MNN. Oct. 4, 2024. The 2022 Gross National Product of the colony of Canada is $2,139,840.000,000 [trillions] for 2022 which all comes from the land of the murdered Indigenous people of turtle island, most of who lie dead in secret graves in turtle island. The invaders brought nothing here from their land. The number of murders is hidden by the usurpers from Europe and their accomplices. One day national leaders will be prosecuted for war crimes by courts. They are all on our shores uninvited by us. They still have plans to extinguish the rest of our rights. Now we can see why it is the army that runs the Department of Indian Affairs and the war for our land is still ongoing as they pillage all of our natural resources to enrich a few. These criminals who believe they are masterminds must answer for the horror they have carried out and plan to continue to inflict on us. They live off the proceeds of one of the bloodiest regimes in human history. Canada, It’s over.  

No matter how much apologies they give us, it is meaningless. Their “apology program” is somehow to lessen the responsibility of their crime. Canada is a recent invention. 153 years old, a privately owned corporation by the same 13 families that we noticed were running everything on both sides of the fake border they put up on turtle island after the false flag American Revolution. Each municipality of Canada is a private corporation and the trustees are all bankers. Therefore, they own each of the citizens of each municipality outright according to their legalese system. The paupers of Europe stole our lives, possessions and land. Justice will be carried out and there will be punishment for this nightmare that has shackled us.  

The human being has the potential to be good and bad. Many need laws to be half way nice because it is not their nature. But all good and bad still benefitted from the crimes. The wrongs are so calculated, malignant and devastating that the world can no longer ignore it. Only the return of the peace will stop it. We shall have peace on earth and it’s coming soon. The kaianerekowa will punish them for committing the worst horrors ever. They destroyed us with ruthless brutality.  

The genocide is ongoing. The immigrants have in common that they came here to turtle island with the hope of getting rich on stolen Indian land. They all had ambitions to take our land and to murder us. Their military were behind them.

Today they have us all locked on these reservations. We are strong. We will survive as creation intended. 

“Our object is to continue [their disappearance] until there is not a single Indian in Canada”. Duncan Campbell Scott. [Indian Affairs]

We want D.C. Scott’s body exhumed and returned to his homeland in Scotland where he belongs.

Paul Revere & the Raiders reminds us of the recent past raid of our men, women, children and our mother earth: “they took the whole cherokee nation, locked us on this reservation. Took away our way of life . . .”





box 991, kahnawake, quebec Canada J0L 1B0



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MNN. Oct. 21, 2018. For over 50 years this National Film Board documentary film was seen by millions of people around the world. Participants regularly get comments on the blockade of the International Bridge at Akwessne. It is one of the most important milestones in which natives made a definite statement to the world and governments that we have special rights and that the Canada-U.S border does not exist for natives people. The Jay Treaty of 1794 was for the intruders only. The treaty between the British and Americans has withstood many legal challenges by governments in the United States and Canada. It affirms our natural rights as the original peoples of turtle island. 

It is an international treaty between foreign nations with a provision [Article III] respecting our natural freedom and right to live freely on our land where creation placed us without any hindrance. 

All natives benefitted from this action by kanionkehaka/Mohawks who stood at the Customs House on that cold day on December 20, 1968. 

The rotinoshonni’onwe Iroquois have a long history of making such statements to the world. Annually in Niagara Falls the natives have marched across the Niagara River since the 1920s to remind them of our free passage and their borders do not apply to us.

Another history making event was when Paul K. Diabo of kahnawake, an ironworker, was ordered by the American government to be deported to Canada as an alien. The Supreme Court of the United States upheld the rights of natives to cross freely between Canada and the United States without hindrance or molestation. 

In 1968 the world saw a small group of Mohawks and other natives make a declaration that we are not going to allow anyone to interfere with our natural rights.  

This commemoration at Concordia University is a significant event. Everyone is welcome.  

THIS FILM AND OTHERS WILL BE SHOWN: CINEMA POLITICA NETWORK, “YOU ARE ON INDIAN LAND”, 1455 de Maisonneuve, Hall Building, Montreal, Quebec. Monday, Oct. 22nd 2018. Arrive at 6.30 pm. 37 mins. followed by open discussion.


www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.




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MNN. Oct. 13, 2018. ia-ta-tewa-ton-koton. We have not immersed ourselves into the corporate system. We cannot alienate ourselves from our birthright as the true natural people of turtle island. The invaders have no jurisdiction. We never gave them any. Their laws have no effect.


This decision is on laws they have no right to make. This decision by the Supreme Court of Canada affects those who have sold out to the false man-made law called the Indian act. They have no jurisdiction to make the Indian Act. Either way it has no precedent or binding affect on the onkwehonweh. It does not exist for anybody. Those of us who refuse know that no foreign government or corporation applies to us tewatatawi original people. They can’t make any law, thus there is nothing to talk about.  


 The Indian Act “Indians” are citizens of a foreign company set up by the invaders and have lost their onkwehonweh birthright as a result. Canada has no jurisdiction to make a constitution. The corporation of Canada owns nothing. Their committees known as the Indian Act band council do their dirty work for them. The Queen cannot give anybody what does not belong to her. She and her colony have no dominion over us, our land or all life on turtle island. We true natural people never relinquished anything. This case is in a court set up by the invaders to rule upon laws they have no right to make. All their laws and court decisions are made without jurisdiction on turtle island. Every decision they’ve ever made is null and void.  All laws made by the corporation of Canada [Parliament and US counterparts] are null and void.  


The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada invaders does not interfere with us. Only those who willingly help the corporation to administer the genocide program, the pipe line and other devastation on our mother. Eliminating us and our culture is their plan.   

Treaties give no rights. The invaders wanted treaties. We let them stay on our land according to our conditions. They broke them. Their agreement with is us is null and void. They are trespassing and must leave. We have the birthright to turtle island.

How dare the oppressors and their “criminal gang” dictate to us. We are from nature. We are real. They are paper made people. Their corporate laws and court decisions are man made fiction. Their institutions, rules and regulations are fake. New demands are constantly being made to keep their criminal gangs in business. The intruders never deal in good faith. Their own law states that if you take another’s property, you are committing a crime. The statute of limitations never ends. They will be held accountable. 

The court lied to the Mikisew Crees of Alberta. The chief wants to know who he can cry to now! He wants to go back to the same court and stand before the enemy and expect justice. The same court of oppressors will rule against him again. 

The court said the band councils are their boards and committees that have no rights except to do what they are told. They don’t have to consult them. Their job is to help the tyrants swindle their own families. A handful of invaders want to illegally decide the fate of millions of natural people.

They should be consulting with us about how they can follow the kaianerekowa, the only law of turtle island. Their judicial scams are designed to work in favor of the invading predators. A man is born stupid but he doesn’t have to stay that way. 

Alibaba and the 40 thieves [Canada and US] are not sovereign. They don’t have one inch of our land and can never get it. These unlawful occupiers have no right to legislate laws to us. They own the willing members of their band council, national and territorial “Indian” sidekicks who have alienated their birthright. 

The lawless make schemes called laws to steal from us. No man has the right to deny us our birthright which comes from creation. We have a winning hand which paper made corporations cannot defeat. They ignore truth and justice but it will always exist in the natural world.  

When the band council puppets look to the invaders as their authority, they are letting them destroy us, our mother and all life. Like those who helped capture Geronimo, all the traitors will be rounded up and dealt with accordingly.  


Today we don’t have barbed wire fences around us. We have reservation prisons administered by the military who run the colony.  

The lawyers pledge allegiance to the very institutions and rules that oppress us. Their job is to tell us we have no rights. Then they haul us into court to receive more injustice. We are told to believe in something that does not exist in their system, justice and truth. 

We can live on our land until they want it. Sir William Johnson told the King, “Any man that would dare to call the iroquois ‘subjects’ better have a good army at his back, because no sooner would those words be spoken, they would slit his throat, because the Iroquois do not consider themselves subjects of anyone. They are of their own”.

Our teachings, language, genetic memories and the kaianerekowa keep us strong. We are raised to take responsibility for our own actions. We are naturally free and can never be subject to unlawful rules made by the invaders. They never defeated us. They can only ask us how they shall live by the kaianerekowa. If they don’t, they must leave. The onkwehonweh demonstrated their right to be free on the island in 1990:

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.





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MNN. Oct. 10, 2018. Every year the intruders to turtle island celebrate the continuing genocide of the natural people. Christopher Columbus and Thanksgiving go together with the hysterical Black Friday shopping frenzy that breaks out to divert their attention on the annihilation of millions of onkwehonweh, the true natural people. 


Our kids were kidnapped and imprisoned in “Child Elimination Centers” called residential schools. They were kidnapped, tortured and burnt in stoves in the basement. The schools were an extension of the genocide policy which continues today.

A repressive regime of fake people was established that funds and carries out the genocide  operation. 

The invaders made rules on every aspect of our life. We suffered a soul sucking life and death for hundreds of years. Knowledge of our existence was almost totally eradicated by the invaders. These paper made people recruit the Indians to do their dirty work for them. 


The state maintains extensive surveillance on us. We are out in the open on our land trying to survive.

We are nature. We will save each other. The world knows that Canada and the United States are murderers.

We are being held hostage. We are born free and will get our freedom.

The invaders came here to kill and exploit, not in peace. They failed miserably as a species on this planet. They are now masterminding their own extinction. Nature will make difficult decisions to ensure our survival.

A Native American Thanksgiving

by Toni Duncan – Member, Round Valley Tribes


M.I.A. ponders te hon wani shoton in “Born Free”: “Man made power. Stood like a tower higher. Hi’ya hi’ya hello. And the higher you go. You feel lower oh oh. So I was close to the ants. Staying under cover, staying under cover With the nose to the ground.

I found my sound. Got myself an interview tomara. Got myself a jacket for a dollar. And my nails are chipped But I’m eager. And car doesn’t work so I’m stuck here. I don’t wanna live for tomara. I’ll push my luck today. I’ll throw this in ya face when I see ya. I got somethin’ to say. I’ll throw this shit in ya face when I see ya Cause I got somin’ to say. . . . I was born free, born free, I was born free, born free”


www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.



Here come the warriors

 here come the warriors




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MNN. 8 June 2015. The majority of White South Africans take no responsibility for apartheid, though they are the main beneficiaries. Over 40% think apartheid was a good idea, but badly executed. Canada’s “INDIAN reserve” system was the model for the apartheid system. Today the vast majority of South African Blacks are more impoverished, even more since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC hearings in 1996. They can now buy clean water and electricity. A few are wealthy. TRC denied trials of the colonial corporate butchers who committed genocide. Instead they got amnesty. Apartheid-signs

TRC did not address the collective loss of dignity, opportunities, systemic violence, stolen land and resources, denial of education, and the role of corporations that collaborated with and made money from the brutal apartheid regime. Forced removals are deemed to be legal.

In 2008 when TRC started in Canada, the conservatives changed their laws to protect their businesses and their accomplices so they can keep stealing our resources, destroying our environment and removing protection for us. They are trying to renege on their debts and keep illegally occupying us. They want to oppress us by no jobs, no education and no money. We demand total control and profits from our lands and resources, as the agreements between free and sovereign parties would mandate.

If nothing else, the CROWN was found to have committed “cultural genocide”. Those who took part and benefitted or who didn’t actively resist will be charged in an international venue. TRC nailed the whites and their INDIAN helpers, who betrayed us, sold us into slavery, helped murder our children, allowed corporations to torture us and kept it all secret. They’re going to jail.

