

Please post & distribute.

MNN. June 25, 2016. The true government of the rotino’shonni is the teken’tiokwan’hoxta, the circle of 49 families. The band and tribal councils are CROWN corporations that do not legally represent us. Kevin Deer made a presentation at a recent elders council in Barrie Ontario, suggesting a Haudenosaunee World Bank. He was thinking of giving up his job in the Kahnawake language program, to work with the World Bank on this “financial reset”. Our land will be the major asset of this bank. The bankers are the main shareholders of all corporations. This is outright theft. The onkwe’hon:weh system of decision making cannot be manipulated.


TEKENTIOKWANHOXTA, the circle around our 49 families, forms the foundation of the constitution of the rotino’shonni, Iroquois. We protect our unborn children who own great turtle island. Two intertwined concepts of protection are our responsibility to mother earth and nature; and kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, the path provided for us to follow.  iekaia’taieri means we are complete. The power is the family. The will of the people is expressed by the circle of 49 families.

Clan families are in place to carry out our duties. Women carry out their roles and responsibilities according to kaia’nere:kowa. They place the men in their duties. The peace takes hold in all of kanien’keh.

ken'non'kwe run the show.

ken’non’kwe run the show.


kanien’keha:ka – People of the Flint 

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

tekariho:ken [2 opinions] – Well keeper, keeper of the Eastern Door. War Chief sits under him.

  1. Aionwa:tha – [He who combs] – Created Condolence Ceremony along with tekanawita after losing his daughters.
  2. sha’tekari:wate [Of equal matter] – deputy to tekariho:ken.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. sharenho:wane [The Great Tree Trunk] – it is you who will care for the upright tree we have, that is, the great tall tree, the great long leaf. It will be your work to see that the branches increase in size.
  2. teionhehkwen [Double life] – this will be your work: their sustenance, those living here on earth.
  3. orenrehko:wa [The Great White Eagle] – they have chosen you to help them with the Great Peace, and will all work together.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehana’kari:ne [Dragging Antlers] – you will all cooperate in your work. When the task is done, they will all have antlers on. You will all divide into fire sides, which is what we will call your nations moieties.
  2. ahstawen’serenhtha [They drop down the rattles] – When it is complete, our rooted tree with its four protruding roots, the Great White Roots, then you will be the one to help with it’s growth and fruiting and with the operation of peace so that it will spread on earth.
  3. shohskoharo:wane [The Great Wood Drift] – When the Great Peace is complete, there will be a fire with smoke rising which will pierce the sky. There you will work to help them in furthering the enlargement of the branch of peace.

onenio’te’a:ke – People of the Standing Stone

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. rotahsehte [He has the quiver over his shoulder] – As to you, you are the ones with no clan, and now they have chosen you. This then is what we shall call it: the turtle clan will become their families.
  2. kanonhkwenio:ton [Standing Ears of corn].
  3. terihakwen:te [Through the Opening].

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. shononhses [Their House is Long] – You will help now that they are completing their League of chiefs, and extending the house towards the East and West, as the longhouse is oriented, and it will become a single family of many nations as have combined in their power. This is how you will help them: with ongoing matters concerning the League, the Great Law and the Peace.
  2. tehonare:ken [They split the branches] – which means now it is done, and now it is becoming a single person. So this is how you will help them: with the furtherance of mutual respect among all chiefs’ families who have now combined.
  3. atia’tanentha [They slide themselves down] – which means now that the task is done, and they are now one family, the Five Nations, all are related, everything and they are happy. That is how you will help them: with the furtherance of peace.

ratiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehawahtahontenion [Their ears are hanging] – which means that since it is in operation, the Good Message, the number of them who have accepted it are all rejoicing. All are related and respect one another, and they are a single family, which is what they live by as ongoing families.
  1. ronia’tashaion [Slow to drink] – which means the league is completed and all have their marks of identity, and having placed antlers on them, when it is functioning, the great peace, then this is how you will help: by seeing that all should accept it, those inhabitants who have not yet accepted the good message, those who have delayed, so that all will become united.
  1. ronawatshatohon [Covered in mist/fog] – which means since it is completed, everything has stopped, the slaughter and scalping and bloodletting of their own people, their own nations. So this is your work: as to all the clubs they use to kill people, when someone will take them and bury them in the earth, then peace will emerge among the people.

ononta’ke’a:ke: People of the Hills 

  1. thatotarho [He’s Hooked] – Keeper of the Records/Wampums, overseer of the Confederacy Council.

Beaver Clan

  1. awenhnisera:ien[They’ll pick a day] – now that it is accomplished, this is a land of peace, it is your work to help with the furtherance of the Great Peace, and you two will cooperate with thatotarho.
  2. tehatkahthos [they look around] – you will be looking all around along the standing house, wherever there are families of the League, and this in y our work: you will help advance their progress towards making a circle around the place of the fire, the Great Council Fire, and you will cooperate with all the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. rohniasanon:waks [Their throat is sore] – your name which measns that several nations, when they hear about the good message, and if they visit your house, your league, you will work at their accepting the Good Message of the Great Peace.

rotiswa’’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. awenken:iate [On the Surface of the Water] – when it is complete, the fireplace of the power and the peace, your work is to further everything related to bringing about peace for the inhabitants of the earth.

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehaia’tkwa:ren [One Side of their Leaning Body] – your work is to stand up in front of the people and also the chiefs in order to advance unanimity, to bring it about among the several nations.

Great Wolf Clan

  1. rononwirehton [He disappeared] – they have chosen you to stand at the center of the group at the place where the fire is, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace. Placing their confidence in it, for it means that it is moving along, the Good Message Great Law, and everyone will be happy, all of the people.

rotishennakeh:te – Deer Clan

  1. kawenhnosero:ton [Hanging Strings/Words] – which means that one should not weaken the good message and the Power and Peace, and that it should get furthered, the Great Law.
  2. arihron [He Spills/Tips it] – which means that your work, once the task of combining the power is completed, is to advance the good message among the settlements o that everyone will be happy by day and by night, and that now t he war path will stop.

Eel Clan

9.roiennien:ni [He Was Made to Do] – which means that it is your work, as they enter, the various nations, to see that they will accept the Good Message which will advance relationships and the mutual tolerance of Peace.

  1. shota’kwarahson [He the Bruiser/He Chases People away] – which means that it is your work to help them as the several nations are forming under a circle again, and all are watching the place of the fire where the smoke is rising, piercing the sky, for it will save them when they accept the Good Message.
  2. shakokenhne [He Saw Her Before] – you will treat them all equally, the people of this group, and you will give them the Good Message which they will accept, and that is what will save them from trouble.
  3. rarserethon/ohahshaha:wi [He’s Carrying the Light/Torch] – it is your work now that all of the families will be established as a single house, to see that one will use it to live by, the power which will be functioning for peace.
  4. skana:wati [Other side of the Swamp]\ – now that it is getting completed, the League, everything concerning the warpath, and now they are dismantling the paths they used to use to cross over the rivers and swamps, and it is ending, the warpath.

kaion’ke’a:ke – People of the Pipe/Swamps 

rotskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehaka’en:io [He looks/He’s Observing] – when called upon to hand out the responsibilities of the Chiefs of the Cayuga nation he had this to say, “now as for us, they are already completed, the appointments of our nations.”

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. tsinontaweron [He Looks at Bugs]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. kota’kwarahson [It’s Bruised]
  2. shoion:wes [He Has a Long Wampum Belt]

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. atia’seron:ne [They pile it]

Heron Clan

  1. teiohronhionko [It reaches the sky]
  2. teiothore:kwen [Very cold]

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. tawenhe’ton [Two things happening]
  2. hatontaherha [He’s carrying a log]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. teskaheh [More than eleven]

shotinon’towane’a:ka – People of the Great Hill 

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. skaniatari:io [Beautiful lake] – called upon to help hand out the responsibilities to the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. sha’tekaronies [Two Skies the same langth] – called along with skaniatario:io to hand out responsibilities.

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. kana:kare [Arrow] – your work is for the League, so that the Peace will progress by their continuing to enter, every nation speaking every language, and thus it will become complete, the Power at the fire, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace.

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. shoken’tio:wane [He has a big forehead] – which means that the task has been completed, it having become one family, the Five Nations they now have united, they have one head, thee chiefs. Thus your work is to further it, to the degree that it is complete, thee Great Law of our knowledge in charity.

rotinhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. nishaie:nen [Falling Day] – your work is to see that it should not topple again, now that they have completed the task of finishing their house and the tasks of placing antlers on the chiefs, and planting their rooted tree, that is the Great Tall Tree, the Great Long Leaf, and lighting a fire whose smoke rises up, piercing the sky. So this is what your work is: it should not topple, for if it does, this is our death.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. satie:nawat [He grasps it] – you will help further the good message and the power, they now have just one body and just one head and just one heart and just one family, and there is just a single house at the place where they have formed their relationship group of chiefs. Thus your work is to not let it spoil by continually renewing the ongoing family.

rotinnhehsi:io- Snipe Clan

  1. kaon’kerita:wi [His hair is singed off] – Confederac War Chief.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. teioninhokara:wen [He keeps the door open] – Confederacy War Chief ladies

“So now it has been completed, the seating of our Five Nations Council”. 

From there tekanawi:ta and the mothers of each of the chiefs bestow antlers upon the chiefs thus finishing the formation of the League of Five Nations. [nia:wen women of ganien’geh].

Haudenosaunee Development Institute HDI and Haudenosaunee World Bank are private corporations. These villains have no authority under the laws of this land based on creation to collateralize our mother. She is not a prostitute. No one can steal our land and our birthright. We have a responsibility to defend our mother from anyone who rapes or disrespects her. Every family of great turtle island must be consulted on anything concerning the land, which is not for sale.


Now we stand as brothers. Let us plant this tree, water its roots. It’ll go from sea to sea. Watch it grow to the sky and bask in its shade. It represents the unity we now have made.


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Panic in switzerland


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






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MNN. June 23, 2016. I came home from South Dakota after visiting with relatives. My hydro was off because I owed $1,100. Hydro Quebec has raised the cost so high that many of us can’t pay it. It covers overcharged heat from last winter. I did my best, giving them $200 to $300 a month from my meagre pension. With no phone, as MagicJack needs the internet, or amenities, I had to leave and stay in akwesasne. My grandchildren stayed behind in the dark, unable to charge their cells by candlelight.

It comes from my flowing waters!

The power that comes from our flowing waters!

At 1.30 today June 23, a clerk at the Hydro Quebec office in Kahnawake, [450-632-2616], told us that she had called an old number that was disconnected 15 years ago and no one had answered. Being away I did not receive her notice. Apparently someone was sent to my house before the line was snipped. She sai, “I’m giving you a chance. Give us $500 by 3.00 pm today and the rest in a month or it stays off. We are closed til Monday or Tuesday and you’ll be cut off until then”. Friends from kanekota, kentekeh, and others called her in vain.

HYDRO: "No. No. Cut off power new genocide policy".

HYDRO: “No. No. Cutting off power is the new genocide policy”.

Martin Leborgne of the Mohawk council of Kahnawake was asked to help out but did not return calls. He stated, “It’s all been taken care of!” 450-632-7500.

This inhumanity is happening to everyone to extort money from us for heat that they should be providing freely. Our hydro is shut off because they overcharged us for the heat in the winter when they can’t legally turn it off. It is extortion when corporations prey on us for the necessities of life.huxley

The politicians have already created new laws that allow the corporation to force people back to work just be able to cover the necessities of life? It seems like they’re all in this together.

I just went to visit my relatives for a few days. When i came back a big knife was stuffed into my back: “Back stabber,hope grabber, greedy little fit haver. God, I feel for you fool. Shit lover, off brusher, jaded bitter joy crusher. Failure has made you so cruel. Rotten to the core. Rotten like a crack whore. Begging out the back door. Show us what you’re good for. Put it on the noise board. Come on, join the blood sport. Is it because you’re a fucking back stabber?”

ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Targetted people US Border Patrol among those training soldiers and assassins

Depopulation plans UN Agenda 30

Sell Outs

First Nations Must Be Full Partners In A New Pipeline Review Process And Rights Must Be Respected


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234






Please post & distribute.

MNN. 11 May 2016. According to the Declaration on the rights of Indigenous People signed by the corporation of Canada, the original people must now be asked for permission to do anything to them, their land, water and air. It is illegal for the natural people of ono’ware:keh to be forced to ask the occupiers for permission to do anything. damn foreigners

A “constitution” defines the organization of a government or governing entity. A “charter” defines the organization of a corporation. Canada has no constitution. It was set up by a CROWN charter and incorporated in 1867 – ISO #1366-2:CA, registered in the Vatican. It’s a private corporation, which will soon be insolvent. The creditors, whose land, resources and assets were stolen by the company, have to be paid first.



Ft. Mcmurray res

Canada’s resource extractors illegally run the corporation of Canada by violating our rights. Canada’s total economy is derived and depends on mining and oil stolen from our mother.

Trudeau: "Remember your oath to the INDIAN Ring".

Trudeau: “Remember your oath to the INDIAN Ring”.

PM Trudeau promised his partners that the illegal pipeline will go across Canada. After the biggest fire in Canadian history at Fort McMurray Alberta, he is already calling people back to work on the pipeline. They need our prior and informed consent. The settlers cannot define ‘consulting’ as talking to their corporate band and tribal councils. This violates the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights that he publicly signed in front of the world.

A polite Canadian.

A polite Canadian.

The UN Agenda 30 Depopulation program is still on the books. On Attaswapiskat village on James Bay, the Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, said, in effect, ”I visited and tried to help them”. She offered to help them get back their language.

Canada now has to get our permission for everything. International law principles are based on the teio’hateh/Two Row Wampum. The colonial settlers have a choice. They must decolonize their own minds or they must leave.

Billie Holiday knows when the shoe is on the other foot: “For there’s a change in the weather. There’s a change in the sea. So from now on there’ll be a change in me. My walk will be different, my talk and my name. Nothin’ about me is going to be the same. I’m goin’ to change my way of livin’. If that ain’t enough. Then I’ll change the way that I strut my stuff,
‘Cause nobody wants you when you’re old and gray. There’ll be some changes made today. There’ll be some changes made”. [There’ll be some changes made]

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Leonard Peltier.

Fontaine is applying for job as Canada’s bagman.

HDI purports Great Law written by Catholic Church.



Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201







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MNN. May 10, 2016. The colony of Canada refused help from seven countries offering aid from Russia, US, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Israel and Palestine to put out “the largest forest fire in Canadian history”. Prime Minister Trudeau and his business partners have a different agenda – to scorch the land and force us to move.

Scorched earth total war.

Scorched earth total war.

We and our mother refuse to cede our land and resources.

Scorched earth and removal is a colonial policy and still the battle plans of the war room of Indian Affairs.  In the 1800s the military used scorch-earth tactics to subjugate onkwe’hon:weh. Troops were deployed to protect railroad workers from the onkwe’hon:weh, who knew the railroad would mean further encroachment on their territory. Military outposts were put across the region, expanding white settlement on unceded territory.

UN. Canada grilled. The looks on people's faces tell you a lot.

UN. Canada grilled. The looks on people’s faces tell you a lot.


INDIAN policy is set by the military, to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy, while advancing through or withdrawing from an area.scorched earth policy

We were placed in POW camps called “reservations”. Those not incarcerated were considered hostile, hunted down and killed. onkwe’hon:weh were sent to separate territories under military guard.

Today the onkwe’hon:weh are resisting oil and pipeline development. The Canadian military is attempting to crush our resistance by destroying our land and removing us.

Like the buffalo hunt, the economic basis of our lives is being destroyed to force us to submit. Otherwise we will be attacked, just like in Alberta. Our people are the targets of this military campaign that is heading east. By 2024 they are trying to have us either assimilated or under lock and key or exterminated.

Oil/pipeline executive: "Take this or else!"

Oil/pipeline’s  economic hitman.

The CEOs of these oil, pipeline and development companies are firmly committed to getting rid of the INDIAN problem.

Paul Revere and the Raiders sing about how the Cherokees survived scorched earth, trail of tears and other genocidal acts: “They took the whole Cherokee nation, put us on this reservation. Took away our way of life, Tomahawk and bow and knife. Took away our native tongue, Taught their English to our young. They took the whole INDIAN nation, locked us up on the reservation. Though I wear a shirt and tie i’m still a red man deep inside.”



MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Indian Affairs minister at UN.

Canada grilled at UN.

Scorched Earth Policy John Mohawk


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201






Please post & distribute. nia:wen.

MNN. 26, 2015. The majority believe the official story about 911, that 17 hijackers flew the two planes into the buildings. The official story is the steel columns melted from the burning jet fuel. Steel melts at 2800 degrees F. Jet fuel maximum burning temperature is 1796 degrees F. Tony Rooke put his mind on the problem, as we all should. He voiced his concern to a judge regarding the BBC’s complicity in the terrorist act of 911.

The BBC reported 27 minutes before Building 7 fell. Everybody in the world saw this. The judge agreed and ruled against the BBC. Tony Rooke does not have to pay is tv bill because he proved the BBC absolutely knew it was going to happen.

Building 7 came down 27 minutes late. building 7

Super Tramp says: “Now they’re planning the crime of the century. Yes, its well worth the fee. Read all about their schemes and adventuring. Yes, it’s well worth a fee. So roll up and see how they rape the universe, how they’ve gone from bad to worse. Who are these men of lust, greed and glory? Rip off the masks and let’s see. But that’s not right, oh no, what’s the story? Look, there’s you and there’s me!? “ Just one of the crimes of the century …


911 fourteen years later.

Iceland banskters jailed. Obvious cops killing our women

** Family Compact & Chateau Clique private power setup.

Maine individuals suing Federal Reserve $600 million.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. OCT. 24, 2015. In Val d’Or Quebec ongwe’hon:weh women reported being systemically raped and tortured by the psychotic Quebec Police. Lonnie Landrud of Quesnel BC witnessed police murdering a young ongwe’hon:weh woman and disposing of her body on the “Highway of Tears”. He became aware of 8 other women being murdered by this same cop. Landrud reported the details in this video to every police agency in the hierarchy right up to the Prime Minister and Governor General. Police tried to murder him. He was arrested, put in jail, his guns and his driver’s license were taken:

Watch all 7 parts to see a real horror story. The corporation of Canada is a police state. Their murder squad has a bounty out on our women because they are child bearers. It appears cops get paid to kill us. Who’s paying them and who’s covering it up? Landrud shows they are all in on it. It appears to be a major cornerstone of the business plan for the corporation of Canada. Thousands of our women are murdered and missing, The state refuses to investigate. Obviously we have no protection. Those trying to help us are threatened and will be done away with just like our women. boat people

It looks like Paul Martin, the last liberal prime minister, was behind the coverup. This story is being emailed to the new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, asking him to launch a public inquiry with Lonnie Landrud as one of his prime witnesses. The public must push this issue. Don’t let Turudeau cover up this eugenics operation.

Everyone is welcome to stand with us at the fire vigil at the southern end of the Mercier Bridge in Kahnawake. Needed are wood, water, fruits, coffee. Please call these officials and raise your voices. “The power is the people. Not the money or the war. Lets raise our voices so they can hear us. let them roar!” Thahoketoteh “We are we, the people”.

Stop killing us.

CROWN, Stop murdering us.

As Talking Heads sing: “Psycho killer, qu’est-ce, que c’est fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better. Run run run run run run run run away. Ce que j’ai faite ce soir la. Ce qu’elle a dit ce soir la. Realisant mon espoir je me lance vers la gloire. We are vain and we are blind. I hate people when they’re not polite.” [Psycho Killer].

Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830; Hon. Leona Aglukkaq, Environment Canada, 613-992-2848. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179; Geoff Molson 514-398-0333. Surete du Quebec Police  514 598-4141, Quebec Government   514-598-4141

Quebec Police Systemic rape & murder of ongwe’hon:weh women.

2 min. video on school system.


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit