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MNN. Oct. 20, 2016. NYS District Court of Freddie Scullin [Bones] pulled another dirty corporate “my’trick”. A day after the verdict on October 14, 2016 was in, which let off all the INDIAN Detail mercs for their criminal enterprise at onondaga, all the evidence and exhibits was boxed and sent to the plaintiffs.

I-81 INDIAN Detail think they got away with it!

I-81 INDIAN Detail thinks they got away with it!

Jones, et al v. Parmley, et al, 98CV374 is being appealed and this evidence is suppose to go to the 2nd Circuit Court.

Local Rule 79.1(d) requires that evidence can only be removed after the case is over. They could be tampered with and derail the appeal. The Onondaga 15 plaintiffs were told to not open the boxes.




onondaga 15, whatever you do, don't open the box!

onondaga 15, whatever you do, don’t open the box!

They want to get rid of the clean evidence that Judge Scullin [Bones] kept out of the case. Otherwise they could not have gotten the verdict they wanted to cover up the criminal acts of the I-81 INDIAN Detail.


No, it's Freddie Scullin [Bones].

Freddie Scullin [Bones]. “Get rid of it quick!”

The court demonstrated again that it is a big filthy dirty chimney full of soot, sediment and dust. The court personnel, judges, lawyers and clerks, are the soot that’s accumilted. Anyone taken in there comes out covered in the filth. Don’t wear white when you go to court as you’ll be covered with their smoke and mirrors.



The court is a private corporation for the profit of its shareholders. Their cops book people and create customers. The victims are captured and brought into the Admiralty vessel for processing. The chief pieces of soot figure out all the charges they can lay. Then the victim is given a deal to pay or go to the big fire house for a short or permanent stay or eliminated altogether.

Scullin [Bones]: "My job is to protect the business!"

Scullin [Bones]: “My job is to protect the business!”

The kaia’nere:kowa is the way back to peace and sustainability. Unity, strength, peace.

Midnight Oil asks: “The time has come to say fair is fair. To pay the rent. To pay our share. The time has come, a fact’s a fact. It belongs to them. Let’s give it back. .. How we can dance when our earth is turning. How do we sleep while our beds are burning?”. 



Adam L. Pollock

Angela C. Winfield,

Brittany E. Aungier,

Carol. Rhinehart,


Devin M. Cain,

lkan Abramowitz,

Gabriel M. Nugent, Joanna Gozzi,

Jodi M. Meikin


Robert J. Anello

Terrance J. Hoffman

TimothY P. Mulvey

The jury found the INDIAN Detail innocent of this assault and beating:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit




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MNN. Oct. 18, 2016. The US genocide of our people is not over until the kaia’nere:kowa wins! We will not retreat or surrender. The colonial settlers who do not stand with us are complicit. Corporate rules are created to make them unaccountable for their attempted annihilation of us and creation. The I-81 INDIAN Detail soldiers were tried and found not guilty of a millitary attack of unarmed onkwe’hon:weh on private land during a ceremony. They wore war helmets and carried war equipment. We rotino’shonni are going to hold them accountable. We will continue until they are charged with genocide in the international court.

The moose horn always works!

The moose horn always works!

Just like Oka in 1990, it was a surprise attack on May 18, 1997, of the unarmed men, women, children and elders, by the heavily armed NYS INDIAN Detail. When the attack started everyone yelled to grab the kids and run for our lives. The INDIAN Detail viciously attacked us with their steel tipped bats, boots, arms, pepper spray and every war equipment they had. Our people faced them and were beaten, legs and ribs broken, heads bashed and then arrested. The military did not open fire with gatling guns, though they might have had them ready nearby.

Those onkwe'hon:weh just won't surrender!

Those onkwe’hon:weh just won’t surrender!

The women, kids and elderly made up 75% of the people. The “weak ones” were the target to decimate our community and families.

The onondaga tribal chiefs do not do their own fighting. They want everyone to submit to their corporate rule. Oren Lyons and Ollie Gibson helped send in the NYS INDIAN Detail to beat up and threaten their own people. They made up the “hit list”.

Those who pray to some outside entity to save them are giving their power to the enemy. Speak to our ancestors. Otherwise the enemy wins.

New York State Police George Beach, Dennis Blythe, James Parmley, Robert Haumann and James D. Moynihan planned, supervised and carried out this unprovoked attack. George Beach ordered the soldiers to remove their name tags, that there be, ‘no negotiation, and just take them anyway you can’. The people were circled and everyone was assaulted. No one was supposed to escape. The videos shows no one was on the road. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s decision in 2006 confirmed that the attack was illegal and The INDIAN Detail had no defence and could not plead qualified immunity.

George Beach orders to INDIAN Detail: "Remember to get the right guy!"

George Beach orders INDIAN Detail: “Remember to get the right guy!”

Protocol has now been established to let the army attack anybody with impunity. We could not identify the disguised force. They could have been any mercenary unit brought in to take us out.

The press was at the biggest ceremonial gathering of the rotinono’shonni/Iroquois Confederacy. They made up the story that it was a “protest”.

This attack was a false flag. NYS made up lies that we were trespassing on our own property, that we were on the highway, that we might have a gun and so on. The military and the Indian Ring were in charge of this

If this case stands unchallenged, they would allow, reward and condone unlawful attacks by the military.  The onondaga15 are filing a notice of appeal.

Bruce Springsteen made the same kind of vow about not retreating: “We made a promise… proud brothers, in the stormy night, with a vow to defend. No retreat, baby. No surrender”.

Standing Rock.



Adam L. Pollock

Angela C. Winfield,

Brittany E. Aungier,

Carol. Rhinehart,


Devin M. Cain,

lkan Abramowitz,

Gabriel M. Nugent, Joanna Gozzi,

Jodi M. Meikin


Robert J. Anello

Terrance J. Hoffman

TimothY P. Mulvey

The jury found the INDIAN Detail innocent of this assault and beating:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit

Amy Goodman out.




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MNN. 15, 2016. The following jury summation by one of the victims/plaintiffs was stopped half way through by Judge Frederick Scullin. NYS delayed this trial for almost 20 years.

Freddie Scullin [Bones] instructing the court.

Freddie Scullin [Bones] instructing his court.

 Three lawyers will Appeal the Jury Verdict in Jones, et al v. Parmley, et al to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of all 15 Plaintiffs.

Justice delayed is par for the course.

“We tried to give you evidence of what happened to us on May 18, 1997:

1.The easement issue is false. In Oct. 2005 Justice Sonia Sotomayor of the US Supreme Court for the 2ND Circuit Court explained in Jones v. Parmley that NY Interstate 81 is on the Jones property. The Jones Family gave NYS Dept. of Public Works a limited right to go on their private property to repair the highway. No right was given to the NYS Police. This includes acreage next to the highway on which the Jones house and yard are located. The NYSP I-81 INDIAN Detail was trespassing when they attacked the people on May 18, 1997. [2nd Circuit opinion].consensus

The attempted massacre to get us off a highway on our land which we were not on is not justified. All INDIAN Detail police witnesses at the trial said the plan was to clear the highway. They marched, lined up, came onto the private property towards us, beat us and then arrested us. It is unlawful to attack a peaceful gathering on private property!

2.District Attorney Mulvey said it’s all about money. We are all pro se, without lawyers, because our lawyers [Hoffman, Aniello and the others] dropped us without notice. There were over 100 of us victims, mostly women and children. 125 plus and over 200 Jane and John Does were on the INDIAN Detail who acted as a unit. There are now 54 charged!




3.The attack, beating and arrests were criminal,. It was during the start of the ohenton kariwa tekwen, a sacred ceremony. They busted it up, violating our first amendment rights.

4.NYS Police has no Caucasian, African-American or any other racial profile Detail. Only an I-81 INDIAN Detail. We were singled out as INDIANS.

5.Mulvey demanded we identify our assailants when the INDIAN Detail can’t even identify each other. The INDIAN Detail met at the staging area at the Kmart and the Fire Hall in Nedrow to plan this premediated attack. There was to be no negotiation.

NYS INDIAN Detail two-step to knock out ceremonies on onkwe'hon:weh land.

NYS INDIAN Detail two-step to knock out ceremonies among onkwe’hon:weh people at onondaga.

6.Mostly women and children were sitting around chatting at picnic tables on a nice sunny day. The children were playing nearby.

7.Videos show nobody on the highway then. Cars were slowed down.

8.At the ceremonial fire somebody said they saw cops marching down the highway towards us. We saw no one on the highway. The cops had stopped or slowed down the cars. We saw the military unit marching with riot gear, guns, batons and other war equipment. We felt totally threatened.

9.Most of us were around the ceremonial fire in the field about 150 yards from I-81. The attack was a violation of our inherent rights. The evidence proves we were not protesting. We immediately started looking for our children.

10. We saw the I-81 Indian Detail line up along the highway and silently march towards us. They were wearing military helmets, visors, we couldn’t see their eyes, no name plates and started doing their dirty deed. They started to hit everybody. There was chaos. Everyone was yelling, “Get the kids. They’re going to kill us”.

11.The INDIAN Detail surrounded us. We tried to back away. We never heard any commands that we disperse or that we would be arrested. My granddaughter had been grabbed and thrown into a van or car and driven away. I later found her waiting with other people at a restaurant.

12.Our children were hysterical, screaming and crying as they saw their parents being beaten. They will never forget this. The Indian Detail grabbed two children on Kennedy Road and slammed one of them against a car. They ran for their lives.

I-81 INDIAN Detail: "Just following orders"!

I-81 INDIAN Detail: “Just following orders”!

13.Women were shaking as they hid in the bush hanging on to their babies.

14. Why didn’t Beach and Parmley meet with us to politely ask, “Please don’t go on the road”. One squad car parked on the side of the highway would have been enough.

15.The Indian Detail was staged at the Fire Hall and Kmart. Over 75 victims are not here today. Some have passed away. This premeditated attack was based on surprise ambush tactics. One witness said that BIA tribal chiefs Oren Lyons and Ollie Gibson were at the fire hall during the planning of the attack. This indicates their complicity.

16.The Indian Detail wore no nameplates. [NYSP Supt.] George Beach went around the Fire Hall and ordered them to remove them so no one could identify them. As soon as they removed their badges, they all knew they were breaking the law.

Cops hard at work.

Cops hard at work.

17.Everyone has a right to defend themselves against illegal assault by outside forces.

18.Dennis Blythe, the special investigator, met regularly for 12 years with the tribal chiefs at Orchard Valley golf club and sat in the longhouse with them. Setting up the Indian Detail racial profile means he, Parmley and Beach knew such ceremonies are part of our culture. Their attack is an act of genocide to eliminate part of a racial group. Gibson told the Indian Detail to “arrest everyone”.

19. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. The First amendment provides that the cops have a duty to protect everyone’s right to have a ceremony, to assemble peacefully and to speak freely.

20. No one ever told us that we had done anything wrong.  Budgie and Stone Horse both told the commanders that we were not going on the highway and that it was a peaceful gathering that had started on May 8th, which the cops were monitoring. All charges against us were dropped immediately.  hqdefault

21. I-81 Indian Detail worked as a unit and committed criminal assaults together. They should all be convicted. Everything happened to all of us.

22. Our limited evidence was not disputed nor denied. The Indian Detail said they did not remember very much. They never told us our rights. They had no dispersal plan. There was no dialogue with us. The metal tipped baton is a deadly weapon. In the Nuremburg Trial it was confirmed that “I was following orders” is not a defence. Those in cars and paddy wagons, out of sight, in the offices all played a role.

23. We were terrorized. Mr. Bucktooth was beaten by at least six cops near the ceremonial fire for holding a eagle feather fan. The medicine woman was sitting there when Trooper Smith picked her up with his baton. The handicapped child in the body cast was knocked over and trampled. There was no legal reason to touch any of us, to handcuff us, to rough us up, to push the women or anybody or pull babies out of their seats from the cars and throw them on the ground, to arrest an 11-year old girl and cuff her to a chair for hours at the Police station, or to knock a 6 months pregnant woman on her stomach to the ground and handcuff her behind her back.


Whose peers?

Who are their peers?

24. The jury found the NYS I-81 INDIAN Detail not guilty.

25. Judge Scullin did not allow us to question each juror that was selected or to have our rightful say throughout the trial.

As Bobby Bare points out in his song “The Winner” as he sings to Judge Scullin [Bones]: “Now, you remind me a lot of my younger days, with your knuckles a’clenchin white. But, boy, I’m gonna sit right here and sip this beer all night. And if there’s somethin that you gotta gain or prove by winning some silly fight, well, okay, i quit, i lose, you’re the winner. So i stumbled from that barroom, not so tall and no so proud. Behind meIi still hear the hoots of laughter from the crowd. But my eyes still see and my nose still works and my teeth are all still in my mouth. And you know, I guess, that makes me the winner!”




Adam L. Pollock

Angela C. Winfield,

Brittany E. Aungier,

Carol. Rhinehart,


Devin M. Cain,

lkan Abramowitz,

Gabriel M. Nugent, Joanna Gozzi,

Jodi M. Meikin


Robert J. Anello

Terrance J. Hoffman

TimothY P. Mulvey

The jury found the INDIAN Detail innocent of this assault and beating:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. Oct. 13, 2016. The US District Court of NY has proven that we onkwe’hon:weh cannot get a fair trial on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. The jury ruled that the 51 NYS I-81 INDIAN Detail had a right to brutally attack over 100 men, women and children on May 18, 1997, without punishment. The people were conducting a thanksgiving ceremony on the Jones private property. This police state precedent must not be allowed to stand. This judgment will be appealed.  policestate1

Judge Frederick Scullin kept out crucial evidence of the pro se victims/the “onondaga 15”, he cross-examined and answered for the cops, selected the jury, most of whom worked for NYS entities, gave the victims 5 minutes for their opening statements and 5 minutes for their closing summation, while badgering and interrupting them throughout. Scullin did not allow any of the plaintiffs to present their case.

We remember!

We remember!

The trial came after an almost 20 year delay. Judge Scullin made many errors, such as:

1.Violations of Due Process of Law [5th and 14th Amendments], and violations of a right to a trial [7th amendment] by an impartial, neutral, and unbiased jury, and freedom of speech [1st amendment].

2. Racial profiling: NYS set up the para-military INDIAN Detail, the ultimate in systemic racial profiling. They did not create an “Italian Detail” or “Black Detail” or “White Detail”. Only those troopers who could actually be identified by Plaintiffs could be implicated in the attack, though each INDIAN Detail member is responsible.

"Your honour, I must protest this is tampering with the jury!"

“Your honour, I must protest this is tampering with the jury!”

3. Keeping out crucial evidence against the cops such as police videos and a 2005 decision of Justice Sonia Sotomayor of the US Supreme Court on Jones v. Parmley 98CV374.

4. Lawyers dropped Plaintiffs after 18 years, leaving them without lawyers.

5. “Punitive damages” were not to be considered by the jury for the INDIAN Detail defendants.

6. Plaintiffs were suddenly dismissed without notice [Shawn Jones, Nadine Bucktooth, and Robert Bucktooth III], who were young children at the time of the attack.

7. Dead Plaintiffs were struck from the record without Estate authorization.

Supt. George Beach: "Take off your nameplates".

Supt. George Beach: “Take off your nameplates”.

8. Name badges were removed by order of NYSP Supt. George Beach so victims could not identify them during the horrific attack. Cops had identical interrogatory answers and sworn evidence they forgot.

9. “Appeal my rulings” Scullin told the plaintiffs if they objected to his unexplained rulings.

10. Cross examined defendants and often answered for them.

11. Only one plaintiff was allowed to question witnesses though all had a right to do so.

12. Orders were to clear, arrest and mercilessly beat the onkwe’hon:weh on the “easement” by the side of I-81, which is part of the Jones property. “Don’t talk to anyone and take them anyway you can”. No negotiations! No orders! Get them off their property.

13. Justice Sotomayor of the US Supreme Court clarified in her 2009 judgment for the Second Circuit that the cops could not use “qualified immunity” as a defence. They are all responsible. “Andrew Jones … gave a non-exclusive and limited easement to the New York Department of Public Works to work on the 1-81 road that he also owned.” Judge Scullin refused to put this relevant case law in the case or jury instructions. In fact, the INDIAN Detail trespassed on the Jones private property to carry out the attack, according to Sotomayor.

14. Scullin overruled plaintiffs’ objections without explaining why. He sustained most of Defence Attorney Tim Mulvey’s objections.

15. Scullin instructed the jury without allowing plaintiffs to comment

16. Robert Bucktooth beating. One cop testified the six cops almost beat him to death with a steel tipped baton 55 times “for his own safety”.

"How am I supposed to know whether I'm guilty or not? - I'm a sociopath!"

17. Cameraman roughed up. James Parmley arrested him for disobeying police order not to film, indicating a cover-up of their illegal horrific assaults.

18. Plaintiffs never blocked the road. Police slowed traffic for construction. The people were conducting the ohenton kariwa tekwen ceremony, giving thanks to creation. Scullin rejected this inherent ceremony as defined by the 1st amendment.

19. Video audio excluded in trial that included “get him”, “commence arrest”, “kick ass” and the screams, crying and chaos of the hysterical children and women during the attack, who were 75% of the victims.

20. Plaintiff RJ complained he could not get a fair hearing and wanted to appeal. Scullin ordered over a dozen marshals to escort him from the Courtroom. RJ later informed Scullin that one marshal pushed him along and another called him a “savage.” Scullin suggested it did not happen.

Tribal chiefs: "Personally, I could never go back to wearing sheets".

Tribal chiefs: “Personally, I could never go back to sheets now”.

21. Onondaga tribal chiefs Oren Lyons, Ollie Gibson and others permitted the attack of their own people. Subpoenas to question them were improperly quashed on illegal sovereign immunity claims, as they are part of US and NYS laws.

22. No order to negotiate or disperse was given. Peaceful assembly and ceremonial fire started on May 8, 1997 until May 21. Justice Sotomayor said there was no place to disperse on private property. It was an unlawful attack.

23. Illegal taxation issue. The gathering and feast was to be followed by a peaceful discussion on the proposed illegal taxation of all onkwe’hon:weh communities by an illegal agreement between the onondaga tribal chiefs and NYS.

24. Arrests without any probable cause. One cop testified he “assumed” he could arrest! Andrew Jones has a right to have relatives and friends use his property peaceably. The police were the trespassers. larryville-blue-the-officers-career-progression-by-les-lethal

25. Special Investigator Salvatore Volvo. Parmley & Beach stopped him from reporting that police acted unlawfully. Scullin would not let him be a witness.

26. Trial transcript. Every word spoken in the Courtroom must be transcribed and made available to the public.

27.Plaintiffs were bullied and threatened with being dismissed from the case for objecting to his rulings and asking for explanations.

All were affected by the unwarranted police attack and beating. Many still suffer extreme mental anguish and physical damages. This is a bad judgment. It will be appealed. thahoketoteh.

As Stompin Tom Connors sings about the delay in justice that the “onondaga 15” are still dealing with: “When I was a lad, I was really bad, it wasn’t smart to be good. I beat up my dog, choked my frog, and acted just as mean as I could. I hit all the girls, and put gum in their curls, cause I like to hear them cry and plead. I’d punch the little boys and steal all their toys cause I knew they weren’t smarter than me. They call me Ben, here in the pen. where you take the guff and you suffer. But I’ll be free when i’m 53, and I bet I’ll be a whole lot tougher, I hope I’ll be a whole lot tougher. Oh, what’s the use, I guess I’m not a very good bluffer”. 


NYS verdict is that the INDIAN Detail can commit a crime without penalty:


Jones III v Parmley, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, 2005, Justice Sodamayor


Adam L. Pollock

Angela C. Winfield,

Brittany E. Aungier,

Carol. Rhinehart,


Devin M. Cain,

lkan Abramowitz,

Gabriel M. Nugent, Joanna Gozzi,

Jodi M. Meikin


Robert J. Anello

Terrance J. Hoffman

TimothY P. Mulvey

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. 7. 2016. “Onondaga 15” has laid to rest the case of Jones v. Parmley so the jury can deliberate. The ‘team’ goes back to court on October 11, 2016, Tuesday, 9.30 am.

You're kidding? "I was following orders", didn't work?

NYS I-81 INDIAN Detail: “Hey! I was following orders”. 

Support would be appreciated. [Room 6, 12th Floor, 100 South Clinton St. Syracuse, 9.30 am.] 

Freddie, Teddie, Joe & Tiny Tim end another day at 'don't-show-don't-tell' court.

New York State enforcers Freddie, Teddie, Joe & Tiny Tim end another grueling ‘won’t-show-won’t-tell’ court day.

Will it be the “Onondaga 15” or the I-81 INDIAN Detail?

INDIAN Detail ordered to take down the sacred celebration at Onondaga.

INDIAN Detail ordered to take down thanksgiving ceremony at Onondaga.


October 10, Scullin gave everybody the day off to celebrate Columbus Day. The beginning of the ongoing genocide started in 1492. th-1October 31: Halloween is “trick or treat” day when people try to disguise their shame. Like the I-81 INDIAN Detail disguised themselves and took their name tags off to brutally attack men, women and children during a thanksgiving sacred ceremony.  thahoketoteh.

Scullin [Bones] and the crew would probably like to follow the Grateful Dead to get away from Jones v. Parmley: “I ran down to the levee, But the Devil caught me there. He took my twenty dollar bill, And he vanished in the air”…[Friend of the Devil]. 

Grateful Dead - Friend of The Devil






Adam L. Pollock

Angela C. Winfield,

Brittany E. Aungier,

Carol. Rhinehart,


Devin M. Cain,

lkan Abramowitz,

Gabriel M. Nugent, Joanna Gozzi,

Jodi M. Meikin


Robert J. Anello

Terrance J. Hoffman

TimothY P. Mulvey

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. July 16, 2016. Only we onkwe’hon:weh were placed here by creation. The private corporation being set up by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. MCA and the City of Cornwall with the help of astronaut Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, is a fraud. They are secretly trying to set up private tax-free zones in our communities and on our islands, with resorts, seaports, landing strips, manufacture and distribution centers and classy communities for their imported staff. We will be removed.sending back immigrasnts


Our mother earth created us as free people. We are fed up with these greedy good-for-nothings! They tried to kill us off. One minute they commit genocide and then go home and play with their kids! We once had everything we needed. Now we are way down on the economic and social totem pole. ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, is a mess. They have to clean up our waters, land, air and people. commie 1_1280They even want us to pay them for what’s ours, and work for them for nothing. These corporate racketeers must go.

They should take with them those INDIANS who help them carry out the genocide. We see these sour pusses every day in our communities.

There are cheap flights back to their original countries. They have to pay their debt to us and fix up our environment. Our Indian Trust Fund has to be returned to us and replenished.

Everyone else is an illegal immigrant. In the new zones any ships that enter ono’ware:keh are in our waters and come under our jurisdiction. The same goes for the airspace. The shiploads of immigrant slave labor have to go through our onkwe’hon:weh immigration system based on the kaia’nere:kowa. Our foreign policy is based on the great peace.

onkwe’hon:weh pretenders have to show us their lineage, speak onkwe’hon:weh’neha, and follow the kaia’nere:kowa. Otherwise they have no business here.

Everyone needs a permit from us to enter our lands and stay. All papers, licenses, birth certificates, permits etc. have to be sanctioned by us.tumblr_o52gpd3jq31t25nveo1_500

They must leave so that nature can clean up their mess and put our land back into balance. Customarily lands are abandoned for at least 50 to hundreds of years.

Our banks will sanction our own financial system.

All business ventures will be governed by the kaia’nere:kowa, great law of peace, and conducted in the onkwe’hon’weh’keha languages. No foreign languages will be spoken on ono-ware:keh. Every foreign place name will be replaced by its original onkwe’hon:weh name. All visitors have to speak to us through interpreters.

Why does the corporate matrix glorify war? Warmongers have to go.

No more mind control or slavery based brainwashing.

Those sincerely wishing to live under the great law of peace may take refuge according to our conditions or leave. a4ac948b4c84cd9f4e8d60c2bd1e89f8

They will take their house Indians with them. Only field warriors will remain.

The late John Denver sings about learning the true history of our people which everybody must know: [trails of tears] “On the streets of Rapid City. On the road to Wounded Knee, There is whiskey for forgetting everything. But the old ones say there may be time learning from each other, The way that it had once been meant to be”. 

This polish guy knows


Cops targeted.

EU faschism

Why Britain joined EU



ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$150] without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731


Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





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MNN. July 13, 2016. Canada is handing over harbors on onkwe’hon:weh land to foreign corporations they are setting up. They will retain our tax-free rights for the benefit of these foreigners. The corporations will fail and the bankers will grab the harbor facilities across Canada. The Chinese have already tried to buy kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk islands in the St. Lawrence River for distribution and manufacturing centers and to situate their population. This invasion was stopped by the Akwesasne onkwe’hon:weh.

Chinese boot camp on St. Lawrence River.

Chinese maneuvers on rotino’shonni land? 

Canada has outstanding land settlements to make to rotino’shonni, Iroquois, for territories known as “The Thousand Islands” and in particular the islands between Akwesasne and Kahnawake, plus the North Shore of the kaniatarawano’onweh, including the city of Cornwall. Canada is offering $240 million for us to purchase our land from white settlers, should they agree to sell our land to us! They want us to use the banker imposed money system to buy back the land they stole from us, just like the Seigneury, Kanekota and so on.

A secret agreement was signed to create a joint corporation between the city of Cornwall and the illegally imposed Mohawk Band Council of Akwesasne Inc. on April 15, 2016. They are both sub-corporations of the corporation of Canada. It violates the onkwe’hon:weh inherent original instructions that we cannot surrender or monetize lands belonging to the future generations.

This watershed is kaia'nere:kowa great law land.

This watershed is kaia’nere:kowa great law land.

The signers are: Abram Benedict and Heather Philips, in violation of kaia’nere:kowa and the many unhonored standing agreements, representing the Mohawk Band Council Inc. and Leslie O’Shaughnessy and Helen Finn for the City of Cornwall Inc. Canada was represented by former astronaut, Marc Garneau, the Minister of Transport. It involves large sections of waterfront lands, including the port facilities on the kaniatarawano’onweh [St. Lawence River]. The kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] communities on kan’ien:keh were never informed nor consulted. The tekentiokwanhoxta is the circle of 49 families, and our friends and allies throughout great turtle island, who preside over all of our land. We must all be fully informed and consent on all matters concerning our land and waters.

Please read the attached treasonous agreement.  MCA- Cornwall July 2016

We were never defeated in a legal war. We never sold our land. US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, dislikes the onk’weh:honwe over the demise of his casino racket across the US. He threatens to sidestep the law by exercising eminent domain against INDIANS by expropriating our land for his purposes. He openly says, “The INDIANS are not sovereign”.gator3074.hostgator-2

Trump visited the Kahnawake pow wow recently so that a medicine man could fixed his lifelong back problem, which he did. He then called down the Mohawk ironworkers in New York City yelling at them that, “You are nothing but a bunch of high paid laborers!”

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

The progenitors of the soil have the duty to take a stand.

All of our people on great turtle island have a covenant relationship going back thousands of years with all our people. We are now calling them to revive those covenants between us. Getting rid of the band councillors was put in the well 30 years ago! Time to pull out the issue and deal with it.

As Johnny Horton sings: “We looked down the river and we see’d the British come. There must have been a hundred of them beating on the drum. They stepped so nigh and they made their bugles ring. We stood behind our cotton bales and didn’t say a thing. We fired our guns and the British kept a’coming. There wasn’t near as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to running. On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Hut, hut, three, four, sound off, three, four, hut, hut!”.


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Corpo Chiefs at it again. so this is what it’s about

Training to kill.



Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence,

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





Please post & distribute.

MNN. July, 7, 2016. Corporate band and tribal council systems are set up by Canada and US to bypass our inherent traditional peoples. These councils have to implement the theft regulated by the state, province and federal governments that created them. In rotino’shonni they deal with those councils that follow Christian religious doctrines, like the Handsome Lake Code.

What the hey! They're on our land!"

“What the hey! Get em off all our land!”

Regarding hydro, some corporate band councils make agreements to collect the bill from us and maybe even get a cut of it. Our natural resources are used to create power. Hydro poles are installed in our territory. Our fishing and use of our pure water is hindered to run their economy. Then we are forced to pay for the use of our own resources and power. knowledge

Prices are jacked up so we can’t pay. Smart meters are installed to cut off power at the flick of a switch. Hydro ‘scissorhand” agents are sent in to extort money from us or risk cutting off our power or not turning it back on. Then they attempt to charge us for hooking it back up!

Every onkwe’hon:weh is entitled to free power. We are guaranteed from our original agreements and teio’hateh to never be robbed on our own land.

The following are the kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks symbols of our original families of ono’ware:keh, the true natural people of the land placed here by our mother earth. This is who we are! No foreigner can come here and tell us anything! Canada signing of the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people means, “Get off our territory. Take all your wires, poles and every other imposition. They are unlawful on rotino’shonni land!” mohawk family symbols canada

Bruce Springsteen sings about being cut off and put in the dark: “You can’t start a fire
You can’t start a fire without a spark. This gun’s for hire. Even if we’re just dancing in the dark.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. Nobody explains where it went. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Native Lives Matter Too

murder by numbers


Michel Morin, Coor. Rel. Amerindiennes, HYDRO-QUEBEC, 2805 Boul. Mgr. Langlois, Valleyfield, Quebec. 1-866-268-9484 ext. 8512.

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234







Please post & distribute.

June 26, 2016. Watch this video first.

Once everything reverts to our natural languages and ways, the corporate matrix imposed on us will be gone. Our visitors will have to learn our language to communicate and live our natural ways. We have over 30 million colonial settlers in Canada who are not natural to this part of our mother earth. They will have to be unplugged from the matrix.

Happy onkwe'hon:weh kids!

Happy onkwe’hon:weh kids!


Justin Trudeau will be the last prime minister of Canada, an ancient useless relic. The parliamentary system is nothing more than an illusion of freedom. By the time the next election comes around, it will be over. Their whole neo-colonial play will end. morpheusandneo

Their ancestors came in search of freedom from their masters in Europe.  crazy horse-1

They found out everyone is a slave to the banker. We are the only species who have to pay money to live on earth.  babylon

Fake foreign place names will revert to the original onkwe’hon:weh names that our mother earth naturally answers to. The corporation of Canada has a British language, stolen land and an artificial culture of which the bankers are the gatekeepers.

The politicians are agents of the bankers, No one gets out of the matrix if the bankers have their way.

The UK Brexit vote shows the people are trying to unplug from the matrix.

The bankers will “be cast down from whence they came for all eternity”.

In the end everyone will bow down to the truth. All the agents will be defeated. Brexit is akin to Neo going into the core of the matrix to end the war. We will have free will to chose love and peace. Brexit is the beginning of the end of the war on our minds.


As Pink Floyd laments: “Us and them”.  “Black and blue. Who knows which is which and who is who. Up and down and in the end it’s only round and round and round. Down and out, it can’t be helped that there’s a lot of it about. With, without, and who’ll deny it’s what the fighting is all about.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Brexit and the Matrix


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234









Please post & distribute.

MNN. June 25, 2016. The true government of the rotino’shonni is the teken’tiokwan’hoxta, the circle of 49 families. The band and tribal councils are CROWN corporations that do not legally represent us. Kevin Deer made a presentation at a recent elders council in Barrie Ontario, suggesting a Haudenosaunee World Bank. He was thinking of giving up his job in the Kahnawake language program, to work with the World Bank on this “financial reset”. Our land will be the major asset of this bank. The bankers are the main shareholders of all corporations. This is outright theft. The onkwe’hon:weh system of decision making cannot be manipulated.


TEKENTIOKWANHOXTA, the circle around our 49 families, forms the foundation of the constitution of the rotino’shonni, Iroquois. We protect our unborn children who own great turtle island. Two intertwined concepts of protection are our responsibility to mother earth and nature; and kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, the path provided for us to follow.  iekaia’taieri means we are complete. The power is the family. The will of the people is expressed by the circle of 49 families.

Clan families are in place to carry out our duties. Women carry out their roles and responsibilities according to kaia’nere:kowa. They place the men in their duties. The peace takes hold in all of kanien’keh.

ken'non'kwe run the show.

ken’non’kwe run the show.


kanien’keha:ka – People of the Flint 

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

tekariho:ken [2 opinions] – Well keeper, keeper of the Eastern Door. War Chief sits under him.

  1. Aionwa:tha – [He who combs] – Created Condolence Ceremony along with tekanawita after losing his daughters.
  2. sha’tekari:wate [Of equal matter] – deputy to tekariho:ken.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. sharenho:wane [The Great Tree Trunk] – it is you who will care for the upright tree we have, that is, the great tall tree, the great long leaf. It will be your work to see that the branches increase in size.
  2. teionhehkwen [Double life] – this will be your work: their sustenance, those living here on earth.
  3. orenrehko:wa [The Great White Eagle] – they have chosen you to help them with the Great Peace, and will all work together.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehana’kari:ne [Dragging Antlers] – you will all cooperate in your work. When the task is done, they will all have antlers on. You will all divide into fire sides, which is what we will call your nations moieties.
  2. ahstawen’serenhtha [They drop down the rattles] – When it is complete, our rooted tree with its four protruding roots, the Great White Roots, then you will be the one to help with it’s growth and fruiting and with the operation of peace so that it will spread on earth.
  3. shohskoharo:wane [The Great Wood Drift] – When the Great Peace is complete, there will be a fire with smoke rising which will pierce the sky. There you will work to help them in furthering the enlargement of the branch of peace.

onenio’te’a:ke – People of the Standing Stone

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. rotahsehte [He has the quiver over his shoulder] – As to you, you are the ones with no clan, and now they have chosen you. This then is what we shall call it: the turtle clan will become their families.
  2. kanonhkwenio:ton [Standing Ears of corn].
  3. terihakwen:te [Through the Opening].

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. shononhses [Their House is Long] – You will help now that they are completing their League of chiefs, and extending the house towards the East and West, as the longhouse is oriented, and it will become a single family of many nations as have combined in their power. This is how you will help them: with ongoing matters concerning the League, the Great Law and the Peace.
  2. tehonare:ken [They split the branches] – which means now it is done, and now it is becoming a single person. So this is how you will help them: with the furtherance of mutual respect among all chiefs’ families who have now combined.
  3. atia’tanentha [They slide themselves down] – which means now that the task is done, and they are now one family, the Five Nations, all are related, everything and they are happy. That is how you will help them: with the furtherance of peace.

ratiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehawahtahontenion [Their ears are hanging] – which means that since it is in operation, the Good Message, the number of them who have accepted it are all rejoicing. All are related and respect one another, and they are a single family, which is what they live by as ongoing families.
  1. ronia’tashaion [Slow to drink] – which means the league is completed and all have their marks of identity, and having placed antlers on them, when it is functioning, the great peace, then this is how you will help: by seeing that all should accept it, those inhabitants who have not yet accepted the good message, those who have delayed, so that all will become united.
  1. ronawatshatohon [Covered in mist/fog] – which means since it is completed, everything has stopped, the slaughter and scalping and bloodletting of their own people, their own nations. So this is your work: as to all the clubs they use to kill people, when someone will take them and bury them in the earth, then peace will emerge among the people.

ononta’ke’a:ke: People of the Hills 

  1. thatotarho [He’s Hooked] – Keeper of the Records/Wampums, overseer of the Confederacy Council.

Beaver Clan

  1. awenhnisera:ien[They’ll pick a day] – now that it is accomplished, this is a land of peace, it is your work to help with the furtherance of the Great Peace, and you two will cooperate with thatotarho.
  2. tehatkahthos [they look around] – you will be looking all around along the standing house, wherever there are families of the League, and this in y our work: you will help advance their progress towards making a circle around the place of the fire, the Great Council Fire, and you will cooperate with all the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. rohniasanon:waks [Their throat is sore] – your name which measns that several nations, when they hear about the good message, and if they visit your house, your league, you will work at their accepting the Good Message of the Great Peace.

rotiswa’’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. awenken:iate [On the Surface of the Water] – when it is complete, the fireplace of the power and the peace, your work is to further everything related to bringing about peace for the inhabitants of the earth.

rotiniaton – Turtle Clan

  1. tehaia’tkwa:ren [One Side of their Leaning Body] – your work is to stand up in front of the people and also the chiefs in order to advance unanimity, to bring it about among the several nations.

Great Wolf Clan

  1. rononwirehton [He disappeared] – they have chosen you to stand at the center of the group at the place where the fire is, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace. Placing their confidence in it, for it means that it is moving along, the Good Message Great Law, and everyone will be happy, all of the people.

rotishennakeh:te – Deer Clan

  1. kawenhnosero:ton [Hanging Strings/Words] – which means that one should not weaken the good message and the Power and Peace, and that it should get furthered, the Great Law.
  2. arihron [He Spills/Tips it] – which means that your work, once the task of combining the power is completed, is to advance the good message among the settlements o that everyone will be happy by day and by night, and that now t he war path will stop.

Eel Clan

9.roiennien:ni [He Was Made to Do] – which means that it is your work, as they enter, the various nations, to see that they will accept the Good Message which will advance relationships and the mutual tolerance of Peace.

  1. shota’kwarahson [He the Bruiser/He Chases People away] – which means that it is your work to help them as the several nations are forming under a circle again, and all are watching the place of the fire where the smoke is rising, piercing the sky, for it will save them when they accept the Good Message.
  2. shakokenhne [He Saw Her Before] – you will treat them all equally, the people of this group, and you will give them the Good Message which they will accept, and that is what will save them from trouble.
  3. rarserethon/ohahshaha:wi [He’s Carrying the Light/Torch] – it is your work now that all of the families will be established as a single house, to see that one will use it to live by, the power which will be functioning for peace.
  4. skana:wati [Other side of the Swamp]\ – now that it is getting completed, the League, everything concerning the warpath, and now they are dismantling the paths they used to use to cross over the rivers and swamps, and it is ending, the warpath.

kaion’ke’a:ke – People of the Pipe/Swamps 

rotskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. tehaka’en:io [He looks/He’s Observing] – when called upon to hand out the responsibilities of the Chiefs of the Cayuga nation he had this to say, “now as for us, they are already completed, the appointments of our nations.”

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. tsinontaweron [He Looks at Bugs]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. kota’kwarahson [It’s Bruised]
  2. shoion:wes [He Has a Long Wampum Belt]

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. atia’seron:ne [They pile it]

Heron Clan

  1. teiohronhionko [It reaches the sky]
  2. teiothore:kwen [Very cold]

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. tawenhe’ton [Two things happening]
  2. hatontaherha [He’s carrying a log]

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. teskaheh [More than eleven]

shotinon’towane’a:ka – People of the Great Hill 

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. skaniatari:io [Beautiful lake] – called upon to help hand out the responsibilities to the chiefs.

rotihnhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. sha’tekaronies [Two Skies the same langth] – called along with skaniatario:io to hand out responsibilities.

rotiniahton – Turtle Clan

  1. kana:kare [Arrow] – your work is for the League, so that the Peace will progress by their continuing to enter, every nation speaking every language, and thus it will become complete, the Power at the fire, the Great Fire of the Great Law of Peace.

rotiswa’kari:io – Hawk Clan

  1. shoken’tio:wane [He has a big forehead] – which means that the task has been completed, it having become one family, the Five Nations they now have united, they have one head, thee chiefs. Thus your work is to further it, to the degree that it is complete, thee Great Law of our knowledge in charity.

rotinhehsi:io – Snipe Clan

  1. nishaie:nen [Falling Day] – your work is to see that it should not topple again, now that they have completed the task of finishing their house and the tasks of placing antlers on the chiefs, and planting their rooted tree, that is the Great Tall Tree, the Great Long Leaf, and lighting a fire whose smoke rises up, piercing the sky. So this is what your work is: it should not topple, for if it does, this is our death.

rotiskare:wake – Bear Clan

  1. satie:nawat [He grasps it] – you will help further the good message and the power, they now have just one body and just one head and just one heart and just one family, and there is just a single house at the place where they have formed their relationship group of chiefs. Thus your work is to not let it spoil by continually renewing the ongoing family.

rotinnhehsi:io- Snipe Clan

  1. kaon’kerita:wi [His hair is singed off] – Confederac War Chief.

ronathahion:ni – Wolf Clan

  1. teioninhokara:wen [He keeps the door open] – Confederacy War Chief ladies

“So now it has been completed, the seating of our Five Nations Council”. 

From there tekanawi:ta and the mothers of each of the chiefs bestow antlers upon the chiefs thus finishing the formation of the League of Five Nations. [nia:wen women of ganien’geh].

Haudenosaunee Development Institute HDI and Haudenosaunee World Bank are private corporations. These villains have no authority under the laws of this land based on creation to collateralize our mother. She is not a prostitute. No one can steal our land and our birthright. We have a responsibility to defend our mother from anyone who rapes or disrespects her. Every family of great turtle island must be consulted on anything concerning the land, which is not for sale.


Now we stand as brothers. Let us plant this tree, water its roots. It’ll go from sea to sea. Watch it grow to the sky and bask in its shade. It represents the unity we now have made.


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$150] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Panic in switzerland


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Hydro Quebec 1-800-290-2424

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Phone: (450) 632-7500
Fax: (450) 638-5958
Info-Line: (450) 632-9595

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

Minister of National Defence,

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234