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MNN. DEC. 6, 2016. Don.t  allow anyone to extinguish our fire. We must continue to kindle it, not let it turn into a smouldering cinder again. In the early 1970’s Wounded Knee’s fire was extinguished when the corporate chiefs told AIM, American Indian Movement, to leave. The world was focusing on the human rights, murders and treaty violations. A man was killed. We all know that could happen.

We have our their duty no matter what the corpo serpents says.

We have our duty no matter what the corpo serpents say.

Now Green Peace, celebrities, human rights, environmentalists, allies and millions of our people have come together creating pressure across the world about inhumanity, injustice and criminality. We are standing together to fight against the corporation.

The Army Corps of Engineers won’t give the Dakota Access Pipeline a permit to dig up our bodies and our mother!! DAPL says, “This changes nothing”. If there’s nobody there, they’ll go ahead.15284016_1431111013580575_337099425702183690_n

Corpo Tribal guy, Archambault, says, “Winter’s coming. Go home and spend Christmas with your family”. Winter always comes. The corporation knows that once they leave they can’t return. Many have their families right there.

It’s taken almost 45 years to get this momentum going again. Are we going to wait another 50 years to do this again? In 60 years there will be no viable land to plant on to feed the people.

The chief tries to talk down to the people.

Chiefs try  to talk down to the people.

Archambault say there was a victory. We are celebrating prematurely. Our morale was temporarily lifted. For the first time the veterans of all colors are standing with us and creation. We have to save the water. It’s causing stomach cancer among people, animals and plants. .

Archampault refers to Obama as his president and the North Dakota politician as his governor. He’s admitting he’s an agent for the government. He does not represent the Lakota.It is perfect for the corporation when the sheep control themselves. The ultimate form of slavery is when slaves believe they are free. Archambault is the sheep dog for the corporation.

Obama’s last executive order should be: no new pipelines in the US.  Laws of the land are being  broken. They are making the laws that say we have no free use of our land, water and air. FEMA concentration camps are ready for the water defenders. Donald Trump is getting ready to ride in as General George Armstrong Custer did. Their political games are always about money and control. Religion is mind control, money is debt, Your government is a corporation and the shareholders all have names and addresses.

The fire has been kindled and the paths have been laid from all directions.

As Jimmie Rodgers sings: “When a woman gets the blues, she hangs her little head and cries. she hangs her little head and cries. When a man gets the blues, he hops a train and he rides. Everytime I see that lonesome  railroad train, everytime I hear that lonesome railroad train, it makes me wish I was going home again”.


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com

Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—

Tribal Chairman Archambault of Standing Rock.

Trump sells his shares in DapL 

DAPL will meet Jan. 1 deadline.

Trudeau’s trough line.






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MNN. Dec. 5, 2016. The corporate smoke screen continues. Their strategists said, “Let’s give them a deadline. Then we’ll watch how they, the country and world reacts. At the last minute we’ll introduce a fake plan to say we’re going to stop the pipeline”. DAPL has no credibility, so sleeping bags and tents remain at Standing Rock. th

To our people and our allies: kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, is for everyone. On the arrival of the visitors, our hand was put out to you to live peacefully and co-exist with all of nature on great turtle island. You agreed to the Two Row and the kaia’nere:kowa, great peace. Then you reneged on your promises.

We continue to remain true to the great peace and follow the laws of nature from which all life is derived. We respect each other, creation and work to bring peace and harmony amongst ourselves. Our responsibility is to protect our mother and keep her in total health. If her healing isn’t done immediately, all life will suffer. You were shown how to give daily thanks to her for all she provided. th-3

You saw that the people form the basis of power and the interdependent system of relations of all elements of nature.  Women have powerful roles in social, political and economic life. The rotiskenrakete, the men, devote themselves to protecting the people and all life.

As time went on you were expected to use your minds and not accommodate outside tyrannical forces or their control matrix. Religion and other forms of coercion were brought in to reinforce abuse of power and depress the natural spirit of freedom. The balance is being attacked every time our resources are extracted.

Independent critics and questioners were driven out, punished, threatened, arrested or killed. The perpetrators of the genocide remain unpunished. They must be brought to justice before the people of the world’s fire.

DAPL'S new pipeline route!

DAPL’S new pipeline route!

