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MNN. Apr. 29, 2022. The kahnistersera mohawk mothers are using the words of peace and not the language of war. They proclaim that the only languages on turtle island are indigenous languages. The rest are foreign languages. Genocide is foreign dictators that  murder indigenous people and their languages. To force anyone to do anything is genocide and slavery. The French and English both depend on the indigenous by squatting on their land and stealing their natural resources and the most fundamental right to speak their language. Residential and Indian Day School on pain of death forced the indigenous to speak languages foreign to onowarekeh, turtle island. They must leave.  

Tabled in April, Bill 96 is Quebec’s plan to upgrade the French language which is dying out. The French never asked the onkwehonweh if they could speak French outside their homes. Now they have not asked the onkwehonweh if they can upgrade their language. The mohawk mothers object according to their interpretation of the kaianerekowa. On okwehonweh land only the original people can decide everything. The squatting dictator cannot pass a dictatorial law to be enforced by extortion and threats. The French and British have no right to invade anyone and plant their symbols of hate [like flags, crosses, swastikas, band councils, reserves, residential schools, and other horrific reminders of genocide].   

According to wampum 44 of the kaianerekowa, the precolonial constitution of the rotinoshonni iroquois confederacy, indigenous women are the caretakers of the land on behalf of the future generations:  kononkwe ne konwatsirineh ne kanakerasera. ne enkotiyatakwehnyyokeh ne onwentsa. rononkwe tahnon ne kononokwe ne enhatihsereh tsiniyakotaroten ne ronwatihnistenha. 

“The lineal descent of the people of the Five Nations shall run in the female line. Women shall be considered the progenitors of the Nation. They shall be caretakers of the land and their soil for the coming people. Men and women shall follow the status of their mothers”. The world must learn the true history of turtle island, not just footnotes.

The trespassers are reminded that the Canadian government band councils have joined the oppressive enemies of the indigenous. 

The mohawk mothers remind the trespassers that according to the kaianerekowa and original teiohateh agreement, everyone on turtle island shall learn the ways of the great peace and speak indigenous languages.



Quebecers and ‘Canadians’ are corporations, not a nation. Most of their communication is for trade and commerce [greed, power and corruption]. They squat on stolen property, a crime under the kaianerekowa. The corporation has no right to make French or English official languages on indigenous land because the indigenous did not give the trespassers that right. In indigenous culture each person is sovereign. They asked for protection, not more than a “plow share” beneath the surface, under the great tree of peace, which was provided. For their violation of this agreement, they must leave. 

These foreigners are psychotic for not remembering their promises or their history. Truth and justice is the indigenous culture. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers call for all signs to be in indigenous languages and total indigenous language requirements for all businesses and institutions on turtle island. indigenous languages orally, in writing and symbols.  There will be no access to English and French languages anywhere. All foreign laws and languages shall be of no force and effect, according to the kaianerekowa acknowledged by the constitution of Canada 1982. 

Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, recognizes and affirms existing indigenous rights, whose contents the courts have held to be sourced in indigenous legal orders, e.g. the kaianerekowa, great peace, and teiohateh [two row wampum] applies to every action in this territory of ganienkeh, throughout eastern turtle island. 

The indigenous cannot be forced to become Canadian or to accept foreign citizenship. Quebec squatters cannot declare anything. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers are reminding the people of Quebec that all squatters on turtle island shall speak fluently a natural indigenous language that has been placed on turtle island by creation.  

The squatters are not a nation as they have no land base. Only indigenous languages can be spoken on indigenous land. French and English are banned, including all books, writing and signage from all non-indigenous sources. Only indigenous languages shall be spoken and displayed everywhere.    

The squatters cannot dictate anything on turtle island. Anyone who does not comply with this proclamation must leave turtle island immediately. The mohawk mothers demand the immediate suspension of the French language throughout Quebec. All matters are subject to the will of those people who have lived on this land since time immemorial. Everyone is free to speak anything at home but all public institutions on turtle island are entirely indigenous and do not recognize or understand any foreign languages. Sego tanon onen kiwahi. 

Start with these kahnienkehake words of love: P.O. Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. Apr. 25, 2022. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers have issued a declaration according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, that the cross, a religous thought control symbol so people can never use their own minds and to just “believe” lies, to be taken down.

The cross is a symbol of domination, genocide and the violation of the kaianerekowa. Under this cross are unmarked graves of indigenous people that have been slaughtered by the invaders. Every indian residential school has a cross where the children were slaughtered. The mind control symbol is on top of tekanontak [Mount Royal] a kanienkehaka village. The cross controls the minds of everyone who looks at it, thinks about it and worships it.



This cross is for remembrance of the genocide that continues to this day. The invaders are occupying property that will never be conveyed. McGill University is being sued in the Quebec Superior court by the mohawk mothers. the first court date is May 30th [Quebec Superior Court Montreal 500-17-120468-221]. The trespassers need to vacate our land. They were never invited here. Never.  

The mohawk mothers have made the ruling under the kaianerekowa, the great peace, to remove this symbol immediately.  

Those who carried out and benefitted from the murders of the original people can begin arranging their affairs immediately and leave turtle island or unless they commit to acknowledge the great peace as the only law of turtle island. All symbols of systemic injustice and hatred will be removed from our land.

The original people refuse to look up every day and be reminded of the horror, anger, suffering and gross mind control experiments carried out by the Allen Memorial of McGill University, the CIA and Canadian government that this cross represents. All original onkwehonweh placenames will be restore because our mother hates to be to called such names as St. Louis de ha-ha-ha  and every other foreign name. 

We are not letting them get away with helping to conduct the biggest holocaust in all mankind of the original people on great turtle island. When the cross comes down we can have some peace of mind. Thank you.  

Those so-called ‘indians’ who went to Rome and kissed the Pope’s ring show their subservience just like mafia underlings who kiss the Godfather’s ring. True indigenous people would never kiss the ring of a glorified serial killer. Yes, a culture that aggrandizes serial killers as these crosses do has got to go. 

As the Allman Brothers sing: “I  have not come to testify about our bad bad misfortune and i ain’t here wondering, but i’ll live on and i’ll be strong because it just ain’t my cross the bear. I sat down and wrote you a long letter. It was just the other day. It said, “Sure as the sunrises baby, tomorrow i’ll be up and on my way. But i’ll live on and i’ll be strong cause it just ain’t my cross to bear.” mohawknationnews  box 997, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0







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MNN. Apr. 21, 2022. What’s the fuss over the Jay Treaty? It does not exist on great turtle island [the Western Hemisphere] for the sovereign indigenous people. International law exists as long as it serves the United States. So there is no international law. Article 2 of the Jay Treaty of Trade and Commerce 1794 acknowledges the that there are no borders for indigenous people because the supreme law of  great turtle island is the kaianerekowa and indigenous laws that have been here since time immemorial. Canada commits a crime when they refuse to acknowledge the kaianerekowa and do not allow indigenous from anywhere in the Western Hemisphere to pass and repass the artificial borders placed anywhere on turtle island by the invaders.
The Jay Treaty is between US and Britain to settle the colonial wars between them. great turtle island is one land for all indigenous people.  
The band council is an administrative arm of the invading Canadian/British army that enforces the foreign”Admiralty Law of the Sea”. The Indian Act provides that the band council as Canadians have no authority to represent us because they violate the teiohateh, two row. The tribal councils in the United States do not represent the indigenous people either for the same reason.

This ‘imaginary line’ to exploit the people is made out of thin air. It exists only by foreign legislation and is not natural. Birds, deer, indigenous people don’t need statutes to move about on their land. 500 years ago indigenous people were naturally free to travel ocean to ocean, pole to pole. We are stopped, penalized, imprisoned and forced to live on small POW camps called “reservations” overseen and enforced by the “weaponized peacekeepers.”

Violence against indigenous people at illegal economic border


The kaianerekowa, great peace, and all original indigenous law is the law of great turtle island. In 1794 the Americans and British carved an illegal line through onowarekeh, turtle island, calling the north side Canada and the south side the United States and Mexico, but the same families ruled all sides of the pretend borders. Canada and United States will stop their criminality and totally remove the boundary and let all natives cross and recross freely. The South Americans cannot be stopped from moving north. The non-natives and their band and tribal councils have to live by the kaianerekowa or leave great turtle island. 
When we go to the border, we can drive or walk through and tell the border guards to get out of our way. They have to open the gates for us as though they do not exist. Some remarks by indigenous when harassed at the border: “There is no Canada or United States!” Another was asked where he born. He said “Six Nations!” The immigration fella said, “You are Canadian”. His father corrected, “If a calf is born in a horse’s stall, does that make him a horse?”    
Instead of lying, murdering and warfare the O’Jays sing that we should all get on the “Love Train”: “People all over the world everybody [all over the world] join hands with the love ride. Start a ‘love train’, ‘love ride’, ‘love train’. At the next stop that we make will be England. Tell the folks in Russia and China too” . . .  



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MNN. Apr. 19, 2022. By Thahoketoteh, MNN Correspondent. The solution to this war insanity is the kaianerekowa, the great peace. The indigenous have been continually offering it to the world. This works because it is based on nature. Until the women of the world take their proper place in the concensual decision making process, there will be no peace. This war between Ukraine and Russia was not called by the women, the mothers of the men and boys who are dying on all sides. According to the kaianerekowa, the mothers decide if there shall be a war. A true war is always about the protection of the land and the people. 

What is the American Empire? It is the “empire of the city” ruled by the Vatican, the City of London and Washington DC. owned and controlled by the bankers. It is an illusion of empire based on an artificial private corporation. They create chaos and mayhem, based on a private corporation called the Crown.



Factually all land and assets in the western hemisphere belong to the indigenous people since time immemorial and to infinity. The Western Roman empire is occupying unceded indigenous land from ocean to ocean and pole to pole, without the permission of the caretakers of the land, the indigenous people.

1710 Four Iroquois chiefs at first international conference on peace in London.


Presently two nuclear armed camps with the ability for nuclear disaster are threatening the world. The women of the world are the true titleholders of the earth. In the 1960s when Russia tried to put weapons in Cuba, the US put an embargo around Cuba and went on full military alert to invade Cuba. It was called off.

The indigenous never surrendered any of the land that creation placed them upon. It is owned by the future generations. To get control of turtle island, on October 25, 1924, the Indian Lands Acts was passed ,and the natural original people were placed in Prisoner of War camps called ‘indian’ reservations. 

The kahnistensera women as well as tghe other women of the world have the duty to protect mother earth and all life as they are the life bringers. The longest military occupation in the history of the world has been on turtle island, to create nation states under one world government. The women of the world are allied together to save the earth.

When Putin announced that the Russians were going into Ukraine, they did not want to own or occupy it. They are attempting to cleanse the land of the neo-nazi mentality.     

Turtle island is self sufficient as everything the indigenous need is here, which makes them 100% sovereign. The indigenous want to cleanse this land of its invaders who have been devastating turtle island for 500 years. 

Europeans putting their flags on turtle island does not mean they own it. They are trespassers who invaded, stole and divided indigenous land. 

Recently the U.S. and Canadian band and tribal council puppets met with American and Canadian authorities in Ottawa to discuss the Canada/US border. The Jay Treaty 1794 is between the US colonies and Britain to end their colonial war.  No one can circumvent the kaianerekow, great peace. Article 2 acknowledges the indigenous people as independent with the inherent right to cross and re-cross the ‘imaginary’ border that was artificially put across turtle island. This applies to all of turtle island, north and south.

The band and tribal councils work for the invaders. Indigenous law does not recognize the laws of the invaders nor their indian “traitors” who are slaves on the invader’s ship. They are all ‘squatters’ if they don’t follow or recognize the kaianerekowa. The band and tribal councils are sell-outs of the great peace which makes them guilty of treason.

What they have done together to the indigenous people and mother earth is atrocious. Those ‘indians’ went to Rome and kissed the ring of the Pope to show their subservience to him. He said, “Sorry” but not “please forgive me”, the same for the Canadian and American criminals. They do not speak on our behalf on anything.  

No one is being held accountable for the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The indigenous want to bring this issue before a proper world format.

There are several scenarios. onowarekeh is one entity. First, US, Canada and Mexico will again become onowarekeh, the basis of mother earth. The indigenous recognize themselves as one people. Second, Indian Affairs is desperate because they realize their end is coming soon. From the 14th  floor in Hull the generals are issuing thousands of new Indian Status Cards to non native people to influence the vote that none of the traditional people ever take part in, in the 51% hierarchical elections. So there is always conflict. the indigenous do not vote because they are not part of them and they are not part of the indigenous.    

Nature will protect the indigenous people who are part of all creation on turtle island. The recent secret meeting in Ottawa on the Jay Treaty has been kept secret. The government has never been transparent to anyone.   

Is Eric Clapton asking for the impossible? Tell the truth.
Tell me who’s been fooling you? Tell the truth. Who’s been fooling who? There you sit there, looking so cool While the whole show is passing you by.
You better come to terms with your fellow men soon, cause The whole world is shaking now. Can’t you feel it? A new dawn is breaking now. Can’t you see it?

MNN Correspondent PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L1B0










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MNN. Apr. 16, 2022. Update by thahoketoteh, MNN court reporter. The mohawk mothers were ready to proceed without lawyers with the case on April 14, 2022. For various reasons the court meeting has been postponed to May 30, 2022. The mothers continue to monitor the entire Royal Victoria Project while the case is in court. All proposed renovations continue to be challenged by the kahnistensera, the caretakers of the unceded land in question. No work is being carried out at this time.


On May 30 there will be a Calling of the Roll” and case management.  Then the kahnistensera can present their case.

The Attorney General of Quebec has been notified that the case has crucial constitutional and public interest importance to both Canada and Quebec and has intervened in the case, i.e. indigenous lands and crimes against humanity regarding the unmarked graves. Defendant SQI has appointed new lawyers.

The rotiskenraketeh [men’s fire] will follow their duty and will carry out the women’s bidding as per the kaianerekowa.

As Billie Holiday sings about something that’s being delayed: “I’ll be seeing you in old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces all day through. I’ll see you in the morning sun and when the night is through. I’ll be looking at the moon and I’ll be seeing you” [on May 30].  MNN Cour Reporter. [kahnistensera –, P.O. Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0


The Allan Memorial Institute: (1953-1973) - CIA Project MKUltra - McGill Univ. - Montreal

MNN. Court Reporter: Box 991, kahnawake quebec Canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. The infinite elder, Red X, of the 5th dimension, arrived on his silver eagle. He pulled out our instruction manual known as the ‘kaianerekowa’, the great peace, which guides us on how the world will respect the onkwehonwe:onwe, the original people of turtle island.

The only existing photo of famous sage, Red-X, whose eyes are black cavernous void leading directly into the 5th demension.


From the burning of ceremonial tobacco, Red X received a telepathic message about the Quebec Superior Court trying to ignore the truthful message of the  kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, to respect indigenous ways throughout turtle island. [Quebec District Court. No. 500-17-120468-221 kahnistensera v. Society quebecoise des infrastructures, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction & Attorney General of Canada]. The mothers are  charging them with crimes against humanity. 

Red X is the ultimate warrior who sees and knows the past, present and future, and returns to give us important messages on the meaning of what is happening.  

The oienkwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [rotiskenra:kete]. They are also known as the “ghost warriors”. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

O'ien'kwen:ton are trained for special duties.

This society secretly train to be close to the original duties of our ancestors to protect the people according to the great peace. They go through rites to develop great mental and physical strength in peacetime and wartime. Only those with great strength and power are selected to be part of this special elite force. Their bodies are painted in dark colors, red and yellow stripes are marked on their faces and their clothes blend in with the forest. When they are on maneuvers in the wilderness, they are a shadow that cannot be seen nor heard by the enemies. W79.

The war chief notifies the 5 war chiefs of the League to prepare for war & have the men ready for engagement with the enemy of the Great Peace.

The 5 war chiefs prepare for war & have their men ready to fight the enemy of the Great Peace. W79.

The women give the offending party three warnings. If they refuse the third warning, the aserakowa comes with the black wampum, and personally gives them the last chance to grab the wampum before it hits the ground, thereby abiding by the women’s orders to cease breaking the peace and hurting the people. If the enemy lets the black wampum hit the ground, the oienkwenton immediately smash their heads with the war club. Their brains empty onto the earth to release the evil into the soil to be cleansed by mother earth. Then the war begins.

Black beads is emblem of War Chiefs' authority.

oienkwen:ton, hanging tobacco, are always with us in the spirit dimension to assist our men. They visit those who work against natural law. 

Red X said the sky world is returning and that each has to figure out the meaning in their own mind. For those who have ignored the great peace, the disaster for them will be the return of peace. There will be no more need for mind control by religions, lawyers, judges, courts, armies, the obedience training and no one to tell them how to think. 

The black serpent is still trying to make war and looking around for its next victim. It will see the onkwehonweh healing in the hilly country and say, “I have no fight with them” and then a light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. The black serpent will be fearful, swim south, never to be seen again. Red X says the problems are because man always keeps dabbling in war rather than living under the tree of peace. Red X says there will be a clearing of the minds and everyone will remember everything. The truth will destroy the evil. 

Those who cannot evolve into becoming as one with creation will perish. Then we will go into a golden age of peace in our galaxy. 

Then Red X mounted his silver eagle and said, “So be it in our minds” and flew off towards the sun in the direction of Chicago where he heard Howling  Wolf singing:. 

by MNN Court Reporter thahoketoteh PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0

VIDEO: Jaguar Bird. “Allan Memorial Institute” [McGill University CIA Illegal experiment MKUltra] 



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MNN. April 1, 2022. On April Fool’s Day Pope Francis on behalf of the Catholic Church announced that they are guilty of the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The kaianerekowa, great peace, and all indigenous laws have always been the laws of turtle island.  All other laws are Admiralty Law of the Sea, which were void from the beginning. The Pope has apologized on behalf of Canadians who have benefitted from the crime of genocide. These ‘indian’  buddies of the government ‘indians’ forgave the psychopaths on their own behalf. We will never forget nor forgive them for what they did and continue to do.

When the trespassers arrived on turtle island, we were here.  To get our land and possessions, they planned to erase our history as if we did not even ever exist. We were the greatest nation on eastern turtle island at that time. Over 150 million natives of the Western Hemisphere were genocided because the Pope of the Western Roman Empire declared us non-humans. Christians came here and killed us as if we were animals, and then went to church on Sunday to be blessed by the preacher. 

The first Papal Bull was issued before they even knew who we were. They found out our system of governance was superior to theirs and they had to destroy it.

We were at peace for thousands of years until Champlain brought the war here in 1609. The Huron paid the price for their role in helping France to break the peace. The culture since time immemorial is the great peace.



Every man, woman and child were denied culture, land, language and their lives. Now we are on postage sized reserves while the trespassers occupy our prime real estate everywhere. Their code of law is based on legalization of murder and genocide. 

The band councillors are the Nazis of Canada who have always helped to destroy their own people. They have left the canoe and boarded the ship to become agents of the Canadian government and commit treason.  They commit murder, go to church and get absolved of their sins. Hypocrisy at its highest in the name of Christianity.

They are indoctrinated to hate and kill. They help the Pope and then the kings to carry out the holocaust.

Canada set up a theatrical play to get some natives to accept the apology and to forgive the unforgivable. If he is sorry, the Pope for the Crown can return everything to the true indigenous people. “Sorry” does not exist in our language or bring back the millions of murdered indigenous people. If not he too is an actor like those sent over to Rome to be apologized to. The land has always been here. They should leave with their puppeteers and take their demon religion with them. We predict that the Pope will not meet with one of the true original people. The Pope has to come with an invitation from the true original people, not from the trespassers and their band council agents. Otherwise he is violating the protocol of the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The pope stands in all the shoes of all the original popes.

The band councils and their followers are the government’s helpers that carry out the orders to follow the script written for them by the trespassers. If they are really sorry, they will leave.and never return to onowarekeh, turtle island. all murderers and their agents are guilty and must leave.

The Catholic Church was behind the genocide, murder and rape of millions of native children and adults, and the illegal theft of all our land and expropriation by the crown, in partnership with Britain and Canada. Everybody in the world knows of their crimes.

The Crown is the absolute progenitor of the turtle island holocaust. As squatters they will have to vacate turtle island, as they own nothing.     

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission which turned out to be a scam did not assign guilt for the unmarked graves, lies and deceit. It’s just another scripted act of British thieves and murdering paid actors, who are now sitting in the senate to let the genocide continue.   

Kanienkehaka with the kahnistensera, the women, and the rotiskenrakete, the men, have responsibilities and duties as defined by creation to deal with these crimes. 

As the father of Canada, Sir John A. McDonald, said, on the floor of Parliament, in 1883, “When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits, and training, and mode of thought are indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the Department, that indians should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.” Prime Minister Trudeau stands in his shoes and must answer for the genocide. 

The Pope coming here is a disgrace to indigenous people. There are no words to correct what they’ve done to us or to make things right. Coming here proves he is a psychopath. They are welcoming the genocider to check out whether the genocide policy worked. 

As thahoketoteh sings about still being here: I speak to you now, proud and brave, remembering the lessons our ancestors gave, about acknowledgment and respect and the four races as they intersect and from the path behind us to the one that lies ahead. Let us walk softly the road we tread. Hold our heads high as we move along thinking with one mind as we sing our song. We are glad to say and we say loud and clear through all of the sadness we are still here., MNN Correspondent –  Contact: Box 991, kahnawake Quebec J0L !B0 Canada



MNN. Mar. 29, 2022. by thahoketoteh, MNN  correspondent. On March 28 and 29, some kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers went to downtown tianitiotiaken [formerly known as Montreal] and filed a new action in the Quebec Superior Court.


INTRO: The 7 defendants were served: Quebec Infrastructure Dept., Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Center, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction and the Attorney General of Canada.



The Mohawk Mothers will invoke the kaianerekowa. They thank those who stood by them and will continue to support them.  

The deliberate attempt of the lawyers of the respondents and the Federal Court of Canada to throw the Mohawk Mothers into their procedural swamp drove them to take another path. The swamp was getting deeper, more turbulent and confusing so the FCC could avoid dealing of the merits of the case, such as Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 which annuls all laws except original indigenous laws on turtle island. The Mohawk Mothers refuse to allow a bar lawyer to represent them and to let the court decide on the number of Mohawk Mothers can speak on the case.    

The Mohawk Mothers want answers about the unmarked graves behind McGill University Health Center, the stolen Indian Trust Funds to build McGill University, to stop the Royal Vic project on the unceded kanienkehaka Mohawk land. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers put the issues into the court records for the people of the world to see what the indigenous people have and continue to face.   

The land belongs to the unborn. Each indigenous person is sovereign, a free person, a creator being.  None of turtle island can be sold, transferred or conveyed to anyone. All treaties, land claims and contracts are void. Their criminal code is based on genocide that makes it null and void in international law. 

The band councillors and chiefs are not in the canoe and no longer onkwehonweh. All criminal codes coming from the ship are null and void and have no force and effect.     

The corporate “Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples of Canada” are agents of the  trespassers. The kaianerekowa will take care of them.

Contact: thahoketoteh, MNN correspondent  


READ THE ENTIRE CASE: [No. 500-17-120468-221] [An Originating Application for Declaratory Relief and to Obtain an Interlocutory and Permanent Injunction.]


