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MNN 16 August 2017. Ranata’kaias, is our name for the office of the President of the United States. It came from an executive order that George Washington made to annihilate us. It means “a rabid dog who attacks and murders meaninglessly and destroys without any thought whatsoever!” 

MNN published the facts . In 1779 he issued the executive order to totally eliminate the rotino-shonni [Iroquois] . . . “not merely to overrun, but destroy” the Iroquois nations. . . . The military was ordered, “You will not listen to any overture of peace before the total reinment of their settlements is effected.”



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MNN. Aug. 15, 2017. Living in cities did not work for us. Society became large unmanageable and exhausted our resources. City dwellers sent others out to get the resources they needed, which dwindled. Classes, selfishness, greed, crime, corruption and chaos crept in.


People became less willing to share, causing divisions. Crime festered inside the cities.

Smaller groups of onkwe-hon-weh left and returned to the land. They used smaller parcels of land and did not have to travel far from their homes to feed and take care of their families.  Every one was equal. People could live in peace and harmony once again. 

When the invaders arrived on great turtle island, they found remnants of abandoned great cities. The descendants told them it didn’t work out and people went back to their smaller sustainable communities.

Today in North American cities classes of haves and have-nots have created desperation and chaos. Police forces and prisons are big private businesses. Crime, drug dealers, sex parties, human trafficking, pedophilia and perversions from the European mentality are being glorified.

Crime is a big private business for politicians, lawyers, judges, courts, governments to cage people mostly for stupid reasons. The rich get richer and make the rules.

The young and old want a piece of the American pie. A few profit. The majority live in constant fear and poverty.

The rulers spout that everyone has become evil and demand more policing, standing armies and punishment to control or foment wars between races, gangs and desperate people. Those who disagree are targeted.

Natural guidance to protect ourselves has been almost erased. We walk around like strangers in filthy and dangerous cities and towns on our own land. A veil of concrete has been put over our mother’s face so we can’t recognize her. 

It’s one thing to survive but another to live in the natural way. Soon we might exploit our mother too.


We condemn logging, oil drilling, fracking, pipelines, logging, dams, pollution. In the next breath we want to be like them. The corpo band and tribal councils and their cohorts want profit from our resources and to sit in offices trying to scare and control us. They strive to be like their wrongdoing handlers. The almighty dollar is their salvation.


Awareness is the first step. The young are angry. They know they’ve been lied to and cheated. The very essence of who they are has been stolen from them. Those seniors who are near the end should not prevent them from doing what is necessary. It is their time with a whole life ahead of them.

Whoever thought ‘motor city’ Detroit, one of the greatest US cities, would lose its glory. Eminem sings about losing yourself. [Eminem ‘lose yourself’ with lyrics]


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MNN. August 14, 2017. Our children are not being taught, they are being educated, ose-ni-kon-ro-hareh, to wash away our natural instincts to protect ourselves. Our children become defencless as they are removed from natural ways designed by creation.


Other people are training their minds to be obedient without question and to live without thanking the land.  

We are constantly being ordered to listen and memorize, rather than understand where these ideas come from. 

They are being trained to be controlled by the state, church and corporate institutions. We are being removed from the land so the invaders cancontinue to rape and pillage our mother. They are not being taught the skills to survive. We need to help our children take control of their own minds and live with the land to achieve our destiny.

Our seniors have been exposed to residential schools and religion. Their mind has difficulty functioning as creation intended. The residential school mentality continues in mainstream schools.


Our people created a brilliant language and cultural advancements before 1492. The greatest minds in the world were on turtle island that strived towards world peace and true humanity, as we then knew the world. 

Today our teachings come from books written by the enemies. Those from our people are based on research from their libraries. Our true scholars are rejected if they write contrary to the ideology of mainstream academia. We are failing both ourselves and our children from learning the natural reality.  

There are two ways to fight: change or take a hard line. We are conforming. Those who question everything are blacklisted. We are convinced we have to be part of the enemy’s economy and work for them. 

We have been placed on a limited land base to restrict and control our survival.

If the Caucasian disappears from great turtle island, they will leave behind many casualties.  They developed a system so that our people fight each other, fight for the colonial settlers and help enforce their will on us. 


The Caucasian low sperm count means they will be gone. They can still have seeds but if they don’t  have fertile soil, they can’t naturally grow their crops. 

Our seeds are forever. Corn, beans and squash can be put away for thousands of years. Our people can take them to the land and leave behind televisions, cars, computers and material things. We will stop crying about what’s happened to us.

Vern Gosdin, sings about the power of true memories: “What would your memories do, If someday they found the door to my mind Had been locked from inside by my heart. What would they do if they couldn’t use you any longer
To tear me apart. What would your memories do?..”


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 

Bakken oil trains blocked with sunflowers CensoredNews



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“MNN. May 31, 2008. Last November 2007 the Six Nations Confederacy reminded the Mississauga that Toronto sits on part of Haudenosaunee Territory. We refused to give up the 372 square miles of land on Lake Ontario.


In 1787 the British brought in the Mississauga who are Algonquian from northern Ontario and got them to fraudulently sell our land to them. The Mississauga said, “It’s not our land, but we’d be glad to sell it to you!” They accepted L1,700 pounds and signed a blank sheet of paper. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t theirs. 

Now 221 years later Toronto is trying to buy it again because it wasn’t done “right” the first time. Once again, the colonists are trying to buy it from the Algonquian “misclaimers”. The “Toronto Purchase of 1787 & 1805” and an area 12, 944, 400 acres in south and central Ontario known as the “Williams Treaty” of 1923 are part of this shady land deal. . . . 

Read on to get the full picture of the fraud:

Johnston Charles M. “The Valley of the Six Nations”. 1964: P. 47 Mississauga Speaker told Colonel Butler, in effect, we don’t own this land laying between the three lakes but we’d be glad to sell it.

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MNN. April 2, 2017. It wasn’t negligence. The corporation planned and carried out the biggest holocaust in history. We descendants can’t let bygones be bygones. It was brutal without regard for our men, women, children, babies, all life. Now what happens to those who did this to us and enjoy the benefits?


For 500 years beneficiaries kept silent about the murder of over 100 million of our people throughout the western hemisphere and the destruction of our mother that continues to this day. Their main war has always been against our minds. They want to continue with their same old same old colonial policy to kill the INDIAN and steal the land. They can’t beat the murder rap because there is no statute of limitations for murder.


The invaders still want to rape and murder our mother. They want to steal from us to make weapons to kill us.

They lie to their children. They and their cohorts have no choice but to face the consequences because the settlers are starting to wake up to the lie they are living.

The mass murders will never be forgotten. They were deliberate.

Our language and ceremonies connect us to the sky and the earth. Our rights come from creation. We have the right to use our minds to think, ask questions, disagree. ka-neh-ron-kwa-stera, nature made us so that we love our families and all natural life. We give the direction to our children because no one loves them more than us.

We know who and what they are. wa-seh-wat-ket-sko. Many have awakened and are hit by the truth. Sorry is nothing more than a confession. Now the guilty parties need to be convicted of their crimes.

Our 49 rotino’shonni families of the iera-kwa [the sun shines on all of us] are of the same blood, with one mind, one direction, one cause – to end all war.

John Trudel reminds us of the history Americans prefer to forget: “Crazy Horse. We hear what you say, “One Earth, One Mother. One does not sell the Earth the People walk upon”. We are the Land. How do we sell our Mother? How do we sell the Stars? How do we sell the Air? Crazy Horse. We hear what you say. Too many people standing their ground. Standing the wrong crowd. Brother’s face. He possessed a race. Possession, A war that doesn’t end. Children of God feed on Children of Earth’.

John Trudel “Crazy Horse.



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MNN. MAR. 30, 2017. Threats that World War 3 is coming abound in MSM, to keep everybody in fear. The US economy is breaking down. Police forces have all been militarized with “to serve and protect” on their cars. They dash to protect the elite and corporations, not the public, as seen at Standing Rock.

Trump comes from a business background, which corrupts differently from the politicians. He steals millions. They steal billions. They all have in common that whoever makes the most money makes the rules. “Money talks and bullshit walks”.

Trump is supposed to be commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. When Obama gave the order to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline construction at Standing Rock for further investigation, the corporation that controls the military and police forces ignored the presidential order. 

Trump promised to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington DC. He is now the swamp master covered in swamp mites. He is an actor following the script given to him by the puppet masters.

The reality is that the White House is controlled by the corporation through the military. The Federal Reserve prints the money and controls the interest rates. The Federal Reserve could turn his billions into worthless pieces of paper overnight and he could do nothing about it. That is the real swamp that needs to be drained.



Don’t believe anything that comes out of the corporation. They want ownership of the world and everything in it.

This billionaire boys clubs writes and subverts all the countries’ histories. They believe, “He who controls the past, controls the future”. They put themselves above everyone else which shows how advanced the “owistah” [money] disease infects their minds.

The corporation continues on its destructive path trying to destroy mother earth. As they say, “Criminals come with a mask, a badge, a smile and a wave”.

As the Man in Black sings: “You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later, god’ll cut you down. Tellthat long tongued liar, go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, tell them god’s gonna cut them down”.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 

Paul Hellyer disturbing message to US



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MNN. FEB. 25, 2017. It’s Oscar time. The cowboys and Indians films were fascist propaganda to promote the corporate political agenda. The invaders feared us. Our existence was to be annihilated and forgotten to make way for the theft of our continent. The movie industry framed a barbarian image of us. Those films that met the regime’s needs were given prestigious award like the Oscars.


Film is a political instrument. The Nazi regime realized that the public is mentally inert. They don’t have a natural language from which to develop thinking. They read that which confirms their pre-established beliefs which are created for them. Moving pictures were found to have better prospects to condition them.

Hollywood continues to promote the lone gunman, “just passin’ through,” and the solitary cop. Cowboys killing INDIANS is the image that was created of the West. We are suppose to be their subordinates. This long established false image has recently been destroyed.

Hollywood created and perpetuated the illusion of manliness as a killer of INDIAN men, women children and babies. The American dream is the corporation annihilating the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of great turtle island and beyond. It did not work. We’re still here.

Hollywood has to tell the truth about the greatest holocaust in all mankind, the murder of over 100 million onkwe’hon:weh, natural people of the Western Hemisphere. Unarmed Indians were killed for our land and possessions, hiding our bodies in mass graves and building cities and towns over them.

The enemy programmed “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” into their minds. Our people were put on public display in Wild West Shows before the cinema.

Movie personalities sell the product of passing false stories to the world about us. The public were made to believe it was alright to eliminate us.

Hollywood sells pedophilia, pederasty, incest, perverted sex, all forms of mental problems, murders, torture, killing nature and other perversions as being normal and to weaken our defences.


Hollywood elevated and made role models of evil gangsters like Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson, Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, the Mafia, Machine Gun Kelly, Custer and many other mobsters.

We onkwe’hon:weh are part of the natural world which had to be eliminated through developing complex ways to kill and torture us, which were glorified in the movies.

Hollywood created superheroes and now military heroes to save them. The people are scared, pacified and can’t defend themselves from the truth. They are waiting to be told what to do as they are trained to be obedient. At Standing Rock they show fear because we stood up to them.

Hollywood made Americans into heroes that won World War 1 and 2. The Russians won both. Americans fear anyone who stands up to them. Their strategy is to intimidate. Hollywood creates the scenario of a rough and tough street gang bully. They are actually cowards with guns.

US policy decides what will be destroyed that goes against their fascist agenda. Fascist art and culture installs the fear, blinds the public, stirs up patriotism and keeps them silent. A few brave celebrities have spoken out and stood with us.

Hollywood thrives on making war propaganda movies. The message of the song “We are Still Here”is: “missionize, christianize, socialize, minimize, legislate, assimilate, economize, genocide: 

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MNN. JAN. 2`1, 2017. This is real! The women of the world are taking their natural place everywhere in every community. They want the principles of the consensual decision making process as the great peace, kaia’nere:kowa, directs. The key to peace on earth is when the women take their inherent responsibility to control the communities where their babies are born. This will be the beginning of peace on earth. As we say, “The mocassin makers shall be the war breakers.!”. 

The time has come to revisit the 1754 Albany Plan of Union, a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. They met with the rotino’shonni:onwe, Iroquois Confederacy, to learn from us what is a true democracy that works and is perpetually sustainable. This originated from the original instructions on great turtle island. The plan was rejected by the City of London owners of the corporate colony of the United States of America. The meeting was initiated by Benjamin Franklin and his cohorts.

kaia’nere:kowa is based on the relationship between people and all of creation, coexisting together in peace and harmony. kaia’nere:kowa is the true law of this land. The decision making process provides an equal voice and power on how to carry out our duties to our mother earth and all life.


The London owners of the colonies did not want to empower their women because they owned them, legally. If this plan of union had been adopted we would not have to march for our human rights today.


The women of the world are marching because the time is here for everyone to come under the great tree of peace. Power throughout the land is based on the natural world. Everything has to be made right.

Trump immediately after being sworn in as CEO of the corporation visited the CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia to thank them. The CIA are the secret police for the owners [sharesholders] of the Crown Corporation that owns America. The CIA’s job is to create war and divide public opinion worldwide. [ordo ab chao].


As the swearing in was taking place in Washington, the Dakota Access Pipeline private mercenaries were viciously beating the Standing Rock Lakota peaceful water protectors.

Trump is unaware that he is so misguided by greed, as Stonewall Jackson sang: “I was born in Macon Georgia. They kept my dad in the Macon jail. Dad said, “Son, if you keep your hands clean, you won’t hear them blood hounds on your trail’. I washed my hands in the muddy water. I washed my hands but they didn’t come clean. I tried to do like daddy told me, but I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream.” [I washed my hands in muddy waters].




Albany plan 1775 –







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MNN. May 30, 2016. The INDIAN Ring meticulously planned the genocide of onkwe’hon:weh in North and South America and now the world over. They schemed how to extinct us.

Custer: "Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?"

“Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?”

Thomas Tibbles wrote this historical book, HIDDEN POWER. A SECRET HISTORY OF THE INDIAN RING, based on events in the early 1800s. [p. 282] He said, “this Indian system is the most cunningly devised scheme for permitting robbery and tyranny that the mind of man ever devised.” Everybody is under “the control of a ring of robbers, murderers and speculators”. It is “…a government of a band of white thieves”.

The criminals are politicians, churches, army officers, agents, traders, inspectors, scouts, lawyers, judges, missionaries, contractors, business people, bureaucrats, settlers and INDIAN sell-outs. [p. 283] “The only force that can be brought to bear on them is that of the army, …which is headed by the INDIAN Ring in Washington.”

They want war to kill us and to steal our land. We refuse to give them war. [p. 136] The Government admitted, “This country is yours, and the Government can’t take it away from you without your consent, if you are at peace; but if you are at war it can take it by conquest”. All treaties are illegal agreements made under threat. wolf pack

The INDIAN Ring is a secret council of criminals. They ‘arranged’ the treaties, set up the internment camps, designed ways to totally demoralize us, break our spirit and annihilate us.

Like today 90% of our appropriations were stolen by the INDIAN Ring. The company stores forced them to buy their own necessities with their own money that is owed to them.

The INDIAN Ring tried to provoke wars, while we were defending ourselves, and justified it to the public. They had to put lipstick on the pig!heal

Read: HIDDEN POWER. A Secret History of The Indian Ring, its operations, intrigues and machinations. Revealing the manner in which it controls three important departments of the United States Government. A Defence of the U.S. Army, and a SOLUTION OF THE INDIAN PROBLEM. By T.H. Thibbles. Copyright 1881. New York: G.W. Carleton & Co., Publishers. London: S. Low, Son & Company. Book online: HIDDEN POWER. Secret of the Indian Ring.

That’s why we are controlled by the military. [p. 60] Only Congress can declare war. [p. 62] “expeditions carried on under any other authority are not war. They are wholly illegal, and every life taken under such circumstances is murder”. INDIAN Ring is US strategy for theft, conquest or genocide.

The INDIAN Ring incited the whites to help them kill us. [p. 102] “There was not a human being in a radius of 150 miles who was not directly interested In that Indian war. …the hatred of the Indian race was fed, until it became second nature”. Town meetings were set to create militias and to give authority to murder the INDIANS.

[p.105] “but this infernal Indian system of ours is a mass of contradictions. It isn’t war. It’s a “murdering, marauding, banditti affair, in which every man can take a hand to suit himself”.

The bagmen for the INDIAN Ring set up the illegal treaties. [p. 180] “cession of all right, title and interest in any or all lands held by the Indians to the United States. …a full and entire relinquishment and quit-claim of all their interest in it forever.” It’s a complete fraud!

"Indian Ring"!

“Indian Ring”!

[p.296] When anyone questioned, they called in “three of the departments of the government – the War Department, the Interior Department and the Department of Justice which control all avenues of information and thus public opinion”, to this day [Kanesatake/Oka 1990 and others].

INDIAN policy to exterminate all onkwe’hon:weh was to “Make a whole community responsible for the act of one man, and shoot down all men, women and children.”

[p. 323] When chiefs refused to sign papers, they were deposed and replaced by willing betrayers, like today’s puppet band and tribal councils. [eg. Brazil]. [p. 330] 90% of Indian funds for necessities went to the INDIAN Ring. [p. 338] “the Indians will first be half starved and then we will be sent to kill them, because they are so impudent and rebellious that they won’t stay and die peaceably and without grumbling”. baggage cartoon

In Canada, the INDIAN Ring is operated by the Canadian military, Indian Affairs and Department of Justice. As Chief Red Iron said when asked what he was doing, he said plainly, “Waiting for the White Father to civilize me.”

INDIAN Ring, you can’t break our spirit.

Politicians who formed US Indian Policy: Tombstone Epitaph:

Continue reading




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MNN. Mar. 30, 2016. tehontie’ronions’kweh are INDIAN actors portraying negative images of onkwe’hon:weh. In the 1880s Buffalo Bill Wild West shows in cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, were wildly popular among white Americans and Europeans. We were paraded around the world as fierce killers without empathy.

The flock!

The flock!


The Wild West portrayed the white men as defending his stolen homestead, fighting off wagon train attacks and robberies by INDIANS, killing bisons, reenacting war battles that never happened, INDIANS attacking and burning down their cabins, scalping and murdering their women and children. It was all fiction. It’s what they did to us. The good guys were cowboys, scouts, military and government agents. The INDIANS and Mexicans were evil.

The flock in Ottawa!

The flock in Ottawa!


The BIA Great Father selected some onkwe’hon:weh to go among the whites “When it best for Indians to leave their reservations, he will grant them permission and notify their Agent.” We onkwe’hon:weh rode, shot, and whooped our way around the arena, slithering in the background to get a pass to leave the concentration camp called the “reservation”. The Agent was the warden.  

Today corporate INDIAN tribal and band councilors and government agents, at the drop of their handler’s hat, will jump into their “INDIAN” costumes to pose with a politician. tsinihatiierha is not us. They are rotinonkwenti’sereh, they are low and crawl like a serpent on their bellies, who won’t expose themselves but we know who they are. In the 1970’s the rotiskenrakete [men] exposed these theatrical treasonous sell-outs.

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

Sitting Bull said of his time with Buffalo Bill that he was sick of the houses, noise, and multitudes of people. In the cities, he saw poor people begging on the streets. He was shocked to realize that the Americans did not take care of people in need. He gave away much of the money he earned to street beggars. What he saw never changed. Today’s corporate INDIANS are fraudulently pocketing what belongs to us. The other term is “Hang around the fort INDIANS’ who are fed and paid off by the white man.

Hollywood continued to portray us as evil warring savages of a vanishing people to justify their theft of our land and genocide of our people.

Today these “Museum INDIANS” are cowards with power. They are the “Step and fetch it” for the white man of the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy, with no regard for the generations to come. There are two kinds of INDIANS, the “House Indians” and the “Field Warriors”.

Obama: "I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!"

Obama: “I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!”

Today in ono’ware:geh the pow wows are the evolution of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show! It’s easy to recognize Buffalo Bill INDIANS today. When they are summoned by their political masters in Ottawa and Washington for photo ops, they dress up like Christmas Trees, with feathers and beads as their decorations.

Will Smith plays a Black Buffalo Bill. When he sings “Once upon a time in the West, madman lost his damn mind in the West. We goin’ straight to the Wild Wild West. When I stroll into the Wild Wild West”.

lyrics: wild wild west.

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being black cartoon




EAGLES The Real Flock

eagles the real flock

Stolen $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund.

How Wolves Change Rivers:

Wild west, Australia Style.