Many White South Africans glorify their apartheid past. 60% feel that victims of gross human rights violations should not be compensated. For stable development and to maintain social order, detention of political prisoners is necessary. Also whites should have economic control. TRC FAILED.

TRC was a sell out to the CROWN! South African Blacks have no economic power and no ownership in major corporations. Illegal land ownership continues. Well-armed policemen attack and imprison protestors who are fighting bread and butter issues. Strikes abound. Social and health services are denied. Mines and banks have not been nationalized, like in Canada. Violence has skyrocketed. ApartheidCanada

Indian Affairs Minister Valcourt remained seated at that final TRC spectacle in Ottawa. In effect he said, “I am the master. When I call you, you will come in front of me and kneel down.” He tried to maintain the fraud of his power by an old Pavlovian tactic. We see through their lies.

We are not wards of the corporation of Canada. TRC appears to be planning to split our money and resources and control our land with a few of their INDIANS, who will illegally speak for us. We will fight you. In the meantime, pay the ongwe’ho:weh for every plot of land you illegally occupy and everything else you’re stealing and have stolen from us.

The Jews had this stolen art returned to them.

The Jews had this stolen art returned to them.

Jews, who, under duress, signed away their property and suffered a holocaust, have had their property returned or were compensated. We want nothing less than our worthy counterparts. We ask them to demand equality of treatment for their ongwe’hon:weh brothers and sisters. Looted art.

Reconciliation without justice is a continuation of subjugation. The justice sought may take time. It can be found. Sixto Rodrigues sings about the apartheid in South Africa: “Sugar man. Wont you hurry, cause i’m tired of these scenes. For a blue coin, won’t ya bring back all those colors to my dreams”. [Sugar Man].

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Good intentions went wrong.

Susan Linfield. Trading truth for justice.

Truth Commission.

Globe: Canada on brink of reckoning.




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MNN. June 6, 2015. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an incorporated product. Though usually toothless, it will bite its maker. It revealed Canada’s excuse for their practice to erase, disappear and rob us of everything. They are trying to say they are better now and so we must forgive and forget, but no justice. This is how genocide is made legal, eg. Palestine.

It’s an injustice commission offering candies and beads. The obscene dishonesty is proved. Trying to erase us involved violence, threats, forbidding languages, cultural ‘genocide’, rape and murder of women, sexual abuse of children – trying to create a subject people. We refuse to be complicit!

This relationship has been toxic and must be dissolved. We will completely control our sovereignty. We cannot be given back what we never gave away. The corporate criminals see as we do that their day is over, the game is finished, but they’re trying to hide it.

Molten gold couldn’t cure owistah disease.

The most useful part of the TRC insult is that those who would own us must now pull up their pants from around their ankles, put their junk behind their zippers and take their hands out of our children’s shorts, our pockets and our earth, water and air.

Right from the beginning our women saw their sickness. They said, “ia onkweh tikon”, they are not a natural people and should not live among us. The wisdom of their fears for us was all proven.

The residential schools, set up to teach us to be afraid, question ourselves, to cease to believe that we are a people, a nation, with inherent rights and freedom, of value to this earth and its future.

The minister of the corporatization of the INDIANS, Bernard Valcourt, could not stand up with the people who demanded an investigation of the thousands of missing and murdered women.

Valcourt: The women were going to throw vegetables at me!"

Women: “Mr. Valcourt, you can only have what we will give you”. 

His message was “We retain ultimate power. Be afraid. Fear for your women, for your children and yourselves”. But It is the same old smoke and hot air. He has nothing between his ears and nothing in his pants. He and his cohorts have no legal right to keep on masquerading as our master. Stephen Harper and his closed door silence is meant to perpetuate the fraud that they have power, but they have none, and never did. Now they are running scared. For all see finally with proof they don’t even have any moral authority.

We are, as we have always been, a sovereign people, a sovereign nation. We are not going to ask for our birthright. It is ours. We are free. Get out of our house!

The leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.

G20 leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.


As Annie Lennox sang, it’s a brand new day!. “You have taken my existence. You have filled it full of stones
. … Now I need to walk alone. But I won’t be sad. 
I won’t be destroyed. No, I won’t be. 
No I won’t be sad. .. and the word is it’s a brand new day. .. 
I need to walk alone. And the word said, It’s a brand new day.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.co for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Indigenous opt out of Maine legislature.

Child protection.


BARE NAKED EMPIRE [io’nents:toten]



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MNN. June 4, 2015. We can all see they are criminals and they’re all going to the gulag that they built for us. TRC ‘terminator” Murray Sinclair’s recommendations and the Senators passing the anti-ongwe’hon:weh Bill C-51 on the same day is no coincidence. Minister of Indian Affairs Valcourt showed his disrespect for our slain missing murdered women. He refused to stand with everyone else in the room. They all took oaths to the CROWN and Canon Law, which is based on the Pope being God who owns every living thing on this earth.

"Not sure where to go. I'm a Heinz 57!"

“Let’s get ready to move home!”

The earth is everybody’s mother. The only way you can attach yourself to your mother is through the women of your original homeland. Their children who have been away from their original part of the world are lost and cannot find their way home through mother earth hereoin ono’ware:geh.

If you are transplanted to somebody else’s part of the earth, you need to go home and help your children to reconnect to their mother so they can be whole again.  When all people do this the desecration of mother earth will end.

teiohateh is the formula for peace and perpetual co-existance between different peoples. We have been trying since 1701 to teach the Europeans this philosophy. We went to London in 1710 to spread the teiohateh concept to the European monarchs and their people. The monarchs saw they would lose their hierarchical paternal control structure. 65 years later they engineered the first modern day “false flag” war called the American Revolution. They used their army to chop down the actual tree of peace that stood for 3,300 years at Onondaga. The tree was the physical evidence of Dekanawida and the Great Peace. Then the Europeans established the Republic of War, the USA, and set out to annihilate us.

"An island where I can store my money."

“An island where I can store the money.”

teiohateh allowed them to live here under our protection in perpetual peace. It was and still is an experiment to use the good mind. Our goal has always been to achieve peace throughout the world for everyone.

Anyone who sees our land as something to monetize, fractionalize and rationalize has to leave and return to their own land where they will be cured of this ailment. This is the problem on earth today. They ran away from their own mothers.  Like all runaways, they will never find peace until they heal with their mother. Only then can they stop desecrating their mother.

"Goo goo! I want my mommy!

“Mummy, can you put more cream on my sore bum?”

The festering pimple at 6 Nay has started to spread its roots to Ottawa. The only cure for this type of extreme diaper rash is what the immortal Bo Diddley sings: “You gonna be sorry that you left me alone. You’re gonna be sorry. Pack your bags and now you gone. You’re gonna be sorry. Tried everything to get along with you. You’re gonna be sorry. I tried every little thing I knew how to do. You’re gonna be sorry. You don’t love me no mo’ was the reason why you gonna go. Back Home. Go back home.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

"The rats go first!"

“The rats go first!”

Marx: capitalism is over!

American Indians offer amnesty to immigrants.

Bob Rae on reconciliation.





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MNN. June 3, 2015. Judge Murray Sinclair of the private Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inc., reminds us of the Warren Commission on the cover-up of the Kennedy Assassination. You were authorized by our butchers, the CROWN, to complete their goal of getting away with genocide. You made an oath to the Templar Bar in London when you became a bar lawyer.  You are an agent of the CROWN.

Murray, tell me who you didn't get!

Queenie: “Have you got me covered, Murray!” 

Instead of charging the CROWN, you suggest that we all take an oath to our murderers. Should the oath be, “Please don’t murder anymore of our children, Queenie?” You are protecting the large population of settler colonialists who are illegal immigrants on our land. They benefitted the most from this genocide. We are the direct line of the first people of ono’ware:geh, tied to our mother through the women. Foreigners can never have this relationship, as clearly expressed in the teio’ha:the. The incorporated INDIANS have already taken an oath to assist in completing the CROWN’s business plan for total termination by 2024. All your recommendations amount to a grand sweeping of all your colonial dirt under a big royal carpet.

