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23 Nov. 2015. Recent military attacks on us at Moss Lake, Ganienkeh, Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon and Onondaga are run out of Washington DC and controlled by money from the City of London CROWN. Only the US president, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, has the constitutional authority to appoint a brigadier general for a treaty breaking issue.

Martin: "Wow! Those Iroquois don't take no shit!"

Martin: “Wow! Those Iroquois don’t take no shit!”

President Bill Clinton appointed his best general, Brig. Gen. William C. Martin, to help NYS Governor George Pataki carry out the “false flag” against the rotino’shonni [Iroquois]. The targets of the “INDIAN Detail” were the Mohawks and Senecas, keepers of the eastern and western doors of the Confederacy.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.



Governors and presidents are masks to hide the real criminals who are calling the shots from the City of London. We will be calling William C. Martin and William Jefferson Clinton to our trial in January 2016 to answer for their role in the New York State Troopers attack on us at Onondaga on May 14, 1997. They will tell us their part in the “deadly force” attempt at regime replacement of the rotino’shonni [Iroquois] by the CROWN.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We continually remind the world of their unlawful occupation of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island and their genocide of the natural people of the land. They came at us with a military solution for the problem they created. We had to be removed by any means possible.

Plaintiffs have the right to put out arrest warrants on these two people. They might buckle under the political pressure and turn over the real criminals, the CROWN, which is responsible for the genocide of our people.

Both Hillary and Bill are from the New York and of the bloodline. Nixon was asked to attack us at Moss Lake. He said, “I will not go down in history as the President of the United States who attacked the Mohawks. Give them what they want”. We got ganien’keh. Even Nixon seems to be more honorable than Clinton.

Yeah! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

Watch out! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

We are going to use every means necessary. We need to have a meeting with our wampum belt carrying allies in Europe. So far only the Russians have shown us their belts. They are supposed to come to our aid. The other families who got belts from us in 1710 need to go through the fire to be reminded of the great peace.

Bill Clinton could be singing this Johnny Cash song … “The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen. 99 years in the Folsom Pen. 99 years underneath that ground. I can’t forget the day I shot my woman down. Come on, people, listen to me. Lay off that whisky and let that cocaine be.”

No end to crooks like Harper!

Cops no worse than politicians!



we’ve been here forever!


Crisis Actors is big business!

Mandatory vaccinations!

Innu Ghislain Picard says he’s sovereign!kennedy

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MNN. Nov. 21, 2015. In 1994 there were joint military operations against the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] in US and Canada. “Gallant Piper” is the US counterpart to Canada’s “Operation Campus – Scorpion-Saxon”. New York State’s “INDIAN Detail’ was set up in 1974 after our people resettled on our territory at Moss Lake and then Ganienkeh. In 1995 NYS Governor Pataki appointed Brig. Gen. William C. Martin as the Deputy Adjutant General. Brig. General Wm Martin In 1996 he was to command ground and air assault combat against us, using New York’s 27th Infantry Brigade and 42nd Infantry Division, backed by helicoptors with armoured vehicles.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror. The great law of peace is the answer.

Fort Drum military base near Watertown NY provided the soldiers for “Operation Gallant Piper’ to invade and kill the Mohawks and Senecas at ganienkeh, akwesasne, cattaraugus and allegheny. The military was going to attack the businesses that were not giving taxes to  New York State, based on an illegal agreement between Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. [Oren Lyons] and NYS. oka canada sent

A “Dialogue Team” was visiting our communities, briefing the people on the unlawful agreement which violated the kaia’nere:kowa, law of the land. NYS had no right to shut down our businesses. They had body bags, gymnasiums, community centers, fire halls and hospitals on standby for the dead and injured. Certain people were singled out. An insider informed us about the planned military attack. The press published the story. Gallant Piper was pulled.

The “INDIAN Detail was made up of NYS Police, National Guard and Fort Drum military. Most of its information, records, personnel, equipment and plans on the INDIAN Detail are at Fort Drum, less than an hour from Onondaga.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them young.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them living forever?

On May 18, 1997, the rotino’shonni, celebrating the defeat of the unlawful agreement in Onondaga, were attacked by the “INDIAN Detail”. According to court records, soldiers from Fort Drum were on their way to join the Troopers at Onondaga. We speculate this was a follow up to Gallant Piper as it involves the same personnel.

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she's in your vicinity!

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she’s in your area! She saw the Titanic go down!

In March 1998 Oren Lyons leading the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. burnt down all non-cooperative businesses in Onondaga with the assistance of NYS. The same year Ronnie Jones, the leaders of the Onondaga resistance, was brutally murdered, hands and feet were severed. He was hung up by the neck and then his home set on fire.




Fort Drum guys putting their "boots on the ground".

Fort Drum boys putting their “boots on the ground”.

It seems odd that Fort Drum soldiers are now being sent into battle with ISIS.

NYS has been delaying this trial for almost 20 years. In January 2016 NYS Police are going to stand trial for their criminality. Hopefully Brig. Gen. Martin can answer some of our questions. This is during our Midwinter Festival when we name our babies.

Jim Morrison knows that we are riding out a storm because the powers that be don’t have a fight with us: “Riders on the storm, riders on the storm. Into this house we’re born, into this world we’re thrown. Like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan, Riders on the storm”. [Riders on the storm]. We have been and continue to ride out the storm.


NYS beating at Onondaga 1997.

Who’s knocking on the Eastern Door?

NYS Gallant Piper still in effect.

US-Canada joint military operations against mohawks.

Canada declares war on Mohawks.

Army attack on native americans.

Oren Lyons orders burning of Onondaga businesses.

Fort Drum to fight ISIS.

Fort Drum is ISIS target.

Brig. General Wm Martin singles out Warrior Society as dissidents.

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MNN. 27 OCT. 2015. Eugenics is the study of the quality of people. Eugenicists want to reproduce those who have more money and are the right race and class. They don’t favor the poor and map out their poverty, diseases, sterilization, murder, imprisonment and demise. Hitler admired the North Americans for their program that eliminated over 100 million ongwe’hon:weh. He sent doctors to study the Canadian eugenics system.

Hitler: The Reich is for blond blue-eyeds.

Hitler: The “Reich” is for blond blue-eyeds.

The objective was to help the wellborn to have strong and healthy people to run their corporations and to dispose of the rest. ongwe’hon:weh women are in danger because they bear the children. The culling of our people is to extort our possessions without resistance. The CROWN designed and built this system.

When I was working in Indian Affairs a secret report was made on the risks of low white birthrate and the increasing ongwe’hon:weh population. The elite are declining in numbers and the poor are increasing. We could read it and had to immediately turn it back in. It was their worst nightmare.

Fertility Clinic - 'This designer baby is no longer fashionable...'

The idea of making more white babies and getting rid of rest started in the US. The wealthy think the world should be populated by their class. US President Theodore Roosevelt was an open proponent of eugenics, that white couples should reproduce and not the others. Prime Minister Trudeau is bringing in 25,000 white Syrians into Canada. More of us are going to be killed or disposed so they can be brought in to replace us. The UK is run by pedophiles and eugenicists who are working for the bankers in the City of London. The private banks own every Canadian corporate municipality. Eugenics is their policy to keep the white Family Compact and Chateau Clique in power.

UN Agenda 21 is the worldwide depopulation program. Six and a half billion are to be culled. [Georgia Guide Stone]. The RCMP officers disposed of the young ongwe’hone:weh woman by slitting her throat, shooting her four times and then dousing her body with bleach. The cops hunted down the witness and tried to kill him. Thousands of ongwe’hon:weh women are missing or murdered. The state refuses to investigate. Police terrorism.

"It was supposed to be whites only!"

“It was supposed to be whites only!”

The state run murder and disposal squad is within the police enforcement run by the military.  Trudeau II and his government by not addressing this issue are complicit. It is run from Indian Affairs in Ottawa. Canada is a police state run on statute corporate bylaws, with no constitutional remedies for the people to check the power of the PMO.

Eugenics creation.

The designer wellborn.

Black Sabbath gets it right in “Children of the Grave”: “Revolution in their minds, the children start to march, against the world they have to live in. Oh! the hate that’s in their hearts. They’re tired of being pushed around and told just what to do. They’ll fight until they’ve won and love comes flowing through. … so you children of the world, listen to what I say. If you want a better place to live in, spread the words today. Show the world that love is still alive, You must be brave. Or you children of today are children of the grave”.

Time Magazine: eugenics alive & well in US [and Canada].

Reimbursement: Icelanders refunded by banksters.

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MNN. OCT. 24, 2015. In Val d’Or Quebec ongwe’hon:weh women reported being systemically raped and tortured by the psychotic Quebec Police. Lonnie Landrud of Quesnel BC witnessed police murdering a young ongwe’hon:weh woman and disposing of her body on the “Highway of Tears”. He became aware of 8 other women being murdered by this same cop. Landrud reported the details in this video to every police agency in the hierarchy right up to the Prime Minister and Governor General. Police tried to murder him. He was arrested, put in jail, his guns and his driver’s license were taken:

Watch all 7 parts to see a real horror story. The corporation of Canada is a police state. Their murder squad has a bounty out on our women because they are child bearers. It appears cops get paid to kill us. Who’s paying them and who’s covering it up? Landrud shows they are all in on it. It appears to be a major cornerstone of the business plan for the corporation of Canada. Thousands of our women are murdered and missing, The state refuses to investigate. Obviously we have no protection. Those trying to help us are threatened and will be done away with just like our women. boat people

It looks like Paul Martin, the last liberal prime minister, was behind the coverup. This story is being emailed to the new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, asking him to launch a public inquiry with Lonnie Landrud as one of his prime witnesses. The public must push this issue. Don’t let Turudeau cover up this eugenics operation.

Everyone is welcome to stand with us at the fire vigil at the southern end of the Mercier Bridge in Kahnawake. Needed are wood, water, fruits, coffee. Please call these officials and raise your voices. “The power is the people. Not the money or the war. Lets raise our voices so they can hear us. let them roar!” Thahoketoteh “We are we, the people”.

Stop killing us.

CROWN, Stop murdering us.

As Talking Heads sing: “Psycho killer, qu’est-ce, que c’est fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better. Run run run run run run run run away. Ce que j’ai faite ce soir la. Ce qu’elle a dit ce soir la. Realisant mon espoir je me lance vers la gloire. We are vain and we are blind. I hate people when they’re not polite.” [Psycho Killer].

Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830; Hon. Leona Aglukkaq, Environment Canada, 613-992-2848. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179; Geoff Molson 514-398-0333. Surete du Quebec Police  514 598-4141, Quebec Government   514-598-4141

Quebec Police Systemic rape & murder of ongwe’hon:weh women.

2 min. video on school system.


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MNN. Sep. 18. 2015. McGill students paying fees to the Board of Governors or Academic Senate may be committing a crime. There is no denial that McGill University is illegally on rotino’sonni:onwe land in the center of tsionni’tiotake, aka Hoceraga, aka Montreal. The money to build it was borrowed in 1850 from Six Nations Trust Funds and never repaid. We ask the students to support an honest resolution to the matter.

The North American Indian version of In & Out trays

ongwe’hon:weh In & Out trays.

To date we are owed at least $1.005 trillion, not counting McGill, Osgoode Hall, the failed Grand River Nativigation and others … A Six Nations ongwe’hon:weh provides a short list. The Rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois Confederacy] comprises the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora Nations. The colonial government saw that the rotino’shonni:onwe was becoming a very wealthy powerhouse. They decided to declare us as incompetents and placed all of our rent monies into a trust. This is a partial list of the Crown’s handling of that trust as of March 2013:

In 1845, $14,717.00 was illegally taken and never paid back. With the government’s standard 6% compounded interest rate, it is worth $223 million today.

In 1846, $16,487.00 was embezzled by Canada which is now worth $223,957,349.93.

In 1846, $17,650.00 went to the city of Toronto, which is now worth $249,405,836.90.

Between 1836 and 1858, $59,600.00 in unauthorized withdrawals were taken and not returned which is now $707,115,842.36.

Between 1853 and 1857, $310,124.00 was taken to build Upper Canada which is now worth $2.4 billion.

And, in 1854, $133,600.00 was taken to build turnpikes, now worth $1,007,148,041.82.

McGill military plan.

McGill military plan.

This fund was earned by our own business initiatives and NOT money paid to Six Nations out of Canada or CROWN funds. There are many outstanding and separate land claims currently languishing in the CROWN portfolio.

This outstanding debt must be repaid to the Six Nations Trust Fund, along with the infra-structures that we invested in. We are capable of managing our funds and resources.

The kohtihon’tia:kwenni are in the process of setting up a meeting with the appropriate people at McGill. We are waiting for a proper reply in a reasonable time. We appreciate their offer of meeting with Andre Domocoupolis, Dean of Students, who is of insufficient level for such an important decision-making issue.twilight zone

As McGill graduate, Leonard Cohen, wrote: “Everybody knows that the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over. Everybody knows the good guys lost. Everybody knows the fight was fixed. The poor stay poor, the rich get rich. That’s how it goes. Everybody knows.”

socialist project.

Queenie, largest landowner!

Steven Newcomb: Pagans in the Promised Land.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0














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MNN. Sept. 12, 2015. The following NOTICE OF SEIZURE was sent by Registered Mail to McGill University:

mcgill seizure 1

McGill seizure 3




Brainwashing passed as education is explained thoroughly by Pink Floyd: “We don’t need no education. We dont need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone. Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” [The Wall]. 

Ottawa was on our list til Harper torched it.

Mohawks: “We’re getting it all back, Stevie,  and you’ll have to fix it up or get out!”








Pope & other-worldly visitors.

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MNN. Sep. 12, 2015. We are constantly told “get over it’ about the biggest holocaust in all humanity, the murder of over 100 million ongwe’hon:weh in the Western Hemisphere. The conditions are created in other countries so that more and more refugees will land on our shores. Who’s doing this? The elite and their agents who work in our midst to create the plans and weapons annihilate us and steal our resources, many are academics.get over sep11

Here is a good example. Our Mohawk Trust Fund was “borrowed” to help build McGill University on kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk land. In the 1850s McGill was near-bankruptcy and borrowed from the Province of Canada, which was taken out of our trust funds. In 1989, Six Nations alerted both McGill and the federal government of the outstanding debt, which now amounts to billions. In 2006 McGill admitted that they owe Six Nations at least $1.7 billion plus interest to date.  Vice-Principal Communications, Jennifer Robinson, said the debt was settled in 1873, and then said it was not clear it came from the Six Nations Trust Fund! “and the University doesn’t have to pay it back”!

Robinson: You're throwing us out for a 185 year old bill!!

Robinson: “You’re throwing us out for a 185-year old bill!! Come on!”

This debt must be repaid. We kanion’ke:haka demand an immediately stop to its violation of the Great Peace, the law of the land of ono’ware:geh. McGill is collaborating in military contracts for weapons, surveillance technologies for military applications. Its CFD Lab “Network Dynamics” [Derek Ruths] specializes in developing state-of-the art methods for the military use of force, in particular attack drones. They research and develop military hardware for CAE Inc., Bell Helicopter, Bombardier Inc., Lockheed Martin, Textron, General Atomics and others.

McGill students accuse the university of collaborating with the military, police and intelligence agencies to develop tools for surveilling social media to defeat scrutiny. Public Safety Canada which is affiliated with the RCMP and CSIS provides the funding.

So what! Every university does it!

So what! Every corporate university does it!

A kohtihon’tia:kwenio, woman titleholder, from the nearby Kahnawake Mohawk community which owns the land on which McGill University stands will undertake her duty under the great peace by seizing McGill University for theft of Six Nations Trust Funds, being illegally on our land and for violating the Great Peace. As we tried in 1710 in London, in 1924 in The Hague and still today, it’s time to put an end to war.

McGill horsey set: "We're ready, George!"

McGill horsey set: “We’re ready, George!”

George Jones sings about heartache, like McGill: “now the race is on, and here comes ‘Pride’ up the back stretch, ‘Hearaches’ are going to the inside. ‘My Tears’ are holding back. They’re trying not to fall. ‘My Hearts’ out of the running. ‘True Love’ scratched for ‘Anothers Sake’. The race is on and it look like ‘Heartache’ and the winner loses all”. [The Race is On].

The kahtihon'ti;kwenio might have to send in the rotiskenrakete!!!

The kahtihon’ti;kwenio might have to send in the rotiskenrakete!!!


MNN. Demilitarize McGill.

McGill withholding information on military ties.

Germany needs migrants as slaves.

CROWN hails Hitler & Nazis.

Sputniknews. ISIL recruits Nazis.

Jim Marrs. End of American Dream. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0
















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MNN. April 5, 2015. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Inc. is trying to lead their people like cattle to the slaughter house, using their MOU. The Tribe will be the first to get the steel bolt in the head and the meat hook that drags them away. Beverly Cook will hang and bleed out alone. Call her at 518-358-2272 and tell her “Boo to the mou”.'I won't be gone long. He's going to show me where they make hamburgers.'

“On May 28, 2014, the St. Regis Tribal Council Inc. SRMT announced that it has agreed to sell to New York State our long-standing claims to all original kanionkehaka [Mohawk] land for all time. SRMT is a Masonic New York State corporation illegally imposed upon the sovereign people of Akwesasne in 1892. They attend the Massena Lodge [their true longhouse]. This “trustee” system is meant to steal ongwehonwe territory and eradicate the Mohawk Nation.  It violates the convention on genocide.

kanionkehaka object to this colonial strategy derived from Papal Bulls that are illegal. NYS “Memorandum of Understanding” MOU eliminates our inherent title to 9.9 million acres. Such “federal trusts” are remnants of colonialism. The incorporated Tribe does not speak for any kanionkehaka/Mohawk except for those incorporated INDIANS who voted for them, like all governmental systems illegally imposed on us. The Tribe cannot bypass the kahtihon’tia:kwenio, the women of the nation who have exclusive responsibility for all land issues. [Wampum 44, Kaianerekowa]. vegetarian

The Tribe’s support from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., created by the corporation of Canada, is also part of the colonial assimilation strategy.

The Tribe admitted that NYS officials dictated the “settlement”. NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo threatened that this was their last chance to get a benefit! The INDIANS will be starved into submission, another old colonial strategy. He warned that the notorious City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation Inc. US Supreme Court case, would be used to eradicate our claims. The threat forced the Tribe to agree to the NYS drafted contract. Their fear of penalties affected their judgment, forcing them to abandoned their “lawful” fiduciary responsibility towards the people. They agreed to allow NYS to remove the kanionkehaka birthright and impose alien laws on us and our territory.

The Tribe claims to have the authority to extinguish all kanionkehaka birthright for all time, without consulting all kanionkehaka. They claim to be successors to the fraudulent treaty of the Seven Nations of Canada, which it seeks to enforce upon the kanionkehaka! No documents, resolutions or affirmations from the Seven Nations were produced (Algonquins, Nippissings, Kahnawakeronon, Oswegatchie, Hurons of Lorette, Abanakis of Odanak and Kanesatake Mohawks). As a NYS corporation the Tribe cannot qualify the rights of this entity nor enter into national agreements.

The Tribe’s “MOU” will use US federal trust to try to undermine the sovereignty, jurisdiction and land title of the kanionkehaka. There are no “benefits”. NYS will start collecting taxes from us and steal our land. This issue must go to a proper international court of dispute resolution such as the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague, a non-Admiralty court, designed to deal with this exact situation.

Bev, where are you?

Bev, where are you?A-whoo!

Tribal Trustee, Beverly Cook, at a Wolf Clan meeting on March 21/2015 urged us to bend to New York’s threats or “receive nothing”. She suggested the kanionkehaka start a separate claim using aboriginal title as a defense. All US courts are Admiralty, only for banks, corporations and contracts. Under current US law she alone can sign to terminate all our claims forever, this is absolutely illegal! We need international dispute resolution. The kanionkehaka know that the trustees’ job is to protect NYS interests. We are not bound by the terms of the May 28, 2014 “MOU”. It affects only St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc. and its supporters, those who voted for them.

This objection is being sent to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, various representatives of the residents of New York in Albany and Washington DC and to Ranatakaiius, President Barack Obama.

Beverly, the Wolf has a song for you: “Smoke Stack Lightning, shining just like gold. Why don’t you hear me crying? Whoo hoo, whoo hoo”. [Howling Wolf, Smoke Stack Lightning.]

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Easter celebration! Jesus&bankers

Anti-terror C-51 criminalizes Ongwehonwei

Rothschild history. 




MNN. Apr. 2, 2015. Canada and US have three coordinated attempts underway to steal large tracts of Mohawk/Kanionkehaka land. Their incorporated INDIAN councils – Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake Inc., Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc. – are the frontline swindlers. None of the corporate sales, bylaws and regulations of Canada and US apply to us. They are all violating the teio’ha:teh/Two Row Wampum Agreement. Through Vatican Papal Bulls, Doctrine of Discovery, etc., all fiction, the land was illegally occupied.

Protection of Ono'ware:geh by "Keepers of the Eastern Door".

Corporate fencing of land of “Keepers of the Eastern Door”.

The Sulpicians and Jesuits are the agents of colonization and genocide. The Company of One Hundred Associates operated from France had assumed possession of Mohawk land, which they illegally doled out. Saint Sulpice in Old Montreal set up the city of Montreal on kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk land.

The Jesuit Jean Jacques Olier in 1657 sent four priests to Paris to come back and set up a parish on Mohawk land. In 1663 France gave Mohawk land to the Society of Notre Dame of Montreal, which then gave Mohawk land to the Seminary of Saint Sulpice at Kanehsatake. A French seigneurial system was set up on Mohawk land.

In 1668 the Sulpicians decided that Mohawks in Kanehsatake, Montreal, Mi’kkmaq, Akwesasne, Algonquins of Abitibbi and Temiskaming were Catholics. For military purposes in 1676 a mission was opened at the Great Lakes. In 1720 they moved them to Mohawk land at the Lake of Two Mountains – Kanehsatake. In 1716 Mohawk land was granted to the Mohawks on the Ottawa River. Anyone questioning this bizarre swapping of Mohawk land was murdered.

Louis XIV gave Mohawk land to the Jesuits in 1680 now called the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis, south of Montreal. Grand Man Chief, Mike Delisle, and his Privy Council liaison, Christine Deom, have a deadline of June 2015 to finalize their contract. Phone 450-632-7500

INDIANS that left the canoe!

INDIANS that left the canoe!

Washington Lawyers were at the Handsome Lake Masonic longhouse in Akwesasne on April 1. It was to be falsely called an “Iroquois Confederacy” meeting to get false consent to the theft of all Mohawk land forever. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc. would get some pocket money for cooperating. Then a Rotiskenra’kete from the Men’s Society reminded them that the land belongs to our unborn children rotisokonsatatie and that we are caretaker. The meeting was quickly closed down. [Call 518-358-2272.]

On March 16th there was a meeting to briefly inform the Mohawks of Kanehsatake that they seek to finalize a contract for our land known as the Seigneury of St. Sulpice on April 25th, 2015. We Mohawk land caretakers have been purposely uninformed of these finaglings. [Contact chief Otsi at 450-479-8373]  "Then he said, 'Oh yeah, tough guy, well, what are you going to do about it?'"

As we are often reminded the serpents are well advanced on their path. Soon we shall see the bright light coming from the East that will bring back the peace to all of earth. With unity of mind comes great strength, and with that comes the peace.

As Joanie Mitchell laments: “We are stardust. Billion year old carbon. We are golden, caught in the devil’s bargain. And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.” [Woodstock].


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Amazon warriors fight for land.

Sulpician priests

Hate crimes against Ongwe’hon:weh.

Video.  Road to Crimea.








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Mar. 31, 2015. On March 29 the Haudenosaunee came together in Akwesasne to discuss land issues. The clans passed a resolution regarding the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk territory known as the Seigneury of Sault Louis. Also discussed were Kanehsatake, Akwesasne, Owego and Kanekotah issues.

Never know what we're cooking up!

We’re always cooking something!

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., a Canadian government entity, is in the process of illegally accepting money for the 45,000 acres of land and eventually removing us to lands of other Ongwe’hon:weh nations. The deadline is June 2015. This is ethnic cleansing. To sell what is not yours is theft under any law.

Ia tihotiianaion means they have no path on this land. Our relations with them is water vessels rather than land. The incorporated INDIANS have gone off our ancestors’ path and follow the path of the ranenrakon.

MCK Inc. dollars!

MCK Inc. seeks to sell our children!


The fatal violation of the Kaia’nereh:kowa, the Great Peace, the law of the land, is to put a monetary value on our Mother and deprive the ion’kwanion:sioni, the present and coming generations, of our birthright.

All land issues belong to the Iroquois people. Tewa’tha:tawi, we carry ourselves and our ties to our land. Such can never be disturbed by foreign entities and their agents to restrict us and spread division among our people. Ia te ion ki wenna hawi, they do not carry our voice.

Our union provides strength that casts out fear. “We bind ourselves together”, said Dekanawida, “by taking hold of each other’s arms, teionkwatenentsawakon, so firmly, forming a circle so strong that if a tree should fall upon it, it could not shake nor break it. Our people and grandchildren shall remain in the circle in security, peace and happiness.”

Creation has given you MCK Inc. and your followers the ability to make a choice. You have decided to follow the ranenrakon, onto his ship to try to steer our canoe. Our birthright is not saleable as is the white man’s. All negotiations that put our titles in jeopardy must end. Your have alienated yourselves from the circle. You have severed your tie to our mother, onensahotonkoton.  harper templar

Corporation of Canada, your goose is cooked, as McKenna Mendehlson Mainline sing: “Don’t give me no goose for Christmas, Grandma. Cut it out. Now don’t you dare. Give me a duck like old McDonald’s that goes Quack, quack, quakety, quack. Where a goose just makes me nervous every time I turn my back.” [Don’t give me no goose for Christmas, Grandma.]

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Ongwe’hon:weh land sellers: Kahnawake 450-632-7500 ; Same secret land theft at Kanehsatake contact Patricia Meilleur 450-479-8373

Haudenosaunee position on band councils.

KKK Canada outlaw state.

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