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MNN. Dec. 2, 2016. raniakwes, deep throat, has wise words. “We live in a police state. The corporation creates enslavement, indoctrination and genocide of the people. When we don’t submit, we are seen as “off-reserve” INDIANS. Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Gall and many others today that don’t comply are demonized, banished or put in a prison or murdered. We refuse to let the invaders enforce their illegal self-serving rules on us.

The charge!

Other onkwe’hon:weh, natural people, as well as Americans and Canadians and the world refuse to be controlled by this world order of domination by the Vatican, City of London, Washington DC and Goldman Sachs.

"Hey, soldier boys shot down our supplies!"

“Oh Oh, soldier boys shot down Lakota supplies!”

They use our sons, daughters, nephews, nieces and grandchildren to imposed their annihilation program here and abroad. They make them do their dirty work and prostitute themselves to enslave their own people, so that 1% can become wealthier, more powerful and brutal.

This apocalypse agenda is based on exploitation of humans, resources, nature, minerals or anything that empowers them. Nothing legally belongs to them.

We refuse to be intimidated. We will leave a legacy to our children that they will respect and be proud of, so they will carry out the original instructions.

General Custer's birthday is December 5.

General Custer’s birthday                       is December 5.

Corporate exploitation of anyone will not be tolerated. Creations’ will is that the power is the people and all living species. The kaia’nere:kowa, great peace, helps us look into our own minds for the answers.

The first group of veterans arrived today at Standing Rock to create a human shield around the onkwe’hon:weh water protectors. This moment in history reminds us of 1917 in Russia at the beginning of the revolution. The police refused to fight the people any longer and joined them. Tsar Nicholas sent in the army to put down the people and the police. The army joined the people. The Tsar’s life ended shortly thereafter.

Recruiting poster!

DAPL War Room.

Unification of purpose will cut off the head of the black serpent. We know that to survive we have to save the earth, water, air and all life.

The Beatles sing about revolution: “You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s evolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world… When you talk about destruction, don’t you know you can count me out.” [Revolution]


The Beatles - Revolution Navajo vets denied air transportation to Standing Rock.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455 Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762

Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—




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MNN. Dec. 1, 2016. Red-X reminds everybody that, “The oil comes from our mother which is being put into the pipelines. When you chop off the head of the serpent, the body dies”.

Red-X: "“The boyz in the band of the belly of the beast must be aborted!”

Red-X: ““The boyz in the band of the belly of the beast must be aborted!”

The warriors of the 5th dimension are with the Lakota and their allies. Red-X, the great mythical onkwe’hon:weh sage, got an intergalactic message from them: “Fascism has infiltrated Standing Rock”, he says. The hysterical quest for the black gold of our mother must be stopped. The evil military intelligencia serpent is heightening its activities to steal it.

Red-X says. “The destruction of mother earth has to be stopped by any means necessary”. Every Lakota and their allies are mandated to safeguard our mother, all living species and our people.

Red-X reminds us: “Stand firm on the great peace. Treasonous people should be pulled out of the fire and thrown in front of the people to be dealt with. They must tell us the truth. They are a part of the corporate snake”.rainbow-warriors

Red-X says, “Be very weary of the evil entity that has two faces and two tongues”. Red-X suggests their faces be marked and they be run through the gauntlet. They will be known forevermore for their betrayal of the original instructions.

Mainstream media is still the mouthpiece for the corporation that is trying to carry out genocide and ethnic cleansing. Red-X suggests, “Seize the airwaves and speak truth to power!” He reminds us that religion is nothing more than mind control and that all governments are corporations.

His gaze falls upon the major presence of the military at Standing Rock and that his highly esteemed protégés from the 5th dimension are there.telnaes-dapl-1500

Red-X reminds the settler onlookers who are praying to instead withdraw their money from the banks and big oil. That will help! Red-X sits on a strategic perch somewhere in a mountaintop where the sun always rests.

As Led Zepellin sings about the coming battle: “Oh, dance in the dark of night,Sing to the morning light. The apples turn to brown and black, the tyrant’s face is red. Oh, war is the common cry. Pick up your swords and fly”. The sky is filled with good and badMortals never know, oh” .  

onkwe’hon:weh taking pipeline to court.

