Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


mnnlogoMNN. Sept. 6, 2013. The Syrians of all walks of life are camping to protect the land where US bombs are to be dropped. Strong indications are the Bankers’ Fuhrer, President Obama, will be impeached! If there is no war, the US economy will crash. The 1973 War Powers Act gives him right to attack if he notifies Congress.

Ahhhhhh!, Putin, I am the US President and I tell you what to do!"

Ahhhhhh!, Putin, I am the US President and I tell you what to do!”


A long time ago our Indigenous women said, “No more war”. Then peace came. All Indigenous agreed to follow the Kaianerekowa, the Great Law of Peace, based on the rules of the natural world. The US constitution was to be based on this law of peace where everyone is equal and has a voice. Instead the Women’s Council was turned into the Senate, then 51% consensus rule, half the mind instead of all becoming of one mind. Then a hierarchical dictator was put over them by the bankers.

Women of the world can stop war!

Women of the world can stop war!

Obama has to borrow money from the G20 members for his “legally” declared personal war. Canada donated $45 million from our ever-growing $385 trillion Indian Trust Fund for Obama’s war to continue. As much damage will be done as fast as possible. We never authorized any spending, which continues the war. We are seeing the last emperor and the Corporation of War that was set up in 1871 under the Appropriations Act. 

At the G20 meeting, Russian Prime Minister Putin asked the US: If it turns out that the armed rebels are the ones who used weapons of mass destruction, what will the US do with them and their sponsors? Will the US stop supplying them with arms and fight against them? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said International laws are being violated. Any party resorting to chemical warfare should accept responsibility for it.                

tree for everyoneWe are the Eagle on top of the Tree of Peace screaming that danger is threatening our own peace. As Jimi Hendrix sang: “You got my pride hanging out of my bed/You’re messing with my life/So I bought my lead/You’re even messing with my children/And you’re screaming at my wife. Get off of my back if you want to get out of here alive. Freedom. That’s what I want. Freedom. That’s what I need. Freedom to live. Freedom so I can give”.  “Freedom”. Jimi Hendrix.

See Video: Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons Posted by Kryptographic on September 5, 2013 at 9:01pm in Impending Attack on Syria


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  For free download of Mohawk music




 mnnlogoMNN. Sept, 4, 2013. MNN, Sept, 4, 2013. Nameless, Faceless. It is immoral to kill and steal? In a two-party theft, one person steals from or fatally injures the victim. The thief or killer could get caught, arrested, put on trial, imprisoned or executed. The criminal might argue they need food, shelter, clothes, a flat screen TV, or a cell phone.  They beg for all charges to be dropped on compassionate grounds. They are victims of inequality!

Curtains are drawn. We know who you are!

Plunderers! Curtains are open. We know who you are!


A third party joins in, known as a “threesome”. The artificial corporate hierarchy is a third party system. They carry out the theft of our property, give it to another or even kill us for it. We are the victims of the other two parties. Fake corporate by-laws are passed. Their enforcers can kill us the natural owners with impunity.   

Yale Threesome.

The “menage a trois”: corporation, their subjects and resisting Indigenous victims!




We constantly object and are branded as enemies of the state, selfish, greedy, uncaring criminals and terrorists.  The corporate by-laws portrays these receivers of stolen goods as not committing a crime. The enablers call it the ‘budget’ on how our ever-growing $375 trillion Indian Trust Fund is spent.

We are pushed out of the way so government [controllers of the mind] can survive. Genocide eliminates us and our voices. The  bankers carry it out with the help of their ”subjects” who have signed on. Canadians don’t see themselves as criminals as government is supposed to provide for them. No one asks where the funds come from.   

hitlers policiesThere is no limit on stupidity! Stealing is stealing. The statute of limitations never expires. It doesn’t magically become moral when the government carries out the crime for its subjects who want to avoid direct responsibility. Turning away from responsibility for the continuing genocide of our people makes them guilty and complicit in the crime. They just ‘vote’ or kiss the corporation. Even if they don’t vote, we never hear them pronouncing that they are going to return one inch of stolen land.     

The Great Law of Peace gives us the tools to maintain ourselves and others. Dekanawida and Jigosaseh saw that we could exist as self-directed people living in the best interests of everyone. Government is not enforcement so one has more than everybody else. Letting corporate rulers distribute our stolen possessions has created the tyranny of the Fourth Reich, the merger of corporation and state on Great Turtle Island.  

The German Nazi anthem could be revised and sung by Americans: Germany, Germany above everything,
 Above everything in the world’, The True Fuhrer Adolph Hitler.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  For free download of Mohawk music








MNN. Aug. 29, 2013. Prime Minister Harper ended a session of Parliament. Proroguing is a fundamental abuse of power. “When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled”. [Monty Python]. We Indigenous have always been in the way. Hence the holocaust of 150 million of us with bullets and disease!  

PM Harper: "Gotta get an emergency going to get the resources from the Indigenous to make guns!"

PM Harper: “Gotta get an emergency going to grab Indigenous resources to make guns for war!”

Harper feared a non-confidence motion which would have forced an election. He would have lost. All political parties and the Senate are muffled.  

In Canada everyone needs the bank’s approval to exist – birth certificates, licenses, car registration, medical coverage, credit cards and so on. Mark Carney set up this extensive system as Governor of the Bank of Canada. It is the model for the bankers’ takeover of the world. He’s now the Governor of the Bank of England! 

The bankers are dissolveing their corporations [cities, towns, companies, counties, etc.]. Every corporation is owned by the bankers, set up for profit of the shareholders. Band/tribal councils and all native organizations are corporations and a vital part of the genocide grid. Detroit and other cities are bankrupt. Profits are being distributed among the shareholders.  

Prime Minister Stephen Harper needs to overcome Indigenous opposition. During the suspension of Parliament he can declare an “emergency”, like making weapons for war with Syria! He needs to turn all Indigenous territory [Canada] into fee simple land to allow the banks to own everything. Then they can take all the resources they want. The people are silent. 

No everybody, Stevie!

Not everybody, Stevie!

They fear the coming financial cataclysm and are covertly supporting their beast.

Financial sectors ignore public sectors, except to collect taxes from them. The banks are picking over the bones of the collapsed economy for pennies on the dollar. They are privatizing vital services such as infrastructure, health, social and educational programs, policing and fire fighting services, roads, schools, water systems, sewage plants and airports. Public services will become even more costly. Only financial institutions will be left standing and in charge. 

"Didn't Harper tell you we're still here. You have to deal with us on behalf of Mother Earth!"

“Didn’t Harper tell you we’re still here. You have to deal with us. We represent our Mother Earth!”

Indigenous as the natural people of the land are not investors in the demonic world economy. It all belongs to us and always has. Those at the top of the artificially created theft and control hierarchy will continue the genocide until we shut up about the desecration of the environment, our land and theft of our resources for the war.   

Remember, it’s all an illusion. Only we and our Mother Earth are for real! Mass murder will stop. Supporters with good minds can trace the roots of the tree of peace to its source and sit under its shade for protection.

“Self Imprisoned Brainwashed Fools. The bank’s specialty is loan and enslavement through debt. From credit cards to the IMF loans to third world countries. More is loaned thank can be paid. Then the banks own you. Everyone toils to pay them. All the while we are made to think we are free people. We live in mortgaged cells called Home Ownership. We can’t stray far from our cell or our prison job.” [W. Russell]. As the 1491s comedians tell us, the way things are going, we might soon be going back to our own “doctors”…1491s “Slapping Medicine Man”. 



MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0]








mnnlogoMNN, AUG. 27, 2013. In today’s Postmedia News, Natural Resources Minister Joe ‘the-clock-is-ticking’ Oliver said, of course, the “clock is ticking”. Extractions and exports of Indigenous resources have to be done asap before it’s too late [for what?]. It’s a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity [said Oliver, following the used car salesman hard sell approach]! These dudes have been watching too much sci-fi! They want to make one of those faster-than-light moves on us. It’s too late! They can’t spin everything around us so fast while their corporate Injuns try to sign away the natural world. She’s not for sale! 

Resource Minister Oliver: "Hurry up before it's too late!"

Resource Minister Joe Oliver: “Quick! Corporate band council Injuns, sign here before your people catch on!”

The bankers have no “birthright” to economic prosperity and to capitalize on our resource bounty. “Listen. Things have to be set up now! Pipelines and export terminals have to go up fast as possible”. The bankers’ fake corporate grid “will not last forever”, says Oliver. They know we Indigenous People are part of everything. We and our Mother have all the power! We constantly remind the settlers that we, the natural people of Great Turtle Island, are sovereign and that international law supports our position. We must be fully informed and will never give our land and resources. 

Canada wants to speed up resource extraction and transportation to markets to line their own pockets as fast as they can. They think they have to squash and annihilate us, the caretakers, who are naturally connected of the land. Not able to steal nature, the illegal Corporation of Canada will dissolve. They will declare bankruptcy, leave Great Turtle Island and return to their Fatherland to become paupers again as they were when they arrived here. 

Onowaregeh, creation of Great Turtle Island.

Onowaregeh, creation of Great Turtle Island.

Also  “free energy” may soon be available which will impoverish all these freeloaders. Oliver said, “Canada was not built by nay sayers”. No, the corporation was built by greedy murderers who methodically carried out the genocide of millions of our people! Our Mother Earth is going to have the last say! 

Those wishing to live in peace may follow the roots to the source, take shelter and be of one mind.

Those wishing to live in peace may follow the roots to the source, take shelter and be of one mind with us.

As Neil Young reminds us all: “Respect Mother Earth and her giving ways/Or trade away our children’s days.” Mother Earth, Neil Young.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0]







Decisions, Decisions




MNN. July 27, 2013. How do we resolve issues using the Mohawk consensual decision-making process? Divide the group into three clans, Wolf, Turtle and Bear. Sit in a circle and face each other as equals. Use the basic criteria – peace, righteousness and power. 

Great Turtle Island decisions are in the best interests of all.

Great Turtle Island decisions are in the best interests of all.

The issue: pretend to be people of an Indian reservation where a train rammed into the center of the community. Ten people died. They are going to be overrun by the FBI, social workers, media, grief counselors, helpers, curious people, assorted authorities and the train company’s representatives. The people need to gather before the world spotlight is put on them. 

The Wolf Clan deliberates first. After discussing the many facets of the horrendous event, they come up with three good ideas. First, ask neutral observers to deal with the outsiders. Second, ask a neutral group to be on the front lines as a buffer. Third, the clans will deal with the victims, families and community. Everyone wants peace. These 3 decisions are passed over the fire to the Turtle Clan, who then discuss them. They agree with the three ideas and expand on the third one. Then it is passed over the fire to the Bear Clan who discuss it and sanction the decisions of the other two clans. 

Everyone is equal and everyone has a voice.

Everyone is equal and has a voice. All have a duty to put their ideas into the process to come to one mind – an agreement or a complete understanding.

This is a traditional Haudenosaunee way of resolving issues. Each person must participate so the level of knowledge is raised and discussed until it is understood. A resolution is reached which is in the best interests of all. It is essential that they come to one mind.  

The structure of decision making in international law and the rule of law come from the Iroquois constitution, Kaia’nere:kowa/Great Law of Peace. It is meant for the whole world to stop war. The US Constitution was based on this philosophy of equality and everybody has a voice. The tools for resolving issues is based on our relationship to the natural world. The problem is the US maintained their hierarchical commercial system within it. The Charter of the UN is based on the US Constitution with this flaw. Everybody has the duty to save the true rule of law for the world. 

In the corporate system the banker bribes everybody and makes the decision.

In the corporate system the banker bribes everybody, keeps information and makes the decision.

The decision-making process gives each a voice. Their thoughts and feelings are validated. They don’t wait for fabricated information and then decisions are made by a few people, which are then implemented by force. Each must seek the real truth. As the Mavericks sang: “I want to know everything..”

Consensus Decision Making




MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0]



mnnlogo1PEOPLE’S FIRE 

MNN.  Feb. 3, 2013.  The power is the People.  They select the chiefs, clan mothers, titles and positions, who answer to the people. If they don’t listen, the people will remove errant chiefs or clan mothers.

The fire symbolizes the people coming together. “Sa’tsi”ra” means, “You have a fire”.  “Swa’tsi:rare” means, “the fire is inside you”. It is the spirit, life of the person, family, clan, community, nation, confederacy. 

People's Fire is most powerful.

People’s Fire is most powerful.

The root word for family, “kawa’tsi:re”, is “otsire”, the word for fire.  It means the family still has a fire and exists. Each person, family and clan has a fire. The People’s Fire is the most powerful because all the minds come together.  

The fire is the people’s voice. Each person has a voice, a duty to express their views on all social, political and economic issues. Individuals must exercise their personal power on behalf of the people. This is the foundation of the consensual decision making process of the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the law of the land. 

People make sure protocol is followed by all the People.

People make sure protocol is followed by all the People.

All direction comes from the fire of the People. Then it goes to the clan mothers and then to the chiefs.  We all keep an eye on the chiefs and clan mothers to make sure they are all following the law.   

The Kanianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law, came to our people because dictators had risen, taken control and created constant warfare. The Great Law got rid of the dictators and the wars. We lived in peace for thousands of years, until the Europeans brought the war back to Great Turtle Island.  

Band and Tribal councils are corporate Indians who are part of the royal economist bankers genocide program. They work under the direction of Indian Affairs and the US Bureau of Indian Affairs. Without any legal right, they sign surrenders of our land and resources. Our land cannot be sold or given away. They cannot use our titles to legitimize themselves and mislead the people. They don’t rule us. 

Our traditional chiefs are the spokespersons for the People, saying only what the people tell them. Those chiefs who don’t listen to the People are outside the circle. Their antlers break off, the blood goes into their eyes, ears and mouth. The people cannot listen to those whose words are not clear, whose eyesight is gone and who have become deaf.

Our great law of peace is the law of the land. We have a Two Row relationship with the settlers that they have breached. This needs to be redressed.

Meeting until sunset, followed by feast and dancing.

Meeting until sunset, followed by feast and dancing.

Our fire continues.  Our voices are becoming stronger every day. Each person has a duty to counsel themselves and learn as much as they can about their issues. As long as we are alive, our fire will not go out.  When the colonists tried to extinguish us, we continued our fire. We did everything to stay alive. Only we can extinguish our fire. 

As Jimi sang in “Fire”: “You tried to give me your money, you better save it, babe.  Save it for your rainy day. I have only one burnin’ desire. Let me stand next to your fire.”   

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




MNN.  Jan. 4, 2013. Harper, take some food to Chief Theresa Spence now, she’s hungry!  Canada’s Prime Minister did not call in the Haudenosaunee or the traditional people.  He doesn’t want to hear the truth. 

Harper wants poverty in the midst of plenty.  So on January 11th he is calling in his band council puppets to tighten their strings inside a cozy warm meeting room.  Not outside next to Chief Spence’s wigwam. Harper’s worried because his subsidiary corporation, AFN, is screwing up his timeline for his genocide business plan.   

Harper's puppets

Harper’s puppets

Harper wants to change “Idle No More” to “Indian No More”.   It’s a PR nightmare for him, the Corporation of Canada and their bankster shareholders. He and his puppets have all taken an oath to the Queen of England.  They need ever more money to control us and stop our disobedience. 

bankster boss in City of London

bankster boss in City of London

His Indians won’t demand the re-negotiation of the Guswentha, or for us to govern our continent, or to relinquish their power.  They left the canoe and jumped onto the colonial ship.  All the buckskin and feathers won’t bring them back. Having one foot in each vessel is forbidden.  Their job was always to divide, conquer and continue the illusions.  They broke our laws of survival.  

We want nothing less than national liberation, freedom and independence! The bankers’ empire will be eliminated.  We call for their orderly withdrawal from Great Turtle Island. The Two Row Wampum/Guswentha of June 25, 1701 gave the settlers the right to live here in peace.  This was breached.  Now they are squatters and have to legalize their presence here. 

Every dictatorship has to end.  No more plundering and murdering of innocent people, with the help of their artificial Indians. 

PM Harper & Chief Atleo of AFN

PM Harper & Chief Atleo of AFN

Canada knows their Indigenous landlords are ungovernable. They are threatened by our forthcoming independence on our own land. They don’t want us to be of one mind.  That will eliminate war. To protect their lie, they need another false flag to give themselves a reason to arrest us, suppress our human rights and freedom of speech and call us “terrorists”.

Our job is to carry the burden of peace. We won’t use bombs, burn buildings, cut electricity, sever transportation and lights, erect razor wire, fly over with choppers and jets, stab children as they did to us at Oka in 1990.  [See “Acts of Defiance” on MNN homepage]. 

We will be recognized as a sovereign state by the community of nations. Canada will hand over responsibility for foreign relations, security and immigration immediately to us, as was agreed in the Guswentha.   

Resistance is only beginning.  Our beloved land will be free and independent forever, as she was always meant to be.  We will be respected by every nation in the world for the great people we’ve always been.  We will take our proper place at the table of nations. No longer will the occupiers usurp our right to rule.   We will end the theft of our vast lands, our freedom and stop the unimaginable suffering of our peoples.  Only true indigenous thinking will bring us peace. 

As Robbie Robertson sang:  “In circles we gather.  Moonlight fires are healing, taking us back, just make us go back.  Beating hearts as one, you’re in Indian country.  This is Indian country”. Robbie Roberson:Stomp Dance

Women stomping out foreigners

Women stomping out foreigners

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
















MNN.  JAN. 1, 2013.  Corporate band and tribal councils are falling.  A new day is coming.  Out with individualism.  In with collectivism.  The fraudulent corporations of Canada and the United States of America are duly put on notice that you will be soon dissolved. Your shareholders will be liable for all their crimes.  The strategy of corruption, deceit and death through their band and tribal council apparatus is over.  They are all going down.  There will no longer be a means to apply the genocide program on us and everyone else in the world through this fraudulent corporate business plan.sun never    

The band councils job is to help Canada and US kill us, destroy us, buy us and make us give in. Through them we have been attacked militarily, politically, socially and ideologically. Illegal orders violating their own corporate constitutions, to totally exterminate us physically and psychologically, have never been rescinded. The Appropriations Act of l871 and the Indian Act of 1876 are illegal corporate by-laws.  Because traditional truths were passed to us by our elders, we are still here.  [Sun never sets on Indigenous people].sunlilght    

If Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat dies of hunger, it’s the symbolic death of these councils.  Harper and Obama rely on them to control us, our land and resources. When they fall, so do their parent Corporations, Canada and the US.    

We shall reclaim Great Turtle Island.  No more divide and conquer. Honest people here and the world know we are the land and resource owners.  Stealing from us to enrichment themselves is going to stop. Government prison guards patrolling the community cell blocks are sell-out Indian and paramilitary police. Any advance by them is an act of war.     

We will protect our communities, improve our living conditions and bring peace to everyone.  We are not the enemies or rivals. We did not commit the frauds and attacks that caused centuries of suffering to us and our Mother Earth.  Our visitors are welcome to live under the protection of the Guswentha and the Great Law, where our protection comes from.  They must come to one mind with us on the original agreements allowing them to live on Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island. 

The great natural power designed our ways to give us our instructions, energy and courage.  We will set things right without military weapons, death or destruction.   

Our Mother wants us to remove you corporate bloodsuckers.   You can leave with what you came with.  Nothing!

As Wilie Nelson and others sang, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.  They say that all good things must end.  Let’s call it a night. The party’s over”. partys over



MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0











MNN.  27 Dec. 2012.  It was a fiendish plan to exterminate us.  With our good minds we are going to dismantle it. There will be no world peace without free Indigenous Peoples who have regained all our possessions. 

Throughout the world the “Idle No More” movement has united us and our supporters.  To save our Mother Earth, the great natural power has awakened us to action.    

Fear was the greatest weapon to control our lives.  The secret rulers created artificial fear to make us think we are alone and to terrify us into submission. Science and technology found ways to bring us under control and to work for them as slaves. Methods were found to make us kill each other.  

Science developed hate and anger of each other.  A life of fear was made through images and sounds. Their mainstream media controls information and pop culture. In the televised version of reality, platinum blond hair, blue eyes and white skin were deemed to be superior. False dogma kept us divided.  Our thinking and behavior were designed.  Any light that came through was extinguished to make us think life was hopeless.  

For hundreds of years we were kept in a state of confusion.  Our minds, bodies and energies were poisoned. Toxins were put into everything we drank, breathed, wore and walked on.  Drugs were given to us for entertainment and sicknesses we did not have.  Our children were targeted to kill their minds, resulting in depression, mental and physical disorders and obesity.  

The same bankers and corporations controlled all sides of governments. They prospered from war and death.  

The system of Owistah [money] and accumulation of material goods kept us from connecting with our inner selves and to each other.  it imprisoned us. We were diverted to seek pleasure and play games. 

We are victims of genocide.  Our children were stolen from us.  Our communities are toxic dumps, unfit for habitation [Attawapiskat, Kachechewan, etc].  Colonial powers tried to kill us or disperse us from our inherent lands to steal the riches beneath them. Traditional People went underground to hide their ancient knowledge. 

Our own people were recruited to help them by rewarding them with material things.  

Canada CEO Prime Minister Harper [right] made rules like C-45 to take everything we have and our freedom.  This evil will be stopped. CAL10-CANADA

We always felt something was missing from our existence.  We stood helpless as foreigners came onto our land and murdered us.  We are shaking off these invaders. Our minds are free.  We can’t go back to slavery. 

warrior unity
We Indigenous People have the tools given to us by the great natural power to change this.  We do not hate each other.  We love each other. When we rise up together, they cannot stop us.  We have no weapons.  Only the truth.  We will use our inherent knowledge to bring peace to the world.

The truth was hidden in front of us.  False reality was created.  The curtain has been opened for all to see what’s been going on.  The truth. scarecrow

The rest of the people may finally wake up and join their Indigenous brothers and sister, instead of singing like the Scare Crow in the Wizard of Oz:  “I could wile away the hours, conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain.  And my head I’d be scratchin’, while my thoughts were busy hatchin’, if I only had a brain”.  

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0











MNN.  DEC. 1, 1012.  On November 22, 2012, 138 countries voted for Palestine to be recognized as a UN state.  They can now use UN International Agencies, sign treaties and bring charges against war criminals. They ended the corporate bankers’ imperial war against Indigenous peoples.  Colonizers Canada, US and Israel voted against the bid. They warned there will be repercussions.  Boycotts, no aid, shunning us, crossing the street when they see us coming and maybe trying to continue to bully us. 

Israel was created by the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917.  Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary and former Prime Minister, sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, the leader of the Zionist movement and the Rothschild international banking empire. The British promised to help the Zionists create “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The US entered the war and two weeks later the first boatload of armed Zionist immigrants landed on the shores of Palestine to destroy the people and steal everything.    

In 1923 Levi General, the Deskaheh, was sent to Geneva Switzerland by the Haudenosaunee [Iroquois Confederacy], to get membership in the League of Nations.  He reminded the Europeans of their obligations under the Guswentha, Two Row Wampum, the only agreement allowing foreigners to live here in peace.  The newcomers violated it, making their occupation illegal.  

Iran, Estonia, the Netherlands, Panama, Ireland and others supported us.  British and American threats against them and Deskaheh forced him to return home.  The League then made indigenous peoples worldwide into ‘domestic concerns’.  We had no right to seek redress for human rights abuses and theft from anyone other than our oppressors.  They tried to permanently victimize and annihilate us. 

Deskaheh’s efforts angered Canada.  In 1924 the RCMP forcibly removed the traditional Haudenosaunee government, and created the Indian Advancement Act, apartheid and the concentration camps called “reservations”.  The Canadian government set up ‘band councils’ to rule us.  They designated that “a person is anyone other than an Indian’.  

Deskaheh was warned to never return to Canada or he would be killed.  He was murdered in Tonawanda New York in 1925.  

Bankers are now panicking.  They monetized everything and created money to control the world.  The shareholders of the corporations of Canada and US profit from war, theft of Indigenous land and resources and enslaving us.  These corporations own the Canadian and American masses.  Birth certificates, drivers licenses, social insurance numbers, social security, a bank account, running a business, travel or any benefit needs the ‘mark of the beast’, which is the stamp of the bankers.     

The bankers send their agents into a country, destroy it and steal their natural resources.  Whoever protests gets bombed, starved and economic sanctions, which is war.  This time the heavily armed high tech Israeli army could not defeat poor weaponless Palest’Indians.  They did not wait for someone to free them.  They freed themselves.  

They set the precedent.  Soon the beast will not be in charge. Canada, US and Israel now have to deal directly with us, the owners of the land and resources.  

The UN is another bankers corporation.  It will crumble from within.  The Indigenous will never be subservient to the bankers again.  The imperial corporations will be beggars rather than the brutal lying thugs they’ve always been.  

After the women everywhere stop the conflict in their communities, they will begin to implement the Great Law of Peace.  Then the men will carry out the law.  It’s over for the corporate bankers.  They have to stand down or leave.  We, the real natural people, are going to assert ourselves. 

We insist on justice first, to join the International Court, file complaints against banker/corporatist war criminals and their agents, dismantle illegal settlements and settlers, sue the colonizers, return of our possessions and sovereign control of our air space, land, waters.  

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his sidekick John Baird rushed to the UN and showed us who they work for, the same banker who owns Israel and them.  

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.  [Jimi Hendrix]. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0