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MNN. 13 August 2017. The Caucasians and their followers spread themselves throughout the world onto lands to which they have no natural ties and were uninvited. It was always a disaster. Their plan has always been to dominate everything on the planet. 

Bears and turtles don’t traverse the world and settle in environments that nature did not design them for. Vegetations and animals stay where they belong. Palm trees cannot survive in the Arctic. They would eventually die out. They would have to be replanted in their natural homeland.  

The guiltless destruction by the invaders of land and peoples whose land they occupy attests to their inability to form natural ties and become natural caregivers. Their occupation here was always temporary. Otherwise they would have adopted the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, which is meant for everyone in the world. Recent immigrants can return to their mother and experience true peace.   

The story of the white, red and black serpents tells us they would come here, create war and destruction. Eventually they would leave never to be seen again by the onkweh-hon-weh again. The tail of the white serpent that has broken off will remain with us in the hills to heal. Only total truth can prevail. Fascist matrix and those living a total lie for generations will fade away.  

The world acknowledges that ono-ware-keh, great turtle island, is the land of the true natural people.  

Fascism that violates the great peace does not belong in turtle island or anywhere in the world. Profits from exploitation of our land and resources have always gone back to Europe and paid for their wars.  

Their system of oppression and domination has to be dismantled here as the hateful republic of war threatens a worldwide holocaust. All reminders of the evil that was committed must be taught to everyone. As Kruschev said at the UN, “You people will be destroyed from within”. The system of murder, lies, theft, oppression and domination will be dismantled. The mind control propaganda that the American empire is great never convinced our strong minds. No dictatorship in the world ever stood permanently.  

The values, customs and culture of racism, greed and violence is almost over on turtle island. The shortest lived dictatorship is crumbling.  

Emerson, Lake & Palmer sing about their longing to go home: “Show me the way to go home. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago And it’s gone right to my head. Everywhere I roam, Over land or sea or foam, You can always hear me singing this song, Show me the way to go home”.


Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Show me the Way to go Home 1978


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MNN. Aug. 12, 2017. Caucasian sperm counts have fallen by 60%. They will be infertile in three generations. We remember being told in that we were soon dying out. By 2024 we would be no more or totally assimilated.


Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendant of Indian Affairs, was in charge of the “final solution of the Indian problem”. He said in 1924, “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada”, and to “kill the Indian in the child”. 

Their plan for us was complete extermination through various genocide programs. 



The present concern over low reproduction has lead to expensive fertility services becoming a massive industry to help conception of those who can afford it. 

The universe is protecting us. We are where we’re supposed to be, continuing to follow the original instructions and to survive. 

Nature’s payback for genocide, sterilization, pedophilia and other genocide programs. Men have to take Viagra to get it up. Women are on birth control pills or being sterilized. Lots don’t want children at all. Many native women were sterilized without our knowledge. 


The war on the human body and reproduction meant for us is backfiring. 

Assimilation did not work. The Caucasians have to now mix with people of color to survive. Their offspring will not be white. 

Odd sicknesses were brought here. Extensive healthcare and truckloads of psychiatrists are needed to fix their bodies and minds to help them with the adaptation to the idea of going out of existence. 

We are not susceptible to their diseases like osteoporosis, alzheimers, and their vaccines are causing syndromes, especially on young boys.

North American society is falling apart. Their infertility will eventually wipe them out never to be seen again by us. They will have no descendants. No heirs.

They have debt ridden lives, sit in offices pretending to be working or planning wars and environmental devastation. They build cities over our graves. 

Foreclosures, unemployment, no decent healthcare to keep them alive, no hope, tent cities everywhere, just like the slums they left behind. Vouchers, soup kitchens and food carts feed many.  

The US is rotting from the inside. Corporations are designing sicknesses and food with no nutrition or means of fertilization. Fruits and vegetables have no seeds. Pharmacies sell vitamins and minerals to replace dead food. Their weaknesses as a race requires others to take care of them, and heavy duty infra-structure. They use caretakers, maids, nannies, gardeners and slaves that do everything for them.  

A Mohawk of kanehsatake has a scientific explanation for the low sperm count, “The rich guys wear those tight expensive pants and we wear loose second hand baggy pants we get at the thrift shop”. 

The late Glen Campbell sings about the loneliness of the lights dimming out: “Like a rhinestone cowboy. Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo. Like a rhinestone cowboy.   Getting cards and letters from people I don’t even know. And offers comin’ over the phone”

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MNN. Aug. 10, 2017. When the Caucasian race invaded any country for exploitation, they committed horrendous atrocities. They tried to populate the world by implanting their evil seeds through raping native women to create slaves. 

Caucasian men have lost 60% of their sperm count in the last 45 years, mostly in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. In three generations they will be sterile.

Men of color remain virile and potent. In modern time mostly toxic Caucasian males carry out threats, torture, massacre, bombings and warfare of non-Caucasians to demonstrate their masculinity and compensate for their sterility.

The invaders set out to murder us followed by programs of genocide like making our women barren, kidnapping and torturing our children. Now its vaccines, new diseases and government sterility programs. Bill Gates with the support of the UN set up depopulation clinics in India. He got kicked out and is being sued.

Trump shows off his kids. In mixtures of white with a person of color, the offspring is not accepted as Caucasian. 

Impending sterility of Caucasians could be causing concern to the West. Sperm banks are used to store sperm and provide future fertility. Hitler failed in his attempt to design a perfect Aryan race.

These wheeler dealers and millionaires, trying to run the world, are actually shooting blanks. They’ve massacred people of color throughout history in India, turtle island, South America, Middle East, Africa and Asia. 

Nature has no use for genocidal maniacs. People with inferiority complexes always strive to be in positions of authority. They want to control people of color and to enslave them.

They need victims to get their fix, to satisfy their blood lust. It’s called ‘feeding’, like vampires. They get pleasure out of antagonizing, torturing and harassing. 

Narcisists don’t murder physically but will murder mentally. It’s all a game. They never accept responsibility for their action and never get charged or punished. Killing us satisfied their buzz. Otherwise they would have stopped themselves, like killing Vietnamese for no reason. Their handlers also have low sperm counts.

No children, no future, no hope . . .

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“AMERICAN HOLOLCAUST” Stannard reveals that wherever Europeans or white Americans went, they systemically raped the native women of any country. WHY DOES OUR SOCIETY CELEBRATE SOCIOPATHIC, NARCISSTIC AND TOXIC MASCULINITY standing rock still standing  LOWEST SPERM COUNT IN THE WEST




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MNN. AUGUST 8, 2017. Everybody hates the caged spoiled brat inside the man. Everything is a big business deal based on money. He was more effective when he was fighting little people. Now he’s fighting big people who are circling his wagons, throwing spears and shooting arrows at him. This sociopath deals with it like a brawler. 


He’s out of his league. These invaders want to steal the biggest real estate on earth and cut it up between themselves. The corporate matrix teaches them to be above nature and all life. They decide who lives and who dies. 

Every morning they put on their two faces. They’re angry, disappointed and hurt. The American Tinsel Dream hides their pain, rage and confusion. He’s got the construction worker mentality. He took off his hard hat, put on a three piece suit and pretended he was educated. 

These murderers, rapists and haters constantly apologize but never get punished. They put on their saint’s face but to us they look like dogs that have been whipped.Life is lonely. They always looked the other way when they murdered and robbed us because they’re benefitting. 

He represents those who want to keep killing us and our children by limiting our family size or having no babies at all. Some were killed before conception or taken from us at birth. 

Their secret societies still run the show. We will stand with the kaia-nere-kowa, great peace. Unification is our power. Our free mind and free will is the basis. They fear freedom.  


Their leaders are addicted to power. Control is their high. It’s no place for someone who doesn’t think and just does.  

Their healthcare system cannot cure this sickness. Most of their people are permanently programmed to this fear matrix.  

Paul Anka knows the suffering of being somebody that nobody loves: “I’m just a lonely boy, lonely and blue. I’m all alone with nothin’ to do. I’ve got everything you could think of, But all I want is someone to love”. 


Lonely Boy ( 1959 ) - PAUL ANKA - Lyrics

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Censored News




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“MNN. May 31, 2008. Last November 2007 the Six Nations Confederacy reminded the Mississauga that Toronto sits on part of Haudenosaunee Territory. We refused to give up the 372 square miles of land on Lake Ontario.


In 1787 the British brought in the Mississauga who are Algonquian from northern Ontario and got them to fraudulently sell our land to them. The Mississauga said, “It’s not our land, but we’d be glad to sell it to you!” They accepted L1,700 pounds and signed a blank sheet of paper. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t theirs. 

Now 221 years later Toronto is trying to buy it again because it wasn’t done “right” the first time. Once again, the colonists are trying to buy it from the Algonquian “misclaimers”. The “Toronto Purchase of 1787 & 1805” and an area 12, 944, 400 acres in south and central Ontario known as the “Williams Treaty” of 1923 are part of this shady land deal. . . . 

Read on to get the full picture of the fraud:

Johnston Charles M. “The Valley of the Six Nations”. 1964: P. 47 Mississauga Speaker told Colonel Butler, in effect, we don’t own this land laying between the three lakes but we’d be glad to sell it.

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MNN. JULY 24, 2017.  Breaking news from the White House, now called Alcatraz. “Me, my boys and my cronies are running the show now. I can appointed myself as a judge, and acquit myself by the the snap of my fingers of anything I please. I’m going to twitter a script of a big Broadway show about how wonderful I am.” signed D.T.  

Trump is hypnotizing the public by speaking from both sides of his mouth at the same time. How did he lie his way into the White House? Those who see what evil lurks in the hearts of men say nothing. It’s like Al Capone walking into court, saying to the judge, “Your honour, I pardon myself” and walking out into the street a free man.


The United States has no law. The lunatics are running the asylum. People cheer him on and tell him how fabulous he is and he is going to save the world.

Donald “Quicksilver” Trump wants to be the biggest real estate dealer in the world by attempting to sell great turtle island for trillions. He has convinced the buyers he has eliminated our ownership and he can sell counties, municipalities, reservations and cities. 

We who live on the other side of the teio-hateh, two row wampum, watch from our canoe as the ship is sinking.   

Too many people are asleep at the wheel. Those trying to get into lifeboats will be sucked under the ocean as the ship goes down. From our canoe we will warn them of what’s coming and throw a lifeline. Many would rather listen to a pied piper who is taking all the children that will disappear forever. We are compassionate but no one listens to us.   


Unfortunately many native people have dollar bills being flashed before their eyes which has blinded them. They are being drawn into the same sinkhole that is sucking humanity into the abyss.

We are warning our youth, don’t listen to their calls. Close your ears and eyes to the deception and dishonesty that’s coming from that sinking boat. You are safe with your people. 

The late writer/actor, Sam Shepherd said that deep within the white male is an inferiority, not being a man and always acting out manhood that is usually violent. This sense of failure .. has to do with the made up frontier, of killing the natives who are in the way of this false self image… guilt for having stolen this country by murdering a race of people”. Inborn in these people is a feeling of worthlessness, a great void in their innermost being. The try to fill it with power, money, control and all the things you can get by making yourself greedier and more ruthless than anybody else.

The better man or woman is the one who assists the people in every way. 

P.M. Trudeau, for political gain, demeaned our people by faking a fight with a native man in 2012: “I wanted someone who would be a good foil, and we stumbled upon the scrappy tough guy from an indigenous community. He fit the bill. It was a very nice counterpoint [to me]. I saw it as the right kind of narrative, story to tell”. [Rolling Stone, August 2017].


Sleazy Trudeau is setting an example of how our people will be treated, as a foil to be used to show off their prowess and manhood. Instead of helping that man, he publicly humiliated him before the world. Patrick Brazeau has not retaliated in kind. He was having domestic and addiction problems who should have been aided by multimillionaire rather than beating him to a pulp in public. Our brother put out his hand of friendship.

Lynn Anderson sings about pardoning someone you never promised anything to: “I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine there’s gotta be a little rain sometime. When you take you gotta give so live and let live and let go oh oh oh oh. I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden.”

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Manitoba elections

RIDING FOR THE WATER 2017/07/horse-nation-riding- for-water-lakota.html

SPIRIT RESISTANCE RADIO 2017/07/in-defense-of-water- chairman-frazier.html










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MNN. AUG. 5, 2017. onkwe-hon-weh, the true original people of the earth, are set in stone. Our true nature never changes. We are created to be part of the natural world. Sanity comes from the way the original true people of great turtle island think. Many are seduced by money and power. Those who commit treason will come back to the truth.  


Like the white serpent, Prime Minister Trudeau is crushing the native representative in his cabinet.

The oligarchs and their children are becoming confused. They design various forms of government, fascism, democracy, monarchies, empires, priesthoods, to dominate their people and try to dominate us. They found huge countries, city states, governments, corporations conglomerates, backed by military institutions to create unending wars for control.


We cannot be lured into this one world hierarchical madness. We see they are never satisfied. They are controlled by words and changes every day, wandering from place to place. They are trying to destroy the only source of sanity on the planet. 


The true humans, onkwe-hon-weh, can never be dominated by these dictatorships as it conflicts with creation’s plan. True democracy originated in our minds. The teio-hateh, two row wampum, explains how the white man boards the ship which pulls him in every direction. The onkwe-hon-weh remain in the canoe that we control.  

Sonny and Cher sing about collaboration: “They say our love won’t pay the rent. Before it’s earned, Our money’s all been spent. I guess that’s so, we don’t have a pot, But at least I’m sure Of all the things we got. Babe, I got you babe. I got you babe”.

 Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit TAIOTEKANE




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MNN. 30 Mar. 2015. Prime Minister Harper wants to replace the genocidal Indian Act with tougher corporate rules to kill the natural people of this land. These colonial genocide laws do not legally apply to us, only to your corporate members who vote in your system.

Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel want to legalize genocide so the Vatican cannot be punished for carrying out the biggest genocide in all mankind. These serpents are in the Vatican, City of London and Washington DC. making war on everyone. The Minister of Immigration’s vile rhetoric about attacking Russia is how the murder of our people was discussed and planned in Parliament. Monday night Harper’s government voted to extend the Iraq mission indefinitely and to bomb Syria. UK and EU voted not to. Canada and US are bombing Syria.   superman

Canada is a corporation, a colony of the British Empire, not a legal country. Ia-te-ho-ne-se-ra-ien means they have no footprints on Great Turtle Island. Their ship can only make a small whirlpool. They cannot make a final assault on us with these new rules.

We Ongwe’hon:weh will write the rules after the collapse of Canada. With no Indian Act the Great Peace will apply to every part of Great Turtle Island. We will negotiate with all the colonial settlers so they can become of one mind with us, as we did in 1701. We are the land. They must follow our way or leave.

Canada must implement the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial People.Decolonization Act. Once the Indian Act is gone, everything reverts to us. Over $900 trillion of our stolen funds will be returned from the bankers. All taxes and rent will be turned over to us.



When we told one of our men, the same age as Harper, about his plans for the final solution of the INDIAN problem, he said, “I challenge warrior chief Harper to a bare knuckle fist fight to the death in Parliament so everyone can witness it. Winner takes all!”

The Iroquois Confederacy think those who would try to destroy us cannot do so without bringing about the downfall of the whole earth. The dream is world union under the shade of universal law. Unless Canada sits down quietly under the Tree of Peace with us, they will destroy themselves.

Stephen Harper, Motorhead sings this directly to you: “If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man. You win some, lose some, all the same to me. The pleasure is to play. Makes no difference what your say. I don’t share your greed. The only card I need is the Ace of Spades”.

No. 1: 100 million Ongwe’hon:weh. 15 worst genocides in history.

Minister of Immigration war-mongering:

Canada & US going it alone.

Putin preparing for WW III.

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MNN. 3 Jan. 2015. The National Museum in Ottawa is removing the vast Ongwe’hon:weh exhibit. The new theme for the existence of Canada is based on corporate fiction. Education about us is one page in a history book. We are now being forced to sell ourselves as being incorporated INDIANS or being packed and stored with the rest of the original exhibition. CANADA’s corporate policy towards Ongwe’hon:weh business development is: no jobs except for their INDIAN agents, theft of our economy, starving our businesses by harassing our customers, starving us into submission and a disappeared people has no need or right to lands and resources. This is their business plan.

This is Harper's fake colonial history show.

Harper’s has to fit this turkey into his new corporate colonial history story.

The incorporated INDIANS integrate and assimilate for their own profit, while true Ongwe’hon:weh professionals are driven out of our communities. We are betrayed for that government cheque. They make us give up our languages, culture and very identity, while holding the guns that are turned on us.

Strictly maintained records of bloodlines categorize us as “full”, “half” and “quarter” bloods, to tear our communities apart. Blood quantum legislation is apartheid. Incorporated INDIANS facilitate the policy of racial hatred, following a tradition like that of Hitler’s ”judenrats” [collaborators]. We condemn those who willingly take up this foreign identity? Those who do so “under duress” should remember what our Kaia’nere:kowa allows.

Atleo, Mercredi & Fontaine: "Yipeee. "Now we're helping the pipelines screw our people!"

INDIANS Inc. Atleo, Mercredi & Fontaine: “We got to the top of the corporate INDIAN ladder by pow-wowing our own people! And we got off-shore bank accounts. Ha-ha-ha!”


The incorporated INDIANS, recruited to carry out this oligarchic agenda, finger independent thinkers. They spout pro Ongwe’hon:weh rhetoric at us, like “We oppose what Canada is TRYING to do to our people” [?!]. At the same time they are the front line of the state assassination troops. We are being labeled as “subversives” with no trial or due process. The incorporated INDIANS are part of the white serpent that has us squeezed so tight we can’t breathe, trying to steal our life, breath by breath.

The masters study the traitors thoroughly, what makes them tick, their fears and shame. They are paid well for what they do. In the natural world, the law of karma is, number 1. you will reap what you sow. Their masters tell them, “Keep speaking out of the side of your mouth” and “Keep playing those suckers”. It’s a prostitute/pimp relationship. The traitors among us cannot survive, their actions will reveal who they are. The natural law will prevail. As in the forest, if a bear betrays another bear, there will be only one bear left.

Incorporated INDIAN Chief: "I'm here to defend my people"

Incorporated INDIAN Chief: “I sort of look like an INDIAN!”


The life of the quisling is – scared, vulnerable, doomed, uncertain, paranoid, undeserving. Someone will tell on me! The agent councilors and the agent chiefs go on feeding the flow of information right to the War Room at Indian Affairs of Canada Ink.

“I stand up next to a mountain and i chop it down with the edge of my hand. And I pick up all the pieces, make an island, might even raise a little sand. Cause i’m a voo-doo child.”

Hitler’s Jewish soldiers


Mohawk Nation demands $663 billion from city.

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MNN. Oct. 4, 2014. Two related incidents. The orchestrated attack on selected Mohawks by Canada’s band council of Kahnawake MCK inc.

Corporate band council meetings in Kahnawake.

Corporate band council meetings in Kahnawake.

And an attempted murder of a young driver by the Surete du Quebec SQ. Both are part of the “ordo ab chao” conflict strategy to create fear and confusion in Kahnawake.

Under the eye of the corporate council, certain people were ordered to leave the community. They were deemed to be unqualified under the colonial Indian Act to live here.

The underlying issue appears to be our legitimate demand for the return of 45,000 acres of our land known as the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis. Kahnawake is on this tract which is part of the Iroquois Confederacy territory. Ten non-native municipalities are on this tract which must now be returned. According to the Kaianerekowa, the supreme law of the land, the Mohawks and the Confederacy cannot sell the land, much less accept money. According to international law, a vote, referendum or consensus of all adults is required. In violation of the Two Row Wampum – Guswentha, Canada illegally turned Kahnawake into a reserve without a surrender and a treaty. They are trying to do this in the West now. 

The “legal fiction” is that in 1680 French King Louis XIV gave our land to the Jesuits. In 1762 General Gage of the British military dispossessed them and affirmed the land as that of the Iroquois and our friends and allies.

Nobody wants to meet our o'ien'kwen:ton!

O’ien’kwen:ton! We have a duty to defend our land!

In 1974 Canada could not send the military or RCMP into Kahnawake. The Mohawks were removing non-native people. Lawyer, Gaetan Robert, informed us that Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chretien, had secretly enacted an illegal order in council on November 16, 1974, turning Kahnawake into a reserve. This order cannot be found. The SQ riot squad came in. A battle ensued. They and the white families left. The SQ, RCMP and the military have no legal authority to enter our community known as Kahnawake for any reason.

The Government of Canada Indian council do as they’re told by their real rulers. Other fear tactics are now being used on us.

SQ: "Okay, I see you have your seat belt on!"

SQ: “Okay, you have your seat belt on. So I’ll put my gun away!”

On October 2, 2014 a young man with his two year old daughter was followed by the SQ onto a side road in Kahnawake and pulled over. The driver immediately called the local Indian cops and then put both hands on the dash. The cop yanked the car door open and pointed his loaded gun with his finger on the trigger at him, “Show me your license and registration”. The Mohawk coolly said, “First take your finger off the trigger and point your gun somewhere else”. Local cops and neighbors quickly arrived and diffused the situation. Apparently it was a misunderstanding. The Quebec license bureau had not yet registered his paid up car registration.

As Hank Williams advises, it’s time to fall in love with your Indians again: “Poor old, Kaw-liga, he never got a kiss. Poor old, Kaw-liga, he don’t know what he missed. Is it any wonder that his face is red. Kaw-liga, that poor old wooden head”.  Hank Williams. “Kaw-liga”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

NOTE: Corporation of Canada is a system of bylaws that have the appearance of legality.All acts committed, proceedings taken or things done or suffered under or pursuant to the provisions of the said Order in Council of the 12th July, 1906 (P.C. 1419), are hereby declared to have been valid and effective to all in- tents and purposes as if the said Order in Council had been lawfully made”. All their acts are corporate bylaws, assumed to have the color of law. The corporate system is for the benefit of the shareholders, the bankers. The corporate business plan is to steal all the resources from the earth. Caughnawaga into reserve without consent.

Amending voting.

Kahnawake timeline.