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PROTESTORS DEMAND UNIVERSITY ACTION AND CEACEFIRE IN GAZA midst growing global movement for Palestine-021120231

Content Warning: Mentions of violence, death, antisemitism, and Islamophobia

Students flooded out of class at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 25 to join a growing crowd at the Y-intersection, many donning keffiyehs, waving Palestinian flags, and holding signs in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. The protest eventually moved to the James Administration Building, where members of Students for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) McGill blocked the entrance in an attempt to pressure the university to meet their demands.

The protest was part of a wider walkout movement across North America in solidarity with the people of Gaza. In Montreal, SPHR McGill, SPHR Concordia, Solidarité pour les droits humains des Palestiniennes et Palestiniens at Université de Montréal (UdeM) and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), and Al Raya Dawson partnered to organize and promote the walkout. The organizations listed three demands on their social media platforms: “Divestment from weapons’ manufacturers which arm Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” “an immediate end to Israel’s siege on Gaza and U.S. and Canada funding for Israel,” and “to cease exchange programs with Israeli institutions and cut ties with current and future Zionist donors.”

On Oct. 7, Hamas staged an attack that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and resulted in more than 200 people being taken hostage, according to the Associated Press. Israel has retaliated by launching an extensive bombing campaign, and now ground incursions, in Gaza. Estimates place the Palestinian death toll since Oct. 7 at over 9,000 and the number of people displaced at over 1.4 million, according to Al Jazeera and the Associated Press.

McGill has sent out a series of university-wide statements following the Oct. 7 attack, including one that specifically mentions SPHR McGill, accusing the group of “celebrating violence” on social media and demanding that the group stop using the McGill name. Other McGill communications have encouraged “looking out for each other in sorrowful times” and referenced the university’s Initiative against Islamophobia and Antisemitism (IAIAS)

Protester Salma El emphasized the importance of everyone—not just people from the Middle East—demonstrating support for the Palestinian cause, and called for an immediate ceasefire.

“I am North African, so we’re kind of brothers with Palestinians,” she said. “To be seeing a genocide happening all over again and no one is talking about it just makes you lose hope in humanity, lose hope in leaders. And I just think that maybe, if anything would have happened to Ukrainians, maybe the world would have reacted another way. Just because it’s Palestinians, no one is saying anything.”

As the crowd grew, SPHR McGill organizers started by leading chants and then delivered a land acknowledgement, drawing a parallel between settler colonialism in Canada and historic Palestine. Chants of “FREE, FREE, FREE PALESTINE” and “VIVA, VIVA, PALESTINA” echoed through the centre of campus as a large Palestinian flag was hung on a rolling whiteboard behind the speakers.

Following the land acknowledgment, an SPHR McGill member reiterated the groups’ demands and voiced support for the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers)—a group of Kanien’kehá:ka women resisting McGill’s New Vic project over concerns that there may be Indigenous children buried in unmarked graves on the site.

Professor of Arabic Literature Michelle Hartman and representatives from SPHR McGill, Socialist Fightback, and the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) addressed the crowd. Organizers then called for the crowd to travel up from the Y-intersection to the steps of the Arts Building as the chants continued.

Organizers led the crowd in cheering, “RESISTANCE IS JUSTIFIED, WHEN PEOPLE ARE OCCUPIED” and “PALESTINE IS OUR DEMAND, NO PEACE ON STOLEN LAND,” followed by chants in Arabic.

The Mohawk Mothers—who held a teach-in on the archaeological work happening on the New Vic site from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Leacock building—then addressed protesters from the Arts Building steps, reaffirming their solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

After the Mohawk Mothers’ speeches, protest leaders continued their rallying calls before announcing that SPHR McGill members had blocked the entrance to the James Administration building, and the protest would be walking to meet them. Much of the crowd followed suit and relocated to the site of the sit-in.

At the James Administration building—which hosts various key McGill decision and policy makers, including the Office of McGill’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Deep Saini—the crowd swarmed to surround the small group that was occupying the area in front of the entrance, blocking office workers from going in or out. One protestor climbed the scaffolding, planting a Palestinian flag above where the student protesters sat. The Tribune talked to an SPHR McGill spokesperson who was part of the sit-in while it was happening.

“The demand is basically to end this bizarre and angry genocidal campaign that’s being imposed on the people of Gaza right now, and also for our universities to divest from arms manufacturing companies, which are actively funding this regime,” the SPHR representative said. “McGill-specific demands were, of course, to revoke the threats that were made about changing SPHR McGill’s name [….] The threat of revoking our name, it came from a place of this university refusing to associate itself with a policy and student movement, but also to pretend that there is no segment of the McGill population which stands up for Palestine.”

In front of the blocked entrance, various professors spoke out in support of the movement, including associate professor of political science William Roberts, associate professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism Lara Braitstein, professor of Islamic Studies Rula Abisaab, and Hartman.

“The administration’s response so far has been timid and cowardly. Generally, the McGill administration cares more about the appearance of civility than about the truth and more about the opinion of a few vocal donors and alumni than about the academic freedom of young scholars,” Roberts wrote in an email statement to the The Tribune after the protest. “I don’t expect that to change. Happily, the students don’t need the administration’s approval or assistance.”

A Palestinian student who wished to stay unnamed expressed the importance of those at McGill and in Canada speaking out.

“It’s important to show solidarity. Especially, you know, we have a lot of privilege here, where we have free speech, we should use it,” they said. “I would like to see the university send an email to us condemning what’s happening to Gazans and also divest from all the money they’re pouring into Israel’s pockets.”

The student, like Salma El, expressed disappointment in the lack of support they’ve received from the school, pointing to the difference between how the university responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the current Israeli attacks on Gaza.

“When everything was going on in Ukraine, they sent a very supportive email to Ukrainian students, they announced their support for Ukraine because it was, you know, being occupied, and they were against it,” they said. “So, it’s not that McGill doesn’t want to be political, it can when it wants to.”

In a statement to The Tribune, McGill Media Relations Officer Frédérique Mazerolle expressed that “Members of the McGill community are free to express themselves and to associate within the bounds set by our university’s Statement of Principles Concerning Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly, Charter of Students’ Rights, and Policy on Academic Freedom.”

“Free association and free expression are rights we affirm. But these freedoms are not absolute, and the words we choose, and how we communicate them, matter. We are staunchly committed to building and sustaining a campus community where our diverse identities are honoured and celebrated, where we are safe to express our identities, and where we can all flourish,” Mazerolle went on to write, echoing an Oct. 8 email sent out by Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Angela Campbell and Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Fabrice Labeau.

The university did not answer questions pertaining to divestment from companies that support the Israeli military or the state of Israel, McGill’s Oct. 10 email demanding that SPHR McGill stop using the McGill name, or differences between how the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Israel-Palestine conflict have been handled.

While there was a large turnout, some students have expressed concerns about the walkout. A portion of the Mohawk Mothers’ speeches, which was posted on Instagram by SPHR McGill and later deleted, gained traction on X, formerly called Twitter, where users felt it appealed to antisemitic tropes that characterized Zionism as monetization, corporatization, and control. 

“The Kahnistensera stand in solidarity with all oppressed groups,” the Mothers wrote in a statement to The Tribune after the walkout. “When seen through the lens of our own struggles for liberation, it is clear to us that the struggle in Palestine is the same as the struggle of all oppressed groups in the world including Jewish people. The common oppressor is European colonialism.”

“It is very detrimental to consider any criticism of Zionism as a criticism of Judaism,” the group added. “Zionism is not Judaism: it is a modern nationalistic ideology weaponizing antisemitism to displace Jewish people and use them to get rid of Palestinians whom they dehumanize.”

Others pointed to language throughout the protest that they felt lauded Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and criticized a pro-Palestine sign that depicted the Star of David, a symbol of Judaism, instead of utilizing the flag of Israel or words.

“Antisemites often find their way into anti-Zionist spaces. This goes the other way, too, by the way, there’s anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia within right-wing Zionist movements. And it’s on those Zionist movements to stamp that out, as well,” a Jewish student who wished to remain anonymous said to The Tribune after the walkout. “Yet, it is so black and white on campus,  that […] there’s seemingly no room for Jewish allies of ending the occupation, Jewish allies of the Palestinian cause—those of us who want to see an end to violence.”

SPHR McGill did not respond to The Tribune’s request for comment before the publication deadline.

The protest continued until around 6 p.m., with the organizers distributing QR-code petitions in support of the people of Gaza.

Our Arawack brother Bob Marley states it clearly: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everyhere is war. Everywhere is war. Me say war. That until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of no nation, until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance then the color of his eyes. Me say war.’ 

Bob Marley War




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MNN. The rich white farmer who who derived his wealth from theft of our land, shot the native boy in the head in an act of cold blooded murder. He was illegally found not guilty of murder in the racist Saskatchewan court! History repeats itself. That’s how the white man got all our possessions. Killing us is being justified. Hundreds of our youth are being murdered, disappeared and abused every year.   Prime Minister Trudeau said he “can’t imagine the grief the Boushie family is feeling” over the murder of another one of our children!! It wasn’t his son. 

We native people of turtle island do not belong in the foreign corporate justice system which is meant to serve our enemies. 

Our native system worked amongst ourselves because we all agreed to follow it. If one side keeps committing the wrongs, then the black wampum comes out. Nature has given us the will to defend ourselves.  

Doing nothing is wrong. We can’t neglect our responsibility by letting somebody destroy us. We have to fix it!

The system is to maintain the corporation of Canada. Watch out for who is at these protests. Police, army, hired thugs, mercenaries, infiltrators and professional agitators are sent in. They take pictures and license plates numbers to keep track of us. The hired hands get some rough actions going that leads to violence. They are there to justify violence against us.

As a kanion-ke-haka elder said, “The band councils keep their heads in the govermnent’s ass. They see nothing and can only smell their farts”.  

We are being murdered by the white people and their trained brainwashed puppets, the government committee known as the “band/tribal council”. 

We are onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people of great turtle island. We will exert ourselves as onkwe-hon-weh. We refuse to be their commodities to be abused. 

Here come the warriors. The Good Old Boys sing about being on the highway to hell: “Living easy, living free. Season ticket on a one-way ride. Asking nothing, leave me be. Taking everything in my stride. Don’t need reason, don’t need rhyme. Ain’t nothing I would rather do. Going down, party time. My friends are gonna be there too. I’m on the highway to hell. No stop signs, speed limit. Nobody’s gonna slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it. Nobody’s gonna mess me around. Hey Satan, paid my dues. Playing in a rocking band. Hey mama, look at me. I’m on my way to the promised land, whoo!


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 





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MNN. Feb. 9, 2018. Today the murderers of two of our children, Tina Fontaine and  Colten Boushie, are standing trial before their peers.

Today we don’t expect justice. The colonial Admiralty Law of the Seas system is designed to work in favor of the colonialists. Justice is a private business with courts, jails, prisons and a huge multitude of workers trained to prosecute us. The enemy justice system makes judgments against the true natural people placed here by creation.  

According to the teio-ha-teh, two row agreement between our people and the invaders, we do not judge the perpetrators. We formally petition their government to investigate and find out the wrong that has been committed. Their government has a duty to make things right and compensate our people. They will decide the punishment. We had no jails, no lawyers, prisons, poor houses, orphanages, old age homes or insane asylums. We use our minds and reasonableness according to the great peace.   

CANADAIGUA TREATY 1794 ARTICLE 7: Based on teio-ha-teh, two row relationship between us and our friends, allies and everyone on turtle island, a formal complaint is lodged against the government of the offending party to investigate the wrong that has been committed against our people. If the opposing party is guilty, the government will compensate our people and decide the punishment against their people.

They too will lodge a complaint to our people. If guilty, we will investigate, carry out the punishment and compensate them. Our goal is to make it right between us. Otherwise it will cause war.   

The treaty Between the United States of America and the Tribes of Indians Called the Six  Nations: “Lest the firm peace and friendship now established should be interrupted  by the misconduct of individuals, the United States and the Six Nations agree, that for injuries done by individuals, on either side, no private revenge or retaliation shall take place; but, instead thereof, complaint shall be made by the party injured, to the other; by  the Six  Nations  or any  of them,  to the President o  the United States [Prime Minister of Canada], or the superintendent by him [them] appointed; and by the superintendent, or other person appointed by the President [or Prime Minister], to the principal chiefs of the Six Nations, or of the Nation to which the offender belongs;

All misconduct or disagreements are dealt with in  this way.  


We the natural people have to exercise our own ways based on the kaia-nere-kowa, great peace, which covers all of turtle island. We are not criminalized or called terrorists because we are trying to protect all life on turtle island. 

The enemies must RESPECT the true natural people and all life here or return from hence you came.   

Come on, everybody, sing “Respect” along with Aretha Franklin.” What you want
Baby, I got it. What you need. Do you know I got it. All I’m askin’ Is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit). Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home (Just a little bit) mister (just a little bit). I ain’t gonna do you wrong while you’re gone. Ain’t gonna do you wrong cause I don’t wanna. All I’m askin’ Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit). Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit). Yeah (just a little bit)”.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 




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MNN. Feb. 6, 2018. Corporations of Canada, Quebec and their know-nothing “colonial Indian Act committee” known as the band council are trying to help push the genocide against the tekentiokwenhoksteh, the 49 original families of the onkwe-hon-weh, of turtle island.  Our birthright is not for sale. All turtle island is a tax free zone.  


These traitors are not kanion-ke-haka/Mohawks. They are tax gougers for Canada.  


The Indian Act committee is the agent of the Canadian government, masquerading as the kanien-ke-haka-onwe of the Iroquois Confederacy. For selling us out they have no claims to their clan, name, family, land and nation by pledging to impose the illegal foreign laws of our enemies by force on us and our territory.

All but three gas retailers signed to allow Canada, Quebec and the Indian Act committee to run a private company in our community to collect taxes and remit it to the corporation of Canada. All turtle island is tax free. 


By aiding the enemy the Indian Act committee alienated themselves in signing the 1999 Agreement on Fiscal Matters Related to Tobacco, Petroleum and Alcohol. The people objected to this total fraud. The Indian Act committee of the government has no authority or jurisdiction to make laws, regulate trade, commerce or anything on the true natural people. 

The committee plans to administer through their private companies all native businesses under a “single source procurement system” under their control. They will buy, distribute material and pay full fees and taxes to our enemies. They will carry out the penalties for those who won’t conform to their commands. This conspiracy to steal everything from us will be set up in all our communities. The GOOD INDIANS who obey can conduct businesses. Those who don’t will be shut down. The few treacherous betrayers do not speak for the many. Every onkwe-hon-weh must be consulted, given full information and give their consent. 


The Indian Act committee is a Canadian government owned entity. Canada. They will decide the profit margins, based on their final “solution” program to try to annihilate us. We are a free people placed by creation on turtle island to carry out our duties to our mother and to all life.  

The committee signers are Joe Norton, Martin Leborgne, Kenneth McComber, Rhonda Kirby, Gus Sky-Deer, Carl Horn, Clinton Phillips, William Diabo, Christine Deom,  Robert Patton Jr., Gina Deer and Arlene Jacobs. 

The business signers are Derek White of Old Malone Gas, Countryside, OCR Gas Bar, Lee Jacobs of Get N Go, Donna McComber of Khanata’s Gas Bar, Brian Goodleaf of Goodleaf Gas Bar, John Rice of JR’s Gas Bar, Daryl Paul of Central Station, T. Thomas of First Choice, Robert Stacey of Hurricane Fuel,  Sylvia Thomas of Wolfco Rte. 138 & 207, Leah Diome of Big Bear Trading, Sheila Lazare of Gas Bar 207, and Merrick Goodleaf of Country Peddlers. 



Peggy Lee could be asking the Indian Act committee and the gas dealers if ‘that’s all there is’ to betraying your people: “I remember when I was a little girl Our house caught on fire. I’ll never forget the look on my father’s face As he gathered me up in his arms and Raced through the burning building out to the pavement. And I stood there shivering in my pajamas and Watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over, I said to myself, “Is that all there is to a fire”.  


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

HELP US: TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK! Prime Minister Hon. Justin Trudeau, 80 Wellington St. Ottawa ON K1A 0A2; Premier of Quebec Hon.; Philippe Couillard Edifice Honre-Mercier 3e etage 835 boul Rene-Lesvesque Est Quebec, Qc G1A1B4 1-418-643-5321 1-514-873-3411; US President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 USA 1-202-456-111, 1-202-456-1414

Contact SKARONIATI, P.O Box 370 Kahnawake Call 514-917-0700





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MNN. Feb. 3, 2018. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Today Canadian and Quebec immigrant colonialists have placed an illegal international embargo on native businesses that refuse to comply with the will of the invaders on the homeland of the onkwe-hon-weh-onwe.


The US, Canada, Australia, South American capitalists and Europeans [was anybody missed? impose illegal sanctions worldwide against the true natural people of the Americas, Cuba, Korea, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Hawaii and Middle. East, to name a few.   

These embargoes are meant to force people to obey the capitalist war machine, give up their rights and resources through threats of starvation and destruction, which is followed by military might to kill the people. 

Capitalists stand together to invade the victim nations they occupy illegally. It is never about peace. Their interpretation of peace is ‘non-resistence’. We onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people of turtle island, are occupied by foreigners to extort and steal from us. They push us to the point where they use weapons of war to force their authority to make us comply on pain of continuing the genocide. 


The oppressed such as the kanion-ke-haka [Mohawks} do have friends and allies. 

The Capitalists deliberately erode our natural way of self-preservation. We must stand up to all the colonial aggression of the occupying entities. We use all peaceful means until we exhaust all avenues of peace.

The wish and will of the kenonhontsa-kwenio, women, represent the people. They continue to act on our birthright as designed by creation and not by the invaders.

Good News! The people are standing together supporting each other. Ann Murray sings about the wish for good news: “Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town. Nobody OD’ed, nobody burned a single buildin’ down.
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain. We sure could use a little good news today!”

A Little Good News-Ann Murray (Original 1983 Video)

HELP US: TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK! Prime Minister Hon. Justin Trudeau, 80 Wellington St. Ottawa ON K1A 0A2; Premier of Quebec Hon.; Philippe Couillard Edifice Honre-Mercier 3e etage 835 boul Rene-Lesvesque Est Quebec, Qc G1A1B4 1-418-643-5321 1-514-873-3411; US President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 USA 1-202-456-111, 1-202-456-1414

Send your comments To contact SKARONIATI, P.O Box 370 Kahnawake

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



MOHAWK official movie trailer

The United States of Hypocrisy – The Stolen Nation of Hawaii FULL LENGTH







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MNN. AUG. 30, 2016. We onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of great turtle island, are not part of the occupying CORPORATION. All Admiralty courts are artificial private Vatican courts for banks, corporations and are always about money. The corporation is a violent squatter that put their guns to us, killed us and stole everything. They started the same in Palestine in 1947. They try to put all of our issues into their own corporate matrix.white house indian

There is only one court that has jurisdiction over such an international matter, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, set up in 1899 in The Hague. It is a dispute resolution court. Every corporation has private shareholders, they can be held accountable for the crimes of their corporation in the Permanent Court of Arbitration. No trial about us or our land belongs in their corporate matrix. FB_IMG_1471552264063

This occupying corporation and their armies have to be put on trial in the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

The pipeline is on our land. They need our permission. Consultation with their corporate band and tribal entities are fraud. Canada and US have no right to arbitrate anything with regard to us and our land. We are not part of their corporation. B0_2210783226431832471_n

We have international partners, such as Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, China, India, iran and other ancient allies who sponsored us when we went to the League of Nations in 1923. They remember us.

As Bob Seeger sings about the people at Standing Rock: Like a rock, standin’ arrow straight. Like a rock, chargin, from the gate. Like a rock, carryin’ the weight. Like a rock.








MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Montreal pipeline ‘consultation’ shut down.

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Energy East Pipeline Ltd. [EEPL] andEnergy East Pipeline Ltd. [EEPL]; 517 Tenth Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0A8; National Energy Board, Marc-Andre Plouffe, Montreal Office, 505 De Maisonneuve Blvd., West, Suite 230, Montreal, Québec H3A 3C2; Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre, City Hall, 275 Notre Dame St. E., Montreal QC H2Y 1C8, 514-872-3101 Fax 514-872-4059; Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime minister, Parliament of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A9 [email]; Carolyn Bennett, Minister Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada,
10 Wellington, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H4 [email]; Governor General, Rideau Hall, 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1 [email]; Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace +44 303 123 7300; Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON

NYT taking a stand at standing rock.

ND Governor threatens violence at standing rock.

transitory democracy

Montreal hearings shut down.




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MNN. Mar. 5, 2015. As the eagle sat on top of the tree of peace looking out for the people, a foul smell was coming from the direction of Washington DC. An eloquent foreigner from far away was visiting the big ‘outhouse’ on the hill. Some see it as one of the lowest places on earth.

A double double with some sugar.

All I want is a double-double with some sugar.


“I am the little big man who is trying to run everything on Earth for the benefit of my family”, he told them as they sat on their portholes. He announced that he has created a new religion that will put him in charge of every living thing in the world. He will own everything and everybody will listen to him. Then they jumped up, clapped and cheered.

He announced he will pass laws so he can never be punished. More clapping. Then he excused himself for a few minutes. The people waited. He returned and raised his hands. They jump off their portholes, screamed and clapped in rapture for several minutes.

He then went to the middle of the floor, turned around and lowered himself down. It was his new “wasako’ni’ta:ion” stance. He told them that from this day on every time he does this gesture, every person must bow down to him to show their loyalty.

The eagle realized something about this persuasive man, that there is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnakes tail. [Navajo saying].

This is the nuclear bomb that Iran has.

Bibi: “This is the nuclear bomb that Iran has.”

Bibi addressing the US Congress reminds us of Alice Cooper as he sings: “You’re a cruel device, you’re blood like ice. One look could kill my pain, your thrill. Your poison running through my veins. Your poison, I don’t want to break these chains”. [Poison]


Alice Cooper - Poison


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Read: Jon Stewart on Netanyahu.

Listen: Vermont Radio interview on NYS attack of Haudenosaunee.

Edward Snowden on Canada.




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MNN. July 29, 2014. The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied.

Wounded Knee Massacre 1890.

Wounded Knee Massacre 1890.

Gaza massacre 2014.

Gaza massacre 2014.

US, Canada and Britain are behind Israel’s program of genocide against humanity and Mother Earth. These three corporate entities point to us as the example for Israel to follow. That is why Harper, Obama and Cameron have unending support to the Zionists to cover their historic crimes committed in the Western Hemisphere. Their aim is complete annihilation of the Palestinians and total theft of all their land.

Every country in the world sits idly by and watches Israel commit its “made for tv war crimes”. How many houses and women are they obliterating today? The world is being conditioned to do as they’re told.

Those observing the conflict on tv are changing the outcome according to the laws of quantum mechanics. A series of conferences at Solvay in Brussels of the greatest scientists [Einstein, Eisenbach, Curie, Bohn…] discovered that the outcome of an experiment always changes when there is an observer.

The front for Zionism is a nationalist movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zionism actually is the monetization of everything, even thought. Whoever has the most money makes the rules. Zionism is the 51% dictating their will to 49%. It is the majority of one vote of the corporate shareholders who will always control the outcome. The Great Peace is 50-50, which means equality for all people. The outcome has to be worked out to everyone’s best interests, which is the only route to peace on earth.

The Palestinians need the women of the world to come to their aid.

As Pink Floyd laments: “Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?” Pink Floyd. “Mother”.

Watch the Zionist story: Who are the Zionists.

Palestinian Resistance. Susan Abdulhawa.

Zionists rule the world. Video.

Solvay Conference, Brussells.

Film.What in the Bleep Do We Know.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit






MNN.  DEC. 1, 1012.  On November 22, 2012, 138 countries voted for Palestine to be recognized as a UN state.  They can now use UN International Agencies, sign treaties and bring charges against war criminals. They ended the corporate bankers’ imperial war against Indigenous peoples.  Colonizers Canada, US and Israel voted against the bid. They warned there will be repercussions.  Boycotts, no aid, shunning us, crossing the street when they see us coming and maybe trying to continue to bully us. 

Israel was created by the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917.  Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary and former Prime Minister, sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, the leader of the Zionist movement and the Rothschild international banking empire. The British promised to help the Zionists create “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The US entered the war and two weeks later the first boatload of armed Zionist immigrants landed on the shores of Palestine to destroy the people and steal everything.    

In 1923 Levi General, the Deskaheh, was sent to Geneva Switzerland by the Haudenosaunee [Iroquois Confederacy], to get membership in the League of Nations.  He reminded the Europeans of their obligations under the Guswentha, Two Row Wampum, the only agreement allowing foreigners to live here in peace.  The newcomers violated it, making their occupation illegal.  

Iran, Estonia, the Netherlands, Panama, Ireland and others supported us.  British and American threats against them and Deskaheh forced him to return home.  The League then made indigenous peoples worldwide into ‘domestic concerns’.  We had no right to seek redress for human rights abuses and theft from anyone other than our oppressors.  They tried to permanently victimize and annihilate us. 

Deskaheh’s efforts angered Canada.  In 1924 the RCMP forcibly removed the traditional Haudenosaunee government, and created the Indian Advancement Act, apartheid and the concentration camps called “reservations”.  The Canadian government set up ‘band councils’ to rule us.  They designated that “a person is anyone other than an Indian’.  

Deskaheh was warned to never return to Canada or he would be killed.  He was murdered in Tonawanda New York in 1925.  

Bankers are now panicking.  They monetized everything and created money to control the world.  The shareholders of the corporations of Canada and US profit from war, theft of Indigenous land and resources and enslaving us.  These corporations own the Canadian and American masses.  Birth certificates, drivers licenses, social insurance numbers, social security, a bank account, running a business, travel or any benefit needs the ‘mark of the beast’, which is the stamp of the bankers.     

The bankers send their agents into a country, destroy it and steal their natural resources.  Whoever protests gets bombed, starved and economic sanctions, which is war.  This time the heavily armed high tech Israeli army could not defeat poor weaponless Palest’Indians.  They did not wait for someone to free them.  They freed themselves.  

They set the precedent.  Soon the beast will not be in charge. Canada, US and Israel now have to deal directly with us, the owners of the land and resources.  

The UN is another bankers corporation.  It will crumble from within.  The Indigenous will never be subservient to the bankers again.  The imperial corporations will be beggars rather than the brutal lying thugs they’ve always been.  

After the women everywhere stop the conflict in their communities, they will begin to implement the Great Law of Peace.  Then the men will carry out the law.  It’s over for the corporate bankers.  They have to stand down or leave.  We, the real natural people, are going to assert ourselves. 

We insist on justice first, to join the International Court, file complaints against banker/corporatist war criminals and their agents, dismantle illegal settlements and settlers, sue the colonizers, return of our possessions and sovereign control of our air space, land, waters.  

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his sidekick John Baird rushed to the UN and showed us who they work for, the same banker who owns Israel and them.  

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.  [Jimi Hendrix]. 

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27.11.2008 20:16:49


MNN. Nov. 25, 2008. It’s called “warehousing of surplus humanity”. All humans are equal. No one can decide that we are surplus. The object is to remove the target people from existence. This is real, folks!

First, the territory of the targets is occupied. Their communities, work, education, finances and colonial apparatus are controlled by the outside forces. The agenda is carried out by the bureaucrats and military. They are trained in oppression using non-lethal weaponry to stay within the bounds of the UN human rights conventions.

A fascist state needs an uneducated non-resisting people. To achieve this, lots of interference in every day life, schooling and economy are priorities. The youth are specially interfered with. Places of work, schools or commerce are not set up within the communities forcing them to work or attend school or shop outside.

The target group is usually isolated from anybody who could help them. They are demonized. There is a media blackout so that the perpetrators can “warehouse” other victims later on who will be unprepared and unable to defend themselves.

Eventually walls are put up around the targets with checkpoints everywhere. Food and essentials are stopped from going in and out. Electricity is turned off. Water is undrinkable. The bus breaks down. Detours are set up everywhere forcing them to spend hours to carry on their normal lives. “Flying [mobile] check points” are set up everywhere on a permanent or temporary basis. They can arrive and stay for minutes or hours at any place anytime. Anybody can be arrested for going to meetings to discuss their plight.

The situation gets worse. Blockages of the community become more often and more severe. Sometimes nothing goes in or out. Electricity is cut off more often so that raw sewage flows in the streets. Houses can’t be heated. Refrigerated food goes bad.

To instill fear schools, institutions, hospitals and even homes are threatened or burnt down or trashed. Teachers, workers and service providers stop giving services “to protest the blockades” or “dangers” they are forced to work in. Papers, books and communications are kept out or controlled. No one gets trained to be a doctor or professional which are necessities in such communities. 90% have no job. It comes to a point where some families can only send one child to school or out to work. Each family is allowed one member to have a job.

Because of the system of checkpoints and walls, workers and students have to leave home and live near schools or their place of work to avoid 4 hours a day of travel which normally takes 20 minutes.

The targets are constantly reminded they are being watched. The police or special army units walk into their homes, at 2:00 am, without knocking, ask for ID and then take them to the police station. They study the personality of the targets and look for collaborators or spies to work with them. They take unflattering pictures after the interrogation or torture so the targets look like criminals.

Nighttime is the worst time. The targets are kept awake. They could be taken away at any moment. Soldiers come inside, point guns and start beating anyone in their sight. They yell, “Give me your ID”. People are forced outside without shoes or proper clothing. Hundreds of their community members are on their knees in the streets, sometimes until 3 am. Names are called out by the police on speakers. Some are taken away and interrogated for 5 hours and asked if they saw anyone throw stones or speak badly of them. This excuse is usually bogus.

There are 7 to 8 hour waits at the checkpoints. Students or workers can only go home once every 6 to 7 months to visit their family. They have to sneak there and sometimes have to hide out all night. They can’t use the main roads and are forced to go into the woods or mountains. All of these atrocities are video taped by the oppressors with cameras everywhere. These are for study, training, propaganda and their own perverted pleasure.

The students or workers have to leave 2 hours before class or work to go 5 minutes away. Everybody is fingerprinted at the checkpoints. All their bags are checked. Their iris is scanned and their biometric identification with all manner of information and misinformation is scanned.

Curfews are set up throughout the communities and towns. Mobile military checkpoints are put on tanks and jeeps with snipers watching over them. Communities, schools or institutions are closed down at will. The strategy is to make sure students cannot study or people cannot work, meet or move around. If they object, the children, women and men can be “detained” or beaten or even shot.

The main gates have high security electronic doors. There are “blind” checkpoints where military jeeps suddenly appear and demand IDs. People are forced to wait for minutes or hours. No one can complain during this examination. The police or military can invade the community or shoot and throw tear gas at anytime if they perceive a security threat. Anyone can be jailed. Young men are in put in prisons. Beautiful young girls are forced to take off all their clothes and crawl on their hands and knees through the checkpoints. They are made to eat food that is forbidden by their culture or they are allergic to.

Palestinians say this is how they are being treated by the Israelis. Canadian police and military are being sent to Israel for training on “crowd control”. Many of these fascist tactics were used on us during the 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis. 5,000 Canadian soldiers surrounded three of our communities [Kanehsatake, Kahnawake and Akwesasne] behind razor wire and fully armed troops. It was because we opposed the desecration of our burial and ceremonial sites. We were surrounded by walls of police, soldiers, armaments and checkpoints for 78 days. We had to wait for hours to get through them while suffering specially designed humiliation from the soldiers and police.

Canadian soldiers went into Mohawk homes purportedly looking of weapons. They smashed everything and even s–t on the floors. Many of us were arrested for no reason or for “political activities”, which is called “administrative detention”.

Canada is no goody-goody! Canada collected much secret “information” about us. They refuse to disclose it because their misconceptions and misinterpretations could be challenged. Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to change the laws so that the youth as young as 14 years old can be sent to adult prisons! This looks like it’s aimed at our Ongwehonwe youth.

How can such cruel conditions be created by members of a well-educated nation whose ancestors were subject to unspeakable abuse? Canada is bringing back these practices that originally came from here. The South Africans learned “apartheid” from Canada. Laws and policies were passed here to mistreat and demoralize us and cut down our population. The colonial strategy included genocide, the pass system and mental and moral abuse. Hitler praised Canada and the U.S. for their thoroughness in getting rid of the “Indian problem”. He copied the reservation and residential school systems for his concentration camps. Like Canada he tried to instill hopeless, to break down our spirit and to kill us off. It will never work. We will always be here on our land.

Karakwine & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News

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THE OTTAWA PLANNERS. Public Safety [Danger]: Minister Peter “Pumpkin-Eater-and-Trough-Licker” Van Loan; Suzanne “Hurts-to-be-Herself” Hurtubise DM 613- 991-2895; Myles “Away-from-Reality” Kirvan ADM 613- 990-2633, 613-949-0322; Chantal “Dirty-Fingers-in-Every-Pie” Bernier ADM Community Safety [Endangerment] and Partnerships (613) 993-4325; Scott “ODB” Broughton Sr ADM Emergency [Mis]Management and National [In]Security (613) 991-2820; Lynda “Useless-Forked-Tongued-Drone” Clairmont ADM, same as “ODB” (613) 990-4976; Daniel “Pepsi-and-May-West” Lavoie DG Communications (613) 990-2743; Elisabeth “Botox-from-Head-to-Toe” Nadeau ADM, Corporate Theft (613) 990-2615; Kristina “Fingers-Getting-Itchier-and-Itchier-to-push-the-Trigger” Namiesniowski ADM Strategic Policy (613) 949-6435; Eva “Nosey-Nit-Picker” Plunkett Inspector Field “General” of CSIS (613) 949-0675; Richard “Diarrhea-Mouth” Wex ADM Policing, Law Enforcement & Interoperability (613) 990-2703. The biggest safety risk for us Ongwehonwe is this ADM cabal of agents;
Health Canada, partners with the US through the Canada-US Joint Radiological Response Plan, under the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan, Foreign Affairs & International Trade Minister Lawrence “Chinese-Food-Glutton-at-Taxpyers-Expense” Cannon 613-992-5516 Fax 613-992-6802