In solidarity with Standing Rock, there was a lockdown and funds withdrawal at Minneapolis Wells Fargo, see videos. In Kahnawake, Mohawks are blocking the oil trains. In Vancouver BC, there was a blockade in solidarity. Ace Hardware reversed its corporate policy on Thursday, after an outcry on social media and national news coverage, and said it would sell propane in the area of Standing Rock. Navajo Veterans are registering today to fly by chartered jet to Standing Rock to stand in front of water protectors. More than 100 Navajo Veterans will join more than 2,000 Veterans headed to Standing Rock.Read the latest from Mohawk Nation News and more at Censored News


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455 Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762

Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—





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MNN. July 30, 2016. Crime and its offshoots are the economic base of corporate America, starting with genocide and theft of our lands and resources. US minds have been readjusted from the natural instinct to survive, to everything being monetized. The rules for the values, life and direction are designed and implemented by the miseducation, religious and mass media system, which are readjustment camps. Americans have “trainers” who give them the core commands. They are told their boss will love them if they do what they’re told. Otherwise they will insult, threaten, punish and even kill them.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

People in key positions in government, backed by the law enforcement and court systems, constantly illustrate how Americans are to act and do. The mind control program is so effective that people are screaming for more. hitler-youth

Like the crime syndicates, enforcers gravitate around the government, incorporating those who are good at beating, killing, collecting money and putting on the muscle to perpetuate the control matrix. They carry out fear, intimidation and the hit if they aren’t obeyed or paid. Their home, bank account, kids, car or anything of value will be taken.

Recently a man robbed a restaurant with a knife. No one resisted. People are conditioned to wait for someone to give them the order to do so. If they injure the robber, they might be charged. Corporate rules and regulations discouraged anyone from getting involved.

Loose lips sink ships.

[Closed minds stop thought crimes].

Guns are being taken away so only the oppressors have them. Resisters can be jailed or shot. Some carry guns behind their car seat. They tell the cops they have a permit to carry it. Millions don’t have permits. Chicago cops took guns from people, then gave them to cops in Detroit, who sold them.

onkwe’hon:weh will stand together. The cops want to know how many warriors and guns we have, to gauge our natural instinct to survive. Americans were not satisfied to kill us one bullet at a time. Gatling guns were used to mow down millions of our men, women and children. 0b4aee4a6d687ca3823de2d3be6e661c

Martial law may be declared without resistance. The US military is being reinforced by UN soldiers from around the world. Provocation is being promoted to start a civil war. Fully armed street gangs outnumber the cops in most major and small cities.

The new world order has plans and programs on how to control and kill people, not to save them. With satellites and computers this organized force can control and eliminate their targets more effectively. Legal remedies to help people are disappearing.

Life is make-believe until we get the command. The “Indian Ring” described how ordinary people were deputized and given the command to mass murder us and take everything we had. spy vs.

Most Americans are conditioned to submit to martial law. Like the pacified Handsome Lake religions in our communities, they are under the illusion that a super hero will save them. We are being taught not to think for ourselves or to use common sense.

Jim Morrison sings about waiting for the command: “Ashen lady, ashen lady, Give up your vows, give up your vows. Save our city, save our city, Right now. … The future’s uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll”. [Roadhouse Blues]

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down account. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

onkwehonwe’neha natural language of the land

kahehtiio: Achieving rotinonhshonni liberation.

Know your enemy:

CNN/CIA The Big Lie.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 29 April 2015. “Baltimore is not a riot. It’s a revolution”. The US is still flogging the old “false flag” formula developed on ongwe’hon:weh to legalize their genocide against us. Every city is an Indian reservation surrounded by military-designed “police operational response teams”. They are prisons, like an Indian reservation. City corporations always have an army base nearby.

1773 Settlers dress as Mohawks to start American Revolution.

1773 Settlers dress as Mohawks to start American Revolution.

The CROWN/Vatican claims ownership of all our land and people because of some old Jewish story they believe in. They are involved in everything that happens in “reservation city”: FEMA camps, martial law, curfews, overt police brutality, culling of the population, killing of the people by their white overlords. FEMA camps are the concentration camps waiting to be filled, surrounded by fences and guards. Three years ago FEMA camps received a whole shipment of thousands of guillotines and millions of plastic coffins.

Mind control is delivered through television, their main dummying down device to hypnotize the masses. Media are an integral part of the military operation, whose main job is to protect the treasury. US, Israel, Canada, Austrealia and New Zealand are corporations masquerading as countries. All countries run by corporations of war that use a foreign tongue are colonies of the Vatican.

Baltimore shows who the real terrorists are, those who attack their own people. The soldiers take an oath to defend the constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign or domestic. Settler colonialists are benefitting from the pillage to this day, which makes them complicit in it.  The city is the reservation trap. Take a look at us because this is their plan for you.

Welcome to the reservation!

As Russell Means said, “Welcome to the reservation!”

When people take control of their mind, will, economy and politics, they become free of religion and superstitution. The better world is the real one. The here and now on this earth! With a strong mind and facing the realities of life, people will not need to believe in dreams and visions or a God that they’re afraid of. Instead they will use their minds and at last be free. Colonial settlers, Dekanawida advised that with a good mind, you will find the white roots.

Midnight Rider might have something to say about the curfew in Baltimore: “Well I’ve got to run to keep from hiding. And I’m bound to keep on riding. I’ve got one more silver dollar, but I’m not going to let him catch me. Not gonna let him catch the Midnight Rider. [Almond Brothers].

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Trail of Tears Genocide.

Baltimore poverty.

Messy Baltimore revolution.

Russia horrified sonic wave weapons used in Baltimore.




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 6, 2015. Economic miracle? Tyranny? Rumor has it the corporations of Canada and US are going to try to conscript our children to wear the uniform and march with the flags of the corporations that stole our land and resources and continues to commit genocide. We will be forced to murder, fight and die for the bankers. Harper and Obama will be recruiting our young people to die in their illegal wars.orwellon war

Following the Israeli model, all 18 year old high school graduates, boys and girls, will be forced to serve. At first for one year and then increased to three years for boys and two years for girls. Recruiters are selling them on the idea of becoming a killer for the state. They don’t explain the karma that will cause trauma for the rest of their lives. Suicide is the biggest killer in the army. For what they did, soldiers are killing themselves rather than live a guilty life in drunkenness, violence and debauchery.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.


The military will be used to suppress strikes, protests, and any opposition to the rulers. Hundreds of square miles of our land will be devastated by warfare and nuclear weapon training. Concentration camps with solitary detention will be set up for those who fail the training. Conformity, or else.

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms!

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms for Harper’s war!

In preparation Harper passed Bill C-51, the anti-terror law, which allow anyone to be detained without trial or reason. They will live under martial law. The elite military officers and weapons makers require conscription for their wars to continue..

Ongwe’hon:weh cannot be forced to join a foreign occupiers army. This is absolutely illegal under all forms of law.

We can’t afford to lose our men. Dekanawida said that when the white serpent momentarily drops the Ongwe’hon:weh, they will crawl to the hilly country like babies, to heal.

I'm heading for the hilly country to heal.

I’m heading for the hilly country to heal.









As Ella sings in frustration: it ain’t no use, you cooked my goose, and took advantage of me. For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Harper’s conscription plans.

Harper the Nazi.

Canada u.s. concscription


Harper’s doubling down.









MNN. NOV. 6, 2013. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and Prime Minister Stephen Harper grew up In West Toronto, lived and shopped at the same plaza!! Canadians and world elites are supporting these degenerates! Ford is on a video smoking crack. Harper bribed a senator. They both think, “We can do anything we want.” The masses are slaves to tyrants? The elites protect each other’s criminal activities. Those who make the most money make the rules. The plutocracy of white privilege supported by the money put into their off-shore bank accounts by multinational bankers can do as they please. The polls support them. The mainstream media shamelessly promotes these con men worldwide.

Rob Ford: "Too bad my friend was shot dead sometime after this party!"

Rob Ford’s friend [to the right] was shot shortly after this video was shot.  

Their slave masters own the banks, corporations, governments, congress, parliament, prime ministers, presidents, judges, military and mainstream media. The war economy keeps them in power.

People are waking from the “owistah” disease but stay silent. They falsely believe there would be chaos, uprisings, bloodshed, anarchy or mob rule without repression. They are told this is the only way to keep getting the bounty the slave system offers. Stalin said, “It matters not who wins the vote, only who counts it” [the polls].

The people are conditioned from birth to defend their rulers even if they are stupid, low class, immoral vicious tyrants.  

Moudakis October 30 2013People are documented subjects owned by the corporation. Everyone with any identity card signed by the beast registered with the corporations is a slave. Fake rules enforced by cops, courts and threats keep them in line. The Supreme Court Act 1949  required a constitutional amendment that never happened. It is unconstitutional, or illegal. The invaders imported this system of control. 

fema campWe were lied to, “Slavery is good for you to become civilized physically, morally and intellectually”. “We will keep you safe from the terrorists we created to scare you.” Natural freedom-loving Indigenous saw through it and could not be enslaved. 

The depraved are elected into office, those who will lie and kill their own family on behalf of the corporation. These lazy, greedy, morally bankrupt and stupid politicians run a structure masquerading as a democracy. 

The police state, loss of civil liberties and property is here. The masses are now being herded into FEMA camps to be exterminated. FEMA camps for exiled.

show me papersThe corrupt will leave Great Turtle Island and return to the “Fatherland” where they will die or rot in prison. The problem is “me” and the solution is “we”. 

Removing us to take our Natural Resources is necessary for the planned One World Order corporate banking elite. The solution is “The Great Law and The White Roots of Peace”. See: Video: Warning to AFN of NWO. Decolonize Open Letter to AFN Shawn Atleo, Chiefs, Clan Mother… 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L








MNN. Apr. 17, 2013. Canary in the coal mine is about caged canaries that miners carry down into the tunnels. If dangerous gases leak into the mine, the canary dies, giving the miners time to escape to safety. The public turned away when they saw the Indigenous genocide program of rape, abuse, denial of human rights, suicide, third world living conditions and internment camps. The government paid bounties for our deaths and made their businessmen rich. You are complicit by turning a blind eye. Nothing was done for us. Now you are not seeing the bankers marching you into the mineshaft to your death.

Boss: "He's just sleeping.

Boss: “He’s just sleeping. Now get down there and make me money.”


People, its your turn. They are coming for you in your homes, where you work and in your bed. Today your corporate master is killing, water boarding and torturing you, to get you use to the dire hopeless future and living conditions that awaits you. You even celebrate the birthdays of your genocidal maniacs,( ie. Columbus, Lincoln, etc.)  Policies like the Patriot Act to destroy your freedom are being accepted. Prisoners are being taken for extermination in war. Children are being publicly killed or abused while you look on and your extolled religious and political leaders direct the program.

False flags point fingers at created enemies. The blood of women, children and elders is being publicly splattered in foreign countries without any remorse. Now it’s come to your neighborhood. You will be mutilated while you call your leaders righteous for doing it. in 1890 over 300 Lakota men, women and children were gunned down. Medals of honor were given to the cavalry murderers. FEMA 

The masses will be dispersed. Your women will be sterilized. You are already living in urban internment camps as the police state is set in place. Your identity will be destroyed. You are already identified by your number. You are slaves that do the bidding of your maniacal leaders. 25% of you will die of disease and broken minds. Every aspect of your lives will be run by third party managers. You will walk around with a cross around your neck and draped in a US flag, ready to be “raped” for your own good.

“It’s all your own fault” that you have alcoholism, gangs and death. “You should have done what you were told”, the wardens say. “You aren’t passing GO or collecting $200. You’re going straight to jail!, the FEMA camps!”  When the poor sick beggars came from Europe, we fed and cared for you and taught you how to live here. You were sick with fear because you were abused at home and then abused us. We are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine. Ignore us at your own peril! You will become like sitting ducks at a target shoot. As Loretta Lynn tries to reassure us in Coal miner’s daughter: “We were poor but we had love. that’s one thing daddy made sure of. He shoveled coal to make a poor man’s dollar… “. He didn’t pay attention to the canaries.

A good day!

The Canary Effect

MNN  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0