Judge Rules Mohawk Mothers can Speak for themselves according to their own culture. READ PRESS RELEASE




kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) Kahnawake PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION Judge Rules that Mohawk Mothers Can Represent Themselves According to their Own Culture. On September 20th, 2022 at the Superior Court in Montreal, Justice Gregory Moore ruled that the Mohawk Mothers (kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera) can represent themselves, dismissing Quebec’s motion to make them get a lawyer. His judgement acknowledged that it is contrary to Mohawk culture to be represented. The Attorney General of Quebec and the Société Québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) are leading this case to stop the Mohawk Mothers from getting an injunction to block McGill’s New Vic project. The case will be heard on October 26th . The September 20th case management hearing also addressed the intervention of the Independent Special Interlocutor on unmarked graves, Kimberly Murray, who was appointed by the Federal government last June. Murray has experience at the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the searches for unmarked graves at the Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario. The Special Interlocutor asked the court’s permission to join the case to provide her expertise and file evidence. However, the defendants the Attorney General of Quebec and the SQI opposed her intervention for “conservatory purposes”, impeding her from filing new evidence and historical context. At stake is Quebec’s non-compliance with Federal commitments to facilitate independent investigations of the genocide of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The guilt of genocide has been acknowledged by Pope Francis last July. For procedural reasons, the defendants also want to strike most of the evidence filed by the plaintiffs. Excavation work on the New Vic project is set to start in October 2022, before the hearing on the injunction on October 26th. The Mohawk Mothers want to halt the project to investigate the unmarked graves of victims of medical experiments as alleged by survivors. The Mohawk Mothers are concerned that human remains, forensic evidence and precolonial artifacts will be destroyed. The archeological film Arkéos affirmed the likelihood of finding these on site. McGill declined the Mohawk Mothers’ invitation to have out of court negotiations, while the SQI cancelled an informal meeting between them and Arkéos. The Mohawk Mothers were planning to request that special care be taken to stop any destruction of unmarked graves, using Ground Penetrant Radar, bioarchaeologists and cadaver dogs. The Mohawk Mothers also ask that Quebec’s Cultural Heritage Act be declared unconstitutional as it ignores any consultation with Indigenous peoples. “This law only specifies that they have to sent a notice to the Band Council, who don’t inform our people and who are agents of the Federal government“, said a Mohawk Mother. “It seems that they can legally bulldoze the bodies of our children, cover it up and no questions asked”, she said. By contrast with other provinces like British Columbia where the free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples is required to excavate archaeological sites, Quebec’s Cultural Heritage Act treats Indigenous heritage as a property of the province. The Mohawk Mothers insist that the Royal Victoria Hospital is a crime scene and that forensic evidence must be protected throughout the site. Medical experimentation on mind control, brainwashing and torture techniques was rampant in the 1950s and 1960s. The testimonies and 141 exhibits filed by the Mohawk Mothers on August 26th show that Indigenous children were buried there after being used as guinea pigs in psychiatric experiments. Their research team discovered archival records showing ominous connexions between the Canadian Army’s cold-war deportation of Inuit children, the treatment of Indigenous children labeled as “juvenile delinquents” in residential schools and reform schools, and the CIA’s MK-Ultra program on mind control. This program was run by Dr. Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute, which is part of the Royal Victoria Hospital and McGill University. The families of non-Indigenous survivors of the Mk-Ultra experiments are also in a legal battle for reparations. They wrote a letter to the Mayor of Montreal Valérie Plante to ask her to halt the excavation at the Royal Victoria Hospital. For the Mohawk Mothers, however, negotiations are at a stalemate as excavation work soon approaches. The Attorney General of Quebec served intrusive cross-interrogation questions to Kahentinetha, which bore no relation to her testimony. Quebec fears the Mohawk Mothers’ demand for a permanent injunction declaring Tekanontak (Mount Royal) an unceded and inalienable traditional territory of the kanien’keha:ka people. Their demands include removing the cross from the top of Tekanontak, which is a symbol of the atrocities committed against their people. For more information or for booking interviews with the Mohawk Mothers, write to

Press release Sept 22





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MNN. Sept. 20, 2022. Fifty-seven inane questions were served on the Mohawk Mothers which did not concern the case of the unmarked graves and bodies of  thousands of indigenous and other children. McGill University and its affiliates conducted mind control, brainwashing and torture techniques on these children. [Quebec Superior Court 500-17-120-468-221] kahentinetha et al. v. Societe des infrastructure et al.] The Mohawk Mothers are in Quebec Superior Court demanding  to know what happened to these children.  

An odd turn of events is that the Attorney General of Quebec, who is suppose to be an impartial third party on behalf of all people of Quebec, is now leading the case against the Mohawk Mothers. He entered a motion to block the inclusion of evidence from the independant Special Interlocutor of Unmarked Graves that was appointed by the Canadian government to basically make sure that the case is run ethically for both sides.  Canada created this special position to help all involved parties to investigate unmarked grave throughout Canada.  The Special Interlocateur has entered the case as a Friend of the Court but cannot file evidence. We want all of the truth to be revealed. 

The following 57 questions from the defendant are hereby reproduced. The respondents asked no questions about the main reason for the court case, the murdered children:

MUHC written examination


AGQ written examination 


It’s almost like Bruce Springsteen was singing about the 57 questions the defendants sent for the Mohawk Mothers to answer: [57 Channels and Nothing on]  

I bought a bourgeois house in the Hollywood hills. With a truckload of hundred thousand dollar bills. Man came by to hook up my cable TV. We settled in for the night my baby and me. We switched ’round and ’round ’til half-past dawn. There was fifty-seven channels and nothin’ on. 

Court Reporter   POBox 991 Kahnawake Que. Canada J0L 1B0



Help the Mohawk Mothers protect unmarked graves

In traditional Kanien’kéha:ka (Mohawk) society, the Kahnistensera (mothers) play a crucial role in political life, social governance, and land stewardship. The Kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers of Kahnawake are guided by this tradition, rooted in the Kaianerehkowa (the Great Peace), to seek justice for the people of Kahnawake and other Indigenous people whose lands, bodies, and cultures have been harmed by Canadian settler colonialism.

Kanienkehak land at the foot of Tekanonkak (Mount Royal, Montreal) is currently targeted for the construction of McGill University’s “New Vic” project on the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital, without the permission of the indigenous land owners. However, McGill is on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) territory, and built with funds borrowed from the Rotino’shonni:onwe (Iroquois) Trust Fund, which were never repaid. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the site contains remains of pre-colonial Iroquois villages, as well as the unmarked graves of Indigenous children who were experimented on at the Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950s and 60s as part of the CIA-funded MK ULTRA “mind control” experiments. 

In response to this persistent injustice, the Kahnistensera are mobilizing within their own community and with settler allies to advocate for their rights and title. They are joined by a research committee investigating McGill’s history of medical experimentation and its expropriation of Indigenous funds.

Finally, the Kahnistensera are taking McGill, the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures, the Attorney General of Canada and the City of Montreal to court for an injunction to stop the construction project and avoid the destruction of the gravesites. The hearing is scheduled for October 26th, 2022, but McGill University announced that they will proceed with excavation work in the vicinity of the alleged graves before the hearing. If nothing is done, the graves and forensic evidence could be destroyed, causing irreparable harm and profound disrespect to Indigenous communities and the spirits of the children buried at the site.

This struggle has already generated significant attention in Canada and garnered support from thousands of people. The Kahnistensera are now seeking your support to help with legal, research, and administrative costs. They are self-represented in court, refusing to be represented by lawyers who abide by non-Indigenous laws. Speaking the truth about the unmarked graves, treating the burial sites with respect and protecting forensic evidence of medical crimes are essential parts of the reconciliation process. Reconciliation is incomplete, however, without the repatriation of unceded lands. The Kahnistensera’s work is an important step toward restoring Kanien’kehá:ka title and addressing the ongoing legacy of settler colonialism in Canada.

By empowering Kanien’kéha:ka women as decision-makers and stewards of the land, you can help rebuild grassroots communities that is directly linked to Kanien’kehá:ka culture that educates and mobilizes the wider public around the continuing strength of Kanien’kéha:ka ways.



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This is an open letter to Parliament, the provincial legislatures and their institutions to help indigenous people’s efforts to obtain justice and for the courts to respect indigenous traditions. 


MNN. Sep. 6, 2022. The indigenous and officials of McGill knew the indigenous children were being experimented on at McGill University’s Allen Memorial Institute. It appears the bodies were hidden so they could never be found. The indigenous always wondered what happened to their children. McGill owes all indigenous people an explanation. It is time to remedy that. All graves must be found rather than more structures being built over them to hide them. Out West, the dead children were found buried in the concrete foundations. Many children are still out there somewhere. All of turtle island is soaked in the blood of the indigenous people. 

It is almost certain they are buried in the grounds of McGill University because it was known officially that these children were being experimented on and disposed of. As McGill and the Canadian government headed up those experimental projects they have to know what happened to those bodies. If they are not there, where are they? There are 88 children reported missing after being institutionalized in Quebec. Where are they? The Pope said, “Yes, it is genocide”. Hiding this is causing another crime, obstruction of justice. From the 1950s to the 1970s the indigenous were treated like outcasts and then forgotten. 

Since finding thousands of unmarked graves of indigenous children near Canadian government Indian Residential Schools, the Prime Minister has said that they all have to be found. Instead Quebec and McGill University are in the process of beginning excavation of one of the sites next to the Allan Memorial Hospital in October 2022 to start construction of the Royal Vic renovation of Mount Royal Montreal. It looks like a cover up. It is shocking that they continue to proceed. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers are filing for an interlocutory injunction in the Quebec Superior Court on October 26 to stop this atrocity which is the earliest date they could get. The Members of Parliament will be asked to use their authority to stop this so that there can be an investigation of this area, to force McGill and Quebec government [SQI] to look for these unmarked graves. 

Why doesn’t the government allow the indigenous to have the medical records on the victims and on the medical experiments carried out by MKUltra, the CIA, the Army and the Canadian and United States governments? Why are they being withheld? What is being hidden? Their refusal to release the files creates suspicion. No indigenous people gave permission for McGill University or anyone to take their children away, experiment on them, then dispose of them and secretly bury them. Why is this declared to be ‘top secret’? The people who propagated the crime are the same people that decide which information is “secret” or “top secret”. In effect their refusal proves the indigenous are right. What could be so secret? They had to meticulously know, proving the obstruction was planned, and to continue to conceal the crime. They know of the deaths of these children, and how they ordered the disposal of their bodies. Or there are no buried children, then they know that they were buried somewhere else or not! The perpetrators should be providing all the resources to help the search. No crime could be more horrific than what happened to these children. Possibly they know exactly where they are buried. Could they have and are still destroying all the evidence, like pulverizing little children’s bones?  If McGill is saying there are no children there, what facts are they relying on? Somebody knows where those children are. They have to keep extensive records. Murdering the children went to the top echelons of power as they were federal programs. MKUltra and other horrific psychiatric experiments including lobotomies were heavily funded by the Canadian government.

Has McGill dug up the grounds? Is it possible that they don’t know anything and just learning about it now? They can let the families know where these graves are and at least not interfere with indigenous efforts to seek the truth and recover their murdered family members. Millions of our people are gone. The dead children will find their way home. Every Member of Parliament can demand that nothing can be built until every child is accounted for. There are people alive today who know where they are. They say nothing because they don’t want to be implicated in the crime.  

The question is will the governments of Canada and Quebec stop the genocide by exposing all the evidence about federally funded medical experiments performed on indigenous and Canadians during the cold war. 

McGill University claims to be an expert at everything they do. Like the “Mule Skinner”, it won’t happen the way they think it will. As Jimmie Rodgers explains, the cards could start to fall.

Well, good morning, captainGood morning to you, sirHey, hey, yeah
Do you need another mule skinnerDown on your new mud run?Hey, hey, yeah
Well, I’m a lady mule skinnerFrom down old Tennessee wayHey, hey, I come from Tennessee MNN court reporter  POBox 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0









Kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers file in Quebec Superior Court Case

#500-17-120-468-221 kahentinetha et al v. Societe quebecoise

des infrastructures et al.

The Mohawk Mothers filed at Montreal Superior Court on August 25, 2022 all the evidence for their demand for an interlocutory injunction to stop excavation of unmarked graves of children and disturbance of archeological remains of kahnienkehaka/Mohawks on tekanontak [Mount Royal Montreal]. Indigenous children and other test subjects were experimented upon in the 1950s and 1960s. More than 140 exhibits (affidavits, archives, scholar articles, newspaper clippings, drawings, pictures, maps, aerial photos, testimonies of witnesses, survivor statements, government reports, doctor correspondence, Phd. dissertations, book chapters government files,) support their position. On August 31 the opponents [McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, Allan Memorial Institute, McGill University Health Centre, City of Montreal, Quebec government, and Minister of Justice Canada] are challenging the right of the Mohawk Mothers to represent themselves. At the same time McGill threatens to excavate the unmarked graves and archeological remains before the hearing on October 26 to avoid an investigation of the archeological remains which their own institutions acknowledge as highly probable.



Affidavit Kahentinetha

Affidavit Lana Ponting

Affidavit Philippe

List of Exhibits

 C A N A D A S U P E R I O R C O U R T 

(Civil Division) 



No.: 500-17-120468-221 



















Impleaded Party 


Exhibit P-1 kaianerehko:wa/ Great Law of Peace Wampum 44 – women as progenitors of the soil. The Inherent Right of the Haudenosaunee to Criminal Justice Jurisdiction in Canada: a Premilinary Inquiry. Ph D Thesis, Michael R Cousins, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University. 2003, p.163. 

Exhibit P-2 Ville de Montréal, Sommaire décisionnel file no. 1217400001. 

Exhibit P-3 Land Rights : A Global Solution. Six Nations Lands & Resources Department. 2019. 

Exhibit P-4 Silver Covenant Chain, nation-to-nation relationship with the British Crown. 

Exhibit P-5 Recommandations. Site de l’hôpital Royal Victoria, étude de potentiel archéologique. Arkéos. 2016, pp. 71-72. 

Exhibit P-6 Testimony from MK-Ultra survivor Lana Ponting, October 6, 2021. 

Exhibit P-7 MK-Ultra experiments on children. British Journal of Psychiatry 167. 1995, pp. 264-264. 

Exhibit P-8 Nutritional experiments in Indian Residential Schools. Statement of Claim. Jean John Baptiste Pambrun vs. The Attorney General of Canada, Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Court File Number QBG 1359/18, pp. 7-13. 

Exhibit P-9 Research for the mentally ill. La Patrie, December 30, 1953. 

Exhibit P-10 Human remains found in the pigsty near St-Jean-de-Dieu hospital, in Montreal. Journal de Montréal. May 11, 1999 

Exhibit P-11 Electroshock torture practiced on children in Fort Albany’s St Anne’s Residential School. The Globe and Mail, October 21 1996. 

