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MNN. JULY 3, 2017. When Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau appointed Jean Chretien as Minister of Indian Affairs in 1969, the department came under the control of real estate tycoons and banks. They were setting up an INDIAN land grab.


Our land is not theirs to sell. Stolen property is being sold to pay off their debt. In 1969 Indians Affairs was being dismantled, our land grabbed and sold. The scheme was modeled on the US Termination Policy, which was eliminated by Lyndon Johnson and President Nixon because it violated “treaty” obligations. Read Nixon’s speech [http://todayinclh.com/?event=native-american-tribal-termination-is-wrong-president-nixon] 

Aggressive corporate entities are grabbing our land. To consummate their theft they have to eliminate the natural tie between us and our land since time immemorial through illegal means.


In his oval office Trump announced he is relinquishing all our title to sell to the highest bidder. Tribal chiefs and CEOs sat behind him to sanction this theft. Trump falsely claimed that tribal sovereignty does not exist because the American taxpayers support the INDIANS.  

In 1969 There was a small group within native communities got set up in prominent positions across Canada. In 1970 the National Indian Brotherhood was incorporated. They had helped set up an Indian Land Claims Commission with very aggressive lawyers to become real estate agents who would sell off “INDIAN” land. Many of the go-betweens are alive today. They still work closely with the Jesuits, clerics and Indian agents who control our communities. All land in Canada is ours and registered at Indian Affairs in Hull Quebec 

In 1969 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau proposed draft legislation notoriously called the “white paper” to remove protection of INDIAN lands across Canada so they could be put on the open market.

The white paper was blocked by Cree, Harold Cardinal, who rallied the chiefs to successfully stop this fraud. The conspirators continued to organize our removal from and protections to our lands. 

According to kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, our interest can never be removed. ono-ware-keh, turtle island, is our birthright.

The federal government on behalf of the Crown has a fiduciary responsibility to protect these lands. The protection was to be removed by using these bodies they incorporated in the 1960s and 1970s. These looked like native organizations but were actually real estate companies. 

Today most of the reserves on great turtle island are privately incorporated municipal bodies. 

The Indian Advancement Act was enacted in October of 1924 to create the Prisoner of War camps of today. According to the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the land could never be owned by non INDIANS or non INDIAN corporations. So the original names of these native land holdings were changed. Kahnawake was originally called the “Iroquois of Caughnawaga”. Akwesasne was called the “Iroquois of St. Regis”. The new title deeds were put in the name of a member of the community who could then sign away the land to non INDIAN entities.  


Later Caughnawaga was changed to “Mohawks of Kahnawake Inc.”, a corporate body. Akwesasne was changed to “Mohawk Council of Akwessasne Inc.”. 

HDI Haudenausaunee Development Institute Inc. at Six Nations was recently privately incorporated to be real estate agents there.

Governments around the world have been told they can now buy up INDIAN lands in Canada because the land no longer belongs to the natives but to these private corporations. 

A few years ago the Chinese came to St. Regis and said they had purchased the islands in the St. Lawrence river, sold to them by the corporate body that now “owns” the land. The people were unaware, organized themselves and protested to temporarily nullify the transaction. 

Canada is presently giving away disputed lands such as the harbour in Cornwall though the Mohawks of Akwesasne Inc. who illegally claim that land. A deal was secretly made between Transport Canada, the city of Cornwall and the Corporation of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. 

The Iroquois of St. Regis say they never surrendered that land. The procedure the Crown established in the Royal Proclamation was violated. All land surrenders have to be done publicly with all members of the nation. Everyone with a vested interest must be there, understand and give consent. Otherwise the transaction is a nullity.


In disputed land claims, the true owners are sidestepped by these new corporations that sell off our land to these foreign governments and entities.

All our lands on great turtle island are or have been incorporated to a member so they can make direct real estate deals with foreigners. 


North America is being sold to the highest bidder worldwide by illegally removing the lien that we the true natural original people have on all of great turtle island.

The US president and Canadian Prime Minister are working together to become top real estate agents to fraudulently sell off all our land to the highest bidders.







Buffy Sainte Marie sings about our power to fight evil: “No time for backhanded compliments. From television anchor men desperate for an incident. Real estate assassins exploiting our predicament. Everything depends upon it being in their interests” [Power in the blood].

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

http://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/the_white_paper_1969/ WHITE PAPER 1969 

http://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/the_white_paper_1969/ BARBER CLAIMS COMMISSION 1969

https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/tag/st-regis-mohawk-tribe-inc/ MOHAWK NATION NEWS ON ST. REGIS, CORNWALL AND TRANSPORT CANADA ISSUE 

NATIONAL INDIAN BROTHER/AFN 1970 https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/history-of-assembly-of-first-nations




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MNN. May 7, 2017. US President Trump appears to be strung out and needs to calm himself down. Otherwise he might kill someone or injure himself.


Looks like this leader of the “free world” has bitten off more thank he can chew. It’s a “who is the biggest eater” contest to get high. It’s all based on maintaining the big addiction called “American exceptionalism”, which rules them. 

Man-made creation can never be above man and the natural world. We and all living things are caged by municipalities which have the same shareholders, the bankers. Our body and territory have been stolen. 

The corporations ruled that that genocide of our people is legal because it has their stamp of authority. 

The tax prisons of the mind make us pay to live on this earth. The artificial debt pays for war, the national debt and to bail out the banks. If you don’t, the corporation commits violence and kills us to collect it. 

Banking is a confidence trick. Since 1974 fiat currency [money] is created out of nothing and has no value. Private banks lend it to us. We sign away our most precious commodity, our energy, to them. The fictional corporation uses false pieces of paper to force us to give them our labor.

We are put in a room we can’t leave and are tortured, threatened or murdered. The fake debt industry is based on fear and ignorance. 

The kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, governs ono-ware-keh, great turtle island. We, the true natural people, were never consulted and never gave our consent. 

Colonial settlers/citizens have only those rights given to them by a man-made corporation. The US is a national oil company with an army. 





Frank Zappa sings about the “buzz” the corporatists need: “Wednesday I watched the riot, seen the cops out on the street. Watched them throwing rocks and stuff and choking in the heat. Listened to reports about whisky passin’ around, seen the smoke and fire and the market burning down. Watched while everybody on the street would take a turn to stomp and smash and bash and crash and slash and bust and burn”.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK1y-BvsqjY alika lafontaine on health 

ANATOMY OF A GREAT DECEPTION http://investmentwatchblog.com/grab-a-hard-copy-of-the-video-great-deception/ 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1byEhhE644o#t=348.211358 weather u.s.


http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/05/06/neo-infowars-more-than-simply-fake/ VT on alex jones 



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MNN. Jan. 4, 2017. To stop the pipelines, the head of the serpent/corporation must be destroyed so its body will die. The US is a thug with a gun that tries to scare everybody.


Their ruling racketeers control the amoral government, businessmen and politicians. A king thug thinks he is the only “smart” one. He has cutthroat idiots who rob, cheat, lie and murder at will, within the rules they create.

This sociopathology underlies their society. The psychopathic matrix reflects Western European American culture based on violence. They constantly display aggression. They need a constant adrenaline high to threaten murder , create fear and carry out murder. The government directs the military forces to engage and destroy. They train and unleash the attack dogs that tried to kill the water protectors at Standing Rock.

The corporation owns the tribal and band councils, who do their bidding. To them we are a commodity that stands in their way. The councils allow our people to be sadistically treated including being raped, tortured, mutilated and killed.

We original people have always been in their way because we still exist.


Americans can’t look at their true selves. They prefer to remain untroubled by their continuing cruelty to hide their worldwide reputation as assassins. They class those who don’t comply as neurotics and terrorists.


Americans always want to climb to greater heights. It was only great before the arrival of the invaders. Since then they have never shown any greatness, just destruction, lying, theft and carrying out the biggest genocide in world history.

Their leaders are the saviors of the white males and protectors of their false sense of entitlement.

Their leaders validate their deranged impulses, who blame their problems on somebody else. Their solution is always to shoot and kill us for protecting the environment from their rapacious greed. [The Indian Ring]. They constantly plan to wreak violence against us as they enjoy seeing us tormented.


Corpo tribal and band councils help the corporation implement this bigotry. They take advantage of the weak and vulnerable with impunity.

The rulers direct their hatred toward us like angry bullies who do it for kicks.

Buffy Sainte Marie sings about our wisdom being in our DNA: “There’s military interest, GMOs in paradise, boil-weapons high up on the call sheet. Young soldiers driving tanks, but old thieves they drive the banks. And you never see a uniform on Wall Street. There is power in the blood.” 

www.censorednews.com Standing Rock update.

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;

ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404 Michael.Waters@energytransfer.com

NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903

U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455   Lee.Hanse@energytransfer.com Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762 Glenn.Emery@energytransfer.com

Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—

Archie & Lakota corpo tribe – Rock Industries.

Censored News bsnorrell.blogspot.com

ART OF THE DEAL    http://www.salon.com/2016/05/14/donald_trump_american_psycho_muse_how_the_art_of_the_deal_elitist_became_a_poor_mans_patrick_bateman_and_now_hes_a_real_threat/







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MNN. OCT. 31, 2016. Many people around the world are to be commended for their great effort to do to the best of their ability, knowledge to adhere to what they understand is our responsibility. kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, is the act of acknowledgement, respect and taking responsibility.treeofpeace

Everybody has to stand up and do something. The earth is our floor. The sky is our ceiling. We are the walls. Our friends and allies must also stand up. We all are connected and have a responsibility to each other, to our environment and future generations that are coming.

We stand with everyone who is taking action to protect and preserve what is tionhekwon, [that which sustains our existence, water, earth, land and all that is upon it, to keep us alive]. We all have to keep them in their purest form for all lives and the future generations. The four legged, wing ones, crawling creatures, and the rest of creation as per our original instructions when people first arrive on earth. We agreed to survive and co-exist with all creation as brothers and sisters on our mother. Nature is waiting for us all to wake up and remember our original instructions.

The Lakota at Standing Rock and their friends and allies are gathered and united to try to stop the destroyers of life, whose only concern is lining their pockets at any cost. They themselves do not dirty their own hands. They send politicians, military, courts, police and mercenaries to do their dirty work. It is time for the enforcers to stop abusing the gifts of nature, to begin to use their brain to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. 42e2a19afd51be2d2e65b4e5cf696697

The future of all the generations to come is at stake. Chief Seattle said, “Only when the last tree has died, when the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat money”. Don’t wait til then because it will be too late.

Demon train.

Demon train.


The link has been identified between the CP train that runs through Kahnawake and the origins of the Bakken crude that comes from North and South Dakota. 85% of the “black metal serpent” that slithers across the land carrying this poison is a “train bomb”. Billions of gallons are being moved on these rails which go though many residential areas. A disaster could take out many families, like the explosion in Lac Megantic in July 2013, that levelled the town and killed so many people.

This video describes the bomb trains that are going through our communities.


This bomb does not have to happen. Together we can stop this man-made environmental disaster and deaths. The Kahnawake Mohawks, their friends and allies, have set up a solidarity camp for Standing Rock at the southern foot of the Mercier Bridge that spans the St. Lawrence River to Montreal. Friends and allies welcome.

Join at southern foot of Mercier Bridge to Montreal.

Join us at southern foot of Mercier Bridge to Montreal.

Johnny Cash sings about the bomb train: “Cause he was going down a grade making 90 miles-an-hour when his whistle broke into a scream. He was found in the wreck with his hand on the throttle, scalded to death by the steam.” [Wreck of the Old 97]. 


Standing Rock update: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON http://energytransfer.com/contact_us.aspx







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MNN. Oct. 30, 2016. You are the corporate enforcers at Standing Rock who are attacking our people, our animals and all living things. You are the modern day “buffalo soldiers”. buffalo-soldiersIn 1865 President Lincoln emancipated the slaves and formed military units that helped murder 65 million buffalo and exterminated 149 of our villages.

Buffalo Soldiers @ Wounded Knee.

Buffalo Soldiers @ Wounded Knee.

Our ancestors send us messages. Our original instructions are to protect creation and to spread peace to the world.




buffaloThey have been waiting for us. We will continue to try to teach you the message of peace, harmony, sustainability.



When you, the police, realize that you are human and a part of nature, you will join us, just like the buffalo do. All of your relations in creation are waiting for you to do this.










As Bob Marley sang: “Dreadies, woy-yoy-yoy, woy-yoy-yoy, woy-yoy-yoy, woy-yoy, wo-yoy … ”  [Buffalo Soldiers].


https://www.facebook.com/KFYRtv/videos/10154016576274103/ Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux press conference 29 Oct. 2016.

Anonymous Nov. 5 “Million Mask March”

https://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica/videos/10153885752946366/ Videos on DAPL trolls

She went to Standing Rock

Brazen Power Grab  The colonialists want to buy and sell everything on Earth including the very water and air that sustain Life.

Big shots behind corporate name.

https://www.facebook.com/theredfordcenter/videos/1168544006524482/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED  Robert Redford at Standing Rock.

https://www.facebook.com/democracynow/videos/10154607874038279/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED Shairlene Woodley at Standing Rock: Democracy Now

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON http://energytransfer.com/contact_us.aspx





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MNN. Oct. 20, 2016. NYS District Court of Freddie Scullin [Bones] pulled another dirty corporate “my’trick”. A day after the verdict on October 14, 2016 was in, which let off all the INDIAN Detail mercs for their criminal enterprise at onondaga, all the evidence and exhibits was boxed and sent to the plaintiffs.

I-81 INDIAN Detail think they got away with it!

I-81 INDIAN Detail thinks they got away with it!

Jones, et al v. Parmley, et al, 98CV374 is being appealed and this evidence is suppose to go to the 2nd Circuit Court.

Local Rule 79.1(d) requires that evidence can only be removed after the case is over. They could be tampered with and derail the appeal. The Onondaga 15 plaintiffs were told to not open the boxes.




onondaga 15, whatever you do, don't open the box!

onondaga 15, whatever you do, don’t open the box!

They want to get rid of the clean evidence that Judge Scullin [Bones] kept out of the case. Otherwise they could not have gotten the verdict they wanted to cover up the criminal acts of the I-81 INDIAN Detail.


No, it's Freddie Scullin [Bones].

Freddie Scullin [Bones]. “Get rid of it quick!”

The court demonstrated again that it is a big filthy dirty chimney full of soot, sediment and dust. The court personnel, judges, lawyers and clerks, are the soot that’s accumilted. Anyone taken in there comes out covered in the filth. Don’t wear white when you go to court as you’ll be covered with their smoke and mirrors.



The court is a private corporation for the profit of its shareholders. Their cops book people and create customers. The victims are captured and brought into the Admiralty vessel for processing. The chief pieces of soot figure out all the charges they can lay. Then the victim is given a deal to pay or go to the big fire house for a short or permanent stay or eliminated altogether.

Scullin [Bones]: "My job is to protect the business!"

Scullin [Bones]: “My job is to protect the business!”

The kaia’nere:kowa is the way back to peace and sustainability. Unity, strength, peace.

Midnight Oil asks: “The time has come to say fair is fair. To pay the rent. To pay our share. The time has come, a fact’s a fact. It belongs to them. Let’s give it back. .. How we can dance when our earth is turning. How do we sleep while our beds are burning?”. 




Adam L. Pollock adam.pollock@ag.ny.gov

Angela C. Winfield awinfield@barclaydamon.com,

Brittany E. Aungier baungier@barclaydamon.com,

Carol. Rhinehart crhinehart@ongov.net,


Devin M. Cain dcain@maglaw.com,

lkan Abramowitz EAbranowitz@maglaw.com,

Gabriel M. Nugent gnugent@barclaydamon.com, Joanna Gozzi joannagozzi@ongov.net,

Jodi M. Meikin Jpeikin@maglaw.com

CSeel CSeel@maglaw.com


Robert J. Anello ranello@magislaw.com

Terrance J. Hoffman tjhoffman@cnymail.com

TimothY P. Mulvey timothy.mulvey@ag.ny.gov

The jury found the INDIAN Detail innocent of this assault and beating:

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh




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MNN. Oct. 18, 2016. The US genocide of our people is not over until the kaia’nere:kowa wins! We will not retreat or surrender. The colonial settlers who do not stand with us are complicit. Corporate rules are created to make them unaccountable for their attempted annihilation of us and creation. The I-81 INDIAN Detail soldiers were tried and found not guilty of a millitary attack of unarmed onkwe’hon:weh on private land during a ceremony. They wore war helmets and carried war equipment. We rotino’shonni are going to hold them accountable. We will continue until they are charged with genocide in the international court.

The moose horn always works!

The moose horn always works!

Just like Oka in 1990, it was a surprise attack on May 18, 1997, of the unarmed men, women, children and elders, by the heavily armed NYS INDIAN Detail. When the attack started everyone yelled to grab the kids and run for our lives. The INDIAN Detail viciously attacked us with their steel tipped bats, boots, arms, pepper spray and every war equipment they had. Our people faced them and were beaten, legs and ribs broken, heads bashed and then arrested. The military did not open fire with gatling guns, though they might have had them ready nearby.

Those onkwe'hon:weh just won't surrender!

Those onkwe’hon:weh just won’t surrender!

The women, kids and elderly made up 75% of the people. The “weak ones” were the target to decimate our community and families.

The onondaga tribal chiefs do not do their own fighting. They want everyone to submit to their corporate rule. Oren Lyons and Ollie Gibson helped send in the NYS INDIAN Detail to beat up and threaten their own people. They made up the “hit list”.

Those who pray to some outside entity to save them are giving their power to the enemy. Speak to our ancestors. Otherwise the enemy wins.

New York State Police George Beach, Dennis Blythe, James Parmley, Robert Haumann and James D. Moynihan planned, supervised and carried out this unprovoked attack. George Beach ordered the soldiers to remove their name tags, that there be, ‘no negotiation, and just take them anyway you can’. The people were circled and everyone was assaulted. No one was supposed to escape. The videos shows no one was on the road. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s decision in 2006 confirmed that the attack was illegal and The INDIAN Detail had no defence and could not plead qualified immunity.

George Beach orders to INDIAN Detail: "Remember to get the right guy!"

George Beach orders INDIAN Detail: “Remember to get the right guy!”

Protocol has now been established to let the army attack anybody with impunity. We could not identify the disguised force. They could have been any mercenary unit brought in to take us out.

The press was at the biggest ceremonial gathering of the rotinono’shonni/Iroquois Confederacy. They made up the story that it was a “protest”.

This attack was a false flag. NYS made up lies that we were trespassing on our own property, that we were on the highway, that we might have a gun and so on. The military and the Indian Ring were in charge of this operation.th

If this case stands unchallenged, they would allow, reward and condone unlawful attacks by the military.  The onondaga15 are filing a notice of appeal.

Bruce Springsteen made the same kind of vow about not retreating: “We made a promise… proud brothers, in the stormy night, with a vow to defend. No retreat, baby. No surrender”.

Standing Rock.



Adam L. Pollock adam.pollock@ag.ny.gov

Angela C. Winfield awinfield@barclaydamon.com,

Brittany E. Aungier baungier@barclaydamon.com,

Carol. Rhinehart crhinehart@ongov.net,


Devin M. Cain dcain@maglaw.com,

lkan Abramowitz EAbranowitz@maglaw.com,

Gabriel M. Nugent gnugent@barclaydamon.com, Joanna Gozzi joannagozzi@ongov.net,

Jodi M. Meikin Jpeikin@maglaw.com

CSeel CSeel@maglaw.com


Robert J. Anello ranello@magislaw.com

Terrance J. Hoffman tjhoffman@cnymail.com

TimothY P. Mulvey timothy.mulvey@ag.ny.gov

The jury found the INDIAN Detail innocent of this assault and beating:

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Amy Goodman out.




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MNN. 7. 2016. “Onondaga 15” has laid to rest the case of Jones v. Parmley so the jury can deliberate. The ‘team’ goes back to court on October 11, 2016, Tuesday, 9.30 am.

You're kidding? "I was following orders", didn't work?

NYS I-81 INDIAN Detail: “Hey! I was following orders”. 

Support would be appreciated. [Room 6, 12th Floor, 100 South Clinton St. Syracuse, 9.30 am.] 

Freddie, Teddie, Joe & Tiny Tim end another day at 'don't-show-don't-tell' court.

New York State enforcers Freddie, Teddie, Joe & Tiny Tim end another grueling ‘won’t-show-won’t-tell’ court day.

Will it be the “Onondaga 15” or the I-81 INDIAN Detail?

INDIAN Detail ordered to take down the sacred celebration at Onondaga.

INDIAN Detail ordered to take down thanksgiving ceremony at Onondaga.


October 10, Scullin gave everybody the day off to celebrate Columbus Day. The beginning of the ongoing genocide started in 1492. th-1October 31: Halloween is “trick or treat” day when people try to disguise their shame. Like the I-81 INDIAN Detail disguised themselves and took their name tags off to brutally attack men, women and children during a thanksgiving sacred ceremony.  thahoketoteh.

Scullin [Bones] and the crew would probably like to follow the Grateful Dead to get away from Jones v. Parmley: “I ran down to the levee, But the Devil caught me there. He took my twenty dollar bill, And he vanished in the air”…[Friend of the Devil]. 

Grateful Dead - Friend of The Devil






Adam L. Pollock adam.pollock@ag.ny.gov

Angela C. Winfield awinfield@barclaydamon.com,

Brittany E. Aungier baungier@barclaydamon.com,

Carol. Rhinehart crhinehart@ongov.net,


Devin M. Cain dcain@maglaw.com,

lkan Abramowitz EAbranowitz@maglaw.com,

Gabriel M. Nugent gnugent@barclaydamon.com, Joanna Gozzi joannagozzi@ongov.net,

Jodi M. Meikin Jpeikin@maglaw.com

CSeel CSeel@maglaw.com


Robert J. Anello ranello@magislaw.com

Terrance J. Hoffman tjhoffman@cnymail.com

TimothY P. Mulvey timothy.mulvey@ag.ny.gov

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: MNN, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. For original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh





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MNN. 22, 2016. The motion was filed to remove US District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. from sitting in this trial – Jones v. Parmley, et al.[5:98-CV0734 [FJS][GHL]. This case does not belong in any Admiralty court [all US courts]. It belongs in a non-Admiralty dispute resolution court, Permanent Court of Arbitration.

Trial starts on September 20, 2016.

Getting ready for the trial of “I-81 INDIAN Detail” starting on September 20, 2016, in Syracuse.


On August 18 Scullin arrived 10 minutes late to the “pre-trial meeting” and said, in effect, “This is my court and everyone shall obey my rules!” Five pro se plaintiffs/victims of the May 18, 1997 assault by the I-81 INDIAN Detail were a few minutes late. Security was holding them. Scullin immediately threw them out of the case. After verbal objections, they were reinstated.

Scullin: "Sooo .. I was trying to remember my lines".

Scullin J.: “Sooo .. I was studying my lines”.

Scullin appeared to be hostile, racist, biased, disrespectful and definitely not neutral. We cannot get a fair trial if he sits on the bench. The transcript and audio will support this.

Scullin asked if we still wanted a jury trial or a bench trial. Asst. Attorney General Tim Mulvey, lawyer for the “I-81 INDIAN Detail”, quickly jumped up and said, “Yes, yes, yes”. We said, “No, no, no!” We want a fair and impartial evidentiary hearing in an open court so a jury can judge the facts, with witnesses and evidence presented.

Every member of the I-81 INDIAN Detail must be tried. Their allegation they were “following orders’ was thrown out twice. Three police disks are filed, along with discovery, transcripts, interrogatories, police notes of the I-81 INDIAN Detail and a list of witnesses.

We want our day in court . Why did it take 18 years to get this trial?

Judge Scullin showed absolute disrespect. When pro se plaintiffs asked how to file and try to carry out court procedures, he said “That’s your problem”. th

We have been personally harmed by the attack on May 18, 1997 and by the subsequent procedural court machinations. We are not lawyers and have no experience in corporate law. Scullin deliberately tried to demean and demoralize us so that we will give up in frustration or he can throw it out. Then the INDIAN Detail criminals can remain unpunished and “at large”.
Scullin’s bias could help have this case thrown out through judicial procedural chicanery. He set unreasonable timelines, he told a 77-year old plaintiff to drive 5 hours and personally deliver documents to him which violates corporate Admiralty procedures.

We demand a hearing on this motion to remove Judge Scullin from our case before he rules on anything to do with our case.

Troopers James Parmley & George Beach getting their orders from the top.

Troopers James Parmley & George Beach getting their orders from the top. Gov. Cuomo promoted Beach to NYS Police Superintendent. 

We have been left stranded by the court, our lawyers Hoffman, Anello, Peiken and the others.

Dinah Washington sings about big changes coming: “I’m gonna change my way of livin’, and that ain’t no shock. Why, I’m thinking of changin’ the way I gotta set my clock. Because nobody wants you when you’re old and gray. There’s gonna be some changes made today. There’ll be some changes made.”


Video: Scullin reminds us of the infamous Judge Roy Bean who said, “If they wanted a fair trial, they shouldn’t have come to my court”. Watch “The Life and times of Judge Roy Bean” http://putlocker.is/watch-the-life-and-times-of-judge-roy-bean-online-free-putlocker.html

https://vimeo.com/164478711 Image created by Americans

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C. Winfieldawinfield@barclaydamon.com; Brittany E. Aungier baungier@barclaydamon.com; Carol L. Rhinehart crhinehart@ongov.netdkarle@ongov.net; Devin M. Cain dcain@maglaw.com; Elkan Abramowitz EAbramowitz@maglaw.com; Gabriel M. Nugent gnugent@barclaydamon.com 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi Joannagozzi@ongov.netdenisekarle@ongov.net; Jodi M. Peikin JPeikin@Maglaw.comCSeel@Maglaw.comRAnello@Maglaw.com; Robert J. Anello ranello@magislaw.com; Terrance J. Hoffman tjhoffman@cnymail.com 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey timothy.mulvey@ag.ny.gov 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Nicole_eallonardo@nynd.uscourts.gov Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times executive-editor@nytimes.com 

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down the account. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Most of the victims were women and children.

So! Most of the victims were women and children.












Please post & distribute.

MNN. July 15, 2016. We will manifest our destiny according to creation. The corporations of US and Canada can never be sovereign on our land as they have no land base or language or natural tie with our mother. We are the land, air, water, clouds and mountain peaks. These foreigners cannot create rules for their puppets to sign on behalf of our unborn children. Only those under the wing of protection of the circle of 49 original families of tekentiokwanhoxta can speak for them.

We are the guardians.

We are the guardians.

Our duty is to protect the destiny of the natural world. Canada is trying to set up a new fangled credit line to cover their debts to the bankers. They are reorganizing their corporate status to use our credit. To criminalize us Canada is offering money to us to buy our own stolen land from white settlers, “Hey, how much do you want for that land that was stolen from us?” This is a corporate debt write-off. It violates the kaia’nere:kowa, the great law of peace. Under their own law they can be charged for buying and selling stolen property. We will never voluntarily pay for our land or the use of our resources or be told what to do on our territory by anybody! They are liable for everything they stole in the Western Hemisphere.

Canada is planning to declare us as separate and sovereign to attack and try to defeat us so they can make a deal to use our sovereignty.

This in heading for Cayman International Bank on the Island!

This is heading for Akwesasne Cayman International Bank on the Island!

Canada is setting up self-contained tax-free camps in our communities to be privately incorporated into nearby Canadian and US cities, like Cornwall. They will control surrounding onkwe’hon:weh land. We have to be removed. Their puppet nominees will remain to execute our tax-free status to protect the international businesses and “off-shore banks” to be headquartered on our land. They will be separate from Canada, US, state and provinces, under UN private corporate control. O_Genocide_Our_Home

Tax-free seaports will bring in, manufacture and distribute goods from and around the world.

Ships pulling into our ports.

Ships pulling into our ports.

ART Aboriginal Response Teams are already active and targeting individuals within the rotino’shonni, Iroquois. This secret police have merged with CSIS to protect these entities that will be operating illegally in these international cities within our communities.

Several days before at a meeting in Kateri Hall in Akwesasne, the people gave a petition of objection to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. [MCA], the City of Cornwall and Department of Transport to cease and desist their evil double-dealing sting. MCA promised not to sign but did so secretly on April 15, 2016. This is fraud!

Hey, we onk'weh:honweh will decide everything.

Hey, we onk’weh:honweh will decide everything.

The Monroe Doctrine was set up by the Indian Ring to enforce manifest destiny in the Western Hemisphere to subjugate and exterminate our people. Agatha Christie reminds us of the goal of the INDIAN Ring: “Ten little Indians all in a row …. And then there were none”.

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$150] without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

These are the symbols of our clans which have profound power to decide everything with our friends and allies:mohawk family symbols canada




Mohawk Council of Akwesasne www.akwesasne.ca/contact

Canadian Address USA Address; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 579 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne PO Box 489 Hogansburg, …

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Contacting the Mayor and Council
(613) 930-2787 ext. 2386. You can also send an e-mail to all Council members via councillors@cornwall.ca.


Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

E-Mail: Questions@tc.gc.ca

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake 450-632-7500

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.ca

Sally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234