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MNN. Aug. 12, 2016. On August 9, 2016, the World Social Forum opened with a march lead by the onkwe’hon:weh.

mother earth's children lead the march of over 10,000 people in search of world peace.

mother earth’s children of great turtle island lead the march of 15,000 people to establish world peace. 

The land and funds of the rotino’shonni [Iroquois} were used to build McGill University of tsionii’tio’tiakon [Montreal]. The women seized it in 2015. The proposed new name is “kaia’nere:kowa University“, World Peace University.  [Read story and sign petition.]:

Story: PDFDidYouKnow-English.p#160A8EE

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The first World Social Forum happened in 1710 when the five chiefs were sent to London England to initiate world peace. We have a common enemy, the hierarchical banking system that is destroying our mother earth. It violates the original instruction to survive and co-exist with nature.

rotino'shonni:onwe chiefs on world social forum 1710.

rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs on world social forum 1710.

As Michael Jackson sings: “We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day. So let’s start giving. There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.”

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Video on perceived American “exceptionalism”. Americans think they can kill anyone who doesn’t believe in their philosophy.

Ontario Hydro sued for theft.






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MNN. July 30, 2016. Crime and its offshoots are the economic base of corporate America, starting with genocide and theft of our lands and resources. US minds have been readjusted from the natural instinct to survive, to everything being monetized. The rules for the values, life and direction are designed and implemented by the miseducation, religious and mass media system, which are readjustment camps. Americans have “trainers” who give them the core commands. They are told their boss will love them if they do what they’re told. Otherwise they will insult, threaten, punish and even kill them.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

People in key positions in government, backed by the law enforcement and court systems, constantly illustrate how Americans are to act and do. The mind control program is so effective that people are screaming for more. hitler-youth

Like the crime syndicates, enforcers gravitate around the government, incorporating those who are good at beating, killing, collecting money and putting on the muscle to perpetuate the control matrix. They carry out fear, intimidation and the hit if they aren’t obeyed or paid. Their home, bank account, kids, car or anything of value will be taken.

Recently a man robbed a restaurant with a knife. No one resisted. People are conditioned to wait for someone to give them the order to do so. If they injure the robber, they might be charged. Corporate rules and regulations discouraged anyone from getting involved.

Loose lips sink ships.

[Closed minds stop thought crimes].

Guns are being taken away so only the oppressors have them. Resisters can be jailed or shot. Some carry guns behind their car seat. They tell the cops they have a permit to carry it. Millions don’t have permits. Chicago cops took guns from people, then gave them to cops in Detroit, who sold them.

onkwe’hon:weh will stand together. The cops want to know how many warriors and guns we have, to gauge our natural instinct to survive. Americans were not satisfied to kill us one bullet at a time. Gatling guns were used to mow down millions of our men, women and children. 0b4aee4a6d687ca3823de2d3be6e661c

Martial law may be declared without resistance. The US military is being reinforced by UN soldiers from around the world. Provocation is being promoted to start a civil war. Fully armed street gangs outnumber the cops in most major and small cities.

The new world order has plans and programs on how to control and kill people, not to save them. With satellites and computers this organized force can control and eliminate their targets more effectively. Legal remedies to help people are disappearing.

Life is make-believe until we get the command. The “Indian Ring” described how ordinary people were deputized and given the command to mass murder us and take everything we had. spy vs.

Most Americans are conditioned to submit to martial law. Like the pacified Handsome Lake religions in our communities, they are under the illusion that a super hero will save them. We are being taught not to think for ourselves or to use common sense.

Jim Morrison sings about waiting for the command: “Ashen lady, ashen lady, Give up your vows, give up your vows. Save our city, save our city, Right now. … The future’s uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll”. [Roadhouse Blues]

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onkwehonwe’neha natural language of the land

kahehtiio: Achieving rotinonhshonni liberation.

Know your enemy:

CNN/CIA The Big Lie.





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MNN. Aug. 27, 2015. There was no wall to wall coverage of over 150 million ongwehonweh babies, children, youth, women, men and elders being murdered, hacked, burned or worked to death, starved, even eaten, raped and tortured. The CROWN did this to us. The settlers were all in on it. Vester Flanagan is getting his 15 minutes of fame for murdering those two tv employees on camera.

Prime Minister Harper could have said this!

We are reminded through their constant military displays, that the Western Roman Empire is the republic of war that commits genocide on a daily basis with no remorse. Vesper Flanagan learned from them. We ongwe’hon:weh are seen as less than human beings and deliberately forgotten so they can continue to benefit from the genocide they are still committing. The scalp laws have never been repealed. Like all their corporate bylaws, they are brought up when they are needed, i.e. Toronto G20 Summit in 2010. Vesper Flanagan saw his victims as less than human. It was just like the Norridgewoc, Wounded Knee, Sand Creek and thousands of other massacres carried out on our people. The military told them, “Take whatever land you want and kill the INDIANS on it”. Their policy continues.

No tears for us.

No tears for us.

The blacks were released from slavery so they could form regiments called Buffalo Soldiers for the sole purpose of killing the INDIANS. Genocide is how they and their masters got everything they have. The people of the world will finally put an end to genocide when we deal with this issue on ono’ware”geh, Great Turtle Island.

The CROWN’S business plan rewrites history to cover their crime, so they can get away with genocide. The CROWN [Western Roman Empire] seek to commit genocide whenever they need to, but nobody else can. In Canada the Truth and Reconciliation Commission gathered evidence of the CROWN’S absolute guilt for committing “genocide” of our children.dekanawida rt to g.peace

Mainstream media is the ministry of propaganda. Their main job is to promote fear and anger throughout the population as directed by the corporate matrix we are all subjected to. Their secondary job is to rewrite history to cover the genocide committed on ono’ware:geh by the Western Roman Empire. They got away with it so far by never mentioning it in the media.fifteen mins fame

Vesper Flanagan worked in the news so long that he decided to become the news. Frank Zappa’s lyrics capture this story perfectly, which we post in its entirety. [More Trouble Every Day]

Well I’m about to get up sick
From watchin’ my TV
Been checkin’ out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it’s gonna change, my friend
Is anybody’s guess

So I’m watchin’ and I’m waitin’
Hopin’ for the best
Even think I’ll go to prayin’
Every time I hear ’em sayin’
That there’s no way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day

Wednesday I watched the riot. ..
Seen the cops out on the street
Watched ’em throwin’ rocks and stuff
And chokin’ in the heat
Listened to reports
About the whisky passin’ ’round
Seen the smoke and fire
And the market burnin’ down
Watched while everybody
On his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash
And slash and bust and burn

And I’m watchin’ and I’m waitin’
Hopin’ for the best
Even think I’ll go to prayin’
Every time I hear ’em sayin’
That there’s no way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day

Well, you can cool it,
You can heat it. ..
‘Cause, baby, I don’t need it. ..
Take your tv tube and eat it
‘n all that phony stuff on sports
‘n all the unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box
Until my head begin to hurt
From checkin’ out the way
The newsman say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so

And further they assert
That any show they’ll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They will be the first to tell,
Because the boys they got downtown
Are workin’ hard and doin’ swell,
And if anybody gets the news
Before it hits the street,
They say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can’t be beat

And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They’ll send some joker with a Browning
And you’ll see it all complete

So I’m watchin’ and I’m waitin’
Hopin’ for the best
Even think I’ll go to prayin’
Every time I hear ’em sayin’
That there’s no way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day

Hey, you know something people?
I’m not black
But there’s a whole lots a times
I wish I could say I’m not white

Well, I seen the fires burnin’
And the local people turnin’
On the merchants and the shops
Who used to sell their brooms and mops
And every other household item
Watched the mob just turn and bite ’em
And they say it served ’em right
Because a few of them are white,
And it’s the same across the nation
Black and white discrimination
Yellin’ “You can’t understand me!”
‘n all that other jazz they hand me
In the papers and tv and
All that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some nitwit say
He wants to go and do you in
Because the color of your skin
Just don’t appeal to him
(No matter if it’s black or white)
Because he’s out for blood tonight

You know we got to sit around at home
And watch this thing begin
But I bet there won’t be many live
To see it really end
‘Cause the fire in the street
Ain’t like the fire in the heart
And in the eyes of all these people
Don’t you know that this could start
On any street in any town
In any state if any clown
Decides that now’s the time to fight
For some ideal he thinks is right
And if a million more agree
There ain’t no Great Society
As it applies to you and me
Our country isn’t free
And the law refuses to see
If all that you can ever be
Is just a lousy janitor
Unless your uncle owns a store
You know that five in every four
Just won’t amount to nothin’ more
Gonna watch the rats go across the floor
And make up songs about being poor

Blow your harmonica, son!



MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 

Navajo chase MCain.

John Oliver and tele-evangelism.

Eagle attacks drone.

Forgotten Indigenous history.