Judge Sinclair, can i have your autograph?

“Oh, it’s Judge Sinclair! Can I have an autograph?”

Their mother is from across the ocean. They will never know peace until they go home. They arrived here sickly. We and our good mother took care of them. Land was set aside where they could live, practice their beliefs and make laws for themselves, until their mother calls them home. When the babysitters are abused, neglected, and their funds withheld, they just won’t babysit anymore. The invaders want to continue to rape and desecrate our mother for the benefit of their pyramidal shareholders. They illegally took over our land using their Admiralty matrix, which is a complete illusion.

Their idea of citizenship within their Admiralty matrix is for them to have complete sovereignty over us. kaia’nereh:kowa, our constitution, the law of the land, won’t allow this.

Early in our relationship, the women saw them as iah onkweh ti and suggested they return to their origins. We saw their mind was dishonest and they were ruthless. We took them into the sanctity of our home and family. We saw their paedophilic ways and knew we could not trust them with our children. To protect them, it was decided they should live apart from us according to the teiohateh. Residential schools are no longer visible. It is now the “missing and murdered women” which has been institutionalized.

Man-made laws and laws of nature are different. All humans, animals, plants and living things have their territory that sustains them. The white man took over the role of mother nature with their corporate Admiralty statute law.

Their genocide continues with economic sanctions against us, criminalization, targeting, denying us use of our lands and interfering with our efforts to support ourselves. “Sorry for murdering and robbing you” means nothing. You can’t fix what you broke. You will not decide the reconciliation for your brutality. You still want total extermination. You criminals will answer for this in a proper international venue.



We don’t want revenge. We want to make a better future for our children. The offer of their fiat currency is their attempt to buy their way out of the crime. Manipulating our minds is over. We cleaned our eyes with the softest skin and ears with the eagle feather. We see their agenda clearly. We call our international partners of the world to apply pressure on the corporation called Canada and hold them accountable for the crime of genocide.

We are a united people who will establish peace by any means necessary. The black wampum is the last offering of peace when we have exhausted all avenues. All animals in nature avoid conflict. Bear, wolf and others will try to run away from a fight. When they are put in a dangerous situation, they will defend themselves. Every living thing on earth has that right to self-preservation.

As George Thorogood suggests about Murray “Terminator” Sinclair, “On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered ‘round. And they gazed in wide wonder at the joy they had found. The head nurse spoke up, said “Leave this one alone”. She could tell right away that I was bad to the bone!” 


Sinclair’s 93 extermination recommendations.

Ask Putin about those wampum belts, Stevie!

Pope is not god.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws





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MNN. Mar. 28, 2014. Hearings into sexual abuse and killings of our children in government death camps called residential schools are ending. The Ongwehonwe need the international community of sovereign nations to assist us in bringing to justice the ‘crown’ criminals exposed by the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” TRC. They and their progeny will never profit from the genocide of our people. The corporate crown will be held accountable for their crimes. 

We are rebuilding our "Otsira", our family, clans, nations, peoples.

We are rebuilding our “Otsira”, the fire of our family, clan, nation, people.

The crown is the international bankers coming from the 13 monarchial bloodlines headquartered in the Vatican. The crown sent their Jesuit murderers to commit the worse crime of genocide against our children. 

"Crown" watering hole at the Vatican.

“Crown” watering hole at the Vatican.

How can this be reconciled? By charging these criminals under the law of the land, Onowaregeh, for murder of our children and theft of our land and possessions. 

Everything these crown bloodline criminals stole from us will be returned. All land listed as “crown land” reverts to the real Ongwehonwe right now! All resource extractions stop right now! All corporate Indians shall stand down now or you will get the black beads! Natural law will balance out everything on Onowaregeh.  

Reconciliation will happen when we take our proper seat at the table of nations. They will not get away with genocide by saying they’re “sorry” or giving us a few dollars from our own ever growing $700 trillion Indian Trust Fund. We are part of every inch of this land.   

The TRC exposed the most heinous crime of the 20th century, the crown murdering our children and our culture. They tried to force their dollar culture on our spiritual culture. They failed. Under our law they and all of their progeny are guilty and will run the gauntlet. Those who leave will be tried under international law. 

is this harperThe crown will not get away with genocide. All agencies, division and corporate structures of the crown will answer to us. Canada failed to make TRC a “whitewash”.  

As Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young sing: “Don’t ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry”. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. “Teach Your Children Well”.

Kevin Annett. “International Criminal Court trial”.  

World Bank whistle blower. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws












MNN. Mar. 3, 2014. The shaking of the ground started by the Tyendinaga Mohawks represents all the frustrations of Indigenous people everywhere: the 900 murdered and missing girls and young women that Canada refuses to investigate, the residential school death camps that murdered over 100,000 children, the continuing medical and social experiments by Nazis on our kids, Canada’s malnutrition experiments and a long list of crimes against humanity by the illegal corporation of Canada. 

Prime Minister Harper, There will be no more murdered sisters!"

“Harper, there will be no more murdered sisters!”

The new Canada Education Act reminds us of Hitler’s plutocratic education statement: “Give me two generations of their children and I’ll have no problem”. We are being taught lies about everything such as that everything must be monetized, that the land can be owned, soon also our air and water and that whoever has the most money makes the rules.  

Mass graves of these children murdered at Canada's residential school death camps.

Mass graves found of children murdered at Canada’s residential school death camps.

Russia was ready to help the Ukraine pay off their IMF International Monetary Fund debt. This threat to the bankers caused the black serpent US/EU/NATO to kick out the elected president and install an EU puppet banker.  

Through deceptive language of legalese they have co-opted all governments worldwide to become corporations. Admiralty Law is based on Canon Law. The recent agreement signed by the Queen of England and Pope Ratzinger protects them from being charged and punished for their crimes.   

The invaders are not naturally attached to the land or the original people. Canada is a foreign corporation injected by the bankers. We have always resisted their presence. The white serpent, the Free Masons, are in every town in Canada. There are 1,240 lodges [560 in Ontario; 118 in Quebec; 54 in Manitoba; 30 in Newfoundland; 114 in Nova Scotia; 51 in New Brunswick; 15 in PEI; 58 in Saskatchewan; l49 in British Columbia; and 141 in Alberta]. Their “religion” is referred to as The Craft. Within the rituals of The Craft, human blood is required. Historically municipal, provincial and federal politicians have always been affiliated with The Lodge. Free Masons do have a “god” who is Lucifer, another word for Satan. Free Mason Whistleblower.

Our missing and murdered girls and young women.

Our missing and murdered girls and young women. Canada refuses to investigate!

To regain our freedom we must drain and eliminate this abcess from our society. We cannot coexist with this evil enterprise.  

We Indigenous are dangerous to them because we constantly advocate liberation of our land and ourselves. The Mohawks are “shaking the earth” by demanding that Parliament starts a real investigation of these murders by March 31, 2014. Canadians need to know which of their representatives are visiting the Masonic lodges. Remaining silent reveals they are members of this cult. They are evil doers who must leave Great Turtle Island.  

As Malcolm X said, “time and the truth are on the side of the oppressed”. Long live the Indigenous people. Soon these serpents will be but a blot on a page in the history book. 

When the Canadian people face this horror within their own communities, it will put an end to the bloodletting:  “Ride of the Valkyries”

“Tyendinaga Mohawks shake ground”

UK Press: “Sex with children doesn’t harm them”.

UK Express article on paedophilia.   

Nation Talk: Murdered Indigenous Women.

BeforeItsNews: Queen & Pope.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws