

Please post & distribute. Nia:wn.

MNN. 1 Oct. 2015.  The pope is a fading rock star. He promised to have over a million people flock to his concert/mass in Philadelphia. CNN says only thousands showed up. His handlers kept moving him around to make it look like he had a lot of followers. He did not tour the ghettoes or see the poor in Appalacia. The Pope could get huge crowds by giving away all that money he stole from us.

Francis needs heavy duty prayers.

“Francis, you need heavy duty prayers”.

Obama is a pop star getting ready to fade. His handlers are starting to promote the next popstar Prez. Nobody wants him on their campaign or to even have their picture taken with them.

Putin appears to be the genuine rock star. On his world tour, he does not speak with a forked tongue. He told Obama, “It’s easy to get rid of ISIS. They always go to the highest bidder. Knowing that, we can form a true coalition to defeat the terrorists!”

Obama was speechless as he doesn’t want to kill his military cash cow. On his world tour Putin told Netanyahu he can’t support his desire to help him  deal with Israel’s enemies, saying, “You can’t make money if all your customers are dead!”putin forgives pope

We are sending a request to Putin’s  booking agent for him to stop in Kahnawake in his current world tour. We rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois Confederacy] would like to continue the discussion we started in 1710 with Peter the Great. The belts recording this treaty between us and Russia are in the St. Petersburg Museum of Archaeology. We would like to remind him that the kaia’nere:kowa, our great law, is the formula for world peace. Putin on Obama 2013. Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board, and then struts around like it won the game. #1ab

The current intercourse between Putin and Obama on mainstream media reminds us of the guitar battle in “Crossroads”. Steve Vai is Obama and represents Luciferians. Ralph Macchio represents Putin working for the true Christians.



http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/26-06-2012/121487-putin_middle_east-0/ Putin takes Netanyahu to the wood shed.


Putin. We know for sure US helped overthrow Yanukovych.

Putin-Obama, etc.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws









Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 5, 2015. The colony of Canada forbade the Potlach ceremony from 1885 to 1951. 45 people were arrested at Memkumlis. 20 men and women were sent to Oakalla Prison in BC for feasting, dancing, giving gifts and sharing everything. Prime Minister John A. McDonald saw that sewing money on ceremonial blankets and then burning them showed that the ongwe’hon:weh were not interested in capitalism or becoming industrious slaves for the white man. Potlach.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.


The European money system is based on the idea that the earth and our fellow man are cruel and merciless. Whereas the Ongwe’hon:weh of Great Turtle Island understood the complete opposite. European bankers have shown Greeks and everyone else the obscenity of their evil matrix. The billionaires’ ponzi schemes steal and squeeze money and property out of everybody. Perpetual wars and permanent power of a few are necessary to maintain this corporatocracy.

These beasts will eat anything!

These beasts will eat anything!


The Greeks have been paying for loans with interest to the billionaire bankster’s for money that did not benefit them. It went directly back into the pockets of the billionaires. When the Greeks could not maintain this extortion, their government and economy will be taken over by the bankers. Their standard of living have gone down even more. The old Mafia strategy is used. The victims are threatened with starvation, imprisonment or death for interfering with the power of the billionaires, who even place bets on the outcome. Greeks are human beings. Their ancient philosophy understand they will stay, eat together, live in their houses and have clothes on their backs.

...bids us dance.

..a strict law bids us dance.

The billionaires have to exploit and destroy the earth. Though there is no overpopulation, except of billionaires who cannot be sustained, UN Agenda 21 is enforcing its depopulation program. Dark people will be culled so they can hold onto their paper made wealth and power. Our mother earth has provided enough food for everyone. The natural world can rebalance itself perfectly when the billionaires are gone. Refugees overrunning Europe will be fighting with the populace, not the billionaires. In Canada it’s the fault of the Muslims, not the billionaires who are stealing fish, resources and destroying the land.

Equador disallowed an $8.7 billion dollar debt. [Breaking the Creditors Power by Fanny Malinen]. The IMF debt is Illegal, illegitimate and odious. We ongwe’hon:weh pay for our own money that is being lent to us, which is not legal under international law. The Europeans have no natural wealth. Canadians and Americans have no land or resources. They created an economy where the billionaires can decide who lives or dies.

The Great Peace was to maintain survival of all living things, humans, plants and animals. When we were satisfied and had what we needed, we went home. We fed ourselves, gave gifts and shared. We knew that our mother would provide for us. She could not be drained of her resources.


Opah! Today we refused to be slaves to the corporatists!

In 1958 a young kanion’ke:haka was working on the Cross Canada train with a young student from Alert Bay BC. They were invited to his community to take part in one of the first Potlaches after the ban was lifted. They drove there. The fishing fleet had an exceptionally good season. Over half a million dollars in gifts were being distributed. Families and nearby villages were invited. People were so happy. The joy was infectious. People ran into their home to share what they had. The train employee even gave away his car. Afterwards, the people said, “Now we can sleep better!”

This is the “one dish one spoon” philosophy. It past time for the Europeans to listen to the Great Peace if they wish to save themselves. We remember and live it daily.

Annie Lennox sings the message of change, money can’t buy it: “Take the power to set you free. Kick down the door and throw away the key. Give up your need, your poison seeds. Find yourself elected to a different kind of creed.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws


a strict law bids us dance

Michael Hudson. A new mode of warfare.










Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 18, 2015. The Indian Lands Acts of 1924 established the POW camps called “Indian Reserves” IR throughout Canada. Bill C-51 is Canada’s latest attempt to legalize genocide. Here are ten steps to illegally dismantle the ongwe’hon:weh through corporate regime change, relocation or unwitnessed lethal procedures.

"They were demanding decent water and housing!!"

“They wanted decent water and housing!!”

1.The military response unit is located at the high tech Indian Affairs “war room”, directed by a well-briefed investigator and surveillance head. He reports to a senior commissioned officer. Federal, state and provincial entities work together to benefit from eliminating the ongwe’hon:weh. Top brass, all units in the detail and the local band councils work together. Military response teams surround all IRs. Operations are planned years in advance.

2.Detailed reporting on all incidents, including rumors and concocted stories. Surveillance is constant. Agents infiltrate the community in various guises. A “to be taken out” list is created.

3.Soldiers & CSIS/CIA agents are imbedded in media to control information, turn the public against the target, film the operation for study and identification.

Isn't it time for you to sit down and talk with us?

Isn’t it time for you to sit down and talk with us?

4.The media induces fear into the surrounding communities promoting fear and anger towards any  ongwe’hon:weh. In 1990 the surrounding communities requested the military attack the Mohawks. Command posts are set up at a moment’s notice to go into the IR once the conflict is created. “New management” or lethal force is demanded. This historical record continues. See below “Rocks at Whisky Trench”.

5.The “economic hit man” pays off the band and tribal council for their cooperation. Chiefs liaise constantly with the military. Secret meetings are held at local golf courses. The commander is involved during the “live” operation.

"They never quit fighting to keep their land from us!"

“Our mother can never ever be sold!”

6.Professionals, elders, men, women and children are targeted to silence them. Some are banished. Businesses are controlled or burnt destroyed.

7.Provocateurs, informants, infiltrators, workers and goons watch and report to the investigator. They are trained to befriend, create dissent, spread false rumors, pacify or carry out local attacks, or conflicts to divide the people, with impunity.

8.Band councils sign blank arrest warrants. Local cops stand by while targeted residents are threatened. Some incidents are “false flags” to mislead the people and heighten tension. The ensuing chaos eventually discredits cops and band councils. The military comes in to control the situation.


"I just outlawed the INDIANS!!!

“The people will wipe that smile off your face later this year, Stevie”!!!

9.The band and tribal councils agrees to come under the control of a political and economic corporation to create ‘peace’. Martial law is established. Roads closed. Houses searched. Curfews. No civil rights. Trouble makers removed. A combination of theatre, coercion and threats to control everybody and to bring about the desired corporate regime. Perpetrators report they were “just following orders” and can’t remember doing anything wrong, until they are charged with human rights abuses and genocide!

10.The law of the land of Great Turtle Island is the Kania’nereh:kowa. It shall prevail.

2001 interrogation of Dennis Blythe, BCI Bureau of Criminal Investigation on the INDIAN Detail conducted May 18, 1997, by the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and New York State against the Rotinoshonni. US District Court, Northern District of NY. [Ronald Jones vs. NYS 98 CV 374.]  

Paul Rogers of Bad Company tells us how the seagull from his high vantage point sees things much more clearly: “Seagull, you fly across the horizon, into the misty morning sun. Nobody asks you where you are going. Nobody knows where you’re from. And you fly through the sky, never asking why.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

CSIS warns of extremist opposition to oil & gas.

Military & media used to destroy protests.

Harper-Hitler comparison.

RCMP anti-ongwe’hon:we propoganda.

Sell ongwe’hon:we land to foreign entities


















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MNN. Oct. 12, 2014. Genocide is planned! It’s predictable and preventable.

Wisconsin Weasel: "Welcome to the Commission on how to legalize genocide!"

Wisconsin Weasel: “Welcome to the Commission on legalizing genocide!”

Victims are divided into haves and have-nots. The Vatican played a major role in the eradication of Indigenous in the Western Hemisphere. Today states make corporate Injuns into millionaires and the rest languish in designed poverty. Corrupt tyrants are set up and paid off to abuse their own people. To prevent genocide, the people must unite and reinforce our inherent identity as the sovereigns.

People are dehumanized and labeled. Men are called “warriors”. Women are “disappeared” and called “street workers”. The media reinforces hatred against us. We are equated with vermin and diseases to help the masses overcome their revulsion against hating and murdering us. Admiralty laws don’t protect us. Corporate leaders encourage hate speeches, false propaganda, crimes against humanity and atrocities against us.

Commissioner from Sri Lanka: "Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!"

Commissioner, Sri Lanka: “Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!”

Third world corporate minions meet to learn from US and Canada, the masters of genocide, about annihilation of Indigenous people. Militias or terrorist groups are organized, armed and trained to kill innocent and unarmed Indigenous people. These militias and state units should be disbanded, outlawed, disarmed and held accountable. Their feet should be put to the fire for the crime of genocide.

Extremists are trained to drive the people apart. Hate groups dominate the airwaves. Moderates are silenced rather than protected.

Victims are categorized and listed. Their rights and property are compromised. They are segregated into mental and then physical ghettoes. At this point a state of emergency is declared. The people must prepare to defend themselves from harassment and death.

Turmoil is enhanced. Extermination begins. Mass killing called genocide becomes legalized. The state sponsored mercenaries have been brainwashed to see their victims as not fully human. Factions within carry out revenge killings. The people then demand outside armed intervention and allow martial law to be declared. Safe areas such as reservations and FEMA camps are created to imprison us. Evidence, witnesses, testimonies will be destroyed to whitewash genocide. Alliances must be established between all our people to protect each other.

The final stage is denial so that more genocide will occur. Mass graves are dug up, bodies burned to cover it up and scare witnesses. The victims and witnesses are blamed. Investigations are blocked. The corporate band and tribal councils who assist Canada and US implement the genocide agenda, carry on until driven from power. They move up the corporate ladder, eg. Ovide Mercredi, protected by their corporate benefactors. The people and their communities and territories must put their feet to the fire. All evidence must be collected and kept.

Canada and US set up tribunals. The victims are invited to tell commissioners to testify on their experiences. Then the evidence is destroyed to keep it out of International Court of Arbitration. Unification of the people is where the power is, according to the Great Peace. We have to continually stand up to them. They are cowards with power.

cochabombaThe power is the people, not money or war. In 2000 The Indigenous of Bolivia protested against multinational corporation Bechtel and the IMF for stealing their water, even the rain! The police and the military eventually joined the people to kick them out. Together they took back their water. See video: Cochabomba war for water 2000. See: Even the Rain. Netflix.

Thahoketoteh reminds us that: “The power is the people not the money or the war. Let’s raise our voices so they can hear us, let them roar. No more killing of our own family, lets give peace a birth. We’re all in this together; We the people of Mother Earth” Power is the People.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Read: 8 stages of genocide.




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Oct. 3, 2014. The first and largest germ warfare in mankind was in the Western Hemisphere. Small pox were given to us through blankets and other means to murder over 150 million Indigenous people. Small pox was a European invention. The government, military and the people all took part in the North Americian Indian Holocaust. Priests, government agents, traders, medical and the military gave out small pox infested blankets. White women with syphilis surrounded native communities to entice the men to have sex with them to spread it in their communities. The soldiers in the army forts that had gonorrhea would rape or have intercourse with Indian women who would then spread it in their villages. In residential schools sick kids were put in bed with healthy kids to infect and kill them. smallpox blankets

Smallpox victim. One of millions.

Smallpox victim. One of millions.

Charles Darwin ‘s “The Origins of the Species” was the basis of the eugenics movement. It was a program to cull the masses, to bolster racism and hierarchy.

In trying to bring ebola here, supposedly preventive flu shots are causing sickness and death. See note below *. Ebola was invented by the American military. It is being used to establish martial law. Epidemics, chem trails, FEMA internment camps, war, famine and diseases will cull the population. AIDS was invented in their labs here and tested on Africans. The germ warfare list is extensive.

The people living in the US now may suffer the same Indigenous genocide program we did. The USA Inc. and its shareholders are the real Frankenstein that invent deadly diseases and make secret vaccinations for themselves. They invent war after war. Their latest enemy whoever they decide. Their wars will continue until the people say, “No more war!” We will drive the last nail on their coffin. RCMP and US police are training to fight the state-created zombie apocalypse.

'Then, to stop the spread, they burned the village and sent me home.'An important part of the new world order is the World Health Organization’s plans to control  health and medicine worldwide. Natural medicines to treat cancer are being outlawed so that only pharmaceuticals can legally sell it. United Nations Agenda 21 is making natural medicine like sweet grass and cedar illegal. A prescription from doctors will be required.

They come from a dark history of false gods, prostitution, gambling, etc. Part of the strategy is to destroy the self-image and and make everybody vulnerable through foods and drugs. Designed distractions demolish people through tv, videos, movies, religious prisons and other mind altering means. Promotion of partying, drugs, drinking and living festive right up to the last moment. The Great Peace teaches us that everybody has the ability to reason and know right from wrong.

is it a cold or ebola?

Is it ebola or something from my flu shot?

We Indigenous have been through this. We’re seeing it come again. Know your history or you’re bound to repeat it.

As CCR sings: “Whoa. Thought it was a nightmare. Lord it was so true. They told me don’t go walking slow. The devil’s on the loose. You better run through the jungle. You better run through the jungle. You better run through the jungle. Don’t look back!” Credence Clearwater Revival.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Note: Zombie apocalypse*The Center for Disease Control CDC owns the patent description on EboBun virus. The U.S. government extracts Ebola viruses from patients and claims to have ‘invented’ it. On August 2, 2014 a monopoly patent protection was filed. “EboBun”, patent No. CA2741523A1, was awarded in 2010 to the Government Of The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary, Department Of Health & Human Services, Center For Disease Control: “The invention provides the isolated human Ebola (hEbola) viruses denoted as Bundibugyo (EboBun) deposited with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”; Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America) on November 26, 2007 and accorded an accession number 200706291.”

 Read: Horowitz Aids and ebola.

Video: Martial law and ebola.

Read: Charles C. Mann. “1491”.

Read: Military to fight zombies after virus attack.













MNN. FEB. 10, 2014. The hierarchal charade is ending. Looks like Canada is joining the US and UN control grid [Agenda 21]. Lawyers for the Corporation of Canada are fleeing and saying in effect, “Let’s get out now while the going is good. We’ll join Piper, the international law firm, run out of the UN. We can help make laws for the bankers worldwide. We already have our stolen money in off-shore accounts so no one can touch it”. 

Dream on!

Dream on!

The first law firm to fold was home to prime ministers, supreme court justices and federal and local politicians. Their job was to take the heat off the bankers. Now they’re jumping ship and going back to the “Fatherland” to their mansions. harper slave shipThese criminals should be going to jail. They don’t want to go back on the slave ships they came in. It’s first class on their own terms, they think. They’re trying to dictate the terms of their surrender. 

There is no reconciliation with those they leave behind. The corporation of Canada is bringing in new immigrants with loads of money who won’t be told they are on Indigenous land. They will set up businesses and steal everything that their predecessors left behind. Their job is to continue the genocide.  

Canada has no constitution in place that overrides the by-laws of the Corporation of Canada. it’s a pretend democracy based on theft and abuse of our land. Prime Minister Harper is strengthening the corporate rules and enforcement system. 50,000 new prisoners can be warehoused in the new private prisons.  

We Indigenous are to remain fenced in by Indian Affairs and the Indian Act. Indian Affairs and RCMP are both divisions of the Canadian army.  

The corporation is dissolving. The shareholders are trying to steer the dissolution in their favor. We demand the list of the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. We will charge them with genocide and theft of our ever growing $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The world wants to see this.

Banksters & their minions: "Our greatest fear that we will be sent back from whence we came!"

Banksters & their minions: “Our greatest fear that we will be sent back from whence we came for all eternity!”


Canada and US need to take a lesson from Iceland who put all their crooked bankers and politicians in jail, rewrote their constitution and took away their money machine. They have to pay back everything they stole.  

They think they are going to take the money and run. Like Billy Joe and Bobby Sue, you can’t run forever. “Take the Money & Run!”

“Jumping Heenan Ship”.

“Coming Fall of House of Windsor”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws











“Problem, Reaction, Solution”




MNN. Dec. 13, 2013. The UN “Agenda 21” is the hostile takeover of the world to control all its natural resources and peoples. First a problem is created, to get a reaction from the people. Only when the people demand a solution to the problem they created do they provide their solution. This will always erode the freedom of the people.  

Madiba in his Knights of Malta get-up.

Madiba in his corporate control grid uniform.

The Mandela funeral looks like the corporate governments belonging to the UN will now “go hot’ on implementing Agenda 21. People will plead with the UN to provide their solutions. All corporations are controlled by the 13 crime families that run the banking worldwide. They are the only impediment to peace on earth.

Private mercenaries are a growing trend worldwide as we move toward a fascist global state. Recent false flags show they are not held accountable to anything like regular military bodies. They operate outside of international law and political restraints. Their loyalties are to the shareholders of the corporation. 

Prime Minister Harper and other world corporate CEOs were at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Mandela was a Knight of Malta. He was in the exclusive Masonic control grid to maintain the illusion to the people. His death has exposed the control grid, which is crumbling before our eyes.empire done

The Order of Malta was always “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy. Mandela’s membership in the Order proves that everything he did was pretend.


Madiba & Duke of Gloucester, Nov. 23, 2004, St. James’s Palace. Duke invests him as Bailiff Grand Cross, Order of St. John. 

The greatest whistleblower at the funeral never said a word. We all heard him. The following day Agenda 21 was implemented. All the countries that join the UN are corporate entities. Some of our own Indigenous people are into the illusion.

The goal is to terrorize, divide and conquer, then unite under their hierarchical leadership. Evil cannot triumph in the long run. It will flail against the natural truth, which always stands indomitable, unextinguishable and eternal. 

–       See more at: “Jesuits, Pope, Knights of Malta, Blackwater/XE.” See Madiba’s investiture Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St. John. 

Peace is possible

“The only global governance is that which all living spirits on Mother Earth were given according to our natural instructions.”  

Sixto Rodriguez raised the hopes for freedom in South Africa:

‘Cos I was born for the purpose/That crucifies your mind./

So con, convince your mirror/As you’ve always done before/

Giving substance to shadows/

Giving substance ever more.”Sixto Rodriguez. “Crucify your Mind”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0