Steven Seagal “Sakoiatakenhas”



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May 31, 2014. Movie star, Steven Seagal, came to visit his family in Kahnawake. They held a private family gathering. The Kahnawake Survival School singers sang and the people danced. Steven Seagal joined in. His family goes back to the 1704 raid on Deerfield Massachussetts when his ancestor was a captive from that raid. Deerfield Raid 1704. She lived in Kahnawake, became a Bear Clan Mohawk woman, had three children and died at 89 years of age as Kanenstenhawi [she brought corn]. Seagall is heading to Akwesasne to meet more of his family there on Monday.

Steven visits Mohawk relatives in Kahnawake.

Steven visits Mohawk relatives in Kahnawake.


The corporation of Canada sent in its two oldest corporate point men, [Indian agents] to steer the agenda and to control the local media. Jesuit trained Dan Brant Dan Brant and Andrew Delisle Sr. Andrew Delisle Sr. were dragging themselves around trying to control who Mr. Seagal spoke to at this family affair. The Jesuits have always tried to steer us since 1534 when they sent their agent, Jacques Cartier. The Jesuits have never stopped in their genocidal quest.  They have always tried to take over our community by trying to break up the family through “owista”, a disease of the mind which puts “me” before “we”.

The MNN editor was able to talk to Mr. Seagal. He was told about the 1710 International World Peace Meeting in London that our chiefs initiated. He heard about the wampum belts given to Tsar Peter the Great now being in Russia. We have been contacted to help them to interpret the meanings. He turned to me, his brows lifted and his eyes opened wide and he said, “That was just after that Deerfield raid and my ancestors were here,” as he pointed at the ground. He suddenly realized that he is Mohawk and half Russian! He shook his head in approval and said, “I will help!”  Canada threatens ancient Mohawk allies.

We heard that Steven also has a blues band. When they’re singing Muddy’s song, it could be about Mr. Seagal himself: “A gypsy woman told my mother before I was born, You got a boychild’s coming. He’s gonna be a son-of-a-gun. He’s gonna make pretty woman jump and shout. Then the world will know what this is all about”.Muddy Waters. “Hoochie Coochie”

Eunice Williams

Canada fears Aboriginal rights agenda.

Canada fears Aboriginal rights agenda.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit






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MNN. May 29, 2014. The crown corporation called Canada has been found guilty of genocide by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. TRC has no mandate in Admiralty Court to prosecute the crown [Vatican]. Any multinational corporations that do business with the criminal entity known as Canada are co-conspirators in fraud, theft and make themselves complicit in the continuing genocide. For those partnered with Canada in the resource extractive industries, we put your corporations and all of their shareholders on notice. You will be tried in a non-Admiralty court. So govern yourselves accordingly.The Queen of England is one of the shareholders of the crown and Canada is a crown corporation masquerading as the sovereign.

Every agreement we made was for ourselves and all our friends and allies.

Two Row Agreement was made for ourselves and all our Indigenous brothers and sisters. 

The true Sovereigns of Great Turtle Island will stop the illegal extraction. You have extracted our resources without dealing with us, the Sovereign. That constitutes fraud and theft. Every deal is in breach of trust and invalid. You are liable for the theft of our resources. Each shareholder of every company will be charged personally with complicity in genocide when we charge the crown in an international forum.

Unity plus strength of Ongwehonwe of all Great Turtle Island.

Unity plus strength equals peace for the  Ongwehonwe [Indigenous] of all Great Turtle Island.

The Vatican is the Crown. All corporations worldwide get their ISO [International Organization Standardization] numbers through the Vatican. Every country or state is given an ISO number to do business. Admiralty courts are also corporations for profit. Admiralty law is only for banks and corporations. Any Vatican corporation that is making deals with Canada will be charged with complicity in genocide.

We, the true sovereigns of this land, will not be going to Admiralty court. We will be charging the shareholders individually through a non-admiralty court.

Tarsands list of corporations.

Genocide includes the destruction of our natural world under the law of the land,the Great Peace. The only legal business transaction on Great Turtle Island is with the Sovereign. The 500-year war called “colonialism” against Indigenous people worldwide is over. We will sue you for what you owe us. In the meantime, we are ready to plant more crops and face a hard winter, but a bountiful harvest is coming. Ignorance of the Great Peace will be no excuse. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 

Rotikstenha remember everything!

Rotikstenha; remember everything!

As Ted Nugent acknowledges, when the Council of Women assume their natural role as ‘mother nature’; “She’s got the power to turn out the light. She’s got the power over day and night. She’s the queen of the forest”. Ted Nugent. “Queen of the Forest”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit










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MNN. May 28, 2014. The corporate band council system is part of the Corporation of Canada. The mission of the business is to distribute the poverty amongst our people to accelerate the resource extraction from our territories for their multi national corporations. For our people to regain our inherent power and possessions, the band council has to dissolve the corporate power grid.

Where is that Registrar General's Office to file those band council dissolution papers?

Where is that Registrar General’s Office to file these band council dissolution papers?


Corpo Chiefs are finally trying to stop the theft of our ever-growing Indian Trust Fund. 50% of the profit on every rock, tree and natural resource, has gone into our trust funds since the invaders arrived empty handed on our shores. The crown corporation of Canada has carried out genocide and placed us in prisoner of war camps called reserves while stealing all our possessions.

The corporate chiefs can instantly dissolve their band council corporate entity. Gather the forms, fill them out and go in person to the nearest Registrar General to file the articles of dissolution of the band council corporate entity. As soon as the filing is done, go Immediately and withdraw everything and then close that bank account. Each community send an invoice to the Corporation of Canada for your portion of the $950 trillion Indian Trust Fund, “Payable in gold bullion only”.

When Canada refuses to pay the invoice, an action can be started at the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Negotiators: "You can only take what you came with!"

Negotiators: “Visitors! You can only take what you came with!”

The 500-year war of colonialism is almost over. As Chief Justice Murray Sinclair of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission states in his TRC communiqués: the mandate of TRC is to find the truth and develop a reconciliation strategy. They have no mandate to charge the crown.

They can’t because all courts in Canada are Admiralty controlled through the Vatican, which is the crown.

Charges can be filed for breach of trust and genocide against the crown corporation of Canada at the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague. This is not a crown/Vatican controlled Admiralty Court.

Plant more crops because we are going to have a bad winter. Nothing can be worse than our ancestors’ brutal experiences only two generations ago at the hands of these merciless invaders.

The war is almost over. One more cold winter. As Vera Lynn sings, “We’ll meet again. Don’t know where, don’t know when. But I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day. Keep smiling through, just like you always do. Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away”.

Corpo Chiefs kill education bill.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit








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MNN. May 27, 2014. When the men are ready for battle with an enemy that refuses to accept the Great Peace which is the law of the land, they shall choose one of the War Chiefs to lead them into battle.

Before the battle!

Before the battle!

He shall gather the men [tehonteriioseras] and sing the War Song:

Now I am surprised and there I shall use it. The power of my War Song. I am of the Five Nations and I shall make an appeal to Creation. Creation has furnished this army. My Warriors shall be mighty in the strength of Creation. Between Creation and my Song they are, for from her came the Song. This War Song that I sing. Wampum 81.

In the war expedition, they shall sing the War Song as they approach the enemy. They shall not cease until they are near the enemy lines.  Wampum 82.

After a request for peace is made three times, and peace is not accepted, the War Chief shall drop a bunch of black shells and then quickly club the offending chief[s] to death. War shall be declared. War must continue until the Iroquois win.

When an enemy is defeated because it refuses to accept the Great Peace, all their rights, property and territory comes under the trusteeship of the Iroquois.

After the battle all weapons of war are taken from the enemy. The enemy shall observe all the rules of the law of the land, Kaianerekowa, for all time to come. Wampum 84.

All wars must cease, if necessary by wars! The Kanionkehaka fight until the war is won!

Herkimer beat the French in another war they wished they'd won!

Herkimer beat the French in another war they wished they’d won!

The Wyandot [Huron] did not want to follow the Great Peace anymore. They chose war and allied with France. The last time the Mohawks dropped the black wampum was in 1645 on the errant Wyandot chiefs. They refused to grab the black wampum before it hit the ground. Iroquois invaded Ontario with 10,000 warriors. The Huron were in their own homeland with 30,000 warriors. By 1649 they were done. Mohawk defeated them in everyone of their communities in Ontario. They were driven out of Ontario in the east to Quebec and in the west to Wisconsin where they still reside to this day. We continued to fight the French until they sued for peace. The Great Peace of Montreal happened on June 25, 1701. The French never beat the Iroquois in any battle in the whole 92 year war.

After a war, the enemies shall become friends. Peace shall be restored.  Wampum 87.

Every man and woman are of one mind on war to bring peace.

Every man and woman are of one mind on war to bring peace.

The Great Peace shall be carried out in a mutual council of men and women. The Women appoint the Warriors, declare war, negotiate peace and mediate disputes.

Ozzie describes the horror of war if the black wampum is not grabbed before it hits the ground: “In the fields, the bodies burning. As the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds.” War Pigs.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit











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MNN. May 26, 2014. Royaner oya tahontahonton ensonwarontiakeh. Those chiefs that bring in corporate authority violate the Great Peace. They may either be deposed or executed. They shall be warned three times in open Council: first by the women relatives, second by the men relatives, and finally by the chiefs of the Nation to which they belong.  For continuing to submit to foreign laws, such as the Indian Act and Federal Indian Law, the chiefs forfeit their birthright. Wampum 25.

Corporate Indians are part of the genocide. They must be stopped before they kill again!

Corporate Indians are part of the ongoing genocide. They must be stopped before they kill again!


To correct their erring chiefs, a wampum string is made. Three spans of the hand, the upper half being white, represents the women. The lower half black, represents equal contributions of the men of the nation. They have combined themselves into one head, one body and one thought to ratify the peace pact of the people.

When the third warning is ignored, the Council of Women consider the matter and then turn it over to the men. The people shall meet. The War Chiefs shall enter the open Council to warn the chief[s] to desist and pledge themselves to the Great Peace.

There are two courses should the chief[s] refuse to heed the third warning. Either the men depose the chief[s]. His deer’s antlers falls from his brow but remains within the nation. The War Chief then dismisses the offending chief. Throughout Onowaregeh, he shall be called, “They have alienated themselves” from their people and nation [tehonatonkoton].

When any Chiefs go against the Great Peace, they may be deposed or executed by the War Chief & His Men.

When any Chiefs violate the Great Peace, they may be deposed or executed by the War Chief & His Men.

In the second course of action, the War Chief shall make a string of black wampum. The men enter the council, stand beside the errant chief[s]. The War Chief holds the black wampum string and says: “You have not heeded the warnings of the General Councils of the Women and of the Men of the Nations. There is only one course.” The War Chief drops the black wampum and the men shall spring to their feet and club the erring chief[s] to death. Any chief may submit to the people before the wampum is dropped. Wampum 58.

The General Council of the Men and General Council of the Women have the right to decide on execution and war.

The General Council of the Men and General Council of the Women have the duty to decide on execution and war.

The right to execute a traitor is held by the General Council of the Men and the General Council of the Women. The Black Wampum symbolizes the Men’s power to execute. It is buried but may be pulled up to act upon as here described. Wampum 59.

The Band rages over the grief of betrayal: “Tears of rage, tears of grief. Why must i always be the thief? Come to me now, you know we’re so alone, and life is brief“. The Band. “Tears of Rage”.

UNCED. The new [old] world order.

See Great Law Video.  Read Great Law Book [MNN Home Page]  Read: “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit








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MNN. May 21 2014.Rotiyaner enhatinotonko ne katstenhowanen”. When the people assemble to hold any meeting to discuss issues regarding the community, the Rotiyaner shall open it. Gratitude and greetings are extended to our cousin statesmen and everyone. Thanks is offered to our Mother Earth, to the streams of water, the pools and the lakes, the maize and the fruits, to the medicinal herbs and trees, to the forest trees for their usefulness, and to the animals that serve as food and give their pelts for clothing, to the great winds and the lesser winds, to the thunderers; to the Sun, the mighty warrior, to the moon; to the messengers of Creation who reveals their wishes and gives all things useful to people, and who is the source of health and life. Wampum 7.

Jikohnsseh, Mother of Nations, listens to people setting up their Women, Mens and Peoples Councils.

Jikohnsseh helps people set up their Women Councils in each community from where true peoples’ power is exercised. 

The children and the land they are born on are the responsibility of the Women’s Council. The Men’s Councils ensures that interaction between the communities is according to the Great Peace, Kaianerekowa.

In the Mohawk decision-making example, there are three clans. All matters whether brought forward by an individual or council or war chief are discussed in a three clan process. The Turtle Clan mother withdraws it from the Well and discusses it first with her clan. Each person has a duty to discuss the issue. If they become of one mind, they pass it over to the Wolf Clan Mother who discusses how it went into the Well, how the Turtle Clan saw the issue and how they are going to see collectively. If they become of one mind with the Turtle Clan, they pass it to the Bear Clan Mother who discusses how it went into the well, how the other two clans saw it. Then the Bear Clan deliberates and affirms or rejects. If the Bear Clan disagrees, the issue goes back into the Well for another day. If they do agree, it becomes an addition to the rafters.

The US Constitution is supposedly based on this powerful consensual decision making system. The National Women’s Council became an all-male Senate. The National Men’s Council became the House of Congress. The executive office of the president is the autocracy that placed itself over all of the people. Their party system is their artificial version of the clan system, which is doomed for failure. They have no Clan Mothers or Council of Women. All clans come from your mother. You cannot be the same clan as your father.

vote51% of the votes for the two selected candidates by the oligarchs is corporatism in a pretend democracy. Instead of staying at the fire until the people become of one mind, when 51% consensus is reached, they leave the fire. Division is created among the people and war is certain.

Cat Stevens sings ‘the words’: “Morning has broken, like the first morning/Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird/Praise for the singing, praise for the morning/Praise for the springing fresh from the world”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Watch “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace” Great Law Video. Great Law Video. Read: Great Law Book [MNN home page].

Also “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”.










Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. May 21, 2014. The corporation of Canada can no longer masquerade as the sovereign through the corporate fantasy known as the Assembly of First Nation AFN. The band/tribal council Indians and AFN are dissolving. We shall now assert our inherent power, individually and collectively. Our traditional governance has always been on standby since the imposition of the genocidal Indian Advancement Act of October 25, 1924. The existence of the corporations of Canada and the United States are solely based on the illegal Vatican Doctrine of Discovery. Canada will fraudulently try to bring in third party managers to run their illegal prisoner of war camps called Indian reservations. mens fire

The natural people of Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island shall re-establish the connection with our Mother Earth. Peoples Councils shall be reestablished in each community. The power of the clans shall be reasserted so that true grass roots consensual decision making will take place. We shall come to one mind on all matters that effect us in each community. The people shall make an oath before the fire to uphold the Great Peace and to love our people and all our relations.

Corporate government and law enforcement swear oaths of obedience to a foreign autocrat and her heirs and ancestors. The army’s main duty is to protect the treasury. As the crown is guilty of murder and rape of our children, they will answer for their crimes.

An eagle shall sit in the top of the tree of peace to watch for any danger approaching.

Each person shall take part when deliberating on matters that affect us all. Those who create angry sparks at the fire shall be removed. No one shall come to the fire with any sharp objects, in particular the tongue being the sharpest. The fire must be kept clean so that no dust and dirt gather.

louis landKaronhiaktajeh [Louis Hall] reminds us: Those who accepted the Great Peace helped the Founder gather other nations together. Missionaries admit they went throughout America and spread propaganda against the Iroquois Confederacy, especially the Mohawks, because they were the “most militant and great organizers”. The missionaries mistakenly thought they had stopped the spread of the Great Peace, which would have made it impossible for the white man to steal America. Wampum 6.

And the world shall finally know true peace.

The Doors know about lighting your fire: “The time to hesitate is through. No time to wallow in the mire. Try now, we can only lose”. Doors. “Light my fire”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News For news, books, to donate and sign, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

AFN & duty to consult.


Watch “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace” Great Law Video. Read: Great Law Book.

Also “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”.







Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. May 17, 2014. When the Assembly of First Nations Inc. dissolves, the corporation of Canada dissolves! The band and tribal councils are a major part of the corporation of Canada grid. Their main job is to help Canada carry out the genocide program and sign away our land and resources. They present a fake democratic front pretending to represent us.

One day we will learn that brutal visitors came and then all left!

Some day brutal visitors will invade us. They will refuse to live by the Great Peace and will leave.  


The current conflict within AFN Inc. is between those who want to sign away our ever growing $950 trillion Indian Trust Fund and to authorize the extraction of our resources by their puppeteers. The others want independence, freedom and to live by the law of the land. Once these “chiefs” step down, the corporate grid will disappear. Canada cannot continue the fraud of using our land and resources as collateral to raise money on the stock exchanges.

We refuse to beg for our own funds from Canada Inc. We will stand together to fight our common enemy. Canada is trying to keep control by bringing forward a back up sub-corporate entity of AFN named the ‘Confederacy of First Nations’. Both are one in the same and will dissolve with the Corporation of Canada. Canada Inc. is panicking and trying to create conflict and confusion between various corporate “Indians”.

Fleeing Babylon!

Fleeing Babylon!

The chiefs will take the moral, legal and high ground by stepping down and joining the true natural people of Great Turtle Island. It’s over for AFN Inc. and Canada Inc. The true Ongwehonwe will assert our sovereignty.

New World Son warns: “This world is just an illusion. Yes, it is. Oh Yeah. Babylon is gonna fall, is coming down!”  New World Son. Babylon is gonna fall”.

Read: What to do with AFN.

MNN Homepage: Learn about peace. MNN 7-hour video and book, Mohawk and English.  Great Law Video.. “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace”. Great Law Book. “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”,


Contact: MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit




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MNN. May 16, 2014. The murders of thousands of Indigenous women and girls is part of the continuing genocide and a strategy to control us, the survivors. Girls as young as 10 years old are being snatched and coerced into prostitution, sex slavery and then murdered. The occupying forces kidnap, rape, traffic and kill them. Canada refusing to investigate these crimes constitutes genocide and an act of war.

Women run the global kitchens.

Women worldwide have the babies and run the global kitchens.


Indigenous women are the reproducers in the community. They are destroyed as part of ethnic cleansing. Third world living conditions are designed to force our girls to flee their homes. Those who return are meant to bring social chaos and diseases.

Amnesty International reports that racial sexual abuse and murder are a military strategy. State backed troops and police act with impunity. Civilian women and children are attacked to eliminate, perpetuate social control and ethnic cleansing.missing women

This is Part 1 of the Voice of Russia interview of Shawn Brant of the Mohawk community of Tyendinaga.  Listen to  Voice of Russia interview of Shawn Brant.

No More Stolen Sisters Amnesty International Report.


Learn about peace. MNN 7-hour video and book, Mohawk and English. Great Law Video.  “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace”. Great Law Book. “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”, Handsome_Lake_Code_OPT.pdf

Contact: MNN Mohawk Nation News to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories on Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L For original Mohawk music visit









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MNN. May 14, 2014. Seventeen winters have passed since over 100 Iroquois women, children and men were viciously attacked by the New York State Troopers while we were conducting a thanksgiving ceremony. The issue is now before the Admiralty Court. The whole natural world awaits a return to the natural proper balance. As infamous Rob “12-step” Ford, the crack-smoking mayor of Toronto, advises on Indian matters, “It’s a real sensitive issue. I can’t step on any toes!” All front men for the shareholders of the “crown” corporation known as the United States of America have the main task of continuing the illusion of freedom to the people. Our lawyer, Terrance Hoffman, dumped those of us who would not take the money. The original Two Row Agreement and the treaties have been breached.

"Mr. Obama, snow day is no excuse for violating your "treaties with us!

“Mr. Obama, no more snow day on the treaties. They must be obeyed!”

Since being left out in the cold, I had to warm up my hands and put on my warmest moccasins. I sent the following letter today to US President Barack Obama by UPS [#Y097207 @ 3.45 pm]. Kahentinetha.


FROM: KAHENTINETHA HORN,                                                                                         BOX 991, KAHNWAKE [QUBEC, CANADA], JOL IBO

TO: PRESIDENT BARACK O’BAMA,                                                                             UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                                                                           The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,                                                  Washington, DC 20500-0004.

May 14, 2014.

RE: Civil Action No. 98-CV-374 [FJS][GHL]]H Notification. Jones et al v. Parmley.


The Two Row Wampum [Guswentha] and the Canandaigua Treaty 1794 were the first treaties enacted by the United States of America after the Revolutionary War. It provides that when peace and friendship is interrupted between an Iroquois party, nation or the Confederacy, complaints shall be made to the President of the United States. He must act upon the matter to correct the impediment to peace that has been breached by any of his parties.

Splitting the Sky: "We will fight for the Great Peace!"

Splitting the Sky: “We will fight for the Great Peace!”

This case began on May 18, 1997. Over 160 New York State Troopers attacked us while we were conducting a thanksgiving ceremony at a private property on Onondaga Territory. Terrance Hoffmann Esq. of Syracuse and the lawyer for the other victims, Morvillo Abramowits of New York City, approached us and suggested suing New York State. We victims want those who plotted the plans, gave the orders to the police and the policemen who carried out the crimes to be punished. In 2008 NYS Judge George Lowe, after studying the evidence, reported that NYS would lose the case should it go to trial. He strongly advised NYS to settle with us for money. Some clients were coerced into taking the money. Mr. Hoffmann advised those who did not to find another lawyer or represent ourselves in this complex 17-year old case. He pressured us to take the money and let the criminals get away with their wrongdoing. We told him to keep the money. We want the criminals charged. On May 19, 2014, Mr. Hoffman will ask Judge Dancks to let him drop some of his clients.

A word of advice, Barack. Crime never pays!

“A word of advice, Barack. Crime never pays!”

Mr. President, this is one of the first treaties the US ever made. It is binding. The peace is threatened. You must make sure the wrong is made right. We don’t want a judicial remedy. We want a political remedy as prescribed in the Two Row Agreement and the treaties.


Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kanionkehaka”

As Snow Job sings: “We got some rifles and they’re loaded too. We got our sights set on you”. Snow Job. “Jack Frost Blues”.

Canadaigua Treaty, 1794, Article 7 provides that, “Lest the firm peace and friendship now established should be interrupted by the misconduct of individuals, the United States and Six Nations agree, that, for injuries done by individuals, on either side, no private revenge or retaliation shall take place; but, instead thereof, complaint shall be made by the party injured, to the other; by the Six Nations, or any of them, to the President of the United States, or the superintendent by him appointed; and by the superintendent, or other person appointed by the President, to the principal chiefs of the Six Nations, or of the nation to which the offender belongs; and such prudent measures shall then be pursued, as shall be necessary to preserve our peace and friendship unbroken, until the Legislature (or great council) of the United States shall make other equitable provisions for the purpose”.


CC: MAGISTRATE JUDGE THERESE WILEY DANCKS,                                                        U.S. ISTRICT COURT, 100 SOUTH CLINTON ST.,                                                                P.O. BOX 7367, SYRACUSE, NY 13261-7367

TERRANCE HOFFMAN Esq.                                                                                                 4629 ONONDAGA BLVD.                                                                                         SYRACUSE NY 13219 315-471-4107                                                                                   Fax 315-471-6701, Bar Roll Number 103770

Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand etal,                                                                                     Attention: Jodi Misher Peikin, Esq.                                                                                          565 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10017

Hiscock & Barclay, Attention: Gabriel Nugent, ESQ.                                                                                      Attorney for Defendant, Joseph Smith                                                                                   300 South State Street                                                                                                   Syracuse NY 13202

Learn about peace. MNN 7-hour video and book, Mohawk and English.           Great Law Video.  “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace”. Great Law Book. “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”, Handsome_Lake_Code_OPT.pdf

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