Exhibit P-12 Zone allegedly containing unmarked graves. Geoview Pro 

Exhibit P-13 Letters from the SQI to the Band Councils of Kahnawake and Kanehsatake. November 9, 2021 

Exhibit P-14 Synthèse de l’encadrement réglementaire, by the Arrondissement de Ville- Marie, Ville de Montréal, August 2021. 

Exhibit P-15 Statement of Dr. Richard Lloyd Letkeman, M.D., regarding the mental health of Lana Ponting. Sunshine Medical Clinique. Winnipeg, Manitoba. July 13, 2022. 

Exhibit P-16 Letter from family members of survivors of the MK ULTRA experiments to the City of Montreal. July 13, 2022. 

Exhibit P-17 “Executive summary”, “Chapter 2: Operational policies and custodial care” and “Burial policies and practices”. Canada’s Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials. The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume 4, pp. 1-12, 35-47, 118-123. 

Exhibit P-18 “Ottawa Studies Brain Washing”, The Gazette, January 17, 1955. 

Exhibit P-19 Project Mk-Ultra, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources. United States Senate. 59th Congress., First Session. August 3, 1977. pp. 1-8. 

Exhibit P-20 Julie Tanny vs. Royal Victoria Hospital et al. Re-amended Application to Authorize the Bringing of a Class Action. Montreal Superior Court File NO: 500-06-000972-196. 

Exhibit P-21 Correspondence between the Quebec minister of Health, the Allan Memorial Institute and the Royal Victoria Hospital about the Provincial card reporting system. Fonds Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux. 

Exhibit P-22 Request for information A-2022-02989 at Libraries and Archives Canada, Philippe Blouin. June 23, 2022. 

Exhibit P-23 Email exchange with the Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et de Services Sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. July 18, 2022. 

Exhibit P-24 Email exchange with the Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et de Services Sociaux de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. June 3, 2022. 

Exhibit P-25 Email exchange with Libraries and Archives Canada regarding Clifford Scott Fonds. May 14, 2022. 

Exhibit P-26 Access condition: Waredale House, National Archives of Canada. 

Exhibit P-27 Cecile Hardy and Cecil Hardy vs. The Attorney General of Canada. Fresh as Amended Statement of Claim. Federal Court of Canada File NO: T-143-18 

Exhibit P-28 1 – The Coming into Force of the Act”. The Act to authorize the communication of personal information to the families of Indigenous children who went missing or died after being admitted to an institution, Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones in collaboration with the Direction des communication, April 2022, pp. 1-10. 

Exhibit P-29 “Ravenscrag cédé à l’hôpital Royal Victoria”. La Patrie, November 11, 1940. 

Exhibit P-30 Letter from Dr. Ewen Cameron to Dr. Cyril James, June 3, 1943. 

Exhibit P-31 Curriculum Vitae of Donald Ewen Cameron. McGill archives. 

Exhibit P-32 1949 Budget – Department of Psychiatry, McGill University 

Exhibit P-33 “Opinion of George Cooper, Q.C., Regarding Canadian Government Funding of the Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950’s and 1960’s”, Minister of Supply and Services Canada. 1986. pp. 1-50. 

Exhibit P-34 CIA MK ULTRA Subproject 68, declassified 2007/03/08 

Exhibit P-35 Eric Oosenburg, 2020. “4. Activities of the new Department of Psychology under William Tait, 1924-1935” and “Chapter Five: Between Brain and Body – The Legacy of Hebbian Neuropsychology”, In Building a ‘Cross-roads Discipline at McGill University: a History of Early Experimental Psychology in Postwar Canada, pp. 40-52, 190-204. 

Exhibit P-36 Ewen Cameron, J.G. Lohrenz, and K.A. Handcock. 1962. “The Depatterning Treatment of Schizophrenia”, Comprehensive Psychiatry 3 (2): 65-76. 

Exhibit P-37 Ewen Cameron, Leonard Levy, Thomas Ban, and Leonard Rubenstein. 1961 “Sensory Deprivation: Effects upon the Functioning Human in Space Systems”, in Bernard E. Flaherty, ed., Psychophysiological Aspects of Space Flight. New York, pp. 225-237. 

Exhibit P-38 Letters Between Donald Hebb and the Canadian Defence Research Board, 1952-1953., accessed August 20, 2022. 

Exhibit P-39 Ewen Cameron and S.K. Pende. January 1, 1958. “Treatment of the Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenic Patient”. Can 

Exhibit P-40 Yvan Prkachin. 2021. “Two Solitudes: Wilder Penfield, Ewen Cameron, and the Search for a Better Lobotomy”. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 38 (2): 253-284. 

Exhibit P-41 Wilder Graves Penfield, M.D.”., accessed August 9, 2022 

Exhibit P-42 Donald O. Hebb. 1939. “Intelligence in Man after Large Removals of Cerebral Tissue: Report of Four Left Frontal Lobe Cases”. The Journal of General Psychology 21 (1): 73-87. 

Exhibit P-43 Ruth Hoyt. 1952. Table of contents and Acknowledgements. In Intelligence in Schizophrenic Patients with Lobotomy, PhD Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, pp. i-vi. 

Exhibit P-44 Report to Rockefeller Foundation from the Department of psychiatry, McGill University. 1949-1954. McGill University Archives RG2 C.243 ACC641 Ref636. 

Exhibit P-45 Brianne M. Collins. 2020. “Chapter 2. No Longer ‘the Cinderella of Medicine’: Psychiatric Identity and the Introduction of Somatic Therapies in the 1930s. In Uncharted Territory: Psychosurgery in Western Canada, 1935 -1970. PhD dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, pp. 67-80. 

Exhibit P-46 Robert A. Cleghorn. “E.C.T., L.S.D and the C.I.A”, Summary of AMI Controversy, GA3, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Archives. 

Exhibit P-47 Proposed alterations to part of the A.M.I. Stable to be used for Movie Photography”. 25 February, 1959. McGill Archives. 

Exhibit P-48 “Laboratory for Experimental Therapeutics. List of total personnel in Laboratory”. February 1957. McGill Archives. 

Exhibit P-49 Letter from Ewen Cameron to Cyril James, June 14, 1957. McGill Archives 

Exhibit P-50 Draft of Proposal for the Establishment of a Pilot Centre for Juvenile Delinquency”, and letter from Bruno Cormier to Ewen Cameron. 1963. McGill Archives. 

Exhibit P-51 University Centre for Criminology, plans and correspondence. 1956-1960. McGill Archives 

Exhibit P-52 Correspondence between Ewen Cameron and Bruno Cormier, February 20, 1959. McGill Archives 

Exhibit P-53 Geraint B. Osborne. 2006. “Scientific Experimentation on Canadian Inmates, 1955 to 1975”. The Howard Journal 45 (3): 284-306. 

Exhibit P-54 Rapport annuel au Commissaire des pénitenciers, 1958-1959, pp. 1-19, 93-100, 211-216., accessed August 12, 2022. 

Exhibit P-55 Ewen Cameron and Bruno Cormier, note on Services Conference, October 25, 1962. McGill Archives. 

Exhibit P-56 Proposed World Mental Health Research Institute”, McGill Archives. 

Exhibit P-57 Alastair MacLeod. “La Clinique du mieux-être”. L’Action Catholique – Québec, September 18, 1955, pp.7-8. 

Exhibit P-58 Une institution pour les jeunes malades mentaux”, La Presse, May 4, 1951. 

Exhibit P-59 Centre de recherches pour maladies mentales”, La Patrie, December 30, 1953. 

Exhibit P-60 “Étude sur l’adolescence subventionnée par Ottawa”, La Patrie, June 9, 1955. 

Exhibit P-61 Une étude sur l’adolescence”, La Presse, June 9, 1955. 

Exhibit P-62 “Enfants difficiles”, Le Droit, November 28, 1956. 

Exhibit P-63 Puériculture”, La Patrie, November 20, 1956. 

Exhibit P-64 Heinz Lehmann, T.A. Ban, and J.J. Lorenz. 1961. “Observations on the Action of Sernyl – A New Psychotropic Drug”, Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 6 (3): 150-157. 

Exhibit P-65 Program of the Regional Research Conference of the American Psychiatric Association, McGill University, December 4-5, 1953. 

Exhibit P-66 Lauretta Bender, Lothar Goldshmidt and Siva Sankar. “Treatment of autistic schizophrenic children with LSD-25 and UML-491”. 1961. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry 4: 170-179. 

Exhibit P-67 Gloria Menard. 1996. “Preface” In Anne MacLennan. Red Feather in Montreal. Red Feather Foundation, pp. i-x. 

Exhibit P-68 Krista Maxwell. 2011. “Chapter 3 From Mental Hygiene to Family Healing: Mental Health Professionals, Aboriginal Parenting and Indigenous Resistance”. In Making History Heal: Settler-Colonialism and Urban

Indigenous Healing in Ontario, 1970s-2010. PhD dissertation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 2011. 

Exhibit P-69 “Research memorandum concerning Family Health, Adolescent Roles and Mental Health”. McGill Archives. April 2, 1954. 

Exhibit P-70 Emmanuel Delille. 2018. “Eric Wittkower and the foundation of Montréal’s Transcultural Psychiatry Research Unit after World War II”. History of Psychiatry 29 (3): 282-296. 

Exhibit P-71 David H. Price. 2016. Cold War Anthropology. The CIA, the Pentagon and the Growth of Dual Use. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 

Exhibit P-72 Raymond H. Prince. 2000. “Transcultural Psychiatry: Personal Experiences and Canadian Perspectives”. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 45: 431-437. 

Exhibit P-73 H.B.M. Murphy. 1969. “Ethnic Variations in Drug Response: Results of an International Survey”. Transcultural Psychiatry 6 (1): 5-23. 

Exhibit P-74 H.B.M. Murphy. 1974. “Theories of Youth Unrest in Cross-Cultural Perspective”. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 8: 31-40. 

Exhibit P-75 Wallace E. Lambert, Eva Libman, and Ernest G. Poser. 1960. “The effect of increased salience of a membership group on pain tolerance”. Journal of Personality 28: 350–357. 

Exhibit P-76 Ernest G. Poser, George W. Fenton and Leila Scotton. 1965. “The classical conditioning of sleep and wakefulness” Behaviour Research and Therapy 3 (4): 259-264. 

Exhibit P-77 Wallace E. Lambert and Yosh Taguchi. 1956. “Ethnic Cleavage Among Young Children”. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 53 (3): 380–382. 

Exhibit P-78 E. David Sherman. 1943. “Sensivity to Pain (With an Analysis of 450 Cases). Canadian Medical Association Journal 48 (5): 437-441. 

Exhibit P-79 Barbara Wainrib and Joan Rothman, under the supervision of H.B.M. Murphy. A Look at the Children of Caughnawaga. Paper presented at the Services Conference – May 23, 1963, Allan Memorial Institute. 

Exhibit P-80 Minutes of the Panel on Indian Research. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, vol 6036. 

Exhibit P-81 Stanley Brice Frost.1984. “Chapter 6: Developments Between the Wars”. In McGill University: For the Advancement of Learning, Volume II, 1895-1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 139–186. 

Exhibit P-82 Correspondence about the Panel on Indian Research. Library and Archives Canada, December 15, 1947. file 150-144 and RG10, vol 8618, File 1 1-15-1. 

Exhibit P-83 G.H. Turner and D.J. Penfold. 1952. “The Scholastic Aptitude of the Indian Children of the Caradoc Reserve.” Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie 6 (1): 31–44. 

Exhibit P-84 Hugh Shewell. 2001. ” ‘What Makes the Indian Tick?’ The Influence of Social Sciences on Canada’s Indian Policy, 1947-1964″. Histoire Sociale/Social History 34 (67): 133-167. 

Exhibit P-85 R.A. Farmer. Letter to Ross Macdonald, May 17, 1950. Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs School Files, RG10, vol 6036, File 150-144, part 1. 

Exhibit P-86 Fred Voget. 1951. “Acculturation at Caughnawaga: A Note on the Native-Modified Group”. American Anthropologist 53 (2): 220-231. 

Exhibit P-87 Oswald Hall. 1949. “The Use of Sampling Procedures and Role Theory in Sociological Research”. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 15 (1): 1-13. 

Exhibit P-88 Joan Eleanor Kabayama. 1958. “Outline”. Educational Retardation Among Non-Roman Catholic Indians at Oka. Masters dissertation, Department of Education, McGill University, pp. 1-9. 

Exhibit P-89 Ian Mosby. 2013. “Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942-1952” Histoire sociale / Social History, XLVI (91): 145-172. 

Exhibit P-90 Jonathan Turner. 2012. “Chapter 3.7: The Program” The Defence Research Board of Canada, 1947 to 1977. PhD dissertation, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. University of Toronto, pp. 84-113. 

Exhibit P-91 Shane Wiseman. 2017. “Chapter 3: Funding Defence Research and Development.” Matthew The Science of Defence: Security, Research, and the North in Cold War Canada. PhD dissertation, Department of History, Wilfrid Laurier University, pp. 121-157. 

Exhibit P-92 Rod Mickleburgh. “Ruling upheld in ‘deplorable’ case of abuse by therapist”. The Globe and Mail, April 19, 2003. 

Exhibit P-93 Matthew S. Wiseman. 2015. “Unlocking the ‘Eskimo Secret’: Defence Science in the Cold War Canadian Arctic, 1947–1954”. Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 26 (1): 191-223. 

Exhibit P-94 Matthew Farish. 2013. “The Lab and the Land: Overcoming the Arctic in Cold War Alaska”. Isis 104 (1): 1-29. 

Exhibit P-95 Kieran Oudshoorn. “Inuit in Canada’s Eastern Arctic Speak Out about Skin Grafts Done Without Consent in 1970s. CBC news. May 14, 2019. 

Exhibit P-96 Robert A. Cleghorn. 1990. “The McGill Experience of Robert A. Cleghorn, MD: Recollections of D. Ewen Cameron”. CBMH/BCHM 7: 53-76. 

Exhibit P-97 J.W. Thomas, Margaret A. Stuckey, H.S. Robinson, J.P. Gofton, D.O. Anderson and J.N. Bell. 1964. “Blood Groups of the Haida Indians”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22: 189-192. 

Exhibit P-98 Letter from the Regional Direction of Medical Services, Northern Region. May 31, 1967. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-99 Library and Archives Canada, School File Series, Indian Affairs, RG10, vol 6258, file 576-10, part 8. 

Exhibit P-100 A.A. Foster. 1943. “ESP Tests with American Indian Children. A Comparison of Methods”. The Journal of Parapsychology 7 (2): 94-103. 

Exhibit P-101 Tyler Clarke. “Brandon sanatorium named in lawsuit filed on behalf on ‘Indian Hospital’ patients”. The Brandon Sun, February 3, 2018.¸ 

Exhibit P-102 Donna Carreiro. “‘Our people were experimented on’: Indigenous sanatorium survivors recall medical tests”. CBC News, September 22, 2017. 

Exhibit P-103 “Insane Indians”, Department of Indian Affairs, August 9, 1933. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-104 “Services for the Care of Mentally Defective Persons in Canada”, Department of National Health and Welfare, Letter to the Direction of Indian Health Services, September 28, 1956. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-105 “Memorandum”. Deputy Superintendant General, June 9, 1936. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-106 Library and Archives Canada. RG29 Vol 333 File 436-3-4 – Mental Health – Administration- consultant services, Indian Health Services 

Exhibit P-107 Mental Illness in Indians. Letter from P.E. Moore, Director of Indian and Northern Health Services, May 7, 1956. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-108 Indian and Northern Health Services 1956”. Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1957. The Department of National Health and Welfare, pp. 76-93. 

Exhibit P-109 Mentally Ill Eskimos. Letter from John S. Willis, M.D., D.P.H, to the Regional Superintendent of the Eastern Region, November 3, 1955. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-110 Minutes of the fifth meeting of the Committee on Eskimo Affairs held on November 29th, 1954. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-111 List of hospitals and affiliated N.A. & N.R. Officers, Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-112 Letter from Paul Martin, the Minister of National Health and Welfare, April 1, 1955. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-113 Press Release, Indian Health Survey, James Bay. October 28, 1947. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-114 Letter from Indian Health Services officer Leroux to social worker Fortin, April 5, 1952. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-115 The Indian Act and its Amendments. S.C. 1951, c. 29, pp. 351-352., accessed August 15, 2022. 

Exhibit P-116 Joan Sangster. 2002. “She Is Hostile to Our Ways”: First Nations Girls Sentenced to the Ontario Training School for Girls, 1933-1960″. Law and History Review 20 (1): 59-96. 

Exhibit P-117 Robert Menzies and Ted Palys. 2006. “Turbulent Spirits: Aboriginal Patients in the British Columbia Psychiatric System, 1879–1950”. In David Wright and James E. Moran (eds.), Mental health and Canadian society historical perspectives. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 149-175. 

Exhibit P-118 Nadia Kanani. 2011. “Race and Madness: Locating the experiences of Racialized People with Psychiatric Histories in Canada and the United States.” Critical Disability Discourses 3. Retrieved from, accessed August 14, 2022. 

Exhibit P-119 “Chapter 5: Medical and Hospital Services”. Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1951. The Department of National Health and Welfare. 1951, pp. 62-66. 

Exhibit P-120 Project 35: Study of Lobotomy in Schizophrenia. Restricted file R1183, RG38, vol 340, no 35. Library and Archives Canada. 

Exhibit P-121 A.O. Bernstein. 1976. “The significance of reports of mercury in various body tissues”, Circumpolar health: proceedings of the 3rd international symposium, Yellowknife, NWT. pp. 650-663. 

Exhibit P-122 Arrêté en Conseil, chambre du Conseil exécutif, no. 816, August 1954. 

Exhibit P-123 “Justice At Last? The Duplessis Orphans Scandal”. AMI Magazine, February 16, 2011, pp. 48-55. 

Exhibit P-124 Le Cimetière oublié des Orphelins de Duplessis”. Le Journal de Montréal, May 11, 1999. 

Exhibit P-125 Insurance Plan Maps, December 1957, Ville de Montréal 

Exhibit P-126 Patrimoine Montréal. Énoncé de l’intérêt patrimonial. Site de l’Institut Allan Memorial (ancienne villa Ravenscrag)., 29 août 2019. 

Exhibit P-127 Your Pocket Guide to the New Royal Victoria Hospital, 1955. 

Exhibit P-128 Viewpoints and urban profiles of the Allan Memorial Institute and the Royal Victoria Hospital. August 2022. 

Exhibit P-129 City of Montreal Aerial photos and Google Earth snaphots of the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute throughout history. 

Exhibit P-130 Photographs of the Allan Memorial Institute and Ravenscrag gardens, November 2021. 

Exhibit P-131 “Chapter 6. Determination of Archeological Potential”. Royal Victoria Hospital Archaeological Potential Study. Arkeos and Decasult. 2016, pp. 63-72. 

Exhibit P-132 Donovan King, “Indigenous Burial Sites on the Mountain and Beyond”, August 2022. 

Exhibit P-133 Mathieu Sossoyan. Sacred but Forgotten: Prehistoric Burials on the Island of Montreal. Powerpoint Presentation. 2014. 

Exhibit P-134 Karonhianoron. “A Critique of the Arkeos Report”. August 10, 2022. 

Exhibit P-135 Brief presented by the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal, November 10, 2021. 

Exhibit P-136 Letter from the Société québécoise des infrastructures to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, November 9, 2021. 

Exhibit P-137 Samir Shaheen-Hussain. 2020. “Chapter 9. Cruel Treatment: Indian Hospitals, Sanatoria, and Skin Grafting”. In Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Colonialism against Indigenous Children in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp.150-178. 

Exhibit P-138 Alisa R. Lombard. “Mistreatment & Violence Against Women During Reproductive Care, With Focus on Childbirth – RE: Forced Sterilization of Indigenous Women in Canada”. Letter to Dubravka Šimonović, Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, OHCHR-UNOG. May 17, 2019. 

Exhibit P-139 Dr. Kisha Supernant, Director, Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology. “Overview of Technologies for Searching for Human Remains and Unmarked Graves”. Prepared for the kahnistensera – Mohawk Mothers. August 2022. 

Exhibit P-140 JAllore. “Tales from The Douglas Psychiatric Institute for the Insane / WKT5 #18”. Podcast. October 19, 2021., accessed August 18, 2022. 

Exhibit p-141 Facebook post by Ian Lafrenière, Quebec Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs, July 29, 2022. 

Kahnawake, August 24th, 2022 














P.O. Box 991, Kahnawake, Quebec, J0L 1B0 

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MNN. Aug 13, 2022. Here are two articles on “Mohawk Mothers” who asked for the removal of the Mount Royal Cross, translated from French. First, from Quebec reactionary  Mathieu Bock-Coté, followed by a response published on Aug. 11, 2022 in The Metro Journal By Philippe Blouin, Phd. candidate McGill, and Guillaume G. Poirier,  doctorate candidate, U. of Ottawa. 


The Metro newspaper reported the “Mohawk mothers” as “Aboriginal peoples who see the cross the way the Jewish people see the swastika as equivalent to the symbol of Nazism!

Bock-Cote accuses the “Mohawk mothers” of Nazifying the history of New France. Bock-Cote asks how can one seriously equate European expansion from 1492 and the era of the Great Discoveries with the history of the Third Reich? 

Bock-Cote says the new scapegoat is the “big bad white man, presented as a dirty little Satan, condemned to perpetual penitence, to eternal genuflection, to repentance until the end of time. It is obligatory to hate him”… The desire to erase the cross on Mount Royal is part of this logic similar to the public prayer now recited about the supposedly unceded territories, as if we were not at home in our country!

Bock-Cote says in effect that “We are destroying the legitimacy of the countries resulting from European expansion. The Mohawk Mothers do not talk about “reconciliation”, but the most radical Amerindian militants dream of revenge. For them, we are “intruders” in America. They are influenced by the radical left, which leads its anti-Western crusade. Unmistakably the residential schools genocide represent an indelible stain on Canadian history. But redressing this injustice should not mean self-destruction though this is the temptation of our elites, who indulge in masochism”.

Bock-Cote states that for now the idea of removing the cross is rejected. The Mount Royal Cross represents for them “a major historical  emblem of Montreal recalling historical events, and represents the French Canadian population, transforming the history of the Quebec people into the history of one ethnic community among others”. 

Bock-Cote says, “We feel that the City of Montreal is ashamed of this cross. “Mohawk mothers” equating the cross to the swastika means we have already mentally lost the battle”.

Is M. Bock-Coté, MORE CATHOLIC THAN THE POPE. OPEN LETTER – BY PHILIPPE BLOUIN AND GUILLAUME G POIRIER, PHD CANDIDATES. August 10, 2022.  After spending one week in Canada, Pope Francis confessed that his visit had been a real “slap in the face”, leading him to realize that the natives there had suffered genocide. For Bock-Côté, who was born here, the slap does not seem to have come yet. In response to the Mohawk Mothers, who are asking for the removal of the Mount Royal cross, a symbol of the horrors experienced by Aboriginals in the same way that the swastika was for the Jews, Bock-Côté regrets that this request could be “taken seriously” by the City of Montreal.

Yet the Catholic Church authority has explicitly recognized the genocidal nature of its program of assimilation of  Aboriginals, and by extension, the fact that its symbol, the cross, can be associated with genocide. The question: is  Bock-Côté more Catholic than the Pope?

We return to the distorted words of the author of The Racialist Revolution. First, the notion of “genocide”. The Geneva Convention defines it as “the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. It also defines criteria that apply unambiguously to what happened here: “Forced transfer of children from the group to another group” (boarding schools); “Measures intended to prevent births within the group” (forced sterilizations); “Intentional subjection of the group to conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” (reservation system), etc.

To date, more than 2,300 children’s bodies have been found in mass graves in Canada, while three quarters of the residential schools have yet to be excavated.  Let’s imagine that we Quebecers are forced – on pain of going to jail – to send our children to study year-round in a residential school where a foreign language and religion are imposed on them. Imagine the after-effects on Quebec culture after just ten years of forced acculturation. The Aboriginals have lived more than 150 years of forced acculturation. Would Whites, Quebecers or others, be ready to undergo this experience in order to attain the status of victims that Bock-Côté has given them? By denouncing the “demonization of the white man” that we would witness today, Bock-Côté reverses reality. The Church has always associated Aboriginal spiritualities and ways of life with “Satan”, but not those of the white man. The “Lord’s Prayer”was forced to be recited in residential schools, not the “public prayer acknowledging  the unceded indigenous territories”. Gas chambers were not necessary here to find a “final solution” to the “Indian problem.” Religious indoctrination, cultural ethnocide and sexual and physical abuse were enough. Let us not forget that many whites were also victims of Catholic torturers during the Great Blackness. The Mohawk Mothers’ press conference was also attended by Duplessis Orphans, who came to demand the removal of the cross, a symbol whose authority was used by priests to abuse them in orphanages. Thanks to Decree 816, signed on March 18, 1956, Maurice Duplessis, whom Bock-Côté describes as “the defender of  Quebec,” had changed the status of a whole generation of orphans to “mentally retarded” in order to receive more federal subsidies. Many of these children, born out of wedlock, were seen as children of sin, and treated by Catholic congregations with a barbarity of which no Quebecer could be proud. In 1999, the “Soue à Cochon” [pigsty] cemetery near St. Jean de Dieu Hospital, where the Duplessis Orphans had been unceremoniously piled for years, was covered by an SAQ [alcohol] warehouse. The first shovelful of earth was given by none other than [Quebec Premier} François Legault. By jointly asking for the removal of the cross from Mount Royal, the Mohawk Mothers and the Duplessis Orphans are demanding only a minimal recognition of these crimes, in a context where the secularization of public space is being demanded from all sides. If a survey were to be  launched, it is likely that many Montrealers would agree.


This brings us to the story of the word, “Québec”. Bock-Côté takes exception to the city of Montreal’s use of the term “French-Canadian population”, forgetting that the word Quebec is both an Aboriginal term and a British assignment. It was the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that established Canada as the Province of Quebec, using an Anishinabe word meaning “narrow passage”. On the other hand, the term “Canadian” was initially reserved for the French settlers, and repugnant to the British. In the Mohawk language, Kanatiéns means “squatters”. It is paradoxical, to say the least, that the demand for the removal of  colonial symbols should be labelled as “identity masochism”. Isn’t the real “morbid pleasure” that of the colonizer-colonized (Bock-Côté) who rejoices in the name that another colonizer (the British crown) has given him? How can Bock-Côté so well decry the colonial oppression of Quebecers by the British, while being unable to see that he is reproducing it against the Aboriginals?

If contemporary Quebecers want to show their solidarity with the victims of their colonial heritage, it is essential that they take seriously the testimonies and claims of the victims of the European invasion and of Catholic fundamentalism. It is even a duty to prove that we have more sensitivity than the Nazis – and that we sincerely want to repair the past. We believe that Quebec in its overwhelming majority is ready to hear and to face the terrible reality that the Pope has acknowledged about the Aboriginal people. However, everything seems to suggest that Bock-Côté has a problem of listening (not to say understanding) in this matter. We hope that he will come to his senses, as the representative of his cross. In his defense, it must be recognized that Bock-Côté has followed, in spite of himself, what many natives and non-natives sensitive to the decolonial cause would like him to do: he has returned to make his life in Europe. If France is favorable to him, let him stay there. We will take care of our colonial heritage ourselves, right here on Turtle Island.

Philippe Blouin is a PhD candidate in anthropology at McGill University, working on his dissertation on Mohawk political philosophy, and will publish in September the book “The Mohawk Warrior Society. A Handbook on Sovereignty and survival.” Guillaume G. Poirier is a doctoral candidate at the School of Political Thought of the University of Ottawa, working on a thesis on the role of the “savage” in the history of colonization and in the doctrine of the sovereign state in Thomas Hobbes.

The Beatles know that basically nothing is gonna change the world because the church and its symbols cannot kill the kaianerekowa, great peace: Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns. It calls me on and on across the universe. Jai guru deva, om. Nothing’s gonna change my world.


MNN Note: The genocide has never ended. It continues today and tomorrow. Bock-Cote attacking the Mohawk Mothers is attacking his own mother. All women around the world are right. We onkwewonweh are here and will continue to resist.  P.O. Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948 

Genocide is a crime under international law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world, 

It is agreed that:

Article I

That genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

Article II

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: 

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III

The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.




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Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) demand that the Pope must leave our land and take the cross and all of the symbols of their atrocities with him. Indigenous people see it as how the Jewish people see the swastika. McGill must stop bulldozing alleged unmarked graves before any investigation.


“The pope must leave and take the cross with him”, demand the Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers), who are carrying out their duties under the direction of the great peace kaianerekowa, and to stop the unmarked graves from being bulldozed by McGill University, which is now in Quebec’s Superior Court. They are trying to desecrate a crime scene, which violates their own law.

Tiohtiàke/Montreal, July 28, 2022. The Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) joined by their 50+ supporters had a rally and press conference to share updates on their attempt to stop McGill University from conducting excavation work on the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital, regardless of allegations of unmarked graves of Indigenous children. The rally and the press conference took place yesterday at the Mordecai Richler Gazebo at the foot of the unceded kanien’kehà:ka homeland of tekanontak (Mount-Royal), which all parties concede is all indigenous land as caretakers for future people.

On July 26th, 2022, a case management conference at the Quebec Superior Court in Montreal confirmed that McGill University intends to start building its “New Vic” campus in October 2022, in an area adjacent to McGill’s psychiatry department, the Allan Memorial Institute, where infamous CIA-funded Mk-Ultra “mind control” experiments were conducted in the 1950s and 1960s. The kahnistensera fear that forensic evidence of criminal research activities will be destroyed if the land is excavated before a thorough investigation is made to their satisfaction. The Superior Court will hear the kahnistensera’s demand for an interlocutory injunction against the construction project on October 26th 2022.

Meanwhile, the Société québécoise des infrastructures (the alleged owner of the Allan Memorial Institute), McGill University, the government of Canada and the City of Montreal are encouraging the desecration of the unmarked Indigenous graves situated on the former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial sites, unceded land traditionally known as tekanontak, “two mountains” (Mount Royal). McGill University is being permitted to go forth with their $700 million “New Vic” project in the guise of furthering public policy and sustainability research.

Out of “common decency”, the kahnistensera ask a commitment from McGill university to not desecrate the bodies of their ancestors and children before the truth is known about the medical crimes committed on those lands. Instead, they demand McGill to provide access to archives so that proof of the graves can be ascertained. Furthermore, it is unceded Indigenous territory and its stewardship should remain in Indigenous hands. All permits for any construction can only be provided by the kanionkehaka, the rightful owners of the land.

The kahnistensera, as Mohawk women traditionally vested with the responsibility of caretaking the land, also denounced the visit of Pope Francis to Turtle Island. “He did not apply for permission from the true indigenous people to enter turtle island. He is not welcome and not wanted. He is just another trespasser,” said the kahnistensera. The legacy of the Catholic church on turtle Island is indisputably tied up in the genocide of Indigenous Peoples through residential schools and other oppressive and assimilationist practices evidenced in the thousands of unmarked graves discovered across the country to date. Millions more expected to be found. Canada hired the churches to carry out the genocide.

According to the Mothers, confronting the reality of these unspeakable crimes involves more than just words —it requires tangible action, particularly the dismantlement of the colonial oppressive apparatus called “Canada”. Apologies are unacceptable. Real action starts by “canceling the ‘doctrine of discovery’. No one can discover something that was not lost! [Mad Bear Anderson]. This is the only argument they use to justify their genocide”, said kahentinetha at the Rally and press conference. This goes for all of the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. There is no statute of limitation on such crimes against humanity. 

Real action means taking accountability for what has been done which can never be rectified by “giving back” something they never owned. The churches and Canada still exist and are responsible for their crimes. This stands in stark contrast to the Pope’s slap in the face to all indigenous people, such as “prayers’, phoney apologies, empty promises and continuing genocide. These cannot heal or help the countless lives taken and harmed by the Catholic church and other evil denominations. “The Pope doesn’t have any business coming over here. And all of these people, that were involved in the biggest genocide/holocaust in world history, are walking around free as a bird and being glorified by the state, the politicians the banks” and the sheep, emphasized kahentinetha. They should join in finding these graves. “The cross must come down” was one of the main demands of the kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera, referring to the 31 meters tall cross on top of Mount Royal. “It’s a symbol of murder, rape, violence, oppression and abuse of genocide power”, said karakwiné, one of the Mohawk Mothers, as she felt the pain of so many of her ancestors. The cross as a symbol of human cruelty was also highlighted by the Duplessis Orphans who were present and recounted the stories of sexual abuse and oppression they experienced at the hands of the priests.

This demonstrated an alliance between peoples who suffered inhuman and cruel treatment under the stewardship of the church. “The cross is a symbol of power that was used to abuse children”, said Hervé Bertrand of the Duplessis Orphans. The kahnistensera invite all people in solidarity with the cause to help them prevent the desecration of the graves of Indigenous children and ancestors before their next hearing, on October 26th. -30- Contact: 514-825-4001 Source: [1] Milton Parc Citizens Committee (statement [2]) Links: —— [1] [2]



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See Notice Below of Press Conference @ 3.00 PM Wed. July 27, 2022 Mordecai Richler Gazebo at Park and Duluth, the Plateau near Mount Royal. 

He did not apply for permission from the true indigenous people to enter turtle island.  He is not welcome and not wanted. He is just another trespasser. The godfather of the Roman Catholic cult sent his henchmen here to cause death and destruction across turtle island. Now he us coming here to see if the genocide is proceeding as planned. All indigenous land was usurped by the Vatican. Indigenous languages were taken to control information so that history can be invented. Speaking our languages gives us more incentive to take back our land, culture and ways. He’s plead guilty to all these crimes against us.   

North Amercans have no land, no culture and no natural language, which gives them no common ground to exist. They rely on government to tell them who and what they are. They have no historical, social or cultural roots because of the genocide they committed. All our history exists though evidence has been destroyed.  

Invaders of all turtle Island tried to destroy every facet of our existence. The kaianerekowa and creation will never allow it. Canada continues to try to ethnic cleanse us. The apology, framework agreement and reconciliation are meant to stamp out the truth. Only we belong where creation placed us.  

The kahnistensera, mohawk mothers, of turtle island [onowarekeh] want a great peace revolution. We are sanctioned by the great peace, creation, to exist as the true caretakers of the land.

The invaders came uninvited to turtle island 500 years ago and attempted to exterminate us.  

All traditional indigenous people throughout the world must live by their own natural ways to save the earth.

Settler colonialists have and continue to try to extinguish our natural life. We would prefer to have the settlers as strategic partners but they have to remain on their own homeland. 

Presently the world is unravelling as revolutions, rebellions, insurrection and protests break out. There is hunger, heat and cold. We want alliances and talks between real people, not with leaders who want to take off their shirts and skirts [like at the G7 conference] so private power and money remain in the hands of a few. We must stop these colonial victimizers from killing us and our children and raping the land as they have done for 500 years. These rampages must end.


In our way they would get the same treatment they gave us. The trespassers came here with a plan to stamp us out of creation, that we never existed. Oct. 25 2024 is the culmination of the 100 years business plan to annihilate us. It is “indigenous holocaust memorial day”. Our message is if you don’t know your true history, you have no future.

Why are these murderers not in prison for what they did and are still doing to us. They brought killing and suffering on millions and yet are roaming above the earth freely without answering for their crimes. They are under the protection of the Roman Catholic cartel. 

The past has caught up with the hangman. The wrongs they committed cannot ever be righted. Even admitting guilt and disclosing the truth to humanity isn’t going change what happened. “Sorry I murdered your kids, raped, starved your children and tried to steal all your land with the help of my military, politicians, lawyers, bankers and  misfits”. So sorry.  Wink. Wink. 

The cross on tekanontak [mount royal Montreal] is on a historic communication centre of our people throughout turtle island. We want access and jurisdiction to all our land. We want full reconciliation with our people everywhere without hindrance by invaders.


All this land and resources belong to the unborn natural indigenous people. The invaders can stay only until they die by following the great peace. They cannot sell, transfer or do anything to our land. Everything below, on and above the land is that of the caretakers placed here by creation. Upon their death everything reverts to us as we are the only heirs. With our permission the trespassers may use our land only until they die and cannot turn our property over to anybody. 

The admiralty law of the seas and their courts are private foreign corporations and sit illegally on our land. They and everything that violates indigenous natural law have no force or effect. We are in the process of stopping McGill University from extracting our land so we cannot investigate the unmarked graves of our murdered children.

Anyone who contradicts or sides with the invaders violate the great peace. Ignorance of the great peace is no excuse. Traitors will be dealt with according to the kaianerekowa, great peace, the law of the land. 

The Pope is coming to Canada to acknowledge what everyone in the world knows, that turtle island is the land of the indigenous people since time immemorial. Now’s the time for the Pope to ride in his Popemobile to Kahnawake and then to McGill University to acknowledge all this. And over the radio in his Popemobile he should have playing Led Zepellin’s masterful “Gallows Pole”: Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while. Think I see my friends coming Riding a many mile. Friends did you get some silver? Did you get a little gold? What did you bring me my dear friends To keep me from the gallows pole? What did you bring me to keep me from the gallows pole? I couldn’t get no silver, I couldn’t get no gold. You know that we’re too damn poor To keep you from the gallows pole. The Pope is still collecting money from the dead and murdered children.

Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while. I think I see my brother coming Riding a many mile. Brother, did you get me some silver? Did you get a little gold? What did you bring me, my brother To keep me from the gallows pole? Brother, I brought you some silver. I brought a little gold,I brought a little of everything To keep you from the gallows pole. . . . .’

Box 991, kahnawake quebec caada J0L 1B0

*Rally and press conference

with the kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) Join us at 3 pm on Wednesday, July 27th for a rally at the foot of the unceded kanien’kehà:ka homeland of tekanontak (Mount-Royal), to let Pope Francis know that his evil Church is unwanted on Turtle Island. The cross must come down now! This week is marked by the visit of Pope Francis as representative of the most genocidal corporation in history, the Catholic church. His 6-day “penitential” swan song holiday on Turtle Island will not be allowed. It is not enough to “acknowledge” the genocide, abuse and massacre of innumerable Indigenous children discovered (and yet to be discovered) in mass graves all around Turtle Island. In the Iroquoian language spoken by the original inhabitants of the St. Lawrence Valley, there is no word for saying “I am sorry”, only “I will make it right”. Rather than apologies for forcefully attempting to wipe Indigenous peoples off the globe, we want what we have never ceded: our land! We will not accept the Vatican whitewashing its barbaric history in Canada while still being the largest private landowner in the world. The kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera will also share the latest updates on the lawsuit through which they are seeking to block the upcoming profanation of Indigenous graves on Mount Royal for McGill University’s ominous “New Vic” project, on the sites of the former Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute. Stand by Indigenous peoples to save Mother Earth from destruction. #Takebacktekanondak










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MNN. June 20, 2022. This letter was sent to “Deloitte, the Indian Day Schools Class Action Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 1775, Toronto, ON, Canada M5C 0A2m Tel. 1-888-221-2898


Dear Sirs:

June 12/22: Claim. ID EEN-00080303 Jane Doe. Re: Level Determination. 

I am eligible for the Level 5 claim of $200,000 from the Indian Day School Class Action Settlement, plus another $50,000 dollars for the continued torture that Deloitte, Gowling and Canada are causing me at this time.



No one explained why there are 5 levels of suffering to decide the amount to pay each victim. Every victim suffered 100%. Oddly, attorney and auditor fees were settled before ours. 

Canada plead guilty  because they did the crime and had all the records, not allowing us to cross-examine them. Our lawyer, Gowling, represented us and Canada and did not advise and protect us.   

Canada plead guilty and has no choice but to agree with everything we say. The case is uncontested. We do not have to prove what Canada plead guilty to.

I am a victim since 1940 and am part of  this class action case we won. A jury should have decided the remedy for the mental and physical abuse and terrorism. Deloitte cannot decide whether the physical harm and abuse I suffered was bad enough for them. In 1988 Canada transferred the schools from the churches to the band councils who both work for Canada. Indian Affairs is part of the army.


One of the biggest mental violations was genociding my original kanonsesne kanienkehaka:onwe name. 

Canada plead guilty to committing the following crimes of torture. We survived the government’s Indian day school atrocities. We were not meant to recover from the trauma. Some torture techniques were total darkness, light & sound deprivation, various diseases, starvation, pain inducing and numbness holds [some prolonged in body casts] , raping, drugging, electric shock and mind control. Canada admitted to hiring churches and private institutions to spread diseases, sexual abuse/harm, touching of genitals or private parts, spread venereal disease, exposing themselves, fondling/kissing, taking nude photos, physical abuse and assault which caused serious physical harm requiring medical treatment and resulting in the murder of millions, beating us if we spoke our indigenous languages, mental anguish while anticipating the physical and mental abuse and possible death as part of the genocide program. 

Canada also plead guilty to sexual abuse/harm [masturbation, oral intercourse, penetration or penetration with an object causing physical assault, permanent or long-term harm [injury, impairment or disfigurement] and impregnating and sterilizing the children. [Then murdering the babies ].

Offer these two ancient relics on your holy apology tour. It’s all we really have of any value. 


Canada admits, “Yes, we did it!” and now has to settle and pay its victims according to the admiralty law system imposed upon us.     

kahnawake, tyendinaga and over 600 indian reservations and communities were victims. My home is still under military control. Some of the teachers were WW2 veterans, priests, nuns, missionaries, dentists, doctors, nurses, and other psychopathic adults and authorities.

There is no statute of limitations for these crimes which deliberately attempted to destroy our greatness. Since 1905 to 1987 all our medical records were with the Canadian government, Indian Affairs, or, in my case, the Kahnawake hospital or some other department of the military.  Kahnawake Hospital informed me that all my medical records from 1940 to1987 have disappeared. The presumption is they were destroyed. So Deloitte’s reconsideration form can’t be completed. By law Canada is obligated to believe me. As a sovereign onkwehonweh, I have determined that I am eligible for the No. 5 level of suffering of $200,000 offered plus $50,000 for the pain and suffering I am enduring presently, and another $50,000 for each time I am deprived of my right to protect myself. I am being treated by Canada as a prisoner of war so that I will suffer more. 

Canada gave Deloitte a retainer of $44 million to make and send the checks to us, not to decide our cases. Deloitte is illegally withholding payment unless we illegally relive our horrific experiences to their satisfaction. Then Canada gave $55 million as a retainer to the defence lawyers, Gowling, without asking for our approval.  

Canada is paying us from our own Indian Trust Fund.   

Canada and their sidekicks are trying to revictimize the victims. Deloitte’s job is to keep the payout down for Canada. Gowling’s job is to settle Canada’s crime without a trial so everybody cannot see and hear the evidence of genocide of our people. There should be an investigation of the actions of Canada, Deloitte and Gowling by the victims. Together they are working as B.A.R. lawyers to whitewash the genocide.

Finally, as a people we were deprived of our culture, land and our care taking duties to our mother earth and our future generations, which is priceless. 

The creation of torture systems were contracted to universities and hospitals by the CIA, MI5, CSIS and other academic, government and military institutions. Indigenous children were used to create the war prisoners torture programs. [See video “Eminent Monster”. A Manual for Modern Torture.

As Deloitte, Gowling and Canada assume they represent me, CCR say, “It ain’t me”. As John Fogarty sings: “Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, that red white and blue. And when the band plays “Hail to the Chief. Ooh, they point a cannon at you. It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I aint no senator’s son. It ain’ me. It ain’t me. I ain’t no fortunate son. Some folks are born with a silver spoon in hand. Lord, don’t they help themself. When the tax man comes to the door ….”, court reporter, 

Box 991, kahnawake, quebec casnada J0L 1B0