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MNN. Dec. 13, 2015. Since the 1946 Nuremberg Trials “following orders” is declared as no defence when committing war crimes. Each participant is legally responsible for their actions in combat. President Bill Clinton, Brig. General William C. Martin, Governor George Pataki, Attorney General Elliot Spitzer and the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. are trying to throw the NYS Troopers that were following their orders under the wheels of the bus.

"Following orders" to exterminate people is perverted & corrupt.

“Following orders” to attack innocent people is perverted, corrupt and unlawful.

The politicians will be found guilty in the forthcoming trial for ordering the deadly attacks on the onkwe’on:weh at Onondaga. Our communities were to be levelled and turned into protectorates governed by martial law.


The ones who ordered this attack are all individually responsible for their actions. According to international law they must pay for their crime just as the German commanders-in-chief and their underlings did.

Court disclosures in Jones v. Parmley of New York State #98CV374 – reveal an aggressive  military strategy called the “INDIAN Detail” to use deadly force on us. Any attack on onkwe’honweh in the US can only be ordered by the President of the United States. Our houses and businesses were burnt down. Our villages were to be levelled. Critics of the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and NYS were banished from Onondaga. Operation “Gallant Piper” was called off.

False Flag girl is not Sky Woman!

False Flag girl is ‘not’ Sky Woman!

The following year, on May 18, 1997, NYS soldiers marched into our ceremony on the Jones property in Onondaga and attacked us. One year later Onondaga spokesperson, Ronnie Jones, was murdered. The 1779 executive order by George Washington to annihilate the rotino’shonni/Iroquois is still on the books. It must be recinded.

After December 31, 2015 a date for trial of the New York State Troopers will be set by Judge Wiley Dancks [Ph. 315-793-8151]. In 1946 the defense used by the Germans of “following orders” to commit atrocities against humanity was declared null and void.women protectors

As Joni Mitchell laments: “You say we have turned Like the enemies you’ve earned. But we can remember All the good things you are. And so we ask you please Can we help you find the peace and the star? Oh my friend, we have all come To fear the beating of your drum”. [Joni Mitchell. Fiddle and the drum.]

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Elder welcomes Syrians.

IMF forgives Ukraine debt to Russia.

Kubrick confesses to fake moon landings.

Do trees communicate?

Mohawks withdraw from pipelines.

Cat came back.

NATO threatens Russia.

Whats in your name?




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MNN. DEC. 8, 2015. None of these tactics used to destroy and discredit us are random. Big tobacco, Canada, US, NYS, Quebec and Ontario carefully planned the use of our sovereignty and tax exempt rights to enrich themselves. Brand name cigarettes were transported to the US, and then had our people bring it back to our communities. We sold them tax-free. The corporations made billions, which they hid in their off-shore accounts. Everybody got illegally paid.  We legitimately earned some money.

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Then we got too smart. We started our own businesses, growing our own tobacco, making our own brands on behalf of all our communities. Big tobacco wanted the monopoly and had to eliminate the competition, just like Al Capone in 1929 Chicago.

Corporate traps were set up to knock us out to this very day. They made us think we were doing something wrong, when we were not. The cops arrested us for delivering product for big tobacco. Our private vehicles were taken. Our products seized. We had huge fines to pay or long jail sentences to serve. Those imprisoned were beaten. Many got lifelong criminal records, followed by probation and rehabilitation to put us on the sidelines for the rest of our lives. Our communities were disrupted. Today a huge number of our people have illegal warrants.

We have been made afraid to claim our rightful social security, pensions, health care and other funds that are owed to us. Millions will die for fear of going to hospitals. Our pensions, annuities, bank accounts were seized, making us persona non grata for jobs. Our future livlihood was deliberately destroyed. We cannot look after our families.

They say they're going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

They say they’re going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

The big tobacco backed by the police state protects their monopoly. Every cent big tobacco makes is theft. We have not broken the law. Illegal taxation has been forced on us. If we don’t pay, we and our families are persecuted, placed on lists to be targeted for everything. Our names are never removed from their list.

Even your citizens were harassed, taxed, homes and bank accounts seized and forced to pay taxes with penalties. They are being threatened with imprisonment and loss of all their possessions. Our economy is broken to eliminate any competition for their illegal monopoly over our natural plant.

Sitting along the road or at pow wows selling beadwork is fine. When we make a lot of money, we are targeted, criminalized, violated, placed on multiple government watch lists, all absolutely illegal to all agreements that were ratified.

Queenie, the boss of Big Tobacco!

Queenie! She smokes em up!

Now the corporate band and tribal councils are controlling our businesses on behalf of the corporate matrix. They only swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and her heirs and ancestors, then through the Order of the Garter, they pay their taxes to the City of London.

We know which judges, lawyers, prosecutors, cops and government officials were paid off. We will be providing this important disclosure to the public soon. We did nothing wrong but they did everything wrong. Trial of NYS Troopers is supposed to be in January 2016.

Big Tobacco carting away the gold.

It’s mine! It’s all mine!

This is how our relationship with big tobacco played out: As Jerry Reed explains, “She [big tobacco] got the goldmine and we [onkwe’hon:weh] got the shaft. … They split it right down the middle, And then they give her the better half. Well, it all sounds sorta funny, But it hurts too much to laugh. She got the goldmine, I got the shaft”.

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Assad: UK & France can’t defeat terrorism.

San Bernadine is total scam.

BIS trust fund. BIA

Hang the bankers.

Targeting onkwe’ho:weh escalates.


Was False Flag girl's mom at Onondaga?

Was False Flag girl’s momma at Onondaga?





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MNN. Dec. 5, 2015. Imperial Tobacco initially set up the “contraband” market in the early 1990s taking advantage of our sovereignty and tax-exempt rights. Brand name “cigarets” were shipped to Buffalo and Syracuse in New York State, supposedly for sale there. No taxes were paid to Canada. Then the product was sold to middlemen, brought back to Canada for sale at very low prices. Sales rose from $800 million a year to $6 billion by 1993. Policing agencies – NYS Troopers, SQ, OPP, army, politicians, corporations and all CROWN entities – were part of the the plan to attack. Judges, lawyers, stores, cigarette companies and others were involved. They didn’t want any competition.

US & Canada Operation "Gallant Piper" and Operation "Scorption Saxon", 1996.

Gallant Piper & Scorpion Saxon, 1996, all dressed up!” 

Tobacco is an onkwe’hon:weh plant. We have every right to use it to achieve economic sustainability in anyway that we deem necessary. Our businesses are legitimate based on the law of the land. We could purchase and sell anything to whoever without charging taxes, as reflected by the Jay Treaty 1794, the treaty of trade and commerce. Then we set up our own manufacturing and marketing of our own tobacco products. Big tobacco and everyone else were

They tried to destroy Iroquois sovereignty and put us out of business to bolster their monopoly on that trade. US, Canada and big tobacco are still pressing this economic button. Corporate by-laws were passed overriding our sovereignty and international law. Prices are manipulated. All taxation is  remitted to the City of London. To force our compliance to their rules, military operations were mounted. Our legitimate businesses are falsely called “organized crime”. We are threatened with criminalization and death. We will always defend our sovereignty to the end of time.

In 1996 fully armed military death squads were set up to invade our unarmed communities. 1800s American genocide policies were invoked [Wounded Knee, Sand Creek, etc.]. In the US it was operation “Gallant Piper” and in Canada it was operation “Scorpion Saxon”.  Then in 1997 New York State Troopers attacked us in Onondaga, for which they will be standing trial in January 2016.

Big tobacco – Rothmans, Imperial and R.J. Reynolds – Canada and US are still trying to interrupt our economic process to eliminate competition to their exorbitant prices. NYS continues to stall the trial, which is now almost 20 years old.

freedom flag


Roger Miller sings about the economic predicament the bankers try to put the Mohawks in: “Third box car, midnight train, destination Bangor Maine. Old worn out clothes and shoes. I don’t pay no union dues. I smoke old stogies I have found. Short, but not too big a’round. I am a man of means, by no means, king of the road!” [King of the Road].  

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San Bernadino media hoax.

Oscar for False Flag girl!

Oscar for False Flag girl!

Big Tobacco tries to liquidate onkwe’hon:weh trade.


McGill owes rotino’shonni/Iroquois billions.

Protest Highway 30 in Quebec.

Canada mining abuses in Africa.





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MNN.  29 Nov. 2015. In june 2007 there was a rumored arrest warrant for the great “untouchable” sage, Red-X” for alleged inciting “sageosity and infamocity”! It’s one of those open “John Doe” warrants for the “some-crime-has-to-fit-every-onkwe’hon:weh” mentality that pervades the colonial enterprise.

"Do what your mind tells you has to be done!"

“Do what your mind tells you has to be done!”

Phil Fontaine of the AFN, the RCMP, OPP and SQ had set a vicious “trap” for those of us who challenged Canada Inc.’s lack of jurisdiction over us and our land.  It was  to be sprung on “Aboriginal Day”. They have never taken their sights off us or stopped scoping us with their high tech weapons.

The charges against the Red-X are some sort of treason. He was certainly giving out the most sageous messages ever heard in the universe, straight from the Fifth Dimension.

The “infamocity” was obvious.  It came from his pretentious demarginalization.  He was accused of inciting the overturn of the existing worldwide social disorder.  He would have to be tried in an inter-galactic court of Ur’anus!  No neutral turd party was found to squat in judgment!

Before taking over, we have to learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish.

Bloodline: “To take over the world, we must learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish”.


He was charged because he always says what is contrary to the principles upon which Canada, the U.S. and other colonial states are founded, such as self-centered self-service, cronyism, taking advantage of people, stealing Indigenous possessions, conning people into selling to them at bargain basement prices and pocketing all the profits.  Red-X advocated the overthrow of this system that is dedicated to monotheism, oppression and suppression of people.  He was charged with inciting people to think clearly, think ahead and protect the environment.  This is a grave crime in the eyes of the colonial corporations that are trying to run the galaxy and colonize the universe.

Red-X strikes unspeakable terror into the minds of  colonizers!   Red-X asks, “What are they afraid of?”

Despite being such crooks, they had time to put out a “Most Wanted” poster of the Red-X.  They had a photo, but all you could see was the hood.  Through the eye slits, one can see a black and cavernous void, leading directly to the Fifth Dimension.

No. This is not Red-X!

No. This is not Red-X!


Some scientists discovered that some of the oldest vibrations in the universe are coming from a black hole in Pisces.  They say there were once meat-eating chickens bigger than the Taranosaurus Rex roaming around in Siberia.  As Einstein pointed out, “The solution can be found when you take the mass of the photons and divide it by the square root of infinity”.

The black beaded hood covers a scar.  Was he one of those kids who were beheaded and buried in the basement of a residential school?  If so, it seems someone from the Fifth Dimension sewed his head back on?  The Red-X would not want people to get scared by the scar on his throat, especially little children who have no need to know about the time he spent in wherever he was.

The special hood can never be found in Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store.  “This is the power of the hood”, said the Red-X.  “You gotta know your neighbors.  You gotta speak to ‘em.  You gotta ask ‘em what they think.  And then you gotta stand beside ‘em.”

Another mystery is where does he live?  The Red-X will only say, “I am he who has been prophesized to come.  I am the one they’re looking for”.  “Fine me if you will”.

"Chief, sign over here in front of the casket".

“Chief, sign over here in front of the casket”.

The Red-X is not a sequel to the “X-Files”.   He’s been around a lot longer than that.  A leading Canadian historian dusted off some primary documents in the archives.  Accordingly, he found many of the original treaties made by the colonizers to let them live here were signed with “Xs”.  But we would not put much stock in that.  According to the Red-X, “They’re all forgeries”.

But someone had to know about him to forge his signature.  We are specially skeptical about the ten “Xs” that all look exactly alike that are on many of the first treaties.

The Red-X was concerned about why Phil Fontaine [of government-front “Assembly of First Nations”] accepted Indian Affairs Minister Jonestown Prentice’s offer to settle their claims to our land.  Red-X says, “Think about it.  Jonestown might have spiked Phil’s martini with a date rape drug instead of an olive”. mirror

After chugging it down, Phil excused himself for a moment, zig-zagged by mistake into the ladies room to adjust his hair.  There were mirrors everywhere.  He saw all these guys that looked just like him.  “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?  Does Jonestown have a good deal for me?” he asked himself and nodded his head up and down.  All the other guys in the mirrors nodded together in unison.  Then he went back out to report to Jonestown, “Looks like we got consensus, boss”, he said.

Because of Red-Xs pearls of wisdom, Ottawa decided to gather the swines into an “Interdepartmental Red-X Committee” run out of the war room in the Indian Affairs ”Tower of Terror” on Wellington Street.  According to their mission statement, they are commissioned to “figure out just what is the Red-X saying”.  It’s headed by a top encryption expert from Arlington Virginia who said, “This is the biggest challenge of my entire life”.

As Red-X says, “Stay tuned”. As Hinder sings: “If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a damn thing in my life, cause I love the dumb things we do when we’re young. But the best is yet to come.”  Video: Hinder “Best is yet to come”.

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Fontaine’s lynching party.

Saboteur Fontaine sets up policing agreement.

Russia-China bankdeal.

Another dead astronaut.

Erdogan: Turks owe Syria for stolen oil.

VT: Putin, don’t worry aliens have your back.





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MNN. 28 Nov. 2015. Indian Law Resource Center ILRC of Washington DC and Montana was involved since 1988 in the conflict between New York State and the rotino’shonni/Iroquois confederacy. They were to dismantle the true rotino’shonni and create a corporate Confederacy. They promoted federally recognized longhouses in almost every Iroquois territory. ILRC is funded by the Rockfeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and Oren Lyon’s Fund of the Four Directions. Genocide, corporate councils, false flags, fake land claims and unlawful taxation are some of the strategies used to dispossess the onkwe’hon:weh landowners of New York State. The bankers and their governments established federally incorporated INDIAN tribal/band councils to divide and conquer us.

The following information is based on ILRC Annual Reports from 1988 to 1995. MNN June 15, 1997. 

Tonawanda, Tuscarora and Onondaga councils applied to comply with US laws and signed the taxing agreement with New York State, to be applied to all or communities. This was an attempt to destroy the economy of our nations. On May 14, 1997, Judge Hon. Rose H. Sconiers ruled the Onondaga Council of Chiefs cannot make deals with New York State. It is “beyond its delegated authority, ultra vires and unlawful”. This is economic coercion, by permitting tax free status to only certain designated Tribal members.

Onondaga beating May 18, 1997.

Onondaga beating May 18, 1997.

This victory in the courts lead to the rotino’shonni people’s celebration at Onondaga on May 18, 1997 and the subsequent attack by US government. The trial of NYS Troopers begins in January 2016. Onondaga Rally.


1990 ILRC Annual Report: the federally recognized Chiefs’ Council viewed the Mohawks as racketeers, lawless and violent, related to gambling enterprises which threaten to overwhelm some federally created Indian governments (p.10). Smokeshops and businesses in other communities were challenging the councils that remit taxes to NYS. ILRC urged the Governor to promptly provide basic law enforcement. “After the shooting deaths of two Mohawks, NYS Police moved in to Akwesasne, closed the casinos and established order”.

Hey, Trooper, what's your problem?

“Ow! Trooper, what’s your problem?”

Doug George, editor of Akwesasne Notes, and leading opponent of gambling, was charged in Canada with the death of one Mohawk. ILRC called him a “crusading journalist imprisoned on trumped up charges”. ILRC and the Canadian government defended Doug, whose charges were stayed. Doug was sited as a NYS informant according to court disclosures for the May 17, 1997, attack at Onondaga.

ILRC also “advised the federally recognized council and [pretend] Six Nations Confederacy leaders about a peaceful resolution of the Oka crisis in Quebec in July 1990. ILRC said, “the same “warriors” at Akwesasne were involved in the resistance there”. ILRC met personally with NYS Govenor Cuomo to resolve the law enforcement and gambling issues”. ILRC asked the federal government to stop the Tuscarora Nation from operating businesses without the license and approval required by federal Indian law and the federal Indian trader statutes.

ILRC helped the federally sanctioned Onondaga set up controls of non-compliant businesses. On May 14, 1997, the New York State Supreme Court found that the NYS actions in forcing Indians to pay sales taxes on fuel and cigarettes was illegal.

Feds, NYS, ILRC & Onondaga chiefs plan of attack.

Feds, NYS, ILRC & Onondaga chiefs plan attack.

kaianereh:kowa, the Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, sets out the teio’hateh nation-to-nation relationship between the Iroquois and the newcomers. The NYS Court is part of the NYS judicial system, and the issue was between NYS and the Seneca Nation. NYS, as one of the parties and cannot sit in judgment. This violates the universal right to a hearing before an impartial third party.

1992 Annual Report: ILRC assisted the federally recognized Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, to control gambling and cigarette smuggling in Akwesasne on the New York-Canada border. ILRC drafted the lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act asking NYS to protect the federally supported anti-gambling Mohawks. ILRC helped the county sheriff enter the territory and arrest persons for violating NYS law. ILRC warned them of the legal dangers of not complying with state tax laws and federal excise and income tax laws”. (p. 13). “The Six Nations chiefs asked for an analysis of New York’s statutes and regulations on taxing sales on Indian reservations”. (p. 14).homelands security

1993 Annual Report: “One of the most pressing concerns of the Six Nations Confederacy was unlawful and unregulated businesses on the reservations”. State criminal prosecutions, lack of resources and uncooperative state and federal authorities interfered. [Legitimate] businesses openly defied federal Indian law. ILRC enlisted the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the U.S. Attorney general, and the Justice Department to revoke federal traders licenses, to prosecute criminals [!], to make agreements with local law enforcement authorities, and enforce civil suits to close down the businesses. This was one of the causes of the Oka Crisis in Canada in 1990.

1994 Annual Report: They worked with the corporate tribal chiefs to strengthen federal law, control economic activities and enforce new federal regulations to give them more power to control businesses. [P. 12). ILRC Executive Director Tim Coulter attended the Summit of the Americas in December 1994, in Miami, as a guest of the White House. (p. 13).

Bloodline defence strategy.

Bloodline defence strategy.

1995 Annual Report: ILRC launched a lawsuit to recover thousands of acres of reservation land that was illegally taken from the Mohawks by New York State. New York demanded taxes from Mohawk businesses before they would settle. (p. 4). ILRC stated that “Racketeer businessmen have tried to overthrow the sovereign Indian governments by refusing to submit to legal controls and taxation by the federally incorporated Indian councils”. (p. 8).

New York is America’s number one problem child. As Bon Scott sings: “I’m hot and when I’m not, I’m cold as ice. See me coming, step aside or pay the price. What I want I take. What I don’t I break. And you’re on my list. Dead or alive. I got a 45 and I never miss. I’m a problem child”.


Rockefeller funds Canadian think tank.

Indian reserves are POW Camps.

Ready for austerity.

Bill Gates vaccine kills sickens millions of children.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit


Swiss bankers confession.

Syria boondoggle.








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MNN. Nov. 26, 2015. Ranata’kaias, is our name for the office of the President of the United States. It came from an executive order that George Washington made to annihilate us. It means “a rabid dog who attacks and murders meaninglessly and destroys without any thought whatsoever!” george washington

After 92 years of conflict, we defeated the French. They begged for peace. The 1701 Great Peace of Montreal gave the newcomers a right to cohabit on our land with conditions. In 1710 we sent our chiefs to London to the first conference on world peace. The CROWN was alarmed. The kaia’nereh:kowa, the Great Peace, and the Iroquois stood in the way of the CROWN’s plans to dominate the world.

In 1779 US General George Washington set up the republic of war, the US corporation. He issued the executive order to annihilate the rotino’shonni [Iroquois], carried out by Maj. Gen. John Sullivan and Gen. James Clinton. They were, “not merely to overrun, but destroy” the Iroquois nations. Without exception every president since has a duty to implement this order to destroy us and all onkwe’hon:weh nations. genocide indians

Sullivan, Clinton, Monroe and other generals were given Iroquois land for their dastardly deed. New York State counties were named after these marauders, giving them an enormous land base to underly the rise of the American bloodline [Rockefeller faction].

This order was never recinded. The rotini’shonni [Iroquois] were targeted for “the total destruction and devastation of [the Indian] settlements and capture as many prisoners as possible”. Kill all the children! He called them “lice”, who would grow up to be adults and procreate. They want to wipe out all physical evidence of our ever having existed. The military was ordered, “You will not listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected.”

In a short time dozens of rotinoshonni towns and villages and most of their food supply were destroyed. Many of our people were murdered or perished in the harsh winter that followed. US war numbers

We did not ally ourselves with the Americans or the British in the revolution, which was actually a pretend war between two brothers and the US first false flag. The Confederacy was never divided. We had blood relatives on both sides of the artificial borders they placed. The Grand Council said that no one would represent the Confederacy but act as individuals to protect their families.

Operation Gallant Piper, INDIAN Detail, the attack at Onondaga and others were the continued implementation of this executive order. They were to “lay waste to all the settlements, in the most effectual manner, that they would not be merely overrun, but destroyed”. 

They continue to try to kill us. As an elder said, “It’s all a pigment of their imagination!”

At the forthcoming trial in Syracuse in January 2016, we want all those responsible for attacking us on May 18, 1997, to be held accountable. This 20-year old case might be hiding the unspeakable. The victims have been offered peanuts for our silence. Finally, this order to kill us has to be recinded.

FF sent in to stop trial!

False Flag Girl sent in to stop trial!

As John Fogerty sings: “Some folks are born, made to wave the flag. Ooo. That red, white and blue. When the band plays “Hail to the chief”, they point the cannon at you. It ain’t me. it ain’t me. I ain’t no senator’s son. It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I ain’t no fortunate one.” [Prodigal Son: Credence Clearwater].



Syrian boy crying for food and water.

NOTE: The constitution of the United States was written in secret by the founding fathers and was never present to the colonists for a vote. Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the constitution wasn’t created for “q the people”. it was created by and for the founding fat hers, their families, heirs and their posterity! The constitution is a business plan, and any reference within it that appears to be the safeguard of a “right” is there because none of the founding fathers trusted each other. the safeguards were intended to prevent anyone or group of them from cutting out the others! Proving that: “there’s no honor among thieves”. *** the matrix and the US Constitution.

Washington’s executive order to kill off Iroquois.

Lies we live.

CBC. Canadians torture for ISIS.

Brasscheck: JFK witness.

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MNN. Nov. 21, 2015. In 1994 there were joint military operations against the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] in US and Canada. “Gallant Piper” is the US counterpart to Canada’s “Operation Campus – Scorpion-Saxon”. New York State’s “INDIAN Detail’ was set up in 1974 after our people resettled on our territory at Moss Lake and then Ganienkeh. In 1995 NYS Governor Pataki appointed Brig. Gen. William C. Martin as the Deputy Adjutant General. Brig. General Wm Martin In 1996 he was to command ground and air assault combat against us, using New York’s 27th Infantry Brigade and 42nd Infantry Division, backed by helicoptors with armoured vehicles.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror. The great law of peace is the answer.

Fort Drum military base near Watertown NY provided the soldiers for “Operation Gallant Piper’ to invade and kill the Mohawks and Senecas at ganienkeh, akwesasne, cattaraugus and allegheny. The military was going to attack the businesses that were not giving taxes to  New York State, based on an illegal agreement between Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. [Oren Lyons] and NYS. oka canada sent

A “Dialogue Team” was visiting our communities, briefing the people on the unlawful agreement which violated the kaia’nere:kowa, law of the land. NYS had no right to shut down our businesses. They had body bags, gymnasiums, community centers, fire halls and hospitals on standby for the dead and injured. Certain people were singled out. An insider informed us about the planned military attack. The press published the story. Gallant Piper was pulled.

The “INDIAN Detail was made up of NYS Police, National Guard and Fort Drum military. Most of its information, records, personnel, equipment and plans on the INDIAN Detail are at Fort Drum, less than an hour from Onondaga.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them young.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them living forever?

On May 18, 1997, the rotino’shonni, celebrating the defeat of the unlawful agreement in Onondaga, were attacked by the “INDIAN Detail”. According to court records, soldiers from Fort Drum were on their way to join the Troopers at Onondaga. We speculate this was a follow up to Gallant Piper as it involves the same personnel.

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she's in your vicinity!

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she’s in your area! She saw the Titanic go down!

In March 1998 Oren Lyons leading the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. burnt down all non-cooperative businesses in Onondaga with the assistance of NYS. The same year Ronnie Jones, the leaders of the Onondaga resistance, was brutally murdered, hands and feet were severed. He was hung up by the neck and then his home set on fire.




Fort Drum guys putting their "boots on the ground".

Fort Drum boys putting their “boots on the ground”.

It seems odd that Fort Drum soldiers are now being sent into battle with ISIS.

NYS has been delaying this trial for almost 20 years. In January 2016 NYS Police are going to stand trial for their criminality. Hopefully Brig. Gen. Martin can answer some of our questions. This is during our Midwinter Festival when we name our babies.

Jim Morrison knows that we are riding out a storm because the powers that be don’t have a fight with us: “Riders on the storm, riders on the storm. Into this house we’re born, into this world we’re thrown. Like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan, Riders on the storm”. [Riders on the storm]. We have been and continue to ride out the storm.


NYS beating at Onondaga 1997.

Who’s knocking on the Eastern Door?

NYS Gallant Piper still in effect.

US-Canada joint military operations against mohawks.

Canada declares war on Mohawks.

Army attack on native americans.

Oren Lyons orders burning of Onondaga businesses.

Fort Drum to fight ISIS.

Fort Drum is ISIS target.

Brig. General Wm Martin singles out Warrior Society as dissidents.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit






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MNN. May 20, 2015. It appears that The League of Nations, now known as the United Nations, is being seen for what it is. It’s the New World Order. It looks like the end is near for NATO and the bankers’ global fascist agenda.

All Aboard!

All Aboard!


Confederacy sent Deskaheh to spread the Great Peace.

Confederacy sent Deskaheh to spread the Peace.

In 1923 the League of Nations was convened in the Hague. They refused to hear our representative, Deskaheh. Instead the ongwe’hon:weh were placed on an accelerated path of genocide, particularly in Canada. Read the following link:

ongwe'hon:weh: "Who has the immigrant problem?"

133 Nations Vow to Destroy America.

The media is integrated with the military in concentration camp America.

Dekanawida explained to the people that if they are to find peace they must follow the laws of nature, because all of life is derived from these laws. He said they must respect each other, other nations and all creation in order to bring about peace and harmony among themselves and throughout the world.


These 133 nations are beginning a real revolution as thahoketoteh sings:



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Harper Hates Everyone:


NDP party swimming past Tories.

Possible Harper is worst PM in history! CONFEDERACY ISSUES

We learnt the one mind from the wolf. With the one mind, we can never be defeated.

We learned the one mind from the wolf. With the one mind, we can never be defeated.

“Tribal councils are small pox blankets, inimical to indigenous peoples traditional means of self-determination”. Dr. Richard Boylan.