BARE NAKED EMPIRE [io’nents:toten]



Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 4, 2015. We can all see they are criminals and they’re all going to the gulag that they built for us. TRC ‘terminator” Murray Sinclair’s recommendations and the Senators passing the anti-ongwe’hon:weh Bill C-51 on the same day is no coincidence. Minister of Indian Affairs Valcourt showed his disrespect for our slain missing murdered women. He refused to stand with everyone else in the room. They all took oaths to the CROWN and Canon Law, which is based on the Pope being God who owns every living thing on this earth.

"Not sure where to go. I'm a Heinz 57!"

“Let’s get ready to move home!”

The earth is everybody’s mother. The only way you can attach yourself to your mother is through the women of your original homeland. Their children who have been away from their original part of the world are lost and cannot find their way home through mother earth hereoin ono’ware:geh.

If you are transplanted to somebody else’s part of the earth, you need to go home and help your children to reconnect to their mother so they can be whole again.  When all people do this the desecration of mother earth will end.

teiohateh is the formula for peace and perpetual co-existance between different peoples. We have been trying since 1701 to teach the Europeans this philosophy. We went to London in 1710 to spread the teiohateh concept to the European monarchs and their people. The monarchs saw they would lose their hierarchical paternal control structure. 65 years later they engineered the first modern day “false flag” war called the American Revolution. They used their army to chop down the actual tree of peace that stood for 3,300 years at Onondaga. The tree was the physical evidence of Dekanawida and the Great Peace. Then the Europeans established the Republic of War, the USA, and set out to annihilate us.

"An island where I can store my money."

“An island where I can store the money.”

teiohateh allowed them to live here under our protection in perpetual peace. It was and still is an experiment to use the good mind. Our goal has always been to achieve peace throughout the world for everyone.

Anyone who sees our land as something to monetize, fractionalize and rationalize has to leave and return to their own land where they will be cured of this ailment. This is the problem on earth today. They ran away from their own mothers.  Like all runaways, they will never find peace until they heal with their mother. Only then can they stop desecrating their mother.

"Goo goo! I want my mommy!

“Mummy, can you put more cream on my sore bum?”

The festering pimple at 6 Nay has started to spread its roots to Ottawa. The only cure for this type of extreme diaper rash is what the immortal Bo Diddley sings: “You gonna be sorry that you left me alone. You’re gonna be sorry. Pack your bags and now you gone. You’re gonna be sorry. Tried everything to get along with you. You’re gonna be sorry. I tried every little thing I knew how to do. You’re gonna be sorry. You don’t love me no mo’ was the reason why you gonna go. Back Home. Go back home.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

"The rats go first!"

“The rats go first!”

Marx: capitalism is over!

American Indians offer amnesty to immigrants.

Bob Rae on reconciliation.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 1, 2015. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a white wash of the ongwe’hon:weh genocide. TRC is trying to help the perpetrators and those who benefited from genocide to reconcile with its victims! No, it’s going to be reconciliation according to us! We have the evidence. The truth has been found that the CROWN/Vatican is guilty of genocide in the residential school holocaust. First, we must charge the CROWN with genocide at the non-Admiralty International Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Then we can reconcile with the settler colonialists who benefitted the most from the genocide. Read: UN Genocide Act.

after charging & convicting.

TRC march in Ottawa May 31, 2015. 

The beginning of reconciliation is that the thieves and murderers will not decide the penalty for themselves. All of you on our land need to reconcile with us everywhere on Great Turtle Island for the murder of over 100 million of the natural people. We the surviving victims will dictate the terms for the reconciliation. Otherwise, your grandchildren will never know peace with our grandchildren on Great Turtle Island.

CROWN/Vatican must face the music.

CROWN/Vatican must face the music.

Everyone needs to learn the Kaianerehkowa, the law of the land. The brutality committed against us must be settled to our satisfaction. Our murdered ancestors invoke the universal law of karma that will come to balance this crime against humanity.

Colonial settlers, you must follow the white roots of peace to the source and reconcile with us where we are residing.








Agents of the CROWN pretending to represent the people [MPs, MPPs, bar lawyers and judges, municipal councilors], anyone who has taken an oath to the Queen is complicit in the continual cover-up, even in the face of overwhelming evidence against the CROWN whom they represent. They are all going to the gulag that was built for us.

We will not go lightly on those of you who continue the genocide and turn your backs on us. You will all pay. “If you can’t do the time, you shouldn’t have done the crime?”

As Alvin Lee tells us he doesn’t know what to do. We know what to do. “Tax the rich, feed the poor, so there are no rich no more. I’d love to change the world!” [I‘d love to change the world].

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

Homeland Security bigger picture.

Galati challenging Bill C-51.




















Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 11, 2015. In the 1990 “Mohawk Oka Crisis” 5,000 heavily armed Canadian soldiers surrounded three of our communities. We were protesting the expansion of a non-Ongwe’hon:weh golf course over our burial and ceremonial grounds. The army attacked and hurt many of us. One of our children was stabbed in the chest by a soldier. Our longhouse, filled with women and children, was surrounded by tanks to attack us. The women ran out and faced them. In the battle many were seriously injured.

Women beat tyranny.

Women beat tyranny.

The natural world created women as the progenitors of the soil for the coming generations. Women always stood up to brutality and aggression of the Admiralty matrix that is controlling the world. We feel the courage and anger of the Ukrainan people through the voices of these two women in the following video. Ukranian Women face soldiers.

We can hear the children of the future crying for their mothers in Donetsk right now.

The Nazi controlled band council in Kahnawake creates similar chaos and confusion to force us to monetize our land. Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. officers, Mike Delisle and Christine Deom are not Ongwe’hon:we. We can see they work for the corporation. We get no information or discussion on local or mainstream media about the planned genocidal action to remove us from our land. Women of the world do not want to send our husbands and children to do the dirty work for the Corporations.

The local Nazi band council lies and threatens us. They are the invading soldiers and we are the people. Anything based on a lie is a lie. They and their Nazi supporters should pack their bags and leave Kahnawake before they are removed physically. Kayoni #59 of the law of the land, Kaia’nere:kowa, provides that when our traitors refuse three times to heed the warnings of the Women, they will be dealt with by the Rotiskenra’keteh.

The patriarchal lies will meet the maternal truth as Red and Kitty remind us: “The love I treasured you sold for gold, for worldly goods you left me cold. You are happy now but the time will come, your false loves will leave you one by one.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Read. Repeal Papal Bulls.

Capitalism must die for Indigenous to live.











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MNN. Nov. 20, 2014. At a recent meeting the Rotinoshonni/Iroquois discussed the residential school holocaust perpetrated on us by the CROWN/Vatican. They became of one mind that the CROWN/Vatican should be charged and forced to answer for the crime of genocide before the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Nowhere to go! No rock to hide under!

Nowhere to go! No rock to hide under!

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC headed by Chief Judge Murray Sinclair, has already gathered evidence and proven the crime of genocide. He announced his Commission has no mandate to charge the CROWN, only to provide the truth of what happened, and to develop a reconciliation strategy. Since he cannot charge the CROWN, all his evidence on behalf of the 80,000 murdered Onkwehonwe children can be taken and filed.

The law of Onowaregeh is the Great Peace/Kaianerekowa. No Admiralty statute has any jurisdiction over us on Onowaregeh. Only the Guswenth/Two Row Wampum is the basis of all of our interaction. The corporations’ only basis for their claim on our land are the Doctrines of Discovery, terra nullius, etc. which are legal fiction. These doctrines have been condemned as socially unjust, racist and in violation of basic and fundamental human rights. These papal bulls have been the basis of the murders of 150 million Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere.

As everybody knows, anything based on a lie is a lie. Admiralty Law [CROWN law] is for banks and corporations. We Rotinoshonni are the ongwehonwe of the land. We are not a corporation and not a bank. It is illegal to trade our land for money. All Admiralty [CROWN] statutes are based on this lie.

Our children wait.

On October 25, 1924, the genocidal Indian Lands Acts were imposed upon us by the CROWN colony of Canada. They were to be deemed as binding on the provinces as if they were acts of the legislatures. They are by-laws of the corporation [CROWN]. At this time ‘reserves’ were set up forcing the ‘Indians’ into captivity. Then they snatched our children and inserted them into their residential school death camps. The Palestinians can expect a version of the residential school holocaust to be imposed upon them. We are going to stop this from happening to anyone else ever.

Background: In 324 AD Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire set up Christianity as the official religion of the empire. The capital of Rome was Constantinople and the capital of the church was Kiev Russia. In 910 five hundred priests broke away from the Christian Church and set up their syndicate in Rome Italy at the Vatican. They called their new religion “Roman Catholicism”. The monarchs of Western Europe were behind the creation and day-to-day operations of the corporate entity, the CROWN/Vatican. Each monarch had a turn to place their Pope in the Vatican for life. Roman Catholicism is “corporatism”. All corporations get their ISO number from the Vatican. Canada is ISO #1366-2:CA 1867 and USA is ISO #3166-2:US Feb. 21, 1871. The CROWN/ [Vatican] is listed as the majority shareholder in both of these corporations.

Through Admiralty Law all admiralty courts are also private corporations owned by the CROWN. All Canadian, US and British courts are Admiralty courts. There is no way for us to get a fair hearing in any Admiralty court because the owners of the courts are guilty of the genocide that we are charging them with.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. No Admiralty CROWN Court.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. Not Admiralty CROWN Court.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague was set up in 1899 by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia as the first international court for world peace. It is not an Admiralty court. It is designed for cases like ours. He and previous Tsars saw the genocide occurring in the Western Hemisphere due to the Catholic Bulls. Russia was never a part of the Western Hemisphere genocide. Let us all stand together as one earth family, the roots going in all directions, plant a tree of peace and bury all the weapons of war.

Sing & dance for those past and coming.

Sing & dance for those past and coming.

We do this for our children, as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing about all children: “You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by. And so become yourself because the past is just a good-bye. Teach your children well, their father’s hell did slowly go by, and feed them on your dreams, the one they fix, the one you’ll know by. And don’t you ever ask them why. If they told you, you would cry. So just look at them and sigh, and know they love you”. Teach your children well.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,

1500-360 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Z3, Toll Free: 1-888-872-5554 (1-888-TRC-5554) Telephone: (204) 984-5885 Fax: (204) 984-5915Email:

Read MNN “Fatally Flawed Decision”.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands T:+31 70 302 4165, F:+31 70 302 4167

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit




















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MNN. Oct. 12, 2014. Genocide is planned! It’s predictable and preventable.

Wisconsin Weasel: "Welcome to the Commission on how to legalize genocide!"

Wisconsin Weasel: “Welcome to the Commission on legalizing genocide!”

Victims are divided into haves and have-nots. The Vatican played a major role in the eradication of Indigenous in the Western Hemisphere. Today states make corporate Injuns into millionaires and the rest languish in designed poverty. Corrupt tyrants are set up and paid off to abuse their own people. To prevent genocide, the people must unite and reinforce our inherent identity as the sovereigns.

People are dehumanized and labeled. Men are called “warriors”. Women are “disappeared” and called “street workers”. The media reinforces hatred against us. We are equated with vermin and diseases to help the masses overcome their revulsion against hating and murdering us. Admiralty laws don’t protect us. Corporate leaders encourage hate speeches, false propaganda, crimes against humanity and atrocities against us.

Commissioner from Sri Lanka: "Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!"

Commissioner, Sri Lanka: “Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!”

Third world corporate minions meet to learn from US and Canada, the masters of genocide, about annihilation of Indigenous people. Militias or terrorist groups are organized, armed and trained to kill innocent and unarmed Indigenous people. These militias and state units should be disbanded, outlawed, disarmed and held accountable. Their feet should be put to the fire for the crime of genocide.

Extremists are trained to drive the people apart. Hate groups dominate the airwaves. Moderates are silenced rather than protected.

Victims are categorized and listed. Their rights and property are compromised. They are segregated into mental and then physical ghettoes. At this point a state of emergency is declared. The people must prepare to defend themselves from harassment and death.

Turmoil is enhanced. Extermination begins. Mass killing called genocide becomes legalized. The state sponsored mercenaries have been brainwashed to see their victims as not fully human. Factions within carry out revenge killings. The people then demand outside armed intervention and allow martial law to be declared. Safe areas such as reservations and FEMA camps are created to imprison us. Evidence, witnesses, testimonies will be destroyed to whitewash genocide. Alliances must be established between all our people to protect each other.

The final stage is denial so that more genocide will occur. Mass graves are dug up, bodies burned to cover it up and scare witnesses. The victims and witnesses are blamed. Investigations are blocked. The corporate band and tribal councils who assist Canada and US implement the genocide agenda, carry on until driven from power. They move up the corporate ladder, eg. Ovide Mercredi, protected by their corporate benefactors. The people and their communities and territories must put their feet to the fire. All evidence must be collected and kept.

Canada and US set up tribunals. The victims are invited to tell commissioners to testify on their experiences. Then the evidence is destroyed to keep it out of International Court of Arbitration. Unification of the people is where the power is, according to the Great Peace. We have to continually stand up to them. They are cowards with power.

cochabombaThe power is the people, not money or war. In 2000 The Indigenous of Bolivia protested against multinational corporation Bechtel and the IMF for stealing their water, even the rain! The police and the military eventually joined the people to kick them out. Together they took back their water. See video: Cochabomba war for water 2000. See: Even the Rain. Netflix.

Thahoketoteh reminds us that: “The power is the people not the money or the war. Let’s raise our voices so they can hear us, let them roar. No more killing of our own family, lets give peace a birth. We’re all in this together; We the people of Mother Earth” Power is the People.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: 8 stages of genocide.




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MNN. June 5, 2014. We have a law. The Great Peace, which is the true direction. We should have no fear from anybody to use it. People attending band council meetings are a minority who in effect sanction the fraudulent corporate system. The band/tribal council writes whatever the corporate agenda directs. In fact it is easy for any community to dissolve their corporate entity and reclaim their sovereignty because it is our true destiny.

Sign this corporation dissolution paper so we can file it it with the Registrar General.

The People to the Council: “Sign this dissolution paper so we can file it it with the Registrar General and be done with you once and for all”.

It’s easy. Call a final meeting. Chiefs sign the dissolution paper with everyone present. The people take them to the Registrar General and file them. They close the bank account and withdraw the money. An invoice is sent to the Corporation of Canada for their portion of the ever growing $960 trillion Indian Trust Fund payable in gold bullion only. When the papers are filed, the Registrar General will note it in the public record.  “One More Winter”.

One week later, the corporation pretending to represent the sovereign on our land can’t hold a gun to our heads.

kanionkehakaWhen the corporate band/tribal council entities are dissolved, Canada can no longer masquerade as the representative of the sovereign. They cannot have legal access to our land, resources and funds. People who continue to do business with the illegal entity, Canada, on our land will be charged in a non-Admiralty international format. All decisions are in the hands of Ongwehonwe, the only sovereigns of Great Turtle Island.

Like Canada and the US, all corporations posing as countries have the same shareholders. The plutocrats own 51% of any and all publicly traded companies. That way they can dictate to the 49%. This system ensures the continuation of war by dividing the people’s minds. 51% dictate to 49% perpetually.

Kahnawake belongs to the Kanionkehaka/Mohawk people. We are the sovereign and will not follow the Corporation of Canada rules. We will never sit in those useless corporate meetings waiting for the foreign axe to come down on us because we fight to live, survive and make a future for our children. The community of Wahta could be the first to initiate the snowball affect that will happen when they dissolve their corporate council. Wahta Mohawks. “We should not hold out our hands for crumbs when we own the whole loaf”, as one elder reminds us.

Queen put it right: We are the champions, my friends, And we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers ‘Cause we are the champions of the world.  We are t he champions.

Dancing for joy for the world!

Free of corporate genocide. Dancing for our destiny!

Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin explaining sovereignty.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit








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MNN. May 29, 2014. The crown corporation called Canada has been found guilty of genocide by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. TRC has no mandate in Admiralty Court to prosecute the crown [Vatican]. Any multinational corporations that do business with the criminal entity known as Canada are co-conspirators in fraud, theft and make themselves complicit in the continuing genocide. For those partnered with Canada in the resource extractive industries, we put your corporations and all of their shareholders on notice. You will be tried in a non-Admiralty court. So govern yourselves accordingly.The Queen of England is one of the shareholders of the crown and Canada is a crown corporation masquerading as the sovereign.

Every agreement we made was for ourselves and all our friends and allies.

Two Row Agreement was made for ourselves and all our Indigenous brothers and sisters. 

The true Sovereigns of Great Turtle Island will stop the illegal extraction. You have extracted our resources without dealing with us, the Sovereign. That constitutes fraud and theft. Every deal is in breach of trust and invalid. You are liable for the theft of our resources. Each shareholder of every company will be charged personally with complicity in genocide when we charge the crown in an international forum.

Unity plus strength of Ongwehonwe of all Great Turtle Island.

Unity plus strength equals peace for the  Ongwehonwe [Indigenous] of all Great Turtle Island.

The Vatican is the Crown. All corporations worldwide get their ISO [International Organization Standardization] numbers through the Vatican. Every country or state is given an ISO number to do business. Admiralty courts are also corporations for profit. Admiralty law is only for banks and corporations. Any Vatican corporation that is making deals with Canada will be charged with complicity in genocide.

We, the true sovereigns of this land, will not be going to Admiralty court. We will be charging the shareholders individually through a non-admiralty court.

Tarsands list of corporations.

Genocide includes the destruction of our natural world under the law of the land,the Great Peace. The only legal business transaction on Great Turtle Island is with the Sovereign. The 500-year war called “colonialism” against Indigenous people worldwide is over. We will sue you for what you owe us. In the meantime, we are ready to plant more crops and face a hard winter, but a bountiful harvest is coming. Ignorance of the Great Peace will be no excuse. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 

Rotikstenha remember everything!

Rotikstenha; remember everything!

As Ted Nugent acknowledges, when the Council of Women assume their natural role as ‘mother nature’; “She’s got the power to turn out the light. She’s got the power over day and night. She’s the queen of the forest”. Ted Nugent. “Queen of the Forest”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit










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MNN. May 27, 2014. When the men are ready for battle with an enemy that refuses to accept the Great Peace which is the law of the land, they shall choose one of the War Chiefs to lead them into battle.

Before the battle!

Before the battle!

He shall gather the men [tehonteriioseras] and sing the War Song:

Now I am surprised and there I shall use it. The power of my War Song. I am of the Five Nations and I shall make an appeal to Creation. Creation has furnished this army. My Warriors shall be mighty in the strength of Creation. Between Creation and my Song they are, for from her came the Song. This War Song that I sing. Wampum 81.

In the war expedition, they shall sing the War Song as they approach the enemy. They shall not cease until they are near the enemy lines.  Wampum 82.

After a request for peace is made three times, and peace is not accepted, the War Chief shall drop a bunch of black shells and then quickly club the offending chief[s] to death. War shall be declared. War must continue until the Iroquois win.

When an enemy is defeated because it refuses to accept the Great Peace, all their rights, property and territory comes under the trusteeship of the Iroquois.

After the battle all weapons of war are taken from the enemy. The enemy shall observe all the rules of the law of the land, Kaianerekowa, for all time to come. Wampum 84.

All wars must cease, if necessary by wars! The Kanionkehaka fight until the war is won!

Herkimer beat the French in another war they wished they'd won!

Herkimer beat the French in another war they wished they’d won!

The Wyandot [Huron] did not want to follow the Great Peace anymore. They chose war and allied with France. The last time the Mohawks dropped the black wampum was in 1645 on the errant Wyandot chiefs. They refused to grab the black wampum before it hit the ground. Iroquois invaded Ontario with 10,000 warriors. The Huron were in their own homeland with 30,000 warriors. By 1649 they were done. Mohawk defeated them in everyone of their communities in Ontario. They were driven out of Ontario in the east to Quebec and in the west to Wisconsin where they still reside to this day. We continued to fight the French until they sued for peace. The Great Peace of Montreal happened on June 25, 1701. The French never beat the Iroquois in any battle in the whole 92 year war.

After a war, the enemies shall become friends. Peace shall be restored.  Wampum 87.

Every man and woman are of one mind on war to bring peace.

Every man and woman are of one mind on war to bring peace.

The Great Peace shall be carried out in a mutual council of men and women. The Women appoint the Warriors, declare war, negotiate peace and mediate disputes.

Ozzie describes the horror of war if the black wampum is not grabbed before it hits the ground: “In the fields, the bodies burning. As the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds.” War Pigs.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit











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MNN. May 26, 2014. Royaner oya tahontahonton ensonwarontiakeh. Those chiefs that bring in corporate authority violate the Great Peace. They may either be deposed or executed. They shall be warned three times in open Council: first by the women relatives, second by the men relatives, and finally by the chiefs of the Nation to which they belong.  For continuing to submit to foreign laws, such as the Indian Act and Federal Indian Law, the chiefs forfeit their birthright. Wampum 25.

Corporate Indians are part of the genocide. They must be stopped before they kill again!

Corporate Indians are part of the ongoing genocide. They must be stopped before they kill again!


To correct their erring chiefs, a wampum string is made. Three spans of the hand, the upper half being white, represents the women. The lower half black, represents equal contributions of the men of the nation. They have combined themselves into one head, one body and one thought to ratify the peace pact of the people.

When the third warning is ignored, the Council of Women consider the matter and then turn it over to the men. The people shall meet. The War Chiefs shall enter the open Council to warn the chief[s] to desist and pledge themselves to the Great Peace.

There are two courses should the chief[s] refuse to heed the third warning. Either the men depose the chief[s]. His deer’s antlers falls from his brow but remains within the nation. The War Chief then dismisses the offending chief. Throughout Onowaregeh, he shall be called, “They have alienated themselves” from their people and nation [tehonatonkoton].

When any Chiefs go against the Great Peace, they may be deposed or executed by the War Chief & His Men.

When any Chiefs violate the Great Peace, they may be deposed or executed by the War Chief & His Men.

In the second course of action, the War Chief shall make a string of black wampum. The men enter the council, stand beside the errant chief[s]. The War Chief holds the black wampum string and says: “You have not heeded the warnings of the General Councils of the Women and of the Men of the Nations. There is only one course.” The War Chief drops the black wampum and the men shall spring to their feet and club the erring chief[s] to death. Any chief may submit to the people before the wampum is dropped. Wampum 58.

The General Council of the Men and General Council of the Women have the right to decide on execution and war.

The General Council of the Men and General Council of the Women have the duty to decide on execution and war.

The right to execute a traitor is held by the General Council of the Men and the General Council of the Women. The Black Wampum symbolizes the Men’s power to execute. It is buried but may be pulled up to act upon as here described. Wampum 59.

The Band rages over the grief of betrayal: “Tears of rage, tears of grief. Why must i always be the thief? Come to me now, you know we’re so alone, and life is brief“. The Band. “Tears of Rage”.

UNCED. The new [old] world order.

See Great Law Video.  Read Great Law Book [MNN Home Page]  Read: “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit








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MNN. May 21 2014.Rotiyaner enhatinotonko ne katstenhowanen”. When the people assemble to hold any meeting to discuss issues regarding the community, the Rotiyaner shall open it. Gratitude and greetings are extended to our cousin statesmen and everyone. Thanks is offered to our Mother Earth, to the streams of water, the pools and the lakes, the maize and the fruits, to the medicinal herbs and trees, to the forest trees for their usefulness, and to the animals that serve as food and give their pelts for clothing, to the great winds and the lesser winds, to the thunderers; to the Sun, the mighty warrior, to the moon; to the messengers of Creation who reveals their wishes and gives all things useful to people, and who is the source of health and life. Wampum 7.

Jikohnsseh, Mother of Nations, listens to people setting up their Women, Mens and Peoples Councils.

Jikohnsseh helps people set up their Women Councils in each community from where true peoples’ power is exercised. 

The children and the land they are born on are the responsibility of the Women’s Council. The Men’s Councils ensures that interaction between the communities is according to the Great Peace, Kaianerekowa.

In the Mohawk decision-making example, there are three clans. All matters whether brought forward by an individual or council or war chief are discussed in a three clan process. The Turtle Clan mother withdraws it from the Well and discusses it first with her clan. Each person has a duty to discuss the issue. If they become of one mind, they pass it over to the Wolf Clan Mother who discusses how it went into the Well, how the Turtle Clan saw the issue and how they are going to see collectively. If they become of one mind with the Turtle Clan, they pass it to the Bear Clan Mother who discusses how it went into the well, how the other two clans saw it. Then the Bear Clan deliberates and affirms or rejects. If the Bear Clan disagrees, the issue goes back into the Well for another day. If they do agree, it becomes an addition to the rafters.

The US Constitution is supposedly based on this powerful consensual decision making system. The National Women’s Council became an all-male Senate. The National Men’s Council became the House of Congress. The executive office of the president is the autocracy that placed itself over all of the people. Their party system is their artificial version of the clan system, which is doomed for failure. They have no Clan Mothers or Council of Women. All clans come from your mother. You cannot be the same clan as your father.

vote51% of the votes for the two selected candidates by the oligarchs is corporatism in a pretend democracy. Instead of staying at the fire until the people become of one mind, when 51% consensus is reached, they leave the fire. Division is created among the people and war is certain.

Cat Stevens sings ‘the words’: “Morning has broken, like the first morning/Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird/Praise for the singing, praise for the morning/Praise for the springing fresh from the world”.

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Watch “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace” Great Law Video. Great Law Video. Read: Great Law Book [MNN home page].

Also “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”.