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MNN. Apr. 16, 2022. Update by thahoketoteh, MNN court reporter. The mohawk mothers were ready to proceed without lawyers with the case on April 14, 2022. For various reasons the court meeting has been postponed to May 30, 2022. The mothers continue to monitor the entire Royal Victoria Project while the case is in court. All proposed renovations continue to be challenged by the kahnistensera, the caretakers of the unceded land in question. No work is being carried out at this time.


On May 30 there will be a Calling of the Roll” and case management.  Then the kahnistensera can present their case.

The Attorney General of Quebec has been notified that the case has crucial constitutional and public interest importance to both Canada and Quebec and has intervened in the case, i.e. indigenous lands and crimes against humanity regarding the unmarked graves. Defendant SQI has appointed new lawyers.

The rotiskenraketeh [men’s fire] will follow their duty and will carry out the women’s bidding as per the kaianerekowa.

As Billie Holiday sings about something that’s being delayed: “I’ll be seeing you in old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces all day through. I’ll see you in the morning sun and when the night is through. I’ll be looking at the moon and I’ll be seeing you” [on May 30].  MNN Cour Reporter. [kahnistensera –, P.O. Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0


The Allan Memorial Institute: (1953-1973) - CIA Project MKUltra - McGill Univ. - Montreal

MNN. Court Reporter: Box 991, kahnawake quebec Canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. The infinite elder, Red X, of the 5th dimension, arrived on his silver eagle. He pulled out our instruction manual known as the ‘kaianerekowa’, the great peace, which guides us on how the world will respect the onkwehonwe:onwe, the original people of turtle island.

The only existing photo of famous sage, Red-X, whose eyes are black cavernous void leading directly into the 5th demension.


From the burning of ceremonial tobacco, Red X received a telepathic message about the Quebec Superior Court trying to ignore the truthful message of the  kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, to respect indigenous ways throughout turtle island. [Quebec District Court. No. 500-17-120468-221 kahnistensera v. Society quebecoise des infrastructures, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction & Attorney General of Canada]. The mothers are  charging them with crimes against humanity. 

Red X is the ultimate warrior who sees and knows the past, present and future, and returns to give us important messages on the meaning of what is happening.  

The oienkwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [rotiskenra:kete]. They are also known as the “ghost warriors”. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

O'ien'kwen:ton are trained for special duties.

This society secretly train to be close to the original duties of our ancestors to protect the people according to the great peace. They go through rites to develop great mental and physical strength in peacetime and wartime. Only those with great strength and power are selected to be part of this special elite force. Their bodies are painted in dark colors, red and yellow stripes are marked on their faces and their clothes blend in with the forest. When they are on maneuvers in the wilderness, they are a shadow that cannot be seen nor heard by the enemies. W79.

The war chief notifies the 5 war chiefs of the League to prepare for war & have the men ready for engagement with the enemy of the Great Peace.

The 5 war chiefs prepare for war & have their men ready to fight the enemy of the Great Peace. W79.

The women give the offending party three warnings. If they refuse the third warning, the aserakowa comes with the black wampum, and personally gives them the last chance to grab the wampum before it hits the ground, thereby abiding by the women’s orders to cease breaking the peace and hurting the people. If the enemy lets the black wampum hit the ground, the oienkwenton immediately smash their heads with the war club. Their brains empty onto the earth to release the evil into the soil to be cleansed by mother earth. Then the war begins.

Black beads is emblem of War Chiefs' authority.

oienkwen:ton, hanging tobacco, are always with us in the spirit dimension to assist our men. They visit those who work against natural law. 

Red X said the sky world is returning and that each has to figure out the meaning in their own mind. For those who have ignored the great peace, the disaster for them will be the return of peace. There will be no more need for mind control by religions, lawyers, judges, courts, armies, the obedience training and no one to tell them how to think. 

The black serpent is still trying to make war and looking around for its next victim. It will see the onkwehonweh healing in the hilly country and say, “I have no fight with them” and then a light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. The black serpent will be fearful, swim south, never to be seen again. Red X says the problems are because man always keeps dabbling in war rather than living under the tree of peace. Red X says there will be a clearing of the minds and everyone will remember everything. The truth will destroy the evil. 

Those who cannot evolve into becoming as one with creation will perish. Then we will go into a golden age of peace in our galaxy. 

Then Red X mounted his silver eagle and said, “So be it in our minds” and flew off towards the sun in the direction of Chicago where he heard Howling  Wolf singing:. 

by MNN Court Reporter thahoketoteh PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0

VIDEO: Jaguar Bird. “Allan Memorial Institute” [McGill University CIA Illegal experiment MKUltra] 



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MNN. April 1, 2022. On April Fool’s Day Pope Francis on behalf of the Catholic Church announced that they are guilty of the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The kaianerekowa, great peace, and all indigenous laws have always been the laws of turtle island.  All other laws are Admiralty Law of the Sea, which were void from the beginning. The Pope has apologized on behalf of Canadians who have benefitted from the crime of genocide. These ‘indian’  buddies of the government ‘indians’ forgave the psychopaths on their own behalf. We will never forget nor forgive them for what they did and continue to do.

When the trespassers arrived on turtle island, we were here.  To get our land and possessions, they planned to erase our history as if we did not even ever exist. We were the greatest nation on eastern turtle island at that time. Over 150 million natives of the Western Hemisphere were genocided because the Pope of the Western Roman Empire declared us non-humans. Christians came here and killed us as if we were animals, and then went to church on Sunday to be blessed by the preacher. 

The first Papal Bull was issued before they even knew who we were. They found out our system of governance was superior to theirs and they had to destroy it.

We were at peace for thousands of years until Champlain brought the war here in 1609. The Huron paid the price for their role in helping France to break the peace. The culture since time immemorial is the great peace.



Every man, woman and child were denied culture, land, language and their lives. Now we are on postage sized reserves while the trespassers occupy our prime real estate everywhere. Their code of law is based on legalization of murder and genocide. 

The band councillors are the Nazis of Canada who have always helped to destroy their own people. They have left the canoe and boarded the ship to become agents of the Canadian government and commit treason.  They commit murder, go to church and get absolved of their sins. Hypocrisy at its highest in the name of Christianity.

They are indoctrinated to hate and kill. They help the Pope and then the kings to carry out the holocaust.

Canada set up a theatrical play to get some natives to accept the apology and to forgive the unforgivable. If he is sorry, the Pope for the Crown can return everything to the true indigenous people. “Sorry” does not exist in our language or bring back the millions of murdered indigenous people. If not he too is an actor like those sent over to Rome to be apologized to. The land has always been here. They should leave with their puppeteers and take their demon religion with them. We predict that the Pope will not meet with one of the true original people. The Pope has to come with an invitation from the true original people, not from the trespassers and their band council agents. Otherwise he is violating the protocol of the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The pope stands in all the shoes of all the original popes.

The band councils and their followers are the government’s helpers that carry out the orders to follow the script written for them by the trespassers. If they are really sorry, they will leave.and never return to onowarekeh, turtle island. all murderers and their agents are guilty and must leave.

The Catholic Church was behind the genocide, murder and rape of millions of native children and adults, and the illegal theft of all our land and expropriation by the crown, in partnership with Britain and Canada. Everybody in the world knows of their crimes.

The Crown is the absolute progenitor of the turtle island holocaust. As squatters they will have to vacate turtle island, as they own nothing.     

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission which turned out to be a scam did not assign guilt for the unmarked graves, lies and deceit. It’s just another scripted act of British thieves and murdering paid actors, who are now sitting in the senate to let the genocide continue.   

Kanienkehaka with the kahnistensera, the women, and the rotiskenrakete, the men, have responsibilities and duties as defined by creation to deal with these crimes. 

As the father of Canada, Sir John A. McDonald, said, on the floor of Parliament, in 1883, “When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits, and training, and mode of thought are indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the Department, that indians should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.” Prime Minister Trudeau stands in his shoes and must answer for the genocide. 

The Pope coming here is a disgrace to indigenous people. There are no words to correct what they’ve done to us or to make things right. Coming here proves he is a psychopath. They are welcoming the genocider to check out whether the genocide policy worked. 

As thahoketoteh sings about still being here: I speak to you now, proud and brave, remembering the lessons our ancestors gave, about acknowledgment and respect and the four races as they intersect and from the path behind us to the one that lies ahead. Let us walk softly the road we tread. Hold our heads high as we move along thinking with one mind as we sing our song. We are glad to say and we say loud and clear through all of the sadness we are still here., MNN Correspondent –  Contact: Box 991, kahnawake Quebec J0L !B0 Canada



MNN. Mar. 29, 2022. by thahoketoteh, MNN  correspondent. On March 28 and 29, some kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers went to downtown tianitiotiaken [formerly known as Montreal] and filed a new action in the Quebec Superior Court.


INTRO: The 7 defendants were served: Quebec Infrastructure Dept., Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Center, McGill University, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction and the Attorney General of Canada.



The Mohawk Mothers will invoke the kaianerekowa. They thank those who stood by them and will continue to support them.  

The deliberate attempt of the lawyers of the respondents and the Federal Court of Canada to throw the Mohawk Mothers into their procedural swamp drove them to take another path. The swamp was getting deeper, more turbulent and confusing so the FCC could avoid dealing of the merits of the case, such as Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 which annuls all laws except original indigenous laws on turtle island. The Mohawk Mothers refuse to allow a bar lawyer to represent them and to let the court decide on the number of Mohawk Mothers can speak on the case.    

The Mohawk Mothers want answers about the unmarked graves behind McGill University Health Center, the stolen Indian Trust Funds to build McGill University, to stop the Royal Vic project on the unceded kanienkehaka Mohawk land. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers put the issues into the court records for the people of the world to see what the indigenous people have and continue to face.   

The land belongs to the unborn. Each indigenous person is sovereign, a free person, a creator being.  None of turtle island can be sold, transferred or conveyed to anyone. All treaties, land claims and contracts are void. Their criminal code is based on genocide that makes it null and void in international law. 

The band councillors and chiefs are not in the canoe and no longer onkwehonweh. All criminal codes coming from the ship are null and void and have no force and effect.     

The corporate “Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples of Canada” are agents of the  trespassers. The kaianerekowa will take care of them.

Contact: thahoketoteh, MNN correspondent  


READ THE ENTIRE CASE: [No. 500-17-120468-221] [An Originating Application for Declaratory Relief and to Obtain an Interlocutory and Permanent Injunction.]


Kahnistensera Originating Application to the Superior Court


Bobby Bare seems to be singing about messing with the kahnistensera.

Down in Louisiana, where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
She got a black cat’s tooth and a Mojo bone
And anyone who wouldn’t leave her alone
She’d go oooeeeee… another man done gone
She lived in a swamp in a hollow log
With a one-eyed snake and a three-legged dog
Bent, bony body and stringy hair
And if she ever seen y’all messin’ ’round there
She’d go ooeeeee… another man done gone
And then one night when the moon was black
Into the swamp came handsome Jack
A no good man like you all know
Lookin’ around for Marie Laveau
He said, “Marie Laveau, you lovely witch
Gimme a little charm that’ll make me rich
Gimme a million dollars and I tell you what I’ll do
This very night, I’m gonna marry you”
Then It’ll be (uhh), another man done gone
So Marie done some magic, shook a little sand
Made a million dollars and she put it in his hand
Then she giggled and she wiggled, and she said, “Hey, Hey
I’m gettin’ ready for my weddin’ day”
But old handsome Jack said, “Goodbye Marie
You’re too damned ugly for a rich man like me”
Marie started mumblin’, her fangs started gnashin’
Her body started tremblin’, and her eyes started flashin’
And she went ooeeeee… another man done gone
So if you ever get down where the black trees grow
And meet a voodoo lady named Marie Laveau
If she ever asks you to make her your wife
Man, you better stay with her for the rest of your life
Or it’ll be ooeeeee… another man done gone
(Aah we’ll see)
(Another man done gone) 





 This speech was delivered on Nov. 10th, 2002, to the YOU ARE ON NATIVE LAND Conference at McGill University  


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MNN. Feb. 9, 2021.




1.OPENING. Canada’s Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples now admits that the relationship between the indigenous people and the uninvited Europeans began with the teio’hateh, Two Row Wampum agreement. Two entities agree to live separately according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, or leave. We allowed them to live here temporarily – with us in our canoe and they in their ships. We would share only the river. The indigenous peoples and the newcomers belonged to different families with different languages, culture, laws and ways of life. Europe’s monarchs acknowledged we were not their subjects and they could not interfere with our laws and customs. As turtle island is all indigenous land, we provided to the European “social groups” the use of land the depth of a plow to grow food. They could never own it or form a political party. They needed our permission to do anything on our land.  

2.FORGETTING TWO ROW. Then the colonizers began to see things their foreign way. They violated the Two Row and adopted a “geographic” description of themselves, that they were North Americans. The original inhabitants were clan based tied to the land. The colonizers fought with their European cousins over who could come here, which is our right. Then they started to impose their military laws and ways on everyone on turtle island based on the treaties the Europeans made to end their wars with each other in Europe. [Seven Years War and others]. They never consulted the onkwehonweh, the original peoples who had always respected the land since time immemorial. Instead of staying in their own ship they decided to take over the whole river.

3.DOMINION “CLAIMS’. Some of Britain’s North American colonies confederated in 1867 to form the colony of CANADA. The new political organization was a “dominion”, a colony, because the visitors decided they had a right to dominate the land and all the indigenous people on it. Instead of subjects of their king or queen, they began to base their identity on the indigenous land they were squatting on. They changed from accepting our generosity to trying to dominate us. 

4.BRITISH SUBJECTS. There was no permission from us for this assertion of power. Canada was a British colony and Britain could not give her subjects here anymore than she had to give, which was nothing. The British subjects ignored the Two Row. Britain could not give their subjects on turtle island the right to make laws for the indigenous people because we were not British subjects. At that point they had to leave as they had become trespassers.

5.GEOGRAPHIC DEFINITION. Our ancestors were not consulted about these moves. They knew we could never change the terms of the Two Row. Our land belongs to the unborn. We are the caretakers of mother earth. She cannot be sold or conveyed to anyone and is governed by the kaianerekowa, the great peace. The land was provided by creation to our past present and future generations.  Britain’s colonial subjects had no right to force Indigenous peoples into their European territorial concepts of nationality and property. They could not impose their new geographic definition of themselves on us. 

6.INDIGENOUS FREEDOM. The colonists are still subjects of their kings. Indigenous are not, never were. and never will be. The  life of being free and having a voice was a revelation to Europeans. We are all sovereign persons and part of our own nations and clans. We were each sovereign persons placed by creation in various areas of turtle island to carry out our duties to our mother earth and all life.

7.OUR VOICE. The colonists didn’t want to be subjects anymore. They changed their view of law and international relations. Today Europeans have formally embraced equality along with the rest of the world. Britain no longer has subject status. The colonists define “nationality” on usurp territorial terms rather than adhering to the kaianerekowa, the great peace.  Without our knowledge or consent their citizenship became based on place of birth undermining the kaianerekowa. They still do not grasp the full meaning of equality. Their institutions don’t give their citizens a voice. Their First Nations Governance Act shows that they don’t respect the voice of the indigenous people who have had total jurisdiction of this land since time immemorial. This Act of 2002 was proposed to municipalize native land under private banks and extinguish the sovereign original people.  [Today it is the proposed “Framework Agreement”.] They completely ignored their obligations under the Two Row Wampum.

8.REAL INDIGENOUS IDENTITY. The colonizers can change the way they think of themselves as long as they adhere completely to the great peace here. They cannot define our identity nor appropriate our land and resources. Since Confederation Britain’s colonial subjects have been violating Britain’s agreements with the Indigenous peoples.

9.CORPORATION CAN’T OWN THE LAND. Confederation and the British North America Act 1867 did not give Britain the right to let its colonists violate the Two Row Wampum. Britain knew that its people could only come onto our land as a separate “social group” that would share the river with us. But Britain’s subjects fell into the illusionary idea that they owned the land. This lie is taught in their indoctrination centres called the education system. 


10.DESKAHEH & S.C.C. The iera’kwa, the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy knew this back in 1920. In desperation they sent Levi General Deskaheh to ask the Supreme Court of Canada to stop the Department of Indian Affairs from violating the British North America Act 1867. This Act only gave Canada the right to negotiate with us in place of Britain. the colonists cannot impose their Admiralty laws on indigenous people. But Canadian officials would not let Deskaheh have his day in court.

11.TROOPS ATTACK SIX NATIONS. If Deskaheh was allowed to prove that what they were doing was illegal, these bureaucrats would have been out of work.  So they sent troops, the RCMP, to invade the part of Six Nations Grand River territory that remained after a century of theft and fraud. The military deposed the traditional government, the oldest governments in the world.l, installed their band council puppets and stole all our land and created the Indian reservation on October 25, 1924. [Indian Lands Act]. *Since then the colonists have refused to deal with the real traditional leaders, speaking only to their faux elected band councils they have imposed under colonial laws.

12.DESKAHEH & LEAGUE OF NATION. Six Nations diplomats had been honoured guests in Britain’s courts. By the 1920’s Britain was refusing to deal with the problems that had befallen their colony. The Iroquois Confederacy sent  Deskaheh to the League of Nations to appeal for justice. The sovereign Six Nations, iera’kwah, were qualified to join and wanted membership in this new international organization so our arguments could be presented to protect our legal rights. The Netherlands, Persia, Estonia, Panama and Ireland all agreed that the Six Nations complaints should be examined by the international court. But Deskaheh was ambushed again by Canadian officials lead by D.C. Scott skulking behind the scenes to make sure the case never got a formal public hearing. They lied to the League saying  there was no Two Row and no Great Peace.

The Lands Act is part of the Indian Advancement Act 1924 that imposed the blood quantum legislation [apartheid].  It was the 100 year “business plan” to extinguish the native people, due for completion in 2024.

13.INDIGENOUS ARE ALLIES. Today, the colonists know we indigenous will always maintain our right to independence. We were allies, not subjects of Britain. We are not part of the Corporation of CANADA – the colony that became a corporate successor state. The colonists imposed foreign Admiralty laws on us in violation of both the Two Row and modern International law. The imposed their economic sanctions upon that have put us in a state of destitute poverty compared to all the colonists. As Deskaheh put it in his last address before he was assassinated in 1924, it’s as if Mexico tried to apply its laws in the United States. 

14.MEANING OF EQUALITY. The problem is European colonists don’t understand the meaning of equality. They have changed how they define themselves. When we made the Two Row Treaty with France and then Britain a month later, we both defined ourselves in terms of ‘personal’ relationships. We are sovereign individuals who are part of our clans. European nations are based on subject status and their allegiance to their monarch. Their shift to a turtle island territorial definition of themselves has no legal basis. They have no right to impose themselves or their laws on us or to take our land and resources without our knowledge or consent. As a successor state, the colonists are still bound by Britain’s treaty obligations. The colonists are guests on our land. Instead they have presumed to take over our whole house. The colonists must work out fair and valid agreements with us, the original inhabitants of turtle island, to our satisfaction if they want to remain here.

15.CANADIANS ARE IMMIGRANTS. The colonizers celebrate “Canada Day” aware that CANADA is a corporation, not an independent nation. Canadian nationality does not exist. Nationality is tied to having clans, shared ancestry, native language not two foreign languages, a traditional culture and land. CANADA has none of these.  The settlers and their ancestors have in common fleeing from oppressive regimes and immigrating onto someone else’s land and then oppressing them. We have no obligation to care for them. They never accepted the protection under the great peace, which alienated them. 

16.DOMINION FEUDAL CUSTOM. Canada is a “dominion” that was produced by Britian’s will to dominate. “Dominion” is a feudal custom carried to Britain by foreign lords who conquered the land and the people on it. These deeply rooted cultural habits violate the egalitarian respect represented by the Two Row Wampum.

17.CANADA NON EXISTENT. Consequently, the whole existence of Canada as a legal country is is the biggest ruse played on the world. The colonist’s self-definition cannot appropriate our political identity, our resources and our land. This violates the initial treaties made by Britain with the Indigenous peoples. 

18.CANADA VIOLATES NATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW. The colonists violate both the European version of international law and our Indigenous law. The colonists violate the principle of human equality, which they now recognized in a formal way in the mid-twentieth century – after the atrocities of World War II – when they signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Canada hesitates to ratify UNDRIP UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as it recognizes that Canada is not a country. The immigrants would have to vacate, CANADA would dissolve and the great peace would be the only law that would prevail.  

19.MIGHT DOES NOT MAKE RIGHT. Deskaheh tried to present this argument in the 1920’s but the colonists didn’t want to hear us explain once again  our demands for them to respect our jurisdiction over our land and our political and economic rights. We are sovereign and they are not! When Americans had their revolution they threw off their subject status. Then they went crazy, grabbing land, killing people and destroying resources. They called us the natural people, “Indians” and treated us as vermin. Canadians accepted the American policy that “might makes right” and that Europeans had a god-given right to grab lands, possessions, resources and lives. Canada bought into the sleazy American dream. This premise applies to all of the Americas, north and south.

20.INDIGENOUS HAVE EVERYTHING. What happened was sordid. In the subsequent treaties on the prairies there was no meeting of the minds with the native people there. Anglo-Canadians pretend those people agreed to give up everything they had! The indigenous are aware of the agreement to co-exist with them as social groups. In our case the Two Row created a real meeting of minds. The British recognized that we are nations that give permission for anybody to live here according to the great peace. It’s still in effect.

21.TERRITORIAL DEFINITION. The Anglo-Canadian one-sided decision to shift to a territorial definition of themselves gave them no right to take over our land and resources. They have no agreements with us the real indigenous. Their corporate Canadian band councils are on the enemies team. They need our consent to our full satisfaction to do anything on our land. We won’t succumb to their lust for our resources or to ransack our land. It’s all ours and they all know it.

22.WHERE’S RECEIPT FOR TURTLE ISLAND. The colonists purport that all people are equal, at the same time illegally imposes laws and beliefs on us. As a successor state Canada is still bound by the limitations of Britain’s treaty obligations which they must fulfill. They would have to leave, or leave us alone or abide by the great peace. Since whites don’t have clans, they are disqualified from living here. They can only live here as a separate social group under the authority of the clans established by the great peace. This is international law which Canada agreed to. The colonizers  have no legal right to claim dominion over the inherent original people, or to take our lands and possessions. They have not worked out fair and valid agreements with us that consider the rights of our people now and into the future. We are the “people of the forever” placed by creation on mother earth. Canada’s current attempts to force us original people to prove in their foreign private courts that we have a claim to our own lands is ridiculous and unlawful by international law. They must show us their permits to be on our land, to ransack our resources and to leave a trail of blood and pollution behind. The colonists have no receipt for our land. 

What part of the “depth of a plow share” don’t these alien invaders understand? All these points apply equally to the United States. Only the foundation of the great peace and two row of equality, having a voice through concensus, justice and truth can eliminate the current pandemic of hatred, injustice and racism that is tearing up the world. 

The author is awaiting an invitation from McGill to deliver this speech again. 

As Thahoketoteh explains in his song, “The river of life has many falls, twists and turns and steep walls. We travel down it in our own way, The same has been from the very first day. I’ll stay in my canoe. You stay in your boat. I only hope you stay afloat. I’ll smile at you. You wave at me. We’ll continue on toward the sea.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News thahoketoteh &  For more news and to sign up for MNN  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

The Indian Lands ACT. 1924. file:///Users/kahentinetha/Downloads/IndLanAct1924.pdf 

Six Nations Appeal to League of Nations 1922-31






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 12, 2015. The following NOTICE OF SEIZURE was sent by Registered Mail to McGill University:

mcgill seizure 1

McGill seizure 3




Brainwashing passed as education is explained thoroughly by Pink Floyd: “We don’t need no education. We dont need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone. Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” [The Wall]. 

Ottawa was on our list til Harper torched it.

Mohawks: “We’re getting it all back, Stevie,  and you’ll have to fix it up or get out!”








Pope & other-worldly visitors.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0










Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 15, 2015. The government wants to pass laws to take control of the internet and of us. What better way than to inundate the net with porn, bullies, racism, gore and everything that upsets us, to make us demand government control! It’s like those people who call us trying to sell us vacations, or to take part in a survey, or give us $20 million dollars. We don’t have to look at any of it. We just have to hang up or delete email. They won’t stop. Just keep hanging up or delete it every time.

McGill Team rescues corporate matrix.

McGill Team’s rescue attempt of the  corporate matrix in Kahnawake.

Corporate controlled mass media is now trying to control the internet. The Great Peace Kaia’nere:kowa is based on an informed society. The corporation of McGill University is setting up a “Define the Line” forum on the ‘legal risks of social media use’ in Kahnawake, on Tuesday, April 21. The cyber agents coming to Kahnawake are Alyssa Wiseman “on cyber-bullying as it relates to our children’s ‘moral’ development?” Arzina Zaver will guide us on the “implications of bullying, social media” and on how to obey the governments “educational and legal” edicts. Nima Naimi is the supposed expert on “civil and criminal implications” around the world. They’re here to tell us how to monitor ourselves and keep our mouths shut, especially about criticizing the government, our real problem.

Who at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. was behind setting up this forum? This is the announcement of yet another proposed genocidal by-law to be imposed on us. They don’t want us to criticize or question them about their corporate agenda or are its directors.

The canoe will never sink!

The canoe will never sink!

Like Canada, Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state. A model of complete control over politics, society and culture was imposed on their citizens. The public could not speak freely. They had to submit totally to the corporate matrix. Private paramilitary organizations stifled dissent and terrorized the opposition. Media, television, radio, press, and education at all levels controlled all information and ideas.

How different is that from the work of Alyssa, Arzina and Naimi? They are here to help us conform to Canada’s corporate guidelines. Technology (especially the Internet) is used to harass, intimidate and frighten us. Our phones and Internet are monitored. Our computers are crashed or interfered with. We are targeted if the government decides it threatens their control grid, makes threats, falsely accuses us of anti-terrorism for standing in the way of corporatism, steals our personal and financial information and destroys our data or equipment. If we’ve left anything out, please add it here in your own mind.

Old Ongwe'hon:weh software works just fine!

Stop it! Our old Ongwe’hon:weh software works just fine!


A free internet is needed to attain the one mind, the basis of the Great Peace. The corporation wants to take over the internet to be in charge of our minds and keep us asleep. Creation gives us a mind to know what is real and not to be caught by fake reality. Satenakonnirahs, means strengthening our mind. Based on gathering relevant information, it’s our warning system.

Five Man Electrical Band sings about watching for signs: “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind. Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the signs? Sign says you got tohave a membership card to get inside!” 

MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada bombs Syria.

Ontario pushes Agenda 21.

Venezuela ambassador visits 6 Nations.

Mystery US diplomatic mail flight.








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 23, 2015. In December 1959 a group of McGill University students were sitting in the university cafeteria. We were admiring Life Magazine cover of Fidel Castro. One of the students, a reporter for the McGill Daily, said, “I’d like to go to Cuba and interview him!”. We all said, “We’ll go with you”.FIDEL

Soon we were driving to Florida. One guy had a relative in Miami. We asked to stay over. When he found out where we were going, he threw us out of the house! We slept in the car on the beach. The next day we caught a cheap flight to Havana.

We stayed at the formerly luxurious Havana Hilton Hotel & Casino which was turned into a student’s residence. It was packed with young people from Central and South America. Just us from Canada. None from the US that we saw.

Every evening Fidel Castro and some of his men would come into the lobby and talk to us. He regaled us with stories of the revolution. Fidel kept his promise to his people that he would educate them and give them the best medical care in the world. He had a profound affect on us. Cubans showed that people can stand up and gain their freedom. They kicked out the corporate mob that ran Cuba and had made everybody into slaves.

Bearded cigar smoking, camo-dressed revolutionaries drove us around in limos. Our friend interviewed and became friends with Fidel.

rebels cubaA few days later began the celebration of the year since the revolutionaries had rolled into Havana, kicking out the crooks and arresting those who wouldn’t obey the anti-banker rules. Many traitors were jailed or dispersed. Some were floating on rafts across the channel to Miami. Huge mansions and luxuries were left behind. They could only take what they wore. We saw a lot of jewelry clad autocrats bumming rides to Miami.

Locals were streaming in from the country-side. Poverty of the people was incredible. We had to wait in long lineups for food like everybody else. Fidel was going to speak soon. The prisoners were let out to sit on top of the walls to listen to him. He spoke for eight hours non-stop.

After a week, another person and I decided to return to the mainland. We took a taxi and waited for hours on the road to the airport. It was hopeless. The single PanAm flight from Venezuela made one stop in Havana, picked up passengers and went on to Miami. After waiting for hours, we finally returned to the hotel to get some help. We were told, “You could end up in Cuba for some time, unless you have connections!”

Our backup plan was to flee with the boat people.

Our backup plan was to catch a ride with the boat people.


The McGill Daily reporter said he might be able to help us. Two days later a camo dressed military man picked us up in a huge fancy limousine. He drove us directly through a back road to the airport. The airport was jammed with people trying to get out, ready to pay anything to get a seat on the plane. We were escorted and got on the flight.

Now that relations between the US and Cuba have been normalized, the Cubans in Miami could return and start working in the sugarcane fields or resorts like everybody else. They won’t get back their ill gotten gains they left behind. Everything’s been nationalized and belongs to everybody. We knew in 1959 that the days were numbered for these carpetbaggers who sell out their people.

As Richie Valens reminds us “Para bailar la bamba. Para bailar la bamba. Se necesita una  poca de gracia. ba ba bomba!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

obama cigar









MNN. Apr. 2, 2013. Last fall the Student Society of McGill University started a campaign for a campus free from weapons development. McGill has been asked to “divest its holdings in private militias, private military contractors, weapons manufacturers and arms dealers, and to create and enforce a policy of allowing no future research on weapons, surveillance technologies with military applications … or any other project to facilitate the use of force. McGill goes after lucrative research and potential investors in studying war and imperialism”.



This project is on Mohawk territory. “Tiotiake” is the real name of Montreal. These students are following the great white roots to the source of the tree of peace.  

McGill borrowed money from us, which they never intended to pay back. It was a planned theft, with McGill educated lawyers covering their tracks.

6 Nation heist.

In the 1850s McGill was near-bankruptcy. In 1860 it took out a $40,000 loan from the Province of Canada. $8,000 came from the Six Nations Trust Fund. In 1989, Six Nations alerted both McGill and the federal government of the outstanding debt. In the 1990s Philip Montour met with McGill administration, “They had lots of lawyers telling them to admit nothing.” in 2006 McGill admitted that they owe Six Nations $1.7 billion plus interest to date.  

Vice-Principal Communications, Jennifer Robinson, called the claim “unfounded,” then said it was settled in 1873, and then said it was not clear it came from the Six Nations Trust Fund! “We just don’t know where the money came from”, and the University doesn’t have to pay it back.  

One time there was a great university here.

One time there was a great university here.

McGill, third ranked top university in Canada, has fallen from grace. They were once known worldwide as one of the top humanitarian universities. Now the world sees their true moral compass for researching weapons of mass destruction, down-playing their role in the theft of our fund and the genocide of our people. As Pink Floyd sang in The Wall: “We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom, teacher leave those kids alone.”  

Montreal Gazette article;

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.