Kahnistensera Originating Application to the Superior Court


Bobby Bare seems to be singing about messing with the kahnistensera.

Down in Louisiana, where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
She got a black cat’s tooth and a Mojo bone
And anyone who wouldn’t leave her alone
She’d go oooeeeee… another man done gone
She lived in a swamp in a hollow log
With a one-eyed snake and a three-legged dog
Bent, bony body and stringy hair
And if she ever seen y’all messin’ ’round there
She’d go ooeeeee… another man done gone
And then one night when the moon was black
Into the swamp came handsome Jack
A no good man like you all know
Lookin’ around for Marie Laveau
He said, “Marie Laveau, you lovely witch
Gimme a little charm that’ll make me rich
Gimme a million dollars and I tell you what I’ll do
This very night, I’m gonna marry you”
Then It’ll be (uhh), another man done gone
So Marie done some magic, shook a little sand
Made a million dollars and she put it in his hand
Then she giggled and she wiggled, and she said, “Hey, Hey
I’m gettin’ ready for my weddin’ day”
But old handsome Jack said, “Goodbye Marie
You’re too damned ugly for a rich man like me”
Marie started mumblin’, her fangs started gnashin’
Her body started tremblin’, and her eyes started flashin’
And she went ooeeeee… another man done gone
So if you ever get down where the black trees grow
And meet a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
If she ever asks you to make her your wife
Man, you better stay with her for the rest of your life
Or it’ll be ooeeeee… another man done gone
(Aah we’ll see)
(Another man done gone) 






On Nov. 29, 2021, the kahnistensera secretariat of kahnawake 438-558-2911, sent the following letter by Registered Mail to: 

  • Societe quebecoise des infrastructures, Direction generale de la requalification du site royal Victoria, 445 saint Gabriel st., montreal quebec H2Y 3A2 514-873-5485, 5413; –office de consultation publique de montreal, 1550 metcalfe st., office 1414, montreal H3A 1X6 514-872-8510; –mcgill university office of principle & vice chancellor, 845 sherbrooke st. w., montreal QC H3A 0G4 514-398-4180 fax 514-398-4763; –mairie d’arrondisement de ville-marie, 800 boulevarde de maisonneuve st. e., montreal QC H2L 4L8; and –indigenous services Canada, assessment & investigation services branch, 10 wellington st. Gatineau QC k!A 0H4 1-855-504-6760. 

Sekon sewakwekon.

We are the kahnistensera, Mohawk mothers, who have responsibilities from the kaianerekowa, great law, and teiohateh, two row, which have existed on turtle island since time immemorial. All the land and infrastructure thereon are for us to care for, since the beginning time and for all eternity. All governments and their institutions throughout turtle island know and acknowledge this.


Our duty as the natural people is to care for the land and the people who have been placed here by creation. Many are living on the streets of tioni tiotiakon temporarily known by the trespassers as montreal because they are homeless. Some are young. Many are old, frail and require medical attention, food, warmth, clean water and hygiene. Today some are dying on the streets in below freezing temperatures. It’s a life and death matter.

Some inuit and indigenous have died. There are empty buildings at mcgill university which are available. They are lit, heated and can provide adequate shelter for these extreme conditions. We must all help these people. This ground and vacant structures belong to the kanistensera. The name McGill will be changed to a proper kanienkehaka name.    

We demand the key to the royal victoria hospital. Contact us at immediately. We will arrange to meet in front of the rvh as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, kahnistensera suggest that the homeless check into nearby hotels and send the bill to mcgil university, or the mayor of the city, or the governments of canada and quebec. 


Secretariat of the kanienkehaka kahnistensera:

karakwine …   karennatha  …   kahentinetha   …   kwetiio   …   kawenaa



cc. Mcgill security services, Downtown: burnside hall, 805 sherbrooke st. west, room 120, montreal H3A 0B9. 514-398-4556; 

cc. Montreal Police, 1432 st. Catherine west, [& bishop] montreal, H3G 1R3 514-280-0120.

In the “Earth Song” Michael Jackson asks the questions: “What about sunrise? What about rain? What about all the things That you said we were to gain? . . .”





Please post & circulate.



MNN. 27 Sep. 2021. This Notice was sent by Registered Mail to McGill University for illegal construction on Mohawk rotinoshonni land. We Mohawk kanienkehaka have inalienable rights to this land and have received no notification. We need to be put on the agenda. We own this land and they do not have our permission. We want an investigation of our property which may be a crime scene.


NOTICE: Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory

542 Mohawk Rd., ON   N0A 1H0 226 388 4191


Attention: Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal 514 872 8510 1 833 215 9314

Attention: The Public Consultation (Site of the Former Royal Victoria Hospital):

I am writing to request a formal hearing session to express the following issues prior to any construction associated with the project:


Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Six Nations and all kanienkehaka are the original people of the territory and as such are; Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy onkwehonweh meaning we are not citizens of either Canada or the United States or Quebec. As Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy onkwehonweh,

  1. The Commissioner is on Notice to effectively notify the proper Authorities of any development to this property (Former Royal Victoria Hospital)
  2. As per: The Two Row Wampum, and Silver Covenant Chain Wampum, the onkwehonweh (original peoples) have inherent treaty rights on the territory of tionitiohtià:kon (Montreal), as nor we nor our ancestors have ever relinquished their sovereignty from the beginning of time. The City of Montreal acknowledges that the Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy have never ceded their territory. There has never been any surrender of any of our territories. 
  3. McGill University was initially built with money taken from the Indian Trust Fund in 1850, supposed to be given back to the rotinoshonni. The reimbursement process for these loans has not been implemented yet by the City of Montreal nor McGill University.
  4. The Constitution of 1982 legislation allows us to exercise the following:
    1. Haudenosaunee have inherent outright claim to this property
    2. No Consultation has been conducted to-date
    3. Onkwehonweh have strong suspicions from our elders in the community of buried bodies of our people at various locations on site. 

kahentinetha, rotiskariwakeh [spitting bear clan], wishes to have a meeting with the Commissioner ASAP.

1701 Great Peace of Montreal when the French sued for peace with the rotinoshonni after 100 years of defeat.

Fiduciary Obligation

There are two ways in which fiduciary obligation may arise between the Crown and Indigenous Peoples. (Haudenosaunee):

  1. When the Crown has discretionary control over a specific or cognizable aboriginal interest, (“SUI GENERIS fiduciary obligation”)
  2. Where the Crown has undertaken to exercise its discretionary control over a legal or substantial practical interest in the best interests of a beneficiary (the “AD HOC fiduciary relationship”)
  3. Case Law: Williams Lake Indian Band v Canada, Coldwater Indian Band v Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs)

The Hodiskeagehda (Men’s Fire of the Kahnawake, Akwesasne, and Six Nation Territory) are presenting to you your responsibility to honor and act in accordance to the kaianerenko:wa (Iroquois Great Law of Peace), the teiohate Two Row Wampum, and the Silver Convonant Chain.

The Iroquois of  turtle island have never relinquished their sovereignty to allow the proposed repurposing of the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital. Allow me to remind you of your legislation:

Bomberry v. Ontario (Minister of Revenue) (Ont. Div. Ct.), 1989 CanLII 4300 (ON SC)

It is clear that neither the province nor the federal government can extend their administrative power beyond their constitutional reach, the charter of rights, particularly in a way that trenches upon the exclusive legislative authority of the other order of government, or the universal human rights of individuals. Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or complaints.

Respectfully submitted by the Hodiskeagehda (Men’s Fire of the Kahnawake, Akwesasne, and Six Nation Territories) 

Signed by:

Wifred Davey, Secretary for the Hodiskeagehda Wilfred Davey (Latudalasluni), Six Nations Grand River Territory.

ROTISKEHRAKETEH ROBBIE ROBERTSON makes it as simple as it gets:  “You’re in Indian country. This is Indian Country.”