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MNN. Mar. 30, 2016. tehontie’ronions’kweh are INDIAN actors portraying negative images of onkwe’hon:weh. In the 1880s Buffalo Bill Wild West shows in cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, were wildly popular among white Americans and Europeans. We were paraded around the world as fierce killers without empathy.

The flock!

The flock!


The Wild West portrayed the white men as defending his stolen homestead, fighting off wagon train attacks and robberies by INDIANS, killing bisons, reenacting war battles that never happened, INDIANS attacking and burning down their cabins, scalping and murdering their women and children. It was all fiction. It’s what they did to us. The good guys were cowboys, scouts, military and government agents. The INDIANS and Mexicans were evil.

The flock in Ottawa!

The flock in Ottawa!


The BIA Great Father selected some onkwe’hon:weh to go among the whites “When it best for Indians to leave their reservations, he will grant them permission and notify their Agent.” We onkwe’hon:weh rode, shot, and whooped our way around the arena, slithering in the background to get a pass to leave the concentration camp called the “reservation”. The Agent was the warden.  

Today corporate INDIAN tribal and band councilors and government agents, at the drop of their handler’s hat, will jump into their “INDIAN” costumes to pose with a politician. tsinihatiierha is not us. They are rotinonkwenti’sereh, they are low and crawl like a serpent on their bellies, who won’t expose themselves but we know who they are. In the 1970’s the rotiskenrakete [men] exposed these theatrical treasonous sell-outs.

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

Sitting Bull said of his time with Buffalo Bill that he was sick of the houses, noise, and multitudes of people. In the cities, he saw poor people begging on the streets. He was shocked to realize that the Americans did not take care of people in need. He gave away much of the money he earned to street beggars. What he saw never changed. Today’s corporate INDIANS are fraudulently pocketing what belongs to us. The other term is “Hang around the fort INDIANS’ who are fed and paid off by the white man.

Hollywood continued to portray us as evil warring savages of a vanishing people to justify their theft of our land and genocide of our people.

Today these “Museum INDIANS” are cowards with power. They are the “Step and fetch it” for the white man of the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy, with no regard for the generations to come. There are two kinds of INDIANS, the “House Indians” and the “Field Warriors”.

Obama: "I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!"

Obama: “I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!”

Today in ono’ware:geh the pow wows are the evolution of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show! It’s easy to recognize Buffalo Bill INDIANS today. When they are summoned by their political masters in Ottawa and Washington for photo ops, they dress up like Christmas Trees, with feathers and beads as their decorations.

Will Smith plays a Black Buffalo Bill. When he sings “Once upon a time in the West, madman lost his damn mind in the West. We goin’ straight to the Wild Wild West. When I stroll into the Wild Wild West”.

lyrics: wild wild west.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


being black cartoon




EAGLES The Real Flock

eagles the real flock

Stolen $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund.

How Wolves Change Rivers:


Wild west, Australia Style.




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MNN. Feb. 3, 2016. The corporate government’s business plan is all based upon “murder for money”. The kanion’kehaka are not scared of anything. We know that the only fear is fear itself. Many of our people are on their kill lists. They want to get rid of us and our claims to our land. BountyHunters

Corporate orders were passed giving the colonists the right to kill and behead “INDIANS” so as to take our property.

Beheading and scalping us was carried out on a large scale by Europeans. This practice goes back to ancient Greece, the “cradle of Western Civilization”. Enemies targeted or accused of political crimes or defending their families and themselves were beheaded.

President Lincoln ordered the biggest mass hanging of the Lakota in US history. 1832.

President Lincoln ordered the biggest mass hanging of the Lakota in US history. 1832.

Here on ono’ware:keh all onkwe’hon:weh men, women and children were targeted and killed without having committed a crime. The perception of race through the monied class was all that was needed. The CROWN paid “bounties” [cash payments] for heads brought to them. It encouraged the settlers to do the dirty work of wiping out the onkwe’hon:weh to steal our land.

At first the “owners of the dogs” paid for the heads. The large numbers killed made the load too heavy. Paying for scalps ensured the killing continued.

The first recorded payment for an onkwe’hon:weh scalp was made by Governor Kieft of New Netherlands in the 1600s.

By 1702 Massachusets joined the movement. They offered $60 for each scalp. In 1756 Governor Morris of Pennsylvania in his Declaration of War against the Lenni Lenape [Delaware] offered “130 Pieces of Eight [a type of coin] for the Scalp of Every Male Indian Enemy, above the Age of Twelve Years”, and “50 Pieces of Eight for the Scalp of Every Indian Woman, produced as evidence of their being killed”.

onkwe'hon:weh school murders were common.

onkwe’hon:weh school murders were common.

Massachusetts paid more, 40 pounds for a male scalp, and 20 pounds for scalps of females and children under 12 years old. It was very difficult to tell a man’s scalp from a woman’s, or an adult’s from a child’s – or that of an enemy from a peaceful onkwe’hon:weh. Bounties lead to widespread violence against all male or female, young or old.

... land settlers too!

… and settlers too!

Traditional onkwe’hon:weh conflict never involved wholesale killing. Our traditional leaders were targeted and taken out so they would no longer influence our young.

The sensational stereotyping of onkwe’hon:weh as blood-thirsty savages who beheaded and scalped was used to justify the practice of scalping us. The settlers believed it was proper to kill our families and drive us from our ancestral homes to settle on our lands. This strategy has been exported to Palestine for the Israeli experiment.

Herman’s Hermits sing about one of the most famous head choppers: “I’m Henry the eighth, I am. Henry the eight I am, I am. I got married to the widow net door. She’s been married seven times before.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


Obama’s “kill list”.


Cargo ships abandoned in Mohawk waters.

Gov. leaders going underground!

Canadian genocide.








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MNN. Feb. 2, 2016. Canadian settlers rushed out west in one of the biggest land grabs in world history. They kicked the Metis off their land who were already farming. The Plains nations were starved by killing millions of buffalo. Other victims were herded onto postage sized prisons of grass with second rate agricultural implements, hoping we would die. The Europeans from the slums of Europe were promised free land and to be hewers of wood and drawers of water.

You have no jobs or money, you're sick & desperately need help!

Onkweh’hon:weh: “You have no jobs or money, you’re sick & desperately need help!”

We did not die out! Americans and Canadian settlers now complain that “INDIANS” are lazy. We are not trained to be servants of the empire. We hate to do something that doesn’t reflect who we are. We like to wake up every morning to do something we like. In our reality we have no leader, government, corporation or professor to train us to be subservient to the corporate work force. Everyone is equal to us.

How did the Europeans get kicked out of their homelands? Why weren’t they self- supporting? Why did they want our land? Our water? Everything we have?

May they did not want those lazy people over there either!!

Maybe they did not want those lazy people over there either!!

If Western technology is so great, why do Euro-Americans continually go everywhere scavenging the treasures of people who are modest, conservative and want to live in harmony with their land?

They’d prefer to con everything out of us. Otherwise, they get out their weapons and their hired guns to bully us into submission.voice silence

Now the elites are fencing themselves in so they can’t hear our voices, and make sure we have no say in our future.

To know the future, look at our experience. The invaders took total control of our lives. We could not leave our homes or go to work. Our land and resources were and are still being stolen. Our children were kidnapped and murdered. Our money and natural resources are still being systemically stolen. We were punished for speaking our languages and for trying to conduct business to feed our people. sheeple

Who’s lazy here? The elite have never worked! They make everybody else work for them and then take the profit. The colonial settlers are mental slaves.

We refuse to be lied to, dominated, manipulated, patronized or bullied by anyone. We are not lazy. We will never stop working for our emancipation. Bob Marley said, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds”.

As Deep Purple extols laziness: “You’re lazy. You just stay in bed. You’re lazy. You just stay in bed. You don’t want no money. You don’t want no bread. Well my tryin’, it ain’t done no good. Well my tryin’, it aint done no good. You don’t make no effort, not like you should!” [Lazy]

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Myth of laziness.

RCMP. History of Canadian state violence.

Shale gas collapse nail on US coffin.

Alaska & Hawaii ask UN for recognition.





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MNN. Feb. 1, 2015. Here the colonial population is in decline. US and Canada are known worldwide for helping carry out the biggest holocaust in all humanity. Our rotiksten’ha:sonha, elder’s, see a declining fertility and birth rate among the settlers. Eventually there will be a predominantly onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people, and people of color population. The colonial elite will soon have a shortage of slave labor and loss of tax revenues. They see a need to find someone else’s kids to look after them in their old age.

Banksters spreading western democracy worldwide.

Banksters spreading western democracy worldwide.

Most of the population of the Americas is already onkwe’hon:weh. In places like Saskatchewan, whites are leaving. We are having lots of babies, but not near the numbers we were before the Europeans came. Schools are full of brown faces, even in the cities.

Trudeau just remarked, in effect, “We will always have the natural resources [of the onkwe’hon:weh] to fall back on [to steal] to maintain our corporate economy”.

[As parasites] White elites want to continue to have an easy life. They already live in walled enclaves guarded by troops to make them feel grand. We, the owners and natural people of the land, are kept at a distance. They’re getting old. Middle East folks are invited here to be a cheap work force, to change their sheets, empty their potties, wipe their bums, feed them, etc. Most of these ‘refugees’ are military age males who should be fighting for their own homeland, women and children. missing murdered women

Looks like the Arabs don’t want to serve, bow and scrape to the elites because less than 20 people showed up to settle in Montreal rather than the expected 5,000. They might have heard about the thousands of missing and murdered women that Canada has so far not investigated. Also about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission findings of the Residential School death camps that killed thousands of our children, for which the CROWN has not been charged.

Except for the ruling oligarchy, the trend is towards the browning of North America. Natural blonds with blue eyes are being bred out. Nature favors dark eyes and dark hair.some kind of stupid

In a few decades everyone will be shocked to discover that ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, was once overrun by people with pale faces. Kids will ask, “Did you know that once upon a time there used to be white people living here? What happened to them, istah? Did you ever see one?”

We have a young population. Youngsters are needed to fill vacant positions in the public sector, services, manufacturing, etc. The problem is our low education level, which the oligarchs designed. High education causes us to go on and on about our sovereignty, theft, genocide! They will never completely oppress all of us. All municipalities are essentially run like INDIAN reserves, with all corporate statutes and an advanced police state to enforce their will.

brown baby onkwe’hon:weh women have powerful roles which are yet to come. Burl Ives knows the power of the brown eyes: “Beautiful beautiful brown eyes. Beautiful beautiful brown eyes. Beautiful beautiful brown eyes. I’ll never love blue eyes again.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


Germany: Iraqis mistreated and going home.

swedes avoid probe into sex assaults.

CROWN protects muslim sex attackers.

Iranians capture 13 US soldiers and ISIS terrorist leaders.

FBI faked Oregon shooting.

Next stage of collapse.




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MNN. Nov. 8, 2015.” iakotsia’ton:kota” means “shitting uncontrollably”, describing the inhabitants of Montreal. The immigrants messed up their homelands, jumped on ships and came here to shit in our paradise.

The dirtiest is the Climate Conference Summit.

The dirtiest is the Climate Conference Summit.

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna catherine.mckenna@parl.gc.ca. left for Paris and left instructions to start dumping on Monday, Nov. 9 at midnight! Wars have not worked. Eugenicists are making the following plans.

Treated drinking water in Britain in 1750.

Treated drinking water in Britain in 1850.

Their homelands were unliveable. They arrived here sickly and near death and now the new Minister and Prime Minister Trudeau have gone to Paris for the Climate Conference Summit http://climateparis.org/ UN Agenda 21 is called “sustainable development”. The corporate owners are meeting to discuss Agenda 30 labelled “Climate Change”.

The depopulation agenda will be rolled out in Paris to all corporate entities for implementation  amongst their populace. The goal  is to depopulate 80% of undesirable humans and have the corporate owners decide who lives and who dies.

Montreal's anus.

Montreal’s asshole!

Poisoning our air, land and waters without shame appears to be Canada’s strategy. Everything we drink, eat, wear and touch are being poisoned. Viruses are being created in labs and released to the population without our consent.   UN Climate Change Conference Paris 2015.

The bankers are perpetuating the lie of private property because they are the shareholders of all corporate municipalities worldwide.

When Agenda 30 is implemented in a city like Montreal, it would look something like this: population 1,000,000; undesirables 800,000, who will be culled and weeded out. Agenda 30 is Agenda 21 on steroids. The bankers will now start to make the list of all the undesirables. They want to decide who lives and who dies. They want the killing to start now!

Old Port Beach, Montreal.

Old Port Beach, Montreal.

There is only one rule in a fight, win! The war is not over until the peace is won, as Bob Marley teaches us: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war, me say war.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit http://thahoketoteh.ws

No pollution

Iceland jails 26 bankers for 74 years.

Putin climate & political realist.

CONTACT: “Protectors of the St. Lawrence. Time for change” https://www.facebook.com/The-Protectors-of-the-St-Lawrence-River-Time-For-Change-451363881709850/ and savetheriver@riseup.com.

Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311 maire@ville.montreal.qc.ca; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830 info@mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179 suzanne.fortier@mcgill.ca; Geoff Molson info@canadianclub-montreal.ca 514-398-0333.









Please repost, distribute and donate. nia:wen kowa.

MNN. 7 Nov. 2015. Catherine McKenna, you are the new Environment Canada Minister. Your first decision is whether to let Montreal Mayor dump his o’tah or not into kaniatarowanen’on:we by Monday, November 9th at midnight.

On Oct. 22 we walked together for our river. Join us!

On Oct. 22. We walked together to save our river. Join us!

The trio of scientists advised you to monitor the toxic sludge that goes to the bottom for its effect on the St. Lawrence riverbed to the Gulf and into the Atlantic Ocean and then the world. Going out there are the poopies, toilet paper, tampons, medical hospital refuse, pharmaceutical active drugs like birth control, anti-depressants, etc. and industrial waste like oil, deicing and the sky’s the limit. We want the name of the person in charge of making sure this doesn’t go into the river. This is everyone’s business. They affect all living things. Second, you could hire a tanker to suck it up. Then thirdly the raw sewage could be put through a mobile treatment unit.

Cathy: "Whatever we catch, we should release it!"

Cathy: “If there was a fish to catch, I’d release it!”


The sludge specialist said it all on CTV. Your advisors are lying to you when they say it will have a ‘minimal’ effect. Your website says: “Wastewater is Canada’s biggest source of water pollution. More than 150 billion litres of untreated and under-treated wastewater is dumped into the country’s waterways every year”. CATHERINE, DO NOT ASSAULT CREATION!  DON’T DUMP! CTV interviews real expert on water.

In a speech in July Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledges the law of the land, kaia’nere:kowa by recognizing the teio’ha:teh, the Two Row Wampum. This dumping breaches the treaty. Trudeau affirms Two Row.

***The kohtihon’tia:kwenio are asking everyone to light solidarity fires. Go to crowdfunding campaign to donate and for more info: PROTECT THE RIVER CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN.

Otsirake - everyone has a fire.

Otsirake – everyone has a fire.


Trapt addresses the CROWN on our position: “Back off, I’ll take you on. Headstrong to take on anyone. I know that you are wrong. And this is not where you belong. Where you belong”. [Headstrong].

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit http://thahoketoteh.ws













Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 30 OCT. 2015. The shit problem in Montreal is out of hand. It’s about to poison the land, water, air [pew!], animals and people. The colonial settlers are overwhelmed. Their ancestors left the old country to come to our perfect land because they could no longer live in filth and dirt. They arrived sick and diseased. They are environmentally insensitive, greedy and thoughtless.

When the rotitakeras arrived.

When the rotitakeras arrived.





The ongwe’hon:weh natural people of the land have a solution. The shit can be piped into the drains in Westmount, the village of the “castle dwellers” of Montreal. They are ultimately responsible for this mess.

Summit Circle, Westmount, Montreal, taking care of their shit.

Summit Circle, Westmount, Montreal, taking care of their shit.

The Molsons, McGills and other Family Compact and Chateau Clique members will have to put up with it until the earth goes back to nature.

Or everybody can leave the island of Montreal for three generations and let our mother heal. We were called the “disappearing Iroquois” because we had covered up our o’tah, planted orchards, took down our villages and then left for three generations.

Our mother has to heal and clean up your mess.

Our mother has to heal and clean up your mess.


This idea is alien to the roti’ia’takeras who came from across the sea. Mother nature has the ability to regenerate herself fully without human involvement. The UN talk about “sustainable” development is nonsense. They continue to pollute everywhere. Canadian municipalities preaching this tagline are being mislead by the globalists. They will all have their own shit problem to deal with soon.

The solution is to go somewhere so you cannot pollute the water, the key to the lifeblood of our mother. They don’t care about the children. Even aborted babies are found in their shit. Their total disregard for human life proves they own nothing so they don’t take care of it.

Yep, Molsons, you gouged our land.

Yep, Molsons, you gouged our land.

Finally, tankers could be filled up with their shit and transported back to their homeland.

The bankers think that they have all the money and we will swim in their shit willingly. As Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr show us in this clip of the shit scene from The Magic Christian [1961]:

Thunderclap Newman sings: “Call out the intigator because there’s something in the air. We’ve got to get together sooner or later because the revolution’s here. and you know it’s right. We have got to get it together. We have got to get it together now.”

JOIN THE VIGIL: STOP Montreal Mayor ‘poo-poo’ Coderre from taking a big dump into the kaniataronwanon:onwe at the foot of Mercier Bridge. 
Everyone is welcome to join in solidarity. Needed: food, wood, another tent. Contact Ghost: 514-619-2837; “Protectors of the St. Lawrence. Time for change” https://www.facebook.com/The-Protectors-of-the-St-Lawrence-River-Time-For-Change-451363881709850/ and savetheriver@riseup.com.

Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311 maire@ville.montreal.qc.ca; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830 info@mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179 suzanne.fortier@mcgill.ca; Geoff Molson info@canadianclub-montreal.ca 514-398-0333.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Thunder Bay cops target ongwehonweh.

Canada corporate military plunder of Philippines..

US killings of ongwehonweh.

Russias awesome responsibility. high school-1

Monster Paul Martin advises on ongwehonweh education!





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MNN. Oct. 29, 2015. Animals taught us to respect the natural world. Rotitakeras means they who wreak like o’tah. In the natural world, all animals don’t shit in the river. They bury it in the ground. Even dogs and cats know that shit is supposed to go back into the ground, which filters it and then returns it to nature.

Queenie's shit stinks!

Even Queenie’s shit stinks!

So does Trudeau's!

So does Trudeau’s!




Mayor Coderre: even he can't stand his own shit!

Montreal Mayor Coderre can’t even stand his own shit!

SQ: Theirs is really putrid!

Quebec cops SQ: Theirs really stinks!

When it's over shovel the shit before everyone gets a whiff.

These are the 3  guys that shit on us the most, and they’re rank!

Every animal does not shit or piss in the water they drink. Only man shits in the water and then drinks it.

The Family Compact, Chateau Clique and the bankers have their water bottled on pure mountain top springs and brought to them. They deliberately destroy our water to make us sick and diseased and to die. Its part of the UN depopulation program.

Bob Marley sings of freedom: “Old pirates, yes they rob I. Sold I to the merchant ships. Minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit. But my hand was made strong by the hand of the almighty. We forward in this generation triumphantly. Won’t you help to sing these songs of freedom cause all I ever have redemption songs. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds”.  [Redemption].


JOIN THE VIGIL: STOP Montreal Mayor ‘poo-poo’ Coderre from taking a big dump into the kaniataronwanon:onwe at the foot of Mercier Bridge. 
Everyone is welcome to join in solidarity. Needed: food, wood, another tent. Contact Ghost: 514-619-2837; “Protectors of the St. Lawrence. Time for change” https://www.facebook.com/The-Protectors-of-the-St-Lawrence-River-Time-For-Change-451363881709850/ and savetheriver@riseup.com.

Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311 maire@ville.montreal.qc.ca; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830 info@mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179 suzanne.fortier@mcgill.ca; Geoff Molson info@canadianclub-montreal.ca 514-398-0333.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Wood wide webb.  http://upliftconnect.com/plants-communicate-using-an-internet-of-fungi/

Excellent video on dumping into St. Lawrence.

Border: Crossing the imaginary line.

Akwesasne border troubles?

Video – How corporations run countries:

US Plunder and War

3000 babies in mass grave Chapleau Residential School Ontario.





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MNN. 27 OCT. 2015. Eugenics is the study of the quality of people. Eugenicists want to reproduce those who have more money and are the right race and class. They don’t favor the poor and map out their poverty, diseases, sterilization, murder, imprisonment and demise. Hitler admired the North Americans for their program that eliminated over 100 million ongwe’hon:weh. He sent doctors to study the Canadian eugenics system.

Hitler: The Reich is for blond blue-eyeds.

Hitler: The “Reich” is for blond blue-eyeds.

The objective was to help the wellborn to have strong and healthy people to run their corporations and to dispose of the rest. ongwe’hon:weh women are in danger because they bear the children. The culling of our people is to extort our possessions without resistance. The CROWN designed and built this system.

When I was working in Indian Affairs a secret report was made on the risks of low white birthrate and the increasing ongwe’hon:weh population. The elite are declining in numbers and the poor are increasing. We could read it and had to immediately turn it back in. It was their worst nightmare.

Fertility Clinic - 'This designer baby is no longer fashionable...'

The idea of making more white babies and getting rid of rest started in the US. The wealthy think the world should be populated by their class. US President Theodore Roosevelt was an open proponent of eugenics, that white couples should reproduce and not the others. Prime Minister Trudeau is bringing in 25,000 white Syrians into Canada. More of us are going to be killed or disposed so they can be brought in to replace us. The UK is run by pedophiles and eugenicists who are working for the bankers in the City of London. The private banks own every Canadian corporate municipality. Eugenics is their policy to keep the white Family Compact and Chateau Clique in power.

UN Agenda 21 is the worldwide depopulation program. Six and a half billion are to be culled. [Georgia Guide Stone]. The RCMP officers disposed of the young ongwe’hone:weh woman by slitting her throat, shooting her four times and then dousing her body with bleach. The cops hunted down the witness and tried to kill him. Thousands of ongwe’hon:weh women are missing or murdered. The state refuses to investigate. Police terrorism.

"It was supposed to be whites only!"

“It was supposed to be whites only!”

The state run murder and disposal squad is within the police enforcement run by the military.  Trudeau II and his government by not addressing this issue are complicit. It is run from Indian Affairs in Ottawa. Canada is a police state run on statute corporate bylaws, with no constitutional remedies for the people to check the power of the PMO.

Eugenics creation.

The designer wellborn.

Black Sabbath gets it right in “Children of the Grave”: “Revolution in their minds, the children start to march, against the world they have to live in. Oh! the hate that’s in their hearts. They’re tired of being pushed around and told just what to do. They’ll fight until they’ve won and love comes flowing through. … so you children of the world, listen to what I say. If you want a better place to live in, spread the words today. Show the world that love is still alive, You must be brave. Or you children of today are children of the grave”.


Time Magazine: eugenics alive & well in US [and Canada].

Reimbursement: Icelanders refunded by banksters.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L http://thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws










Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Oct. 21, 2015. Press Conference at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 22. Everyone is welcome to stand together in solidarity at Tim Horton’s at the east end of the community of Kahnawake on Highway 138. The Family Compact & Chateau Clique own the banks that plan to get Montreal to start dumping 8 billion litres of raw sewage into the kaniatarowano:onwe on November 3, 2015. We must demand a permanent commitment to stop the war on creation. A few photos of the peaceful objections that have been launched are posted:

Save the river for our children and rotikonso'tatie.

Save the river for our children and rotikonso’tatie.

Let us try and put our minds together to find a solution that will be good for all our grandchildren.  Contact and give your opinion: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311 maire@ville.montreal.qc.ca; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830 info@mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau justine.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179 suzanne.fortier@mcgill.ca; Geoff Molson info@canadianclub-montreal.ca 514-398-0333 river waterfront

'water' fountain, City Hall Montreal.

‘water’ fountain, City Hall Montreal.

river shade

rivr city hall

CONTACT Facebook: “Protectors of the St. Lawrence. Time for change” https://www.facebook.com/The-Protectors-of-the-St-Lawrence-River-Time-For-Change-451363881709850/ and savetheriver@riseup.com.

David Byrne of Talking Heads could be singing this son directly to Mayor Coderre, “I don’t know why I love you like i do. All the changes you put me through. Take my money, my cigarettes, and i haven’t seen the worst of it yet. I want to know that you’ll tell me, I love to stay. Take me to the river, drop me in the water, dip me in the water. washing me down, washing me down”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Deskaheh’s last speech.

Keshe: free energy technology.