The ruling class and their military industrial complex have controlled, abused and murdered us. They forced us to submit to their will by using weapons of mass destruction and set out to annihilate us. This reflects their ongoing tactics at Standing Rock. You, our allies, stood with us and stopped a massacre. nia:wen kowa [thank you very much].

The corporate tribal and band councils are based on religious colonial hierarchy and used to destroy us. They carry out the corporation’s program of genocide. Grassroots original people use our minds to try to carry out our original instructions to care for great turtle island. We now have to clean our own houses. jacks-cartoon-052616-1200x901_c

No dogma can be brought among us to institute pacifism and fear. Truth, reality and demand for proof of everything are the natural basis of thinking for everything in creation. kaia’nere:kowa is an interdependent system of relationships of all elements of nature which are equal for those who desire peace and to have a voice.

Colonial visitors and residents require our consent to use our land and resources. We will decide how to share our possessions. The Indian Trust Fund can be used to restore our mother to her natural healthy state. Our people and allies will work collectively.th


The original people shall have all our assets and every inch of our land returned and placed under our care.

The solution to the corporate problem is to remove the shareholder liability clause which would make the shareholders  liable for the crimes of their corporation. This will be the first signal that the peace is beginning to take root. This will end the war problem.

All of the hate groups follow a Masonic model of hierarchy and secrecy. They slither like serpents under society doing nefarious divide and conquer deeds. They must be removed from great turtle island.th-4

No pipelines, bomb trains, no resource thefts anywhere. All transactions, interaction and life will be based on the TRUTH.


Hank Williams sings about what happens when you base a society on lies. As we know, anything based on a lie will always be a lie. No matter how many other lies are used to cover it up. It will always be a lie:”A tongue can accuse and carry bad news. The seeds of distrust it will sow. But unless you’ve made no mistakes in your life, be careful of stones that you throw”.



Standing Rock elders & veterans. http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/

Pipeline fight in Canada getting hot!

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com

Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—











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MNN. Dec. 4, 2016. There will be no pipeline anywhere! When Washington DC saw the overwhelming worldwide support for the Lakota water defenders, the army did not attack.

The last DAPL strategy meeting.

Recent DAPL strategy meeting.

In September President Obama told them to stop constructing the pipeline on Lakota land. The National Guard and the DAPL ignored it. They violated a presidential order. 

One way to get out of Dodge!

One way to get out of Dodge!


The Army Corps of Engineers denied the permit to Dakota Access Pipeline DAPL, which says it will drill anyway and pay the fine. The army, National Guard, North and South Dakota Police, FBI and all US policing agencies have to go after DAPL to obey the order.

Trump: "Those INDIANS made me lose another investment!"

Trump: “Those INDIANS are going to bankrupt me more!”

The war is just starting. The Whitehouse and the Army Corps of Engineers can’t stop the pipeline. Only the people can. The National Guard and police protecting DAPL is a military coup for turning against the federal government by not stopping the pipeline.

The police can be fired and the soldiers can be court marshalled for not following orders.

The USA and army know they are breaking a treaty between nations when they broke the treaty with the Lakota. The US proposed this treaty to stop a war. All onkwe’hon:weh treaties are peace treaties. None are land and natural resource cession treaties. No proof exists that these corporations own any land or natural resources.

The strategists tried to figure out how to go to Standing Rock and finish the Indian problem. Then they could put the pipeline over their dead bodies as they’ve done in the past. All of great turtle island is sacred as our bones are scattered throughout.

"Hold your fire!"

“Hold your fire! It’s over!”

DAPL must now terminate all illegal operations and evacuate all construction sites. All equipment and construction supplies must be removed, and their mess cleaned up. Interfering with the Lakota are criminal and civil offences for which they have to be arrested, charged, tried and punished.

Gen. Gorman to DAPL: "Pretend you're an INDIAN!"

Gen. Gorman to DAPL: “Pretend you’re an INDIAN!”

The army has no authority to tell the Lakota to move from their homeland. DAPL cannot sneak in and finish the pipeline in the dark of night. DAPL is being protected by their company security. The National Guard and Police have to stop them.

The head-on confrontation between the original people and their supporters was against the most warlike imperialistic anti-humanistic force in the history of the world. Their power came through theft of our oil and resources. With this stolen wealth and genocide, they suppressed people worldwide.

Bye-bye DAPL body snatchers.

Bye-bye Lee Hanse and your co-body snatchers.


The kaia’nere:kowa, great peace, directs all the people to unite. They saw the wrongs and found a way to resist by remembering the original instructions.





We aren’t there yet, but here’s a song about the Battle of Little Big Horn:

DAPL permit denied. http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com


Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—





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MNN. Dec. 4, 2016. The goons paint the coming December 5th attack at Standing Rock as a picnic. In effect General Al Gorman of the North Dakota National Guard, said, “You have to let us rape your mother peacefully”. They want to push us off our homeland land if we don’t respect their criminal order from the corporate headquarters.

Stand with the great Sioux Lakota.

Stand with the great Lakota Sioux.

We are not fair game. We are not shootable as provided in the Patriot Act and C-51 in Canada. Law enforcement made a rule they can rape, kill us and disappear us. They want us to run away from our homeland and hide out in the forest like animals. As Malcom X said, “You have to have human rights before civil rights”.

Gen. Al Gorman, ND National Guard, ready for action!

Gen. Gorman, “Someone talk me out of this!” 


The hooligans, as fighters for the corporation, gave themselves the right to hunt us down without ever being punished. The Indian Ring of Power is firmly in control. **

General Gorman: "Don't negotiate, take them by any means".

General Gorman: “Move it. Don’t desert me now.”  








The Glass Steagall Act, created corporate personhood in 1933*. The corporation has declared us outside our own law, kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace of great turtle island. They tried to cut our spiritual tie to mother earth as the true natural people of the land. They cannot disconnect us in any way. No corporation can come in and make laws for the legitimate onkwe’hon:weh, original people.

The vets at Standing Rock are accused of suffering from PTSD which might trigger violence. The military is responsible for creating PTSD. Who’s responsible for his cowardice? His claim is a cover for when they kill their own soldiers. The military industrial complex want to finish this little “INDIAN” problem quickly. The world watches. Our allies are many. Yours are few.

Their computers and intelligence calculate the risk factors. They have already estimated the collateral damage deaths in certain scenarios. They are mainly crying about how much money the corporation is losing.images

This issue cannot be dealt with in their Admiralty courts. Any breach of international treaties does not belong in the US Admiralty court system.

The police state is firmly in place in the United States. The veterans and many other Americans are starting to see this truth themselves. That’s why they are standing with us.

The Washington DC city states makes these laws and enforces them worldwide, directed by the Vatican and controlled by the City of London. All three private, corporate, city states have the exact same shareholders. fb_img_1471012229820

General Gorman was really beating around the bush about their intentions at Standing Rock on December 5, as AC DC sing: “Smiling’ face and laughin’ eyes. But you keep on tellin’ me all those lies. How’d you expect me to believe. Honey I ain’t that naïve. Baby I got my eye on you cause you do all the things I want you to do. Stop your crying’ and dry your tears. I ain’t that wet behind the ears. You can throw me lefts. You can throw me rights. But where was you last night . . . beating around the bush!”

General Gorman & company beating around the bush:



Standing Rock Update http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/

Rapid City hatred for INDIANS.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com


Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—




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MNN. Dec. 3, 2016. What the corporation is teaching in school: Criminalizing Dissent 101.  

“onkwe’hon:weh, original people, are not terrorists! Our mother, rights and future are not for sale! We protect the rights of all!” 

Headmaster of the corporate school for scoundrels!

Headmaster of the corporate school for scoundrels!

On November 15 students and community members closed the “2016 Symposium on Security and Infrastructure Resilience” sponsored by Carleton University in Ottawa and its “Infrastructure Resilience Research Group” (IRRG). It was attended by RCMP, CSIS intelligence agents, judges, defence and private security experts and big energy monopolies. They came together to plan “The Challenges of Dealing with Natural Resource Development Projects and Activism.” 

Panel of experts of nothing but torturing & killing protesters.

Panel of experts of nothing except torturing & killing protesters.

Prosecutors, lawyers, regulators, law enforcement, industry and industry association representatives are being trained in how to use police powers and black ops against protests critical of corporate infrastructure. This program is already being taught to the corporate tribal and band councils and their police.

They discussed threats, relevant legal provisions in the Anti-Terrorism Act [Bill C-51], the criminal code, prosecuting anyone involved in violent acts [or criticism] of critical national infrastructure. They maintain surveillance records of any people who are dissenting corporate laws, by-laws, etc.

The closing panel featured the Dean, a federal court judge [Simon Noel], a former CSIS intelligence service deputy director and a cybersecurity expert.

Critical infrastructure is resource development projects like the Site C Dam, Pacific NorthWest LNG project in British Columbia and the Dakota Access Pipeline in the United States and others.

Rudner: "Understand! We know what's good for you."

Rudner: “We know what’s good for you. Understand!”


The moderator, Carleton “Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus” Martin Rudner, said “domestic extremists” have to be dealt with. He feared “the confrontation three years ago between mig’mag demonstrators [land defenders] and RCMP in New Brunswick over [illegal] proposed shale-gas drilling” and “more militant [critical] elements in the indigenous and environmental communities.” Rudner claimed that Iran MAY be sponsoring “groups that oppose Canadian resource projects”.

The students stated, “IRRG activities are not academic and have no place on university campuses. Political problems require political solutions…”. Differences cannot be resolved “by suppressing Indigenous voices.”

Rudner believes students’ actions are a “violent protest”, and that the exercise of police powers is to “protect Aboriginal people from themselves”!!!

“Critical infrastructure” projects are not critical to the people’s well-being, energy needs or overall health of the economy. They require massive state and private investment and mass destruction of the environment. Police powers will defend the projects, transportation and illegal sale of [onkwe’hon:weh] resources.

"This meeting is called to deal with corporate panic!"

“This meeting is called to deal with corporate panic!”

This oil is being sucked out of mother earth in the west, shipped on bomb trains and pipelines to refineries in the East and South and then shipped overseas. None is staying here, especially the money. The beneficiaries are Big Oil, Big Banks.

"Fearless Justin T. is here to tell us what to do!"

“The bad act of Justin-pipeline-Trudeau never showed up!”

Police power defines people as “terrorists,” “extremists” and “threats to national security.”

The students shut down the event. “Indigenous sovereignty is not terrorism, protestors are not criminals, and activities such as the IRRG Symposium are not welcome at Carleton University.” Students are demanding that Carleton U provide them with a financial report on this event for supporting this criminal meeting. • Carleton Students Oppose University’s Involvement in Criminalizing Dissent

Chuck Berry did the duck walk through all his years in school, as his song proclaims:   “Get up in the morning and out to school, the teacher is teaching the golden rule. American history and practical math, you’re studying hard and hoping to pass. Working your fingers right down to the bone, and the guy behind you won’t leave you alone. Ring, ring goes the bell. The cook in the lunchroom is ready to sell. You’re lucky if you can find a seat. You’re fortunate if you have time to eat. Back in the classroom, open your books. Keep looking up to the teacher, see how mean she looks”.


Canada Military forces to put down protests to pipelines.

Cuban trained doctors head for Standing Rock.

Standing Rock Update  www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com



Carleton students & allies protest militarization of pipeline protests.

Carleton U. students & allies protest militarization of pipeline protests.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com


Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 7, 2015. About five years ago Mr. SOS got in touch with me by email. He was affiliated with a group at McGill University environmental issues and a group of Montreal Island history aficionados. He also worked with kahnawake elders to list Mohawk place names on Montreal Island and surrounding areas.

Recently an issue came up about Turcot Yard, the land south of the escarpment on Upper Lachine Road across the river from Kahnawake. Historically, from Ville St. Pierre to Atwater was a seven mile lake. In 1535 Jacques Cartier came upstream from the kaniatarowano:onwe/St. Lawrence River/river of the Mohawks and landed there at Hochelaga.

French kidnap ongwe'hon:weh to take home.

French kidnap ongwe’hon:weh to take home.

Cartier wrote about his walk along the escarpment and the food the kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks had grown there. Montreal Island was covered with over 50 kanion’ke:haka villages and hundreds of streams, creeks, lakes and ponds. The lakes were filled with life and beech and other nut trees and orchards created food and an unending fresh water supply. The lake was turned into a landfill. St. Pierre, the rail yards, highways and expressways were built on top.



Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohalland.

Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohawk land.

Mr. SOS is 62 years old, very fit, does not eat cooked food. The web does not reveal previous jobs. He has a small pension. He later said he was paying $1000 a month in child support. He claims to be a Jew and part ongwe’hon:weh [cultural appropriation]. His townhouse is cluttered from top to bottom with papers and stuff, like a busy work place, with no place to sit or chat. He has no car and uses a neighbor’s bike.

Mr. SOS’s townhouse is in a housing project at the Whisky Trench road that comes from kahnawake and hooks up to Highway 20, which goes downtown to Montreal. Turcot yard was a rail yard, which is no longer viable. Expressways were built in 1966, which are now falling apart and being taken down. The construction workers found an old French village but decided to continue the construction.

Why don't you stay over tonight?

Why don’t you stay over tonight?

On September 4, 2015 I called Mr. SOS and asked him about it. He talked about the escarpment and the lake, which is all Mohawk land. I had never personally met him. He invited me to his place in Lasalle to look at maps and discuss the history. Though I live 5 minutes away he asked me to stay overnight. I declined. He insisted and made me feel uncomfortable. He invited me to have supper. He picked herbs outside and made a salad. Later he told me he uses his shit and piss to nourish his garden. Yuck!

Once again he insisted I stay overnight. I left. We arranged to meet the following day, Saturday, September 5, to walk on the land in question. I parked on the street. His ‘son’ was inside waiting to meet me and then left. We started walking down the hill by the park. About two minutes later, SOS said he forgot the map and ran back to his house. 20 minutes later he returned with a knapsack on his back. He took my bottle of water and put it in his bag. I kept my car key and cell phone in my bag.

Project telecommunications!

Project telecommunications system!

SOS talked about setting up 100-people communities to share food, responsibilities and profits. He talked about finances, investments and so on. It would take millions. He had $45,000 but had access to lots of money. he told me his family is wealthy. His mother grew up in the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City. His father was a businessman.

It was hot and muggy. We walked along the Lachine Canal to the bridge over to Ville St. Pierre.

I thought he lived in the project for 30 years. But he’s only been there for 5 years. He was evasive about his previous residences other than in BC and Pointe Claire Quebec.

We walked up the main street of St. Pierre to a bridge. SOS said we should go down the right side of the bridge and walk along the road to the old St. Raphael hotel site. There we crossed Highway 20 and got onto the north side of the road to Angrignon Mall. It curved through a huge Turcot Yard construction site with high piles of dirt and rocks. SOS then insisted that we walk through this deserted construction site. He wanted us to cross, climb over the fence and then walk through the rubble. I refused. About 500 ft. further was a busy road going over to the shopping mall, which had traffic lights and a sidewalk. I insisted we go there. missing murdered

I kept asking for water, which he kept withholding. “Let’s find a place, sit down and then drink some water”, he said. I said ‘no’, I want it now! So he had to give it to me.

We walked over the overpass and down the stairs to get to the Lachine Canal though a construction site and some shrubs. In a shack were 3 people who waved to us. We walked by, went through the shrubs to the Canal. We walked and he did not talk much.

Later I called my friend and told her about the event. She said his house in Lasalle might be a communications center; that Lasalle is part of the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis land claim by the Mohawks of kahnawake. Another friends said, “He might be a cop!” His sister said, “He might be a CSIS hit man!” Or an infiltrator? He bicycles over to Kahnawake, makes friends, gets involved with people there in language, arts, and other programs. He has become familiar with the community.

Throughout the 20 kilometer walk I questioned him about his monetary interests, misunderstanding and misinformation about us. He had a nervous laugh. Almost like he was playing nice. Was he working on my untimely disappearance? Another missing ongwe’hon:weh woman!

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

He wants to live by the kaia’nere’kowa. He thinks if somebody commits a murder, they should be forced to live by the Great Peace and to forgive them. I answered, “When we were being murdered, not one of you stood up for us and you still don’t. For murder, the criminal is executed, along with his entire family. This goes for the genocide that continues today by all those who are benefitting, including you, Mr. SOS”.

The next day I got itchy like mosquitoes were biting me all over my body. Did I dodge a bullet? Is Mr. Nice Guy somewhere in our neighborhood? Anyone with a voice and knows how to use it gets targeted. Anyone could turn into an agent anytime.

As Elvis sings, “As the snow flies on a cold and gray Chicago morning, a poor little baby child is born in the ghetto”.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?


Ongwehonweh student expelled for speaking about genocide.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 1, 2015. Military planes and weaponry, monuments to war and RCMP recruiting youth at the  “musical ride” to join them in the killing spree. Their theme is to celebrate the genocidal theft of Canada from the ongwe’hon:weh. In 1929 Mussolini said, “Fascism is a merger of state and corporate power”.

The RCMP "musical ride".

RCMP celebrates Canada Day. 


Anti-terror Bill C51 is the militarization of CSIS, the secret police and the cops, getting set for another Red River massacre or Louis Riel rebellion. Mercenaries are coming in to take us out. History is being rewritten once again. We ongwe’hon:weh from here to the southern tip of ono’ware:geh [land of the natural people] have known all along. The Greeks, Icelanders and some other European nations are beginning to see the corporate illusion and illegitimacy of freedom. We have had the corporate Nazi boot trying to grind our heads into our own soil.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

Today the colonial settlers are celebrating the genocide they are illegally benefiting from for 148 years. In 1867 the colony of Canada got its corporate ISO number from the Vatican. In 1923 Canada applied for membership in the League of Nations. They were disallowed because they were not a country.They are still a colony of England.



It's part of my oath to the CROWN.

It’s part of my oath to the CROWN.

Everyone in the world sees the criminal synthesis called Canada. Canadian settlers drink and celebrate their Canada Day. They have been brainwashed by their education system. Fuhrer Adolph Hiter said: “Give me 3 generations and I’ll change everything through the education system”. General Hermann Goering revealed that their education system drilled the populace for thousands of years to be obedient to the hierarchical rulers. The private schools trained the elite to give the orders and continue the corporate hierarchical system. The Admiralty matrix is all about class and money.


Our Great Peace, struggle and values will break the back of the corporations and the international banks. All war will cease and peace will return.


Who will stand up for us to stop the genocide?

Who will charge the CROWN with genocide?

The CROWN [City of London] is 100% guilty of genocide and must be charged. For a true celebration, the colonial settlers will have to wait until they make all things right with us, the ongwe’hon:weh. Then we can all celebrate together.

Buffy Sainte Marie has a new song, Power in the Blood: “No time for backhanded compliments from television anchormen, desperate for an incident. Real estate assasins exploiting our predicment. Everything depends upon it being in their interests”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com For original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

RCMP musical ride.

biggest con job in world history. Meltdown.

Bill Gates idiocy.

Musical Ride recruiting video.

Roy Rogers quick shooter hat



Star creates heat wave.

Real self-determination at Pikangikum.

MNN. Heil Harper.








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 24, 2015. As the Gestapo said in 1933, “As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally.” Harper’s new anti-terrorist bill C-51 is setting up the secret police of Canada, carrying Canadians into the fast lane onto the road to fascism.

Hey. It was just a game!

Heil CSIS. It was just a game!

The Nazi system is based on the 1933 all-encompassing Gestapo secret police force that was set up with the Enabling Act throughout Germany, under the operational control of the Fuhrer. Politics and intelligence were combined just like the CSIS-RCMP amalgamation.

The Gestapo investigated treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Fuhrer and the Nazi party. They operated without judicial review. Citizens could not sue the state. “Protective custody” was imprisoning people without judicial proceedings. Those who opposed Nazi rule or were “suspected” of being hostile to the State were monitored and could be placed in ‘protective detention’ without legal defense. Arrests, torture, and executions of state enemies were normal ‘in the eyes of the public’.

Gestapo officers were recruited from the police forces and the civil service. They were trained to carry out radicalized and unrestrained violence. V-Men were undercover agents that infiltrated opposition individuals and groups.

Denunciations proved to be the most powerful, ruthless and effective. The persecution network was well coordinated by the Nazi party. 80% of investigations depended on denunciations by citizens, who were often motivated by personal conflicts or support for the Nazi regime. Investigators used blackmail, threats, extortion, sleep deprivation, harassment, torture and planting evidence to convict their targets.

The Nazi terror focused on political opponents, ideological dissenters, gypsies, handicapped persons, homosexuals and Jews.

Canadians will never notice.

Harper: “Oh Ca-na-dah!”

This was how Hitler’s star began to rise. Harper is following this same plan. First he had his Reichstag fire [Ottawa shooting]. Then he announced his Bill C-51 [Enabling Act] to announce his CSIS secret police [Getapo]. From 1933 to 1939 Hitler rearmed Germany by putting everyone to work in the factories building bombs, tanks, planes and bullets to create Germany’s economic miracle.

Know your history, or it will repeat itself. The Germans could have stopped Hitler in 1933. Because they acquiesced to one man’s maniacal rule, 50 million dead! As the great story teller Johnny Cash reminds us to remember our history. “So many time I’ve heard the same old story. Any fool can learn to read between the lines. And this time, honey, you’ve burned all your bridges. You’re ancient history to this heart of mine.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws


This beating at Onondaga Nation in 1997.