War Pigs


MNN. Feb. 25, 2013. The US inspired “Canada First Defence Strategy” CFDS is a profit-driven scheme to benefit career soldiers and industry. [June 19, 2008].

Prime Minister Harper points out that the military will be “supported by predictable, long-term funding…”  [tax and resource exploitation] so that industry can make money. The plan to build up Canada’s armed forces will provide opportunities for international industry, to create World War III. 

Canada soliciting war business.

Canada soliciting war business.

Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat is petitioning the UN to become involved in the ongoing resource dispute with DeBeers Diamonds. chief-theresa-spence-seeks-un-intervention

Under Attatwapiskat.

Under Attawapiskat.


Core Defence Strategy missions are: “Conduct daily domestic and continental operations, especially the Arctic; respond to a major terrorist attack; support civilian [law enforcement] authorities in Canada; lead international operations; and respond to crises”. 

“Stable predictable funding” means “A Military in Partnership with Canadian Industry”, to extract resources with no interference from the Indigenous owners. “Contributing to International Peace and Security” and “stability abroad” means unfettered access to other people’s territory and resources. 

In 2008 Canada budgeted $490 billion for the next 20 years. Defense spending rose by 2% starting in 2011, from $18 billion to over $30 billion in 2027. 

The Government plans to “increase the number of military personnel to 70,000 Regular Forces and 30,000 Reserve Forces. Their “Bold Eagle” program targets Indigenous youth, especially in the North, to exploit Indigenous knowledge of the land and weaken indigenous sovereignty at the same time. 

Underground bunker for elites.

Cheyenne Mountain underground bunker for elites.

In 1958 Canada and US formed NORAD. This was right after they blasted our riverside for the St. Lawrence Seaway for the benefit of industries. Since then they set up “Canada Command” and “US Northern Command”. Headquarters

“Failed and failing states, civil wars and global terrorism” are being created so that the military can describe the world as “volatile and unpredictable”. 

National Defense is the largest property holder in the federal government, which is all un-surrendered indigenous territory. 21,000 buildings over 50 years old and crumbling. 13,500 works including 5,500 kilometers of roads, jetties, training areas, etc. and 800 parcels of land covering 2.25 million hectares will be replaced or fixed up over the next 10 to 20 years. 

The “Strategic Investment Plan” is to coordinate all military spending. Canadians, you are the Nazis when you allow the war program to go on unfettered. You are allowing the theft and exploitation of Indigenous natural resources to continue the war problem. 

Marching off to war.

Marching off to war.

As Ossie Osbourne of Black Sabbath sang in War Pigs: “Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses, evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death’s construction. In the field, the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning”. 

“Canada First Defence Strategy”.Harper’s plan  2. “Strategic Investment Plan”. 1st defense strategy    3. Rebuilding

3. Bold Eagle Program.target aboriginals4. “Advantage Canada”.Flaherty’s plan

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




MNN:  Jan. 24, 2013.  Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, shielded Canada from the effects of the recent financial crisis.  He used our Indian Trust Funds to bolster the Bank of Canada. This is the secret Indigenous Trust Fund that the Canada banking system and economy is built upon. In 2012 he was appointed Governor of the Bank of England, to begin on July 2013.

Queenie:  "$3 trillion for a BJ!!j [bank job].   Come on over."

Queenie: “$3 trillion for a BJ!!j [bank job]. Come on over, Mark. Let’s have tea.”


Carney went to Harvard and worked at Goldman Sachs. In 1998 he advised Russians and at the same time bet against their ability to pay back their debt. 

In 2004 Carney worked under the current Canada Finance Minister, Jim “Austerity Measure” Flaherty. He provided additional liquidity to the Canadian finance system using our Indian Trust Funds.  The Corporation of Canada is thriving in comparison to the other G8 countries.  

In 2009 Canada was capitalized with our money to take advantage of the US and European financial crisis. In 2010 Carney was chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, member of the Group of 30, World Economic Forum and Bilderberg Group [Rothschild entities]. 

Carney, on the road.

Carney, on the run with Indian Trust Fund.

Carney is now going to the UK with our $3 trillion. The Bank of England can’t steal this money without him. They need the banker who knows these secret bank deals.  Carney and the bankers are playing with the world’s economy. They invest worldwide using our money to extract Indigenous resources from our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. 

Britain is leaving the European Union in 2017 so that our money [natural resources] will finance their economy. The bankers need to turn the settlers here against us so they can be a party to the fraud without their knowledge. Their media constantly vilifies us.   

By design their corporate band councils mismanage our money, stash it away and keep us in dire living conditions. Indian Affairs sends in the bankers. Multinational corporations then have free reign over our natural resources, for example, Attawapiskat. If there are no longer any Indigenous, then they don’t have to pay into the Indian Trust Fund from the exploration of our resources. 100% will go to the bankers through Mark Carney.  

In the Iroquois consensus decision making process those issues that affect everyone goes into the Well for discussion and direction.  Everyone has a duty to add their thoughts to the solutions [Onigonra].  The Council is divided into three parties [Clans]. The Well Keeper of the Turtle Clan brings the issue out of the Well, explaining the question. He passes it over the Council Fire to the Wolf Clan, who deliberate. They pass their decision back to the Turtle Clan. They deliberate. If the decision is the same, the Bear Clan confirms the decision. In case of disagreement, deliberations start over, revealing new information.  If disagreement continues, the Bear Clan cast their ‘vote’, for a two-thirds vote. The minority then agrees with it, making it a unanimous decision.  The War Chief and his Men make sure proper protocol is followed. 

Issue for deliberation:  Should we stop the bankers from committing the biggest heist in banking history, the theft of $3 trillion from the proceeds of the Indigenous natural resources and from all future extraction. Send your comments. 

As Patsy Cline sang: “Oh, we ain’t got a barrel of money.  maybe we’re ragged and funny.  We’ll travel along, singing a song, side by side.”Patsy Cline: Side by Side

We're waiting for you, Mark.

We’re waiting for you, Mark.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0








MNN.  Jan. 23, 2013.  It’s “Nazism”. [Operation Paperclip]. Harper and his criminals are trying to get away with genocide and the biggest theft in banking history, our “Indian Trust Fund”. With the help of his band councils and provincial and territorial organizations PTO, Prime Minister Harper is trying to assimilate us, terminate our rights and end our identity as the original people of Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island, as if we never existed.

Harper & corporate Indians in the same boat.

Harper & corporate Indians in the same boat.


His ‘tables’ will force us to terminate ourselves.  If we don’t agree, the table will be folded and taken away.  The PTOs think they will get piles money for helping him.  Advisory services will be picked out to bypass our defending our lives and stopping the theft of everything we have.  

"Elites" heading for their hideouts.

“Elites” fleeing to their hideouts.

Former Bank of Canada head, Mark Carney, is in London to complete the theft of our $3 trillion “Indian Trust Fund”.  Our funds are meant to prop up their banking fraud and top up the blood line system [apartheid].  

Indigenous title will be extinguished. Underlying title will be turned over to the provinces.  Like the “Trail of Tears”, we will be forcibly removed from our homelands, thrown out on the snow in the middle of winter, with our children and elders. To get our homes back, we will have to register with the provinces.   “Leaders” will b selected for us.  

The Indian Act is illegal. To be interpreted by Harper and his puppets.  Our communities will be turned into municipalities. We will be separated and individualized.  Our communal society will be made illegal and dismantled. 

The final nail is:  neutralize us; taxation; provinces to get jurisdiction of us and our properties; eliminate our communities; impoverish us economically; dismantle all legitimate agreements such as the Guswentha [Great Peace of Montreal 1701].  

Band councilors are major consplrators to the crime. Harper’s corporate Indians are going to help him terminate federal trust responsibility, reduce spending, shift us to the provinces and get rid of Indian Affairs that holds our money.  He wants to renew the abusive relationship, not to remove the tarnish from the chain.  

This is the US termination Act and Canadian 1969 White Paper rolled into one. It is paper theft to accelerate the genocide and get away with it in the eyes of the world, so international bankers can continue to steal our natural resources. 

We are still here.  We will stop the theft and extermination attempt. We are a part of Great Turtle Island and always will be. Paper cannot remove us or separate us from our Mother.  Electronics cannot snuff us out. We are still on our land and will not let one single thing leave. Herr Harper, you will not be able to remove one single stone, tree or drop of water, from your jail cell in Nuremburg!  

Harper & Atleo:  We were following orders to commit the genocide.

Harper & Atleo: We were just following orders to commit genocide.

“We’ll hold our heads up high as we move along, thinking with one mind, as we sing our song.  We’re glad to say, we say loud and clear, through all the sadness, we are still here.”   Thahoketoteh: We are still here

Read Russell Diabo: Harper Launches Termination Plan:  As Negotiation Tables Legitimize Canada’s Colonialism. http://www.scribd.com/doc/113392661/Harper-s-First-Nation-Termination-Plan-2012  

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0







MNN. Jan. 16, 2013. Calling out from the earth to us Indigenous people are 150 million of our men, women, children and babies who were murdered by the white race for our lands. They are urging us to bring back natural law and order for the sake of the future generations, who are waiting to be released to us by our great Mother Earth.

Our ancestors are not gone, invisible, forgotten. We are here.

Our ancestors are not gone, invisible, forgotten. We are here.


The Canadian and US corporations are trying to find and punish “leaders” of the Idle No More movement.  Our ancestors in each of us are calling us. Even the plants and animals are waiting for us to hear them.  

Canada is vulnerable. All infra-structure is critical to transport our resources to international markets for their war program. This will end. The Corporation of the US is involved when their source of electricity, oil and gas are at stake. US Military Northern Command or NORTHCOM has already been given the green light through 911 treaty fraud to invade Canada at any time they deem fit.  

The circulation of our goods, resources and energy drives the war economy.  Our duty is to stop the war problem. Critical infrastructure is at our mercy.  Blockades are deadly to the economy.  Millions are employed in the theft of our natural resources.  All consultation for our resources is between industry and government, not with us. That is why the wars continue.  

Corporations tire of Indigenous protests. They want to deal directly with Harper’s corporate Indians who are willing to be paid off without consulting us, to have the guise of legality for their contracts. Our ancestors won’t allow that. We will stop genocide.  We the owners want a list of the shareholders of each corporation. Our ancestors direct that any involved in the genocide of our people will not be doing any business on Great Turtle Island.  

Corporate Chiefs and band councils are agents of the crown, who take an oath to the Queen of England. They are no longer in but out of the canoe.  

Canada holds $3 trillion of our Indian Trust Funds. The Queen and her family take a cut on everything that’s done in Canada. It is used to finance non-stop war and to kill us off.  The criminals responsible for the biggest holocaust in all humanity will be held accountable.  

Split of Indian Trust Money:  4% goes to the Vatican, international Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.  3% goes to the Mediating Group? 2% for the ASM?  1% to the eternal trust deposit forever.  The Queen signs this deal.   

Nothing can stop this awakening of our people.  We stand with nothing to lose.  The fight is ours to win. 

Faces coming from beneath the ground.

Faces coming to us.

As Robbie Robertson sings in “Ghost Dance”:  “Crazy Horse was a mystic, he knew the secret of the trance.  Sitting Bull, the great apostle of the ghost dance.   Come on, Commanche. Come on, Blackfoot.  Come on, Shoshone.  Come on, Cheyenne. We shall live again.  Come one, Arapahoe.  Come on, Cherokee.  Come on, Paiute.  Come on, Sioux.  We shall live again.”  Robbie Robertson: Ghost Dance


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0








MNN.  Jan. 11, 2013.  Their criminals are running the country.  That’s how a fascist state works.  The masses voted for Stephen Harper. They turned a blind eye to the genocide.

Our natural resources are needed to run the corporation.  Harper selected 30 compliant chiefs to help him steer the damaged corporate ship of the London bankers.

Canada going down

Canada going down


Harper took his selected chiefs to visit the Governor General.   He knows who will sign on our behalf to sell off our resources. The Corporation of Canada surveillance system studies their accomplices, who carry out the fraud that we don’t own our land and resources. 

New accomplices might be coming from the newly created Metis, who mainly have no land or resources to sign away. Canada still does not have a ratified constitution and runs a criminal cartel. 

There is $650 billion in sales of our resources waiting to be carted out. Every war is to steal the natural resources.  To get this, a false flag will be created, by the masters of war.   

Dekanawida said the hold on us would weaken. The concentration camp system is illegal.  We pay for all of Canada’s existence. They depend on the local band councils and PTOs to implement the pacifist control program. Without consultation they sign away our possessions.  They and their family get money put into their pocket. 

Harper needs them. Every piece of land in Canada is registered in the Department of Indians Affairs, making it the most important department in the Canadian corporate system. It’s all un-surrendered. 

Band Councils:  "Hey, IPs, go back to sleep!"

Band Councils tell us: “Hey, go back to sleep!”

To steal the goodies lying beneath, they create artificial Indian chiefs who will do what they’re told in exchange for wealth, fame and awards. We are kept in line through mass agonizing unemployment, low living standards, criminalization and misinformation.  

The white boys’ club always thought they could keep on stealing everything from us. Canada is sinking into economic chaos. Harper says everyone must follow the law.  That includes you, Harper! 

Emergency measures will be called. The banks will go bust. Un-employement will rise.  No dictator rises to power without accomplices, a small group who play with the fire of the people to keep absolute power.  By their choices they will burn out.   Yes, Canada voted for a Nazi dictatorship and is now the 4th Reich. 



As Sting sings:  “Every move you make.  Every vow you break.  Every smile you fake.  Every claim you stake.  I’ll be watching you.”  Sting: Every breath you take

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0











MNN,  Dec. 24, 2012.  We call for the reinstatement of the only legal contract allowing the settlers to live here, the Guswentha [Two Row Wampum].   It is the basis of the Great Peace of Montreal 1701.   According to international law, having reneged on this contract, everything reverts back to one day before it was ratified on June 25 1701.  They refuse to abide by it.  Their default of their contractual obligations to live in peace and be of one mind with us has been nullified and void.  They are illegal occupiers, squatters.

Prime Minister Harper, also known as “Pudge”, what are you waiting for? t spenceTo let Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat die in her tipi in the cold, not far from your nice warm mansion at 24 Sussex in Ottawa, which sits on our land?  Go see her today.  Take her some food.  She is hungry.  We want her to live.  You seem to want her to die.  Why?    


sussex drive

According to the natural law of Onowaregeh [Great Turtle Island], the Women must take over our communities.  According to the Kaianerehkowa, [Great Law of Peace], we have the jurisdiction and duty to protect our children and the land we are bringing them into.  On these issues the men get their authority from us. 

To implement our rights, all borders will now be fully monitored by the Ongwehonwe Women. Immigrants will no longer be told we are extinct or pacified. We will decide who comes onto our land and receives benefits from us.  Not foreign corporations who are wrecking everything and raping Mother Earth.  These artificial entities can no longer trespass on us.

parliamentWe demand control of all resources and immigration.  Their artificial economic system is based on debt, war, oppression and death.  We will end this.  Instead of declaring war, CEO “Pudge’ Harper of Corporation Canada must come to us and discuss their deficit owed to us, their landlords.          

His Band councils set up under the genocidal “Indian Act” signed the illegal treaties [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.}.  They are all fraudulent because they breach the Guswentha.  Their system is causing Theresa Spence’s hunger.  They and their supporters are the “Indian’ agents who are working with their masters to try to annihilate us.  They must step down and stand up their Council of Women under traditional law, the key to peace.  The councils and their followers can dissolve into the Corporation of Canada and leave our communities because they are in violation of the Guswentha.  We remind these Indian agents they have committed treason under the Great Law.    

Where are those Indian cigarette millionaires who are abusing the Great Law to make themselves filthy rich?  Owistah is the disease that prevents us from becoming of one mind.  We must return to the ‘we’ to stop the white divide-and-conquer serpent.  As Sitting Bull said, “Money soon gone, but land is forever”.

There is no need for police, jails and imperialism.  Each person has a duty to act on behalf of the Great Law of Peace.  Our responsibility is to our Mother Earth everywhere. 
Everyone can take shelter under the great Tree of Peace.      

Nobody freed the Palestinians.  They freed themselves.   We Indigenous everywhere must also free ourselves.  We have to break the chains that bind. Everything comes from within each person.  We cannot rely on the invaders whose mandate is total extermination of us so they can have free title of the Western Hemisphere.     

one peopleNo one in the world can stop us from becoming free.   We are on the path to world peace, skennen, and the weather spirits are marching with us.  

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0