system that is attempting to rule the World by force. We natural people are imprisoned and controlled by the corporate bullying system.
Each of the 15 sovereign Applicants submit this Application Instituting Proceedings. According to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and Articles 38 and 45 of the Rules of Court, Jurisdiction of the Court is found in Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice:
The jurisdiction of the Court comprises all cases which the parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force.
“Justice and truth ” purport to be the cornerstone of the foundation of the Charter of the United Nations in protecting human rights for everyone worldwide. In this case, we come to the World Court seeking “justice and truth” through the Charter of the United Nations and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [Annex 6 here, infra, and pursuant to Articles 33 and 40 thru 46 of its Rules of Court].
“The Statute of the International Court of Justice, A Commentary [Second Edition], provides instructive comments on the procedure, edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Christian J. Tams, Assistant Editor Maral Kashgar, and Assistant Editor David Diehl [Oxford University Press] (2012), at page 1092:
When dealing with Art. 43 [of the Statute of the International Court of Justice: “The procedure shall consist of two parts: written (memorials through the Registrar) and oral”], it should not be underestimated that all procedure before the Court is dominated by the fact that the litigants are sovereign states that do not lightly accept outside interference in their affairs, especially when that interference touches upon major, if not vital interests of theirs. Questions of procedure before the Court therefore, by definition, cannot be approached on the same basis as litigation before even the highest domestic court.
In the World Court substance controls procedure. We the natural people are the substance and have the winning hand – nature – which always beats the house of procedure. The only way to deactivate our winning hand is to prevent our playing it in their man-made control system.
The United States District Court relied on Onondaga sovereignty when it quashed subpoenas during the trial. The motion and the hearing transcript are provided from the District Court’s proceedings in Annex 5 and Annex 1 [computer disc] to this Application, infra.
This Application is endorsed by the family sign of each indigenous [original] peoples of the Onondaga 15 Applicants, and will be filed with the Registrar, along with a certified copy of the original pursuant to Article 52, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Rules of Court. The court did allow us to present evidence regarding our sovereignty.
Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples applies here and at every level of the United States court system, and was violated throughout the past 21 years: Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters [of this International Court of Justice] which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions. Our kaianerekowa and two-row wampum were ignored.
A certified copy of this Application will be served on the following:
The President of the United States, pursuant to the two-row wampum and the Canandaigua Treaty 1794, that the United States signed;
The Supreme Court of the United States;
The United Nations.
On February 16, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States denied our Petition for a Writ of Certiorari [Annex 4] at the Court’s Friday morning conference of the 9 Justices. It was one of 392 similar Petitions scheduled that morning. This time limitation only allowed case names to be called and and then denied without review, debate and reasons.
Our Petition for Rehearing [found at Annex 3 below] was summarily denied by the Supreme Court on April 2, 2018. Every level of the United States Justice System denied us justice, due process, and a fair hearing/trial. We hope the World Court will provide us with justice and truth. [Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Annex 6, Annex 1)].
On May 18, 1997, [21 years ago] the New York State troopers viciously attacked us, our friends, and our allies at a ceremonial gathering of the rotinoshonni. We each commenced a Civil Rights action in the United States District Court against approximately 125 New York State Police troopers of the racially profiled “I-81 Indian Detail.” The troopers violated the First Amendment [peaceable assembly] and the Fourth Amendment [excessive force] rights under the Constitution of the United States. The attached video exhibit [at Annex 1 and on YouTube and the internet] clearly shows the actual violations of our basic human rights. On October of 2016, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the police. Our appeal [set forth at Annex 4 below] describes the unfair trial proven from actual District Court trial transcripts. The Judges of The Hague can review the denial to question witnesses, present our cases to the Jury, and where Judge [now Justice] Sotomayor’s law of the case supporting us was kept from the Jury. The United States Court of Appeals rubber-stamped the injustice. [Annex 4, and at Appendix A of Annex 4]. The Supreme Court of the United States confirmed the injustice. [Annex 4, Annex 3 [6 pages of detailed injustice by the Supreme Court], and Annex 1].
All documents and docket entries in the three courts are available through the links found at Annex 7 of this Application, infra, including all trial transcripts found electronically in the docket of the District Court.
Without informing us, the District Court allowed our lawyers to dump us after 17 years of representation, discovery, and preparation for trial. We had to conduct our jury trial ourselves. This tactic by the District Court ensured that we could not get a fair trial [set out in Annex 4, and at Appendix C of Annex 4, and Annex 1, infra.]
At the conference of the 9 Justices on February 16, 2018, Justice Sotomayor recused herself from the decision in the United States Supreme Court without giving a reason, violating our statutory right to waive her recusal. [Annex 4, and at Appendix B of Annex 4]. Judge Sotomayor wrote that the troopers could not defend their vicious attack on us in this case. At the subsequent rehearing on April 2, 2018, Justice Sotomayor once again recused herself and violated our statutory right to waive her recusal. We had no further recourse in the United States justice system, leading to this Application. [Annex 3 and Annex 1]. The Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Waivers of Responses, and Order denying the Petition are set forth at Annex 4 and Annex 1, infra. Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The United States court system violated Article 34 by not allowing us to present our customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices, our kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, and the two-row wampum.
The International Court of Justice is mandated to follow Article 41 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which provides: The entire UN system shall contribute to the full realization of the provisions of this Declaration through the mobilization, inter alia, of financial cooperation and technical assistance. Ways and means of ensuring participation of indigenous peoples on issues affecting them shall be established.
Article 42 bolsters the International Court of Justice’ mandate: The UN system including the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, specialized agencies, including country and state levels shall promote respect for and full application of the provisions of this Declaration.
Article 43 provides: The rights constitute the minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world.
Article 44 emphasizes individuals as follows: All the rights and freedoms recognized herein are equally guaranteed to male and female indigenous individuals.
Article 45 confirms: Nothing in this Declaration may be construed as diminishing or extinguishing the rights indigenous peoples have now or may acquire in the future.
And finally, [Annex 6, Annex 1]:
[Article 46.3] The provisions set forth in this Declaration shall be interpreted in accordance with the principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, equality, non-discrimination, good governance and good faith. [No mention of something concrete like returning our tewatatawi, land and resources to us].

Turtle Island was always and continues to be inhabited by free natural life throughout the Western Hemispsphere.
The filed computer disc attached to Annex 1 below includes everything in this Application and Submissions Annex Record [Annexes 1 thru 8] for review electronically.
Annex 1
Computer disc attached.
- Video of May 18, 1997, vicious attack by New York State Police;
- Audio recordings of words of each of Onondaga 15 Applicants;
- Copy of Application and Annex 1-8 Record for electronic review.
Annex 2
- Audio recordings of words of each of the Onondaga 15 to The Hague;
- Transcripts of audio recordings.
Transcribed audio recordings in Annex 1included here in Annex 2. These transcripts are also included in the attached computer disc in Annex 1, for review electronically:
- Transcript of Words of Andrew Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Robert E. Bucktooth, Jr., sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Cheryl Bucktooth, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Robert Bucktooth, III, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Debby Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Karen Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Nikki Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of karoniakata Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Shawn Jones, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of kahentinetha, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of dyhyneyyks, Alfred Logan, Jr., sovereign
- Transcript of Words of tekarontakeh, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Ross John, sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Ronald Jones, Jr., sovereign
- Transcript of Words of Nadine O’Field/Ganonweih, fka Nadine Bucktooth, sovereign
Annex 3 [Also on computer disc at Annex 1].
- Petition for Rehearing [6 pages] in Supreme Court of the United States;
- b. Order denying Petition.
Annex 4
- Petition for a Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court of United States;
- b. New York State Police filed “Waiver”s waiving any response or opposition to the Petition filed by each of the Onondaga 15;
- c. Order denying Petition.
Appendix A is the judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit that was appealed to the Supreme Court. Appendix B is the interlocutory judgment from the Second Circuit penned by Judge Sotomayor. Appendix C is the Order of the United States District Court that allowed the attorneys for each of the Onondaga 15 to withdraw, leaving them without lawyers. [pro se]. Also Denial attached.
Annex 5
- Motion to Quash Trial Subpoenas granted based on sovereignty;
- b. Transcript of Motion to Quash in United States District Court;
- c. tekarontakeh’s words found in the transcript regarding sovereignty and the two-row wampum, and supporting jurisdiction in this Application to The Hague.
Annex 6
- Copy of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Annex 6 supports this Application. [Found also on the filed computer disc at Annex 1, for electronic review.]
Annex 7
- Electronic review of all docket entries and documentation filed in United States District Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the Supreme Court of the United States in this case;
- b. All trial and pretrial transcripts available electronically from District Court docket;
- c. All briefs and oral arguments available electronically from Second Circuit docket;
- All written arguments available electronically from Supreme Court of the United States docket;
- e. Oral presentations will also be presented personally to the World Court by each of the Onondaga 15 Applicants;
- Other witnesses and supplemental documentation may be presented to the World Court at the oral hearing.
All docket entries and documentation can be reviewed. The International Court of Justice at the Hague must intervene.
The docket entries in support of this Application can be found on the PACER electronic retrieval system at Jones, et al. v. Parmley, et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of New York, Court File No. 5:98-CV-0374, and the Briefs and the Joint Appendices filed by all parties in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit [in New York City] can be reviewed on PACER at Jones, et al. v. Parmley, et al., Second Circuit File No. 16-3603-cv. Access to District and Second Circuit court docket entries on PACER can be found at the following link:
The oral arguments at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit are found on the filed computer disc at Annex 1, and at the following link:
The Petition for a Writ of Certiorari and Petition for Rehearing and all docket entries in the Supreme Court of the United States can be found electronically on the Supreme Court’s website related to Jones, et al. v. Parmley, et al., Docket No. 17-928 [2017-18], at the following link:
The pretrial and trial transcripts establishing the unfair trial can be found for review on PACER electronic docket in the United States District Court File No. 5:98-CV-0374, at docket entries numbered 799 through 810, and docket number 743.
This Application may be supplemented and supported by other written documentation.
Annex 8
- Copy of kaianerekowa, the great law of peace. Presented in two versions, in Mohawk and also translated into English.
- The two-row wampum is not written. tekarontakeh’s words in Annex 2 and Annex 5 discusses the two-row wampum in support of this Application to The Hague.
Annex 8 is a copy of kaianerekowa (the great law of peace) is presented in Mohawk and English, with 6 hours of video commentary from kahentinetha and others about the great peace. The two-row wampum also applies and is not in written form. tekarontakeh’s words in Annex 2 and Annex 5 at transcript pages 9 thru 21, supra, in support of this Application to The Hague. [Found also in the filed computer disc at Annex 1, for electronic review].
Annex 9A
- Order and instructions for total annihilation of rotinoshonni [Iroquois Confederacy] from General [future first United States President] George Washington to his Major General John Sullivan on May 31, 1779;
Each of us is sovereign as the natural original indigenous peoples of turtle island. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “sovereign” as “a person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested.” We are guided by the kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, and the tekeni teiohateh, two-row wampum, that provides natural justice. Annex 8, Annex 5, and Annex 1, Annex 2.
Over 20 years we proved that the United States justice system does not exist for us. We are asking The International Court of Justice to review and expose this injustice, inherent limits on justice and to tell the whole truth. The courts of the United States are foreign artificial man-made corporations imposed upon us by force. The colonial justice system of the United States courts have no jurisdiction over us, the native people of turtle island. Intervention by The International Court of Justice at the Hague is required in this case. For over 20 years in this case the United States court system protected the criminals. We have taken and exhausted all avenues available to us in the United States system. That system refuses any further filings in our case. Our experience is that justice is limited and the onkwehonweh are excluded. The corporate justice system is about fighting over possessions. kaianerekowa is about harmony with creation and has the tools to create balance with nature.
We request the World Court at The Hague to review and expose the injustice and failure to present the truth of the United States court system in this 20 year old case. The kaianerekowa, the great peace, and the tekeni teiohateh, two-row wampum, is the true and only tewatatawi of turtle island. All colonial constitutional and corporate laws and structures of the United States are foreign. These unnatural United States legal systems are based upon a foundation of greed and power that is contrary to our living in harmony and balance with nature. The unnatural United States legal systems were never recognized by the original peoples. We request that the World Court recognize that the United States has no jurisdiction over native people of turtle island. We request that the World Court accept that the United States is subject to kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, and the tekeni teiohateh, two-row wampum.
Today each of the 15 sovereign onkwehonweh [Onondaga 15] requests justice from the World Court in this case pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The United States has never rescinded its order for the total annihilation of indigenous peoples on turtle island. The deliberate injustice by the United States court system over the past 21 years in this case continues the United States quest to exterminate indigenous peoples on turtle island.
September, 2018
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Jones, sovereign
Robert E. Bucktooth, Jr., sovereign
Cheryl Bucktooth, sovereign
Robert Bucktooth, III, sovereign
Debby Jones, sovereign
Karen Jones, sovereign
Nikki Jones, sovereign
karoniakata Jones, sovereign
Shawn Jones, sovereign
kahentinetha, sovereign
dyhyneyyks, aka Alfred Logan, Jr., sovereign
tekarontakeh, sovereign
Ross John, sovereign
Ronald Jones, Jr., sovereign
Nadine O’Field/Ganonhweih, fka Nadine Bucktooth, sovereign

Pine needles fall from the trees and return to the earth to continue their life. We will never die when we uphold the kaiaranerekowa. Babies are born and people pass. tekentiokwanhoksteh 49 families remain.
WOW! We’re in The Hague to get us some justice! Mercy of the Court sings about the United States Court system. “Throw yourself on the mercy of the court. It’s a blessing. It’d s downright dirty curse. Secret handshakes. Smoky backroom deals. You are a human being with all these human fears. Beg forgiveness. Alleviate your health. The bottom of their heart will grant you the bottom of the well.”
THE FOLLOWING PREAMBLE PARAGRAPHS IN THE UN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE establish why our case requires a remedy from the International Court of Justice, the principle judicial organ of the United Nations:
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and good faith in the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by States in accordance with the Charter,
Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such,
Affirming further that all doctrines, policies and practices based on or advocating superiority of peoples or individuals on the basis of national origin or racial, religious, ethnic, or cultural differences are racist, scientifically false, legally invalid, morally condemnable and socially unjust,
Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind,
Concerned that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of, inter alia, their colonization and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources, thus preventing them from exercising, in particular, their right to development in accordance with their own needs and interests,
Recognizing also the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States,
Welcoming the fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for political, economic, social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all forms of discrimination and oppression wherever they occur,
Considering that the rights affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous peoples are, in some situations, matters of international concern, interest, responsibility and character,
Considering also that treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, and the relationship they represent, are the basis for a strengthened partnership between indigenous peoples and States,
Acknowledging that the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self-determination of all peoples, by virtue of which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
Bearing in mind that nothing in this Declaration may be used to deny any peoples their right to self-determination, exercised in conformity with international law,
Convinced that the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in this Declaration will enhance harmonious and cooperative relations between the State and indigenous peoples, based on principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, non-discrimination and good faith,
Encouraging States to comply with and effectively implement all their obligations as they apply to indigenous peoples under international instruments, in particular those related to human rights, in consultation and cooperation with the peoples concerned,
Emphasizing that the United Nations has an important and continuing role to play in promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples,
Believing that this Declaration is a further important step forward for the recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms of indigenous peoples and in the development of relevant activities of the United Nations system in this field,
Recognizing and reaffirming that indigenous individuals are entitled without discrimination to all human rights recognized in international law, and that indigenous peoples possess collective rights which are indispensable for their existence, well-being and integral development as peoples,
Recognizing that the situation of indigenous peoples varies from region to region and from country to country and that the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical and cultural backgrounds should be taken into consideration,
Solemnly proclaims the following United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect.
International Court of Justice, The Hague
Contact the Court: International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands.
Telephone : +31 70 302 23 23 Fax : +31 70 364 99 28 Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
Please post & distribute.
MNN. July 28, 2018. After and during the Russian Revolution, Japanese invasion of Korea, the Vietnam defeat of the United States, Quisling’s betrayal of Norway in WW2, and throughout history, the traitors were eliminated. Malcolm X advised everyone to weed their gardens. The corporate band council serpents pledged at the recent Assembly of the Traitors of the First Nations AFN to help the colonial invaders to steal our land and resources and annihilate our existence. The Indian Act provides that these culprits are the agents of the Canadian government. They violate the kaianerekowa, the true natural law of onowarekeh, great turtle island. Creation has always implemented the natural remedy for such evil.
Those who voted for them are bound by the actions of their depraved “leaders”. It’s man-made corporations against nature. We are of nature. Nature never loses. She always plays her winning hand whenever. Prayers can’t change nature, which does what it has to do.
The invaders left their homeland after defecating all over their mother. They will return from whence they came. We onkwehonweh, the true natural people, have an ally, our subonscious. The predators and their followers don’t. The MCK traitors are:
No. 1. Being in charge of an army of ugly traitors is dangerous. They will turn on you and tear you to pieces.
No. 2. In the ransacking of our people, land and resources, the traitor creates confusion, suffering, pain, humiliation, hopelessness, impoverishment of the mind, body and sense, even in their own families. The traitor lives an unremorseful self-serving life.
No. 3. Everybody knows who the traitors are.
No. 4. Some traitors give themselves away. They can’t look you straight in the eye, they speak with a forked tongue and have no honor. They get a sore back from bowing and kneeling to their colonial enslavers no matter how much it hurts. Akeee!
No. 5. What is there to gain by working for the people, when one can be the boss of their own casino. It’s unconscionable!
No. 6. I feel like a traitor, a phoney, a fake. But actually I’m an overpaid hypocrite.
No. 7. It won’t be long. The payoff is already in the off-shore account. As Sitting Bull said: “Money soon gone, but land is forever!”
No. 8. Get out of the way when the traitor is rushing to the $trough. Oink! Oink! What’s the legacy?
No. 9. A traitor is a fast flyer that has to keep adjusting the money bag [and credit card] that hang over their eyes and ears, just like a jackass with blinders! They are beasts of burden.
No. 10. A traitor always steals from and betrays their own family. Their relations inherit their evil.
No. 11. Money makes the world go round and can affect the whole family. We did better when there was no money and we worked together.
No. 12. There is no loyalty in the heart of a traitor, only the false act of appearing trustworthy. There is no honor among thieves.
Traitors never talk about strategies to save the land and the people. They are not of us, the 49 families tiokwenhoksta who made a compact with each other and creation to never spill blood and to live in peace according to kaianerekowa. When the invaders leave, they won’t take their puppets. The kaianerekowa will take care of them.
The chapel bell will soon be ringing for the last time for the invaders and their 12 disciples as they evacuate turtle island. Chuck Berry sings: “C’est la vie”, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell”. Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
Coffee with my ma
Chief Seattle’s words to the President.