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MNN. Mar. 16, 2016. This relevant article was written in 2006 before any of the disclosure documents were presented to us. Distribution of the story at the time was limited. Pictures have been currently added.


“Nine years ago we went to Onondaga to celebrate a victory against New York State who wanted to illegally tax us in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Around noon, on May 18, 1997, when we started to burn tobacco on Andrew Jones property right along Interstate 81, the “Indian Detail” Division of the New York State Troopers came along the highway. They were dressed in full riot gear and bearing riot batons. A videotape made at the time reveals some troopers joking about their “sticks” and how every trooper has “gotta have a stick”. One trooper said that the Indians needed “to get their asses kicked”. They had removed their name tags even though the State Police Manual requires them to be worn at all times.

“The Troopers used the “skirmish line” formation by facing the protesters who were 70 feet off the highway and then surrounded us. They were lead by Ollie Gibson who was wearing a ribbon shirt and pointing out people to them. Does this mean that the Troopers don’t know one Indian from another or who was a man or who was a woman or a child? We all had dark skin and dark hair.

NYS Troopers at Onondaga on May 18, 1997.

NYS Troopers at Onondaga on May 18, 1997.

“They walked towards us smacking their batons on their palms. They charged into the people and began arresting protesters, beating us with batons, dragging us by our hair and kicking us. They threw one man, who was praying, to the ground and chocked him. They manhandled an eleven-year old girl and an elderly medicine woman and even tossed a baby in a double leg cast from his stroller. Not a nice bunch of people!

“There was no order and no warning to us. The Troopers tried to stop people from taking pictures and video taping what was going on by putting their hands over the lenses and threatening to arrest the cameramen. They even beat up some of them. A videotape is available of the news clippings which appeared over and over again on local television in Syracuse .

“26 people were arrested and charged. All charges were dismissed. One woman was accused of not moving out of the way when told to do so. She had fainted. They had to use smelling salts to revive her and then arrest her. The Troopers brought charges against one man for “running back and forth in a provocative manner”. He was acquitted. This man had arrived late, looked around at the melee, in shock and got the h–l kicked out of him.

“The father of the property owner, Ron Jones, was murdered in his home soon after. His hands were cut off and his house in Onondaga was torched. This is still an unsolved murder. We continue to put our messages about New York States complicity with certain Indian individuals, the murders and other crimes on the billboard right next to Route 81 for all the world to see. This is one of the ways we can tell the public about our issues.

“We brought charges against them in the US District Court for the Northern District of New York for violating our freedom of speech, religion and assembly, using excessive force, conspiring to violate our rights, our right to equal protection, while being indifferent to our medical needs. We did not want this to happen again to our people. The Troopers claimed that they had “qualified immunity” that “shields police officers acting in their official capacity from suits for damage…” They said they made an “honest mistake”. Is this like being “killed by friendly fire”? Are they saying, “I just forgot! Sorry for beating you up and killing you. I didn’t mean to let you make me get so mad at you”.good silent cop

“They lost at the first level. The Troopers took this decision to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. On October 4th 2006 they lost again. Does this mean that the Troopers are going to be the fall guys for New York State and whoever requested and ordered this attack? [See case posted on www.mohawknationnews.com].

“The troopers want to get out of all this by declaring they had “qualified immunity” that they think will let them off the hook. This last decision makes it hard for NY State. So now we can look forward to a 6 to 8 month trial in Syracuse .

“These are the issues. We were demonstrating on private property and the Troopers dispersed our meeting. The Troopers had just come from the Seneca protest on the New York State Thruway. There is evidence that the Troopers were partially motivated by what had happened elsewhere.

“When the Troopers came in, it was tantamount to going into a church, chasing people out and desecrating their institution during a “religious” gathering. We asked for an injunction to stop the cops from attacking us again. There is a film showing the viciousness of the attack.

“It was also found that the Troopers had pre-planned this attack. The protesters had gone to the Jones property 10 days before. The people had started a ceremonial fire and then invited other members of the Six Nations to join them on May 18th 1997 for a ceremonial gathering. About 100 people came. We handed out pamphlets on 81 as the cars slowed down to see what was going on. Then we backed off.

“This is an important case because we need to curb the power of the police to make up scenarios so they can carry out their “Indian Detail” agenda. They said they believed that there would be guns there. In other words, they took the law into their own hands. Obviously the court did not believe them. On May 17th, the day before, calls went out. State Troopers were told to meet at the K Mart parking lot in Nedrow. This was coordinated with the local Sheriff with paddy wagons and the whole works. The plan of attack was set out. On the 18th more Troopers arrived at that parking lot.

“At that time they were approached by Onondaga resident, Stone Horse, who told them that it was a peaceful gathering. He noticed they had all taken off their name badges and asked them why. The Troopers said that the pins might hurt and distract them, even though they were sporting guns in their holsters. [Do we think maybe they didn’t want their name badges damaged? Were they taking themselves out of their own persona and putting themselves into an adolescent street gang that could run rough shod over Indians with impunity? It’s not their badges that beat us up. It’s them! They still are what they are – New York State Troopers!]

“Stone Horse told them that a few people would be handing out flyers and that there would be cameramen there. The people were not on the road for a short time. Stone Horse said, “We are off the road. What do you want us to do?”

“The police were asked if they gave orders to us to disperse. They said, “No!” They started to arrest whoever they could lay their hands on. Why? They did not know why?” Did you see a gun there? “No!” they replied. Was politics running the police? Was it premeditated? They were going to arrest and kick ass, according to them. The Troopers said that we refused to leave the road. We were not on the road as they started to attack us.

“We have a very important story to tell. There are two issues we want to deal with. What is the New York State Police “Indian Detail” Division? We know that the outside police cannot go on our land and onto private property.

“One of the plaintiffs spoke about the case. He said that we are not taxable by a foreign government. We were celebrating its acknowledgement. Our people stood up against an illegal attempt to bring taxation against our people. We won in the court. Governor George Pataki said that he was going to be the first Governor of New York State to “put the Indians in their place”. The Chiefs worked with New York State to sign an illegal taxing agreement which had just been rescinded. It was a difficult day for us. We are a sovereign people to this day. New York State cannot impose their will upon us. We had a rally in April 1997 in Albany to make this point. Those who came were a cross section of every segment of the onkwe’hon:we communities. Today Attorney General Eliot Spitzer is trying the same fraud.

“We told Bob Bateson of the NY State government, “You can enter all the agreements you want with any of the so-called chiefs and leaders. If the grass roots people do not agree, then you have no agreement and you cannot enforce it. That’s the law!”

“On May 18, 1997 New York State Troopers acted illegally. The leaders were so intent on proving how mighty and powerful they were. This attack shows how warped their minds are. Within three days Governor Pataki called a press conference at the Museum of the American Indian. When his helicopter landed, he came directly to the Dialogue Team of the Iroquois who were there. He put out his hand and said, “I am so happy to see you here. You are going to like what I am going to say”. He went up to the podium and said, “From this day forward we are going to respect the sovereignty of the Indian nations”.

Hey, come see what's going on at 100 South Clinton St.

Hey, come see what’s going on at 100 South Clinton St.

“Yes, he backed down on imposing taxes on us. Instead he is collecting taxes by setting up “revenue sharing” schemes with the “tribal” chiefs and councils set up under federal Indian law. This violates the U.S. Constitution and the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in violation of international laws that respects self-determination. He is ignoring the peoples’ sovereignty by getting the tribal councils to force us to pay taxes to him without consulting us and without our consent.

“Now his Attorney General Eliot Spitzer is starting the same war with us again, trying to fraudulently bring in the taxation process against us. Our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were all in this war. We have said that never again are traitorous chiefs going to do what they have done to us.

“We can’t go to our ancestors as they are not here. Should we leave the burden to our children? New York State violated its own laws. Federal Indian law is illegal. We are reminding the colonists that this is our land, our jurisdiction and we have a right to identify ourselves. The colonists must respect the Two Row Wampum and the Great Law. We were born free and are still free. We never agreed to be American or Canadian “Indians” and never will.

“We had the wisdom of our ancestors who put that law together. It was the greatest gift that came from our minds. It doesn’t matter what our physical condition is, this is our power. Let us use the wisdom of our ancestors and our minds and we will succeed.

Rotino'shonni setting up for Sept. 20 trial in Syracuse court.

rotino’shonni getting ready for Sept. 20 trial in Syracuse court.

“This was part of the resistance by the Iroquois people against the oppression on Turtle Island . For this reason, the Six Nations people are always facing hatred from the corporate controllers of colonial governments and institutions in Canada and the United States . As the guardians of northeastern Turtle Island they want to eliminate us. This is why these states and their corporate interests are exerting so much brute force on us. Our defense in this case with New York State and others is to live according to our constitution, the Great Law of Peace.”

We are free people. We want everyone to know. Dobie Gray sings: “Day after day I’m more confused. so i look for the light through the pouring rain. you know thats a game that i hate to lose. feeling the strain. aint it a shame. gimme the beat, boys, free my soul, i wanna get lost in your rock and roll, and drift away”.



MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Beating on May 18, 1997.





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MNN. Feb. 16, 2016. Mohawks of Kahnawake Inc. is a privately owned corporation owned by Andrew Delisle Sr. It’s head office is 601 South 12th Street TSQ-901, Arlington, Virginia 22202, United States. This is the same address as Homeland Security. Kahnawake Inc. is run by the Central Intelligence Agency CIA. Here’s the lowdown: Kahnawake 16feb16

These corpo INJUNS need to visit the “Slapping Medicine Man” because they need a good wack

Delisle’ attended Loyola in Montreal. His bio describes his poor beginning “chopping wood, selling barrels of water and working on road crews crushing stones with a sledgehammer”. As if! Hitler said, “Make the lie big, repeat it and everyone will believe it!”

Andrew, you said it!

Andrew, you said it!

Loyola is now part of Concordia University of Montreal. The Chateau Clique creeps in here. The fraud being conducted here is headquartered out of the Molson School of Business of Concordia. The “assets” of Kahnawake are trained in “Open Systems Theory” on brainwashing and pacification at Loyola University of Chicago and UMass.


The main lawyer for MCK is Jean Pommainville who works out of the Arlington National Cemetary where all the historical swindlers end up.

Don't forget the corporations, their handlers, trainers and assets.

Don’t forget the corporations, their handlers, trainers and assets.

The Iroquois Caucus Inc. is made up of band and tribal governments throughout the Confederacy. They hope to represent the rotino’shonni Iroquois Confederacy. They are working on the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative new border crossing laws and cards which will be issued by them. We will never voluntarily ask them for  permission to do anything on our land. The traitors [Joseph Brants] are many amongst all our communities.

According to their plan Kahnawake is to become a municipality like Toronto. It is to be a cornerstone of the New World Order through imposed corporatism. All those who take part in the band council system are slaves to this fraud.

K'Town assets: "Oo-ooh! Are we all going down?"

K’Town assets: “Oo-ooh! Are we all going down?”

It looks like the elites have decided that money may go out of fashion but land will not. These swindlers are pretending to be wild INDIANS opening up corporations all over the world and hiding the money in their own boots! They are actually quite domesticated and run by their  handlers at Indian Affairs. They use Steppenwolf’s song to sidetrack us: “Get your motor running. Head out on the highway, looking for adventure and whatever comes our way. I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder, racing in the wind and the feeling that I’m under. like a true nature’s child, we were born to be wild”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Crashing banks buying land.

Elites running scared.







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MNN. JULY 20, 2015. Joe Norton in the European created position of “grand chief of the Mohawk” at Kahnawake, should look at what he serves. The Queen, Queen Mother, her sister and Prince Edward do the Nazi salute in this 1933 film, one year after the Nazis passed race laws in Germany. 1933 film of Queenie’s Nazi salute. It shows they, the royal family, are among the poison which conquers, robs and destroys. Joe Norton is their tool that makes their evil possible.

Fatherland flags.

Fascist flags all.

The Queen represents the 1% who think poor people’s lives are miserable because we aren’t like them! Canada and US have always been fascists, the father of Nazism. It is their system. The Nazi salute is a fascists greeting and their symbol of belonging to the “master” race. For the 1% it is an inside joke as to how they think they’re getting away with genocide. Harper glorifies the CROWN because he is a promoter/servant of the 1%. He understands that those who worship a rich oppressor are easy to control.

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. heading to Monday briefing by the CROWN.

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. heading to Monday briefing by the CROWN.

This makes Joe Norton a servant of the servant. The band and tribal councils emulate the CROWN’s corporate hierarchy by running our communities like dictatorships. Rules and military trained police protect them.

Those ongwe’hon:weh who do sing “God Save the Queen” only at the point of a gun, are thinking where in their system are the people, the earth and life?

As Sid Vicious beautifully sang: God save the queen, The fascist regime. They made you a moron, Potential H-bomb


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com


RCMP shoot wrong man Dawson Creek.

Alberta oil spill bigger than Kalamazoo disaster.

Harper’s Northern Foundation Fascist past.




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 16th 2015. Nia:wen to our readers in Ohontsakaionen [old land] who see our solution as theirs too. This is their letter.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

“Resistance 71 is a French and English speaking collective [in Europe] created in 2010. There are ways to remove the totalitarian society imposed upon all of us by a eugenicist capitalist oligarchy. Solutions to world imperialism, division and oppression reside outside the State and capitalist system, through the confederation of the free communes in a non-pyramidal, non-authoritarian, non-coercive and equal society for all. We look to the roots of our societies and human nature to find it. A key for this society to emerge is the fall of the Anglo-American empire through the pitfalls of its theft and pillaging of North America [Great Turtle Island] and its fictional “legal” system. Indigenous and western people worldwide can together bring about a new political and social paradigm so we can live equally and peacefully with our Mother. Contact the Collective through French or English e-mail: commune1871@yandex.com Blog: http://resistance71.wordpress.com/

... when para-military attacked Mohawks!

… when para-military attacked Mohawks! Fuddle duddle!

“#1. The “special ops” issue [at the Kahnawake pow wow] has a dual meaning: the oligarchs explicitly mean: “We commemorate with you [25th anniversary of the Mohawk Oka Crisis]. Let’s put things behind us“. Implicitly: “We are here, in your face, and will be back!” Head-on confrontation leads nowhere. Native nations are victims as the State has the monopoly on “legitimate violence”. Communities must prepare for the worse case scenario. The preference is to bring the “fight” on the enemy’s legal ground, which is based on [fictional] 15th century pseudo-legal papal bulls. This drives the entire legal system of the colonial states of USA, Canada, NZ, Australia, Mexico and South American states. The bulls “legalize” domination and subjugation without any legal or moral ground upon free and independent nations. These empires have no legal territory and ground. We say in French: “Un empire sans terre est un empire à terre” – “an empire without land is an empire on the ground“.
 All the BS Indian Act system will have to be repelled while engaging in the “legal” battle to make the Pope cancel the papal bulls or remove them from the legal system.

“Aware white settlers will help, if they feel secure and not threatened.
 It took us about 2 years to raise native issues through our translations and writings. They are stunned and horrified by what happened.

tree for everyone“The oligarchs have divided us. Change can happen through understanding, compassion and a sense of belonging. Reunification of body and mind individually and collectively take time. Guilt is counterproductive. Over 500 years of absolute madness cannot be changed overnight. More white people want to understand the wrongs of Western Christian civilization so as to move in the right direction. A social revolution can only come when the people are united with “one mind”, as your culture beautifully says.

“Resistance 71 believes in the vision of two great anarchist thinkers and activists: Pierre Kropotkine and Gustav Landauer who understood traditional societies on all continents. Their thinking and actions on social revolution lead to traditional Native American, African and Melanesian societies etc. They saw the need to dig up a universal core in all human beings which has been deeply buried in western societies. 
We see ourselves as janitors bringing up the jewel of society from the garbage it has been voluntarily buried under.

When push comes to shove!

When push comes to shove!

“#2 Oka 1990 is a great case study of both sides of the conflict, similar to the second stand at Wounded Knee in 1973. Communities should remain prepared to defend themselves [as is their right]. The Rotiskenrakete remain alert as in 1990. A sufficient number of Quebecoise “settlers” in Québec, Canada and abroad are supportive. The real “legal” issues and the false paradigm on which the whole system lies needs to be exposed. Steven Newcomb, Peter d’Errico, and others study the legal aspects. Many tried to reform the system from within. We see an increase in unity with those willing to learn. The right balance between strength and understanding is being formed.

“R71 tries to increase ties with native and non-natives involved in the legal aspects of the doctrine of christian discovery, to reinforce unity and the “one mind process”. We ALL want an end to colonialism, oppression, coercion, inequality, social suffering, poverty, economic and financial slavery. Worldwide unity can be achieved through a worldwide Two Row Wampum [tehiohateh], to end war, imperialism, colonialism, all empires, starting with the USA/UK/Zionist New World Order.

'Foreign Investments' Men catapulting money out of North America.

‘Foreign Investors can only catapult money out of Ono’ware:geh.

“Truly UNIQUE is that this empire has NO LAND! It stands on illegal land, stolen through fictional religious doctrines converted into a pseudo-legal system, based on ethnocide and genocide. When the papal bulls are repudiated, the empire will collapses forever! You [ongwe’hon:weh] have a UNIQUE weapon in your hands, as never before in history. The oligarchs are scared shitless. Their fake system of bullying and theft by genocide can be exposed worldwide for what it is and send their system into oblivion. They know it! They will do anything to stop it. By international exposure they cannot muffle it any longer.

“We launched a movement for Catholics to repudiate their christening (baptême). We take much flak from the integrist catholics and far right/royalist movements on the rise in France, due to the economic and political situations involving the induced “clash of civilization”. Many French-speaking people are waking up, stunned then horrified by the potential consequences.

All the bulls have been found!

Frances: “You mean my bulls are actually shit?”

“The native people of America [Great Turtle Island] have the solution. EXPOSURE of the legal issues. The repudiation of the papal bulls! Newcomb’s law institute researches combined with MNN would increase the impact. More unites us than divides us. Artificial divisions are designed by the oligarchy to preserve their status quo.
Your victory through justice would be a global victory.
 The Lakota people say, “Mitakuye Oyasin”, we are all inter-related. Nos anciens disaient “Nous sommes un et indivisibles” (we are one and indivisible), same but different…
That is what we think.

“P.S. to CSIS, CIA, DGSE, DGSI, NSA etc. reading this: Thank you for your time. Information [about the indigenous genocide] should keep you from sleeping. In the long run, we, the people, will win because we are on of the right side of history!

Mohawk Albert Stalk went to Paris during the 1990 Mohawk Crisis to free climb the Eiffel Tower to raise the issue of genocide. This is our swan song for today.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

CCN on Kevin Annett.

P.M. Harper’s Northern Foundation.



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MNN. APR. 8, 2015. Red-X, our ancient medicine man, travels inter-dimensionally and reports to us from his perch on the mountaintop where the sun never sets. He wants to discuss the current state of media affairs. He nominates for the First Annual MNN Award for Experts of Nothing in the Media the CBC’s “At Issue”. They are promoted as experts of everything. Red-X reveals they are actually experts of nothing.

Skawennahawi once saw Red-X.

Skawennahawi once saw Red-X.

Red-X suggests these corporate mouthpieces should become truthful. They should all wear the corporate logos of their sponsors. They’re selling products that continue the war, like Coke, Pepsi, Nike, Shell, Pfizer, etc. Anderson Cooper on CNN “360” and all the networks have an “expert of nothing” show. Their “most trusted” anchors are being caught as rotten stinking liars. They’ll soon be practicing flying off the tops of skyscrapers, just like the bankers and scientists.



Experts of Nothing preparing.

Experts of Nothing being briefed before the show.

The television MC usually introduces them, “We are bringing in the experts to talk about this or that”. They turn out to be the same experts for everything else. Sometimes a new one is brought in for color. Experts of nothing usually hang out together, attending the same golf courses and social clubs, drinking martinis and other fancy drinks. They stand around discussing, “Today I think I’ll be an expert on the Ongwe’hon:we and misiform our audience on INDIAN issues.”. Red-X telepathically messages us that these people are part of the genocide and they would soon be melting into a pile of jello.

Red-X messaged to us: “They will never get away with genocide. All corporate citizens inherited this atrocity and pass it down to their children”. Malcolm X said, “You hold out your hand for an inheritance. You inherit the good and the horrific wickedness to get what you have. You have to atone. Your kids are as guilty as you”. Red X advised us that to persist as a people we have to separate fact from fiction, use our own minds and direct our moral energies to preserve the Great Peace”.

Then he said, “onen”, got on his silver bird and left for another dimensional expedition.

Red-X always said, "Follow the money"!

Red-X always said, “Follow the money”!

CBC, CTV, CNN, ABC. NBC, Fox, and the others, you gotta have something if you wanna be with us. As Billy Preston notes about them, “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. You gotta have something if you wanna to be with me. I”m not trying to be your hero, cause that zero is too cold for me. Brrrr! I’m not trying to be your highness, because that minus is too low to see”.



MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws


CBC experts of nothing, Andrew, Chantal and Bruce.

CBC experts of nothing, Andrew, Chantal and Bruce.

CBC panel of ‘experts of nothing’.

Duffy trial.











Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. April 5, 2015. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Inc. is trying to lead their people like cattle to the slaughter house, using their MOU. The Tribe will be the first to get the steel bolt in the head and the meat hook that drags them away. Beverly Cook will hang and bleed out alone. Call her at 518-358-2272 and tell her “Boo to the mou”.'I won't be gone long. He's going to show me where they make hamburgers.'

“On May 28, 2014, the St. Regis Tribal Council Inc. SRMT announced that it has agreed to sell to New York State our long-standing claims to all original kanionkehaka [Mohawk] land for all time. SRMT is a Masonic New York State corporation illegally imposed upon the sovereign people of Akwesasne in 1892. They attend the Massena Lodge [their true longhouse]. This “trustee” system is meant to steal ongwehonwe territory and eradicate the Mohawk Nation.  It violates the convention on genocide.

kanionkehaka object to this colonial strategy derived from Papal Bulls that are illegal. NYS “Memorandum of Understanding” MOU eliminates our inherent title to 9.9 million acres. Such “federal trusts” are remnants of colonialism. The incorporated Tribe does not speak for any kanionkehaka/Mohawk except for those incorporated INDIANS who voted for them, like all governmental systems illegally imposed on us. The Tribe cannot bypass the kahtihon’tia:kwenio, the women of the nation who have exclusive responsibility for all land issues. [Wampum 44, Kaianerekowa]. vegetarian

The Tribe’s support from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., created by the corporation of Canada, is also part of the colonial assimilation strategy.

The Tribe admitted that NYS officials dictated the “settlement”. NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo threatened that this was their last chance to get a benefit! The INDIANS will be starved into submission, another old colonial strategy. He warned that the notorious City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation Inc. US Supreme Court case, would be used to eradicate our claims. The threat forced the Tribe to agree to the NYS drafted contract. Their fear of penalties affected their judgment, forcing them to abandoned their “lawful” fiduciary responsibility towards the people. They agreed to allow NYS to remove the kanionkehaka birthright and impose alien laws on us and our territory.

The Tribe claims to have the authority to extinguish all kanionkehaka birthright for all time, without consulting all kanionkehaka. They claim to be successors to the fraudulent treaty of the Seven Nations of Canada, which it seeks to enforce upon the kanionkehaka! No documents, resolutions or affirmations from the Seven Nations were produced (Algonquins, Nippissings, Kahnawakeronon, Oswegatchie, Hurons of Lorette, Abanakis of Odanak and Kanesatake Mohawks). As a NYS corporation the Tribe cannot qualify the rights of this entity nor enter into national agreements.

The Tribe’s “MOU” will use US federal trust to try to undermine the sovereignty, jurisdiction and land title of the kanionkehaka. There are no “benefits”. NYS will start collecting taxes from us and steal our land. This issue must go to a proper international court of dispute resolution such as the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague, a non-Admiralty court, designed to deal with this exact situation.

Bev, where are you?

Bev, where are you?A-whoo!

Tribal Trustee, Beverly Cook, at a Wolf Clan meeting on March 21/2015 urged us to bend to New York’s threats or “receive nothing”. She suggested the kanionkehaka start a separate claim using aboriginal title as a defense. All US courts are Admiralty, only for banks, corporations and contracts. Under current US law she alone can sign to terminate all our claims forever, this is absolutely illegal! We need international dispute resolution. The kanionkehaka know that the trustees’ job is to protect NYS interests. We are not bound by the terms of the May 28, 2014 “MOU”. It affects only St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc. and its supporters, those who voted for them.

This objection is being sent to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, various representatives of the residents of New York in Albany and Washington DC and to Ranatakaiius, President Barack Obama.

Beverly, the Wolf has a song for you: “Smoke Stack Lightning, shining just like gold. Why don’t you hear me crying? Whoo hoo, whoo hoo”. [Howling Wolf, Smoke Stack Lightning.]


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Easter celebration! Jesus&bankers



Anti-terror C-51 criminalizes Ongwehonwei

Rothschild history. 




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 30. 2014. Who is the real terrorist? It seems ISIS is helping to set up a worldwide dictatorship. It’s no coincidence ISIS has the same acronym as the ‘Israeli Security Intelligence Service’, which is created, funded, trained and militarily armed by the CIA and Mossad. Canada has CSIS that receives funds from pillaging Indigenous people. They work together to legalize genocide for the Roman Empire. We are the Palestinians. Canada is Israel. Canadians are being recruited to help implement the “final solution” of the Palestinian problem like Canada is doing. Canada is now in the ninth decade of their 100-year plan of Indigenous extinction.

"Get it! Whoever makes the most money makes the rules."

“Don’t you get it! Whoever has the most money makes the rules.”

Mossad is losing the support of their citizens, who have been duped by the Zionist state. Otherwise why would a country advertise in another country to work in its own intelligence services? Mossad brags about its successful assassinations across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Mossad spies defend and continue the existence of the “criminal” state of Israel. They have set up a data mining operation in Canada to get young people, particularly those who play “Call of Duty” and other internet war games, to join them. They want hard data collected on Israel’s support in Canada.

I'm going to Jerusalem to tell all!

“I wanna be a secret agent man. I’m goin’ to Jerusalem!”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper constantly pushes Israeli’s agenda. The RCMP introduced “United Against Terrorism”, a 37-page booklet, to get war propaganda into everyone’s lives. At the same time Canada is luring mercenaries to join their “pipeline police” to control the Indigenous while the pipeline is illegally laid out across Canada.

The Rothschilds own the private corporations of Israel, Canada and US, which have the same shareholders. The corporate bankers are targeting those challenging their environmental exploitation and theft of Indigenous resources. The bankers are the true terrorists and the cause of all wars for the last 300 years. Zionism monetizes everything and uses money to control the globe. That is why Israel seems to have a free pass on crimes against humanity, genocide and meddling in everyone else’s affairs.

Harper is helping Israel conduct counter intelligence on Canadians. Israel so loves Harper that a bird sanctuary in Tel Aviv has been named after him. Canada murdered almost all our people and put the rest in jail. Canadians have been brainwashed since 1924 to hate us. Mossad will get our children to help them put their foot on everyone’s head, to expand their borders, kill more babies and steal more land. The perfect set up for Mossad to study and copy the Canadian business model so that genocide can be legalized worldwide. Whenever the empire decides to do a mass culling [war], it will be legal. On the other hand, the whole Roman Empire of the city state is collapsing. People of faith are realizing their immorality. Listen to Joel Olsteen. “We’re all going home!”

Watch out for the Hanging Tobacco.

Hanging Tobacco.

Again Jim Morrison takes us out: “This is the end, beautiful friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I’ll never look into your eyes … again.” The End. Fantastic video. Listen. Jim Morrison “The End”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Take a look.Mossad recruitment website.

Read: Harper, the bird.

Read: RCMP booklet on extremism.

Anti Obama persons arrested. Obama “stick & stones”.












mnnlogo1MNN. Sept. 10, 2013. The “Al Qaeda” model for resource theft from Indigenous people: 

1. Corporate government is Al Qaeda.

2. Territory with resources is selected by bankers for theft.

3. Corporate puppets are put in who report to the bankers. Given pseudo powers. NGO and supporter agents express interest. Spies and agent provocateurs arrive a few at a time.al qaeda

4.Indigenous people get wise.

5.Trained rebels with no i.d. are sent in.

6.People are divided up into “conflicting” sectors. Advisors enter the fray and misinform and start fights among them.

7.Civil war is started. Both sides begin to get rough.

Sen. McCain to Al Qaeda: "Give me your post office box in Yemen for your Social Security pensions".

Sen. McCain to Al Qaeda: “Hey, partners. Give me your address in Yemen for your Social Security pensions”.

9.Lethal weapons, drugs and other distractions find their way into the target society. Killings, injuries, “suicides’, arrests and disappearances follow.

10.Infrastructure is destroyed. Detractors sent in and offer to broker agreements and issue ultimatums.

11.Old regime out. New puppets are in with names similar to old regime. The people are impoverished.  

12.Resources are taken over by outside interests. New council cooperates to keep the peace.

13. Throughout bankers remain behind the scenes directing Al Qaeda.

Buffalo Robe













US and Canada incorporated and set up their Al Qaeda terrorist network known as the “band/tribal council” and “national Injun organizations”. Their job is to undermine the Indigenous people so that Great Turtle Island, our land, resources, funds and rights can be stolen, by any means necessary. The bankers think their scam worked so well, they are now using this model to take over the world.    

In the 1980s the US invested $3 billion to create the Al Qaeda terrorist network. The followers were trained, armed, funded and supported.   

Great Law has the black wampum for our traitors.

Great Law has the black wampum for our traitors.

The corporations’ political, economic and military structures are geared towards eliminating the Indigenous obstacles. The “Al Qaeda’ Injun’s job is to divide the target, weaken us and organize opposition. People are recruited within the community, put through the brainwash, greed and genocide program. Some are even trained in military procedures. The enormous sum of money put into their off-shore accounts has had an extraordinary influence. They see the third world conditions of their people they would have to live in if they did not cooperate. 

Some honest Indigenous take office to fight against the corporate invasion. When they realize they are part of the power grid to eliminate us, they become silent. The banksters’ corporate war illegally uses our ever-growing $400 trillion Indian Trust Fund to try to carry out their agenda. These fascists tried and lost recently and will again. As Spike Jones sang in war time: “When Herr Goebbels says we own the world and space/We heil heil right in Herr Goebbels’ face”.  Spike Jones: “Der Fuhrer’s Face”. 


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  For free download of Mohawk music thahoketoteh.ws







MNN. Mar. 25, 2013. The Great Law provides that, “As a weapon against a crawling creature, I lay a stick with you so that you may thrust it away from the Council Fire”. A crawling creature may be a disrespectful person seeking to disrupt the people and must be removed. [Wampum 4].

Serpent of Discord.

Serpent of Discord.

We Indigenous are called “domestic dissidents” who are disrupting the corporate government’s image and economy. Infiltrators are sent in. It could be a vigilante operation to silence us, or to neutralize us by creating factionalism, attacking our reputations and causing confusion. 

“Spies” and “agents” pose as scholars, friends, supporters or helpers. The perfect intruder abandons you suddenly when their assignment is over. Their cover could be blown the longer they remain. 

Infiltrator with angel wings.

Infiltrator with angel wings.

“Infiltration” is low intensity warfare, to mold public opinion, to sabotage us. “Surveillance” is gathering intel to expose, disrupt or discredit us. Infiltrators hang around for years studying and gathering info. Some offer services, like legal advice or romances. Some even have families in the community.  

Infiltrators get involved with one faction. Another infiltrates the opposing faction. They drive wedges between them. Targets are lured into compromising situations. Fear is created, like having them followed, strangers taking pictures and arranging attacks. Infiltrators organize drug, booze and sex parties to recruit youth. Intruder’s cause suspicion. True activists are sometimes “bad jacketed” as being government agents. The courts criminalize us through perjured evidence, false arrests and imprisonment. We face threats, assaults and political assassinations.  

“Provocateurs” disrupt, create disagreements, make divisions, sabotage, squander resources, steal funds, seduce leaders, provoke jealousy and public embarrassment, lead targets into danger and push paranoia. 

New "Indians" are turning up every day.

“Agents” are loners, with a vague cover story that doesn’t identify them. Some have many aliases. Some pretend to be Indigenous. Agents have no job but have a steady income. They will leave at a moment’s notice and disappear. They dress to quickly change their image, like hairstyle, weight, clothes or car.  

Hired thugs, right wing vigilantes, private military and local police are front line foot soldiers. Agents are subsidized, armed, directed and protected by the military. False stories are planted. Bogus organizations are set up. Parents, employers, landlords or school officials can be coerced into causing trouble for the target. 

Look for cameras, microphones & scanners.

They act needy or feign a rare sickness or medical condition to get sympathy and leave suddenly. They act like a best friend, downplay themselves and quietly observe. Targets are taken to unfamiliar outside groups to compromise them. 

Check the authenticity of visitors. “Keep friends and family close and your enemies closer”, as the godfather said. Stay on movement goals. If the eyes say something different from the body, they are not genuine. it reminds us of the old Charlie Pride song: The snakes crawl at night. that’s what they say. When the sun goes down, then the snakes will play”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.












MNN. Mar. 18, 2013. The Jesuits have always been the storm troopers of the Catholic Church. They came to the Western Hemisphere to “spread the lie of male hierarchy”.  The real reason is to use bio-weapons and all means of mass murder. The Western Hemisphere is to be the Zion of the Christian prophetic teaching. All Indigenous people would have to be assimilated or murdered into their vision. Christians, according to the Book of Genesis, state, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth … and God said, Let us make man in our image…”.

Eat your heart out, girls!

The Pope likes Prada, but i like Armani, girls!

Today we have old men wearing dresses pretending they are the moral authority. They are trying to force a man-made hierarchical world view on everyone. It’s unnatural doctrines include things made good, even though they are obviously evil.   

Our opening thanksgiving  ( Ohenten Kariwatkwa )  places us in an Interdependent system of relations that tie all elements of the natural world together – plants, animals, people, sun, moon. We are all equal. The inner core of our knowledge system guides us. Our culture provides an insight into real consciousness coming from our ancestors. The natural world sustains us. We are still here because of the insight of our ancestors. 

Turtle Island

Turtle Island

Many of our people wanted to get along with these men in dresses. Now the artificial and treasonous Indian governments [band councils] know their job is to continue the biggest holocaust in history. They sacrifice traditional values to live as conquered people at the bottom of colonial society. They accept the male hierarchal assumptions which go against natural law. 

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

We saw the false consciousness of the scheming visitors who hold the cross in front and behind their backs are the small pox infested blankets. We Haudenosaunee caught them mapping out our territories, acting as the intelligence arm of the military. We tried them and found them guilty of spying. They did not want to return to Europe for punishment according to the Two Row Wampum agreement. They chose to be executed here as  martyrs by being burnt at the stake.   

Their legacy is the CIA, MI5 and the Mossad which continue the genocide programs worldwide to all Indigenous. 

We spend our lives developing our personal relationship with the whole universe. Our way of life on Great Turtle Island is valid and non-compromising. We are free in body, mind and spirit to spread the truth to all peoples of the world. We are all children of Mother Earth. The power is in putting our minds together. The peace is to live together in harmony with each other and the natural world by balancing the female and male energy. 

two row old

As Def Leppard sang in When the walls came tumbling down; “All the women were captured and chained. And national suicide was proclaimed. When the walls came tumbling down. When the walls came tumbling down. Everybody ran and screamed at the sound… when the walls came tumbling down.”

MNN mohawknationnews.com email: kahentinetha2@yahoo.com