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MNN. Nov. 3, 2016. Today, the Kanien’ke:haka are blocking the CP train tracks at 9 PM at Adirondack Junction, to stand with our Lakota relatives at Standing Rock in North Dakota who continue to defend our Mother. The women have given consent to the rotiskarekethe to stand on the front lines to protect our sacred water for millions of people.tar-sands-pipeline-map-north-america_canadian-association-petroleum-producers


Our relatives are being threatened and abused by the militarized police in their homeland. The US government protects Dakota Access Pipe Line while disregarding environmental disasters. The Canadian and American Governments neglect their obligations to their people. We stand for the safety of all.

Daily pipeline incidents Nov. 3, 2016.

Daily pipeline incidents Nov. 3, 2016.

The people see the link between the CP train that commutes through Kahnawake and their origins from Standing Rock. They transport Bakken crude oil from North and South Dakota; 85% of the metal “black serpent” that slithers the land, carrying this poison, cannot safely carry heavy crude oil. Billions of gallons of this explosive material is being transported throughout great turtle island by fragile tankers on a daily basis, putting families at risk.

Lac Megantic Bakken bomb explosion July 6, 2013.

Lac Megantic Bakken bomb explosion July 6, 2013.

The railroad traverses residential areas at Kahnawake and throughout great turtle island. The kanien’ke:haka fear a Lac Megantic disaster similar to the explosion on July 6, 2013. It erupted after passing through kahnawake. Lac Megantic July 6, 2013, blast. The blast killed 47 people and injured civilians. This time bomb is preventable. Many alternatives are available. We demand safe alternatives by the oil corporations. MNN Editor.

This video describes the bomb trains going through our communities.


Friends and allies are asked to spread awareness about Standing Rock:  http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/

UN at Standing Rock  https://www.facebook.com/fusionmedianetwork/videos/1627643637261608/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON http://energytransfer.com/contact_us.aspx

Toronto standing up for Standing Rock.14938187_1219883878089586_4896844734555626807_n

Tribe Called Red always reminding us of who we are:




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MNN. Nov. 2, 2016. President Obama said of the tense situation at Standing Rock, “We’re going to let it play out for several more weeks and then determine whether or not this can be resolved in a way that I think is properly attentive to the traditions of the first Americans”. images-6

“Playing” with us, the coming severe winter weather, the people who will have to keep warm in the harsh cold, and at the right time send in the construction team to finish the pipeline. Once the ground starts freezing it’s hard to keep digging.

The unist’oten clan of the wetsu’suwet’en nation of far northern Brtitish Columbia on the Maurice River were given the same challenge to give up their homeland. They have been blocking 13 pipelines since 2009.

They stayed. They built where the pipelines were to be placed their permanent homes with wood stoves, solar power, electricity, four or more buildings, including a traditional pit house. They are occupying their land, with a permanent growing community.

Watch “Holding their ground”. Stop the pipeline.

[Franklin López, Media Saboteur, Mobile subMedia.tv, twitter.com/Franklin_Lopez, facebook.com/thefranklinlopez PGP Key]

Neil Young has been a troubadour for his whole life. “There’s a battle raging on the sacred land. Our brothers and sisters had to take a stand against them now for what they’re doing on the sacred land. There’s a battle brewing…” [Indian Givers].


Protectors attacked in the river.

Standing Rock I actually fought for the people!

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON http://energytransfer.com/contact_us.aspx





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MNN. July 30, 2016. Crime and its offshoots are the economic base of corporate America, starting with genocide and theft of our lands and resources. US minds have been readjusted from the natural instinct to survive, to everything being monetized. The rules for the values, life and direction are designed and implemented by the miseducation, religious and mass media system, which are readjustment camps. Americans have “trainers” who give them the core commands. They are told their boss will love them if they do what they’re told. Otherwise they will insult, threaten, punish and even kill them.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

People in key positions in government, backed by the law enforcement and court systems, constantly illustrate how Americans are to act and do. The mind control program is so effective that people are screaming for more. hitler-youth

Like the crime syndicates, enforcers gravitate around the government, incorporating those who are good at beating, killing, collecting money and putting on the muscle to perpetuate the control matrix. They carry out fear, intimidation and the hit if they aren’t obeyed or paid. Their home, bank account, kids, car or anything of value will be taken.

Recently a man robbed a restaurant with a knife. No one resisted. People are conditioned to wait for someone to give them the order to do so. If they injure the robber, they might be charged. Corporate rules and regulations discouraged anyone from getting involved.

Loose lips sink ships.

[Closed minds stop thought crimes].

Guns are being taken away so only the oppressors have them. Resisters can be jailed or shot. Some carry guns behind their car seat. They tell the cops they have a permit to carry it. Millions don’t have permits. Chicago cops took guns from people, then gave them to cops in Detroit, who sold them.

onkwe’hon:weh will stand together. The cops want to know how many warriors and guns we have, to gauge our natural instinct to survive. Americans were not satisfied to kill us one bullet at a time. Gatling guns were used to mow down millions of our men, women and children. 0b4aee4a6d687ca3823de2d3be6e661c

Martial law may be declared without resistance. The US military is being reinforced by UN soldiers from around the world. Provocation is being promoted to start a civil war. Fully armed street gangs outnumber the cops in most major and small cities.

The new world order has plans and programs on how to control and kill people, not to save them. With satellites and computers this organized force can control and eliminate their targets more effectively. Legal remedies to help people are disappearing.

Life is make-believe until we get the command. The “Indian Ring” described how ordinary people were deputized and given the command to mass murder us and take everything we had. spy vs.

Most Americans are conditioned to submit to martial law. Like the pacified Handsome Lake religions in our communities, they are under the illusion that a super hero will save them. We are being taught not to think for ourselves or to use common sense.

Jim Morrison sings about waiting for the command: “Ashen lady, ashen lady, Give up your vows, give up your vows. Save our city, save our city, Right now. … The future’s uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll”. [Roadhouse Blues]


ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down account. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

onkwehonwe’neha natural language of the land https://www.facebook.com/939040346108969/videos/1225521134127554/

kahehtiio: Achieving rotinonhshonni liberation.

Know your enemy:

CNN/CIA The Big Lie.






MNN. July 20, 2016. Mrs. Obama is Mrs. Trump’s hero. At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Mrs. Trump repeated Mrs. Obama’s speech of 8 years ago almost verbatim.

The remaining speakers gave “smoke and mirrors” performances. Most speeches were hateful and frightening, telling us things like, “We won’t hate you if you obey us”. Or like George Bush said, “You’re with us or you’re with the terrorists”. Trump says things like We have the guns and we can kill anybody we please, reminding us of the Monroe Doctrine and its gunboat diplomacy as it plundered southern great turtle island. [See Smedley Butler “War is a racket” at end of article]. Americans are being programmed to attack without question. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn glorifies war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bA-Z2vmaFU

Eastern Bears always on the lookout for fascism!

Bears still guarding the eastern door. 

Even the new Prime Minister of England, Theresa May, is imitating Trump. Like a proper fascist, she is prepared to nuke hundreds of thousands of people. The corporate agenda is to start World War III. http://www.globalresearch.ca/uk-prime-minister-theresa-may-says-yes-shes-prepared-to-kill-hundreds-of-thousands-in-nuke-attack/5536444

Trump is using fear as his prime motivating factor in the election. Donald Trump 2016 is reminiscent of Adolph Hitler 1933. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFNUdCtMXWE

The stark similarity includes lies, threats, abuses, extremism. Trump’s followers even pledge allegiance and salute him. His victims gravitate to their abuser, like women afraid to leave brutal husbands. Americans are mesmerized and terrified of what he might do if he becomes president.

Totalitarian leaders send anyone who does not agree with them to death camps. This is the war for the minds of the people. They are told they can’t run away because their bosses will find them. For their safety they stay close to their abuser. Judge for yourself. [See Jiuliana’s speech below].

Tree of peace and kaia'nere:kowa stand strong.

White roots of peace are spreading in all directions on mother earth.

Hear them repeating campaign slogans four times in a row while they clap like seals: “USA, USA, USA, USA” like “Heil Hitler”.

The residential school holocaust psychosis has conditioned many of today’s corporate band and tribal INDIAN leaders to obey their abusers. These amnesiacs now control our communities and are selling us out.

The priests groomed the young men with chocolates and kindness, sexually abused and ruined them. Then let them go, with promises of favors and jobs. Trump’s subconscious trigger is ‘you’re fired’. “If you don’t do what I say, you won’t get a job”. [See Apprentice below]. 

This is part of the Indian Ring strategy being used on white people. gun-control-indians.jpeTrump says he wants to make America safe again. For who? It was very safe for the natural world before the faschists got here.  Americans will not get away with mass murder of our people. Now their own people are being threatened by the same extremists that committed the onkwe’hon:weh holocaust.

Ozzie Osborne gets it right about Trump [Iron Man]: “Now the time is here for iron man to spread fear. Vengeance from the grave kills the people he once saved. Heavy boots of lead fills his victims full of dread. Running as fast they can, iron man lives again.”

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$150] without explanation. Asking for payment to close down account. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh



Apprentice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apprentice_(U.S._season_1



Any complaints: Contact –

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234







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MNN. July 16, 2016. Only we onkwe’hon:weh were placed here by creation. The private corporation being set up by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. MCA and the City of Cornwall with the help of astronaut Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, is a fraud. They are secretly trying to set up private tax-free zones in our communities and on our islands, with resorts, seaports, landing strips, manufacture and distribution centers and classy communities for their imported staff. We will be removed.sending back immigrasnts


Our mother earth created us as free people. We are fed up with these greedy good-for-nothings! They tried to kill us off. One minute they commit genocide and then go home and play with their kids! We once had everything we needed. Now we are way down on the economic and social totem pole. ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, is a mess. They have to clean up our waters, land, air and people. commie 1_1280They even want us to pay them for what’s ours, and work for them for nothing. These corporate racketeers must go.

They should take with them those INDIANS who help them carry out the genocide. We see these sour pusses every day in our communities.

There are cheap flights back to their original countries. They have to pay their debt to us and fix up our environment. Our Indian Trust Fund has to be returned to us and replenished.

Everyone else is an illegal immigrant. In the new zones any ships that enter ono’ware:keh are in our waters and come under our jurisdiction. The same goes for the airspace. The shiploads of immigrant slave labor have to go through our onkwe’hon:weh immigration system based on the kaia’nere:kowa. Our foreign policy is based on the great peace.

onkwe’hon:weh pretenders have to show us their lineage, speak onkwe’hon:weh’neha, and follow the kaia’nere:kowa. Otherwise they have no business here.

Everyone needs a permit from us to enter our lands and stay. All papers, licenses, birth certificates, permits etc. have to be sanctioned by us.tumblr_o52gpd3jq31t25nveo1_500

They must leave so that nature can clean up their mess and put our land back into balance. Customarily lands are abandoned for at least 50 to hundreds of years.

Our banks will sanction our own financial system.

All business ventures will be governed by the kaia’nere:kowa, great law of peace, and conducted in the onkwe’hon’weh’keha languages. No foreign languages will be spoken on ono-ware:keh. Every foreign place name will be replaced by its original onkwe’hon:weh name. All visitors have to speak to us through interpreters.

Why does the corporate matrix glorify war? Warmongers have to go.

No more mind control or slavery based brainwashing.

Those sincerely wishing to live under the great law of peace may take refuge according to our conditions or leave. a4ac948b4c84cd9f4e8d60c2bd1e89f8

They will take their house Indians with them. Only field warriors will remain.

The late John Denver sings about learning the true history of our people which everybody must know: [trails of tears] “On the streets of Rapid City. On the road to Wounded Knee, There is whiskey for forgetting everything. But the old ones say there may be time learning from each other, The way that it had once been meant to be”. 

This polish guy knows



Cops targeted.

EU faschism http://investmentwatchblog.com/this-documentary-proves-beyond-any-doubt-the-the-eu-is-run-by-absolute-totalitarian-fascism/

Why Britain joined EU



ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$150] without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


Mohawk Council of Akwesasne www.akwesasne.ca/contact

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via councillors@cornwall.ca.


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

E-Mail: Questions@tc.gc.ca

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234





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Apr. 25, 2016. The great peace is based on the original instructions to survive and coexist with each other and all nature.

Where's 100 Clinton St. South, Syracuse? We'll need some parking!

Where’s 100 Clinton? We’ll need some water, grass, parking out front!

In the midst of our territory an historic trial is starting on September 20, 2016, in Syracuse. NY. NYS Troopers attacked us in 1997. We’ve been invaded, attacked, 99% of us have been killed off and the remainder have been pauperized, marginalized and colonized. We are hanging on by our fingernails.

Prime Minister Trudeau committed a crime by selling weapons of mass destruction to Saudi Arabia to kill men, women and children and desecrate their land. He should be held accountable for war profiteering. He is determined to destroy Alberta’s boreal forest to turn it into oil. He should be held accountable by the community of nations.

Trudeau has no colonial baggage?

Trudeau has no colonial baggage?

When a disaster is coming, we have a duty to go to the top of the tree of peace. Like an eagle we have to look afar. We are to warn of an impending disaster. rotino’shonni stand for freedom and peace for everything alive worldwide.

True democracy came out of the minds of the onkwe’hon:weh of great turtle island.  Everyone is equal, has a voice and decisions are by concensus. TV-1

Our hardships are because of a transplanted hierarchical system from Europe that was superimposed on top of our egalitarian model. It is a system of 51% majority rules, versus our concensusal decision making model. This structure gradually crashes down on itself because it tries to corrupt the natural world and human nature.

Unless the corporate matrix is changed to our model the 1% will destroy everything and everyone. There is a catastrophe brewing. As long as great turtle island remains in our hands, it will be saved.

We are the spokespeople for our mother, the earth. The corporate matrix is trying to shut us up, eliminate us or demonize us for complaining about their war economy.

We rotino’shonni are the caretakers of the most populous area of northeastern great turtle island. Wall Street, the UN, major ivy league schools and West Point are on our territory. Control of the world by the corporate-government-military-industrial complex emanates from here.

'Chief, do you swear not to speak with a forked tongue?'


History has shown that leadership by force never works. The colonial usurpers following the 51% corporate matrix system will ultimately fight each other to oblivion.

As Jackson Brown asks the onkwe’hon:weh: “Won’t you stay just a little bit longer? Oh, please, please, please. Say, you, say you will”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

De Beers Diamonds royalties Attawapiskat http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/how-cbc-found-the-secret-diamond-royalty-1.3065765

Trudeau wants ‘peace’ pipeline.

Mulroney wants that pipeline.

Trudeau doesn’t see colonial past!!

Israel should leave Palestine!! https://www.rt.com/politics/vatican-israel-palestinians-catholic/


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554
Email: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca 1-866-236-4445 IDO-BDI@forces.gc.ca

Secretary of State, John Kerry, http://www.state.gov/secretary/

U.S. President Barak Obama, president@whitehouse.gov

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc. communicastions@mck.ca






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MNN. Mar. 30, 2016. tehontie’ronions’kweh are INDIAN actors portraying negative images of onkwe’hon:weh. In the 1880s Buffalo Bill Wild West shows in cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, were wildly popular among white Americans and Europeans. We were paraded around the world as fierce killers without empathy.

The flock!

The flock!


The Wild West portrayed the white men as defending his stolen homestead, fighting off wagon train attacks and robberies by INDIANS, killing bisons, reenacting war battles that never happened, INDIANS attacking and burning down their cabins, scalping and murdering their women and children. It was all fiction. It’s what they did to us. The good guys were cowboys, scouts, military and government agents. The INDIANS and Mexicans were evil.

The flock in Ottawa!

The flock in Ottawa!


The BIA Great Father selected some onkwe’hon:weh to go among the whites “When it best for Indians to leave their reservations, he will grant them permission and notify their Agent.” We onkwe’hon:weh rode, shot, and whooped our way around the arena, slithering in the background to get a pass to leave the concentration camp called the “reservation”. The Agent was the warden.  

Today corporate INDIAN tribal and band councilors and government agents, at the drop of their handler’s hat, will jump into their “INDIAN” costumes to pose with a politician. tsinihatiierha is not us. They are rotinonkwenti’sereh, they are low and crawl like a serpent on their bellies, who won’t expose themselves but we know who they are. In the 1970’s the rotiskenrakete [men] exposed these theatrical treasonous sell-outs.

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

Sitting Bull said of his time with Buffalo Bill that he was sick of the houses, noise, and multitudes of people. In the cities, he saw poor people begging on the streets. He was shocked to realize that the Americans did not take care of people in need. He gave away much of the money he earned to street beggars. What he saw never changed. Today’s corporate INDIANS are fraudulently pocketing what belongs to us. The other term is “Hang around the fort INDIANS’ who are fed and paid off by the white man.

Hollywood continued to portray us as evil warring savages of a vanishing people to justify their theft of our land and genocide of our people.

Today these “Museum INDIANS” are cowards with power. They are the “Step and fetch it” for the white man of the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy, with no regard for the generations to come. There are two kinds of INDIANS, the “House Indians” and the “Field Warriors”.

Obama: "I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!"

Obama: “I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!”

Today in ono’ware:geh the pow wows are the evolution of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show! It’s easy to recognize Buffalo Bill INDIANS today. When they are summoned by their political masters in Ottawa and Washington for photo ops, they dress up like Christmas Trees, with feathers and beads as their decorations.

Will Smith plays a Black Buffalo Bill. When he sings “Once upon a time in the West, madman lost his damn mind in the West. We goin’ straight to the Wild Wild West. When I stroll into the Wild Wild West”.

lyrics: wild wild west.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


being black cartoon




EAGLES The Real Flock

eagles the real flock

Stolen $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund.

How Wolves Change Rivers:


Wild west, Australia Style.




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MNN. Mar. 29, 2016. It is designed by nature, not man-made. The natural world goes in the direction of nature, sa oieri. We humans travel in the natural direction, like the sun, moon, land, plants, animals… Those going contrary create chaos, war, pollution, and suffering for all life. The original instruction to all life is a natural code designed by creation to use our instincts to survive.

"We all know, ion kwe ta hetken!"

“We all know, ion kwetahetken!




Onwana’kaion is the language of earth that teaches us our relationship to creation. We belong to the family and the children coming to us. Ia ne wenton ta kari wa taneh, it shall never end. Our mind must always be exposed to creation. Connecting to natural reality eliminates confusion. Ion’heh is the life spirit. fire freedom

Fire is the spirit to be free, not to be harnessed by anyone or institution. kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, encourages us to use creation’s energy. Onon’ton:tsra, your mind makes your decision for you.

Teio’hateh, two row agreement, is the original covenant between us and creation.

Upon arrival, as hospitable people, we welcomed the visitors. We never invited to live here selfish, greedy, brutal people who followed a life contrary to kaia’nereh:koa, the ways of this land. They imposed themselves and decided to grab our birthright and dispose of us. otio’kwan’haxta, the binding of the families, was violated. illegal immigration

The following are illegitimate American treaties, not of the onkwe’hon:weh. George Washington sued for peace in 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix which the Americans violated. Again Washington angered the rotino’shonni and others and in 1789 he sued for peace in the Treaty of Fort Harmer, which they violated. In 1794 he sued for peace in the Treaty of Canadaigua. Every treaty was violated, making them all null and void.

Article 7 of Canadaigua explains the process between two sovereigns. Neither side could adjudicate over the other’s citizens or people. Complaints were to be formally submitted to the nation or rotino’shonni [confederacy]. When our people were guilty, we would compensate the US. We would lodge a complaint to the US and, if they are guilty, they would compensate us. Each side would investigate, adjudicate and decide. enkari’watakwen, the peace is kept.

Moose Patrol.

Moose Patrol.

In May 13 1974 when we repossessed our land at Moss Lake, NYS could not use the Canadaigua Treaty because we and the Senecas rejected it. The Americans would not let our people read the agreement though we had formally educated people. We wanted the same words in our wampums as on their paper. They refused. Today they are illegal occupiers!

Guns n’ Roses sings about what our women foresaw and tried to stop: “You know where your are? You’re down in the jungle baby, you’re gonna die”. [Welcome to the Jungle].

Wolves of Yellowstone http://education.nationalgeographic.org/media/wolves-yellowstone/

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Voice of Russia: K.Horn on Indian Trust Fund.

Time may not exist http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=40635

Immigration like great turtle island http://visionmaker.semkhor.com/product.asp?s=visionmaker&pf_id=LILC-09-H&dept_id=23430

We are one movement https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=80&v=CiUTuJ-iPu4


Gustafssen lake

Corpo constitution.

Attack of Mohawk statues.


GEORGE WASHINGTON BELT 1794 *[Clarification]

Please post & distribute. *See clarification.

Mar. 22, 2016. We thought the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and the Saint Regis Council of Akwesasne Inc. went to Washington DC recently to belt George Washington for what he did to us. Instead they’re all smiling and commemorating the 1794 George Washington Belt, otherwise called the Canadaigua Treaty. This belt honors the doctrine of discovery and set up the genocidal master-slave relationship known as Federal Indian Law. They have the paper and our land and we have the belt hanging in their Capital.

These 'chiefs' need ahonwatiko'roti:weh!

These ‘chiefs’ need ahonwatikorotiweh!

The belt is 6 ft. long. 13 big men stand along each side of the belt representing the 13 bloodlines. The White House is depicted with a small longhouse inside. Two little guys, a Mohawk and Seneca, stand alongside the longhouse. Arms are stretched over them suggesting we have become wards of the state and are being protected by them. The Mohawk and the Seneca were never part of this agreement. It’s a fraud! Washington_Wampum_Belt

George Washington carried the belt around to give it to those who accepted his arrangement to sit on top of us and tell us what to do. The belt never went through the Grand Council of the rotin’shonni, therefore it is illegitimate. Anyone honoring this belt shows us that they have left the canoe and gone to the other side of their own free will. Remember what happened to traitor Joseph Brant in 1804! http://www.amazon.com/Joseph-Brant-1743-1807-Worlds-Iroquois/dp/0815602081

fidelOren Lyons, Sid Hill, Jake Edwards, Sam George, Leo Henry and others from Onondaga corporate council and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal corporation celebrated this belt as if it’s legitimate. At this recent commemoration a few Senecas attended but the double crossers did not put them in the ‘official’ picture with the belt. The Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Tuscarora know it’s illegitimate without their elder brothers present at all councils.

Now is the time we onkwe’hon:weh have to stop honoring any treaty belts. They have not ever honored their side. Everytime we put on our gustowas and ribbon shirts, and march arm in arm with the feds, we are celebrating their dishonoring of their side of every belt they agreed to.

Waiting for decision.


Frank Zappa must have intuitively known the kaia’nere:kowa as he knew we can be absolutely free if we want to be: “Unbind your mind. There is no time to lick your stamps and paste them in, discorporate. You’ll be absolutely free, only if you want to be. Discorporate.”


Lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/f/frank+zappa/absolutely+free_20057003.html

*Clarification: On Mar. 23, 2016, John Kane made the following relevant comment:

*”… the bellt is meaningless. Whatever those images are intended to depict means nothing. There are no terms to an agreement. There is no recorded narrative to its meaning. Washington had the belt made. He commissioned an Oneida to craft it two years before “Canandaigua”. His men may have carried it around with them at Canandaigua, but there is really no connection between this insulting set of images and the so-called “Treaty of 1794.” As shitty as that lopping off of land was, there is nothing that asks for protection or suggests subjugation in it. Three times in “Canandaigua” the US clearly states that they recognize our land as OURS and that the US will never claim it (in spite of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and what the Marshal court would say 40 years later). Article 7 makes clear that NO authority by the US would be imposed even in the event of wrong-doing by individuals. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a shitty document and it was never lawfully ratified by either side. But NONE of the language of “Canandaigua” matches the images of the “Ranatakaias”, our name for George Washington.  

Ranatakaias means: “He is like a rabid dog who runs into the village and starts attacking, biting, tearing at and killing everything, without discretion”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

John Kane on George Washington Belt farce.

kaia’nere:kowa philosophy:


Concise history of US by Bob & Ray


Home to me, Grassy Narrows:

N'we Jinan Artists - "HOME TO ME" // Grassy Narrows First Nation





Please post & distribute.

MNN. Mar. 16, 2016. This article is relevant to ongoing New York State Police attacks against the rotino’shonni [Iroquois]. It was written in 2006 about events in Akwesasne in 1990. Distribution of the story at the time was limited. Current pictures have been added. MNN.

New York State Police carry out "Indian detail".

New York State Police conducting “Indian detail”.


“Threats, attacks, coercion and censorship have been made against Six Nations who have reclaimed some of our land near Caledonia Ontario Canada. The government and the corporate media will not let the real news be printed until it’s too late for you to do something about it.

“An unsavory episode in Akwesasne of Mohawk Territory comes to mind. It echoes events in many native communities during the past few decades. ‘Indian Country’ is full of unsolved murders.

“Two murders occurred in Akwesasne in 1990. Akwesasne is on both sides of the imaginary line known as the Canada-US border. They left deep scars on the community. They cast a shadow over events today. With 19 policing agencies patrolling the territory, why can’t these murders be solved? Are they protecting someone? Were these two men sacrificed? Many remain silent, blind and deaf to the horror. Those who know are afraid. For others silence is like looking the other way while someone else pulls the trigger. pix standing army

“Let’s review what was going on when these murders were used to justify the police and army invasion of Akwesasne Territory . Everything was orchestrated to bring the army in and to get rid of the “bad” Indians, the ones who stood up to the corruption of the outside governments and their tribal and band councils.

“In that year, there was controversy over gambling at Akwesasne. The two sides were dubbed the “Antis” and the “Warriors”. The Antis would invite the press in and stage shootings. They claimed that gangs of marauding youths with semi-automatic weapons were roaming the streets, scaring almost everyone half to death. This was not true. It was the corporate media’s spin on it. The surrounding communities were utterly frightened. The Warriors made a pledge that they would never fight against their own people. Nobody was killed.

“The controversy over the casinos was a smoke screen. The underlying issue for all kanien’ke:haka/Mohawk communities has always been and always will be sovereignty, constitutional jurisdiction and land. New York State and the FBI do not have the authority to come into our sovereign country to dictate what establishments we can and cannot have. The Antis wanted to stop the casinos even if it meant relinquishing our rights. Today the tribal and band councils are pushing for casinos and ready to give up our lands and rights forever to benefit a few native people and many non-native interests. They’re inviting taxation and corporations and outside agencies to enforce the outside laws. The state wanted to create hopelessness among the people. Said the Indian Act and federal Indian law councilors, “What are we supposed to do? They invited us to the table and this is the deal we got”. pix onkwe targets

“The issue of sovereignty and jurisdiction led to other confrontations. In 1971 New York State authorities were preparing to expand Highway 81 which passes through Onondaga Territory . The People protested. The tadodaho, Leon Shenandoah, led a blockade of the highway. The Warriors, or the men of the Longhouse, were called in to help. They arrived as the “guardians of Mother Earth”.

“New York State Police were preparing to storm Onondaga when a riot broke out in Attica State Prison. This emergency had higher priority. The attack they planned on Onondaga was averted. They went to Attica instead. The massacre committed there is infamous. Guards as well as prisoners were slaughtered. The mishandling of the riot brought international criticism down on New York State .

“Because of this, the Warriors were successful in their defense of Onondaga. There was no expansion of the highway. But the Confederacy faced other challenges.

“In the mid 1970’s a condoled chief was removed by law by the warriors. This frightened the other condoled chiefs. Many of them knew they had committed violations of the kaienereh’ko:wa (Great Law of Peace), the constitution of the Haudenosaunee. They began to fear the men who were responsible for maintaining adherence to the Great Law, the rotiskenraketeh, or “Warriors”. These chiefs began a campaign to create the illusion that Warriors no longer existed in Haudenosaunee society. This fabrication was created by those who were afraid of being reprimanded.

“Since then, the stigma has stuck, fed by rumors generated by who knows who. Maybe some day people will remember the facts. All men within Haudenosaunee culture are rotiskenraketeh. This means they “carry the peace”. But it is translated into English as “Warriors”. It is not a secret society. All Haudenosaunee men are rotiskeneketeh.

“The Haudenosaunee have laws pertaining to murder. These two murders in Akwesasne have been falsely and loosely associated with the so-called Warriors.

“Within the Territory of the Haudenosaunee nations the rotiskenraketeh have never been associated with evil, violence or murder. On the contrary, they are taught NOT to harm another Indigenous person. They have to look first to where the problem comes from. At the time of the two murders, the problems came from the outside.

In those years, New York State Governor Mario Cuomo had a weekly radio show discussing current events. One night he did a show on the troubles at Akwesasne. He received two calls, one on the air and one after the show.

“First, a woman called in and said that the warriors were firing upon a house and that they had already fired over 5000 rounds.

“Cuomo asked, “Has anyone been injured?” The answer was ‘no’. Cuomo responded, “Well, I guess no one is trying to hurt anyone”.

“After the show, a man called to ask him to send in the New York State National Guard against the warriors. Cuomo refused, saying, “I don’t want to see anyone hurt”.

“Then the person asked, “What is it going to take for you to send in the National Guard?”

“He made the unfortunate reply, “Dead bodies”. Within hours there were two dead bodies of Mohawk men found shot. pix cruel punishment

“This woman caller accused a well-known individual and the warriors of the murders. Cuomo knew for a fact that the accused was in Toronto and therefore could not possibly be near Akwesasne at the time of these crimes. Cuomo immediately realized he was being lied to by the caller.

“During the ensuing confusion, the New York State Police got permission by the Warrior Society to come in and investigate the two killings. The Warriors knew that none of them was responsible. They wanted an investigation to uncover the truth. This did not occur.

“A well-known native reporter was arrested and jailed based on an eye witness report that he was responsible for one of the killings. The witness was visited by unnamed supporters of the accused. In court the witness recanted his initial statements. The accused was never exonerated. They just did not have enough evidence at the time to convict him. The proceedings were stayed. Indian Affairs paid for the defense of the accused. In fact most of the cost of the whole Akwesasne conflict on both sides of the border was borne by the Canadian government.

“The governments achieved what they wanted. For a long time the Mohawks became quiet and seemingly subservient. The government set up “healing” and “pacification” programs right out of Indian Affairs. It was called the “Kumik Lodge” where they trained Indians to be medicine men and women and sent them out to the territories. Also set up were the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, women’s shelters, Men for Healing and youth were particularly targeted.

“Sixteen years later, there has still been no proper investigation of these two murders. We must be one of the most over-policed communities in the world today. There are 19 policing agencies patrolling Akwesasne, with the ATF and the National Guard scheduled to join us soon. Yet they still can’t solve the murders. What do you think? Why can’t they solve these murders? No one has explained the strange timing of their occurrence.
It’s because the outsiders who would be investigating themselves orchestrated these murders.

“The outsiders also set up a native fifth column inside Akwesasne who got fights going on between internal groups. This lead to confusion and chaos in the midst of the grieving over the murders. Those Indians on government payrolls and their families set up an office and accommodations at NAVCAN, a Canadian government building in Cornwall . They worked daily on the territorial picket lines against their own people. They put out a lot of propaganda against individuals falsely accusing them of doing things they did not do, taking or mismanaging money and so on.

... like going into Akwesasne as the Non-violent Coordinating Committe to start trouble.

… like going into Akwesasne as the Non-violent Coordinating Committe to start trouble.

“The tribal and band council governments set up by Canada and the United States brought in what were called “non-violent coordinating committees” and volunteers secretly set up by the state of New York . They were at the picket lines and would stop us from coming and going and generally harassing, sometimes not letting us pass. [This has already been set up in Caledonia ]. These people took the law into their own hands and got away with it. Nobody could stop them because they had all the resources of the colonial state at their beck and call.

“The band and tribal councilors and their supporters were working with all the outside agencies such as Customs, state police, the feds of Canada and the US , Ontario and Quebec and the media. They were driving around Akwesasne in “Indian” vehicles but we knew they were FBI agents. The band council wanted to criminalize anybody who stood up at that time, who got in the way of what they were doing. After this, so-called “self-government” was introduced. Both countries were trying to strengthen their colonial hold on us. They had bigger plans and needed to have us under control. It’s still the same, they want our land and resources and us out of the way.

“Quebec police officer, Marcel Lemay, was investigating the murders of the two men in Akwesasne. On July 11th 1990 the paramilitary forces of the Quebec Police attacked Kanehsatake. Marcel LeMay was shot and killed during this raid. Kahnawake closed down the Mercier Bridge to stop the bloodbath that was sure to follow. In July 1990 three Mohawk communities were under siege.

“Is this any different from the accidental deaths of the three Ontario Provincial Policemen during the enquiry into the Dudley George murder by the OPP? They were just about to testify and then they died. Is this all Indian magic or is there some more mundane explanation? pix matrix “For years the people of Akwesasne and the other Mohawk territories grieved over these two murders. During this mourning period, the outside authorities came in. These murders created the excuse and justification they needed to come in and take control of the community.

“We should fear the day when the colonial authorities send in unfeeling robots to kill us. Otherwise, we will always have people who will resist the corruption and theft of the colonizers”.

Sonny & Cher sing, “And the beat goes on. The beat goes on. Drums keep pounding as rhythm to the brain. la de da de da. Charleston was once the rage. History has turned the page. The mini-skirt is the current thing. Teenie-bopper is our new born king. The grocery store is the super-mart. Little girls still break their hearts. And men still keep on marching off to war. Electrically they keep a baseball score. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on ….”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh